
Chapter 1

I stepped inside the small cafe and breathed in the heavenly scent of brewing coffee.
"Mighty cold out tonight, ain't it?" smiled the man behind the counter. "Would you like me to take your coat?"
"Yes, please," I smiled back, and stomped the snow off of my boots.
"Can I get you anything?" he asked as he hung my coat on the rack.
"A cup of coffee would be great," I replied, and took a seat at a nearby table. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, momentarily allowing the heat of the cozy little place to transport me away from the brutal reality that is winter here in Seneca Falls, New York.
"Would you like any sugar or cream in this?" the man interrupted my reverie.
"Um, no, black is just fine, thank you."
He nodded, and left me to my own musings. As I waited for the drink to cool, I allowed my eyes to wander around the cafe's interior.
Two men sat at a table in the corner, each alternating between telling some tale and taking sips of beer while the other spoke. A prudish looking woman- resembling my childhood librarian- occupied the table next to them, typing furiously on her laptop and sniffing every few minutes.
I lifted my cup and blew some steam off the coffee and took a few tentative sips. When the drink didn't scald my throat, I gulped it down, and motioned for a refill.
Suddenly, a disheveled looking man plopped himself down in the chair next to me. "Hey there, darlin'," he grinned, breath reeking of alcohol.
"Get lost."
"Ah, come on, honey," he reached for me, making smoochy noises with his lips. "That shirt of yours would make such a lovely addition to the carpet in my bedroom. What do you say?"
"I say hell, no."
"I'd take my offer if I were you," he laughed, too drunk to take my no seriously. "It's an incredible one!"
"And yet, strangely, I find it extremely easy to refuse," I replied dryly. "Leave me alone."
"Hey, now, no need to get fresh with me," he frowned. "Just a little fun, that's all I'm looking for."
"If you want fun, go stick your head in a toilet," I said. "That would be pretty amusing."
"Now, that wasn't very nice!" he slurred, sounding pretty annoyed. "I'll have to teach you some manners!" He clumsily grabbed my arm and attempted to yank me towards him, but another hand clasped his wrist.
"That's enough of that," spoke a rich, baritone voice from behind me. I spun around to face my rescuer. He was a muscular man of about 30 or so, with a bronzed face, shining brown eyes, and a warm, tempting smile. In short, he was the type of man I thought existed only in fairy-tales.
"And what do you know about respecting women, eh, Romeo?" the drunken man's face flushed a deep red as he struggled to his feet. "You probably want the same thing outta her that I do!"
"Romeo" laughed. "The only partners I take on are willing ones, buddy. Now let me call you a taxi. It's not safe for you to be driving like this."
"I can call a taxi all by myself, pretty boy," the drunk stumbled off. "You'll have no better luck than I did, though!"
"My name's not really Romeo," the handsome man turned towards me. "My name's Ali. But I am pretty suave with the ladies, know what I mean?" he elbowed me.
Gorgeous or not, if this man thought he had any shot with me, he could think again. "Sorry, pal. I don't do one-night stands." I started to head towards the coat rack, but Ali cut me off.
"Easy there, Firecracker," he chuckled. "I don't go for the innocent and inexperienced ones , so you got nothing to fear from me. I like 'em bold and naughty. You don't strike me as a very wild woman, but I could be wrong." His eyelids lowered and his voice deepened. "Do you think you're bold?"
My cheeks burned, and I averted my gaze to the floor.
"That's what I thought," he grinned. "Do you need a ride?"
"No, I'll get a cab," I said, pushing past him and grabbing my coat. I slapped a $5 down on the counter, and headed for the door.
"Aw, don't be that way!" Ali followed after me. "I'll give you a lift. It's cheaper than cab fare," he held the door as I stepped back out into the freezing winds.
I sighed. "Fine, but only a ride. Don't you think for even a minute that I'm letting you inside."
"Not even for a glass of wine?" he led me to his car, a shiny, silver, brand-new Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 617. "I promise I won't make any advances on you."
"No," I replied firmly, stepping into the passenger side.
He slipped behind the wheel, and turned the ignition. "It's such a beautiful, snowy, Friday night! Don't you want to relax for a bit, celebrate the end of a week?"
"I don't need your help to relax," I said. " I don't do letting men into my house."
"Sounds like you don't do any

thing," Ali muttered under his breath. "Where to?"
"Just a few blocks that way," I pointed. "Over on Blender Avenue."
"So, you work?" he asked as we drove.
"Yes," I replied.
"Where at?"
"Geneva Medical Institute."
"Oh, are you a nurse?"
"No, doctor," I said.
"You're a doc?" he grinned. "Ooh la la! Not only beautiful, but smart, too!"
I couldn't help the smile that pulled at the corner of my mouth. "How about you?"
"I'm co-owner of the gym downtown," he responded. "Chicks dig a guy who works out."
"Oh, please," I rolled my eyes. "Men and their egos."
"Now, just what is that supposed to mean?" he pretended to pout.
"It means that all guys think they're bigger and better than everyone else," I taunted, finding myself at ease with his playful and infectious personality.
"Well, what if I am?" he retaliated.
"Are what?"
"Bigger and better?" he wiggled his eyebrows. "I'll have you know I'm pretty well endowed."
I groaned. "You're incorrigible!"
"I knew there was a word for it!" he grinned, and I laughed.
"Turn right here," I pointed, "and then go all the way down."
Ali glanced over at me. "Pretty nice house you got," he said. "Do you live all by yourself?"
"Well, Nora's here during the weekdays," I replied as I undid my seatbelt.
"Nora? You live with another-oh, sorry, Doc. Didn't realise you rolled that way," Ali gave a half-smile.
I laughed. "She's not my partner, you goof. She's my maid!"
"Oh!" he stuck out his tongue. "My bad."
I shook my head and smiled. "You're charming, I'll give you that much."
"Does that mean you'll let me in?" he flashed me a grin that belonged on Hollywood screens.
"All right," I sighed. "But just for a glass of wine!"
"Of course!" Ali did his best to look angelic. "What else would I want to do?"
I raised one eyebrow, and he laughed. "Don't worry, Doc. I told you, you ain't my type."
"Sure," I replied dryly. "Now hurry up, it's freezing out here!"

"You ever been married?" Ali stretched himself out slowly on the couch, his muscles rippling underneath his skin-tight black shirt.
"Nope," I said, pouring two glasses of wine any trying not to let it show how strongly his masculine body affected me.
"Why not?" he asked, propping himself up on one arm as he took the glass I offered him.
"Marriage and medicine don't mix," I shrugged, purposely taking a seat on the opposite side of the room.
"Chicken," Ali taunted, eyes glittering mischievously over the rim of his glass as he took a drink.
"Don't know what you're talking about," I smoothed my blouse.
"Yeah, you do. There's plenty of room on this couch for two, and you're sitting way over there."
"I'm not chicken," I sipped at my wine. "I'm also not stupid."
"There's nothing wrong with sitting close to me, you know," he put his glass down and stretched his arms out over his head. His eyes watched me, judging my reaction, knowing full well how tempting he was. "Come sit next to me. I don't bite."
"Yeah? Well, I do. So don't get too close."
He laughed. "Come on, Doc. I'll treat you right, I promise."
"Oh really?" I scoffed.
"Let me show you how well I treat women," his eyelids lowered, and his voice took on a sensual tone. "I'll bet you'd be surprised."
I gulped as shivers went down my spine, and I mentally scolded myself. I should have known better than to let him inside. I was completely alone with an absolutely gorgeous man who was well acquainted in the art of seduction. If I thought I could get through tonight unscathed, then I had some ocean front property in Arizona to sell myself.
"Come on," Ali's eyes swept up and down the length of my body, causing a pool of liquid fire to build between my legs. "You know you want to."
"Actually, no, I don't, so if you'll excuse me, I have to-"
"You ever been with a man, Doc? Like, really been with a man?"
"No, and I don't intend to start now," I hoped I was doing a better job of convincing him than I was convincing myself.
"Why are you so against a little passion?" He turned his neck first one way, and then the other.
"I don't even know you!" I said. "And you don't know me! You don't even know my name!"
"What is it?"
"Your name," Ali grinned. "What is it?"
"Oh. Claire," I answered.
"Nice to meet you Claire. Fuck me."
"Excuse me?" I shrieked, and rose to my feet.
"Claire, you know I want you. And I know you want me. So why are we arguing?"
"Because it's not going to happen!" I said, biting my lip. "I won't let it."
Ali sat up and rested his arms on his legs. "Tell you what, Doc. If you can come over here, look me in the eyes, and tell me you won't make love to me, I'll back off."
I stared at him, and he stared right back. "I thought I wasn't your type," I croaked in one last futile attempt to avoid the inevitable. "I thought you liked 'em wild."
"I could make you wild," an amused smile pulled at the corner of his mouth.
I began walking towards him, and he stood up to to met me. I had every intention to walk over to him, look him square in the eye, and tell him no, but somewhere along the way, my walls broke down. By the time I reached his side, I was consumed by a hunger the likes of which I'd never known, and I crashed into his arms, my lips eagerly seeking his.
His mouth came down over mine, and my knees gave way to the fire waves of desire sweeping throughout my body.
His strong arms held me up, and I pressed against him, wanting him in the worst way.
He lifted me up off the ground, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I could feel the hard staff of his need in-between my legs, and it made my head spin. He kissed like a god, causing colours of brilliant light to explode all around me. The kisses grew more and more passionate, and I whimpered out of sheer ecstasy.
"Ali!" I gasped hoarsely, squirming in his arms against the ache growing in my lower abdomen.
"Where?" he asked, his voice echoing the desire inside of me.
"Up the stairs, first door to the right," I answered, nibbling down his neck and clutching at his rock solid chest.
He carried me up the stairs and into my bedroom, caressing me with lips and hands the entire way. He closed the door behind him, and placed me down on my bed. He switched on a lamp, and removed his shirt and draped it over the light, casting the room into a dim glow and creating the ultimate sensual atmosphere. He turned to face me, lust written all over his features. "I thought you didn't do one night stands, Doc," he grinned, situating his flawless body over mine.
"And I thought you didn't dig innocent and inexperienced women," I gasped, wanting him to kiss me again.
"Touche, Doc," his mouth reclaimed mine, and his fingers skillfully began roaming around my body. He nimbly unbuttoned my shirt, kissing the skin on my midsection as he went.
"Where are you from?" I blurted out, blushing at how out-of-place the question sounded.
"Hmm?" he looked up at me, and his hands went around my back to undo my bra.
"Your skin," I moaned in delight as his fingers caressed my breasts. "You're so tan."
"I'm from Saudi Arabia," he replied.
"No accent?" I gasped as his mouth descended on my nipple.
"I've spoken English since a very young age," he said as his fingers ventured lower and undid my jean fastener.
I cried out as his fingers crept down and found the soft flesh that so eagerly awaited his touch.
"Doc, has anyone ever told you you're beautiful?"
"I'll bet you say that to all the girls," I moaned.
"Think again," he murmured. "You've got a fantastic body. I want to be inside of it."
"Then do it!" I pulled his lips down to mine. "Ali, take me! Now! Please!"
He nodded and removed his jeans, casting them aside as I pulled his briefs down to his ankles.
"And I thought naughty girls were tempting!" he chuckled. "I can't remember the last time I had a hard-on this strong."
I thrashed about wildly against the hurricanes in my stomach, and he pinned me in place. "I didn't bring anything, Doc."
"Any what?"
"I'm on the pill," I said.
He grinned. "So you're a virgin?"
I nodded.
"this is gonna hurt a bit, Doc. But not for too long." His lips found mine again, and he entered me. I screamed into his mouth. There was a momentary flash of pain, but it was quickly forgotten as the passion and ecstasy of our lovemaking took over. Our hips moved together in perfect unison as he buried himself so deep inside of me I couldn't tell where I ended and he began. The tension in my stomach built and intensified with every passing second and my body screamed for release.
"Ali!" I cried.
"Just a little bit longer, Claire," he rasped. "Ready? Now!"
My body followed his command, and we exploded together in a beautiful harmony of pure bliss. I buried my face into the corner of his neck, kissing and licking the sweat off of his skin.
He remained motionless for a few moments, then turned over and laid next to me.
"Ali?" I whispered.
He smiled, shook his head, and brought one finger up to his lips in a motion for silence.
I tucked myself up against him and rested my head on his chest. He strong arms wrapped around me, holding me close. The sound of his steady breathing, combined with the energy expended in our lovemaking, I soon drifted off into a beautiful sleep.

Chapter 2

I opened my eyes and started to sit up, gasping at the sharp ache between my legs.
"Yeah, you're probably going to be sore for a bit," Ali spoke. "This was your first time, after all."

I turned towards his voice. He stood next to the bed, fully dressed except for his shirt, which he was currently pulling on over his head.
"Are you leaving?" I propped myself up, and pulled the sheets up to cover me.
"Yeah," he rolled his shoulders. "Why?"
"I dunno," I shrugged.
He gave me a strange look. "It's called a one-night stand for a reason, Doc."
"So, it didn't mean anything to you?" I pursed my lips. "Nothing at all?"
"Whoah there, Doc," he chuckled. "I don't do attachments, remember? Last night was great and all, but it was

just sex."
I nodded, and bit the inside of my cheek. "Okay."
"Hey, now, don't be like that," Ali frowned. "You're a real neat lady, Doc. Pretty, smart, and funny. There's bound to me a million men out there in love with you. I'm just not one of them."
I smiled and nodded.
"Tell you what," he sat down on the bed next to me. "If I ever do decide to pursue a relationship, you'll be the first to know, 'kay?"
"Okay," I said.
He kissed me soundly, then stood to leave.
"Do you go to the cafe a lot?"
"Hardly ever," he gave me a wistful smile. "I live downtown, and this is actually the first time I've ever been out here to this little place. Unless you happen to come to my gym, or I have to come to your hospital, it's unlikely I'll ever even see you again. Sorry."
"Oh. Well, then, bye I guess."
"See ya, Doc," he grinned, and then he was gone.

I checked my clipboard, and turned to Nancy. "Has Ollie improved at all since this morning?"
The nurse grimaced, and shook her head. "He's still running a high fever, and he can't keep any food down. Kip's gonna take him in for an Ultrasound."
"Poor kid," I murmured. Ollie had come in earlier this morning with a bad stomach pain. We put him on pain meds, but as soon as they'd worn off, the aches had returned. "How's Danni?"
Nancy grinned. "She's great! Kip might even let her go home today!"
Kip Brighton was the head doctor of the pediatric ward, where I was temporarily stationed. I usually worked in the ER, but one of the other pediatric doctors had left on maternity leave, so I'd stepped in, since the ER staff could handle without me.
"Claire, you've been a naughty, naughty girl," came Kip's voice from behind me.
I shrieked and spun around to face him. "I swear, Kip, it wasn't my idea! It was just for a glass of wine, and then he-"
"Claire?" Kip tried to interrupt, but I had to lay out my defense.
"Plus, it was almost two weeks ago, Kip! I swear it won't happen again!"
"Claire, what the devil are you talking about?"
"You mean we weren't talking about Ali?" I chuckled nervously.
"Ali? Who's Ali?" Nancy asked, always eager for gossip.
"Nevermind Ali, whoever the hell he is," Kip crossed his eyes and made a face, "although Nancy might explode if you don't tell her. What I came here to say was that I was going over your hours for this past week, Claire, and you've been working overtime like crazy! You need to take some time off, love."
"Kip, I'm fine, really, I-"
"No, I insist," he smiled. "And in fact, I have two passes here to go to La Reve tonight. I'm sending you and Nancy home immediately so you can get ready. She's already promised me she'll watch you and make sure you enjoy yourself."
Nancy shrieked. "Omg, La Reve? I didn't know you were sending us there

, Kip! Oh, you're the best boss in the whole entire world!"
He chuckled. "Here," he said, handing me the two passes. "Now you behave, Claire. Actually, scratch that. Nancy, see to it that Claire misbehaves herself all night long."
Nancy giggled and bobbed her head furiously. "I promise, Kip! Come on, Claire! Let's go!"

"La Reve!" Nancy squealed for what must have been the trillionth time. "We get to go to La Reve! Can you believe it, Claire?!"
"Nancy, please, it's just a club!" I laughed.
"It's only the

most exclusive nightclub in all of New York!" she beamed. "Almost every celebrity has been there, from Bon Jovi to Heath Ledger!"
"Whatever," I rolled my eyes and slipped into the skimpy blue dress Nancy had insisted I buy for tonight.
"Oh, come on, Claire!" Nancy applied a fresh coat of dark lipstick. "Live a little, would you? I promised Kip we'd enjoy ourselves!"
"I'll try," I smiled.
"That's the spirit!" she grinned and pulled on her heels. "You ready?"
I nodded, and she gave a small frown. "You sure you won't let me give you a makeover?"
"Positive," I chuckled. "Well, we might as well get this over with, then. Let's go!"

"Passes?" the security guard prompted us.
Nancy shoved the passes into his hand, and dragged me through the doors. "Oh my God, Claire, look! It's Avril Lavigne! And Colin Firth! Can you believe it?!"
"I think I just might die," I responded dryly. "How could I ever resist Colin Firth?"
Nancy hit my arm and frowned. "Claire, you promised you'd enjoy yourself! Come on, I think you nedd a couple drinks to put you in the mood." She started to pull me towards the bar, but I resisted.
"I'd rather not get hosed, Nancy. I get the worst

migraines afterwards."
"Claire! Claire! Ohmigodohmigodohmigod I cannot BELIEVE

who's here!" Nancy looked like she was on the verge of exploding.
"Who?" I glanced around, expecting to see Brad Pitt or someone like that.
"It's Ali-Akim Hassan Dashkir Abdul-Aziz, one of the princes of Saudi Arabia! He was on the cover of GQ a few weeks ago, and the Clavin Klein magazine voted him one of the top 25 hottest men in the world! Oh my God, Claire, he's so sexy I think I might die! Can you believe it??!!! Saudi Arabian royalty!!"
I strained to see where she was pointing, which was difficult since it was dark and everyone was dancing and moving around. Suddenly, my jaw dropped. "You mean that guy in orange?"
"Yeah!" Nancy clapped her hands and smiled dreamily. "Isn't he gorgeous?"
"Nancy?...I know him." I looked over at the man again, to make sure it wasn't an illusion or something. It was Ali, alright.
"You know

"Nancy, I slept with him!" I leaned against the bar, not trusting my legs to hold me up.
"Nuh-uh! No way, Claire, I don't believe you! You're so uptight all the way! I'm gonna go ask him!"
"Oh God, Nancy, no please I don't want to talk to him. It'll be so embarassing! It was a one-night stand, please-!" but she had already taken off across the floor towards him.
I had to get out of here. There was no way I could face Ali, I'd die of embarassment. Especially

if Nancy asked him if I'd fucked him.
I began to make my way towards the door, but a hand grabbed my arm and spun me around. "I didn't know you were into the club life, Doc," Ali grinned. "You been holding out on me?"
"Wait, so you do

know her?!" Nancy stood at his side.
"'Course I do," Ali gave her a wink. "In fact we know each other really

well, don't we, Doc?"
"Oh. My. God. Claire, you were serious! You fucked the prince of Saudi Arabia!"
"Oh, yes she did," Ali chuckled, and pulled me against him. "Wanna try it again?"
"You're crazy!" I shouted, pushing him away.

crazy!" Nancy shrieked. "For Christ's sake Claire, this has to be one of the world's most desirable men! And he wants YOU

! How can you say no?!"
"Oh, well, when you put it like that," I began in a flirtatious voice, but then I scowled. "NO!" I turned to leave, but Nancy grabbed my arm.
"Oh Claire, let's not leave yet!" she whined. "We just got here!"
"Fine," I growled, "but keep Hugh Heffner there away from me."
Ali threw his head back and laughed. "You're one feisty little lady, Doc! It's no wonder our lovemaking was so fiery!"
"!" I sputtered.
"Devilishly handsome sex god?" he offered. "Thank you, I know I am."
"RRRGHH!" I screamed, and stormed over to the bar. "Give me the strongest drink you've got," I told the bartender, "and lots of it!"
"You planning on drivin'?" he gruffed.
He poured me 3 large glasses of clear liquid, and I downed them all, smiling at the burning warmth that spread throughout me. "Can I have shum muh?"
He nodded, and refilled them. I swallowed all of these, too, and everything around me began to swirl and blur.
"Hey, whoah there, Doc!" Ali came to my side. "That's some real

strong stuff. I think that's plenty for you tonight."
I shook my head, and motioned to the bartender to refill my glasses again.
"Hey, man," Ali stopped him. "Don't give her anymore, alright? She's upset, that's the only reason she's drinkin'. She's gonna make herself sick!"
The bartender nodded, and took the glasses away.
"I was enjoying that," I slurred, fighting to keep my balance as I turned to face him.
He waved his hand in front of my face, and shook his head. "Doc, you're stoned. Like, seriously stoned. I don't think the party life suits you. I'm taking you home."
I giggled, and batted my eyelids at him.
He gave me a worried look, but I was too far gone to care. I leaned foward, took his face in my hands, and kissed him passionately. It was a fantastic kiss, a thing of tongue and teeth and sexual excitement. With a belly full of liquid courage, I rubbed up against him and forcefully grabbed his crotch.
He groaned, wrapped his arms around me, and held me tightly. "Doc, stop that, or I'm gonna have to take you right here on the dancefloor."
"Do it," I hiccupped. "I dare you."
"I couldn't," he panted. "You're stone drunk. You'd hate both of us in the morning."
"Fine," I frowned. "Get me the hell outta here."
He put one arm in the small of my back and tucked the other one behind my knees. In one quick move, he scooped me up and held me against his chest. His smell of his tantalizing cologne sent my already dizzy head reeling.
"Damn, you smell good," I murmured into his neck.
He grinned and looked down at me. "I wish you were like this all the time, Doc. We'd get along great!."
He carried me outside, and signaled for a taxi.
"What about your car?" I asked.
"It's in the shop," he said, placing me in the backseat of the cab. "And don't worry, Nancy already knows you're with me."
"Wanna know why I agreed to fuck you that one time?" I crawled into his lap as he sat down next to me and gave the cabbie directions. "Because I think you've gotta be the sexiest man on the face of this planet," I said seductively, licking the hollow at the base of his neck.
"Claire, stop it, you're driving me crazy," he replied in a strained voice.
"Good." I ran my hand down his chest and back up again. "Cuz you drive me

crazy, Ali." I began laughing. "Goddamn, I can't believe I fucked the prince of Saudi Arabia! You royal son of a bitch, why didn't you tell me?"
He shrugged.
"I don't care, though," I nuzzled my head against his face. "I wanna fuck you all over again." I straddled him and moved my hips over his lap.
"Claire!" he moaned. "Claire, stop it!"
We got to my house, and he paid the cab. Once it drove off, I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist, kissing him madly. "Fuck me, Ali. Why won't you fuck me?"
"Because you're not thinking straight!" he carried me inside. "Claire, goddammit, if you weren't drunk right now, I'd be on you in a moment, but-" he cut off with a mighty groan as I stuck my hand down his pants and grabbed the object of his passion. "Claire!" he rasped in a ragged voice. "You're pushing me over the edge!"
"So?" I giggled, unbuttoning his pants and letting them drop to the floor. "I want you, Ali. You're not a prince, you're a king...a god in bed!" I knelt down and took his erection in my mouth.
"CLAIRE!" he cried out, breaking into a sweat. "Claire, my God, if you don't stop, I'm gonna lose it!"
For my response, I stuck my tongue out and licked the base of his rod, and he moaned.
"That's it!" he growled, reaching down and yanking me to my feet. Then, he slung me over his shoulder and took off towards my bedroom. He threw me onto the bed and yanked my dress up over my head. He came over and proceeded to ravish me until I neither of us could stand it any longer, and then entered me, and for a few moments, everything was perfect.

I opened my eyes and groaned, for two reasons. One, I had a killer hangover, and two, Ali was gone.
I forced myself to get up and get dressed, fighting through the throbbing pain in my head, and went downstairs.
To my great shock, Ali was there, sipping a cup of coffee and reading a newspaper. He looked up at me, and grinned. "How ya doin', Doc?"
"Killer headache, and frustrated," I growled. "I'm surprised you haven't fled already."
He pretended to be hurt. "Why would I leave?"
I gave him a killer glare, and he laughed. "Okay, so I do have a reputation. But two things prevented me from ditching you this morning. One, I couldn't live with myself if I didn't make sure you were okay after last night. And two, I'm waiting for Ingrid to get here."
"My life-long friend and coworker. She and I share ownership of the gym downtown."
"Hey, just a thought. What's a Saudi Arabian prince doing all the way over here in New York, anyways?"
"There's over 35 princes of Saudi Arabia," he explained, "and that's only my grandfather's sons. I'm one of him God-only-knows-how-many grandsons. So, it's not like I'm the only prince, and I need to stay at home in a palace or anything."
A car horn honked, and the both of us glanced out the window. A shiny, black Maserati GranTurismo sat in the driveway. I glanced at Ali. "Let me guess: Ingrid is royalty, as well?"
He laughed and shook his head. "Nah. Our gym's just really successful. Plus, she's a model. She was voted - he pursed his lips- I think it was the world's fourth most beautiful woman?"
As if on cue, a woman stepped out of the car and I couldn't help but gawk. She had long, shiny red hair, and piercing green eyes. She wore a halter-top skin-tight black mini dress that hugged every single one of her flawless curves. Everything about her screamed wealth and perfection. In short, she was the single most drop-dead gorgeous woman I'd ever seen.
Ali looked over at me and grinned. "She's great, ain't she?"
"She ain't bad in bed, neither," he chuckled.
My head snapped towards him. "You've slept with her?"
"Of course! Who wouldn't

wanna bang a body like that?"
I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Go be with your model, then. And for future reference, I have never

slept with you, and I never will. In fact, you don't even know me."
Ali gave an amused grin. "If you say so, Doc. Adios, then!" He walked briskly out of the kitchen, and a few moments later, I heard the door slam. I watched him go out and greet Ingrid, who gave him a dazzling smile and a way too intimate embrace, followed by a passionate kiss. I snorted in disgust as they got in her car, and then they were gone.

"Hey, you!" Kip chucked my under the chin as I put on my coat and prepared to leave for the night. "You have fun at La Reve?"
"Yeah, she did!" Nancy grinned. "She went home stone drunk with the prince of Saudi Arabia!"
"Oh?" Kip wiggled his eyebrows mischievously. "You sly little fox, you! Don't worry, Claire, your secret is safe with us," he said with a wink. Then, he turned to leave.
I shook my head and shot a death glare at Nancy.
"Sorry?" she turned up her palms.
"Oh, Claire, I almost forgot!" We both turned back towards Kip. "Janice will be back at work tomorrow, so you can get back to the ER ward."
"Awww!" Nancy pouted. "I'll miss you, Claire!"
"I'll miss you, too, " I smiled, and gave her a hug. Then I gave Kip a hug as well. "It was fun working with you all!"
"Same!" they waved as I headed out the door. "Goodnight!"

Chapter 3

"I'm back!" I called, and hung my coat up on the hook. "Did you guys miss me?"
"Damn straight, we did," said my boss Rico Martinez, giving me a kiss on either cheek. He was a very attractive Hispanic man in his early 30's. He and I were strictly friends, but I knew women who would purposely injure themselves just to have him treat them, he was that desirable. "How was your time with los ninos

?" he asked.
"Fine," I smiled. "Are we the only docs on duty for now?"
Rico shook his head. "Chance and Blake have the day off, but everyone else is here as usual."
"Is that Claire?" Leslie Carper poked her head in the doorway. She was another doctor here in the ER and, as many claimed, my long lost British twin. We both had short, bouncy ringlets, although I was blonde and she was a redhead. We also were about the same height, age, and build. Our differences were that blue-eyed and fair skinned, while she had green eyes, a slightly darker complexion than mine, and freckles. She also was very loud and abrasive, while I was more conservative and what people referred to as a "good girl"...or, at least, until Ali had unmasked my inner bad girl. But despite these differences, Leslie was my best friend, and had been ever since we'd met in graduate school.
"Oh my gosh, it is!" she grinned, running in and grabbing me up in a massive bear hug.
I laughed, and hugged her back. "Did you behave while I was gone?" I teased.
"Never!" she giggled.
"Ask her about the biker that came in yesterday," Rico wiggled his eyebrows.
She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Well, a stodgy ol' motorcycle rider came in yesterday trying to claim that an accident he'd just been in was a result of a faulty surgery we'd performed on him almost 9 years ago!"
"Was it?"
"Of course not!" she snorted indignantly, picking up her clipboard and checking her patient list. "The only surgery we ever gave him was to fix his crooked nose after a fistfight! But he had insisted we'd caused damage to his head in the process, thus impairing his driving abilities, and causing the accident."
"Was he injured?"
"Not a bloody scrape! I tell you, Claire, the man was off his rocker! He was just hoping he could get enough money out of us to pay for damages to his bloody bike!"
"So, what'd you do?" I poured myself a cup of steaming coffee and blew on it.
"I took up my scalpel and told him I would

cause damage to his head if he didn't bloody well get out of my sight!"
I laughed. "There has to be a law somewhere that makes it illegal for hospital staff to threaten patients with surgical tools, Leslie."
"Well, Congress can take their laws and shove it up their-"
"Leslie?" interrupted Banks, another doctor here. "Benson's heart stopped."
"Oh, hell!" Leslie ran down the hallway to a patient's room.
I sighed, and checked my list. First was Tony Donatello, who apparently had developed a nasty infection after cutting his arm on a rusty fence. We were monitoring the infection in case it seeped up towards his heart, in which case we'd have to perform an immediate amputation.
I went into Tony's room, where a woman- I guessed she was his wife- sat at his bedside. She was in tears, and they were talking in Italian.
I cleared my throat, and they turned to look at me. "Hello, Mr. Donatello. How are we doing today?"
Tony frowned and glanced at his wife, who said something in Italian. Then, she faced me. "My husband, he English long time. And I speak very little the language of you."
"Ah," I bit my lip. Where was Rico when you needed him? Besides Spanish and English, his native languages, Rico also spoke French, Italian, and German fluently.
"Please, you no take the arm of my husband?" the woman's lip trembled. "He work, but no can work without arm. Money, we have little, and-a two small bambinos

..." she cut off and began sobbing.
"There, there," came Rico's deep, soothing voice. He then proceeded to speak in Italian while I stood by awkwardly.
"God, I've never been so happy to see you in my life!" I laughed nervously after we left the room.
"I don't know why they assigned you his room," Rico shrugged. "It's a good thing my first patient got discharged, or I wouldn't have been able to rescue you. By the way, next week we're getting a new intern!"
"Really?" I frowned. "We haven't done that in ages. Remember the trouble the last intern caused in the ER?"
"Don't worry, they won't leave an at-risk patient in the hands of an intern this time, I'll make sure of it."
"So, who is he interning with?"
"Leslie in the mornings, but she was hoping you could handle him in the afternoons?"
I sighed. "They always dump everything on me," I said with mock despair.
"That's because we know you can handle it," he grinned and slugged me playfully on the shoulder.
"Alright, alright, I'll do it."
"Atta girl! Join me for lunch later?"
"Of course! See you then!"

I heaved a deep sigh and sank down into the warm paradise that was my bathtub. Within a few minutes, I was in that state halfway between dreamworld and reality. After soaking for nearly 2 hours, I forced my tired muscles up out of the tub and downstairs where Nora was cooking something that smelled like heaven.
"Ummm, thank you Nora," I smiled at her.
"Have a long day at work?"
I nodded, and took a sip of wine. "Yeah, stressful. Just like every other day."
"So why do you do it? Seeing so many sick and dying people, I mean. I would commit suicide or something after even two days of that!"
"Yeah, it's a hard life. But someone's gotta do it. Plus, any depressing situation I come across is more than cancelled out by the rewarding joy that comes from saving someone's child or curing cancer. Not to mention the pay and benefits are fantastic!" I said with a wink.
Nora smiled back. "I would imagine so."
We finished eating, and I told Nora to take the rest of the night off. Then, I went up to my room, lit a fire in the fireplace and snuggled into my warm for a movie and cup of cocoa.
"What should I watch?" I murmured to myself, scanning through the channels. God, how I hated spending nights to. I didn't used to, back when Mark and I had dated, but he was a no good scumbag. So here I was, staying in on a perfectly beautiful Friday winter night. For a moment, my thoughts turned to Ali, but I just as soon shoved them from my mind. Nothing could or would ever happen between the two of us. I wanted a husband, and all he wanted were orgasms. I gave a small laugh, then heaved a sigh and shut off the TV. I picked up my phone and dialed Leslie's number.
"Hey, Leslie! It's Claire."
"Oh, hi Claire! Listen, I'm out with Michael right now, could I call you back later?"
"It's okay, don't bother. Just wanted to see how you were doing."
"I'm doing great, thanks. See you Monday?"
"Yeah," I said. "Goodnight."
Unable to think of anything else to do, I turned the lights off and settled down and tried to sleep. God, how I hated spending nights alone.

"Good morning!" Leslie sent a grin my way. "Did you make it okay over the weekend?"
"Yup!" I nodded. "Did you guys manage alright without me?"
"Yeah," she smiled. "Our intern's here," she gestured to a geeky looking boy who sniffed and shoved his large glasses back up his nose. "Say hello to Jermaine."
"Hi, Jermaine," I waved. "I'm Claire. I'll be working with you during afternoons."
He nodded. "Excellent," he sniffed again. "I am greatly honoured that you would believe me qualified to work alongside professionals such as yourselves."
I raised my eyebrows at Leslie, who shrugged. "Smart kid," was all she said. "Come on, Jermaine, we have to go-"
"Leslie! Claire!" Rico and one of the nurses came running towards us, followed by two other doctors pushing a man on a wheeled stretcher. The man was crying out in pain.
"What happened?!" I demanded, peering at the man as he was rushed past into an emergency care room.
"Car accident!" Rico called over his shoulder at me. "Come with us! Leslie, just stick to your usual rounds."
I followed after them, bracing myself for another depressing accident, and heaved a sigh of relief when his injuries turned out to be only minor. After a few X-rays to make sure there was no internal damage, we sent him down to the general hospital floor for monitoring.
I followed through my usual rounds, and then went on break. I grabbed a sandwich and sat down to watch the news. A story about hurricane relief down in Alabama was showing, when a sudden news flash interrupted it.
"This just in," said the reporter. "The Tone-Rite Fitness Centre downtown was bombed by an unknown attacker. The exact number of injuries is unknown, but one of the owners, Saudi Arabian prince Ali Abdul-Aziz, is nowhere to be found. The bombing is suspected to be a political message of disapproval towards Mr. Aziz's grandfather, the King, who recently passed a law..."
I snapped off the television, and rushed out into the lobby. "Guys, get ready for a lot of oncoming patients! The fitness centre was just bombed!"
Rico cursed under his breath, then began shouting orders. "Jermaine, please head into the break room. Send any staff members currently in there to report to me, and then stay there! Everyone, stay on hand and follow all my orders exactly and without hesitation. I also authorise Leslie and Claire to make decisions should I be unavailable. It's gonna be chaos around here for a while!"
"Claire?" Came a voice, and I spun around. Ali stood there, bruised and bloody, holding a limp figure in his arms. "Please help him!"
"Branson, take care of the unconscious man!" Rico ordered. "Claire, whoever the hell he is, take care of him since he seems to know you."
I nodded, and led Ali over to an examination room, closing the door behind us. "What the fuck is going on?!" I demanded, grabbing his arm. It was bleeding profusely, and worrying me. He also had a nasty cut right over his eye, a bloody lip, and multiple bruises and scrapes all over his face.
"Ow!" Ali yelled, pulling his arm back. "Easy, Doc!"
"Sit down," I pointed to the examination table, and he obeyed. "Now take off your shirt, I need to check for any serious injury."
He nodded, and cast his shirt aside. I winced at all the massive bruising on his chest. "Did the building fall on you or something?"
"Or something," Ali grimaced as I poured antiseptic into his arm wound and bandaged it.
"Why the hell did you trek over here in this state? Let alone carrying another man!" I cleaned the cut above his eye.
"Habit," he shrugged. I gave him a questioning look. "I fought for a while in Iraq. Being a hero in time of trouble became almost instinct."
I shook my head. "Just because your muscles are strong doesn't mean your body won't fail you! There's a difference between bravery and stupidity, Ali. Take it easy. You seem okay for now, but we're going to keep you overnight for monitoring."
"Should I keep my shirt off for the monitoring?" he grinned slyly. "I know you'd like that."
I groaned and gave him a light shove. He grabbed my arms, pulled me into his lap, and kissed me soundly. "How ya been, Doc?"
"Busy," I said, struggling to pull away. "I've got patients that need me, you ass."
"I need you, Claire. And it's cute that we've already gotten to the playful name calling stage," he added with a wink.
"I thought you didn't do relationships," I said, finally breaking free.
"I don't," he yawned. He attempted to stand, then suddenly cried out and collapsed.
"Ali!" I shrieked, and dropped to my knees next to him. "Are you alright?!"
He looked up at me with a pained look on his face, clutching his hip. "Stuff fell on my leg during the explosion," he said through gritted teeth, "but in my adrenaline rush, I yanked it free. It feels like a torn muscle."
I nodded, trusting his assessment as a professional athletic trainer. "Let's get you on a stretcher," I said, and called for one. We got him in for a cat scan, and he did, indeed, have a torn muscle in his hip.
"It should repair itself as long as we keep an eye on him and he takes it easy, but our rooms are pretty full for now," said Rico after we situated Ali in a room. "He needs observation, but I don't know how long we'll have room for him." He gestured to the long line of emergency victims. "We might have to ship him down to St. Vincent's so we can take in the more seriously injured ones. But St. Vincent's isn't nearly as good as we are, plus he's probably recover faster in a familiar area, with people he knows..." Rico gave me a meaningful look.
"No! I can't!" I crossed my arms. "I'm not letting that lusty animal stay with me!"
"Please, Claire?" Rico pleaded. "We haveour hands full right now, and your place is big enough to house an army!"
"Rico, he'd be advancing on me nonstop! I don't feel comfortable with him."
"You could take the time off...with pay!"
"Won't you need me?"
"Yes, but we'll manage. It'll only be a week or two, a month tops."
I sighed. "Fine. Is he still sedated?"
Rico nodded. "Let's get him settled down at your place before he wakes up."

"OW!" Ali bellowed. I ran upstairs to the guest room. He laid sprawled on the floor, and stared at me. "Where the fuck am I?!"
"At my house," I replied coolly. "You have to stay here under surveillance until your leg heals; there wasn't enough room at the hospital."
"So you volunteered to host me?" he frowned, sitting up and taking the pain medication I handed him.
"You were forced on me," I said. "Only for two weeks or so, then I'm free of you." I turned to leave.
"Wait, Doc!" I glanced back at him. "Aren't you going to help me up? You'd leave a wounded patient lying on the ground?"
I sighed and helped him up into the bed. He was sweating and his breathing was laboured by the effort.
"What?" I gave a slightly annoyed sigh, and tucked a strand piece of hair behind my ear.
"I don't like this."
"Me neither, so let's set up some rules. One, there is to be NO-"
"No, let me

lay down the rules," he interrupted.
"Excuse me?"
"I don't want you to get used to having me around," he said. "I don't do relationships, and I don't do attachments. So don't think I'll be sticking around. As soon as I'm better, I'm outta here. Don't fall in love with me."
I stared at him with wide eyes. I blinked a few times in disbelief, and then burst out laughing. "Ali, you're full of it! I'm done with love. And even if I wasn't, a promiscuous spoiled Saudi Arabian prince is the last person I'd turn to for romance!"
"What about sex?"
"What about

"Would you turn to me for sex? I mean, as long as I'm going to be living here for a while, we might as well have some fu-"
"Ali! There will be no sex. There will be no touching, no intimacy, no kissing, and no going into another person's bedroom. There won't even be any mention of any activities beyond what one might share with a friend. You will be decently dressed at all times that you're out of your room. That means you will wear a shirt, and you can't walk around in your boxers."
He grinned.
"What?!" I snapped.
"You want it just as bad as I do."
"Do not!"
"Then why are you setting up so many rules against it? You're afraid at how badly I tempt you."
"Not every woman worships the ground you walk on, Ali," I rolled my eyes, and turned off the light. "Goodnight."
"Night, Doc," he said as I closed his door. "Don't let the fantasies bite."

Chapter 4

A few days later, Ali was able to hobble around on his own with a cane.
"Feeling better?" I asked as he came down stairs for breakfast.
"Damn doctors and their overly chipper way of talking," he grumbled as he drank his coffee.
I laughed and gave him some oatmeal.
"Is Nora not working today?" he asked.
"I've given her the time off until you're better, since I'm home."
"Doc, could you do me a favour?"
"Depends on what it is," I replied. 
"Could you take me to my place so I can get some of my weights?"
"Ali, you're injured!"
"Just some arm weights!" He defended. "I don't want to lose muscle tone while I'm down, Doc. I don't feel right if I can't exercise."
I sighed. "Fine. But they have to be light enough for me to carry, because you're supposed to be taking it easy, and I'll have to carry them to the car."
He nodded. "Fair enough."
We drove out to his house, which was a high-end condo downtown. as we were going upstairs, Ingrid was coming downstairs. 
"Ali!" she purred in a heavy Russian accent. "My darling, I have missed you!" She kissed him fondly, and kept an intimate hand on his chest as she turned to me. "Who are you?" She sneered.
"This is Claire," Ali said. "She's a doctor, and she's taking care of me until I heal."
"Oh," she said snootily, eyeing me like a lioness might eye her next meal. "Well, I'll continue to take care of the place while you're gone, Ali. I miss you," she murmured sensually, making it clear what exactly she missed about him. I tried not to gag.
"Me too," Ali smiled. "But I'm in quite a bit of pain, so whould you mind if we talked later? I want to get my stuff and then get off my feet."
"Da", she nodded. "Call me, okay?"
Ali assured her he would, and then she kissed him again and left.

"She seems to be a lot more than your business partner," I said as Ali threw some clothes in an athletic bag.
He glanced up at me. "Ingrid's dad died when she was four. Her mom remarried on of my grandfather's brothers."
"So, Ingrid's mom is sister-in-law to the Saudi Arabian king?!"
"Yeah," he nodded. "Anyway, they married when I was twelve and Ingrid was seven. So Ingrid and her mother came to Saudi Arabia. We've grown up together ever since."
"Why is she so intimate with you, then? All the kissing and touching?"
Ali raised an eyebrow. "Why does it matter? We're just friends, Claire, and occasional lovers. Also, through her mother's marriage to Nazir, we're distant in-laws. We grew up together, that's all."
I shrugged. "What weights do you want?"
"Those," he gestured towards a pair of black weights that I could barely lift off the ground.
"Ali!" I scolded. "Are you trying to make yourself worse?"
He shook his head, and picked both of them up easily with one hand. "They're the lightest ones I've got."
"Put those down!" I demanded, and was met with a warm laugh from Ali.
"Don't worry, Doc. I'm carrying them on my good side. My injury's on this leg," he held up his cane in his other hand. "But I'm touched by how much you care. How about you carry my clothes and other stuff, and I'll carry the weights?"
I gave a frustrated sight. "Ali, I swear to God, if you die..."
"Well, as long as you don't swear to Allah," he grinned, and made his way over to the door. "You coming?"

Ali laid on the living room floor and lifted weights while I fretted over him like a mother hen.
"Claire, please!" he chuckled. "I'm fine! It's just lifting weights. I mean, Jesus, it's not like I'm running a mile, or even standing up! My legs aren't being worked at all."
"You're supposed to be taking it easy," I bit my nail. "I'm pretty sure that lifting weights doesn't fall under that category.
"It's only been an hour and forty-five minutes," he put the weights down and sat up.
God, he was sexy. His hair was damp, making it even curlier than usual, and his white T-shirt was sweat-soaked and see-through. A wave of longing swept through me, and I turned away from him.
I heard him chuckle softly. "Having a hot flash, Doc?"
"No," I blurted, knowing that I wasn't fooking anyone.
"My pain meds kicked in a little while ago," he said in a deep and suggestive voice. "I'm pretty sure I could handle a little ride."
"There will be no sex!" I faced him again. "What part of that don't you understand?!"
"All of it," he grinned. "Come on, Doc, what's wrong with a little lovemaking? It's a damn fine stress reliever. What I'd give to fuck all of that up-tightedness right out of you."
"Ali, stop it!"
"Ali, fuck me!" he replied mimicking my voice. "That's all I hear. Come on, Doc," he held out an arm.
"Rrrrghhh!" I clenched my fists at my side.
"That's right, Doc!" he smiled playfully. "Be angry! Let it out! Take it out on me!"
I gave in, and kicked of my shoes, and began unbuttoning my blouse.
"Finally!" Ali cried, and yanked his shirt over his head. Jesus, his body was amazing.
I crossed the room hurriedly and flung myself against him, causing us both to fall backwards onto the couch. Our mouths met in a fiery whirlwind of passion. His hands were everywhere, stroking me and touching me just so, and I loved it. We made love furiously, fighting against each other and uniting in an explosive release that left both of us gasping and shaking. He gently nibbled at my neck while I tried to regain control of myself.
"God, that was fantastic!" I breathed, removing my nails from his shoulders and blushing at the deep marks they'd made.
"Damn straight it was," I could hear the grin on his face.
"Again, Ali," I whispered. "I want it again."
So we made love again, this time slowly and passionately, until we were both too exhausted to speak.
"Does this mean I can stay in your room tonight?" Ali murmured into my ear.
"Will you let me sleep?" I asked.
"Yes, if you promise not to ravish me while I sleep."
I snorted. "Like you'd be against that."
"Touche," he kissed me soundly, and then sat up and winced.
"Oh, that probably undid any healing that had taken place!" I gasped. "Ali, why did you insist on doing this?"
"Shhh, Doc," he smiled gently and put one finger to my lips. "It's just stiff. But how 'bout we just stay on the couch for tonight? I don't think I'll be able to handle the stairs."
I nodded, and grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch. 
We laid down and pulled the blanket over us, and I reached over to turn off the lights. Ali wrapped his arms around me and held me close. 
"You sure you're alright?" I asked. "Do you need anything?"
"Just you," he murmured drowsily, and for some reason, this caused my face to burst into a grin and a warm glow to travel down all the way to my toes. Moments later, we were both asleep.

Unlike the previous times Ali and I had spent the night together, I didn't find myself horrified when I woke up next to him. A little sore, yes, and anxious about how to interact with him when he woke, but not horrified or self-loathing. I turned and looked at him. 
Sometime during the night, the blanket had uncovered him, and I took in every beautiful, tan inch of him. I think it should be against the law for a man so perfect to exist. It's not fair to women. 
"Should I take your staring as a compliment, then?" Ali's voice made me jump. 
"I thought you were asleep!" I huffed, and he laughed at my reddening cheeks. 
"Didn't mean to startle you, Doc," he twisted one of my curls around his finger. 
I shifted my position. My leg brushed against his loins, causing his rod to stiffen, and he groaned.
"Sorry!" I blushed. "Am I causing you any pain?"
"Only the pain of wanting you," he said huskily, his eyes searching mine for a response. I nodded, and we made love yet again.
"I like staying here," Ali grinned afterwards. I slapped his arm playfully, and we both laughed.
"I'll go get your pain medication," I pulled on my clothes from yesterday and went out to the kitchen. 
Ali had put his shorts on by the time I returned, but he left his shirt laying on the floor.
"What did I say about wearing your shirt?" I sighed as he took the meds.
"Well, you also said something about no sex, but since that was a load of shit..." He glanced at me pointedly.
"Put your shirt on, Ali," I grinned and shook my head.
"I don't like shirts," He stuck his tongue out.
"Well, I'm the head of this house, and I say you have to wear one."
"Well, I'm the prince of Saudi Arabia, and I say someone's asking for a good, solid fucking if they don't stop being so ridiculous."
"Touché," I laughed. "But I do expect some decency around here. The not walking around in your underwear rule is non-negotiable."
He nods. "That, I can deal with."
"You gonna work out today?"
"Maybe. Is there any way you'd consider taking me to the gym?"
"To exercise?" I shook my head. "No way, José."
"Not to work out, just to inspect the damage and see what's going on."
I nodded. "Fine, but you're not leaving my sight."
"Yes, ma'am!" He saluted with a grin.
"You goof," I pushed his face away, and he laughed. For the briefest moment, I envisioned him and I being together like this for a long time into the future, but I shook my head to clear it. "Let's go."

"Hey, that's not too bad," Ali peered out of the window to inspect the damage. 
A small porion of the left wing had been demolished in the bombing, but other than that, the massive building was fine.
"Can the gym still run?" I asked him, and he nodded. 
"That's just our physical therapy centre that got damaged; we can easily transfer the members to another part of the building until it's repaired."
"Do you want to go in?"
"Can we?" he asked, and I complied.
I followed him into his office, and waited while he flipped through his mail, returned telephone calls, and checked in with his coworkers.
We ended up staying for a few hours since he had a lot of things to organise, but he treated me to lunch afterwards.
"Why do you say that love and medicine don't work?" Ali asked over a slice of pie.
"My career is too time-consuming. Plus, I'm done with love. I hate men, they're all horny animals."
"Well, at least I'm not like the rest of the men in my family," Ali said.
"Why's that?"
"They all have at least 20 wives. And they don't see anything wrong with it. I do."
I frowned. "Why would you thing differently if that's the way you were brought up?"
"I'm royalty through my mother's side, not my father. I"m the son of one of Abdulah's daughters, and I had to watch my mother's heart break more every day watching her husband love many different women at once. I vowed I'd never do that to a woman."
"Well, since you're never getting married, you'll never have to worry about it."
He nodded. "That's another good thing about not settling down."
"Okay, well, it's your turn."
He raised an eyebrow. "For what?"
"What do you have against love?"
He sighed. "Claire, think about it. I'm young. I'm rich. I've got the most beautiful women in the world drooling at my feet. Why would I give that up for any one single woman and whiny, crying children?"
I took in a sharp breath. "Well, that's your choice I guess." I rose to my feet and slung my purse onto my shoulder. "Shall we go?"
Ali stood, and paid for the meal, and we went out to the car. We rode in silence, until Ali gave a large sigh. "You alright, Doc?"
"Fine, why?"
"I dunno. You just don't seem as lively as usual."
"I'm tired," I shrugged.
"Look, Doc, if it's about what I said earlier..."
"Why would it be? You have the right to decide whether or not you want to get married. Why would that bother me?"
"I don't know. Why would it?"
I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Well, it clearly did bother you, Doc. How come?"
"Hell if I know."
He gave a frustrated sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. "Claire, I thought we agreed there would be no attatchments building between us. I like you, and you're a lot of fun, but I can't give you what you're looking for. I'm sorry."
"What am I looking for?"
I opened my mouth to protest, but he held up a hand to stop me. "Claire, I've been with plenty of women. I recognise a woman in love when I see one."
"I'm not in love with you, Ali. I'm done with love, remember?"
He gave me a meaningful look. "You sure?"
"Fine. But no getting upset when I leave. And don't look at me like that, you know I'm going to leave eventually, the only reason I'm staying with you is so I can heal. After that, I'm gone. And I'm not going to settle down. Not now, not ever."
"Fine," I said, and turned on the radio. Taio Cruz's Break Your Heart came on.
"How fitting," I mumbled under my breath.

Chapter 5

Ali and I slipped into an easy, predictable routine for the next few weeks. We'd get up, have breakfast, and then I'd take him down to the gym for a light exercise and to work for a few hours. Afterwards, we'd usually grab a bite to eat, and then go back to my place for the night. We both slept in my room
One day, after Ali had finished lifting weights, Ingrid approached us.
"Hey, there," Ali grinned, and wiped his forehead with his shirt.
"Ali, darling, where have you been?" she purred in a disgustingly sweet voice. "I went to the hospital to visit you, but the doctors said you weren't there."
"Oh, I'm staying with Doc," Ali jerked his thumb at me. "The hospital was kind of full, and that didn't want to ship me down to St. Vincent's, so they send me home with her for monitoring."
"I see," she sent me a look and laid a possesive hand on his arm, sending a message even the daftest of women would understand. "How much longer will you be under her...surveilance?"
"Only a few more days," I smiled as friendly as I could, supressing an urge to rip her hair out. "Then he's all yours."
"Hey!" Ali frowned. "I don't belong to anyone!"
"Of course not, darling," Ingrid smiled and put her arm around his shoulders. "I do miss you, though. Terribly. My bed's been so lonely without you."
"I'm here almost everyday," he smiled.
I groaned inwardly. Great, I thought to myself. Now that she knows that, she'll probably be here everyday, too.
She nodded. "Good. Well, I'll see you around then. Do be careful, Ali. You too, Doctor," she smiled icily at me. "It sould be such a shame if you were to get injured as well." She kissed Ali soundly on the mouth, then flipped her hair, and sauntered off.

"You should try some," Ali held his glass out to me.
I peered inside at the grey, thick liquid that he claimed was a delicious, nutritious protein shake. I stuck my tongue out and shook my head. "No, thanks. I'd rather live."
He laughed, leaned his head back, and tossed the rest of the drink down his throat. "Mm-mm!" He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "You're missing out, Doc!"
"On throwing up? Gee, whatever is the matter with me?"
He grinned and shook his head. "And I thought doctors were risk takers."
"Why do you think that?"
"Well you guys do everything and anything to save a patient, right?"
I nodded. "True. Patients need me. Another reason I should avoid your toxic shakes and stay alive."
"Whatever," he shrugged. He walked around the room, testing out his leg. "I think I'm better now, Doc. I'll probably be leaving soon."
I felt a small, hollow ache in my stomach and swallowed hard to remove the lump welling up in my throat. "Are you leaving today?"
"Is it alright if I stay until tomorrow?"
I smiled. "Of course! Are you ready to go to the gym now?" I turned to grab my keys, but Ali grabbed my arm to stop me.
"Yes?" I raised an eyebrow.
"How about we just spend the day having some fun?" he asked. "Ingrid can manage for one day without me."
"What did you want to do?"
He pulled me close. "Guess," he said in a deep, sensual voice.
My body, as always, instantly gave into his touch, but I hesitated. "Ali, maybe it's not the best idea. You're leaving soon, I should get used to separating myself from y-"
"Shush," he whispered, and covered my mouth with his. I couldn't fight him, and we spent the next hour or so kissing, touching, and making love.
Ali reached over and tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "You've got a kick-ass body, Doc. Why did it take you so long to learn how to use it?"
I stuck out my tongue. "I'd never met someone who made me want to use it."
"Glad I could enlighten you, then," he winked, then stood up and pulled me with him. We both showered and got dressed.
"Now what, I asked as he applied a tantalising cologne.
"Thought we'd head downtown for a little while and just enjoy each others' company," he smiled. "It's  my treat, my way of saying thank you for caring for me."
"It's my job, Ali," I laughed.
"I insist, Claire," he put his arm around me. "Anything you want, you can have. I mean anything. No price limit, whatsoever. I am a prince after all," he winked.
"So that explains why you're such a royal pain," I teased, and he rolled his eyes. We went out to the car. I started to get in, but he stopped me.
"Mind if I drive?" He grinned, and I smiled back.
"Fine, but so help me Ali, if you crash my car..."
"I'll just buy you a new one," he shrugged. "No biggie."
I blinked. "Seriously?"
"Of course! In fact, I'll buy you one anyways." He glanced at my Land Rover. "It's a nice car, but you deserve so much better. What do you want? A Porsche? Lamborghini?"
I laughed. "Ali, you're not buying me a car!"
"Can't stop me," he grinned wickedly. "I'm buying you a car, so you'd better decide what you want, or I'll choose for you. And believe me, I'll buy the most expensive car I can find!"
"Ali, stop it! You're talking crazy!"
"I think I'll get you a Ferarri," he said, ignoring me entirely.
"No, you won't," I insisted as we pulled out of the drive.
"What do you want then? A McLaren, like mine?"
"How about a horse?" I joked.
"I could do that," he said in all seriousness. "My cousin, Achmed, breeds pure Arabian horses, and he only lives a few hours upstate."
I held my head in my hands. "Fine. How about a Charger?"
"Done," he smiled.
I sighed. "You're absolutely sure?"
"Doc, buying a new car affects my as little as buying a sandwich hurts Donald Trump. I'm a prince, Claire, the grandson of one of the world's richest royals. My wealth is virtually inexhaustable. I'm serious. Anything you see or want today, it's yours."
I couldn't surpress the large smile that grew across my face, nor the bubbly giddiness welling up inside of me. "Thanks, Ali!"
He grinned. "Anything for that beautiful smile of yours."
We pulled up to the car dealership, and soon enough, I was the proud owner of a new jet black Dodge Charger.
"Sure you don't want a Lamborghini or something?" Ali asked.
"The deed's already signed, you goof," I rolled my eyes.
"You could have both, you know."
"Ali!" I scolded him. "Let's get out of here now, before you buy out the whole store. I swear, you're crazier to shop with than Nancy!"
"Sorry," he grinned sheepishly. "When you're rich as hell, blowing money becomes an addiction."
"Like sex?"
"Exactly," he winked, as we got into my new car. Ali still drove. "Speaking of which, even though I won't be living with you anymore, if you ever feel lonely..."
I shook my head. "You're hopeless, Ali."
"Where do you want to go next?" he asked.
"Umm, how about to the mall for a quick lunch?"
"Good idea," he nodded. "You can go shopping for tonight while we're there."
"What's tonight?" I frowned. 
"Something special," was all he said. "So buy yourself an evening gown. And whatever the hell else you want. Honestly."
"You're buying me a gown?!" I shrieked. "Ali, this is ridiculous! I'm one of the highest paid doctors in the North East, and between a new car and expensive evening gown, you'll have spent almost a quarter of my annual income!"
"A mere dent in my fortune," he smiled warmly. "I won't even notice the money missing. Stop fighting it, Claire. I'm enjoying this, really I am. What good is it being filthy rich if I don't spend any of my money? I like seeing you so happy."
I nodded. "Fine, but stop me if I get out of control," I grinned, dragging him into Nordstrom's. He laughed as he followed after me and carried everything I threw into his arms.
After Nordstrom's, we went to Build-A-Bear, where we could barely put together our zebra-named Zippy-because we were laughing so hard. I couldn't take my eyes of the magnificent man next to me.
"Ali?" I asked him.
"Hmm?" He grinned, trying to tie a bow around one of Zippy's ears.
"Don't be offended, but do you ever take things seriously? I've never once seen you in a non-joking mood."
He cocked his head to one side. "I had a rough upbringing, Claire. My mom's situation was hard to watch, and I never had any real friends. People were only ever interested in me because of my title and my money. So I had to teach myself how to be happy. Now that I find it easy to smile and laugh, I'm not going to stop, no matter how immature or irrational people think my happy-go-lucky behaviour is."
"Do you ever worry about public image, or the publicity that you get?"
He raised an eyebrow.
"Welly, you are a prince, Ali. Do you ever feel like you have to live up to peoples' expectations?"
He gave a heartbreaking sigh. "All the time, Claire." I was shocked by the raw emotion I saw in his face, and for the first time, I saw him for who he really was: a public figure who constantly had to live in the spotlight, hardly ever enjoying privacy or independence. He looked old for a moment, exhausted and stressed. Then the moment was gone, and the familiar playful spark lit into his eyes. "Wanna know the best part, though?"
"What's that?" I asked, eager to keep him happy. It was hard to see him in pain.
He walked over to where a small girl stood outside the shop, her sad face pressed against the glass staring wistfully at all the animals inside. Her mom stood by helpless, unable to afford the stuffed pal her daugher so desperately wanted. Ali talked to the girl's mother, who was startled at first, then grinning from ear to ear and finally crying when Ali bought the girl 5 animals of her choice. 
After they left, Ali turned to me. "That's the best part. Helping others."
Tears threatened to spill down my cheeks. That was one of the most touchingly beautiful acts of pure kindness I had ever seen. "Ali? If I hadn't sworn off love, I swear I'd marry you right here on the spot."
He grinned. "If I didn't hate the idea, you would make me the happiest man in the world. But happily ever after is for little kids and faerytales, so how about we focus on something real instead?" He handed me his credit card. "Go buy yourself a gown, shoes, jewelry, and whatever else you need. Get your hair done, and nails, go full out. I'm going to take your car, but I'll have a limo pick you up around 7:30. I have reservations at 8, at this address," he handed me a small slip of paper. "Just have the limo take you there. I'll be waiting."

I examined myself in front of the mirror, grinning as broadly as was humanly possible.
My curly blonde hair was done up in a loose bun on the top of my head, with a ringlet falling on either side of my face. Sapphire blue butterfly pins were stuck into the do. I wore a beautiful, long evening gown that matched the pins, and shimmered magically as I spun around. My necklace and earrings were a gorgeous silver that matched my brand new silver-coloured heels. My makeup and nails were also all professionally done. 
"Ma'am, you look beautiful," said the saleswoman, and I beamed at her.
"Thank you!" I grabbed her up in a giant bear hug. "Thank you so much!"
I went outside, holding my other clothes in a bag, where a sleek black limo awaited me. 
"Are you Miss Bennet?" The driver approached me, smiling, and speaking with a British accent.
"Yes," I nodded, and he took my bags.
He pulled out a small piece of cloth from his pocket. "I was instructed by His Highness to blindfold you, so as to enhance the surprise."
I grinned and let him tie the fabric around my eyes. He helped me into the car, and we were on our way.

"Thank you, Benton," I heard Ali's voice. The scent of his spicy cologne reached out to me, embracing me in a cloud of heavenly bliss.
"Your Highness," Benton responded, and then I heard the car drive away.
"Damn, Claire," Ali said softly. "You look amazing."
"Well, how about taking off my blindfold so I can see what you look like?"
He chuckled, and put a warm hand on either one of my shoulders. He spun me around to face a certain direction, then instructed me to open my eyes as he removed my blindfold.
"Ali!" I shrieked, and my eyes welled up with tears. We were standing in front of the Chateau Royale, my favourite hotel in all of New York. It was also extremely elite and expensive, and I'd never actually dared stay there.
"Ali!" I squeaked again, and the tears began spilling down my cheeks. I spun around to face him. He looked even more gorgeous than usual in his tight-fitted suit, if that was even possible.
He stepped foward and gathered me into his arms as I cried happily into his shoulder.
"Hey, you okay, Doc?" he asked gently.
I nodded. "It's so beautiful, Ali!" I whispered. "I feel like a princess!"
"Well, then it's a good thing I'm a prince," He kissed the top of my head tenderly.
He led me into the hotel, where we dined on the finest and most delectable food I'd ever tasted. 
Some of the world's most well-known celebrities dined around us, including Brad Pitt, Liv Tyler, and Orlando Bloom.
"Oh, what a pity," I teased. "Johnny Depp isn't here."
Ali, not catching the joke in my voice, pulled out his phone, and said in all seriousness, "Here. I have his number if you want to talk to him."
I blinked, and then laughed. "I was playing, Ali!"
He gave a sheepish grin and tucked his phone back into his pocket. "Of course," he nodded. "I was just playing along."
"Do you really have Johnny Depp's number?"
He grinned. "Absolutely! I have his, too," he jerked his head towards Orlando Bloom. Then he pulled his phone back out and sent a quick text message.
A few moments later, Orlando pulled out his phone, frowned, and searched the room. He grinned when he saw Ali, and came over to us.
"'Ello, mate!" He gave Ali one of those hand clasp/back slap man hugs. "Who's this lovely?"
"This is Dr. Claire Bennet," Ali replied.
"A doctor, eh? I'll have to try one of those myself!"
"Hands off, Orlie," Ali laughed. "Plus, what if Miranda heard you say that?"
"Wives," ORlando rolled his eyes, but then he fondly embraced the beautiful woman who appeared at his side.
Ali grinned, winking at me. "Someday, you're going to find a fantastic man and you'll make a wonderful wife. But for Allah's sake, Doc, don't make the mistake Miranda made and marry some half wit like Orlie here."
Orlando's wife gave a sigh of mock despair. "I don't know why I put up with him, truly, I don't!"
"Then why do you scream out my name every night?" Orlando grinned devilishly and kissed her.
"Oh, go get a room," Ali laughed and sent them on their way. I stared after the happy couple with envy.
"What?" I asked Ali when I noticed him staring at me.
He shrugged and made a goofy face. "You're beautiful. I like looking at you."
I blushed. "If I didn't know you better, Ali, I'd think you actually cared for me!"
"Well, I'm kind of obligated to treat you well," Ali said. "If not, I might be banished from your room."
"You animal!" I laughed.
"This animal wants to dance", he winked. "Care to join me?"
We both jumped and turned around when we heard the clearing of a throat. My heart sank into my stomach when I saw Ingrid. 
"Ali, darling, just because she's your doctor doesn't mean you have to feed her. Why don't you come back home with me?"
"Sorry, Ingrid. Tonight is for me and Claire, but I'll catch up with you later," Ali pulled me to my feet and led me outside. I stole a last glance at Ingrid, and if looks could kill, I'd be dead 800 times over.
We walked outside to the hotel's extensive gardens. In the middle was a small oasis centred around a fountain. Candles floated inside the fountain, and soft music played from the speakers. 
"Dance with me, Claire?" Ali asked with such emotion in his face I could hardly breathe.
I nodded, and he pulled me tightly against him, holding me as if he couldn't bear the thought of letting me go. "
Tears began to spill down my cheeks. I couldn't remember the last time I'd ever been this happy.
We danced around the fountain, not saying a word. He stared into my eyes, smiling gently, and touched his forehead to mine. In that moment, I came to grips with the truth I'd been denying for so long: I loved him. The realisation came to me right as the music reached the chorus of Toby Keith's You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This. 
The night was perfect. Ali was perfect. I never wanted this to end.
Ali's lips captured mine, and stayed there for the remainder of the song, and we continued kissing through the next two songs that followed, swaying gently to the rhythm of the music.
After we'd danced for a while, Ali just held me tightly, and said "I tried to reserve a room for the night, but they were all full."
"That's okay," I smiled. "Cinderella didn't spend the night at the castle, either."
He grinned. "Let's get you home, then, shall we? Pray your new car doesn't get turned into a pumpkin or anything like that."
I scoffed. "You're a goof."
He winked. "You know me."
"And I get to observe you, no charge!"
"Lucky you," he laughed and grabbed my hand. "Let's get you home before your ball gown disintegrates. Not that I'd mind, but..."
I slapped him playfully on the arm and we ran, laughing, back to my car.

Chapter 6

We pulled into the driveway, where my bags of clothes sat. I sent a quizzical glance Ali's way. 
"I had Benton drop them off," Ali explained.
"So, is Benton like your chauffeur?"
"In a matter of speaking. Driving is only one of his tasks. He and his wife are the caretakers of my bungalow in the Catskills."
"He drove all the way out here just to take me to the hotel?!" I shrieked.
"With as large as his paycheck is, he'd better!" Ali laughed. 
"Just how many places do you have?" I frowned as we walked to my door. 
"Too many," Ali stuck out his tongue, "but what was I supposed to do with all the money?"
Just then, a set of blinding headlights pulled into my driveway, and I heard car doors slamming. 
I reached out for Ali, who gathered me against him protectively. 
"ALI?!" I heard a man bellow, and the headlights shut off.
I blinked as my eyes adjusted, then made out the figures of four people approaching us. The first to draw near us was an older man of average height and build, but other than that he was almost the carbon copy of Ali's, although his eyes blazed with fury instead of playfullness. He approached us with a snarl of fury on his face and began speaking harshly to Ali in what I guessed was Arabic. 
As he was talking, the other three figures pulled up alongside him. Ingrid was one of them, and then there was another beautiful woman, although her breasts and blonde hair were obviously fake. I knew instantly it had to be Ingrid's mother. She held the arm of the party's final member, another man with the same tan skin as Ali's, but other than that, there was really no resemblence. 
Ali grew more and more tense as the first man's scolding continued, until the man paused and seemed to notice me for the first time.
"Ali, who is this woman?!" he demanded in a heavy Middle-Eastern accent. I cowered against Ali, who held me tightly.
"This is Dr. Claire Bennet, from the Geneva Medical Institute," Ali replied icily. "Tonight is our night out, so if you don't mind," Ali began taking me into the house.
"Ali!" The man yelled, and Ali turned to face him with an angry glower on his face. 
"What?" he hissed with such venom in his voice that even I winced.
"Oman!" the man turned to face the other male in the party. "Please explain to my son why I am so upset, since he seems to lack the brains to figure it out himself!"
So that's Ali's father, I thought to myself. It's no wonder he hates him so much!
Oman approached Ali, a pleading look on his face. "Please, Ali," he asked gently. "You know Kahan has a furious temper, and you know how much he hates your flagrant disrespect for his rules. Just do as he says, for your own good!"
Kahan, Ali's father, butted back in. "If you only want one woman, then so be it, crazy as the idea is. But you know it could never be her!" he pointed angrily at me. 
"I don't want any woman!" Ali hissed. 
"You will marry, and you will produce an heir, Ali," Kahan's voice lowered dangerously.
"No," Ali said firmly, then stumbled backwards as Kahan's hand came out of nowhere and struck Ali across the face.
"Ali!" I cried, then turned to face Kahan. "Sir, you may be his father, but he's a grown man! You have no right to bully him around like that! He has a life, too!"
"You know nothing of our lives!" Kahan snarled. 
"I don't care! Hitting him won't solve anything!" I snarled right back. 
Kahan raised his hand to strike me as well, but Ali's arm shot out and grabbed Kahan's wrist.
Kahan glared at Ali. "You dare defy me?!"
"You dare hit a woman?!" Ali hissed back, so angry he was trembling. "She may not be strong enough to fight back, but I am. And I'm not that frightened little boy you used to beat around the house, either. You strike her, and I swear you will rue it."
"Ali," Ingrid's mother stepped foward. "Ali, just give up this whole New York fiasco, and let's just return to Arabia where you belong?" She turned to me, and I was shocked to see genuine warmth and kindness in her eyes, as opposed to Ingrid's haughty disdain. "Hello dear," her accent was every bit as heavy as Ingrid's. "My name's Rebeckah. Sorry we had to meet under such rotten circumstances. You're probably wondering what on Earth is going on, aren't you?"
I nodded. 
She smiled wistfully. "Kahan, Ali's father, was furious when Ali fled Arabia with his cousin Achmed, but let him go once my daughter promised Kahan she would follow Ali to New York and keep an eye on him. For the longest time, Kahan has been pushing Ali to wed and produce an heir, even if he only wants one wife instead of a dozen. As long as an heir is produced, that's all Kahan wants. Ali refuses, and you can probably see that Kahan is not a man you normally wish to trifle with. But Ali is every bit as stubborn as Kahan, so it's come to this."
"Why don't you marry Ingrid?" Kahan interrupted. "Even if she's not of Arab descent, at least she's accepted amongst our people, and she'd make a perfectly respectable wife in society!"
Ali's lip snarled as he prepared to respond, but Rebeckah held up her hand which surprisingly silenced both Kahan and Ali. I stood in awe at this woman's power. She faced me again. "I'm sorry, Claire, I truly am, but I think it would be best if you stayed out of Ali's life, and he out of yours."
I gulped and tried to fight the hollow pit of dread and despair that built in my gut. I wasn't allowed to see Ali anymore? I turned to him, but he wouldn't meet my eyes. 
"She's right, Claire," he said bitterly. "It's best if this was goodbye."
I sat down on the porch step, stunned and dazed, while Ali went inside to gather his things. He came back outside with his bag of clothes and his weights, and sat down beside me. "Can I please have just a few moments?" he asked the others. 
Kahan started to protest, but Oman pulled him away, and they all headed back to the car. Ingrid hesitated, obviously not happy about Ali being alone with me, but reluctantly followed after them. 
"Sorry you had to see all this, Doc," Ali gave a heavy sigh. "My father's a cruel and sick man."
I nodded. "He's not my favourite guy ever, not gonna lie."
He gave a half smile. "I don't blame you." He sighed again, and turned to face me. "I'm gonna miss this, Claire," he took my hand in his.
"I'm going to miss you," I whispered, gulping back the lump in my throat and trying to fight back tears.
"Yeah," he nodded. "It's been good."
"So I'm really never going to see you again?"
"Well, it's not like I'm going anywhere," Ali shrugged. "I'll still be here, in New York. Maybe I'll see you around downtown sometime. But you knew nothing was going to come of this anyways, Claire. I was going to leave, whether they'd shown up or not."
"Yeah," I bit my lip. "I know."
"Hey, Doc, come on now," he smiled softly and cupped my cheek in his hand, forcing my eyes to meet his. 
I covered his hand in my own. "Goodbye, Ali." The tears spilled over despite my valiant attempts to restrain them. My heart was breaking, and it hurt something awful.
Ali wiped my tears with a gentle smile and kissed me softly on the lips. "Goodbye, Claire," he said, rising to his feet. "You know, you're a real good woman, Doc. Someday-"
I held my hand up. "I swear to God, Ali, if you give me that 'You'll make a great wife someday' speech, I'll stick you with the biggest needle I've got."
He gave a half-hearted chuckle. "Bye, then," he waved, and walked to the car, never once turning back, despite all the foolish dreams that flooded my mind of him running back. They drove away, and I was left alone in the dark with my tears.

"Welcome back, Claire!" Leslie gathered me up in a giant bear hug. "Look at what Michael bought me!!" She flashed a beautiful emerald engagement ring in my face. 
"Wow, Leslie!" I tried my best to grin through my envy, momentarily envisioning Ali putting a ring on my finger. "How'd he propose?"
"Well, we actually were arguing about something-I forget exactly what-and he said something about how he wouldn't marry me if I was the last woman on Earth and I asked him since when were we talking about marriage? He said he didn't mean for that to slip out, but since it had, and he got down on one knee!"
"He better treat my girl right," Rico came up next to us with a grin on his face and tousled Leslie's hair affectionately.
"You say that to all the ladies, mate," Leslie rolled her eyes.
"That's because there are so many beautiful women in the hospital with me," he leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Good to have you back, Claire. You're looking really good!"
"What do you mean?" I frowned. I felt like hell.
"You look like you enjoyed yourself on your time off. Your cheeks are all rosy, all the stress and worry lines are gone...happiness fits you!"
I blushed. "Well, I did have fun, I guess."
"Oh?" Rico grinned. "You'll have to give us all the dirty details, then."
I laughed. "Nothing to tell, really. He was sexy. But he's gone now, so it's time to move on."
"I'll bet I know someone who'd take you out, love," said Leslie.
"Who?" I asked.
"Please," I rolled my eyes. "Kip Brighton? The head of the pediatric ward? Where'd that come from?"
"Even I could tell he liked you!" Rico laughed. "He always stares at you like you're a goddess or something, and he keeps coming through the ER, but never has the guts to talk to you."
"He talked to me just fine when I worked with him," I frowned, and picked up my clipboard.
"That's because he couldn't avoid you there!" Leslie insisted. "Go on! Take the bloke out for a try!"
"He's sweet, but I'm not interested in a relationship right now," I shook my head.
Rico frowned. "Just how long have you known that Ali dude?"
"I'd seen him twice before he came to the hospital," I said, "but that was over the course of three weeks or so. I've known him since early February."
"So about two months? And you're already that into him?"
"Who says I'm into him?" I put on what I hoped was a look of convincing denial. 
"I do," Rico and Leslie both replied.
"Whatever," I stuck my tongue out. "He's not interested in settling down, so what does it matter how I feel for him?"
"Aww, Claire!" Leslie put her arm around me. "You're upset, poor little ducky!"
"Am not!" I sniffed, and started off to my first patient.
"Just don't do anything stupid on the rebound!" Rico called after me.
"Any stupid activites that were going to happen already have," I muttered to myself, and went inside my patient's room.

"How are you doing today, Ben?" I asked the twinkle-eyed elderly man laying in the bed.
"Doing great, Doc!" he grinned. "So what's the diagnosis? Will I live?"
"You sure will!" I smiled back, and began unhooking his IV tubes. "In fact, we're moving you right now to the outpatient ward, since your body seems to have recovered fully and rapidly from your surgery. You'll stay here one more night, and if you're still good in the morning you're outta here!"
"That's great!" he beamed as a nurse came in and began wheeling him to the outpatient ward. "Thanks, Doc, and goodbye!"
"Goodbye, Ben!" I waved.
"I love it when you get a really nice patient like that," came a voice from behind me.
I whirled around. "Oh, hi, Kip!"
He smiled. "How are you doing, Claire? We miss you in the pediatric ward."
"I miss it too," I smiled back. "Are you off today?"
He shook his head. "I'm just on break. Thought I'd swing by and see how you were doing."
"I'm doing great," I assured him. "But I'm kind of in the middle of my morning rounds still."
"Oh, of course," he grinned sheepishly. "I'll let you be then, it was good seeing you, Claire."
I nodded, and went to my next patient.
"I told you," Rico showed up at my side. "The man was practically drooling!"
"Please," I shook my head. "Why is everyone so obsessed with setting me up lately?!"
"We worry about you, Claire. You work too hard and never seem to let yourself relax. You need to hang out with that Ali dude some more, he did a lot of good for you making you happy!" He winked.
"Hush, Rico!" I shoved him playfully.
"I'm serious!" he laughed. "As your boss, I get to give you orders. And my orders are: find a man. Marry him. Get laid; have a child or two. And enjoy yourself, Claire!"
I rolled my eyes. "I'll keep it in mind, you silly man. Later!"

"Hey, Claire!" Nora greeted me when I got home.
"You're working late," I smiled. "How was your day?"
"Quiet, as usual. I was just on my way home, actually. I made you a pie, that's why I'm a bit late. 
"A pie?" I grinned. "Nora, you're a saint. I insist you stay here and eat dinner with me."
"Well, if you insist," she smiled.
"Oh yes, I do!"
We both laughed and enjoyed ourselves over coffee, a delectable stew, and cherry pie.
"Thank you, Nora, this was delicious," I leaned back and patted my full belly, "But I really need to stop pigging out! Just the past 4 weeks alone I've put on 5 pounds."
Nora laughed. "That man took good care of you, you were too thin anyways!"
"I miss him," I sighed, leaning my chin in my hand.
"It'll be alright, dear," she patted my arm.
I smiled at her. "Of course it will."
"Do you want me to stay and help clean up dinner?"
"No thanks, I've got it."
"Alright," she grinned. "See you tomorrow morning!"
"See you!"
And Nora left.

The next few weeks passed slowly. Without Ali's company, life was lonely, dull, and depressing. I turned to my work as a distraction, working myself to the bone in a vain attempt to get him off my mind.
One such morning, I woke up with a fever and nausea. I called in sick, and spent the next few hours in my bathroom. The nausea eventually died down, and my fever turned into a dull headache. I took an Advil and kicked back with today's paper; I felt sick all over again when I saw the picture on the front page.
It was of Ali, looking as beautiful as ever in a white suit that pointed out just how amazingly tan he was. He had a huge grin on his face as he gazed down at the breathtakingly gorgeous Ingrid, who beemed right back up at him with an adoring look in her eyes.
He was placing an expensive diamond ring onto Ingrid's finger, and the caption read: "Prince Ali of Saudi Arabia finally settles down!"
My eyes skimmed the article, which told the story of how Ingrid and Alie had been spotted together at the Waldorf for dinner, and how he had pulled out a ring and placed it on her finger. Ingrid was estatic, and more than happy to make a million excited comments for the article, but Ali had apparently just shrugged and given no response to the reporters.
I gripped the newspaper so tightly my hands shook. That bastard! He swore he'd never settle down! And he had promsied I'd be the first to know if he changed his mind, that traitor!
I stormed up to my bedroom and threw some clothes on. Then I grabbed my keys and headed out to my car, purposely driving the Land Rover and refusing to step food inside the car Ali had bought for me.
I drove like mad down to Ali's gym, and practically ran into his office where he sat, calmly sipping a cup of iced tea and going over paperwork. 
He glanced up as I walked in, and his eyebows raised in surprise. "Heya, Doc!" he smiled.
"Don't 'heya, Doc' me, you fucking asshole!" I screamed. "I trusted you!"
"Whoah, there!" he held his hands up defensively. "What's all this about, then?"
"You swore you wouldn't ever settle down!" my lip trembled.
"Who says I am?"
I gave a disgusted sigh and threw the paper down on his desk. "You did, you jerk!"
He browsed over the paper, his face completely void of any emotion, until an amused grin pulled at the corners of his mouth.
"And just what the hell is so damn funny?!" I bellowed as his grin turned into laughter.
He put his feet up on his desk and leaned back in his chair. "You can't believe everything you read in the papers, you know."
"Well, what about the picture? That ring's as plain as daylight!"
"So I gave her a ring," he shrugged," what of it?"
I gave a cry of frustration. "Are you marrying her or not?!"
He wiggled his eyebrows. "Why, you jealous?"
"Ali!" I sputtered. "I'm being serious right now!"
He swung his legs around and walked towards the door, loosening his tie as he went. "That's your problem, Doc," he threw his tie onto a nearby chair and closed the door. "You're way too serious." He dimmed the lights and closed the blinds, then started walking towards me.
"What are you doing?" I stepped backwards. "Get away from me!"
"You remember my theory on fucking and how it does wonders for people who take things too seriously, don't you?"
"Don't. You. Dare!" I hissed. "I'm never having sex again with you as long as I live!"
"I'm sorry you feel that way," he backed me against the wall and put his hands up to either side of me. 
"Let me go!" I demanded, trying to get away, but he had me trapped. His arms closed around me, and I felt my head spin as his scent and closeness started working its magic.
"No," he whispered, bending his mouth towards mine.
"Argh!" I shrieked, shoving him forcefully. To my amazement, he actually stumbled backwards a few steps. I ran for the door, but his arms shot out and grabbed me, and he threw me over his shoulder.
"Put me down!" I pounded his back with my fists.
"Now, now, Claire, let's be reasonable," he said, laying me down on the small brown couch and settling himself on top of me. "I'm not letting you leave until we've had a good sound fucking session, so you can either give in and enjoy it or you can fight me the whole way and miss out on all the pleasure you know I can give you. Your choice, love."
"Neither!" I cried, angry tears spilling down my cheeks. "I hate you! Get off of me!"
"Your choice," he said again, then claimed my mouth with his.
Every inch of my body screamed to respond to him and kiss him back, but I fought against it, squirming and thrashing about and trying to escape.
"I hate you!" I screamed again into his mouth. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"
"Would you mind struggling a little more?" He asked in a husky voice. "You have no idea how much your twisting about is turning me on."
I tried to shove him again, but he wouldn't budge. He grabbed my wrists in one hand and held them above my head. With his other hand, he made quick work of my blouse and bra, and I bit back a moan when his tongue flicked over my breasts.
"Stop it!" I gasped. "I mean it! I hate you!"
"I'm sure," I could feel his grin against my stomach as he kissed down my abdomen. His hand went to my jean fasten, and my breath hitched in my throat.
"Don't you dare!" I hissed.
He laughed. "Oh, I dare." And in one quick movement, he maneuvered both my pants and underwear down to my ankles. He continued his trail of kisses even further, and I couldn't fight the scream that erupted from my mouth when his tongue slipped inside my legs.
"Ali!" I gasped, arching my back into his caress.
"Claire," He growled back, letting go of my hands to remove his own clothes. "Claire, I swear to God, if I don't have you right now..."
Even though I had control of my arms again, I didn't fight him. "I hate you!" I whispered as I reached up and pulled his lips back down to mine.
"I've missed you," he moaned, his hands roaming all over my body and touching me in that wonderful way.
"I haven't," I lied, moving my hand down to his hardness.
He started to chuckle, but inhaled sharply as I began stroking up and down his entire length.
"Claire, please!" He panted.
"Yes," I moaned, "but I still hate you."
He grabbed my hips, yanking them into his own as he buried himself all the way inside. I cried out at the heated joining, gasping for breath as he pulled out and did it again and again and again.
"Do you still hate me?" he rasped in a strained voice and we both neared our climax.
"Yes!" I groaned back, moving my hips in perfect union with his, pushing upwards to take as much of him inside me as was humanly possible. "I hate you more than ever!"
"If this is hate, I love it!"
I continued to tell him over and over just how much I hated him, and then screamed something entirely different as we simulatneously peaked.
My hands flew to cover my mouth as he stared blankly at me, still breathing heavily from our intense lovemaking. My words hung in the air like weights, creating a tension so thick you could cut it with a knife: "I love you."
We both laid there, frozen, until the door flew open to reveal a completely livid Ingrid.

Chapter 7

I sat in my office, barely tasting my sandwich as I stared sadly out the window. 

"Claire?" Rico knocked softly and stepped inside. "Claire, are you still upset over that Arabian guy?"

I sighed. It had been almost 3 years since I'd seen Ali. After Ingrid had found us, she'd called Ali's father who had demanded both of their immediate returns to Saudi Arabia. A few days later, they'd both appeared on television to announce their engagement and the projected date of their marriage, which had taken place sometime last year. 

About a week after Ali had left, I'd discovered that I was pregnant. Eight and 1/2 months later, I gave birth to beautiful twins: a boy and a girl. I named them Carter and Leah.

Tomorrow, we'd be celebrating their 2nd birthday, and I ached for Ali to be celebrating with us. "Rico, I love him," I sighed again.

He gave me a wry smile. "He's the stupidest bastard on Earth to have let a woman like you go."

I gave a small laugh. "Thanks, Rico."

"So, you're not gonna give that Kip fellow a chance?"

I groaned. Since Ali's departure, Kip had pursued me relentlessly, buying me all sorts of things and presents for the children. "Nothing against him, Rico. It's just that....he's not Ali."

Rico nodded. "Poor girl," he said. "Want to take the rest of the day off?"

"Will you be alright without me?"

"We'll manage," he smiled. "Feel better, ok?"

"Ok!" I bobbed my head furiously. "Thank you, Rico!"



"Mommy!" the twins shrieked, crowding around  my legs and demanding my attention.

"Hello, darlings," I smiled and picked them up in either of my arms. "Did you both have a good day?"

They were so beautiful, wich Ali's curly dark hair and twinkling chocolate eyes. Their skin, while not as dark as Ali's, was still much darker than my pale colour. They meant the absolute world to me. 

"Yes!" they grinned. "Nora gave us cookies!"

I groaned. "Nora!"

She walked into the front room, smiling sheeplishly. "They wouldn't leave me alone, Claire! I had to distract them some how!"

I laughed and shook my head, then put the twins down and let them climb all over the furniture. "As if they're not bad enough without sugar, Nora."

"You're telling me!" she chuckled. "They have to be the world's most energetic babies."

I smiled, and helped Nora slip into her coat, although she really didn't need it in this warm June weather. "Goodnight, Nora!" I waved as she left. Then, I turned to the twins.

"Mommy?" Leah tugged on my pants.

"Yes, dear?"

"Who's dat?" she pointed a finger towards a picture sticking out of my wallet that had slipped out of my pocket somehow.

"That's Ali," I sighed, taking the picture out and tracing a soft finger over his face. "He's your daddy."

"Daddy? Is that like Mommy?" Carter smiled.

"Yes, Carter," I tucked his curls behind his ear. "Except Daddy lives far, far, away."

Leah started laughing. "Daddy!"

I smiled. "Yes, Leah. That's right. Ali is Daddy."

"Daddy!" she srieked again. "Daddy, Daddy!"

Carter scrambled up onto the chair next to hers and began laughing too. "Daddy!"

"What on Earth has gotten into you two?" I frowned and Carter pointed out the front window. "Daddy!"

"What are you guys talking abou-OH. MY. GOD." I breathed, as I saw what they were pointing at. I had to be dreaming. Ali was stepping out of his Maserati and coming towards my front door. I hurried over to the door and threw it open. Before I could stop them, the twins went scrambling outside and attached themselves to Ali's legs. "Daddy!" they cried over and over. 

Ali bent down to greet them, with a frown on his face. Then, his eyes grew large as he realised who they were. He gathered them up easily into his strong arms and approaced me. 

I couldn't breathe. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I put out a shaky hand against his warm, soft cheek. "Ali?" I could barely make enough noise to be heard. "Is that really you?"

He nodded. "Yeah, it's me, Claire." He bit his lip as he glanced first at Carter, and then Leah. "I'm a father," he said. It was a statement, not a question, but I answered anyways.

"Yes, yes you are, Ali. This is Leah, and Carter. They'll be two years old tomorrow night." I nervously looked up at him, expecting him to be horrified at the thought of having children. But instead, I saw warmth and love in his eyes. "Ali? Why are you here?"

"Mommy?" Leah and Carter scrambled out of Ali's arms and tugged on my leg. "Mommy okay?"

I shushed them and sent them into the kitchen for more of Nora's cookies. 

As soon as they disappeared, Ali let out a nervous sigh and let his posture slouch. "Claire, please don't cry." Before I knew it, he'd gathered me up against his hot muscular chest and I was lost in the smell of his spicy scent once again.

"Ali, I've spent the past 3 years trying to forget you, and in the four minutes you've been here you've undone any progress I'd made." I said shakily.

He stroked my hair. "Don't forget me, Claire. Please."

"Why not?"

He stepped back and held me at arm's length. "God, you're so beautiful, woman."

"You are too," I sniffed.

"I've missed you," he smiled softly.

I just stared at him, too confused and dazed to say anything.

He sighed again and raked his fingers through his hair. "Where do I even start?"

"How about by telling me what the hell you're doing standing in my doorway?"

"You're right, how rude of me to let all the air conditioning escape," he boldly stepped inside and dragged me over to the couch where he sat and pulled me into his lap before I could react. "As you know, my father called me back home after Ingrid found know..."

I blushed and tried not to die. As if sitting in his lap wasn't enough to screw with me, the memory of our lovemaking.... God, I needed help.

He paused for a moment. "I know this is a little off topic, but are you with anyone? Am I intruding on anything, have you had any other men after me?"

"None of your damn business!" I snapped. "Story. Now."

"Fair enough. Anyways, so I got back home, and my dad forced me into marrying Ingrid."

"Forced you? You were already engaged, remember?!"

He shook his head. "We weren't engaged, Claire. I just gave her a ring to make her and my family happy. We didn't actually get engaged until after we got back to Saudi Arabia."

"Ingrid seemed to think otherwise."

"Clarie, shut up about Ingrid! I don't give a fuck what that snotty entitled bitch thinks." He crossed his arms and leaned back.

I blinked, completely caught off guard. "That's not a very nice way to speak about your wife."

Ali frowned. "She's not my wife....yet."

"What? But you were supposed to have gotten married last year!"

"I cancelled."

I held my forehead. My head was spinning with all of this. "Explain, Ali, please."

He sighed yet again. "I couldn't marry her."

"Oh right," I scoffed. "Mr. I-Don't-Do-Commitments strikes again."

"Claire, stop it with that attitude! I couldn't marry her because I didn't- and I still don't- love her."

"And what do you know about love?" I winced at how harshly that came out.

"Claire just let me finish! Jesus! You're acting as catty as Ingrid!"

I bit my lip and nodded for him to continue.

"My father, naturally, wanted to strangle me when he heard I'd cancelled the wedding. For the next year, I was pretty much confined to the palace with my grandfather, King Abdullah. Even though he agreed with my father that I needed to marry, he told my father I could choose whoever I wanted to be my wife."

"So, who did you choose?"

Ali looked me stone in the eye. "I chose you."

I squeaked as my jaw dropped open. "Ali, if this is your idea of a joke, you can go stick your dick in the sharpest of thorn bushes, because if you think it's ok to show up like this and play with my heart like it's a toy-!"

In the blink of an eye, Ali stood both of us up and pulled me tightly against him. I tried to push him away. "Ali, I think you need to leave," I said in a tone a lot firmer than I felt. "I need to put the twins to bed, and I've had a long day, and-"

"I'll do it."

"Do what?"

"I'll put the kids to bed, Claire. And then we'll finish talking."

"Like hell you'll put my children to bed!" I growled at him.

"Claire, they're my kids too and I've just about had it with your viscious attitude tonight. I know you've been through a lot but I didn't fly all the way out here for you to kill me. Let me put the kids to bed and then I still want to finish what I'm trying to tell you. Now, sit."

I surprised us both when I obediently plopped myself down in the chair. 

He went into the kitchen and gathered the shrieking and giggling children into his arms. He tickled them and played with them and chased them around until they were too exhausted to play anymore and then he took them upstairs. He was gone for about 45 minutes before he reappeared downstairs, eyes glistening with tears. "Claire, why didn't you ever tell me?"

I slowly rose to my feet. "And where were you that I could reach you, Ali?"

He glanced at the ground. "They're wonderful, Claire. You've done a terrific job with them. I love them so much already."

I almost choked. "You love them?"

He looked up at me, tears spilling softly down his cheeks, and nodded. "I love them Claire, and I love you."

My knees began to shake, and he crossed the room just in time to catch me before they gave way. He laid me down gently on the couch and then dimmed the lights before laying himself down next to me. I couldn't think of what to say. We laid there in silence for a few moments, my heart racing as he just held me. It felt so good, I'd wanted this for years. I never imagined it could have really come true though.

He took a deep breath. "Claire, that day, the last time we were together. In the heat of your passion, you told me you loved me. Do you still love me, Claire?"

I bit my lip.

He put his finger under my chin and lifted my gaze to meet his. "If you don't want to marry me, Claire, I understand. But I have to know: do you still love me?"

I nodded. "I never stopped loving you, Ali. Every time I look into the eyes of my children, I see you. And I love you. And I miss you so badly it hurts."

"Would you marry me, Claire?" he whispered, leaning in so I could feel his breath against my lips. My mind reeled as the memories of all our kisses came flooding back. "Marry me, Claire," he nuzzled my cheek with his lips. "Marry me, and save me from a life of terrible loneliness."

"It's what you deserve," my voice shook from the tears streaming down my face. "You broke my heart, Ali."

His arms held me even tighter to him. "I know," he said. "I'm so sorry. I was such a stupid fool. A scared, stupid fool. I broke the most important heart in the world. I know it's a lot to ask, but please let me fix it."

"I'm not going to Saudi Arabia," I said.

"You don't have to," he replied as his warm hands started to slide under my shirt. "We'll live here. It will be like old times. I'll buy you anything you want Claire, anything and everything you could ever-"

"You can't buy love, Ali."

"Ingrid seems to think so," he sneered. "All it takes is a rich man with a hot car and she's all over him."

"I'm not Ingrid."

"No, of course not. And thank God for that. You're Dr. Claire Bennet, the soon to be Mrs. Ali-Akim Hassan Dashkir Abdul-Aziz, princess of Saudi Arabia and-"

"I didn't say yes yet!"

"Say yes, Claire," he kissed the dip at the bottom of my neck, sending tingles down my spine. My body remembered him, oh yes, it remembered him.

"Ali, it doesn't work like that," I whispered, wanting more than anything to stay in his arms forever, but I was so scared.

"Why not?" his hands cupped my breasts.

I gulped back a moan. "You can't seduce me into a yes. Sex doesn't make people fall in love."

"It made you fall in love," he shifted his weight to try and position himself on top of me but I resisted.

"Is this all a game to you?" my voice sounded haunted, and he froze. "You think you can leave and then show up out of the blue almost 3 years later and have sex with me and expect me to marry you and everything is suddenly happily ever after like you didn't completely destroy me?!"

He let go of me and rose to his feet. "I'm so sorry Claire." Now there were tears on his face, too. "I never meant to hurt you. But you make me happy, so very happy. And I do love you. I never stopped thinking about you. I couldn't even enjoy myself with other women after you. I tried to forget you, but anytime things would get intimate I couldn't do it because I wanted her to be you. I haven't had a decent night's sleep in eons because I'm haunted by the last time I saw you. You were in my arms, naked and vulnerable and mine and you told me you loved me. I had everything I'd ever wanted right there in my arms in that moment and I let it go. I've replayed that scene in my mind so many times it's worn, each time wishing I'd told you I loved you back. Those are the words you deserved to hear, Claire. Those are the words I should have said and that I've hated myself ever since for not. You gave me that beautiful tender heart of yourse, and I trampled all over it. I'm so so sorry." 

We were both crying heavily at this point. He got down on both knees and held my face in his hands. "I didn't realise how wonderful and you were and what a fantastic woman I had until you were taken away from me. I wish I could have seen it sooner, but I was blind. Blinded by my pride and fear of love. I didn't want to get hurt, and I didn't want to hurt anyone else. But by running from love, I've hurt the one that I love the most in the most horrible way. I keep having nightmares where a man hurts you and you come running to me. I go after him, prepared to take him out, but then he turns around and it's me. Claire, I've been nothing but a grade-A asshole to you, and I'm kicking myself constantly over it. I should have shatched you up when I had the chance but......but I guess I'm too late, aren't I?"

He rose to his feet again, wiping the tears from his eyes. "I'm so damn sorry, Claire. You're an amazing woman, you know that? Don't ever forget that, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Fuck, I love you so much. I don't think there's a man good enough on this earth for you, much less a cowardly bastard like me. I'll leave now, I guess. Am I allowed to write you and the kids?"

I sniffled and nodded. "Yes."

"Goodbye, then" he bent and lightly kissed me one last time on the lips. "I'll miss you for the rest of my life, Doc."

And then he was gone.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.02.2012

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