
Chapter 1 : Amy Richardson

I Knew I Loved You…Did You?

Alona Basque

I Knew I Loved You…Did You?
Copyright © 2011 Alona Basque
All rights reserved.

ISBN: 978-0-9877825-0-2


All rights reserved. No part(s) of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher or author.
This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

This story is dedicated to all of those who fell in love with their best friend…unintentionally. I hope your ending is a happy one.

Chapter 1: Amy Richardson

There I was, walking down the high school corridor carrying my heavy backpack and some books in my hands. With my eyes on the floor, I headed towards my locker.
Suddenly, someone slams into me making me drop my books. That someone was clad in a cheerleader outfit. She looked at me with disgust in her eyes while saying, "Watch it freak!"
"Um, I'm Sorry, here let me help you out" I said as I was reaching for her stuff that were dropped on the floor.
When I looked up, she had a sneer on her face, her head held high like I'm beneath her notice. You see, I'm the outcast, being the new kid in high school - very plain hazel eyes with glasses, big light brown frizzy hair and not-too-smooth pasty skin (thanks to puberty) in comparison to the life-size Barbie in front of me.
As I was bending over to help her, she suddenly shrieks, "Eww, don't place a single unpopular paw on my stuff!"
I looked at her with hurt in my eyes while replying "Oh, okay sorry"
As I was turning away from Miss-Stuck-up-cheerleader, I almost toppled over as someone else bumped into me. Boy this is not a good first day so far! I thought before having a face plant towards the floor.
I was expecting the impact to come, but it never came. Instead, an arm grabbed me by my waist to save me from falling. As soon as I was able to get my balance back, I turned around but the arm wrapped around me never let go from their grasp.
This ended in me face-to-face with the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen. They sparkle like emeralds surrounded by thick eyelashes. I was taken aback by their intensity.
"Are you alright?" he asked. I shook my head trying to clear it from getting mesmerized.
"I, um, yeah I'm fine thank you" was all I could manage to let out from my lips.
Speaking of lips, his were starting to curve into a half-smile like he knows something I don't know which made me blush considerably.
"Um, you still have your arm around me." I said as another blush forms on my face breaking the eye contact.
"Ahem, yeah sorry" he fake coughed as he lets go of me.
"Hi, I'm Adrian" he says while sticking out his hand to me.
"I'm Amelia. My friends call me Amy" I replied taking his hand in mine.
As our hands made contact I felt a tingling sensation coursed through me. Looking up, I saw in his face surprise as well like he felt the same thing. Now, looking at him from a non-intimate distance he is actually very handsome. He has brown tousled hair, a chiselled face, and those emerald green eyes staring right down my soul. I felt another blush as I felt like the only person in the world with this person...
"Hello?" I answered as it took me out of my flashback recap.
"Hey, Amy how's it going?" my mom said on the other line
"I'm fine mom, how's it going?"
"Well just wondering if you are stopping by the house before attending the reunion tonight? Your dad and I miss you!" she whined
"Oh course! I was already on my way there actually" I said with an eye roll due to my mother’s melodramatic ways.
"You're not driving right now, are you? Coz, that's very dangerous" my mom inquired. I rolled my eyes again this time out of her overprotectiveness.
"Yes, I'm driving but don't worry I got you on Bluetooth." Jeez, my mom is such a worrier.
"Oh, okay. Well, we'll see you when you get here then!" she chirped happily
"Yup, see you soon mom!" I said as I disconnected the call.
Hmm, I wonder what the reunion would be like. I haven't been back to this town in almost 5 years but it feels like those high school memories just happened yesterday. I look totally different now, maybe no one will even recognize me, I thought.
Not only am I not wearing glasses - thanks to my recent eye surgery - but my skin is also not as pasty and also my face is no longer full of embarrassing zits, blackheads, etc.(thank god, I'm done with puberty-for good). I also developed a not-so-skinny curvy-in-the-right places body.
You're probably thinking I'm conceited but who can blame me?! I was an ugly duckling and well these are my thoughts so I think I'm allowed to be proud of my accomplishments.
Oh, where are my manners, My name is Amelia Kahlan Richardson, I'm 21, Single-just got out of a long term relationship- I was actually even engaged to the guy. But I found myself falling out of love with HIM which is not a good thing. So, after being engaged for 1 year I broke things off which turns out the feelings were mutual; tsk, tsk.
I know what you're thinking I'm devoid of emotions, Wrong!! I'm actually am a hopeless romantic. I still love my ex; don't get me wrong, it's just that I'm not in Love with HIM.
This is a very BIG deal for me.
Anyways, I got the idea of falling truly, madly, deeply, stupidly in love with another person from guess who? My Parents. Even now that they have been together for almost 50 years they still sometimes act like they're teenagers who only met and fell in love with each other yesterday.
I sometimes wonder why I only have one other sibling if they are always at it. Eww, Okay, stop right there brain, we are so not going there! They're my parents for Pete's sake.
Back to the topic, I believe that there is a Mr. Right somewhere but ask yourself this, why do women stop looking when they find Mr. Right-Now? I guess it has something to do with convenience? And the fact that we are too scared of getting hurt? Or we get too tired of looking or waiting for the knight-in-shining armour to come to our rescue? I realized at some point after high school then college that LOVE is very complex.
I have been in phases of puppy loves, infatuations, crushes, being in Lust, flings, and of course at one point or another being in LOVE. None of these really matter at some point because I stopped using my heart in deciding in the love life department and instead I used my brain.
Thinking back now, I think that is the reason why I accepted Rob's marriage proposal.
Oh, yeah, you're probably wondering what spur the earlier flashback. While I was driving on my way to my parents' house I was singing along to Katy Perry's song Teenage Dream
I sighed, while reminiscing to be honest I actually didn't get to live the "teenage dream" back in high school. Don't get me wrong, I was able to find friends even best friends - Alex and Caitlin.
Caitlin was my neighbour, as soon as my family moved next door her parents and mine became friends and so did me and Cate. We were totally opposite each other me with the brunette hair and hazel eyes, skinny body. Cate was with blonde hair and blue eyes and a body to go with it. I don't even know how we became best friends to begin with. Maybe it's because we were neighbours? No, that wasn't it, it's because as Cate likes to put, I have an 'I call them as I see them' attitude.
She and I hate fake people-AKA plastic-that's what we call them. She was popular but she didn't like hanging with the popular crowd as she finds them very fake because they only accept her for her looks. For the longest time Cate was in love with my older brother Matt who is 1 year older than us. But eventually Cate got over him or so she tells me... it turns out it wasn't love that Cate felt it was just lust. No matter, they didn't hook up which would have been very awkward if they got together as one is related to me by blood and the other one is almost family as well.
Back in high school Matt was your typical popular jock/jerk overall player. Nonetheless, he was still a sweet, kind and overprotective older brother to me. He's about 6'2" making me feel so short in my 5'7" height. Not that many people know we're related until people see us together. Matt inherited our dad's dirty blonde hair and grey-green eyes. And I got my looks from our mom. As you can imagine, all of the girls would drool over him even my own best friend. Eck! To me, he's just my brother.
His best friend is Alex who turned out to be my best friend as well. Just like me and Cate, Matt and Alex are totally opposite each other. Alex is almost the same height as Matt but with black spiked hair with grey eyes. He and Matt were tagged as HG1 and HG2-Hot God 1and2- which as I mentioned earlier I find that they just look pretty normal to me!
Cate, Alex, and I all attended the same University in Seattle- well; Alex switched schools after a year and a half. I still don't know the reason for that. Different majors of course, Cate with Interior Design, Alex into the culinary world, and me with Business Management. At the time we all shared the same house while in College. Matt was the only one who didn't go with us - he went to University Of Calgary with his football scholarship while taking English as his major. Oh, as a hobby I do photography. I own a studio in Seattle which is where I live now-which is far, far away from Vancouver, British Columbia - 45 minutes away where my parents live - as you, can tell I'm exaggerating coz Seattle is only about a 2 hour drive.
Oh, look at that! A Tim Horton’s food chain! I should get some coffee, maybe even a doughnut? Yum! Well, looks like the drive thru is too long of a wait, I guess I can always go in the store, maybe it’s quicker.
As I go in through the glass doors of the store, I got a strong whiff of freshly brewed coffee in the air. Hmm, this is heaven! As predicted, there was only one person ahead of me. Nice.
What should I get? Duh. Coffee I guess this leaves me with the rest. Triple chocolate donut? Chocolate Glazed Donut? Double chocolate chip Muffin? Boston Crème? A Long John perhaps? Timbits? A cookie? So many choices. Ah, it's my turn to order.
"Welcome to Tim Horton's what can I get for you today?" says the cashier who's called 'Jane' on her name tag
"Hi, I would like a Large Triple-Triple and Triple Chocolate donut? Thanks" What can I say I like my coffee and donut sweet!
"That would be $2.68 please. Would you like anything else?" Jane asked me with a smile
"No thank you that'll be all" I replied as I hand her a five-dollar bill and she turns away to get my order
"$2.32 is your change. Here's your coffee and donut. Have a great day!" Now, that's what I call fast service! But I think I need more than 2 hands as some of the change that Jane handed me slipped through my palm and drops on the floor with a clatter. Oh, gosh what a clumsy move on my part! Oh, well its money gotta pick them up.
As I was straightening out from bending over to pick up the change that fell out of my palm I felt someone tap my shoulder.
I turned around to be shocked because none other than Adrian Evans was standing right in front of me. I made a mental note to myself not to let my jaw drop which lucky enough it didn't.
"Excuse me, you dropped this" he says as he handed me a quarter while giving me one of his half-smiles playing on his lips. Wow, I almost forgot how beautiful his emerald green eyes were. As I took the quarter from his hand I felt an electric shock tingling my hand from the contact
"Um, thanks" was all I could say because the first time we met brought back nostalgia in me which made my legs work on their own towards the door leaving a shocked looking Adrian.
I got in to my Burgundy BMW; took a bite of my donut and a sip of my coffee while keeping an eye on the Tim Horton's door and at the same time telling my fast-beating heart to go back to normal. I can't believe he didn't recognize me. But then again, who would? As I was pulling up to my parents' driveway, I noticed an all too familiar Purple Honda CRV on their driveway-meaning Cate is also here! I can't believe it she didn't tell me she was coming by as well! I scurried out of my Burgundy BMW X5 SUV, I couldn't keep my excitement from bubbling up. Once I got to the door it swung open revealing my girl best friend Cate.
"Ah!!!!!!" we screeched at the same time while giving each other a big hug and jumped around like old times. These times are priceless.
"OH MY GOD! I missed you girl! How long has it been?" she says while we are still hugging each other.
"Too long, Cate too long! How have you been?" I asked back
"Oh, you know can't complain. It feels like I haven't seen you since I moved out!" she answered back. You see, Cate moved out of the house we were staying at to live with her boyfriend Adam after we graduated from University. Even though we didn't live together anymore we still kept all communications open whether it was via email, IM, facebook, phone calls, text messages, and even Skype. Yeah I know that's how we were progressing on our geeky-ness.
"So, did you bring Adam with you?" I asked Cate while looking around from behind her, then I noticed that she had this look crossed her face that tells me not to mention his name again. That brought my eyebrows to furrow.
"No. He and I are not together anymore." she finally replied making it sound so final that she doesn't want to discuss the topic again. This made me hug her again.
"So, what about you? Where's Rob?" she asked as she pulls away from the hug and holding onto my left hand up for inspection. When she didn't find an engagement ring, her face scrunched together out of confusion.
"No Rob either. We broke it off. You know it just wasn't meant to be. One day, we just found ourselves falling out of love" I said quietly with a shrug.
"Amy, is that you? Oh, honey it's been too long" My mom says as she comes around the corner to where Cate and I were-which really is only the foyer of the house-my mom gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheeks.
"Hi mom! I missed you too!" I squeaked a little out of breath as she hugs me so fiercely.
"Mom can't breathe!" she finally pulls away but kept her hands on my shoulders looking me up and down. Damn, here it goes.
"Amy, did you lose weight? Have you been eating right? You're not anorexic are you?" there goes my mother with her barrelling of questions like all the rest of the mothers in the world.
"Mom, relax, I do eat properly." I replied out of irritation. Geez, I haven't even been home for five minutes and already I get bombarded with these silly worrisome inquiries from my own mother.
“Come on, let's get some food in you" she says as she pulls me towards the kitchen. Gosh, I love my mother.
As I rounded the corner to the kitchen, I saw my dad in front of the oven looking very thoughtful as if willing whatever was in it to finish sooner.
"Ahem, Hey Dad! Long time, no see!" I said as he almost jumped a feet in the air from getting startled.
Then, he turns around and made his way to me with a big grin, arms stretched out to welcome me home. "Hey baby girl, I'm sorry I was a little distracted that I didn't even hear all the commotion of you coming home" he says
"It's alright dad, I know how you are and food" I replied with a snigger.
"Ha-ha, you are so funny Amy. Of course, I love your mother's Lasagna! How are things? I miss you" he says this while everybody else around us was laughing too.
"I'm good thanks for asking dad" I replied
"You look thin, thinner than normal. Are you sick?" he says while he looks me up and down. Geez, is there anything else that my parents don't notice?
"I am not sick, nor am I 'thinner than normal', dad. Stop looking at me like that!" I chastised him and everybody else.
"Okay, well, would you like a drink?"he asked while heading to the bar.
"Dad, it's like noon, isn't it a little early to be drinking?" I asked with a head shake
"Nah, its 5 pm somewhere in the world. So,what would you like? Vodka Gimlet? White Russian? Beer? Name it."He says this so serious like he meant business. I had to stifle a laugh as he looks up with puppy dog eyes.
"Mom, is dad broken or something?"
"No honey, he's just happy to have you around. God forbid, he gets tired of me all the time." I rolled my eyes while she says this. But dad already made his way to my mom to get his arms wrapped around her waist and kisses her on the cheeks.This, in turn made my mom blush. As I've said before, they are too in love with each other it breaks my heart out of envy.
"Kay, come now, you know I love you just as you are" my dad tells my mom while pouting. This of course made my mom smile with glee.
"Okay, fine dad, I will have a Vodka Gimlet please, what about you Cate?" I said as I make my way to the bar stool in the corner of the kitchen.
"I'll have a Smirnoff Ice thanks!"she says as she goes around the bar and opening the fridge.
My dad made his way over to where Cate is and smacks her hand off the fridge handle.
"Caitlin, you're too young to be drinking!" my dad chastised
"Dad, Cate will be 21 in a week. Besides,you know as well as I do that 19 is the legal drinking age here."I tell my dad with my eyes rolling.
"Yes, yes, I was just kidding around"he replies as he hands Cate a bottle of Smirnoff Ice and me my glass of Vodka Gimlet
"Don't drink too much without eating my Lasagna!" my mom chimed in.
"So, how long are you both staying this time? You know, you don't even live too far and yet you don't visit often." my dad inquired.
"Well, since it's almost the New Year I'm thinking of making my New Year's resolution to come visit every weekend. What do you think? Is that too much? Oh, and I'm thinking of staying for a month if that's okay with you guys." I look at both my parents who have big grins on their faces.
"Silly girl, of course anything you want is okay with us. I wish you can stay longer than the weekends"my mom says while my dad nods his head excitedly.
"Do you know if Matt is coming too?"I asked them.
"Of course, Matt is coming" A voice behind me says.
This made me turn my head so quickly I felt my neck crick.
"OH MY GOD, Matt you're here!" I exclaimed excitedly as I ran and almost tackle him for a hug.
"I miss you too little sis" he says while chuckling and hugging me back
"Hey Cate, long time no see" he says to her with a wink and she blushes then giggles. Hmm, did I miss out on something here?
"Same here Matt, how was the drive from Calgary?" she asked him
"Oh, it was long and boring aside from me picking up a hitchhiker to drop off to Kelowna, it wasn't that eventful" he replies with a shrug like it was a normal thing that happens to him
"Matt, what the hell were you thinking?! Picking up a hitchhiker?" I gasped out with a headshake.
"Relax Amy; it was fine besides it was a teenager who needed a ride there. The kid actually looked more scared of me than the other way around. And as you can tell nothing bad happened." he explains I rolled my eyes
"What if it was a psycho killer huh?"I asked him
"Just drop it Amy, I'm sure Matt can take care of himself" Cate interjects.
"Yeah right" I scoff
"Thanks for your vote of confidence sis, I feel so appreciated" Matt says sarcastically
"You're welcome big brother" I tell him with a smirk
"Soo, where's Casey? Please tell me you left her with the hitchhiker back in Kelowna" I asked him hopefully. Gosh I hate that bitch! I don't even know what he sees in her.
"Oh, she's around but she's not coming here considering we're not together anymore. For a few months now" Whew, I was glad to hear the news.
"Seriously? You Matthew Richardson,single? Huh, it sounds too good to be true" I pondered out loud.
"Why is that so hard to believe?" Matt asked incredulously
"I don't know. It's weird to see you without any girl latching on you wherever you go that's all." I replied honestly
"Amy, it is not that weird. I find that being single for once is actually refreshing. I hear you are single yourself. What happened? Did that douche bag do something to you?" Ah, right Matt and Rob didn't get along as well. As usual my big brother is always overprotective of me
"No Matt, Rob didn't do anything ,if he did I would have kicked his ass anyway"
"Me too!" Cate chimes in. I raised an eyebrow her way. "What? You're my best friend if anybody hurts you, they get hurt by me as well" she says
"Thanks Cate!" I said
"Alright guys, let's eat! The food is ready" My mom announced.
As we made ourselves to the dining room Cate grabs my arm to hold me back.
"So, do you want to come over my house to get ready for the reunion?"
"Why not go straight to the reunion from here instead?" I asked her
"Oh, I don't know I just thought you want to get away sooner rather later" she says with a wink which made me laugh
"Maybe tomorrow, we can have a sleepover like always"
"Yay!!!" she cheered. Wow, she's easy to please
"I missed you Cate"
After eating, catching up and drinking Cate and I headed to my room only to find a surprise there waiting for us...
"Hey beautiful, long time, no see" He said as he engulfed me in a bear hug with a kiss on my left cheek
"Wow, Alex it is definitely a pleasant surprise but what were you doing in my room? How long have you been in here?" I said while returning the hug.
"Oh, didn't Matt tell you we met up in Kelowna?" He tells me this in almost a whisper as we were still cheek-to-cheek.
"Nope he didn't tell me all he said was he dropped off some hitchhiker in Kelowna but not picking up another hitchhiker from there" I said with a shrug as I pulled away from him
"Ha-ha, funny, you know why I was there. I was visiting some family. It's so good to see you since I switched college I never got a chance to see you again. I miss you... and Cate too, I guess" he says sheepishly after finally realizing we weren't alone.
"Hey Alex, what's up?" Cate says while giving him a half hug
"Can't complain, are you guys ready for this high school reunion? I can't wait to see their faces when they realize Amy looks like this now; not that you were never pretty before" he says while waiving his hand up and down myself at the same time making me blush
"Aww, Alex you always know the right things to say" I joked
"I meant every word" he replied with a wink
"Okay, please get out of here so that Cate and I can get ready for the reunion!" I tell him while shoving him out my bedroom door
"Yes yes, see you guys later. Oh, do you guys want a catch a ride with me and Matt?" he asked by the door
"No thanks Cate and I will be riding together in my vehicle."
"Oh, Okay, see yah!" Finally! I swear he was stalling
"So, Cate let's get ready" This will either be a good night or a bad night I guess we will see!

Chapter 2 : Alex Marks & Adrian Evans

Chapter 2: Alex Marks

While waiting for Matt to arrive at my cousin's place here in Kelowna, I found myself getting anxious. God, what is wrong with me?! Why am I so nervous to see Amy again? It’s been like three and a half years since I've seen her. And yet, it feels like it was only yesterday that I found out that she was dating that douche bag Rob. Is she that blind as to not see that I was in love with her? I actually loved her since I met her that first day of school when Matt and she started as new students. I remember it like it was yesterday.
While sitting with the rest of my clique during lunch period, I saw from afar the new guy and girl come in through the double doors. I found myself getting out of my seat and approaching them. This is new to me as I never come up to people. People come to me.
"Dude, where are you going?" Caleb asked me with a confused face
"Oh, I was just going to welcome the new students over there." I replied while motioning my head in their direction by the cafeteria entrance. I don't think it’s polite to point fingers at someone
"Oh, okay. Don’t bring the girl over here. She looks such an eyesore" Caleb said this with his nose stuck up in the air.
Fuck, sometimes I ask myself why am I friends with him again? As I was looking around the rest of the guys and girls on our table, I could see that it looked like it was unanimous that the girl is not accepted on our clique. I find this quite disturbing as they are judging someone by their looks. Didn't anybody ever tell them 'don't judge a book by its cover’?
As I made my way to them, I was trying to figure out if they are together-as in dating- but the closer I got the more I realized that they may be related. Their face structure is somewhat alike. Heart-shaped faces. Of course the guy has some roughness around his face and the girl has much softer features. Once I was in front of them, I could not stop myself from getting hypnotized from the girl's eyes as she looked up from my approach.
"Hi, you guys are new here, right? From where? My name is Alex" I say this in one breath as I extended my right hand towards the girl with a nervous smile on my face as if, expecting that she might not take my hand in hers.
"Hello, yes, we're from Calgary, My name is Amy, and this is my big brother Matt." she replies as she took my hand in hers.
The guy looks decent. The girl on the other hand, W-O-W! I could not tear my eyes away from her. I mean yeah she has big frizzy brunette hair and not too smooth skin-but who hasn't gone through puberty? - and glasses over those gorgeous hazel eyes. I had to shake my head to get rid of the awe I was experiencing especially now that I realized that I was actually literally gawking at her with my mouth partially open.
“It's nice to meet you, Alex" she continued while giving me a shy but breathtaking smile. I felt my heart skip a beat from that one smile. I think she is putting a spell on me.
"Hey, man, I'm Matt" the guy on my left says as he takes me out of my trance. I finally looked at him and reluctantly released Amy's hand and shake his instead.
"Hey, man, nice to meet you. How do you like B.C. so far? Did you play any sports in your old school? We are always looking for new players on the football team. Would you guys like to meet the others?" I asked looking at the two of them but only hoping that Amy would say yes.
"B.C. is okay. At least it does not snow here although it rains too much. I used to be on the football, rugby, and hockey teams in my old high school. I would like to know if there's a spot available on the football team for the defense line? Sure man, we'd love to meet the rest of your friends and the football team. Are you coming Amy?" Matt looks over his sister.
"Ah, no it's okay Matt, you guys go ahead. I still have to go to the library to pick up a book for an English assignment. See you around Alex!" Amy says shyly before turning back towards the exit.
"Okay, see you around Amy!" I tell her.
"Don't mind her; she just gets really shy around new people. She'll come around." Matt reassured me as we started heading towards my cliques table. I just had to give Matt a half smile to hide my disappointment from Amy turning down my invitation. I just hope that was not the only time I get to talk to her.
The sound of a vehicle pulling up the driveway pulled me out of my thoughts...I guess, it’s time to go see Amy and the rest of the old high school chums for the reunion.
As the saying goes better late than never I just hope that I am not late on telling Amy how I feel. I mean we've known each other since high school and even became best friends. I just wish that she can see me as more than a friend because to me, she is the love of my life. I can't believe it took me this long to even have the guts to tell her how I feel. I guess I just didn't want to lose her in my life no matter how she wants us to be friends, or lovers.
"Hey, Buddy! Long-time no see!" Matt says this as he steps out of his Silver Ford F150 truck. I rolled my eyes because seriously it has only been three weeks since I left for Kelowna from Calgary
"I know you miss me buddy" I said with smirk on my face. Now, it’s Matt's turn to roll his eyes
"Yeah, yeah whatever, are we hitting the road today or what?!"
"Yup. I got everything ready and my cousin is bringing my truck over later in the week. So, let's go! Road Trip!" I said with mock excitement.
"So, what's new man? I mean, I know it's only been three weeks since we've seen or talked to each other. Anything interesting I should know about?" I inquired nonchalantly as though willing Matt to tell me something about Amy with my fingers crossed.
"Nothing new, still single. I had a visitor about two weeks ago..." Matt trails off as if trying to build some suspense
"Who came to visit you? Is it Amy?" yup. You can tell I'm a little obsessed.
"No. It's not Amy. Someone better." Matt glanced at me sideways as if looking for any reactions. I'm not giving him any vibe. I swear he knows how I feel about his sister.
"Okay, I give up, who visited you two weeks ago?" I said while throwing my hands in the air.
"Caitlin" Just that one word from Matt, while he looks ahead on the road as though he was reminiscing something, made my eyebrow rise.
"No way man, you actually like your little sister's best friend?" I said while stifling a laugh. This got me a punch on my arm
“So, are you guys together? Or was it just a one off?" I asked while rubbing my left arm from getting hit.
"I don't know. She said she liked me-which I have known for some time now. I just never acted on it as you and Amy kept reminding me that they are best friends. But when I'm with her I feel complete and unnaturally happy" he says still with eyes glazed over. I wonder if I look like that when I think about Amy
"Oh, someone's in Love" I teased. This got me another punch on the arm while noticing that Matt was in fact blushing from my teasing him.
"I don't know. I do know though that she will be at the house when we get there. I can't tell Amy or anybody yet how I feel. What if she doesn't feel the same way?" Matt finally tells me
"To be honest, I actually know how you feel. Well, you'll never know until you tell her right?" I stated this from experience
"How can you know how I feel when I've never seen you with a girlfriend? Or hell, even talk about being in love? You've been on dates, and even got some bed warmers but nothing that equated to love? Tell me."
"Truth be told, I have been in badly that it hurt me to see that the woman who I truly love was in someone else's arms. That I could never have her love me as much as I love her. I can't stop thinking about her. Every time I'm with another woman, all I could think of was comparing them to HER. Wishing that it was her who shares sweet nothings with, my mind, body and soul. You're right, I never had girlfriends, but for her- SHE is the only exception. I went out on dates to see if I can get over her. But the longer I kept going without telling her how I feel, the more I realize that I was just kidding myself. Because only with HER I know I will be the happiest and I will in turn make every moment HER happiest" I let out a long sigh
"Wow, dude, I never knew this side of you exists. Who's the lucky lady?"
"Sorry Matt, I have just opened up my heart out to you I don't think I can keep going on about HER for now. It might already be too late last time I heard she was getting married. Can we please change the subject?" I said wearily suddenly feeling so tired just thinking about Amy marrying Rob and having his kids, not mine.
"Amy broke things off with Rob." Matt says breaking me out of my sullen thoughts. WHAT?!!! Did I just hear what I thought he said? Have my prayers been answered-not that I was praying-more of wishful thinking.
'Amy broke things off with Rob' ---
These words were sweeter than a Triple Chocolate Chip Frappuccino from Starbucks! I can't believe it I must be hallucinating or dreaming this whole thing let me pinch myself.
"Ouch!" I yelped. "What did you just tell me Matt? Sorry I was zoning out." I have to make sure because I don't want to get my hopes up then gets crushed because of some technicality in the wordplay of the mind.
"I said, Amy broke things off with Rob. Remember, Rob the douche bag?" Matt said a little irritated to repeating what he had said.
YES! I still have a chance. I am taking this opportunity to make the most of it. Maybe even just convince Amy that I am a very reliable fixture in her life? Well, I hope to be around her always. I just hope she feels the same way.
"Yeah, I remember that douche bag. How long ago have you known this? Did Rob do something to Amy? Is she alright?" I was now getting worried if that douche bag hurt the love of my life I will hunt him down to the ends of the earth.
"Oh, about six weeks ago. Amy and I were chatting on MSN. From what she told me it was a mutual break. But I guess I will ask her again as soon as I see her in person. Only so much I could do via instant messaging."
Six weeks.
He's known for six weeks and yet I'm only finding this out now? What if she found someone else to replace HIM? Gosh, this trip is taking too long for my liking. I wish I just flew to Vancouver then drive the 45 mins. to our small town. I just have to see her to make sure she's not dating someone else. I just know that we are destined to be together. I just hope I don't need to convince her of this.
-5 hours and 423 kilometers of driving later-
We were finally pulling up to Matt's parents’ house. I noticed Amy's BMW and Cate's Honda SUVs on the driveway. Sudden feelings of butterflies filled my stomach. I've gotta get a grip. Matt jumped out of the truck while heading to the cab on the back to retrieve our bags. I went to grab mine as soon as I was able to get my breathing to normal. Matt opened the front door and we could easily hear the laughter coming from the kitchen. I grabbed the bags from Matt's hands and told him that I will head upstairs to use the washroom and I will put his stuff in his room as well.
"Thanks man, I will see you soon I don't want to miss out on mom's lasagna." Matt tells me while taking in the scent of lasagna cooking in the air. It does really smell good. But I don't think I can eat right now because of my nerves.
"Yeah. See you soon. What time should we go to the reunion?"
"We should leave around 7p.m. maybe even give the girls a ride there? We'll ask them later...” Matt tells me
"Yeah, I'll ask them later" I nodded my head in a form of 'go ahead, I will see you later' way.
I made my way upstairs first dropping off Matt's stuff and my stuff in one of the guest rooms-my parents moved to Kelowna a few years back so, I am staying here for the duration of my vacation. As I sat on the bed of the guest room and started thinking how to tell Amy.
Will I get my wish come true?
This is good. I don't feel nervous anymore. Whew, I swear I was going to collapse right there and then. Where should I wait for her? Um, I guess, in her room would be a start. Sooner or later, she will go to her room, right? I hope so. While waiting for Amy to get in to the room, I have been going through all the scenarios on how to tell her how I feel. Should I just outright tell her? When is the best time? I mean, I waited far too long I don't think I can stand seeing her get together with a guy who isn't me...
Suddenly, Amy's bedroom door started opening followed by laughter coming from the other side of the door. I can tell right away it was Amy. So, I stood up and waited until she comes in view of me. As soon as I see her, she looked shocked. Right, there's my queue, within 3 steps I got her in my arms in a hug.
"Hey beautiful, long time, no see" was all I could muster to say as she always takes my breath away. I dared to kiss her on her left cheek.
"Wow, Alex it is definitely a pleasant surprise but what were you doing in my room? How long have you been in here?" she asked me while returning the hug which made me feel whole and complete. We fitted into each other like our bodies were from the same mould, just waiting to be joined together.
"Oh, didn't Matt tell you? We met up in Kelowna" I tell her in almost a whisper as we were still cheek-to-cheek. God, she smells amazing. Like red roses in the spring time.
"Nope he didn't tell me; all he said was he dropped off some hitchhiker in Kelowna but not picking up another hitchhiker from there" she tells me with a shrug as she pulls away from me which I find somewhat disappointing but I kept my arms around her still just looking at her hypnotizing hazel eyes. I don't think she knows what she does to me every time she's around because she just cracked a joke at me. Humour, it's one of her best traits
"Ha-ha, funny, you know why I was there. I was visiting some family. It's so good to see you, ever since I switched college I never got a chance to see you again. I miss you... and Cate too, I guess" I tell her. Then I realized we had an audience that I didn't even realized so I sheepishly looked at her.
"Hey Alex, what's up?" Cate says while giving me a half hug
"Can't complain, are you guys ready for this high school reunion? I can't wait to see their faces when they realize Amy looks like this now; not that you were never pretty before" I tell them while waving my hand up and down her body. Aww, she blushed at this. She always catches me off guard making me fall in love with her all over again.
"Aww, Alex you always know the right things to say" Amy teased
"I meant every word" I replied with a wink
"Okay, please get out of here so that Cate and I can get ready for the reunion!" Amy tells me while shoving me out through her bedroom door. I have to stall for time. That was not enough time for me to be around her
"Yes yes, see you guys later. Oh, do you guys want to catch a ride with me and Matt?" I asked by the door. Please say yes, please say yes. I chanted in my head
"No thanks Cate and I will be riding together in my vehicle." Was that a shot down? No. maybe she just wants to make an entrance
"Oh, Okay, see yah!" I can't wait for this night to begin. This will either be a good night or a bad night. I only hope to be positive but I could not help being negative

Adrian Evans

While I was waiting in line for my turn to order my coffee at Tim Horton's, I noticed a girl two people ahead of me, probably around my age... 5'7" brunette, nice body with curves in the right places-not too skinny in those hip hugger jeans and tank top-man she's smoking hot! - Wait, where have I seen her from before? I'm pretty sure I know everyone in this small town.
Maybe she's from a different town? Maybe even Vancouver? Hmm, damn, all I see is her back and she already got my attention, I wonder who she knows from this place as this town is way out of the highway to be driving by for coffee.
Oh, it's her turn to order I shouldn't make myself too conspicuous as I am checking her out for too long. Yikes, I'm sounding like a freaking stalker! Suddenly, she dropped her change on the floor, before bending over to pick it up; wow I love the view from here. Okay, I've got to stop being a pervert maybe I should help her out oh look at that a quarter made its way to me. Hmm, I'm going to pick it up and hand it to her. Here I go...
On my way to giving her the coin, I suddenly got nervous. What the heck! I, Adrian Richard Evans, NEVER get nervous over approaching a girl, ever, and yet here I am.
I tapped her on her shoulder, before she turned around with a surprised look across her face, booyah! I still have my mad skills, "Excuse me, you dropped this" is all I could say with a half-smile playing my lips. Why you asked well, I was too mesmerized from her hazel eyes. It seemed like I have seen them before but I just could not put my head around to remembering where from.
She took the quarter from me and suddenly I felt an electric shock tingling on my hand from her touch "Um, thanks" she said as she walked out of the store. Hmm, that was weird.
Well, I hope to see her again...well, time to get my coffee. As soon as I got out of the store, I jumped into my White Ford Explorer and started heading back to my parents' house. I couldn't stop thinking about this mystery girl. Hmm, I shall call her Coffee girl for now. At least until I find out her name. I didn't even get to see what she was driving.
Climbing out of the vehicle, I still am stunned as how I still got her on my mind. What the heck? Did she put a spell on me with her Hazel eyes-this I realized when I thought back because I find that her eyes tended to change colors depending on the lighting-from green, to amber, to light brown, to blue? I can totally see myself getting lost in them. Snap out of it Man! I told myself. Wow, this is getting seriously freaky. I was still in a daze as I stepped through the front door.
"Mom, I'm home!" I yelled while making my way to the kitchen
"In here!" my mom yelled back sounding like she was in the basement.
"What are you doing down here?" I asked as I made myself down to the basement.
"Oh, hi honey it's so nice to see you" my mom replies as she made her way to the bottom of the stairs where I was coz the basement was a mess. She handed me a box that has my name written in black Sharpie on the side.
"What's this for mom?" I queried.
"Oh, that's your high school stuff; I thought you would want to look through it before the reunion?" my mom says while looking for any reaction from me which only made me roll my eyes.
"Thanks I guess" I said as I take the box from her hands.
"Will you be staying for dinner?" my mom asked as we made our way up the stairs towards the kitchen.
"If it's an early dinner then yes, thanks mom!" I said while giving her a kiss on her cheek.
"Of course sweetie, it will be an early dinner I know that tonight is the reunion. So, have you talked to any of your friends from your old high school yet?" Wow, mom that was a mouthful I thought.
"Not yet, but I will just head to my old room to unpack." I replied while heading upstairs to my old room.
Once I was inside I look around and realized that nothing has changed since I left for college. This brings back too many memories. I set the box down on my old computer desk and got a glimpse of the contents the box held. A yearbook is on the very top...
As I look through I can't believe I was almost on every page Hehehe. I guess it pays to be popular, talented, and good looking. But as I look at myself on some of the photos I realized I looked so...cocky? Did people see me as that in high school?
Oh, look at the school slut Nikki Rimes, wow what a Bitch! Good thing I didn't tap that back in the day. I heard she got pregnant 2 months before graduation. Gosh, I sound like a fucking gossip queen.
Whoa, Amy Richardson, I remember the first time meeting her. She was very shy and cute even if she had not-so-smooth face and frizzy hair she still took it all in stride.
I wonder what happened to her. I never really got to talk to her again coz she was never in any of my classes or I never even got the chance to 'bump' into her again.
A slight chuckle and a sigh escaped my lips as I was thinking on how it would have looked like to others if anybody saw the two of us hanging out with each other.
Then again, from the first day she did leave an impression on me. Something that I could never shrug off easily. Shit, I even became friends with her brother later on after meeting him in University. Amy and her brother Matt looked nothing alike. I was told that if they stood next to each other you can tell the resemblance from their face structure but that's all they have in common as they have totally different hair and eye color.
Eye Color, huh, first thing that came in to my mind was coffee girl again. What is up with that?
I hope to see Amy again tonight. I don't even care if people see us talking to each other. From the very first day she caught my heart. Which I later found out, which was that she was the reason why I never really had that many girlfriends all these years. Never giving love a chance. It was more for lust or just convenience.
I just hope I'm not too late.

Chapter 3 : Amy Richardson & Alex Marks

Chapter 3: Amy Richardson

After Alex left the room I pulled out my iPod and plugged it into my iHome and turned it up to mid-volume. We started listening to my current favourite song: Bruno Mars’ 'Grenade'
"Okay, rock, paper, scissors on who's going to shower first?" Cate prompts me as she started rummaging through her luggage
"I don't know, I mean, I already know I'm going to beat you so..." I laughed as I was already heading to my en-suite to shower first
"So, not fair!" Cate yells after me I just continued laughing
After about an hour, Cate and I finished our showers, we started on hair and makeup. Gossip or should I say catch-up talk was inevitable. My iPod then started playing Pussycat Dolls’ song 'Don't cha'
"So, did you hear that Nikki Rimes is pregnant again?" Cate tells me while we were both in front of the mirror doing out hair. I took a side glance her way figuring out if the song that was playing prompted her to bring Nikki Rimes to our conversation
"Does she know who the father is this time?" I asked with one eyebrow up.
"I heard it was Tommy, remember him? He was a jackass. But from what I gather, they belong together although, apparently Tommy left town as soon as he found out that she was knocked up claiming that he wasn't the daddy" Cate says with a giggle. I just rolled my eyes
"Well, that just proves that he is a jackass! How the hell are you even still up to date on these gossips? Is there some kind of High School Gossip Paper that I'm not aware of?"
"No, no paper I just have it on good authority that my sources are always accurate" Cate reassures me with a wink
"Cate who's your source? Come on, you can tell me! I promise I won't tell on you" I pouted with puppy dog eyes. It usually works like a charm specially on her *wink*
"Nope, sorry Amy I can't break confidence on this one. I know we're best friends and all but I just can't. I swear if I could I would." Cate states with a head shake
"Please, Pretty Please!!!" I whine
"Oh, is it your mom?" I asked while looking for any indication that it might be her. Cate just looks away from me
"Oh-ho! It is your mom!"
"Promise me you won't tell a soul! She's gonna murder me" Cate pleads
"Oh, relax she won't do anything to you. Besides, how in the world is she even getting the gossip after all these years? And yes, I promise I won't tell a soul. Pinky Promise, to the grave" I tell her while sticking my pinky towards her. She takes it to her.
"Pinky promise to the grave" Cate affirms
"Okay, that's that. Any more I should know about? I mean, did you hear any gossip floating about me?" I joked
"Well..." Cate squirms under my gaze. Hmm, I wonder what it is.
"What is it? Tell me, after all I have every right to know" I warned her
"Okay, promise you won't get mad?" Cate asked looking very uneasy.
"That depends..." I replied with an eyebrow raised. Gosh, curiosity is killing the cat
"Depends on what Amy?" Cate asked with a head tilt.
"Depends on how bad the rumour is." I told her.
"Just please promise you won't get mad" Cate looked at me with puppy dog eyes.
"Okay, I promise, I will do my best to keep my cool. But if it’s something horrible then I don't know..." I trailed off feeling nervous
"After high school graduation, apparently you and Alex hooked up" Cate finished with a breath that I didn't know she was holding.
"That's it?" I laughed at this. That was very silly
"You're not mad?" Cate looked at my face suspiciously making sure I wasn't kidding. Actually, I found this hilarious
"I can't believe you actually bought that rubbish! Is that why you were weirded out when I asked you to move in with me and him?" I said with an eye roll
"Well, yeah. I mean I didn't wanna shack up with you two if you were just going to be all over each other." Cate says with uncertainty
"Were you weirded out? After you moved in?"
"No. It was actually pretty normal how you two interact. I mean, after you started dating Rob I realized there wasn't anything between you and Alex. But..."she trailed off. Gosh, why is she suddenly so intrigued by this especially if it’s apparent that it's a 5 year old gossip. Unless...
"But what? Don't tell me, you like Alex like that?" I asked Cate with my eyebrows waggling
"Of course not! I have better taste than that. I actually thought it was you who liked Alex, huh?" she tells me with her nose stuck up in the air
"Cate, he's one of my best friends!" I laughed it out
"Sure, sure I mean, I swear he did have feelings for you after all isn't that the reason why he switched schools because you started dating other guys than him?"
"Huh, never thought of that as a reason. I don't think that was the reason why he switched schools. I don't think he has any feelings for me. If he did, he never really showed any of it to me. Or told me nonetheless" I pondered out loud
"Yes he did, every chance he could get he was there flirting his ass off. How could you not notice? I mean, that's how the rumour even started. It even got to the point where apparently, you and Alex eloped because of a love child after you guys hooked up" this time my eyes were wide like saucers
"Seriously, what the heck man! This has got to stop! Who did your mom hear all this garbage from?" I said incredulously
"Chill, Amy it's not like the end of the world. Alex is or was one of the hottest, most popular guys in school back in the day. He was always sweet, kind, and not a jerk to you and everyone else." Cate reassures me
"Also a man-whore" I added with a smirk on my face
"Yeah that too! But from what I hear he's a reformed man-whore! Remember, the whole time he lived with us he never had a girl over. Ever. So, I think even him becoming a man-whore was a rumour. I mean I know he was a big flirt and went out on dates but never really had a girlfriend. Maybe he's waiting for that someone special to realize how he feels?" Cate taunts me with a smirk
"Whatever, I agree with you though, he is kind, sweet to everyone. I still stand by what I said; I don't like him like that!" I concluded. Sheesh, even I didn't believe those words coming out of my mouth. But I don't think Alex has any feelings for me
"Uh-uh, keep telling that to yourself" Cate says while giving me the 'who are you kidding' look
"Well, I think you and him would look hot together as a couple. I also know that anyone who can tame that boy's heart and mind to commit, it would be you" Cate tells with a shrug in a 'duh' tone
"Thank you for that compliment bestie" I tell Cate
"That's why I'm here"
I started doing my make-up. Not too much just some dark eye shadow mascara and eyeliner giving my eyes the smoky effect. To finish it off I just put some lip gloss. Ta-da!
The thought of Alex liking me as more than a friend gave me a jolt of excitement. Did I feel the same for him? I mean, he is very sweet and caring. He also has been in my life for quite some time except when he switched schools. But when I saw him tonight, I felt the same comfort and familiarity. It’s as easy as breathing with him as we both know all our flaws and imperfections. I guess it wouldn't hurt to keep an open-mind. After all, he was my first kiss.
Our parents were out of town visiting my Aunt Victoria who lives in Calgary. Matt and I were left to house sit. Our parents gave us permission to throw a party on that weekend as long as I attended it. This turned out to be my very first party while in high school. And it was a party to remember.
I was walking around the house finally entering the game room I didn't know what was going on but a bunch of high school girls and boys were sitting down in a circle on the floor. I think they were playing truth or dare.
"Alex, I dare you... “I think Caleb was telling Alex something I could not hear properly as music muffled the notice in the room.
I looked up, realizing that Alex was also looking at me. Our gazes locked. Next thing, I knew Alex already made his way in front of me looking at me as if asking for my permission. What the heck is going on? I furrowed my eyebrows but not for long because Alex put both his hands to the side of my face still looking straight in my eyes.
Realization washed over me as I started seeing his face coming closer and closer to the point where I can smell his sweet breath. He closed his eyes then pressed his lips gently to mine. Ohmigod! This is my first kiss. What do I do?
Wow, this feels great I felt his tongue trail on my bottom lip asking for entrance which I opened up hesitantly. He still has his hands on the side of my face but I can feel his thumbs caressing my cheeks making me feel relaxed. This kiss felt very familiar and comfortable like it happened a different lifetime.
He pulled away still looking at me as soon as I opened my eyes all I see was his grey eyes sparkling like silver in awe. I didn't even know I had my eyes closed and my hands on the back of his neck. I wonder if he felt what I felt. Before I could find out, I stepped away from him and bolted for the exit.
[End of flashback]
I put on my Red form fitting spaghetti strapped dress with a silver belt; the dress came to about 3 inches from my knees. I liked to call this as a classy-sexy look. Just for finishing touch, I put on my silver gladiator heels. I looked in the full length mirror and noticed that I looked like I'm going to an A-list party and not a high school reunion. This made me chuckle in excitement.
I can't wait to see the look on everybody's faces once they realized I was once the girl no one paid any mind as I looked odd in those glasses and have the not-so-smooth pasty skin. Not anymore...
"Look at you girlfriend you look hot!" Cate tells me as I stepped out of the walk-in closet.
"Look who's talking; I bet all the guys will be drooling and under your spell in that dress." I teased Cate. She was wearing a Royal blue one-shoulder dress with black stilettos. Her hair is just down straight on her back. Mine I set it to look wavy.
"Thanks! You clean up good too!" Cate says as we ended up laughing at this.
"Okay, its 5 minutes to 7 lets head downstairs" I tell her as I was putting essentials in my red clutch - wallet, sidekick, lip gloss, gum and keys.
Once we got around the corner to the living room we both got a glimpse of Matt and Alex sitting on the couch. When they heard us come in the room they looked up and stood up at the same time. Both Cate and I blushed and giggled at their open mouthed and stunned look that crossed both their faces. I didn't expect them to have this kind of reaction but I am pleased nonetheless that I made this kind of impression on Alex.
"! You look drop dead gorgeous!" Alex told me as he raked his eyes all over me at the same time running his hand through his longer than usual not-spiky-anymore hair making it look messy.
"Thanks Alex, you look not so bad as well" I said, finally checking him up and down. He was wearing a black button up shirt rolled up to his elbows with dark grey pants and a red and silver tie. Hmm...Odd our clothing matched.
I looked over to Matt, he was wearing almost the same thing except he doesn't have his shirt rolled up as well as his was grey in color and black pants with a royal blue tie. I looked over a Cate and raised an eyebrow as even her and Matt matched clothing.
"Are you guys sure that you don't want to ride with us?" Matt asked looking between me and Cate.
"Yup, we're sure. We don't want to get stranded if one of you guys decides to hook up with anybody from the reunion" I replied with a smirk playing on my lips
"Amy, just let it go. I don't think I'm gonna hook up with anybody tonight" Matt tells me with a groan.
"Sure, sure. If you say so."
"Maybe Alex will" Matt says with a smirk and a glance at Alex.
Alex snaps his head towards Matt with a glint in his eyes “I’m not the man-whore you think I am" he said with a grimace
"If you say so" Matt says with a chuckle and a head shake.

Alex Marks

After getting ready for the reunion I settled down on the couch waiting for Matt to be ready. I could not believe how anxious I am to see how this night will turn out. I heard some shuffling coming from around the corner. I hope its Amy. So I stood up only to be disappointed to notice that it was only Matt. I wanna see Amy before we leave for the reunion. I pulled out my Blackberry to check the time - 10 minutes to 7, not a lot of time.
"So, have you told Amy about You and Cate yet?" I asked Matt as soon as he sat down on the couch.
"Not yet. But I think she suspects something. What about you? Have you told Amy?" Matt looks at me suspiciously
"WHAT?!" I said. Shock clear on my face.
"I had a hunch that you like Amy more than as a friend." Matt says with a chuckle
"You had a hunch, eh? Since when?" I asked reluctantly I didn't think I was having this conversation with her big brother.
"Since forever. I just ignored it though because I realized Amy didn't even notice. I even had an epiphany on our drive here this morning that you love her as in 'IN LOVE' with her. So, am I right?" Matt says with his eyebrows waggling
"What's it to you?" I asked Matt while avoiding on answering his question and averting my eyes to the nearest wall opposite the living room.
"You're my best bud. I want you to be happy. I know you will treat my little sis properly. If not, I will just have to kick your ass" Matt tells me with a serious tone. That made me snapped my head to look at Matt straight in the eyes. Ouch. I felt my neck crick.
"Truth be told, I have been in love with her since I've met her but I don't think she knows though" I replied with a head shake
"Well, I love happy endings especially if it involves my favourite sister and my best bud getting together. I can't believe you never told me or better yet made your move. Why? Are you so scared of rejection? It would have been better to know right away and move on."
"That's the thing; I was such a chicken shit for the longest time. Then, we became best friends; I thought it would be a good foundation to build. But it broke my heart every time I see her go on dates, or even be engaged to someone like that douche bag Rob. I thought I was just okay with having her in my life than losing her. That’s why I moved schools. Don’t get me wrong I was happy to see her happy but it can get too much sometimes. Knowing that it wasn't me who was making her smile." I told Matt with a small smile
"Would you like me to find out for you? I can always ask Cate" Matt asked looking hopeful that I would say yes.
"Nah, it's cool. I'd much rather find out the complicated way; thanks though buddy" I said while slapping him on the shoulder.
Suddenly we hear a noise coming from the corner from the hallway heading upstairs. Both our heads snapped up to see Amy and Caitlin by the living room entrance from the hallway. WOW! She is stunning! I didn't even know when I stood up and started heading their way because next thing I know I was standing right in front of her only a few feet away. She takes my breath away. Totally worth the wait.
"! You look drop dead gorgeous!" was all I could stutter in my state as I rake my eyes all over her body. God, I wish she knows what she does to me every time I see her. Oh, shit! I think she noticed me perving on her/ I have to look nonchalant so, I ran my hand through my hair that is no longer spiky. I hope she liked what I did to my hair
"Thanks Alex, you look not so bad as well" she tells me with a smile playing on her lips. Then, I noticed she's actually checking me out. Please, make her see me as her type, I thought to myself. That red dress is a number especially how it shows her killer legs and silver belt shows her curves just the way I love them. Hmm...Odd our clothing matched. Maybe she'll see that great minds think alike.
"Are you guys sure that you don't want to ride with us?" Matt asked looking between her and Cate. Please say yes. I wouldn't mind being seen let alone have you in my presence when we get to this reunion-I prayed.
"Yup, we're sure. We don't want to get stranded if one of you guys decides to hook up with anybody from the reunion" Amy replied with a smirk. Oh, no! She still sees me as a man-whore! Damn, I can't believe she looks at me that way. Maybe I should she hear a different side of me. The real me.
"Amy, just let it go. I don't think I'm gonna hook up with anybody tonight" Matt tells me with a groan.
"Sure, sure. If you say so."
"Maybe Alex will" Matt says with a smirk and a glance at me. Dude, way to leave your best bud hanging!-I thought
I snap my head towards Matt with a glint in my eyes "I'm not the man-whore you think I am" I said with a grimace. I regret every moment.
"If you say so" Matt says with a chuckle and a head shake.
We all stepped out and got in to our own rides. Me, in Matt's truck and Cate in Amy's SUV. I looked at her longingly.
This may be a night to remember.

Chapter 4 : Amy Richardson

Chapter 4: Amy Richardson

Once I parked the vehicle on my old high school parking lot, I looked out on the old building bringing a lot of - good and not-so-good-memories. I took a deep breath, 'okay, this is it-the moment of truth' I thought. I looked to my left where Cate was staring out through the windshield with a glazed expression on her face as if reliving the high school days.
"So, this shouldn't be so bad right?" I asked making her look at me with surprise in her face like she didn't even know I was right next to her
"Oh, yeah. It should be fine. Are you ready to head in?" she asked me
"Sure. Just remember don't call my name yet until we actually get to the front of the registration."
"I should have brought my camera with me to record everybody's reaction when they realize it was actually you" she says with a laugh and a head shake.
We stepped out of my SUV and started heading for the entrance of the high school. Once we were inside, I noticed that not so much has changed except maybe the hallway looked wider than I remember. Maybe they did some renovations? Or is it just my imagination? We were quiet for most of the time heading towards the old gym. Just slowing down every time we passed by a certain classroom and even our old lockers. Wow, talk about reminiscing.
We finally made it to the old gym where a lot of people were in a line to get in. Gosh, this feels like an assembly better yet, prom. I looked over at Cate and did a mental communication with her. Her face lit up as she seen my excited face as willing her to understand that so far no one really paid too much attention as we were the last few to arrive at the reunion. Talk about making an entrance. We finally made it to the welcoming desk by the door to get our name tags. I quickly found my name, picked it up and peeled off the sticker from the paper holder. I placed it on the top left of my chest.
"Um, excuse me, did you go to this school?" someone asked me. When I looked up I see a very pregnant Nikki Rimes in front of me wearing a yellow silk knee-high dress that has a bow just below her breasts.
"Yes" was all I said with a smile playing my lips.
She looked dumbfounded then shook her head and said, "I know everybody who went to this school. And I don't have any recollection of you at all. On top of that, why did you choose the freak's nametag?" she asked while pointing at my nametag. I raised my brow. Really mature, Nikki Rimes-I thought.
"Because I am .her." I replied pointing directly at my nametag
"No way." she says incredulously.
"Believe what you want" I said as Cate and I started walking towards the door.
Once I pushed one of the double doors open, I heard someone shout my name from afar.
I looked up and seen Alex heading towards me. This made everyone look at him and follow where he was heading. As soon as he got to me he pulled me in a hug and kissed my cheek. What is this guy doing? I felt my cheeks burn from all the eyes watching this little commotion
"Hi!" he says
"Hey, what are you doing?" I whispered to him a little miffed as he was making quite a stir in the reunion
"I missed you" he tells. Boy, there is something wrong with this guy
"Huh? How? We've seen each other like 20 minutes ago." I asked him while pulling away from him. He kept his arms around my waist
"What? I can't miss you?" he asked looking hurt
"Of course you can silly! It’s just weird when you're all clingy like this. You don't wanna ruin your reputation especially when people see you hanging around me like this do you? What with all the rumours..." I was laughing at the same time covered my mouth to stop myself from blurting out the rumour that had been circling around for 5 years.
"Rumours?" he asked with an eyebrow raised. Damn, I hoped that he didn't hear that last part but oh well. He's looking at me to elaborate but I stayed quiet. He let one of his arms drop to his side but the other was still wrapped around my waist then turned to Cate for some answer. I looked at Cate with wide eyes and a shake of my head silently telling her not to spill the beans.
"Oh, the rumour? Apparently, after graduation, you and Amy hooked up. Then had a love child as a result and eloped as well" Cate tells him with a wink and a smirk. Damn, woman who's side are you on? I thought. I looked over at Alex for his reaction as I was surprised to see that he had a big grin after a brief chuckle coming from his mouth
"Really? Wow, so I guess I understand now all the congratulations that people have been giving me so far. So, does that mean I have a 4 year old kid? I don't mind the rumour. Do you?" Alex looked at me with sparkle on his eyes. I was shocked. Maybe he does have feelings for me
"I don't know, I don't see a ring on my finger so, I guess it was all a rumour after all." I joked as I lift up my left hand to his face. He takes it and kisses my ring finger.
“If that's what you want. I will have it by tomorrow. Your favourite color is red, right? I will get you a ring with Garnet and diamonds surrounding it. I know how you like all your stuff to match" he tells me with a serious face. My smile faltered. Is he serious? I pulled my hand away.
"I was just joking" I tell him with a smile
"I wasn't" he tells me with a serious face to match his tone. That left me speechless
"Amy?" someone calls from behind me. That made both me and Alex turn our heads towards the voice.
I felt Alex stiffen next to me.
"Hi, Adrian, long time, no sees. How are you?" I asked him
"I'm great!, good job growing up!" he tells me.
"Thanks, I guess" I replied giving him a wtf look - 'good job growing up'-what that heck does that mean? I tilted my head to make my point across that I am very confused with his comment. He realizes this and he waves his hand up and down my body.
"Oh, ah, you look very different. In a good way." he finally tells me
"So, why did you bolt out of Tim Horton's this morning? You could have told me it was you. I actually thought I recognized you from somewhere" he asked me.
"I was in a rush this morning sorry." I fibbed.
"Do you remember Alex?" I changed the topic and motioned my head towards Alex so far he's been quiet this whole time just watching the interaction between me and Adrian never once letting me go from his grasp.
"Hey, man. How's it going?" Adrian asked Alex with a nod of acknowledgement
"Can't complain. As you can see, I married the most beautiful woman from this high school." Alex said. I jabbed him in the stomach with my elbow. What is the matter with him?
Adrian looked at me uneasily then rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand then grimace.
"Yeah, congratulations you guys look great together." he tells me with a weak smile.
"Ah, this is kind of awkward, but, Alex and I are not married let alone a couple" I said with a shaky laugh afterwards.
"Really? But he said..."he says looking hopeful
"Well, not yet but we will soon. I just have to get her the ring" Alex interrupted Adrian. This earned Alex another jab in the stomach which resulted in him loosening his grip on my waist and I was able to squirm away from him.
"Don't mind him. He's been delusional since he arrived this afternoon. Would you like to grab a drink from the bar?" I asked Adrian and completely ignoring Alex. I gave him a genuine smile.
"Yeah sure." Adrian tells me. Wow, this guy is a man of few words.
I grabbed him by his muscular arm and started leading him away from Alex. I hope it’s far, far away. Who am I kidding it's only on the other side the gym but I guess a little distance wouldn't hurt.
I looked back to Alex he was glaring at Adrian's retreating back. Then looked at me with longing and desperation in his eyes.
Adrian ordered a beer for him and I ordered my usual Vodka Gimlet.
"So, what have you been doing in the last 5 years?" I asked him. This is so weird how now that I look like this suddenly this guy is hanging out with me. 'I guess it's all about appearances' my brain tells me. I mentally b*tch slapped my brain to shut up. 'Make me' replied my brain. god, I can't believe I’m having a mental conversation with my conscience while my all-time high school crush is finally talking and chilling with me. I mentally groaned. My brain tells me, 'Alex is better; he loves you just the way you are even before your transformation'. Wait, LOVE? Since when did I realize that Alex loves me? My brain is just playing tricks on me. Can I see myself with Alex in a committed relationship? He is my best friend. He's been there through my ups and downs. 'He left you once' my brain interjects. Yeah, he did leave me once I started going on dates and finally having Rob as my boyfriend; why am I defending him? Especially with my brain.
"...what about you?" Adrian asked bringing me out of my mental battle. Oh-uh, I didn't even hear anything he told me. Shit, what the hell am I gonna say? 'He’s asking what you've done in the last 5 years' my brain tells me. Whew, thanks brain!
“After graduating from high school, I went to University in Seattle for Business Management. I got my own Photo Gallery there. I was engaged for a year but we broke it about 6 weeks ago." I told him
"Oh, so, you and Alex used to be engaged? Is that why he says the things he said?" Huh? How the hell did he get the impression that it was Alex that I was engaged to? I never even mentioned a name. Damn, that rumour is going to be the death of me.
"No. I was engaged with a guy named Rob. You don't know him. He's from Seattle." I told him at the same time turning to the bar for another Gimlet.
"Oh, sorry" he says sheepishly
"It's alright"
Gosh, I can't believe how dull this gorgeous guy is. Where was that tingling sensation that I felt? The connection? How come it’s not there anymore?
I caught sight of Cate and Matt sitting on a table with a few other people adjacent from where the bar is. I started facing that direction to approach them when I felt Adrian's hand grabbed me by my elbow. I looked up to see why he did that and voiced what I thought
"I'm heading over to that table over there, would you like to come with?" I asked him while nodding my head in the direction where my best friend and brother are.
"Oh, yeah, Okay. I just thought you'd wanna catch up with me...alone." Adrian tells me sheepishly.
"Tonight is the reunion. Don't you wanna catch up with your old friends back in high school day? come onlet's start heading that way" I told him. He released his hold on my elbow and we started walking towards the table where Cate and Matt were. Hmm, I wonder where Alex is? Oh, well at least a few minutes of reprieve from his teasing won't hurt
"I guess you're right. I just thought of making up the lost time of not hanging out with you, if that's okay." Adrian tells me. Jeez, this guy is kind of cheesy.
"Of course, we can hang out. How long is your vacation for? I'm visiting only for a month."
"I'm back here indefinitely, at least until my mom decides to sell the house and finally move with me out east." he tells me. We were finally at the table. We waived at everyone on the table. They greeted us in forms of waiving, handshakes and half-hugs. Good times, good times.
Suddenly, music started playing making it hard to make any conversation.
Lady Gaga's 'Poker Face' started playing on all the speakers in the gym. I tapped Cate who was sitting down and motioned for her to dance with me on the floor. She stood up and started dragging me towards the dance floor. I knew she loved this song and loved to dance as well.
While we were dancing people started coming to us and danced with us while reminding me if we had any classes together.
"Hey Amy right? We had the same social studies class together..."
"Amy, you're Matt's little sister right? I was in your AP Math class..."
"Wow Amy that dress looks great with those killer legs, who is it by..."
I answered all these questions and got into conversations. I never knew people actually knew who I was back in the day let alone remember me.
Three more songs - Ke$ha's 'Tick Tock' ; Timbaland and Katy Perry's 'If we ever meet again'; Edward Maya's 'Stereo Love' played until I felt myself parched;
I excused myself from the group and headed to the bar for my third and fourth drink of the night.
"Hi, two Vodka Gimlets please" I tell the bartender
The first of the two was gone before it even hit the counter. What can I say I was really thirsty. My second drink, I took my time as I scanned the whole room. I love people watching. I find it fascinating that after 5 years some cliques still existed within our high school batch. I guess old habits die hard. I can't complain though as I was never really in any clique let alone the 'IT' crowd.
I spotted Alex from across the room talking to his friend Caleb. As soon as I was going to look away he looked up and caught my eyes in a gaze so intense I could not pry my eyes away from them. He started heading my way, or maybe he's just heading my way because I'm right by the bar and he wanted a drink? As soon as he was in front of me, he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.
"Care to dance with me? I know you're mad at me for that whole rumour bit. Will you let me explain things to you? Just one dance?" Alex asked me with a pout and puppy dog eyes. He is just adorable. I guess he deserves to explain why he acted the way he acted earlier.
"Fine. Just one dance. And I want the whole truth Alex." I tell him sternly
He takes my hands in his and right away I felt the warmth and familiarity course through me. As soon as we hit the middle of the dance floor, the lights dimmed and a slow song started playing. It was Paramore's 'Only Exception'
Alex snaked his left arm around my waist and took my left hand with his right hand and placed it to his chest close to his heart. I can feel his heart beating rapidly. I leaned my head against his chest feeling his heart beating in a soothing rhythm. My god, he smells fantastic! It’s like home mixed with the spring air after a downpour where everything smells renewed and fresh. Is there even such a thing? We were quiet for a while until I felt Alex kiss my forehead. When I looked up and locked my eyes with his grey eyes all of his emotions spoke to me to me with such intensity I almost felt weak to my knees. Good thing he has me by my waist or else I the wind would have knocked me out of my feet.
"Amy, I'm so sorry for making you uncomfortable earlier. I thought that if I went along with that rumour you wouldn't mind It." he started still looking me straight in the eyes.
"You know Alex I didn't mind the rumour much. It was the fact that we were never a couple then suddenly you just play along like it was a common occurrence. So you can tell I was a little miffed about how lightly you were taking my feelings; especially after that whole 'love child' rumour. How would you feel if everybody thought you were gay for the last 5 years?" I asked him quietly.
"I wanted it to be real." he said so low that I could not be sure if I heard him properly. He looked down on the floor silently mumbling incoherent words to me. Then he looked up gauging for my reaction. My eyes were wide.
"WHAT!" I whisper-yelled at him
No freaking way Alexander Ryan Marks actually has feelings for me? Is this some kind of joke? I've already come to the conclusion that I like the idea of him and me as more than friends. But can I trust my heart not to be broken by him? Or better yet, can I trust myself not to break his heart?
Why is he just looking at me like I never even uttered a single word? I swear it I find out that this was just a dream all will break lose. He opened his mouth as if he has something to tell me but decided closed his mouth instead. He stepped away from me and headed for the exit without a glance back my way. What just happened? I didn't even try to go after him. I was left in the middle of the dance floor stunned on what had happened. Why does my life have to be so screwed up?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.01.2012

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