
The pride

Alpha animal-- Vesi—big creamy- white male wolf with one dark spot, big yellow eyes
Alpha animal—Valgus-- delicate and small female with a dirty white pelt and green eyes

Betha animal-- Pilv—snowy white male wolf with extra long hair and brown eyes

Puu—big creamy and dirty white male wolf with an extra long tail and big green eyes
Lible—small and soft snowy white female wolf, but with sharp claws and brown eyes
Maa---bigger snowy white female wolf with a dirty white back and a bushy tail, yellow eyes
Lind- young creamy white female wolf with two darker spots and small green eyes
Leht— young dirty- white male wolf with a very dark back pelt and a short tail, brown eyes
Kuu— young smaller male wolf with a dirty white pelt and snowy white tail and belly, yellow eyes
Tala— young snowy white female wolf with gleaming yellow eyes and a dark spot along her flank

Omega animals--
Muru-- Creamy-white male wolf with bushy hair and green eyes

Young wolves--kits--(who have survived, there have been 6)
Lill—smaller snowy white female wolf with a very bushy tail and big green eyes
Lumi—snowy white male wolf with a creamy back hair and brown eyes
Taim—creamy-white male tom with a short tail and long tempered legs, green eyes
Wing— big dirty-yellow(unnatural for wolves) female wolf with gleaming yellow eyes and a long tail

The WolvesPack (wanderer from far away)

Leader, alpha: Currant, big white and brown male wolf
also Leader alpha, also good in healing: Holly, Small creamy and soft spoken female wolf

betha wolf: Berry, small brown and white male wolf

Sun, yellow-white male wolf
Maple, light brown female wolf with a white chest
Raven, dark brown male wolf with a white belly
Storm, dirty white male wolf
Sky, light brown and white male wolf
Flower, white and yellow female wolf
Daisy, white female wolf with a brown belly
Honey, light brown female wolf with a white belly

kits, young wolves:
Poppy, light brown and white female wolf
Leaf, small creamy-white and soft spoken female wolf
Ash, dark male wolf

The Wolves Saga

I am lying here and often I have to think of this great Wolf. In my eyes he has been a hero. My name doesn't matters here. I am I and my name was long forgotten by now, like all of me.
The humans call me Rose. What stupid name! Every day the same. No wild life. That's my destiny and there exsist another destiny I want to tell you today.
Every day this stupid humans watch me, watch me eating and lying around in this horrible cage.
What is that life? In the morning I get a dead rabbit or a piece of meet. I have forgotten how to hunt. There are only a few black memories and I cling fast to it. I don't want to forget them, they are so good.
The snow and the cool breeze. This will stay in my pelt, forever who is now uncleaned and dirty . But also this doesn't matters now.
Here it is warm, too warm for me, I am used to cold weather and I loved it, yes. The humans, I hate them. I have forgotten what I have ever been, but also that doesn't matter now. I am here to tell you the great story of someone who is dead now for a long time and his great siblings. They were heroes. The most of the wolves I am living with have forgotten them and don't know about a life in freedom. They love this life and they always tell me how lucky I should be. I never answer, what for? They will never, ever understand my thoughts. But this great story I want to tell you, before I have to go. My time is over. I know this. I am old and before this story gets forgotten I want to tell it to you.
I am talking, always talking, but I only live in my dreams. They are the last thing who stayed. They stayed and never were taken from stupid humans. They don't know anything! Animals held in cages? Why? For what is this good ?
See, I am only talking!
But now I want to tell you the great story of a great hero. Let's begin with it now, before I begin to tell you about things that don't fit in here. Only the story now, only the great story.

Chapter 1

Lumi moved more towards the belly of his mother. It was warm in here. He only smelled good and hear a little bit, but he didn't see. But he knew that he had a lot of siblings. His siblings were also warm and soft. All was perfect.
“My little ones! Please open your eyes,Lumi you too!”,his mother said and licked all of them. Lumi knew that he had have five siblings. Two of them had died soon after they were born. So he would never have a chance to know them. But there were three left. One male wolf and two female wolves.
Then he opened his eyes. The eyes of little wolves were blue. Only in time the wolves got their eye color. Lumi looked around. It was a dark and little cave. Their mother Valgus warmed them with her soft long and white fur. He loved her smell.
Then he looked at his siblings. He knew that her names were Lill, Taim and Wing.
Lill had a snowy white fur and a very bushy tail. Taim a creamy-white and Wing a dirty-yellow fur which seemed unusual for Polar wolves like them.
He saw them for the first time and they also looked back at him.
“Hello!”,Lill was the first who spoke.”I am hungry!”, she was the smallest and looked like she was the next to die soon, but she had strength and Lumi knew that she would make it.
Was he hungry? Yes, of course, always.
He opened his little mouth and howled. Then he crouched down and tried to get to the milk of his mother. Therefore he had to push away one of his siblings. Taim cried out and hissed at him.
“Hey, it was my turn to drink here!”.
“Yes, but I am hungry and I will eat now!”,Lumi's reply came. Only the strongest could survive here, this knew Lumi too good. He had ahead his whole life and didn't want to die, because he couldn't drink.
“My little monsters!I hope the rest of you will survive, our pride needs you all!”,she barked, but very quiet. She seemed to be exhausted.
“You know, your father is the alpha animal, I am also the alpha animal. You have to be very respectful, because he will visit you today!”,she said and then and stood up.
All of the little young wolves fell off of her and began to cry out loud. Lumi too, he didn't understand why she stood up. He saw for the first time how big she was .Awesome!
He looked after her. Light was coming through the tunnel and the dirty-white fur of Valgus shimmered like crystals in the weak light from outside.
Lumi looked around in the cave. All was white around him. The walls, all of it.
But he was comforted and he waited for the meeting with his father. He couldn't wait until he met him. Lumi thought that his father was a lot bigger than his mother Valgus.
He wanted to go outside and explore the world outside this cave.
This would be wonderful.
“Hey Lumi! Do you want to play with us?”,Wing asked him.
Lumi was a wolf who dreamed a lot and thought a lot. He didn't like fighting very much, but he was bored, so he said yes.
Lill blinked at him and then showed her teeth. Meanwhile Taim and Wing battled beside them. Lumi flashed his tiny teeth and sprang onto her back. He tried to not hurt her.
Suddenly the cave went black and Lumi turned round. Valgus had come back with another very big creamy-white wolf. He looked straight at Lill, his yellow eyes gleaming.
“That should be a wolf!? She will never make it! What have you born Valgus?! They are not strong enough, they will die!”,he barked and then looked at all the kits.
Lill was scared and stepped back. Taim collected his tail and bent his head and Wing didn't move, because she was too scared of him.
Doubtful, Lumi stared at the big wolf. That is my father, he thought. He didn't understand why his siblings were so scared.
“Vesi, maybe not all of them are strong enough! It has been a very long winter now and there wasn't a lot of prey outside. But I am sure that at least two or three of them will make it!”,Valgus said very quietly and stared at Lumi.
Why him? Was he the strongest?
“Maybe, care for them, I will go now..and learn them respect! They are nothing!”,Vesi hissed and then stalked out of the cave.
“Mommie, this is our father?”,Wing asked her, still very shocked.
“Yes, and you will have to learn respect for him! He is the alpha wolf and me too!Show more respect the next time, especially you Lumi!”, she hissed and then turned around and went outside.
Why me? Because I wasn't scared of him?, Lumi thought angrily. He hadn't expect, that his father would be such angry and stupid. He didn't understand why his litter mates had been so scared of their father. One day he would be the alpha wolf and then he would be a lot nicer to his kits. Yes, he thought.
Then Lumi crouched down on the cold floor and soon fell asleep with this wonderful thoughts in his mind.

Chapter 2

Lill opened her eyes. Several days had passed since the meeting with their father.
She has been very scared then and she didn't understand why Lumi was so relaxed.
She has been terribly shocked. Today two big things lay ahead. First, they were allowed to taste meat for their first time and second, they were allowed to go out.
She couldn't wait, she was so excited to see the world for the first time.
“Hey, let me sleep! You are horrible!”,Wing barked.
“This is all freaky here!”,Lumi put in. He was the kind of character,Lill liked. He had a sarcasm and often dreamed. But he loved to give wise arguments away. Taim was normal in her eyes. Quiet though. Wing was optimistic and always happy and she?...she didn't know how to describe her, but maybe also caring, helpful, nice and quiet. She always had been the smallest of them. Frustrating for her.
Taim was jealous. He didn't understand why everyone liked Lumi more than him.
He was better, he thought. Lill didn't think so. Like her father said, they were nothing.
They had to learn so much!
“Hey Lill, do you also begin to dream like Lumi?”,Taim asked her and than sprang onto her back. Quickly Lill tried to push him off, but he was a lot stronger than her.
He lied on her and Lill hardly could get air. She felt how the air was pressed out of her lungs and with the last air she cried out loud,
“Taim! Go off, you are killing me!”,she cried.
Taim only laughed and let her go. She swallowed the fresh air and her lungs burned. Slowly she got more air and relaxed.
“You will never survive out there, tiny little helpless kit!”he hissed.
Lill only stared at him. Why was he like that? She would never understand this!
She looked around and realized that Lumi wasn't here.
“Hey Lill, come you can also come outside if you want to!”,Wing called from outside.
Excited Lill stood up and ran towards the tunnel.
This would be the first time ever to see the world outside. She climbed out of the dark cave and gleaming light disturbed her eyes. Quickly she shut them.
She hadn't expected so much light. And it was cold, maybe too cold for her. She liked the warmth of her mother.
Then someone pushed behind her.
“Hey go away!I also want to go outside!”, it was Taim. Lill glared at him angrily but went forward in the marshy snow.
She looked around. It was a place where all the wolves gathered. How many there were!, she thought and her eyes widened. She hadn't expected so much of them.
There sat Lumi and Wing. They were playing with a small ball of snow. For a short time, Lill thought of joining them, but then she decided that she wanted to explore this more.
She looked out for her mother, but couldn't find her. Then Lill saw her. Her mother Valgus sat on a broken tree with several other female wolves around her. She was the alpha animal and one day she had to be respectful to her. It was hard for Lill, because she was their nice mother!
Slowly, not sure if she was allowed she padded towards them. They stared at her, but didn't say anything. They waited for Valgus to say yes.
Then she slowly bent her head towards a big snowy white female wolf. Lill guessed that she was allowed to talk now.
“So you are Lill right! The pride welcome you, you save our pride with your absence!”, she laughed and narrowed her eyes.
Then another smaller female came towards her and began to lick her. She smelled not like Valgus. She was different, but Lill tried to stay relaxed. This was her family, she hadn't to be scared.
“So Lill, please go away then and play a little bit with the others, I will soon come and tell you when you should come back into the cave!”,Valgus barked. Now louder, she was the alpha wolf, she was the loudest and proudest. But Lill knew that she was another way, when she was alone.
She bent her head and nodded and then turned round to explore the rest.
She padded on and almost fell over a little pile of bones. Food, I will also be able to taste it!; Lill thought.
She couldn't wait to taste it. She thought that it tasted really good. She hated the milk of their mother. Maybe because of this she was so little.
“Stay away, young wolf, don't go towards them!”,a deep voice interrupted her and she turned round.
A big creamy and dirty-white wolf stood in front of her and stared at her with his big green eyes.
“My name is Puu, I am the oldest male wolf here, older than your father! I lost the battle, he is now leader!”,he added and looked more careful at Lill.
Quick she bent her head but she felt his big green eyes on her pelt.
“M-my name is Lill, I am sorry that I interrupted you, really!”,she quickly said.
“No, I wanted to talk with you, there is nothing bad on talking, I said something to you first, so it's okay!”,he answered and smiled.
Lill was confused now. He is the oldest one, why should he like to talk to me?,she thought.
“It's your first time out here, right? I often remember me of my first time! Lible and Maa, you first talked to them are my litter mates. But I haven't so much to do with them though!”, he barked and lashed his tail.
How old he must be and how big he was, bigger then Vesi?
“Oh yes, they are really nice, yes...!”,she answered. She had never talked to such an old wolf and didn't really know what to say now.
“I can tell you about the battle with Vesi, it was a hard one, but in the end he won, because he was younger and stronger then. I have been very old then!”, he sighed and crouched down on the cold earth.
Lill nodded and looked around for the first time.
Snow was still covering the earth, but not really much and here and there the earth with grass came out. There were also a few trees. One big one sheltered the place where the wolves always gathered.
She liked the place and the cold weather. She didn't know how it was to live with warm hot air.
“Didn't you hear your mother? She is the alpha wolf! You should better go and hear to her!”,Puu barked and ended Lill's thougths.
“Sure, I am sorry!”,she quickly squeezed and ran off towards her mother.
“You have to come when I tell you! The others go hunting now and there are animals who take you away and want to eat and kill you! So better come when I tell you, especially you, because you are so tiny!”,she hissed very angrily.
Lilly only collected her tail and bent her head. She was ashamed now. She had been so deep dreaming, that she hadn't heard the call of her mother and the alpha wolf.
Still ashamed she crept back into the cave and crouched down on the floor there.

Chapter 3

The months had passed. Lumi streched and licked his snowy white pelt. Now it was Autumn and the long arctic winter was waiting outside. He was about four months now, but still a kit. The wolves were full pride members with six months. So still a long time to wait for.
Lumi now lived on the big gathering place , witch was also called camp and slept under a big bush, which sheltered him from the icy wind and the first snowfalls.
He stood up and let the icy breeze swap over him. His pelt glimmered in the soft light. He relaxed and then padded on.
Maa,Lind and Puu had been hunting and now came back with a big white rabbit in their jaws. Not enough to feed them all, but the winter here was hard and nobody was full-fed.
“Hey Lumi, want to go outside and explore a little bit?”,Wing came running over to him and skidded to a halt in front of him.
“Äh....yes, maybe, why not?”,he barked and then padded beside her, out of the camp.
“Young wolves! Where are you going? You are not allowed to leave or go hunting, you don't even know how to make this! See, a storm is coming soon!”Lible shouted after them and they turned round.
“But-”, Wing wanted to say, but Pilv cut her off.”Back to camp! This is an order and you have to follow it!”,he hissed.
Wing bent her head and stepped back as the betha wolf emerged in front of her, but Lumi stayed, his tail and head held high.
“Young wolf!,you have to learn more respect!”,he then hissed and padded off.
I learn more respect?--What is this here?Rarley any rules, and the only rules are to be respectful to the Betha and Alpha wolf!?,Lumi thought angrily.
“Lumi, we should better go back then, when a storm is coming!”,Wing said, a lot more quietly now.
“Yes, come on and don't be so scared!”,he answered her and rubbed his head on her soft pelt. How soft and good it was!
“What will Vesi do to us now?I am sure Pilv will report this!We weren't allowed to leave without permittion!”,she barked and then went off towards the camp.
Lumi didn't answer her, instead he padded on and also back towards the camp.
There he tried to find shelter from the coming storm. He looked around. There was nearly no snow, but it was very cold and he knew that tomorrow there would be a big snow blanket on the frosty floor. A few birds flew their last circles in the air. It was too cold for the most of them in winter here, Lumi knew that.
He wanted to go to Taim, but he couldn't find him.
“Hey Lill! Do you know where Taim is?”, he asked his sister as he met her.
“No, I also haven't seen him?!”,she barked back through the strong wind.
Now the strong storm began and the first snowflakes fell.

Lumi knew that Taim was very jealous, why ,he never understand, but that didn't matter now to him. Taim was his brother and he had to find him. He was sure now, that he was out there in the coming up storm and without any shelter he would die.
“Hey, Lill, please come with me, we have to look for Taim, I think he is out there! We have to find him, quickly!”,he whispered into her ear and she nodded.
“I will come with you! Come quickly now!”,she replied him and slowly padded on.
Quickly Lumi followed her. The others wouldn't care, when someone died.
Then they would say that this was their own fault. But either Lumi or Lill didn't understand this, so they crept out of the camp, careful to don't be seen.
Lumi blinked the snowflakes out of his eyes. The storm was strong now and more and more snow was falling. The wind was so strong now, that Lumi had big problems with coming forwards in the snow.
Lill was still tiny and hat more problems than him. Now he understood why Pilv said they should stay and not go out.
Too late,Lumi thought. He imagined Taim, lying there, half dead. A shiver ran down his spine and he fought even harder against the strong and icy wind.
Quickly he pushed the bad thougths away and concentrated on the sent and the howl of his brother.
But the wind was blowing so strong that he hardly heard anything.
“Lumi,Lumi, here, I smell something!”,Lill said excited.
Yes, now Lumi smelled it too. “Quick, we have to follow it!”,he shouted back and tracked after the faint sent of his brother.
Suddenly he lost it and skidded to a halt.
“Lill, I have lost it! We are lost!”,he howled out and looked straight into her small face.
“Yes my dear, don't be sad, I am sure he is okay!”,she whispered and licked Lumi's head. Suddenly they both heard a noise in the far distance.
“Lumi, hear, hear now, this is the howling of Taim! He must have heard you, as you howled!”,she barked excited and began to ran towards the direction were the noise had come from.
The storm was still strong ,but now weaker than before.
Lumi relaxed. They would find him and he was still alive. He quickly ran after her, to don't loose her.
The noise grew louder and louder and Lumi heard now, that it was more a cry.
Was he so alone? But this was a painful cry! What had happened to Taim?, Lumi thought in horror.
“Shhhh....Lumi, lets be careful first!”,Lill whispered. Lumi bent his head and crept after her.
The storm was better now, especially the wind. It was still icy and cold, but not so strong and the snowflakes fell more quietly and peaceful now.
They quickly hid behind a small bush and Lumi had to stretch to see his brother.
There he lied, unable to move. Lumi could see that he was badly injuried and shocked of the cold.
Without thinking, he shot out from his hiding place and ran towards his brother.
He didn't answer, but he could see, that he was still alive. His flank was going up and down, but Lumi had to concentrate very hard to see and feel it.
“Taim--”,Lill's voice broke off as she saw him.
Humans?, no they never do such kind of injuries, but what had happened then to our brother?, Lumi thought in shock and stared down at his brother, who was not more than a helpless and miserable little pile now.

Chapter 4

Lill couldn't believe what she saw. She crouched down and began to lick Taim's flank. She was sure that he would die soon, without help. And she didn't know where she could find help.
Lumi stood there- unable to move.
“Intruder!Intruder!”,a voice hissed behind them.
Lill was scared and very slowly she turned round to face the creature behind her.
Lumi too. A big white wolf stood there, claws hesitated. Behind him some more wolves stood there, only waiting for the signal from their leader.
“You are on our territory and this wolf didn't want to hear, so we had to teach him!”,he barked.
Lill looked at them. Next to him stood a small creamy wolf. She guessed that this was the alpha wolf.
“So, you have nothing to say about this here?”,he asked them.
Lill looked at Lumi, but he didn't reply, then she couldn't wait and shouted:”What have you done with my brother? He is dead and our pride lives here for generations now!” She had said this, before she had thought about this. She froze at the place where she stood.
“Well, when you see it this way , kit!”, the big wolf hissed.
What had she done? She must knew that this pride was strong and big and she only a kit!
“No battle! We will do it another way! Look, they are kits, easy to handle! They know nothing about fighting!”he added and circled around Lumi and Lill.
“Berry, what do you think? Should we do it now or later?”,the leader asked a smaller wolf with a brown and white pelt.
“Currant, it's your decision! But I think to make this our territory, we have to do it the other way!”,he barked and stared at Lumi.
Lill also looked at him. He had crouched down and licked the chest of Taim. Now he was hardly ever breathing. Now he was nearly gone.
“Please, we have to help my brother...!”, she whispered.
“No, he will die, he didn't want to hear, like you!”,he hissed into Lill's ear, so that only the people around him could hear him.
Lill froze even more now, as she had to smell his breath. They smelled horrible! She guessed that this were wolves who wandered around, not like their pride.
“No, Currant!We will take that wolf with us! Look, he is only a kit, so don't let him die out here!”,the alpha female barked. She seemed to be soft and wise.
“Holly, I believe you, I love you, but we need this territory more then ever now!”, he said and suddenly his voice was warm and friendly.
Lill wanted to shout at them, that this was their territory and that they needed it more than ever to feed their own pride.
“Let me look at your brother!”,Holly barked and stepped towards where Lumi still lied and licked their brother.
“Berry, Holly, I think we will take them with us!They will die out here!”,Currant barked.
“Currant, I mean it's your decision, but this territory here is too cold and bad for us!”,the betha wolf answered him.
“What to do with the kits then?”,the leader asked back.
Holly stood up from where she had crouched down beside Taim and shook her head. After that she padded up to her mate and announced:”We will take them with us!Otherwise they will die, they are much too young!”,she said towards her pride.
Then, another wolf asked Lill,:“And you better come with me...what's your name?”,
Fist she didn't know what to say, but then she answered her:”M-y name is Lill and I am from our pride, my brother is dead now, right?”, she whispered.
“My name is Honey, come better with us now!”, the other wolf answered her and tried to sound very friendly.
“Where do you come from? I mean you are not polar wolves like us, I can see that!”,Lill asked her,confused.
“We come from far away, we didn't want to come this far, but there are humans, everywhere and two wolves died already! Krestle and Bird!”,she answered sadly.
“I am sorry, but my brother----”,Lill's voice broke off as she stared at Taim.
“I am so sorry, I did nothing to him, it wasn't me, it was our leader!”,she said and rubbed her head against Lill's fur.
Lill tried to avoid, but then she relaxed. All for nothing. Taim was dead and she and Lumi were captured by other wolves from far away.
And what is with Wing now? Will I see her ever again?, she thought and suddenly she felt as she were broken and for the first time she realized that she had lost her brother. Memories came back into her mind. Taim and she playing outside, wrestling about the milk, and the first tears fell silent. So silent that she hardly recognized it, so silent how Taim was gone. She crouched down and Honey tried to push her forward,but she hissed at her. She couldn't understand that Lumi went with them. She had tried to speak with him, but he ignored her. Meanwhile they had moved on and by now, they were far away from their home.
Holly had tried all to help Taim, but he had died. His injuries were too bad. Lill wanted to escape, to run away, but where? She was only four months and didn't know where to go.
They went and went and the storm was weaker now.
“Honey, I want home, let me go home!”,she whispered.
“Lill, I am so sorry, I will help you to escape!”,she whispered back.
Lill stared at her. She was wonderful. She had never seen a wolf like this. Now she believed her, that they came from far away.
“We have no camp, but we are there soon, believe me, and then I will help you to escape!”, she barked and then ran away, towards some other wolves she didn't know.
Lill saw Lumi and padded towards him. “Lumi, there you are!I searched for you!”,she barked, as happy as she could, but it failed.
“Lill, I see you are very sad. But maybe this is our destiny, go away from our pride and live elsewhere!”,he said dryly.
“Lumi, I planned to escape, you must help me, please!”she begged.
“Well, then you have to go by yourself Lill!”,he answered her and stared directly into her eyes.
“But-!”,she wanted to say but he went on:”Lill, we are too far away from home now! You are too young, you will die out here!”,he barked and faced her.
She only nodded, but he was right, she would die, like Taim. All in all she was glad that he spoke to her again. She needed him more than ever, here in this Pack who had killed her brother.
It cloyed her, that she had to wander with the wolves who had killed her brother!
Lill ran forward. She wanted to Honey and ask her, when they would be there.
But she ran straight into another wolf with a light brown and white fur.
“I-i am sorry , I just---...”she wanted to say.
“No problem, little wolf, my name is Sky! You must think that we are monsters, but we are wolves mixed up from all areas. I came from a forest, Storm came from here, Others came from the Zoo and others came from warm zones. We are mixed up, we won't do you any harm and this with your brother, I am sorry, very sorry...! We are not like the others.!”he barked and stared at her.
She stared back, she had it never seen that way. Suddenly all was logical. Maybe that was exactly that for what she had searched for a so long time! A better pride, without silly rules, with more freedom, not like every pride.
She relaxed and felt a little bit happy for the first time for days.

Chapter 5

Lumi felt wrong. He was out there, far away from home,Taim was dead,his one sister was happy and his other sister was at home and he was sure he would never see her again.
They wandered now for 5 days and slept were it was sheltered. Here it was warmer and not so much snow was lying. Also here was more forest, but he knew that they would wander more and more,far,far away from home, from his sister and all he knew. Suddenly he felt tears running down his face. Soft warm tears.
“Hey!Are you new here?”,another light brown and white female wolf came running towards him.
“Yes,my name is Lumi, do you know how long we will wander?They said two days ago, that we would be there soon, but we wander and wander...!”,he barked and quickly tried to hide his tears.
“Hey, don't be sad! We have to wander. Cause of the humans here!”she replied and stared warmly at him.
“My name is Poppy, do you want to leave your name or want to get a new one?Snow would be perfect for you!”,she whispered and Lumi felt the warmth coming from her.
“Errr...Snow...i lost all....please not my name!”,he whispered.
“I am so sorry, but our leader knew that you wouldn't make it home, you were too far away from home and would have died out there!”,Poppy told him.
Suddenly it seemed more logical for him, that he was now here and not at home, he would have died alone with Lill out there.
But he was also worried, because Lill ignored him, because he had ignored her. She was talking to Leaf and Ash all the time, the siblings of Poppy.
“Poppy, I understand, but where are we going?”,he asked her. His paws ached and his belly rumbled. He had eaten a rabbit yesterday, but nothing today.
“Stop!We will rast here!”,Currant called out with his loud voice.
All the wolves skidded to a halt and stared at their leader.
“We will go hunting and eat then and after that we will go on! I know that farther away,there are mountains and forests and lakes and no humans!We will go there and finally find a good home!”he announced and the others nodded.
Then Berry stood up next to him and announced:”We will go hunting now!Sun,Maple,Raven,Storm and Sky will come with me!The others will stay here and look after the kits!”he said and then disappeared with the others into the open.
“Fine now to another thing!As you all know we have two new ones under us!They would have died out there alone!They are only about four or five months! We all are mixed up!Some of us come from warm zones, some of us from the forests and the mountains,some of us from the zoo and some of us from the arctic!We aren't a normal Pride!We are the WolvesPack and will hold together!I come from the mountains and the forests and I want to go back there!”he said and then stepped back.
Lumi sat down beside Poppy and Lill. He looked at her, but she looked away and began to whisper with Leaf.
Lumi sighed and tried to concentrate on what Holly was saying.
“Lumi and Lill, please come forward!”,she called them.
Lumi looked up in surprise. What did she want?
“You are now members of our Pack!I tried all to help your brother, but he died!We are so sorry,first we really thought that your brother would be and intruder!We asked him, what he was doing here and then he began to battle..and well,Berry is sometimes sharp...”,she sighed and then stepped back.
“You have to take names as us! Then, you will be a full member of our pack! Only Poppy,Leaf,Ash,Honey and Daisy were born in here! We are not like the others! We have no Omega wolves and you are allowed to have kits! Flower will get some soon!”,he barked and looked at Flower.
Also Lumi turned round and stared at the white and yellow female wolf. She looked like Wing, unusual,but wonderful. Suddenly a pang of sadness came up in Lumi. He missed Wing and Valgus,his mother so much!But he was glad that he would never see his father again!
“Lumi...i thought of a name and Holly and I think that Snow is the best name for you!You are nearly snowy white! Lill...your name remembers me of Lilies!Sun comes from the Zoo and he told me about this wonderful flowers! From this day you will be known as Lily!”,he announced and stared at Snow and Lily.
“No!You can't take me away my name!I am Lill and I will stay Lill!”,she shouted and was ready to spring at Currant.
Snow hesitated, he wasn't sure if he should support his sister. He was now part of this pack. No, he thought,when she wants this, then she gets this, but I will stay Snow, I like the name and I like Poppy!
Lill turned round and stared at him, but he looked away. He saw a flash of pain in her eyes, but he stayed cold.
“Look, your brother took his name! You will be happy with us!”,Honey wanted to calm her down.
“Liar!You told me, you would help me to escape!I want out of here!You killed my brother and I will never see my sister Wing again!”,she shouted and tears ran down her face.
“No,stop this!You are now Lily and when you don't like this, then go away and never come back to this pack!”he shouted and Snow felt how angry Currant was.
Lily only glanced angrily at him, but then turned round and stalked away.
She went past him and whispered into his ear.”I thought you were my good and nice brother! I always trusted you and you didn't support me when I needed it!”,she almost cried and Snow felt the pain in her.
“This is your destiny Lill!Live with it, or die and go away! We are no longer tiny helpless kits! Learn to care of your own!”,he hissed but soon regretted this.
Lily only stared at him and then turned away. He knew that she wouldn't speak to him for the next time and Snow let out a loud sigh.
“Hey Snow!I knew that this is a perfect name for you!”,Poppy barked and bounced over to him.
“Thank you, somehow I like the name!And now I feel a lot more like you!”,he said and glanced at her. How wonderful she looked!
“Don't be worried about Lily! You will see, soon she will be the old!”,she said and rubbed her head against his. He enjoyed this and let the warm breeze swap over him. The weather was comfortable here!
Then suddenly several terrified howls interrupted them and they sprang up.
“Humans!They are everywhere! They wounded Raven badly!We have to escape from them! They will follow us here and kill us all!”,Berry shouted and Snow stretched to see Raven as he was carried by Daisy and Storm. He looked badly wounded and Snow was sure that he won't survive the night.
All began to hurry and soon Snow heard the howls of the humans and their guns.

Chapter 6

Lily turned round. She was panicked and didn't know what to do.
“QUICK!Lily come!”,Leaf shouted and ran towards her.
“We have to get away from here!”,she barked and Lily nodded. Quickly she ran after Leaf, without looking back to Snow and Poppy. It was over. She didn't want to speak anymore with her brother.
“Wait-i am coming!”,she shouted and tried to held pace with her friend.
“Ash!”,another wolf cried out. After that a loud noise rang through the soft landscape.
“Leaf -oh help him!”,now Lily recognized the voice, it was Leaf's sister Poppy.
“We have to move on!”,Honey cried out and pushed Leaf forward.
Lily skidded to a halt and turned round. Only Storm was there to help the young wolves. He tried to push Poppy away from her brother, before the humans reached them. Then she saw Snow. He stood there, terrified by the humans as they ran towards them. “Snow!Run away!Please I don't want to loose you!”,she wailed and then he looked at her, a painful glance in his deep brown eyes.
“No Lily, I won't leave Poppy here!”,he barked back and tried to shelter her with his body.
Storm was helpless as he tried to push Poppy away. “It's too late-Move on, or do you also want to loose your life?!”,he shouted st her.
After that she began to move and stood up. Lily let out a sigh of relief, but it turned into a wail of panic as she saw the humans. They looked horrible. Two legs, a long body and strange things in their hands. She had never seen them.
“RUN—ALL OF YOU!!!”,Storm cried out and pushed them forward. Now Lily realized the danger and began to run. Poppy and Snow also began to run away.
Another shot rang through the landscape, but luckily it was only a warning and it let Lily run even faster. She was terrified and she didn't know where the rest of her pack had gone.
Storm skidded to a halt and scented the air. He let out loud howl



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.07.2010

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