
One wave of pain. Then another. And another. Constantly overlapping, the flames relentless in their pursuit to destroy me. Everywhere I was surrounded by my own death. My screams of agony, the offensive odor of my burning hair, and the constant smoke from my scorched flesh were all evidence to the fact. I could almost feel death's embrace.

A moment ago I had been ready for this, sacrificing myself in the place for those I loved was more than a noble cause. However, that is not how things turned out. Instead I watched as the queen murdered both Tristan and my beloved little brother Adoni, the only things I had to remember my human life, the only things I could hold on to. The things that made me Skylar and kept me from being a monster. They were now gone.

I had to fight through the pain to find my quivering resolve. No more. No more pity. No more exceptions. If the vampire world insisted on taking away everything I loved than so be it. There would be no holding back. This is war.

Reinvigorated with thoughts of vengeance I quickly attempted to escape my bonds. I was chained to a metal pole, by both my ankles and my wrists. My wrists which were tied by chains in the back of the metal pole. I launched myself forward and smirked when the metal pole in the ground had shifted. I launched forward again and found myself leaning more. Finally with one more thrust forward I felt the metal pole shift out of the ground, so mid- air I turned hoping that the force of the ground on the already over heated chains would release me. However only the ankle chains broke free leaving the cumbersome metal pole still attached by my wrists.

With energy I had not even known I had I leapt out of the flames the action followed by a chorus of screams from my soon to be victims.

The vampires rushed around frantically screaming, a horde of guards protected the queen and helped her evacuate. I looked around frantically for Tristan and Adoni's body's but
of course the queen did not leave them here. I
screeched my frustration, no longer a young girl but a wild banshee out of the flames of hell. The first guard had a rather impressive battle axe he swung it with incredible force, accuracy, and speed but seeing as it was an axe I was still able to duck out of the way in time. Spinning and ducking, the ax made contact with the metal pole breaking it. At the same time another guard charged at me with a elaborate spear I moved out of the way and slashed my chains with the end blade. Both men gaped in horror as the chains that bound me fell limply to the floor. Desperate many guards charged at once but using the chains that had previously bound me as whips I slashed open their throats sending them all to the ground. Mercilessly I pulled their throats towards my mouth gluttonously devouring them until there was nothing left. More guards tried to attack as well as other spectators but they were no more than bugs to me now, they're struggles and attempts were futile and I easily and wrathfully took them down. I only hesitated when greeted by one. He had blond hair tied back and piercing blue challenging eyes, it was Lestat.

"Do you plan on killing us all Skylar?"

"Vampires must kill to survive, they feast on death we must all die. We must ALL suffer the consequences and meet our fate, but I'm tired of fate," I hissed, "I am tired of injustice so I must act as the angel of death, my family, my life was taken by vampires, as were the lives and families of countless others."

"What about yourself Skylar?" Lestat inquired.

"I know I'm one of those hideous beings! I KNOW that now, and now I will do as I must I will kill the vampires, I will kill the queen and than I will kill myself."

Lestat looked at me sadly, "and what of the boy... the blond vampire boy would you have killed him?"

"Fate took him!" I embedded my hand in his ribcage and ripped his organs out pulling at them wildly. Lestat's face contorted in pain as I tore him open literally pouring his organs out of the now empty shell of his body. I was panting wildly my chest heaving over his corpse while the ambition and curiosity always lighting his eyes had finally dimmed. I had a sea of bodies at my feet but none the corpses I wanted. Tears flooded down my eyes as I busied myself with ripping out the stones of the building around me.No longer caring if the foundation crashed down on me,and it seemed in no time the whole building collapsed. I pushed my way out of the rubble my skin marked pink where I had been severely burned, light lacerations and sweat coated my body and my singed hair clung to my face as I finally stood and looked at the pile of rubble. My clothes fell away and I looked at the destruction in front of me. I had died and been reborn I then held my arms out and screeched my promise of bloodshed.


I woke up and launched myself out of bed, the same dream, always, always. Meg rolled over and looked at me, “Mmm… Kale sweetie,” she hugged me close half asleep, “tell me what’s wrong.” I kissed her forehead and rubbed her back absentmindedly, “Nothing, I just got to go to the bathroom is all.”

Meg pouted half asleep, “baby you need rest.”

Ignoring her I got up and went to the bathroom. I turned on the faucet leaning over the sink and splashing ice cold water onto my face. I looked into the mirror and hated what I saw. I was using Meg, one of my friends, one of the members of the pack to fill the void Skylar left. The last time I saw her was a month ago in New York City, I hadn’t heard any news since moving to Texas.

Meg always insisted that Skylar was fine and that she’d “moved on without us.” Meg always viewed what Skylar had done as selfish, but I couldn’t help but believe that Skylar had always moved so that she didn’t hurt anyone. Though, in retrospect Skylar should not even be coming up in conversation anymore.

I had Meg now, she was capable of sticking around, and our relationship was effortless. She supported me and stood by me, while I provided her with the intimacy she’d always wanted in a relationship. Sometimes though, on moments like this, she didn’t do me any good. Of course I realized she was an attractive girl, that was undeniable and despite her being notoriously bitchy she was sweet, feminine, and loyal to me. Yet, that wasn’t what I wanted.

I was still ostracized by my pack, not intentionally of course, but due to my authoritative position I still was placed on a pedestal, I was the example. They obeyed my orders and never questioned, like Skylar did. I sighed; Skylar always haunted me at night. During the day I could distract myself; I could worry about the pack or Meg. During the night however my subconscious ran rampant and it knew what was missing.

I hoped every night that Skylar was alright, I hoped wherever she was that she was safe and that someday maybe she’d find us again and…

But it was almost certain Skylar was fine she was very resourceful. Besides, that second wish, it was all for the better, I mean what would I do where she here?

“Make her yours.” The alpha male demanded.

I shook my head and tried to clear my thoughts but Skylar kept returning. It was so odd, the dreams I mean. It wasn’t weird because they were of Skylar, but how she was portrayed in the reoccurring dream was.

I would be walking through town; the quaint buildings would be lined up. The streets are almost empty, and suddenly the buildings begin oozing blood. It leaked onto the streets and into gutters. I walk through it in the dream looking around bewildered until I reach the outskirts of town where the forest lies. The blood is pouring now, and I have to fight the current to get inside the forest.

Once there I would look around and see nothing, however occasionally I would hear a faint rustling noise. I’d turn and than once again be greeted by nothing.
Suddenly I’d be tackled to the ground and when I flip over it’s a small black werewolf with one gold and one red eye.

“Skylar!” I shout, smiling in excitement.

She doesn’t respond but instead, she turns human and smiles.

Her hair is thrown wildly around her and her eyes are bright and wild. She is wearing a night gown which despite being singed, torn, and smeared with blood held the potential for beauty. Blood covered her mouth, and her nails which were as long and sharp as daggers. She was still lovely, but it was a different kind of beauty, she was more feral.

She took my hand almost as if it were normal and led me, easily treading through the blood to a clearing. In the clearing there were red roses everywhere oozing blood. There was an odd tree that was warped so that it made the appearance of a seat. Skylar walked over and with ease sat herself upon the "throne". Her lips parted and gave way to a cruel grin, which revealed long, sharp canines covered in blood.

She reached down and pulled up a large red rose than crushed it between her hands, blood poured between her fingers and when she opened her hand she leaned down and showed me. The blood stain left letters which read, “There Will Be Blood.”


It was odd to walk away from that scene of destruction and chaos. I hadn't changed from the horrid beast moments before. The wounds bearing on my soul were nowhere near healed and yet I walked away, I had been reborn and with this new life I would serve justice onto those most deserving. Each step seemed to be a mile, I had seemed so far from what I'd previously been, no WHO I had previously been. I walked around absently, I was surrounded by trees and grass. I wanted a vampire to appear, to kill it and distract from thoughts of those whom I so dearly missed. I was an ignorant simple teenager, I closed my eyes and cursed every day that I had wished as a human that I wouldn't be bored because if I was bored, if everything was the same I might still have Tristan... I might still have A- I couldn't think of it. Tears burned behind my eyes. I had a mission. I looked around and saw a quaint home in the distance, they had a clothesline. I ran up quickly and grabbed whatever I could get. The house was white with gray shutters, the backyard had a little brook running through it and I stealthily snuck over to look at my reflection. I looked normal despite a few shallow scratches and my horrible ordeal. I put on a simple white summer dress, I looked the same as before, a harmless pretty "little" girl. I got into the brook and scrubbed the blood off my skin and hair. I was left with angry red marks where I had scrubbed vigorously until my skin faded back to it's pale complexion only freckles dotting my nose ruining its pristine color. I looked at my hair, red fire. The ends were still scorched and even though I knew it would heal in a day or so I wanted it gone. I hated looking at the long curls. The curls of my mother. I kicked the water and snuck into the nearby home grabbing a knife and sawing off strands of my hair watching as more and more curly red locks fell down and got carried in the current of the brook. When I was satisfied and felt I had done enough destruction to my image I fell to my knees and looked in the water. The yellow and red eye there were both shining with menace and those once doll like pouty lips now sneered back through the reflection.

The long curls that cascaded down my shoulders were now cropped to my face in a short pixie cut. I still managed to look too "precious" but it was better. The red curls on my head were wild and untamed almost as if they were a little petrified octopus its own entity upon my head.

I heard footsteps encroaching on me and leapt into a nearby tree. I watched as a pregnant woman walked out smiling looking around hopefully, something I doubted I would be able to do ever again. I retreated into the shadows and continued along my journey. My first order of business was to find somewhere to stay but I decided that I had made a mistake depending on others. So this time I was on my own. I went further into the forest and went up a faraway hill overlooking a small village. This would be good for now. First, I needed shelter. Growing up in a small town full of trees I knew how to fashion a basic tepee I managed to make a fire, and I really had no need for food since I'd fed so much earlier. I got into my tepee and lied down on the ground. The dirt stained my feet and hands as well as the pretty white summer dress but I didn't care much it was sleep that I was seeking, the black emptiness of sleep.

I sat there for awhile just staring I can't remember when I fell asleep or even if I fell asleep but my blank thoughts were morphed into nightmares. I saw Tristan, I was crying staring at him in awe, he felt so real I touched him and felt his cool skin. "Tristan..." I said "i-is this you..." my voice broke... "Adoni... whe-where's Adoni."
Tristan cupped my face and I felt my eyes close instinctively, his hand lingered there, "There's still so much you don't know... you will see us again Skylar... a year from now tonight you will see Adoni and I."
I woke up my body covered in sweat, tears streaming down my cheeks. If that dream wasn't just a figment of my imagination and Tristan somehow contacted me from the afterlife... I only had a year.

I sighed and got out of the tepee acknowledging that I would not get anymore rest. I looked up the moon still up and I couldn't help it I threw back my head and screamed, morphing into a wolf until I was now howling. I had always wondered why wolves howled at the moon and I suppose now I knew.

Usually I would resist the She Wolf and all her Feral demands but tonight I wouldn't hold back besides... Kale wasn't around so I didn't have to worry about that.

Kale... I missed him, his warm embrace and how his body surrounded mine, with all this death around me I know he could make it better, he always could. I teared up than shook my head.

The She wolf took over running, we whisked and whirled through trees distracting ourselves with the decoding of senses and smells. We would track down animals that we would not kill but mainly we just ran. The sinewy muscles in our body would stretch and flex with fluid grace and we were quickly able to pivot and change course. We reveled in the feeling of the night air flowing through and over our fur. We ran until both of us were exhausted, I didn't know how far we'd gone but it was no doubt a great distance.When my body was shaking with exertion we made our way back and collapsed on the ground. I changed my form. The dirt clung to my sweat covered skin and I stared up into the night sky. How would I do this? Should I just kill vampires until they finally catch me? No. I would hardly get anything done. I had to be more wise this time around, I had to lay low and learn more about the vampire world. I had to blend in so that no one could suspect me. How did vampires work? I mean as a society as a culture. I met their queen but where did everyone else fall? I knew somewhat how werewolf society worked. There were small groups that were all led by an alpha male. Did vampires group together? Who do I attack to make an impact. I had an advantage, most of the vampires thought I was dead. This meant that I could walk around without being too easily recognized. I stil had to answer these questions and learn more but not even that was particularly hard. The hard part was doing it without being detected.

I looked to the sky, I thought of Lestat. How every vampire lived off of suffering and death. Even me. Even I caused death. Lived off of it even though I tried to be good I was tainted. "Why did this have to happen to me? What did I do?" I looked up at the sky, vast and wide glittering with stars, "Was I always doomed? Was I born a star crossed child?" No answer. I barked a sad laugh. I had never believed in God but somehow I just wished there was a god. That he'd come down and explain why I had to suffer, why innocent people had to die. He wouldn't though. I would only be answered by silence. Even if there was a god he'd hate me. I would probably only find solace in the devil. "So farewell hope, and with hope farewell fear, farewell remorse all good in me is gone. Evil be thou my good." I knew what Satan meant now. I didn't have to guess or even think about it. Evil was my good now, now murder is what I want. It was my good.

So screw the cosmos. Screw God, my decision was made for me. This is the monster they had made in me. I stood up and looked over the town, I heard a growl in my head, the she wolf was with me. The small town sprawled out in front of me, I wouldn't learn anything from staying in the forrest. "Lets make a little trip."

I changed while running down a hill sprinting full speed into the town nestled beneath the hills and trees. I took note of my appearance, I was covered in sweat and dirt, I was deffinatly going to be noticed. I walked by a few houses and found one with no cars in the driveway so I snuck into the home. I grabbed a towell and went into the shower.

At first I kept second guessing myself, wondering if I should be taking a shower in someone else's home. I looked around through all the closets and found some women's clothes. I found a backless short black dress and red pumps... this would work. I quickly "borrowed" the dress, the shoes and put on some makeup than quickly jumped out the walked listening. I heard the faint thrumming of music... where there was music there was a party and where there was a party there were usually vampires.

I followed the sound to a large home I took a deep breathe and walked to the front door a boy came out of the house stumbling and throwing up beside me. I looked at him, "you okay?"

He smiled at me out of vacant eyes a slow smile creeping on his face, "you can nurse me back to health if you like?"

I grimaced and rolled my eyes than walked into the house. It smelled strongly of alcohol, the sweat beading on young intoxicated humans only strengthened the scent. I went onto the dancefloor, slowly making my way to the center swinging my hips rhythmatically and swaying hypnotically to the music. I knew if a vampire was here they'd come to me or at the very least pass me. There was no point looking, that would just be suspicious. I felt the bodies crowding around me all in the half dazed intoxication of the music and the strong scent of alcohol and sweat. I saw her than, she had long brown hair and a half shirt wearing faded ripped jeans and combat boots. She strolled my way, she was beautiful I was almost sure she was a vampire. I tried to blend in figuring she'd walk over to a guy, instead she walked straight over to me. She danced against me her hands running up my thigh I turned my head but before I could say anything she was kissing me passionatly. I bit her lip drawing blood and continued to let her tongue dance with mine. Than I felt them, her fangs. She quickly pullled away, I pretending I had not noticed traced my fingertip along her bottom lip. "You kay?"

She nodded seeming half dazed and looking at me, "Yeah...," she cleared her throat than took my hand. "My friends and I own our own place..."

I smiled. Bingo. "Oh? Wow can I see it?"

The vampire girl smiled, "of course you can pretty."

"My name... you can call me Fang."

I fought the urge to raise an eyebrow, was she serious? Fang lead my way to a bunch of other vampires, the she wolf growled and I smiled inwardly, "in time... we aren't making the same mistakes we have to learn more about them."

Fang turned to me, "Lovely? What's your name?"

I looked at the vampire individuals, than to her, "My name's Raven."

Fang smiled, I was relieved when I saw that the vampires did not take humans with them we were heading out, I wouldn't have to kill them all tonight. They brought me into a lovely large home. They didn't have to hide or bother being subtle for fear of being found. I looked around intrigued and noticed something else, some vampires were here too, they were doing there own seperate things free to go and stay as they pleased. There was enough space for everyone to not have to see anyone if they didn't want to. There was no pack mentality. As soon as they entered the door the other vampires dispersed.

Fang looked at me and smiled, "Why don't we head to my room?"

She led me and I followed, there was no point fighting, this wasn't the time to fight.

I walked into her room she had a large glass door, she walked over to it. She stood in front of the door. I came up behind her and slid my hand across her torso than licked her neck.

She sighed softly underneath my touch "you're very different from the others..."

I bit her neck sinking my teeth into the soft flesh there, she cried out softly going restless underneath my grip, I licked the wound closed.

She was trembling, "I thought you wanted this," I cooed softly.

"I do," Fang said, "but I couldn't even tell you were a vampire..."

I smiled my eyes vacant, and pulled her violently and threw her onto the bed, "I'll teach you some things... and you can teach me some things," I climbed ontop of her.

"Are you teaching me now?" Her voice shook.

It was funny to watch Fang go from a predator to a nervous girl. I kissed her, "Mmno, Right now I'm rewarding you and you," I grabbed and squeezed her arms, "You are going to pay me back." She nodded, "Yes," she said breathing heavily through half lidded eyes, "yes I will."

The next morning I woke up the sun shining through the windows. There are so many things you expect when you lose your virginity, I certainly did. As a human, I thought I'd lose my virginity to Tristan, that it would be this beautiful magical moment, or even if it was losing my virginity to someone else I figured I'd feel something, anything. I felt more distant from my body than ever, it was as if something in my soul had broken, seperating from my body. I sold my body to vegeance, I stood up and walked into the window. I didn't care if anyone saw, if anyone saw my empty shell, my dirtied body. It somehow didn't matter, shame no longer existed, i had broken that. I thought of Kale, of Tristan and somehow felt I betrayed them. "You did," the she wolf condemned.

I ignored her and headed into the bathroom starting a bath and letting my fingers weave in and out of the water as it poured in the tub. I hummed softly to myself letting my mind go blank until two arms wrapped around me. I felt kisses along my neck that were gentle carresses. I pulled away gently and looked behind me.

Fang stood there her long hair covering her otherwise bare body. "Hello," she purred.

"Morning," the word came out dry, apethetic, sounding like a sharp snap from a dead twig.

She smiled, "may I join you?"

"No," I said turning back to the tub watching the water, "I need a few moments to myself."

The silence told me that I'd hurt Fang's feelings but I did not care she was easily manipulated and I would make it up to her later on. I got into the tub sinking in the steaming hot water feeling my taut muscles untwine and ease up I turned the knob on the tub off with my toe my gaze concentrated on the water dripping off of it.

I than turned and saw Fang still standing there.

"Something wrong?" I asked, not caring just wanting her gone.

"Do you regret having sex with me?" she muttered.

"Not particularly, but I've never had sex before and I'm usually not inclined towards women."

Fang seemed to wince under my honesty.

I looked at her and sighed, who knew she'd be so god damn sensitive? I rubbed my head, "Come here."

She walked over quietly, and sat down next to the tub next to me. "Yes?"

I looked up and took her chin than kissed her imagining Kale. His arms around me strong and warm his frame surrounding mine. Than when I pulled away I saw tears in Fang's eyes.

"I think I love you." She blurted.

A smile touched my lips, a sad smile but a smile nonetheless, she was not who I'd wanted to see. "I love you too," I cooed gently having my face carress her cheek, "I'm just tired is all, I need a little bit of rest."

Fang nodded and stood smiling, than left the room.

I had done my part, and played the game rather well and yet there was no sense of victory only an empty gap in my chest. I shook my head why did I think of Kale?

"Because he is your mate, you miss Tristan but Kale is your mate."

"SHUUUT UP!" I screeched angrily at my inner she wolf, I loved Tristan, I deeply care for Kale but right now niether of those things were helpful.

A vampire boy looked in, "Everything o-"

"Get out," I hissed.

He held up his hands in surrender, "okay, okay."

I submerged myself in the steaming water, I had to keep it together. I had to focus. I had no time for guilt, or guys, or to even think about the past this was the present. I had no time for tears. No time to think of anything but my mission I let the water around me take me away I was no longer in a tub but in the ocean being sent lower and lower in the current. Than black.

I woke up on the cold hard ground, I turned to my side coughing up water. I looked up into the alarmed eyes of Fang. Before I could say anything she slapped me on the face. I sat up angrily, "What the hell was that for?!"

She wrapped her arms around me, "Don't scare me like that ever again."

I rolled my eyes, "don't be a baby."

I sighed looking around relieved that no one else was there I sat up and pulled Fang up with me.

"I need to get dressed."

Fang nodded and lead me back to her room allowing me to borrow some clothes. Naturally they were too big for me, I looked like a little girl playing dress up.

Fang chuckled, "You look so cute."

I rolled my eyes and shoved past her, "Alright time to teach me some things."

Fang frowned following me, "What would you like to know?"

"I...," I began, shit I didn't even think through what I would say, I bit my lip. "I lived in America for a very long time traveling as a loner and just recently learned vampires had a queen..."

She smiled, "Ah I see, well in America vampires can get away with a lot more I even heard a fledgling went crazy and started feeding on vampires in New York, isn't that just mad?!"

I laughed nervously, "crazy..."

"Yeah," she shrugged, "Things are more refined here, this home that you see is more like a vampire hotel, a refuge if you will, some come because they're lonely, or sustained injury or simply out of boredom. Individuals come and go as they please. As you've guessed the life of a vampire is a lonely one..."


"Well at any rate here on the other side of the lake we do things differently, each district is owned by a manager, he gives territories and monitors the vampires in his area and makes sure there isn't any trouble. The managers report to a lord or lady who rules over several districts and managers and than finally they report to the queen herself who must than seek approval from the counsel."

My head was spinning, who knew vampires were so organized and political?

"Oh sorry," Fang laughed, "I'm guessing you didn't know any of that."

"No," I said, "I'm glad you told me though.... so where are the managers?"

Fang shrugged, "They're hard to get a hold of usually they come to us when they're looking for information, in fact lucky for you our manager is coming this afternoon."

That was extremely lucky for me, I didn't know if the manager would know about me or hear anything, he might have even been there for my "execution."

I had to be very careful and listen very closely.

Fang smiled and hugged me, "Don't be nervous all is well, the manager is not a mean man he will just come by ask me a few questions and than leave."

I nodded, but of course her words did not keep the anxiety at bay. I had to relax though, I took a deep breathe, if I was calm enough he would not suspect me. "Sorry love, just a little nervous is all, I didn't know any of this before now."

"yeah doesn't help that I myself don't know that much more than what I just told you." This new information was enough to get a slight idea for what was going on in the vampire world.


Fang smiled, "Yes my dear?"

"Do you think I can listen in on your conversation with the manager?"

"Of course," Fang smiled moving a strand of hair from my face. She than placed a kiss on my lips, I could feel the passion there, the yearning. I kissed back for a short moment than pulled her away, and smiled emptily, "I'm going to wander around here..."

Fang frowned and took my hand than smiled sadly, "I know you don't love me...," she kissed my hand, "but I promise if you stick around you could fall for me."

I took my hand away coldly, "I never said I'd stay."

Fang's eyes watered, "but..."

"I thank you for your hospitality... but I don't think I'm a good companion for anyone...," I than turned on my heel and wandered through the hallways giving Fang time to collect her emotions. I looked through the beautifully designed hallways and heard a faint sound. As I got closer I recognized classical music playing, I recognized it as Mozart's lacrimosa... I wasn't exactly a classical music fan but once you find out that song exists there's really no confusing it.
I hesitantly walked closer to the music, until I reached a large mahogany door with elaborate carvings of angels and demons fighting...

When I opened the door I found a library stuffed full of books. Nothing was out of place, there were large wooden shelves and large leather seats scattered throughout the room. A large chandelier was in the middle and there were two or three vampires scattered throughout the library. I blinked when I saw Gerard... how'd he get here?! I ran over to him, he looked up at me and narrowed his eyes.

"What do you want..."

I hesitated, "You.... you look alot like someone I know." Exactly like someone I know in fact.

"Do I now?" The Gerard look alike inquired, he tilted his head to the side crossed his legs and rested his chin on his hand. His eyes were cunning, distant, this certainly wasn't Gerard. This person in front of me was alot more emotionally reserved and somehow seemed alot more feminine.

"Who did you mistake me for...?"

I shrugged, "it doesn't matter...," I backed away and made my way through the maze of shelves feeling my panic engrossing me but I remained calm and tried to at least pretend to think of the books. There's no way that that boy is not related to Gerard...

"There aren't that many people that look like me, light blue eyes, ghostly pale, practically white hair... I find it odd you'd confuse me with someone...unless," his voice dropped inaudibly, "you're speaking of my brother...Gerard."

"I don't know," I said, "I don't really remember."

The boy smiled, "I don't believe you... be more careful next time." His eyes glowed, they knew, I don't know if he knew that Gerard was a werewolf but something told me I'd have to be careful of this stranger in a friend's mask. I grabbed the nearest book not in the least aware of what it was I didn't much care what it was. I just took it and left.

I came back to Fang's room hoping that maybe I'd find a moment's solitude there. Of course I wouldn't it'd be completley illogical to assume so but I hoped anyway.

Than I felt the pressure of a body sitting behind me, I knew who it was but I didn't respond only than did I look at the book.
It was titled The Royals.

"that's an odd book choice," Fang said softly playing with my hair.

"Is it?"

Fang gasped, "Don't tell me you haven't heard of it."

I shrugged, than Fang said airly "wow there's so much you don't know."

"There's still so much you don't know..."

That's what Tristan had said only one night ago... "Fang... what's this book about?"

Fang smiled, "This book," she picked up the book in my hand, "is a very contraversial newly written book about the history of the kings and queens of the vampires the different members of royalty, each of their beliefs, and how they were all killed..."

I blinked in amazement, than muttered, "wow am I lucky..."

"There are thousands upon thousands of books about the royals though what makes this one special is that it has diary entries of each of the kings and queens..." Fang shrugged, "I'm not big into reading but doing something like that... well... even someone who's not into reading can see the beauty in that."

I stared at the leather book, gently pet it's spine and ran a hand over the cover. God, this book seemed to be begging for me to read it, calling to me, but I had to wait wait until I was alone or nearly alone. I turned and kissed Fang cupping her face, "sorry I've been so distant... but I really want to read this in the library."

Fang smiled, "okay than I'll tell you when the manager's here."


I said smiling and leaving, I than turned to Fang I hadn't seen the bad side of her yet... but it was only a matter of time.

I went into the library again and sat in a large leather seat in the corner of the room curling myself into a ball. I read through the book I couldn't put it down, some of the parts were boring like the political parts but than as soon as I even imagined taking a break the diary parts would come up. It wasn't all just about ruling some excerpts were about children, or lovers, their pasts. Than I reached one about a queen Genevieve at first I thought nothing of it just another queen, none of the vampire queens were particularly friendly... but this one... Genevieve had a large ego and made a business of murder she would have outlandish brothels and bathe in blood as well as drinking it she was an egotist and did not much care for vampires other than herself and her close circle. Geneveive's husband and the true ruler was Mikhail, Mikhail was a strict man who believed in vampires being the higher beings and humans being nothing more than cattle I looked at their pictures, blond hair and blue eyes I turned the page and than I saw her.

The current queen of the vampires, underneath her name, Desdemona... I blinked, I couldn't stop staring at it. It wasn't the same Desdemona either, this was a small child with large blue eyes and curly thin white hair, she couldn't have been older than five...

I couldn't believe it, that woman had once been a child... after that the book went into detail about the vampire lineage and how vampire royalty was of the purest blood and many vampire royals are forced to marry and conceive with their siblings...

I was horrified, these children have to rule someday over all vampire kind AND have an incestuous relationship?! That's rough...

I kept reading though and than I flipped to the next chapter. HUNTERS. I gulped I thought of mom, of how I'd witnessed her murder. I thought of how I'd remembered my mother, nurturing, gentle... if I read on I'd understand my mother I'd understand a little more about why she did what she did... but at what cost? I'd lose that image of my mother... my past that I had used to cling to, to get through all of this. If I read on my past would be a part of my present my past would be just as tainted...

I took a deep breath and hesitantly continued reading, i wasn't sure whether I'd made a good decision but I needed to learn why, I needed to know what my mother's past meant... because it may still apply now.

Hunters seemed to have first built momentum in the dark ages. For vampires this was a time for thriving, it was much easier to kill humans. However many humans had witnessed the vampire attacks and vampires in their dissallusionment underestimated the humans.
During that time the vampire ranks were still growing this allowed for a select few humans to rise up and fight. Although niether vampires or humans won the vampires reluctantly returned to the outskirts of society. Thus the hunters were formed and since vowed to demolish all threats of vampires. Weirdly enough hunters similar to vampires have their own "pure leaniege." I flipped the page and saw a man, he was comparable to a bear his arms were covered in freckles and his face was sun beaten. He had orange wild curly hair next to him was a woman, her face was covered but her hair was a rich red her skin pale... she had the same hair color as my mother and I, her build seemed to be the same small body type as well. The last chapter talked about werewolves and how they are mostly shrouded in mystery and summed up the rest of the book.

I sighed and put the book aside and than got up, right at that moment Fang went up to me, "Raven, my dear... the manager he's here."

I half smiled still trying to absorb all of the information buzzing around in my head, "great. Lets meet him." I felt as though I would vommit why couldn't I ever just learn one thing at a time? why did I do this to myself?

The hallways seemed to grow larger as if to heighten my anxiety. Fang took my hand smiling and took me into a large room with a rustic fire place and a bear skinned rug. I looked down at the carcus under my feet... how sad.
Suddenly I heard someone clear their throat when i looked up there was a man standing there. He looked to be about forty with salt and pepper colored hair and dark eyes, his features had strong edges and he was dressed with a fadora and a trench coat.

He huffed on a cigar, the odor of it quickly filling the room. Fang smiled, "Hello Cassius it's a pleasure to see you."

Cassius smiled, "as it is to see you Fang."

Fang smiled, "this is my partner Raven she is a new arrival from America."

Cassius, "Yes, it's a pleasure ma'am, now let us all sit and get formalities out of the way."

"Yes of course," Fang took my hand and we sat on a dark red loveseat while Cassius the manager sat himself in a plush brown chair. At first the conversation seemed normal Fang named off a list of people who had passed through, a list of people who were staying, and a list of people who planned on staying in her "inn."

Than Fang got up smiling, "now that that's taken care of may I get you a drink my friend?"

Cassius smiled, "A bloody mary would be great."

They both laughed, did they just make a pun? I thought vampires were supposed to be serious...

"What would you like hun... now that I think of it I haven't seen you drink any blood..."

"Just get me a beer with a hint of blood."

Fang smiled and nodded leaving Cassius and I alone in a room together.

"Beer. How American," Cassius smiled.

I shrugged, "I guess so..."

Cassius narrowed his eyes leaning closer... "Those are contacts right?"

"Uhm no... after the change my eyes have just been this way."

"Interesting," Cassius said taking another long drag, "So what part of America do you hail from child?"

I tried not to fidget this was starting to feel like I was on trial. "I'm from a small town in New Hampshire," God it almost hurt to say New Hampshire but my last trip back there with Tristan... I dropped the thought.

"So you must've heard of the vampire in New York City the little fledging who had the gall to kill elders, even to go as far as killing Delilah the queen's favorite Lady."

"I heard a little bit about it not much... has she been caught?" I asked chewing my bottom lip.

Finally Fang came into the room and handed me the beer, I took 3 sips and put it down.

"Raven," Fang looked at me curiously, "I've never seen a vampire with so much self control, how long since you've been changed."

"3 years," I lied, somehow saying only a few months seemed alot more suspicious.

"Amazing," Fang smiled.

Cassius cleared his throat seeming only minorly displeased that he'd been interrupted,any rate as far as I'm aware the little pest has been executed but I was on holiday."

Cassius sighed, "I met with one of the queens favorite researchers in brazil who is trying to conduct studies on strange things like werewolves and hunters. The queen seems to take a liking to the strange vampire though I believe his work is nonsense. He says that he believes the rogue fledging and werewolf activity in New York City are connected. Can you believe that garbage? Furthermore he believes the DNA of hunters is altered so that they are not normal humans and says they are a threat to us."

Fang rolled her eyes, "he's nothing more than a silly story maker to the queen."

"Nevertheless she wished me to see him."

I creased my eyebrows pretending to be only slightly curious, "What's the mans name?"

"His name is Eldrich Friedman. He was older during his change he looks to be about sixty and the mans nearing 540 something now... almost as old as the queen."

I blinked, it was weird to think a sixty year old looking man was younger than the queen, the queen looked to be late 20's early 30's at the oldest.

"Queen Genevieve, did not much like the man..."

"How did Queen Genevieve die?"

"Our queen killed her of course."

I shouldn't have been surprised the queen was an evil woman and since reading the book that's how MOST vampires became king or queen.

"The King or Queen can revoke the throne but most would prefer to die..."

"I see..." I looked at Cassius, he seemed to be some help, the name Eldrich Friedman deffinatley seemed worth a look. However, if he wasn't informed the queen must've kept it a secret or must be working on something else.

"Well I think I should be off... It was nice seeing you again Fang... Raven it was nice meeting your acquaintance."

"Thank you for your help have a nice day."

He left out the door and I let out a breathe that I did not know I was holding. Fang smiled, "See? It wasn't so bad."

"It wasn't as formal as I thought it would be."

"Yes well," Fang smiled, "after awhile you build a kinship with your manager he does come around every couple of months."

We walked out of the room only to bump into the boy who looked like Gerard, he smiled, "hello there. Hi Fang."

Fang nodded, "Hello Malik, Where are you off to?"

"Only wanted to come in here for a drink, is this your new pet I saw her in the library."

"This is my partner, Raven."

I looked at Malik, so that was his name...When I saw Gerard... if I saw Gerard again... I'd have to ask about that.

"Nice to meet you Malik," I smiled warmly, "I rested my head on Fang... "I'm going to bed."

Fang smiled and kissed my head, "I'll come with you."

We both walked into Fang's room and I instantly collapsed into her bed... "Do you ever think about how much everything has changed?"

How I went from a normal human girl to a half vampire half werewolf in Europe trying to avenge her loved ones while running away from vampires...

"Well I remember it felt that way in the beginning" Fang said seating herself beside me, "but that will eventually pass."

"Yeah," I yawned, seriously doubting that.

Fang smiled, "You hardly sleep I haven't seen you eat and when you do sleep it's under water...," she chuckled, "you're a mess dear."

"hmm...yeah..." I yawned and fell asleep.


I rolled over this morning to the sound of crinkling paper, I opened my eyes and sat up streaching groggily. I looked down at a small little sticky note that said,

"I'm out... I'll be back shortly

I sighed, this girl would be the death of me. Usually days, months, or years passed unchecked. I would have to kill to feel absolutly anything but as of late I had no need to kill. I drank very little in fact and although Raven's constant dissapearances irritated me they made me feel more human than I had in a long time.

Most everyone else seemed normal, except that is for Malik. Malik and I had never really been close in fact he mostly kept to himself but since Raven's arrival Malik's been more extroverted, and here I thought the boy would be gay. I'd have to be very careful, I was not fond of the idea of sharing.

I streached and ran a hand through my hair, I had no right to be possesive in fact Raven has made it clear that she intends to leave... I sighed no longer wanting to think about it I got up and headed into the shower. I'd stripped myself bare when a knock sounded at the door.

"Come in."

Clarisse walked in her dark eyes shining and her pouty lips pulled down at each side. "I'm sorry to interrupt Fang... but you must drink..."

"I am not thirsty..." I shrugged nonchalantly.

Clarisse bit her wrist causing blood to seep through, "Please Fang drink... I am worried for you."

I grabbed her wrist impatiently and drank some of her blood, than relaxed. It was a pain to admit but I did feel a great deal better now.

"Thank you Clarisse."

She bowed her head shyly and left the room. Clarisse was the only person who reguarded me this way. I had changed her a great deal of time ago,after both her parents had died.

I turned the knobs of the shower and stepped in letting the water beat at my back. Clarisse had tried on many occasions to engage in sexual actions with me, and Clarisse was indeed a lovely enough girl even when she was human. However, Clarisse is like a child to me.

I sighed thinking about Raven, I wasn't sure if she was the best choice for a partner, Raven certainly would not make it easy. Her spirit was as fiery as her hair and her personality just as mysterious as those eyes...

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off changing into a asymetrical shirt and tight jeans. I walked through the hallways humming, I felt alot better after drinking that blood.Alot more confident.

I walked to the front door opening it about to leave when I saw Cassius. His eyes were wide and he looked around nervous, he had the collar of his coat turned up and the tip of his hat bent down so that almost his whole face was covered. I looked at him confused,
"What's wrong?"

"Fang invite me in..."

I invited Cassius in than shut the door and took him into the living room shutting the large oak doors and sitting Cassius down. He did not bother taking off his hat or jacket.

"Cassius... Cassius what's wrong?"

"Where's Raven?"

"I-I'm not sure she's out, she said she'll be back why what's wrong?"

Cassius looked up at me his face bleached of all color, "How much do you know about Raven?"

"As much as you do..."

Cassius swallowed hard, "I was afraid of that..."

"What's wrong? What's Raven have to-"

"Her name's not Raven first of all... her name is Skylar Dubrinsky."

I felt my eyebrows furrow... "What's your point? It's not like my parents named me Fang..." Alot of the time vampires changed their names it was commonplace enough.

"Skylar Dubrinsky is the rouge vampire from New York City, Skylar Dubrinsky single handedly killed Delilah and half of the queen's court and destroyed the castle and I'm willing to bet that Skylar Dubrinsky is on our trail now."

I couldn't react... "H-How do you know it's her?"

Cassius pulled out a picture of a bloody captured Raven... The only difference was the length of her hair. I felt tears roll down my cheeks, I'd given her everything we told her all she'd wanted to know and more and now because of Cassius and I we were all doomed.

"What do we do now?"

My voice felt far away I should've been angry but even though I had every reason and every right I couldn't feel mad... only hurt.

"I came here to take you and Clarisse away from here... I'm going to tell my lady who will than tell the queen..."

"That's all we are going to do? More vampires will die because of us. We should set up a trap..."

So we began discussing a plan... I wasn't entirely sure it would work but in truth I couldn't leave Raven/Skylar... I had to capture her I had to try.

Cassius looked into my eyes, "You need to understand something Fang... Raven may be quiet and detatched but Skylar... Skylar's killed alot of people... some far older than ourselves and far stronger... I cannot promise that I'm fully capable of protecting you.

"I know," I said smiling tears glittering in my eyes.


I had followed Cassius's scent. It wasn't particularly easy to do since as of late I have not been using any tracking however I was eventually able to find his home. I watched outside and perched myself in a tree watching each of the windows of his small victorian style home.

Than after awhile I saw him leave swiftly, I could tell by the sound of his heart beat that something had bothered him. I watched as he flew down the street and waited a few seconds until i felt he was trully gone. I hopped down from the tree and went to one of the windows they had all of course been locked. I closed my eyes and focused on my she wolf side but controlling it enough so that my nails became sharp long daggers. I opened my eyes than pressed my nails against the window rotating it my hand until I'd carved out a hole in the window. I smiled, thinking about how catwoman used to always use this trick in the batman cartoons to get diamonds and other jewels. Only, I had a much more dangerous target. I let my nails slowly receede back to normal and gently placed the round carved out glass on the ground. I than reached my arm through and unlocked the window. Gently I opened it and let myself in.

Than I proceeded through the home quickly looking through each room, looking for anything that could be of interest.I walked up to a room with closed marble doors I tried to push the doors open but they would not budge. I became impatient and kicked the doors down the impact of them on the floor causing an echo. The room was a small study with a desk bookshelves and files. I quickly sat myself down at the desk and the first thing I saw was a picture of me back in the now demolished castle hanging from the bloody cross. My eyes were closed in the photo, I was most certainly unconcious and there was no doubt the person in the picture was me. I took the photo folding it up and putting it in my pocket. I than looked around on the desk at other files taken out.

Desdemona's movement

Eldrich Friedman's study

Skylar Dubrinsky case

Each file seemed immensely important so I scooped them all up than left the house quickly I didn't know when Cassius would be back.

I started to run back towards Fang's home/ vampire hotel but than I noticed the scent.Cassius. I stopped mid step and considered my possibilities. I could follow this scent back to Cassius and Fang or I could run...

If I ran I might be able to avoid the whole thing no one would have to die... but I couldn't run this time. If I ran everything would only get worse. They'd know I was here...If I faced Cassius and Fang I might buy myself enough time to escape.

I sighed heading back to the manor I occasionally sniffed the air to ensure that I did not run into Fang and Cassius before I was ready. Before I fought them I needed to grab my book The Royals, I already read it but maybe the book could still be of use to me. I sniffed out a safe trail and found that Fang and Cassius were not at the manor... why?

I continued walking until I bumped into Malik. Who seemed suprised and amazingly enough glad to see me. He handed me an empty backpack.

"I had a feeling I'd run into you," he smiled and held out the backpack.

I took it and walked off when he called after me.

"Wait Raven!" he walked up to me, "tell Gerard I said hi okay?" His eyes watered up.

I nodded, "thank you."

I quickly set off to Fang's room taking the backpack and shoving the files and the book into it. I looked around her room and stole a few articles of her clothes.

I than proceeded to walk through the halls, marveling at their size which I don't think I ever really fully aknowledged. I followed Fang and Cassius's scent, the she wolf guiding me reassuringly. When it lead me outside I was suprised, something strange was certainly going on. I walked further into the woods and their scents stopped at a clearing. I smiled, they were positioned to spring, Fang was up on a tree above me while Cassius studied me from behind a tree a few paces away. Both were sweating and breathing heavily, both were nervous, both were afraid.

Fang tried to vault down ontop of me I easily stepped out of the way and than I cooed. "Where are you Cassius... I have your files... I suggest you come get them."

Cassius walked out slowly, "We must kill you Skylar, you know that don't you?"

I smiled, walking around them both, "I'm very well aware, but I think it's you who's overlooking my perspective, now it's essential for me to kill you both. I have killed many of the queen's knights and have brought her castle down to it's knees, I've killed many far older than I and probably older than yourselves."

Both of them paled and looked at each other, they weren't suprised but they were perhaps hoping I would not be this confident. But how could I not be?

They both lunged at me at once, I pushed Fang away but let Cassius come at me. I defected his punch and made my hand a shackle around his wrist, I cradled the back of his neck and brought it to my mouth. He struggled weakly, I felt a surge of power as I drank him, as he whimpered in my ear, and as he finally died in my arms.


I watched in horror as she drained my maker's life away, as she wore a grim smile upon her face. How could I have fallen in love with this monster? I felt the tears spill over as she walked toward me. She wasn't quiet, reserved Raven anymore she was a fearsome animal now. Skylar. Her hair was no longer a dark rich red but now seemed bright and firey, her eyes were bright with malicious intent. No mercy. She grabbed me by my hair and dragged me over to Cassius's body. I kicked and screamed begging for mercy pleading for a God. She didn't hear me, she was past the point of mercy her eyes were set upon a grim purpose. I looked at Cassius's body screaming. Skylar tilted my head to the side her teeth gently scraping against my neck like the first night we had met.
"Look upon your master," she whispered, "know that death is coming, accept it, be comforted with the knowledge that you will join him."

I did as she commanded even now as she pierced my flesh and drank me gently. She did not make it painful, it was in fact intimant and I couldn't help but smile as the last tear rolled down my cheek and all faded into black.

I chose to allow Fang the intimacy she had always craved in life to be her final minutes. Now that they were mere bodies I carelessly tossed one onto the other and got rid of the problem the only way I knew how. I burned it away.

I didn't stay to watch the destruction, it would only be moments now until the others smelled the burning corpses. I fled letting my feet carry me as fast as they'd take me and since I was in the woods I let my body shift allowing the she wolf to be free. She was elated with the vampires' death and our body moved effortlessly. Our sinewy muscles contracting and releasing fluidly, we weaved easily through trees niether of us intent on slowing down. Even though we were running from danger we at least had those few moments to shut out the growing darkness.


Everything had been running smoothly since we left New York City behind. The pack seemed all but normal save for one person. Gerard. Now normally he had only a few mood spells here and there however lately he seems worse than usual. The worst part is his anger is directed at everyone so no one can guess the problem.

Meg has seemed concerned by this and tried to comfort him but he treated her as he would anyone else. He had even less control when he changed to a wolf. He had even gone as far as to attack me. I had fought back and injured him in the process and when I changed into a human I was swamped with remorse.

I had even eavesdropped on Meg cleaning his wound out and wrapping it with gauze.

"Kale didn't mean it you know..."

Gerard looked at her and pulled his hand away, "I know that! He was acting as an alpha should!"

Meg pouted and tried to reach for his arm but he wouldn't have it.

"Why are you so angry?! Why have you always been mad at me?! Do you hate me?! Why won't you let me help you?!" Tears streamed down her face.

Gerard sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose, "Of course I don't hate you Meg..."

"Than why...?"

Gerard saw me than looked at Meg, "I don't hate you okay? I don't hate anyone..." he hesitated but than left the room.

Meg ran to me and started crying wrapping her arms around me I gently pet her head.
Gerard since than wasn't quite so physical about his anger but he did seem to still be quietly brooding.I thought at first maybe he was an alpha male as I had acted similar when I started to reach puberty and shift. However Gerard wasn't an alpha male, he had never had problems taking orders, it had to be something but what?

Derek had always been more perceptive than me but when I asked him he refused to tell me.

"The best thing you can do right now is leave him alone, he'll get over it eventually."

Just when I decided to stop worrying about Gerard a new issue was showing itself on the horizon, another pack had moved closer to our area.

Not all werewolves were like our pack some werewolves were as bad as vampires. They were territorial, viscious, and let themselves be overrun by their wolf psyche living off impulse.

This pack seemed to be like that, they acted no better than some idiotic gang. They marked their territory with flags, made money by selling and intimidated people with their strength.
They gained closer and closer until one night we ran into them at a club. The alpha male was older than me, the whole pack consisted of people in their mid 20's to early 30's.
There were 3 or 4 girls surrounding the leader, a hispanic with stubble and long curling black hair.

I whispered to everyone to expect a fight. I told Gerard and Jason to stay on the edge of the club and watch out for any trouble, Meg was to act casual and extract what information she could. While Derek and I stayed at opposite ends of the bar waiting for any sign of trouble.

The alpha male looked at Meg and signaled at one of the other males, my guess is that was his second in command. He was a tall, muscular black man, who nodded and approached Meg he whispered to her mudering and occasionally looking back at his alpha male. Meg looked at me for less than a second and I subtly nodded, The alpha male wanted her and if she could extract information from him it's that much better.

Meg nodded to the second in command, she walked over to the alpha male and sat next to him. She laughed, smiled, and flirted with him Than tilted her head to the side looking innocent as she asked questions. I could hear Meg asking how he attained so much money and power, he hinted to illegal acts. Meg pretended not to be revolted. Than suddenly the alpha male kissed her, Meg tried not to pull away and blow everything but than his hands slid over her body and she pulled away backhanding him. I approached as he went to hit her and caught his arm. "I don't suggest you do that."

The alpha male looked at me and tried to feign a smile, but this guy was more wolf than man. He was only trying to seem aloof. Gerard was there in an instant he took Meg and helped her up than shielded her behind his body.

One of the girls who had been fawning over him left. The other two stood one cracking her knuckles the other her neck. The black man was staring down Derek, Jason was staring down one of the women.

The alpha male leapt at me, we rolled punching each other blow for blow. After that the two packs exploded into a brawl. We were 4 to 7. I had hurt the alpha male and knocked out one man by hitting him over the head with a pool table. One woman was hitting Meg's head against the bar and Gerard was getting kicked in the stomach. Jason although able to beat his female counterpart was having a rougher time with the male. I had alot longer with my werewolf abilities and therefore only I was able to keep up, I didn't want to lose our home but I more so didn't want anyone hurt.

I looked at the alpha male and sighed going on one knee as was customary and surrendered. "We will retreat from the area."

The fighting instantly stopped.

The alpha male laughed, "You fought good, too bad your stuck with this pack." He snapped and all of his pack members gathered around him and left.

"We could've taken them!" Derek yelled.

"You just gave up our home!" Meg shouted.

I looked at them quietly, if the violence had escalated, if we had all changed to werewolf form this fight could have been fatal but they wouldn't understand. The responsability, the danger, any of it.

I sighed, "go home grab your things and we'll go to another place."

My pack gaped at me dissapointed, "So that's it than?"

Derek didn't question me, not in front of the others, he would ask me quietly when we were alone. We went back to the hotel, Meg packed our things and Gerard was at the door his look grim.

"I've already packed can I talk to you alone Kale?"

I sighed and nodded, "sure Gerard."

I walked out into the hall where no one else was and shut the door hoping to avoid Meg's eavesdropping.

Gerard looked away his jaw working clearly upset, "You can't let Meg do that anymore."

I blinked suprised, thinking he would yell at me for giving up our home. "We can't let her do what?"

"Leave herself that vulnerable, Meg pretends she's alot stronger than she actually is. She could've really gotten hurt by that scumbag."

I sighed, "I honestly never thought of that, she's so comfortable in her sexuality and so physically appealing I thought we could take advantage of that."

Gerard gritted his teeth, "For a boyfriend you don't seem to concerned for her safety."

"I can't let emotions get in the way, I have to protect ALL of you."

"Yeah and you've been doing a fantastic job," he grumbled, "look just maybe remember that Meg's a girl, I respect her just as much as any other member of the pack and I know she can fight but..."

I sighed, "Fine, I'll talk to her, I'll do whatever I can to keep you all safe. Like I did tonight."

Gerard grumbled and went to his room.

When I walked in Meg's eyes were full of tears, "Kale I..."

Derek knocked, I looked at Meg, "Can this wait?"

Meg sighed and nodded, "sure."

Derek pulled him out of the room, "Why are we moving?"

I whispered, "Did you see how they were kicking our asses? Did you want me to wait 'til you were all dead?"

Derek frowned, "Perhaps Kale you should take a break I mean first Gerard than this..."

"No. I'm fine. Get packed we're leaving shortly."

I went back to the room and Meg looked at me. "Kale... do you love me?"

I ran a hand through my hair, "Where is this coming from? I thought you said you just wanted to keep things simple?"

Meg's eyes watered up, "You're right I'm sorry, I just I... and you still love..."

"No," Kale snapped, "Look I just. get out."

Meg gasped and kissed me passionatly, "I'm sorry please Kale... I love you."

I looked at her, Meg didn't know me as well as she thought she did, she clung to an idea one she had in her head but it wasn't me.

"Meg," I took her hands, "No you just think you love me."

Meg slapped me, "What do you know about me?!"

"That there's someone in this house that you really love and you just don't know it... but it's not me Meg. We're not doing this anymore. When we move into the other hotel I want you to bunk with someone else or by yourself."

I grabbed my packed things and walked out of the room as Meg collapsed to the ground.


I ran for a long time, well into the night. I stopped in a forest clearing just in time for sunrise. There was tall grass and wildflowers that glowed with the touch of the suns first rays. I had no clue where I was or which direction I had run, but what did it matter? I was sure that I had ran fast enough that I could relax for a few before continuing on my journey.

I looked at the hues of gold that somehow reminded me of Kale. I felt tears trail down my cheeks, why couldn't we have met while I was human? Why did I drag him into this? I had impacted his life for the worse but I still wanted him here. I closed my eyes and recounted every moment I'd been with him and the pack, every moment he held me close or made me smile.

"Goodbye," I whispered.

The she wolf growled, "I won't let you get rid of him that easily."

I laughed sadly, "As if I could get rid of him that easily."

I fell asleep on the grass and had my first full nights sleep. I woke up grabbing Fang's (now my) backpack, getting up and throwing it over my shoulder.

I walked into a small nearby town and quickly walked around making a map in my head. What did I need? Clothes, but stealing wasn't hard, I needed a shower, and oh, I absolutly needed to work on changing my appearance.

I looked way too much like the picture that was currently in the stolen file that was in my stolen back pack. So I would need to change my eyes and my hair. After a few minutes I found a walmart, I took a box of cheap hair dye and some bleach than shoved it in my backpack. I continued through the aisles casually than saw something out of the corner of my eye. A mirror. I looked at my reflection, my hair and eyes were obvious but my freckles might give me away too. I looked around and stole a bunch of the fairest concealer they had and a lot of make up.

"Ma'am drop that right now."

I looked up, shit an employee.

"Afraid I can't do that."

He went to grab me but I punched him in the face easily knocking him out than I ran out of the store.

I didn't stop running until I crossed the other side of town which at this point was in a matter of a minute. This side of town was much wealthier, the buildings were larger, and there were large iron gates in front of their homes.

I looked carefully and noticed that the house I was standing in front of had cameras. Somehow this all seemed odd, here were these collections of rich large homes in this little quaint town. These homes too seemed more like manors. There was no doubt in my mind these homes belonged to vampires. I tried to surpres my grin and looked around and pressed a little red button.

"Madame I'm sure whatever your selling I don't need any as you see from my home I am quite content."

The voice was clear and rude sounding through an intercom.

"As long as you have desire you will never be content, and by your home I can tell your desires are great."

I heard a chuckle sound over the intercom and something started to creak I looked over to the gates opening.

I smiled triumphantly and walked up to the front doors which of course were perfect. The house seemed though not just to be pretty but to have character, the house was a deep burgundy with accents of brown and black. Ivy plants were creeping up the sides engulfing the house and to my immense horror I found myself relaxing.

This was bad, lowering my guard was the last thing I should be doing. Yet I could feel my shoulders hanging limply. The door swung open in front of me an older balding man in a suit.

"Hello miss, please come in."

I walked into the home everything was hues of brown, green, and blue, there was no marble, glass, or mirrors. Just wood.

Somehow the look reminded me of a forest. The older man looked at me, "Please make yourself comfortable come follow me to the living room the master will meet with you momentarily."

I followed looking around, the room didn't have half the granduer of the manor I had previously been in. It had two love seats in front of a fire place with a carpet underneath. The fireplace was made of stone and a pile of chopped wood.

I sat on the carpet in front of the fireplace, feeling the warmth spread across my back. "So what should I call you? Alfred like in batman? Alfred was so cool."

"My name is Louis."

"Well that's not very interesting."

A lower smoother voice broke the conversation, "I like this girl... Your name is boring Alfred would be a nice name."

The older butler shrugged.

The man smiled, he had a very large muscular build and a scruffy small beard with dark eyes and dark skin. There was a strong accent but from where I couldn't place, suddenly my werewolf or yellow vision kicked on and next to this man I saw a gold wolf. He was a werewolf!

I tried to fight off the smile growing on my face.

"Is there something with which you would like to drink?"

I thought about it when was the last time I had a normal drink? "A water will be fine."

The man in front of me shook his head, "no no no, Alfred please 2 glasses of Savatiano."

Poor old Louis the Butler shuffled off to get the drinks at which time I looked at my host. He had a white open shirt and black dress pants his skin and hair looked to be still wet from a shower. He looked like a better looking version of those guys on those cheap adult romance novels.

"What pretty eyes you have..." He leaned extremly close to me which in reaction made me lean back.

"Thank you...uhm what's your name?"

The man gave an exasperated sigh shaking his head "But of course, pardon my manners, my name is Adelino, what is yours?"

"Raven." I had no reason to lie and still I couldn't help it. The name Raven was on my tongue before the name Skylar was.

Louis a.k.a Alfred came back in the room with two glasses of white wine.

"Ahhh excellent Alfred," than Adelino looked at me passing me the wine, "The eyes are said to be the key to the soul, and your eyes are quite interesting, for what reason are you matched with such a gloomy name?"

For a moment I thought of my mother, she told me one day why she named us Skylar and Adoni. My name more or less means sky and my brother's means sunrise, she said that the sky and the sunrise are constantly looked at for guidance and that she thought when she looked at us that we would be limitless and admired like the sun and the sky. I chuckled darkly, "Believe me the name Raven fits me perfectly," I swigged the champagne and handed the glass to Louis. "I'm gonna need somethin' a little stronger Loui."

Louis looked from me to Adelino, Adelino nodded and Louis left the room. I looked up at him looking closer at my host than my vision flashed and everything was bathed in a hue of gold and there I saw it, the large gold wolf by his side. Adelino wasn't a vampire, he was a werewolf.

I gaped smiling temporarily, than quickly I regained composure,"your like me."

Adelino raised an eyebrow, "I'm not sure I know what you mean little one."

Without hesitating I changed in front of him, the she wolf was elated at the presence of another werewolf and leapt on him, knocking Adelino over.

Adelino smiled and pet my head, "quickly change back before poor old Louis sees you and had a heart attack."

I changed back getting up from Adelino my clothes torn severely.

Louis walked in with a bottle of Scotch.

I grinned, "That'a boy!" I took the bottle and swigged it.

"Adelino, Raven will be our guest for a little while, would you do me a favor and prepare a bath for her."

Louis nodded and headed upstairs.

I looked to Adelino and smiled, "I didn't think there were any werewolves in Europe."

"There are but there are few like us. Some are scoundrels living in cities, in gutters, in hiding. Few are like us, a successful werewolf pack."

I suppose it shows how ignorant I am but I never knew a "succesful werewolf pack" could exist.

"So..." I looked around, "Where's the rest of your pack?"

Adelino smiled, "I do not need to have them live in my home they are the houses that reside by mine I feel no need to keep a constant eye on them."

I grinned, So these werewolves had more freedom too, I started to wonder about my old pack and couldn't help but feeling they were primitive compared to things under Adelino's pack.

"Why don't you go upstairs and take a nice bath?"

I nodded, clinging to my backpack, Adelino may be a werewolf but I still didn't know him well enough to trust him. I than nodded, "thanks," than I proceeded upstairs looking around for the bathroom. It took me a little while but when I got there I gaped.

The bathroom was bigger than my old room at the apartment with the pack, in fact it was at least twice as big. It was nice and open, candles were lit and the tub was filled with bubbles. The biggest source of light were large bay windows, which had a beautiful array of flowers growing right outside.

I gaped at the scenery the gorgeous array of flowers and couldn't help but smile. I disrobed and relaxed in the tub and whistled queen's "I want to break free."

I than took my backpack (previously Fang's)and took out the files, why would a vampire keep files like this? I mean we had computers nowadays and if it were hidden anywhere else but a documents folder I probably would not be able to find it.

Perhaps it was because vampires were older and not fond of computers, or maybe they wanted me to find this.

I shook my head that last part was absurd why would she want me to learn more and find these?

First I opened the file that was marked "werewolves" I opened it reading. It gave a description of myths and lore around werewolves, stuff about full moons and silver bullets, different societies names for them and the same old usual that could probably be found from a Wikipedia page. The next page gave way to a written document.

"Since the arrival of Skylar Dubrinsky, and the discovery of her abilities it is clear that this half-ling is capable of wielding great power. The threat of werewolves has been underestimated and it has become apparent to me that her capture and the eradication of the werewolf species is of insurmountable importance to our kind.

Little is known about werewolf kind and the sparse group of hunters left. Most of our knowledge of their kind is based off folklore and it is of no doubt that they know a great deal more about us. However as we struggle to learn more of them do not fear for what we lack in knowledge of them is made up by our staggering numbers. Even so we should learn more and not underestimate our foes. If you obtain any knowledge it is your duty to inform me immediately. With this is Eldrich Friedman's theories on werewolves, their conditions, what can kill them and their location. There's still much more we need to learn of them but I have no doubt in the combined effort of our species."

Skylar sighed and tossed that file lightly aside looking through the file of Eldric Friedman, which contained anatomical sketches and notes. There also within it contained a letter:

"Your Highness,
It has come to my attention that the condition of a werewolf is not much different to the genetic mutations experienced within our own kind. I am not yet sure what separates vampires and werewolves. Though I have captured one subject and analyzed his blood thoroughly.

I had made an attempt to perform an autopsy and found it to be a failure, for whatever reason regardless of whether the werewolf was in it's "wolf state" or "human state" it always returns to it's human state once it dies. This may be a defense mechanism, a result of evolutionary tactics to keep the werewolf status "under wraps" as it were.

I am aware that the werewolf fledgling is stronger than a vampire fledgling at least when in it's wolf state. However in it's human state it is weakest.

Some of the myths (similar to vampirism is based in some form of the truth)It seems that although shooting a werewolf with a silver bullet isn't going to kill them it may temporarily weaken or stun them this is of course as you know no more than an educated guess. The reasons behind this seem unclear also but I am conducting rigorous studies now to find out why. However I do not know how and if the moon affects werewolves this again needs more looking into. I will continue my studies though and allot to you whatever information I find.

Eldrich Friedman"

I found a disturbing picture next to the surprisingly old looking professor next to a boy he was performing an autopsy on. The boy had dark skin and long black hair his body adorned with strange tattoos. His muscles were cut, his flesh peeled back different needles and pins holding it back. I instantly shoved the folders back inside the backpack. I than sighed, and got out of the bath tub not even the perfect ambiance could keep me there. I wrapped a towell around myself and proceeded out the door when I saw Alfred the butler. I grabbed my bag and approached him.

"If you'd be so kind as to follow me," he began walking down a hallway as I followed distracted. The walls were covered in fine art and decorated with a great deal of taste. It was odd thus far his tastes seemed that of a vampire. I'd never seen werewolves live among such riches, I wonder how Adelino managed.

"This is your room miss, you will find clothes in the cabinet."

I looked confused, "You have women's clothes in your guest rooms?"

Alfred shrugged, "Adelino likes to entertain."

I hit my head with the palm of my hand, he was a rich, handsome man, of course he entertained women.

"Something wrong miss?"

I looked over to Alfred whom was still standing at the doorway. "No not at all... Thank you very much now if you pardon me I would like very much to dress."

Alfred bowed, "Very well than miss sleep well."

I nodded, "You as well."

I watched him leave the room and thought how odd it was that I would never age. I looked outside and saw everything bathing in the sad silver light of the moon. It seemed time passed in a blur these days, It seemed i was 1,000 years old now. Days melted into months, months into years, the past was as clear as the present, the present seemed distant, and the future... other than the queens blood seemed impossible.

I sifted through the mohagony wardrobe and put on a blue nightgown. Than the thought occured to me that this is what Tristan had to face, this nightmare, eternal life... and Adoni... he would never have a future... would never grow old... I was never going to see him smiling, graduating highschool, getting married... I'd never see him again...

I walked through a beautiful terrace, its enormous size was daunting the ground felt like ice under my feet and the air held the winter's chill. The trees and plants were all lined perfectly, as if soldiers at attention. Their were lights piercing the veil of night giving everything a gold undertone. I took a deep sigh and watched as my breath caused small tendrils of mist to rise into the air. Ther were impressive statues lining the cement aisle as well. I turned my attention towards where the aisle lead and saw a beautiful very large fountain. At the bottom there seemed to be men reaching and blowing on horns. As the fountain rose higher the gold figures get smaller until their stood on a high pedastal a woman. It seemed she was amidst chaos, but I couldn't understand the context of the fountain.

Just than he appeared, and I due to disbelief fell to my knees. It was him... his blue eyes seemed distant and sad, his mouth pulled into a straight line.

"We don't have long..."

I looked at him remebering the angle of his jaw, the sadness in his blue eyes, the shadow which carressed his face, he seemed too to have aged, not physically of course but his soul.

He walked over to me and held out a hand to help me up. I tossed myself in his arms holding him close.

"I missed you..."

He wrapped his arms around me, "I missed you too."

"You can't win."

I looked up at him, he was defeated, she had broken him. The queen broke him.

"I can't let her do this... I can't have all of this be for nothing... I can't let her live not for what she did." My voice broke and tears seemed to break free of their bonds. He kissed me hurriedly, almost absently, and ran. I tried to run to him but he ran into the darkness and no matter how much I threw myself against the wall I couldn't get through.

Than I saw Adoni, his green eyes seeming serious, he didn't hug me, didn't smile, just stepped out of the darkness and stared.

"Adoni... Adoni... it's me."

"I know who you are...."

He still did nothing staring silently. He seemed hard, not like Tristan, Tristan was always distant, always seemed to have sadness tinging his eyes. But Adoni... Adoni had been a kid, he was a little sad because of mom's death but he always had a hint of laughter in his eyes. Not anymore though, he now seemed to have resentment, anger, things that weren't very common with his nature.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why did you let me think you were dead?"

"I... Adoni I was trying to protect you please... please believe me... I thought I was doing what's best..."

"By making us think you were dead?!"

"Adoni," I reached for him, choking on my sobs begging and pleading, "I didn't mean it. Adoni... Please... I love you so much..."

Adoni stepped away looking at me his jaw tensed his eyes burning with anger, even hatred. He backed once again into the shadows.I banged against the surface angrily, my fists becoming bloody and worn. Than I saw my mother her red hair curling perfectly around her shoulders, her wide green eyes and her plump lips which were pouting.

"Oh Skylar dear..."

"This is all your fault!" I shrieked, "You brought this on me, on our family!"

Mother just stood and shook her head, "You had such lovely hair why did you cut it off?"

"I didn't want to look like you!" I stormed up to her, "I don't want to put my loved ones in danger like you did!"

"And how has that worked out for you is everyone safe?"

I teared up and fell into her arms, she was right. Who was I to judge the only difference was she stayed and I left but in the end... we both hurt people. We ruined lives, and as long as we were keeping track I'd destroyed more lives than she had.

I sniffed, "Mom?"

"Yes love?" She pet my head and I couldn't hep but revel in the comfort of her sweater's feel against my face or the smell of lilacs that clung to her.

"Do you think it's fate? Do you think it's really hopeless to fight this? Do you think I'm fighting a hopeless battle, should I even go on?"

My mother backed up for a moment and cupped my face, "That depends on you, do you believe in fate? Do you believe your life's set in stone? Do you believe that there's nothing you can do to right this wrong?"

"I- I don't know mom... I just don't know, I need help."

Mom smiled down at me sadly and kissed my forehead, "You need to find yourself again, you've been lost amidst the chaos of this past year... you've gone through so much change, amidst so much adversity and I know had you another mother maybe none of this would've ever happened. I do apologize. When you know love when you find it you'll find it hard to let go of. Than again your a much stronger person than I ever was." She kissed my head, "I am so proud of you. No matter what you choose I love you." She than let go and backed into the shadow she came from, I stared for a long time, feeling a chill creep up my spine and feeling lonlier than I ever had before.

I woke up the sun shining and my over enthusiastic host looming over me. "Good morning! Rise and shine!" I shrieked and jumped falling off the bed and wacking my head against the floor. I rubbed my head than sat up, scowling up at him.

"Oh are you alright little one," Adelino said moving to pick me up.

I whacked his arm away, "I'm not a little kid."

Alfred walked over and helped me up, "Excuse my master Adelino has no manners at all. Like a dog."

I smiled, "I'm sure you're more right than you know."

We walked downstairs and ate breakfast, Alfred had made amazing strawberry creppes which I devoured and I almost forgot about my nightmare. Almost. Little flashes interrupted my day.

Adelino smiled at me, "Why so serious? Come would you like to meet my pack?"

I blinked and nodded, I was curious as to how this werewolf pack could live so well and go undetected from vampire eyes.

Adelino went into the living room and sat himself in a comfortable leather seat. He than took out his phone and started texting and little more than five minutes people were here. I looked up to a pretty blonde girl and an average looking brown haired girl, both looked to be in there 20s than there were 5 more guys all of which had facial hair and spikey gelled hair, save for one guy who wore glasses and had black hair that looked somewhat like a bowl cut.

"This is my pack."

"Pack this is the girl that I am housing she is like us, her name is Raven and she is a welcome friend."

"She's so young," the brown haired one said.

"You're letting her be in your company dressing like that?"

I looked down at myself, just a t shirt and jeans, than again as I looked around I noticed everyone was wearing designer clothes.

I sighed, "I'm not changing. I don't have any clothes nicer than this and frankly I'm comfortable."

The blonde one bit her lip, "Yes well maybe if you'd borrow some of my clothes..."

One of the guys grabbed her arm roughly, "This is our guest remember, we treat our guests with respect." He than kissed her cheek and let her go.

Adelino pat the spot on the couch next to him, "Come here Lindsay."

"I didn't mean any-"

"Come here."

Lindsay sat down next to Adelino looking meek and apologetic. "Now the young lady says that she's comfortable, I told you she is our guest now I don't know how you treat your guests but I treat mine with respect." He raised his hand and motioned to hit her Lindsay flinched raising her arms up, but I stopped Adelino mid swing grabbing him by the arm.

He looked at me suprised, "You are a great deal stronger than you look."

I smiled, "I'm even a great deal tougher than you look." I let go of his hand.

The guy with the glasses raised an eyebrow at me, seeming more intrigued in me than before.
Adelino chuckled and looked at Lindsay suddenly acting as if he had never motioned to hit her." Raven's fond of you, that is good news, hopefully she will bond as quickly with the others."

I looked at him cautiously, "I've never seen any man hit a woman this way and I'm not about to."

The girls looked at me eyes widening, the guys seemed irritated.

Adelino looked at me, "Is that so? You said you were part of a pack didn't you?"

I answered slowly, "Yes..."

Adelino stood, "You have an aura of power, even more impressive is your ability to turn it on and off, in one move you inspired these two ladies and intimidated these men. There's never been an alpha female, we need women within the safety of the pack, we need them to mother more children of our species. It's absolutly paramount they stay and it's essential that they are properly restrained."

"That's not how my pack worked..."

"If it was so great why did you leave?"

"I left to protect my pack...," I got up and stormed out of the room grabbing my backpack.Adelino followed after, "Leaving us so soon?"

"You disgust me... How did you afford this house? Hmmm?"

He looked at me angrily, "We killed another pack for it... we had vampires help us and in exchange for they're help we work for them, killing who they need killed. Doing what they need us to do. Helping their drug trafficing."

I whipped my head around, "You what?! You're working for leeches?! You spineless dog! You're just a leeches pet?!"

"Do you know how hard it is to make it?! I'm this pack's leader and I've given my pack more than many other alpha's have. We may have to work with vampires but we hold the power and luxuries that they possess and why shouldn't we? Because of pride? Because of ancestry?"

"Why would you kill another wolf pack? Why would you ally yourself with vampires? I thought you guys were the good guys..."

Adelino chuckled he put his hand on the wall behind me, his much bigger frame looming over mine.

"Oh my dear... you've been lied to. There have never been good guys or bad guys... we are all just trying to survive... some are weak and agonize over others... the strong take advantage and live another day..."

But if werewolves weren't all good people... than who was I to ally myself with? If werewolves in their nature were just as evil... than I was all by myself. For the first time in a long time I wasn't angry, or sad, but I was scared.

I pushed him away easily, something that seemed to suprise Adelino. I backslapped him ran to my room grabbed my backpack and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I don't remember how long i ran, i just focused on the heart which beat steadily in my chest and my feet which slapped against the ground. I ran until the sky was painted a dark blue and until once again I was somewhere I did not recognize.

The lonely scared feeling I recieved when Adelino was talking still clung strongly to me. I felt myself sputtering and spitting past it's oppression. The sky vast and open got me to thinking about the realities of life. Of how I very well might live out my days all alone. It was a good thing those days were numbered. When I was human I rushed towards the future now... I didn't have one.

Finally I reached a lone sloping hill which rolled against the backdrop of the night time sky. Looking almost like a wave against the sea all having been frozen in time. I climbed to the top of the hill and collapsed there than fell into the peaceful serenity of sleep.

I woke up in the morning with the sun stabbing at my eyes. I sat up yawned and streached than grabbed my backpack (technically Fang's) and searched the Eldrich Friedman files.

They said he was in Brazil but gave no specifics. I sighed and decided that before I just march into Brazil I should figure out where exactly I was headed and better yet how I was going to get there. So I put the file back in the backpack and than headed into the nearest town.

I walked by a few people before I decided to stop an older woman. It had been awhile since I had interracted with a human so it would be quite interesting.

"Excuse me miss? Do you know where the town library is?"

She smiled warmly, neighborly kindness with no pretense or accusation. The laugh lines of her face acting like the rings of a tree. I could almost see the years if laughter and love etched on her face.

"The library's down this street and,"

Her voice faded and I couldn't help wondering if I'd look like that if I could've aged. What would Adelino look like old. Instantly I regretted the thought, I instantly felt the emptiness in my heart where my brother had been.

The older woman had stopped talking and looked at me concerned than smiled, "Why don't I take you there?"

I nodded and followed her quietly.

"Are you chilly my dear?"

I looked at her, "Should I be?"

The older woman raised an eyebrow, "well winter is coming..."

I blinked, "It is...?" I had become so unaware of my surroundings.

The older woman looked more concerned and walked beside me, "Where are you from dear?"


"Where are you from?" The older woman smiled, "you're obviously not from around here."

"Oh.... yes, I'm from America."

"America how is it there?"

It was a simple enough question but I had really only lived in New Hampshire the rest of America was a mystery to me.

"Where I come from looks alot like here..."

"So what are you doing here all by yourself?"


"Oh that must be very exciting. Well here we are," she smiled warmly.

I looked at the building, it was pretty small it could be mistaken for a nice home. Oh well I only wanted to use the computers.

I walked inside, could sense the air softening and easing as I entered. A sense of zen washed over me I than searched around the library somewhat losing sight of my goal. I traced my fingertips over the spines of the books, feeling relief at the familiar texture. Libraries and bookstores had always acted as somewhat of a haven for me and this seemed to be no exception. It's familiarity made me feel at ease.

Than shortly after I left that section whose aisles were exactly that of a library that this was a bookstore. I sighed, and at first thought to leave and than I decided that libraries were a resource and thought that maybe I could still find something useful.

I looked around and realized that I was in the "nonfiction" section. It seemed ironic now that to find out the truth I might have to stick to the fiction section.

It didn't take me long to find it, these books were leaning against the wall with a much nicer display. I looked around for awhile reading the backs of books. It took no time to find a vampire book either. In fact the whole wall was covered in them... all painting them in a at least half sympathetic light. As if they were just superheroes who just had the occasional need for blood. As if they weren't a cruel albeit well established society who laughed while practically bathing in human blood.

I read the backs of some books and stuffed them in my backpack. Than I glanced over the comic book section when I saw it. Blade.

I emptied my backpack and saw a stack of the comics. I remembered as a kid watching Blade, admittadly I'd never read the comics but frankly I didn't care. It wasn't like all the other cheeky vampire books I was looking at (though to be fair I probably wasn't giving them a decent enough shot.)

Anyway I stuffed the comics into my backpack without thinking when I suddenly heard a stern "I hope you're going to pay for that."

I winced and turned slowly. There was a man wearing a beanie, glasses, and a v-neck with his arms crossed over his chest.

I bit my lip looking up at him, than I remembered something. I remember the day after being bitten by the vampires and Kale. I remember going to Tristan's to say goodbye. Than he told me that he'd hypnotized the family he was staying with making them think that he was also part of their family.

I looked into the half lidded less than amused eyes of the employee in front of me.

"No." I said calmly.


"I'm not paying for these and you... you aren't going to bother calling the cops or giving me any trouble."

The man raised an eyebrow, "I think you should put those down and leave the store before I call the cops."

In a moment of sheer desparity and curiousity I waved my hand in a slow sweeping motion saying, "you will let me take these in fact you are happy to let me take them."

"Are you on drugs? You're seriously trying the Jedi mind trick on me?"

Yes I was. "No."

I than knew only one other way to make him get off my case. Distraction. On the wall next to me was an action figure which I took and hurled across the room breaking and shattering the window there.

The guy shrieked and ran over to the window and before he turned around I was already down the street.

I smiled. I wasn't sure if a bunch of comics were neccisarily worth the effort but at least it provided some amusment and some reading material.

After walking aimlessly around the town I found a highschool which was having classes. I thought, "I still look like a kid..." besides where there was a highschool there was a library and where there was a library there were computers.

I went inside and walked aimlessly trying to find the library and at the same time looking as if I knew where I was going. It was fascinating watching teachers and students all figuring I went here despite no one recognizing me.

I went into the library and strolled to the computers. I turned them on, and realized I didn't have a log in. Shit. I went up to the front desk where I saw a signout sheet. I than said my name was the first name on the list. They signed out a long time ago and I'm sure no one would know.

"Hi my name's," I looked down than up, "Synthia Jones, and I forgot my password." The librarian nodded and looked up poor Synthia's password and log in than handed it to me written on a piece of paper. She did this all without even looking up.

I grinned relieved and sat down at a computer and waited an aggravating amount of time for the computer to load onto the login screen. Than I typed in Synthia's log in and password finally getting access to a computer.

I looked up Eldrich Friedman who was easy to find. He was well known in the scientific world. I pulled up one report of his and read through it until I saw where he lived come up. Mato Grasso, Brazil. I pulled up another tab and looked at a map, I read about it on wikipedia. It held different ecosystem and despite it's distance from the beaches it was suprisingly good for tourism.

I than looked up cruises from England to Brazil and found a cruise that took of from Liverpoole. I than stood up and logged off. I than went into the girl's bathroom. I took my backpack off and pulled out the box of black hair dye I had stolen earlier.

I followed the boxed instructions on the back rinsing my hair through the sink. I watched the dazed and confused faces of the girls walking in to see me color my hair. Than came the part where it told me to wash my hair with shampoo so I just used the handsoap there.

"Are you coloring your hair in the sink?" Someone scoffed.

"Nope I'm just washing my hair in the sink with a box of color in my hand because I like how the water feels."

She ended up commenting on my snarkiness but i didn't care. I than sat on the ground reading my newly aquired comics while the color set in my hair.

Blade was named Eric Brooks, and before he penciled "vampire ass kicker" into his repatoir he was a private investigator.His mother was a prostitute who died during his birth and he was raised in a whorehouse. Than I felt my scalp itching and realized it was probably time to wash the chemicals out of my hair. Reluctantly I put the comic away and washed my hair. At first because of the black color circling the drain I had worried that I had rinsed too soon but when I looked up afterwards I saw a shocking mass of black hair on my head. It somehow managed to make my skin paler and my eyes brighter. The dark black made everything else pop and than I thought of what that woman said. "Winter is coming."

Somehow it seemed like winter. It was funny how much just the color of your hair could change your look. I looked a little less like a kid. I liked it. I dried my hair in about 100 of those crap brown school paper towels.

I swung my backpack over my shoulder and left the bathroom without a word. I walked through town some more and went to the nearest gas station and picked up a map. I read it carefully and noticed the marked
spot on the map where I must've been. I used the measure on the side roughly using an inch to represent 10 miles which meant London was 50 or some odd miles away making it around 80 kilometers. I took the map and left continuing my journey at a leisurley pace and wondering what would be in store once I met Eldrich Friedman. I still wasn't sure what I'd do. How I'd sneak on the cruise, how I'd fair in Brazil knowing no spanish or portugese, and if I'd kill him or not.


We had moved into a new spot. We were a bit more cramped but seemed to manage. Meg seemed to avoid me more, most of them did except for Derek. Everyone seemed more aggitated since the conflict with the other werewolf pack. Occasionally we would all go out to a club together scoping out vampires, humans, and the occasional vampire. Meg seemed especially flirtatious after I dumped her, her skirts shorter, her shirts lower, her habits more permiscuous. She thought she could make me jealous, remind me that she was a gem. It didn't work.

I tried to avoid others as much as possible, my temper seemed much more explosive. I never hurt anyone but I was prone to breaking things and getting in screaming fits. I came home with girls alot more, girls who were willing to throw themselves at a random stranger. Willing to give themselves over for a few hours of pleasure. I resented them, never remembered their names, and sent them out as soon as I was done.

One day after a particularly gruesome run in with a girl Derek knocked on my door than came in.

"Those guys that kicked us out of our last place... they're in this town. What should we do?"

I looked up at Derek his face was stern and cool, he gave away no emotion and no preferance. I've seen packs like this before O'Leary left me he had told me about these kinds of werewolves. Ones that sludged in the world of drugs and territory, kinds that liked to expand, fight, and intimidate. They didn't care who they killed, who they ruined, or the consequences of those actions, just as long as they got their way. They were no better than those damned blood sucking monsters.


I looked up, "Get the pack together... tonight we are training them into the ground. No more running I'm tired of these guys."

Derek nodded and left the room but not before I saw the ghost of a smile on his lips. I got up getting dressed and got off the bed. I balanced my body on my fists than raised the rest of my body virtically than began to lift myself up and down. I felt gravity push down on me and felt exhilirated as I pushed back. Each muscle in my body screamed and shook, but I pushed past it. It wasn't that I ignored the pain it's that in some ways I enjoyed it, I enjoyed the push, the strain, I liked seeing how far I could get before my breaking point and thus far I haven't reached it.

Meg came into the room with her hand perched on her hip. Her hair was up in a messy ponytail of black waves. Her blue shirt was tied in front revealing a sculpted abdomen. She also wore black spandex shorts which accented her curvacious hips and muscular legs. She smiled, feigning innocent flirtation.

"My my, you seem rather pumped up?" Her eyes grazed my body casually at which time I promptly set myself upright and walked up to her.

"Wipe that smile off your face,you all wanted to fight those guys? Fine. But I'm not embarassing myself like that again." I smacked her ass casually as I walked past, "now cut the shit and get a move on."

I knew that'd upset her, and frankly I was glad for it, if she thought of me as just some scumbag maybe she'd forget about us and focus on the pack. The more I heard about the south the more I realized that it was riddled with packs like the one we were going to fight. This wasn't the easy existance of the north where many would not take the risk of fighting in the presence of vampires. The south was teeming with werewolves who were all fighting for power, territory,money, and influence.

I met up with everyone in the cramped living room looking each person in the eyes. "Tonight is all buisness, this is not a game, tomorrow night we are taking on a rival werewolf team."

Jason looked around, "None of us have ever fought other werewolves."

The rest of the pack seemed to share his anxiety, "I've fought a werewolf before, I'll teach you how. Anymore questions?" Everyone looked down silent and unsure, I growled. "This isn't time for you to doubt yourselves, we are a pack we are working together to bring down this threat. This is my order."

The drive there was silent. We all crammed into a van and drove to a condemned building.

"Is it safe to practice here?" Meg asked meekly.

I looked at her, "No it isn't. Look killing a vampire is one thing but killing a werewolf that's a whole other thing. This is an older more experienced pack, our only hope is suprise and their arrogance. They can deal with any enviornment and so must we if we have any hopes of keeping our land."

Once we all pulled up to the crumbling building we got out of the car and approached our destination. It was a full moon, the blue light streamed down so that the building basked in it.
We went inside and found whole pillars knocked over, cracked, crumbling or having already come down. Windows were broken and the very foundation seemed to wobble.

"First lesson, is defense. This is more important your own safety is your upmost concern. Now by no means, and I mean no means do you change into your human form. This is when you're at your weakest especially during your transformation. Don't let yourself be backed into a corner and no matter what leave yourself space to run."

I fought each and every one to demonstrate, each failed and needed a few practices. All of them were out of breath and I looked on dissapointed. "Come now, we have only gone over the defensive that's the easiest part."

They all groaned which I responded to with a growl. They all shot their heads up already tired and worn. "I thought you guys wanted to fight wanted your homes back. It's fight now or keep running, I want to fight. What about you?"

I continued with the lesson.

"Now the offense is the hard part, we want them to change, this usually happens when one feels vulnerable. They know they can't transform or they're dead. You have to override their thoughts and make them lose it to fear. You have to be ruthless and quick. You want to corner them without being cornered yourself."

Each tried sparring, Derek and Jason got so into it that they were actually throwing hits. Jason seemed much better at manuvering Derek than Derek was Jason. However Jason would also let his guard down or become too arrogant or underestimate Derek at which point he would use force to overwhelm Jason. Gerard and Meg sparred both meeting each other move for move. The problem was that both of them seemed to think of it as almost a game, of course niether was smiling. However their kicks and punches gave off an air of being light, rehearsed, and more like dancing. I rotated fighting each easily cornering them. I than made them all transform and really practice. I made them switch partners so as to seperate Meg and Gerard.

Meg and Derek seemed a much better match, they already had a rocky relationship and had no problem fighting each other. Both of their strong points were their emotions so being mad at each other certainly helped them both concentrate.

Gerard and Jason were also much better suited since both were reactive fighters, fighters that analyze their opponent and wait. Both had a hard time figuring out the other and both seemed well matched in skill.

I made them all stop. They all fell to their knees or to the ground covered by bites, scratches, and scrapes gasping for air. Parts of the building were more damaged than when we'd entered but all in all I suppose it went alright. I walked out to the car and the others followed silently trying to keep their composure.

The pack followed me to the car and we made the silent drive home. I looked back to see Meg was sleeping her head resting on Gerard. I than looked forward.

"Do you like her?"

I looked back at Gerard, "What?"

"Do you like Meg?"

I shrugged, "well yeah I guess... Why?"

Gerard grumbled something than sighed, "no reason."

After a short while we pulled up to our place. I got out of the car as did Jason and Derek. Gerard scooped up a sleeping Meg and carried her inside. They all fell asleep shortly after, but I couldn't.Instead I went into my room, reached in one of the secret pockets of my luggage, and pulled out a worn envelope. I looked it over grazing my fingertips gently against it as I sat down on my bed.

I gently pulled the note out and saw the words that I had memorized in my head. It was the note from O'Leary, Shawna, and Cedric before they dissapeared from my life forever. I wondered how they'd feel about me now, I wondered if they ever thought about me, if they really ever even cared.

I than pulled out another envelope from my luggage the short letter Skylar wrote me before she had first dissapeared with that leach she so admired. Somehow I imagined myself wondering the same things about her.

I tried not to think of her, just like I tried not to think about O'Leary, just like I tried not to think of my mother. Sometimes, just sometimes though on nights like this I couldn't help but think of them, couldn't help but miss them and couldn't help but realize that even with the pack that I'd never been so alone.


Somehow I managed to navigate myself to London and furthermore I managed to find the place where the cruise ship was docked. I looked around carefully at the people about to board. Most were with families, friends, or lovers. After a few minutes of aimlessly walking around I found a well to do girl. She didn't look a day over 20, she had black hair and blue eyes. She was perfect. I smiled to her and pulled her aside to have her help me look for something than I knocked slapped her in the back of the head easily knocking her out. I quickly stole her clothes and her hat and changed her into my frumpy clothes. I went into my backpack and pulled out concealer which I'd stolen from a walmart. I caked enough on so that my freckles went completly unnoticed. I than put on my contacts which made my eyes a violet color. I looked back to the woman and rummaged her purse until I found her passport. There was money there too and for awhile I debated than shrugged, she'd probably need the money to get back home or something. I looked in the mirror. I may not look exactly like the woman I was trying to pretend to be but I certainly didn't look like Skylar Dubrinsky. If the guy checking passports wasn't paying too much attention than this would all go relativley smooth. I stepped out and had the girl leaned against the side wall. I than quickly got into a long line of people and waited to enter the cruise ship.

The man checking passports smiled to me. "Hello Miss Tull always a pleasure to have you," he said as he looked at the passport and absently handed it back to me.

I nodded and entered the ship looking down and walking by quickly.


I stopped midstep clutching my fists and frozen in place. I than plastered a smile on my face and turned around, "Yes sir?" I felt my hands sweat, my mind raced, and I bit my lip in anticipation.

"Your Passport?" He waved it gently in the air.

I sighed relieved and smiled taking it, "Yes sorry I seem to be out of it. Thank you."

I took the passport relieved and walked out onto the deck to the side of the ship looking out to the sea. I still had to figure out how I'd find Eldrich, I had a feeling he wouldn't exactly live somewhere easy to spot. It seemed like all I could manage was to make things up as I go along. Plans didn't work out and I had to rely on circumstance and luck.


I turned around to see a boy, he had a thick accent his skin hair and eyes were dark.

"Hi...," I smiled, "I'm sorry but have we met before?"

He grinned, "We have not. My name Miss Tull is Calisto."

"Pleasure to meet you," I smiled politely and took the hand he had offered me for a handshake.

"So how do you know who I am?"

"Your father and I are buisness associates."

"I see." I smiled, "Well it's very nice meeting you."

"So for what reason are you heading to Brazil?"

"It's a beautiful country, I've had the urge to go for awhile."

"Well I best be off, he took my hand and kissed it than looked up at me flashing his white teeth. "I hope to see you again."

I nodded and took my hand away, "farewell."

I looked around confused realizing I had no idea which room I had. I looked down the hallway of the regular wing when I heard someone laughing.

"Miss Tull visiting someone?"

I froze in place than turned carefully.

The person walked over looking straight at my face and lead me to a suite. "Did you forget your room?" she laughed lightly, "that's so typical you, always lost in your own thoughts."

She stopped in front of the door than took a card from her pocket, "it's a good thing you asked me to hold your key card for you."

She inserted the key card than gave it to me. The light flashed green and I turned the door opened, "Thank you."

"Anytime," the girl grabbed my hand smiling affectionatly. "Now please come to dinner tonight and try not too get too lost to go visit me."

"What room number are you?" I asked.

She facepalmed than sighed, "Of course you'd forget, a112 on the second floor on the left."

I nodded, "alright maybe I'll stop by," I than went into the room and closed the door. I dropped my bag gaping, the room was a dream. It was huge. Perfect. I jumped on the bed and immediatly took out the files and books from my backpack.

I reread everything and still felt no closer to knowing anymore clues to Eldrich Friedman. I also read over what the queen said about werewolves. I don't think she was worried about werewolves, not really. She was just trying to lure me out of the woodwork. This is part of why it's so important to find Eldrich... as long as he was alive they were in danger of finding and killing werewolves.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. I looked up and heard the girls voice from earlier, "Miss Tull, come on you are being waited for at the dinner."

My eyes widened and I shoved the files in my backpack and than proceeded to shove them under my bed. "Coming!"

I went over to the door and smiled, the girl from before was there her brown hair fell in soft tendrils and her blue eyes seemed to pop with her makeup. Her dress was a soft pink which seemed to go well with her skin tone.

"Oh Miss you haven't changed? Well... you've always been pretty... you seem even prettier lately though it looks like you cut your hair."

I scratched my head, I didn't know what to say people weren't usually made jealous by my appearance at least not as far as I was aware.

I stood up, and cleared my throat awkwardly, "Well... ready for dinner?"

The girl sighed and lead me down into a large luxurious dining hall. It seemed to be right out of the movie titanic... well I mean before it sank. The would shone a bright red, the rugs were detailed and lovely, the silver plates glittered and the whole dining room was filled with chatter.

We walked to a nearby table and I saw one familiar face, Calisto the man I had met on the deck. Next to him a woman who's hair was Auburn, who was pale, who looked exactly like my mother except had dark eyes. Jessica.

I blinked and swallowed hard the moment I violently killed Lestat playing over again in my mind. I sat down at the table slowly, while the girl next to me cleared her throat.

"It's lovely to meet all of you my names Amy and this is my friend Missy."

I blinked was that my name? No wonder everyone called me Miss Tull all the time.

"Missy this is Callisto and Jessica, they are buisness associates of your father."

Jessica stared at me her eyes boring into me I didn't know how much she knew, if she thought that his death was just an accident or knew I had killed him. I didn't know if she was aware that he died at all.

Jessica than smiled warmly, but they're seemed to be a dark tint to her usual warm demeanor. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Callisto smiled, "It's a pleasure meeting you again."


Callisto turned to Amy smiling, "We had met on the deck."

Amy looked at me and pouted dissaproving, as if I should've told her. The rest of the dinner was formalities. It lasted quite awhile though and Jessica's eyes were reguarding me the entire time. Finally after I finished dinner I looked to the others and smiled.

"The dinner was amazing and I couldn't have asked for better companions, but I'm afraid I may have had too much champagne and am going to retire back to my room. I hope you all continue to have a good afternoon without me."

The others wished me a good night and I returned back to my room relieved. I couldn't stay here long, if Jessica didn't already know I killed Lestat I wouldn't risk her figuring it out in my presence.

I started packing neccesities, only a few outfits, deoderant, toothbrush. Than I grabbed my backpack and suddenly some of the comics fell out.

I picked them up and put them all in the backpack one by one until I found one that fell open on a page that caught my attention.

It was a few vampires hissing and talking about Blade. Than one larger vampire slid out of the shadows and said that blade needed to be taken out. It was clear by the way the artist drew the vampire bigger and more menacing than the others that this guy was more powerful.

"You'll need more than just average strength to take out this daywalker, this dhampir, he's very skilled."

Dhampir, D-H-A-M-P-I-R what did that mean? I didn't know much about it until I read further, they were calling him a halfhuman and the word daywalker came up again.

Suddenly I heard a voice coo through the door, "Sky- Miss Tulle, come now no need to be so seclusive, we still have a great deal to discuss why don't you come out here?"


I looked around and grabbed my bag stuffing the comic inside, Than I looked out the small window running over and opening. I looked up toward the deck, it was far away but I might be able to manage jumping from here to the deck. I quickly and carefully sat myself on the window than making my nails grow into long daggers I pierced the steel ship and used it to pull myself up so that now I was standing on the small window sill. I than took my nails out of the ship and leapt upward onto the deck just as Jessica stuck her head out the window and caught sight of me.

I managed to land gracefully onto the deck, a little girl dropping her lollipop in shock having been the only witness to the seemingly impossible feat. I than ran towards the emergency row boats and climbed into one quickly and methodically lowering myself down into the ocean.

Than I looked up, there was Jessica coming down full speed, her face was calm but her eyes gave way to wild fury. Descending downwards like a crazed harpy I managed to roll out of the way dodging a lethal blow.

Than we were face to face her hair shrouding me from all else but the murderous intent in her eyes, and than I saw the tears, glistening there. Not yet falling but forming behind those murderous eyes. She went to attack me again and I was caught off guard by her impressive speed, she managed to hit me in the rib, nothing major a mere flesh wound but she had meticulously aimed for lethal organs. I was just lucky that I was quick enough for her not to hit her target.

"We let you into her home," she said thrashing wildly, I on the other hand was dodging her while trying to stay up on this little row boat. "We took care of you," she aimed for me again but now the tears were flowing more rapidly, she was getting careless and the little rowboat was shifting more underneath us.

It was only a matter of time until this clumsy dance ended and sure enough she stumbled and hit the floor of the rowboat. I didn't take any chances, I quickly was upon her and I fastened my mouth to that ripe swollen vain in her neck which easily burst allowing her life to flow into mine.

She struggled helplessly, and whispered, "The queen's onto you, you think you're clever... but she'll find you and when she does," She tried to laugh but it hardly made a sound. I cradled her neck than looked down at the tears streaking down her face, eyes half lidded her hair the color of blood. "You're a monster."

I smiled and drew out the last of her blood.

Than I grabbed the oars and continued rowing away until I no longer saw the ship. I left her body there lifeless sprawled against the floor of the little boat, I hardly know why. She looked so pretty lying there, her pale body pliant her long lashes forever carressing her cheeks. All lying in the mass of that dark red hair. Than finally when the sun had set and the stars were high in the sky I picked up Jessica's body and lowered it into the ocean,watching it sink until she was completley consumed, the recesses of the sea claiming her. Than I grabbed the oars, and continued my journey out into an expansive sea, with only a vendetta on my mind.


The pack was etching closer and closer into our territory, their scent was just a reminder of their obtrusive behavior. Finally, I'd had enough, so we walked onto their territory into their home. Their house was much bigger than ours, much more accomidating to a werewolf pack's needs.

The pack leader, allowed us in with a fake vampire-like sense of superiority. He was caught off guard by our entrance and deemed it as a great offense as most werewolves would. The room was full of tension, so thick you could cut it with a knife. Each werewolf looked at the other just waiting for that chain to finally snap.

Then it happened, one of the opposing werewolves lunged at Jason, the whole room snapped like a tightly wound cord, it was a flurry of fur, claws, and fangs. Than I looked to the alpha the rest of the room moving fast paced, except for him, he hadn't moved from his chair. He was a cocky prick, sitting there smiling. I hadn't bothered changing a wolf came at me, I swiftly dodged, he went again to attack. I grabbed him by his mouth, grabbing the top and bottom. His teeth pierced some of my fingers, but I held steady, than I snapped the wolfs jaw easily breaking it. The wolf yelped, it's bottom jaw hanging at an odd angle. This was more than just an act of aggression, this was a display that I was an alpha, I was powerful, and I was confident too.

The alpha suddenly became nervous, he turned and tried to escape. Other werewolves lunged at me, but I didn't take my eyes off the alpha, I didn't slow down my stride. The alpha lunged at me, I moved out of the way but I wasn't quick enough, he clipped my side. The blood was pouring but he didn't catch anything vital, just a flesh wound. He lunged again and I dodged this time without a scratch. I caught his hind leg and snapped it like a twig. Then I felt it, the rush, the power that surged through.

I couldn't remember how but suddenly the fight was over, the alpha's carcass laid out in front of me his organs pouring out blood. My hands were covered, and I could taste the blood in my mouth. The scariest part was that I had no idea, and that it felt so easy.

When I looked around I saw the opposing pack on their knees, and my pack was looking at me horrified.

"We mourn the death of our alpha, and celebrate the rise of our new leader."

I looked to the large black man, he was the alpha's second in command, at first it didn't register. Than I realized every pack needs an alpha and now I was theirs as well. The room waited expectantly for commands.

"I will take care of your alphas remains properly, you have all had a long day, heal yourselves,
rest, and then tomorrow we can try to make amends and get better acquainted." Then I saw the poor guy who's jaw I broke. "Meg, do you mind helping him? Don't worry she's a pretty good healer, anyone else with serious wounds can see her or Gerard, or if you'd rather you may seek assistance from one another your choice of course."

The other pack seemed suprised by their new alphas unexpected kindness, especially after the gruesome scene they had just beheld.

I leaned over the alpha and scooped up his remains and brought them outback a trail of blood following behind. I burried the body and pat the dirt over the shallow grave. Then I looked around the yard, found a small statue of a wolf and left it as a marker over the alphas grave. Kneeling in front of it I swore to protect his old pack to the best of my ability.

I walked by the bathroom and saw Meg tending to the man's jaw. Her eyes looked precise, her hands working gently, her hands were soft and suprisingly gentle. I remember discovering that the first time we'd had sex.

Meg looked up for a moment but than returned to her work. This was the only time where she was concentrated and focused. Meg wasn't bad, in fact she was capable of being nice. I'd treated her badly but she still followed me and she still would put her life above my own, maybe I was wrong... maybe Meg was right for me. She was here, she'd always be here, and maybe instead of dreaming of some girl I can't have I should focus on the one right in front of me.

Once Meg was done she sent the guy off than smiled at Kale, "What?"

I walked over to her, and grabbed her face than knelt down and kissed her. It was slow and lazy, it was slightly warm and comfortable. Meg wrapped her arms around me and kissed back, I felt her soft body press into my own.

When we seperated she grabbed hold of my hand tears rolling down her cheeks and a smile spread on her lips, and led me to her room.Maybe I was wrong maybe this was love.


I don't remember how long I spent at sea in that little rowboat, it was at least a few days. The sea went on forever with no end in sight, until finally I saw a bit of shore in the distance. I couldn't wait I jumped out of the rowboat and swam to shore, even with the waves it was easy. When I got closer I realized that it was not a beach but a dock lined with fishing boats.

I pulled myself onto the dock and sat sighing relieved.

A portly bald man came up to me, "Miss you alright I saw you swimming from quite a distance."

I looked up to the man and smiled, "I'm fine sir," I got up, "Just leaving."

The man shook his head, "I've got two little girls you seemed to be swimming from awhile away...Come the guys are on break we're making some shellfish for lunch you can have some than you can go on your way."

I smiled, "okay," I followed the man happily to a little shack on the dock, there were a bunch of men wearing overalls and boots.

"Gents I want you to meet..." The man turned to me realizing he didn't know my name.

I smiled, I wanted to say Skylar so badly, "Raven, my name's Raven."

"Nice to meet you Raven, my name's Joe, sit sit."

Joe introduced me to the rest of the guys and soon enough the food was done. Now I wasn't sure about how I liked shellfish but I was starving it seemed so long since I'd eaten FOOD. I inhaled a whole bunch of clams the men around me joking and poking fun at me.

Finally when I was able to control myself again I looked at the men, "Where am I?"

"Carolina Beach, North Carolina."

I blinked, North Carolina? I remembered the last time I came here, with Ashley I remember how for at least a little while I was able to enjoy a peaceful existance... I was forgetting myself again...

As soon as lunch was over I thanked the men and told them I had somewhere to be. They waved and wished me luck, I smiled and waved back but all I could think was, "I won't need luck in hell."

I continued walking until I hit the actual town and that's when I realized, the shanty beachtown, the beach nearby, the smell of salt water. I was here again, but it wasn't the same Skylar visiting.

Waliking down the pier I looked at the shops and went into a little dive near the beach, somewhere I used to like eating, on the rare occasions I decided to eat out. They made the best burgers and their onion rings were awesome, it wasn't even expensive. I looked over the menu even though I already knew what I was getting.

"Can I help y- OH MY GOD!"

I jumped suprised and looked up than there she was, Ashley. Her eyes were bright her smile wide, she was glowing, her long blonde hair stretching past her shoulders.

"SKYLAR!" she exclaimed excitedly, "Look at you! Oh my god what are you doing here?!"

She embraced me reaching awkwardly over the counter, "You cut your hair!"

I smiled, "Yeah needed a bit of a change," I looked at her, "It's so good to see you again."

Ashley came out from behind the counter, revealing a large protruding stomach despite the rest of her body being so small.

"Oh my god... are you-"

"Pregnant!" Ashley exclaimed excitedly.

Ashley looked so good, being pregnant strangely suited her, she seemed alot more put together and alot happier.

"Actually my shifts just ending I'll just get what you usually got and then we can go to my place and chat a bit."

I sighed happily, I know I should've said no but it was so good to see Ashley so happy... it's the first time in awhile I haven't been plagued with dark thoughts.

Ashley got us some food and we walked along the pier, her house wasn't too far off and I was suprised at how beautiful it was. It was a two story home, with that beatiful worn down look that alot of beach houses have.

"Ashley... why are you working there when you can afford a place like this...?"

Ashley smiled, "My husband bought us this place and because I don't know I like to keep myself busy." she than held up her ring finger on it a huge pink diamond surrounded by small white diamonds.

I looked at the giant rock on her finger and then the nice house, "Husband huh?"

Ashley chuckled and walked inside, and dropped her keys on a beige marble countertop, the cabinets were painted white, allowing the light from the outside to shine brightly into the room. She took out two plates, some ketchup, and drinks then went into the living room. I followed behind and we sat to eat.

The burger tasted better than I'd ever imagined, I just ate my weight in clams, and yet all I could do was eat again.

Ashley chuckled, "So what's been up with you since we seperated."

I sighed, "Nothing good... What about you how'd you meet your husband?"

Ashley smiled, "well his family was looking at renting summer homes here, they were at the docks trying to figure out what they'd do with their boat, and I was fishing. Brooklyn came up to me and asked me about fishing he didn't know how, so I told him to meet me there at 4 am the next day and I'd get a canoe and we'd go fishing. We did and one thing lead to another and we were seeing each other every day."

"Brooklyn huh? What's he like?"

Ashley shrugged, "Opinionated, stubborn, he does have a temper, but he's nice too."

I could tell Ashley was uncomfortable talking about it, I certainly wouldn't forget but I'd let it go for now.

"So do you know what the baby's gonna be?"

Ashley smiled, "He's a boy, his name's Ike William Scott"

I smiled, "I'm so happy for you Ashley things seem to be really coming together for you."

Ashley smiled, "Why don't you stay here for the night?"

Ashley was glowing, her blue eyes shining bright, I knew what I should've done, I should've said no, should've tried to find my bearings and figure out a way to Brazil. How could I say no? She was the first sign of true happiness I'd seen in a long time.

"Okay, one night couldn't hurt."

Suddenly, the door opened, a man stepped in, he was clean shaven, he had handsome dark features, he was tall, his suit was pristine, it was clear that he had money to spare, and it seemed he was a successful buisnessman. His hair was slicked back his nose straight, not a single hair out of place.

"Brooklyn, honey," she got up and took off his jacket and hung it up, "This is my friend Skylar."

He looked at me, a look of disgust flashed through his eyes like lightening, it was only a moment, a glint, but it was there and it was intense. Brooklyn looked to Ashley trying to hide the upset quivering of his voice with a serene smile.

"Honey I wasn't aware we were having company, we had some friends to meet up with tonight."

Ashley bit her lip nervous, "I know but we see them quite often and Skylar will only be in town for a short while."

There it was a flash again in his eyes, and Ashley's happy demeanor was gone, only a moment ago she'd been shining bright her radiance impossible to miss and now she was dull and meak.

I didn't know what was going on but I had a hunch and I didn't like.

For now there wasn't much I could do about it, and shaking Brooklyn's hand tried to be cordial, "It's a pleasure to meet you congradulations on your marriage. You have a lovely home."

"Thank you," he said dismissively, than looked at me curiously,"You two claim to be good friends yet I have never seen you before..."

"Yes well I'm a traveler, I hop place to place."

"Hmmm," Brooklyn seemed to dissaprove but tried to remain friendly, at least as friendly as he could manage, "Yes well pleasure meeting you, though it would've been nice to have some warning," his eyes darted for a moment to Ashley, "I'll be upstairs."

I waited until he had ascended the steps, "Is he always that bitchy?"

Ashley chuckled than stopped herself, "No he's not bitchy he's just..."

I rose an eyebrow.

"Yes he's always like that."

I smiled helping her put away the plates, "Are you happy? I mean really happy? With him I mean."

Ashley sighed, "He is the father of my child, I want my son to have someone there for him."

I sighed, "I suppose but..."

"Look," Ashley put up her hand, "I'm alot better off because of you I mean heck I'd be dead if it weren't for you, but I don't need your saving anymore I can handle this."

She was right, who was I to stop her? Hell, I couldn't even get my own shit together so it was probably good she didn't rely on me but then, why do I feel so uneasy?

"You can stay here tonight."

I looked towards the stairs, "Are you sure your hubby won't be upset?"

She rolled her eyes, "What's one night?"

"Okay but I'll sleep on the couch."

Ashley and I sat on the couch, and she had a big impish grin on her face.


Ashley smiled, "So which guy did you go with?"


"Last time you were here... There was that blonde guy who captured us that you knew and for some demented reason were into-"

"Hey he's-"

"and that gorgeous boy that was pining over you."

I sighed thinking about Tristan and Kale, "Niether, not that I've really had time to think over my romance life."

"Niether? Wait... you had your chance with two hot guys who totally wanted you and you didn't pick either."

I sighed, "Look Tristan is dead and I haven't seen Kale since..." When was the last time I saw Kale, "Probably since we'd said goodbye, here."

"Oh..." Ashley looked guilty, "I'm so sorry about your boyfriend-"

I held up my hand, "It's fine... I just don't want to talk about it." Tristan and Adoni were gone, but they'd be avenged and if there was any sort of afterlife for the three of us I would join them but not until I saw the queen's head on a spike.

Suddenly Ashley was crying, and apologizing.

"No, no," I sighed, "Don't cry Ashley," I hugged her and pat her back wondering how in the hell I became the one comforting her.

"I'm sorry," she sniffed, "It's just I feel bad here I am practically throwing my happiness in your face then prying in your buisness."

I pet her head and shushed her, "nonsense you didn't do anything wrong Ashley." She quickly fell asleep leaning on me and I couldn't help but smile a bit, a lot has changed for the both of us but this: this hasn't.

I woke up on the couch, having to cover my eyes from the violent light stabbing my eyes. I rolled onto the carpeted ground than eventually pulled myself up and scratched my head yawning.

"Graceful," Brooklyn said sarcastically.

Shrugging I proceeded into the bathroom, the cold linolium sending a shockwave through my body jolting me awake. When I looked in the mirror I couldn't help but laugh, I looked like shit. I went into my backpack and picked out a clean shirt, than I used some of Ashley's deoderant. I slipped on some shoes, than went outside and went to the beach watching the waves lap the sand.

It'd be so easy to forget my vendetta, it'd be so easy to forget myself here, but my demons, they'd follow me. So I admired the suns tender kisses on my face and appreciated the sea's gentle breeze because it wouldn't be like this. Not for long.

After awhile, I got up and started the walk home. Admiring the beach houses their worn appearances, but even here I wasn't happy, even here I wasn't free. I wouldn't be truly happy, until I followed Tristan and Adoni, until I hurt everyone that took them from me.

"I'm coming guys... just let me say goodbye to my friend."

The house came into view again, but something was different, I smelled something.My heart leapt in my throat as I sprinted to Ashley's side almost instinctivly. It was sweet and pungeant the smell filled my nostrils and I felt the venom pooling in my mouth.

Ashley lied on the floor blood spreading around her creating a dark halo her blonde hair stained with red.

"Ashley! Ashley!"

I shook her, Ashley moaned in pain than started to cry.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die."

She was sobbing and in hysterics, "Don't worry Ashley you won't die," I picked her up her blood quickly soaking my arm. I grabbed a curtain and bandaged her head but it still bled, everything was red.

I went to the phone and called 911, but she was losing blood and quick, she would die before the ambulance could come.

I went to Ashley's side, she was barely coherant she just cried and than she was quiet, her heart was so faint, and god her blood smelled so good. Like, lavendar except there was a draw to it, an undertone that made it madeningly sweet. Her pulse beat slow, like a waltz, tapping it's tempo against my hand. If I bit her I could save her, my tongue slid over my lips, just one bite.
Sinking my teeth into her neck I heard her moan under my grip, devouring her sweet nectar ravenously. I sat her up cradeling her closer, Ashley tried to move but I barely noticed until suddenly stillness, silence.


I laid her down crying holding her close, than a groan, a faint breath so faint it was barely audible.

I paniced, Ashley would she live? "Ashley," cradeling her to my breast like a child, my tears choking my desperate voice, "you won't die," My pinkie fingernail extended long and sharp instinctively. Making a small clean cut on the side of my throat.

I grabbed the back of Ashley's head, . "Drink..." I whispered, tears flowing now. "Drink and never fear death again."

Ashley was cold to the touch, on the line of life and death her lips I felt them, her tongue lapping at the life dripping from my neck. I pet her head gently, letting her enjoy the taste while her strength was waxing.

Only when I heard commotion did I interrupt, and Ashley begged for more before crumpling in extraordinary pain. She screamed and thrashed, she begged for the death she'd just escaped.

Scooping her up there was little time to do anything but run, and I ran, until my body had collapsed from exhaustion. When I looked up to the open field, the moon high in the sky a threatening red. The dew clung to the grass, my own sweat dripping down my body, and the night was cold, as cold as I was. Looking down at Ashley, she was beautiful the breeze playing with her hair, her eyelashes sweeping over pale cheeks.

I lied her down on the cool ground and than I heard it, that long eerie absence of sound, the sound where her heartbeat should have resided. Ashley lied there a long time, than I saw it, the haunting cruel stain that spread between her legs. That cruel unforgiving red, that red stain that had taken from me, that I had spread myself. The tragic red stain that would never laugh, would never smile... that red stain that could've... but never would. Tears rolled down Ashley's cheeks, the moon basked her in light, and the beginning of her new life began with that bloodstain and when her eyes opened filled with tears, there the blood stain continued to reside.

I allowed Ashley some time to mourn for her child as the sun rose, it too a bloodfilled red.

What had I done?


The next morning the sun had shown through the windows and I was lying in bed suprisingly alone. Typically Meg would be holding me close, typically I'd feel her warm soft body next to mine. Comforting. Caring. She was probably used to dissapointment, Why was I so mean to those who cared most? Why did I always push the people who were close to me away? How come I only loved those that were bound to leave me? Not anymore, now I'd watch over my pack, I'd try. This time I'd make it all work, this time I'd work on getting along without them. Skylar, O'Leary, my mother, their memory wouldn't drag me down, I would not be chained. I was an alpha, a strong one, I protected others, and now I would finally take care of myself. "Hear that O'Leary I won't let you chain me, hear that mom you can't haunt me anymore, hear that Skylar?"

I got out of bed, and streached walking over to the window. The sun embraced me, and rejuvinated me, licking the wounds, pulling back the curtains. Today was a new day, with a new pack.

I put on a pair of jeans and a plain gray shirt found in the drawers of the previous alpha. I walked downstairs into the kitchen where Meg was occupying herself by attempting to cook, ATTEMPTING being the key word. The smell of smoke was enough to bring the whole pack downstairs. Meg and the other werewolf girl were covered in flour and chuckling.

Meg smiled, "morning Kale, wanna try some?"

I walked up to her and pecked her lips," As tempting as that sounds how about we go to a diner?"

Meg seemed taken back but than smiled, "alright."

The other wolves from the pack were yelling at their girl for causing a commotion. The girl lowered her head and put her hands up defensively. I looked at the guys, "We don't treat our women this way in our pack."

"Women?" one of them asked puzzled.

Derek sighed, "There was one girl who used to be here.."

The air somehow changed uncomfortably as the newer members of the pack were no doubt confused. There was no other way of life, a pack member leaving let alone a female was beyond comprehension. Skylar was more than just a pack member she was more...

Than I looked down to Meg who was tugging my arm and pouting, she looked like a child. I put my forehead against hers, I should've found comfort in the gesture, but I'd keep trying.

Finally after a long awkward quiet silence one of the guys from the other pack smiled, "We could race there."

Meg put her hands on her hips smiling confidently, "I have to warn you I hold the title for the fastest runner."

The guys in the other pack raised their eyebrows, it was uncommon for a female werewolf to speak like that, in alot of ways I've sheltered her, in fact sheltered them all to the brutish truths of pack living.

The same werewolf smiled and stepped forward grabbing her foreharm and giving it a firm shake, "Let the best man win."

Meg grinned and took the guy's forearm, "let the best woman win."

Than they both took their positionseveryone followed them out of the house, than they dashed off ripping off their clothes and shifting. I knew Meg would win her confidence wasn't misplaced, in fact she was the fastest werewolf I'd ever seen, except maybe for Shawna... but it had been a long time since I'd seen her run. Then others took off their clothes shifting until everyone but me, and the other werewolf girl were left.

She turned to me her bright green eyes shining as she smiled, "Thank you Kale."

"Your welcome..."

"Tiffany," she than smiled and took my hand running until both of us smiling and running exploded out of our clothes and wore our fur.

The sun shown overhead, my muscles, my heart, and everything else seemed somehow in tune. I would forget those people, those ghosts that haunt me, I had a pack, they were my family, and I had quite a few more members now. I didn't need them, those people who pull me under... I don't need them... I don't need them...


Ashley hadn't moved from that spot for a long time, she didn't say a word and neither did I... after all what was there really left to say? Not only did I drag Ashley into this bloodied world but as a result I killed her baby, and was I really saving her? Afterall I was a wanted woman, but I couldn't leave her, she has no one now. I couldn't explain it either, but somehow I suddenly felt stronger for her, more protective.

But my protection resulted in death, I couldn't hide anything from her, I couldn't lie to her, I couldn't leave her, I'd tried that. It hadn't worked and now I had to not only burden her with this curse but bring her into danger in the hopes that maybe bringing her, maybe the knowledge would save her.

Ashley sat up, I looked over, Ashley's eyes were still filled with sadness and she looked straight ahead.

Then a horrible thought floated to the surface, What if I'd done this just so I didn't have to be alone?

I hugged her and kissed her head, not even i would do that... right?

"Ashley... are you ready to go?"

"Where are we going?"

"To find out what I am, I have alot to tell you...Come on."

I began telling Ashley about all the people I've been chasing, those I'd killed, what I knew, and soon I was telling her less important things like my nightmares, like the bad werewolves I'd met, that my brother and Adoni were all I thought about, that I wanted more than anything to kill the queen.

Ashley listened, she didn't interrupt, just listened and for the first time in a long time I was actually telling someone everything. Maybe I needed Ashley, maybe she wasn't the weak one, I was.

"So we're going to see this Eldrich fellow? How do we know he'll help us."

"He's interested in researching me anyway..."

"Aren't you worried he'll hurt you?"

I chuckled, "At this point there's not much he can do to me that hasn't already been done."

"What if he tries to kill you?"

"The queen hadn't had much luck thus far."

The she wolf interrupted my thoughts, "Don't be so cocky, it's not like you got away scott free."

I smiled, "Long time no see, I was beginning to wonder if I'd actually managed to get rid of you."

She huffed, "Hardly, though I might as well you never listen to me."

"I'll try to listen more often."

Than I caught a glimpse of Ashley staring confused, "Wow you've been alone for awhile huh?"


"You were talking aloud, seriously I can't believe I'm stuck with such a.."

I laughed, "Oh Ashley, it's a werewolf thing."

"Don't tell her!"

"Talking to yourself is a werewolf thing?"

"We have a thing called an inner wolf, like a guide... I don't know exactly how it works..."

"Do all werewolves get one?"


"No," the she wolf interjected, "Alpha males and... I suppose you."

"No," I replied, "I suppose just one more way I'm a freak."

Ashley smiled, "So I don't have to sleep in a coffin?"

I sighed, "You know I don-"

"What about garlic?"

"I'm actually really fon-"

"What about a steak to the heart?"

"I'm pretty sure it doesn't-"

"Are you allowed into houses without being invited?"


She giggled running, " Can we be in the sun!"

"We're in the sun!" I chuckled and chased after her, watching her blonde hair wave behind her like a banner, Ashley and I needed one another, and now she'd come with me, she'd know what I knew, and maybe before I met the queen, before we both died I'd have someone... and hopefully by then Ashley would have someone too.

We flew through whole states weaving through trees our laughter filling the woods with life, sunlight occasionally pirced through the treetops than suddenly Ashley stopped. I walked over to see her staring, I looked over to see and I gaped in horror at what she was staring at.

A small child playing in a yard, he couldn't have been more than four years of age, he was so small playing he had not yet noticed our presence and continued playing with the ball.

"He smells so sweet," Ashley sighed, she than knelt down, "Sweetie," she called in a sing song voice, "Come here."

The boy looked up and hesitated he looked back at the house, than walked over and handed her the ball.

Ashley smiled and held the ball, "Thank you sweetie," she pet the side of his face, "What's your name honey?"


"Well Billy didn't your mommy tell you not to talk to strangers... It could be dangerous."

My brain wasn't focusing, hadn't she just lost her child?


She didn't seem to hear me and kissed the childs forehead and seemed for a moment to be inhaling his scent.

Ashley leaned forward her teeth her incisors long and bared than she leaned over, I grabbed her by the hair and yanked her back. For a moment Ashley became savage and thrashed out at me, I dodged and yanked her up by her hair.

"I want him!" She cried screaming, "Skylar I'm so hungry!"

I sighed, where other werewolves like this I looked at the boy and hissed "I suggest you leave... NOW!"

The little child ran home crying and I was made to deal with my own child.

"Will you be good?"

Ashley nodded tears rolling down her cheeks and I let go of her hair.

"Lets get you dinner."

I stopped in at a local library that was about 5 minutes from being closed for the day, I quickly found the location of the nearest blood bank.

I got there and requested blood, they asked who I was and I gave them the name I'd used before "Raven Smith," not very creative but it got the job done.

The woman behind the desk allowed me the packages of blood but gave me a look.

Ashley was so ravenous she was shaking from the effort not to consume it all right there.

Ashley and I went to leave but not before two guards approached us both big, both handsome, both undoutably vampire.


They both approached me I dropped the blood on the floor. "You fuckers!" I headbutted one and punched the other so that he coughed up blood, "Ashley," I said poison dripping from my mouth, "Kill the woman at the front desk, take her into the bathroom... drink her dry... than bring her body back to me... No one else though."

Ashley didn't need to be told twice she left the room quickly in search of her pray, I looked up at the corner where a camera looked on I smiled and leapt up and ripped it from the ceiling, "We don't need an audience do we?"

I broke the other one's leg easily, as I kicked him I felt his knee cap snap underneath. The men begged, pleaded, and finally I smiled, "Tell The queen Skylar is coming for her, and that I'll drink her til there's nothing left."

Both men scrambled up but the one with the broken leg shuffled slowly.

"Come here.."

The vampire tried to escape, I walked over and elbowed him in the back of his head, making him slam face first into the ground, there was a blossom of red I flipped him over to see it had come from his forehead.

He groaned, "You crazy bitch, I can't wait til the queen makes dog food out of you."

I smiled, dog food, cute. The she wolf was excited at the prospect of tearing him apart, So I let her momentarily have her fun.

She sat on top of him and moved against him than kissed his neck, lapping up the blood.

He moaned softly underneath, grabbing her hips and moving her.

The she wolf smiled, "Mmmm, then she let her teeth grow and her nails on his chest became claws digging into his chest, the moans of pleasure quickly became moans of pain, but she enjoyed it, both of us did. The absolute power. She sank her teeth into his neck and tore out pieces of flesh than she became the she wolf. The horror on his face grew as she tore into him, he shrieked and thrashed.

His entrails staining our teeth, his blood covering our black fur.

Until finally the she wolf had knawed the last piece of meat of the bone."

The she wolf allowed Skylar control again, and Skylar with her clothes torn lied on the ground a smile spread across her face.

Ashley walked in, stained with blood herself her eyes grew wide, "You ate him?!


"Do you always eat vampires?"

The question caught me off guard, "Hardly ever, I typically need just blood, eating someone is more of a power thing."

I wondered how I knew this and I could almost see the she wolfs eyes roll and I chuckled.

Ashley raised her eyes, "You are weird even by vampire werewolf standards... should we clean this stuff up?"



"Come on we have to focus now it will take us two days of running grab some blood bags, here put them in my bag."

Ashley stuffed some bloodbags in the backpack then looked at me, "anything else we should do?"

"Wash up? At least attempt to, there's nothing we can do about clothes."

Ashley sighed melodramatically.

"Two days. You'll be fine."

"What about showers?"

"I'm sure we'll find a lake or something on the way."

"A Lake?! Aren't vampires supposed to be rich?"

I've only been around for like a year and I'm a fugitive give me a break, now come on we need to hurry before more come."

Ashley and I ran as fast as our feet could carry us, in a few hours the moon hung high in the sky, and lit our way.

Ashley wasn't as fast as I was but she could still managed and we tried to keep pace, until at one moment it seemed our steps and breathing were at the same rate. Today was a long day, emotional, hectic, but I was glad to have someone, anyone who I wouldn't have to leave. The oddest part was that the she wolf seemed to enjoy it too, it was so good to be a part of something, anything again.

Running had felt so much like meditation now, everything else was stripped away until it was just muscles contracting and releasing. The sky and and streaching on until they both seemedto become one, we only stopped by a lake for a short time to take a drink. Ashley drank two of the blood bags ravenously.

I peeled away my clothing jumping in the lake scrubbing out the blood than I washed my clothes, the water around me causing little clouds of crimson to swirl around me.

Ashley dove into the lake swimming and smiling, "Mmm niccee."

"Don't get too comfortable we're just trying to get clean."

Ashley pouted, "Can't we just relax a little?"

Getting out of the lake I looked over my shoulder, "No, hurry up."

Ashley groaned loudly, I cared for Ashley and I was glad to have company but did she have to be so whiney?

"So, what's the queen like?"


Ashley shrugged, "What is she like?"

"We didn't exactly sit down and have tea but she did torture the shit out of me try to burn me alive and oh yeah kill my boyfriend and my little brother."

"You had a boyfriend?"

Pausing for a moment I mulled it over,"Well somewhat... I mean... Tristan and I things were complicated..."

Ashley swam around, "Did you love him?"

I snapped, "What's with all the questions?! Finish up now!"

Ashley pouted, and quietly washed hersef and her clothes, "I didn't mean to pry..."

I sighed,"It'sokay... it's just I haven't talked about it to anyone yet and I don't have the time to be sad or cry, remember we're running."

Ashley nodded, weput on our clothes despite them being wet and continued running, the sun rose bursts of red and yellow stabbing through otherwise dark ble skies, until the sun rose high overhead and the skies turned a lighter blue interrupted only by whisps of white until finally the sun set again.

I chased the sky, if it was possible I'd reach the horizon, I knew it was an impossible task but it seemed my whole life was littered withimpossible tasks. Only a little while ago this reality was impossible, only a little while ago my life was slow and quiet. That's so long ago, seems like a different life alltogether.

Than there was the moon, and for awhile we had run withthe same vigor we'd had when we started. Ashley stumbled on the ground and sighed, "Can we stop for a bit please?"

I sighed I could see desert right ahead of us, I could see that we were just a few hours of sprining away but Ashley was already asleep. Her beautiful yellow hair strewn around her, her face seemed to darken,as if Ashley only acknowledged her sadness in her subconcious.

I didn't sleep,I didn't feel the need I just watched Ashley her long eyelashes brushing her rosey cheecks her sweet mouth slightly turned down on the sides, her eyebrow furrowed and her movements desperate only the sound of her soft whimpers cut through the night.

The sun rose piercing through the black turning it into a dark melancholy blue, turning to Ashley I shook her shoulder waking her. Her eyes fluttered open, she yawned sitting up and leaning on me.

"It's beautiful."

I pet her head and smiled, "Yes, yes it is."

Standing we took one another's hand, and we ran again but this time it wasn't out of fear and it wasn't out of need, it was out of want. I wanted to track down the sun I wanted to burn.

The sun rose higher and higher in the sky, the scenery changed more dust, less buildings, than more buildings again, but things were different children all by themselves in odd places building's falling apart, Ashley and I slowed dramatically upon seeing civilization again.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.03.2011

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To Fred. I miss you, and I couldn't have ever asked for a better companion. R.I.P

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