
Chapter 1

Välkommen Till Hästen Hus!

read the elaborately decorated sign. Anastasia Lake slowly braked the car and coasted to a halt. Her mare, Deluxe, whinnied from the trailer she pulled behind her.
Anastasia went to the trailer and cooed gently to her horse. "I'll be back out in just a moment, girl. I promise." Then Anastasia walked up to the building labeled "Main Office". Just as she was reaching out to open the door, a man came storming out and crashed roughly into her.
"Hey!" Anastasia sputtered, barely catching her balance on the wall.
The man glared at her, deep blue eyes made even deeper by the anger sparkling in them. "Watch where you're going, dumskalle

!" he snapped, a slight Swedish accent to his words.

hit me

!" Anastasia retorted, temper flaring. She bristled up, trying to come across as intimidating, but found that difficult seeing as she barely reached his chest. She couldn't help but notice what a muscular chest it was. In fact, his whole body was chiseled and boasted of strength. That added on top of beautiful blue eyes and black curly hair made him one of the most gorgeous guys Anastasia had ever met, despite his rude behaviour.
"Well?" the man hissed, bringing Anastasia back to reality. "Aren't you going to apologize for your careless actions?"
Beautiful or not, this guy had attitude problems. "No!" she replied indignantly. "I did nothing wrong!" She spun around, planning to leave him and continue into the office building, but with lightning speed he blocked her path and pinned her against the wall.
"You must be new here," he pronounced each word slowly and deliberately. "Otherwise, you'd know that I'm not to be messed with." His eyes bore into hers, and Anastasia was trapped between breathlessness from his beauty and anger from his attitude.
Pulling herself together, the shoved him forcefully, even though she wasn't nearly strong enough for her action to cause much damage. Even so, he stepped aside and continued on his way. But as he left, he called out over his shoulder, "You'd be wise to learn how things work around here as quickly as possible." Then he was gone from view.
More than a little frazzled, Anastasia stepped inside the building and looked around. Two women stood there, and although one was quite a bit older than the other, they could have been twins. Both shared long, white blonde hair and porcelain blue eyes. And as the door closed behind her, both pairs of blue eyes met her own.
"Can I help you?" the elder of the two women asked. She, too, had a Swedish accent, although hers was considerably more noticeable than the man's had been.
"I'm Anastasia. Do you know where I'd find Mrs. Annike Berg?"
The younger woman, who seemed to be mid-twenties and looked like a Barbie doll come to life, gave an indignant snort. With a look of complete disgust, she glanced at the elder woman. "Her

The older woman shushed her and smiled warmly towards Anastasia. "How nice to finally meet you, dear," she stepped forward and held out her hand. "I'm Annike. This is my daughter, Svea" she gestured to the other woman, who maintained a composure of complete disdain.
Anastasia ignored Svea and took Annike's hand. "Thank you so much for letting me come her and work for you."
Svea snorted again, gave a dramatic flip of her hair, and left.
Annike grimaced. "Please, you will forgive my daughter. I'm afraid I've spoiled her a little too much."
"Who was the man who exited from here a few moments ago? Is he your son?" Anastasia asked, comparing Svea's and his attitudes.
"Oh, Ryan? No, he's the son of my late husband's business partner, Geoffrey Stanton. Geoffrey was declared mentally insane when Ryan was still a young boy, so we took Ryan on and let him grow up here with us, working with the horses. That's why he has an accent like the rest of ours. Also, you will probably meet Kyle Caprini. He's been working here since he was a young teenager, after he ran away from home. From living with us, he's learned how to speak Swedish, but he's Italian by birth and speaks it as well as French and Spanish. Even though I'm officially the owner of Hästen Hus, I pretty much let Ryan, Svea, and Kyle run it. They're much more into the horses than I am. Why don't you take a seat, dear, and we''ll go over the paperwork."
After an hour or so of questions, paperwork, and discussion, Annike stood and handed Anastasia a map. Pointing to a building, she said "This is where you can put your mare. I'll let you go get settled. I apologize for talking for so-"
She was cut off as a tall, bronzed, beautiful man breezed into the office. "Buon giorno

!" he crowed, a contagiously friendly grin on his face. He embraced Annike and kissed her on either cheek. Then, he turned towards Anastasia. "And who is this bella

girl?" he asked in an Italian accent.
Anastasia blushed at his compliment, and wondered if there was anyone here who didn't

look like a model. This man certainly was no exception. He was strong like Ryan, but his skin was dark and he had wavy dark brown hair that fell into his glittering brown eyes. Not to mention his smile that looked like it came straight from a toothpaste commercial.
"Anastasia, I'd like you to meet Kyle," Annike said. "Actually, Kyle, this is perfect timing. Would you mind showing Anastasia where to put her mare?"
"Ah, so you're Anastasia!" Kyle grinned. "I have heard about you, si

. You are the talented young rider! Annike, why didn't you tell me how beautiful she was?"
Anastasia blushed again, and Kyle chuckled. "I did not mean to offend you. Come, I show you where to put your horse, no?"
Anastasia and Kyle both bid Annike good-bye, and then Kyle led her out the door.

* * *
"So, you have ridden horses a long time?" Kyle asked as Anastasia led Deluxe out of the trailer.
"Yes, since I was five," she nodded.
Kyle bent down and easily lifted her heavy tack box out of the trailer, muscles rippling underneath his shirt. With a jerk of his head, he motioned for Anastasia to follow him into the barn.
As they entered, Anastasia gasped. The barn was huge, beautiful, and perfectly immaculate.
Kyle laughed. "Yes, this is a wonderful place, si? Come, your stall is right here," he placed the box down next to a large, fully prepared stall. On the door was a brass nameplate with Deluxe's full name - Golden Double Deluxe- engraved on it. Anastasia's name was written underneath.
She released her mare into the stall, and removed all her travelling tack. Deluxe shook herself out and began eating the alfalfa in her hay rack.
"We can come back and finish tending to her later," Kyle touched her arm. "For now, I show you around, si

As Kyle introduced her to the layout of the land, Anastasia was left awestruck. Along with the barn that Deluxe was stabled in, there were four others, including one labeled "Friesians."
"Fresians? Really?" Anastasia exclaimed. "Oh please, can we go see them?"
Kyle smiled. "Later, I promise. First you must see the rest."
In front of the barns lay a large arena, complete with grandstands and everything.
"This, it is the competition arena," Kyle explained. "When we host a show, this is where the horses compete."
He led her down a path, towards a mansion of a house. "This is where residents of Hästen Hus, or HH as we call it, live. You'll be staying here." Then he pointed to a large forest behind the house. "That forest is for our use. It's full of trails and clearings that are perfect for workouts and pleasure riding."
Down past the house were two ovals, one turf and one dirt. There were also two small arenas for practice use. From here, Anastasia could see that each barn had a large pasture connected to it.
"All the horses have doors in the back of their stalls so you can easily turn them out to pasture whenever you want," Kyle said.
Both of them turned their heads towards the sound of approaching hoof beats, and Anastasia made out two riders approaching them. One rode a powerful black Friesian stallion, and the other was astride a beautiful palomino Thoroughbred.
As they drew nearer, Anastasia gave an inward groan. The two riders were non other than Ryan and Svea, and they pulled to a halt alongside her and Kyle.
"Min Gud hon är så ful

!!" Svea spoke to Ryan.
"Jag gillar rödhåriga kvinnan

, Svea," Ryan replied.
Svea gave a bark of laughter, then turned towards Anastasia. "Where is your horse? Is she as ugly as you are?"
Anastasia gritted her teeth. "My mare is in her stall, and I think she's the most beautiful horse in the world!"
Svea chuckled condescendingly, and was about to say something when Kyle said "Oh, stuff it, Svea!"
Svea's upper lip curled into a sneer. "Prata inte med mig

!" she snapped, then clapped her heels against the palomino's side and rode off.
Ryan stayed behind, the look on his face completely unreadable.
"Why don't you go follow your kvinna

?" Kyle's words dripped with sarcasm, and he put a possessive arm around Anastasia's waist. "You two are perfect for each other."
Ryan's eyes narrowed in contempt. "Hon är inte min kvinna, och att flickan är inte

din kvinna

!" he responded icily, then dismounted from his horse. He stuck his face right in Kyle's, and the tension was so thick that Anastasia could almost touch it. Ryan continued to speak in a voice that was soft, but still very hostile. As he went on and on in Swedish, Anastasia gave up trying to figure out what he was saying.
As handsome and likable as Kyle was, there was still something about Ryan that drew Anastasia to him. She watched his mouth forming the foreign but beautiful words, and caught herself wondering how that mouth might feel against her own. "Stop it!" she scolded herself, blushing when she realized she'd accidentally spoken out loud.
Both men stared at her for a few moments, then Ryan spun away and remounted his horse. "I'm warning you!" he said to Kyle before riding away.
"I really hate that guy," Kyle growled. "Him and his stuck-up girlfriend! They drive me loco!"
"Svea's his girlfriend?" Anastasia blurted.
"Si," Kyle nodded. "They match well, don't they?"
Anastasia tried to hide the sinking feeling in her stomach. With a girlfriend as beautiful as Svea, there was no way Ryan would ever be interested in her. She pasted what she hoped was a friendly smile on her face and said, "Can we go see the Friesians now?"

Chapter 2

"Hästen Hus is well known for breeding high performance Friesians. That's one of the few things Ryan actually does right," Kyle said dryly. "The horse you saw him riding was Renegade, HH's pride and joy. He's a pure Dutch Friesian, shipped here as a weanling. Ryan trained and raised him. If you're smart, you won't go anywhere near Ryan's Friesians or the barn without his express permission, but he shouldn't be too against you looking just this once."
Kyle opened the barn door. Ryan was in there, hosing down Renegade. His eyes flashed when he saw the two of them. "Leave!" he snarled. "You know you're not allowed in here!"
"She's new, Ryan! She loves Friesians. Certainly you won't deny her a quick look!" Kyle hissed.
Ryan's eyes narrowed, and everything was dead silent as he thought. Finally, he said "I will show her the Friesians." Then he pointed at Kyle. "But you, leave now."
Kyle stiffened as if ready to fight, but then he turned and stormed out of the barn. As he left, he slid the door noisily shut behind him, causing Renegade to snort indignantly.
Ryan simply glared at her for a few moments, then he turned his back and continued to rinse the stallion as if Anastasia wasn't there.
Anastasia decided that her best option would be to just wait, so she sat down on a hay bale and watched Ryan. He wore a black athletic T-shirt that hugged tightly against his body, accenting the strong muscles that rippled with his every movement. His curly black hair was damp with sweat, but somehow that only added to his beauty. In short, Ryan was almost god-like in appearance.
After he finished washing Renegade, he dried him off, and turned him loose into the adjacent pasture. He stood silently and watched the stallion run around for a number of minutes before he finally turned towards Anastasia. He cocked his head to the side and studied her for a while before saying, "So you're the one Annike has been raving about?" He began slowly walking towards her.
Anastasia stood as her drew nearer. When he'd reached her, the corners of his mouth turned up into a sarcastic smile. "Annike says you're quite the rider. Who taught you?"
"My father," Anastasia hoped she sounded more composed than she felt.
"Does he train horses?"
"He's dead."
Anastasia saw Ryan wince slightly, but it happened so fast that she thought it must have been her imagination.
"I can relate," he said distantly. Then, a frown pulled over his face and his mouth clamped shut as if he'd said too much.
After several moments of painstaking silence, Anastasia cleared her throat. "Were you going to show me the Friesians?"
Ryan studied her for a few minutes more, then turned away. "Come with me," he spoke briskly, and began walking towards the pasture. Anastasia scrambled after him.
"All the Friesians are outdoors for now, since it's still warm out," Ryan gestured towards the lush field.
"Yeah, it is pretty warm for late August," Anastasia replied. Ryan gave her an odd look, and she decided not to say any more.
They watched the Friesians running, until Anastasia couldn't help but blurt out, "They're so beautiful," she breathed.
A small smile tugged at the corner of Ryan's mouth, then went away. "There's Renegade," he pointed out, "And that's my mare, Tarja. The little colt at her side is Camelot. Renegade's his father. He's the first Friesian born at HH. And that guy over there is Jelle. Renegade's his father too, but we don't own the mare. Jelle was given to us after his mom's owner couldn't afford him anymore."
"So, except for Jelle, have you trained them all?"
Ryan nodded. "And Camelot of course, men han ar babisen," he unconsciously slipped into Swedish.
"Oh, sorry," Ryan shook his head. "I meant to say 'he's a baby'."
Anastasia glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. This time, she was positive the emotion on his face wasn't her imagination. His eyes, though they still blazed with pride, also revealed stress and exhaustion. Maybe even a hint of sadness.
He caught her staring, and the emotion disappeared, leaving only his haughtiness still present on his face. "Just because you're staying here for free doesn't mean you don't have to earn it," he snapped. "Go help Nick with grooming."
"Who?" Anastasia asked, more than a bit flustered.
"He should be in your mare's barn. Oh, and as for my Friesians? You're not allowed anywhere near them. Ever. Good day."

Deluxe stuck her head over the stall door and gave a happy whinny when she saw Anastasia. Anastasia smiled and dropped a kiss on the mare's velvety nose.
"My, my, ain't you a fine woman!" came a voice from behind.
Anastasia jumped, and turned to face the speaker. She found herself looking into a pair of laughing brown eyes. The eyes belonged to an elderly black man, who was still very full of life.
"Hello," Anastasia smiled. "My name's Anastasia Lake. But most people I know call me Annie."
"Yes'm, I know who you is," the man chuckled. "Mah name's Nick. Ahm the head groom of this here institution."
"Nice to meet you, Nick. Ryan actually just sent me to find you. Did you need help grooming?"
"No, ma'am, but ah shore wouldn't mind a hand!" he grinned.
"Well, then, I'd be more than happy to help! Where should I start?"
Nick threw his head back and gave out a rich, warm, baritone laugh. "Ah like your spirit! We need more folks 'round here like you! You can help me sweep the aisle here," he said as he handed her a broom. "Do you mind if ah play some Elton John?"
"Not at all," Anastasia grinned, finding it hard not to be cheerful in his presence.
As they worked, Nick told her all about the happenings at HH.
"So, you've met Ryan?" Nick asked.
"Yeah," Anastasia nodded. "Is he always"
"Frustratin'?" Nick prompted.
"Yes!" Anastasia replied. "That's the word!"
"He takes his job seriously, and ah think he spent so much time with he's horses that he plumb ferget how to how to behave 'round people. But don't let him get to you, miss. He can be a pain in the foot, but he's a good man at heart. Show him respect and understanding, and he'll treat you right fine!"
"If he's looking for respect and understanding, what does he see in Svea?" Anastasia said, hating how sharply her words came out.
"She is a very bitter person, that's true. But as for her and Ryan, ah don't know how much o' that ah believe."
"What do you mean?" Anastasia frowned.
"Oh there's something going on between them, that much is obvious. But that something isn't a perfect romance. However, that's just mah opinion. And don't go spreadin' that 'round, neither, or Svea'll be on our backs like lickety split!"
Anastasia pursed her lips as she thought, but was interrupted by the barn door sliding open. Svea came blowing in like a hurricane gone wrong.
"You! Poor girl!" she pointed at Anastasia.
Anastasia felt her temper rising, but forced herself to keep cool. "Yes?" she said through clenched teeth.
"Mom wants you. Kommer med mig," she gestured with her hand for Anastasia to follow her, and stalked off towards the house. Anastasia hurried after her, noticing how Svea walked as haughtily as she acted. As they were walking, Svea turned to her and said, "One thing you must learn, brat, is that I'm queen around here. My word is law, and what I say goes. Is that understood, or do I need to simplify that further?"
"Funny," Anastasia replied. "Ryan says he's

head honcho of this place."
Svea's eyes flashed with venom. "Another thing," she hissed, "Ryan is mine. Stay away from him. Here," she said as they approached the office building. "My mother's inside. Try to behave yourself, if possible."
"Yes, your majesty," Anastasia bowed mockingly.
Svea made a rude noise, then stomped off.
Anastasia stepped inside the building, and approached Annike's office. She was about to knock, but she heard arguing on the other side. The voices belonged to Annike and Ryan, and they were engaged in a heated discussion, but it was in Swedish and Anastasia couldn't make it out.
Suddenly, the door flew open, and in a case of deja vu, Ryan nearly ran her over. His eyes burned with anger, and darkened when he saw Anastasia. "Having fun eavesdropping, baby brat?!"
Anastasia, frightened by the fury radiating from him, turned to flee. His arm shot out, grabbed her wrist, and yanked her roughly into the office. The force of his pull, however, was enough to knock her off balance, and she stumbled. His other arm wrapped around her waist, stopping her fall, and pulled her against his body.
Anastasia's breath hitched in her throat, and her heart raced as she breathed in his deep, masculine scent. For a moment, neither of them moved. Anastasia reveled in he feel of his strong arms around her and his muscular chest against her cheek.
Then, as soon as it had happened, the moment ended, and Ryan pushed her away.
"Anastasia, dear, how nice to see you again!" Annike spoke.
Blushing, Anastasia turned to face the woman, and Ryan started to exit the office.
"Nej, Ryan, don't leave quite yet," Annike called out.
Ryan stopped, but didn't turn around to face them.
Anastasia focused on bringing her breathing and heart rate back down to normal. "What is it you wanted?" she asked, praying her voice didn't sound as shaky as she felt.
"I waas going to take you out to get fitted for your competition outfit, but unfortunately, something came up. Ryan here has graciously volunteered to take you instead."
Ryan tensed, and spun around with renewed anger. But then he let out a long breath and nodded reluctantly. "Come," he said in an annoyed voice.
Anastasia glanced at Annike, who smiled and waved her hands. "Go ahead, dear. Have a good time!"

Anastasia fought the urge to stare at Ryan as they drove in silence. Instead, she studied the interior of Ryan's bright red Mercedes. It was sleek and expensive, exactly the type of car he would have. The windows were tinted, and the dim lighting created a shady and mysterious sort of atmosphere.
"So, did you fall on purpose?" Ryan said dryly.
"Huh?" Anastasia frowned.
"That's such a lame trick, you know," he continued. "One of the oldest in the books."
"Ryan, what are you even talking about?" Anastasia said shortly.
Ryan turned to face her, one eyebrow raised in a condescending fashion. "Are you really going to play innocent?"
"What do you mean?!" She sputtered, exasperated.
"When you fell against me earlier, in Annike's office? You weren't just using that as an excuse to land in my arms? Because so many girls have used that tactic it's beyond ridiculous."
Anastasia couldn't believe her ears. This guy was unbelievable! "!"
"Devilishly handsome animal?" Ryan gave a conceited smile. "Thank you. I know I am."
"Well, at least he smiles," Anastasia mumbled under her breath.
"When you're as beautiful as I am, it's hard not to smile when you think about yourself."
Anastasia frowned and pursed her lips in thought. Was this guy for real?

Anastasia spun around, inspecting her stylish outfit in the mirror.
"Not bad," Ryan's sudden appearance made her jump, and she blushed as he inspected her. "But I'm still prettier."
Anastasia snorted. "Oh, please. You're not half

as good as you think you are. Why, I wouldn't date you if you were the last man on Earth!"
Ryan gave an amused smile, and then he crossed over to her in long, purposeful strides. He came right up behind her, rested his hands on her waist, and put his lips by her ear. "Oh, really?" he said, his voice deep and seductive. She shuddered as his breath sent tingles down her spine. "I'll bet I can get you to kiss me before the end of the night."
Anastasia gave a startled gasp, cheeks burning.
Ryan chuckled. "I thought so."
Anastasia shook her head, gave a huff, and shoved him away. "You're full of it."
"Full of what?" he grinned.
"Yourself!" Anastasia stuck out her tongue.
"Are you suggesting a tongue war?" Ryan waggled his eyebrows.
"No!" she squealed, blushing again when he laughed.
"Admit it, flicka

, you think I'm hot." A lazy smile played across his face.
Anastasia rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Just because you're physically attractive doesn't mean the rest of you is likable."
"Then explain this," Ryan said as he pulled her against him and brought his lips temptingly close to hers.
"Explain what?" Anastasia gulped.
"Your way your body responds when I hold you close. Your rapid breathing, your shaky hands, you're eyes that beg for more."
"I...uh...I..." Anastasia tried to respond, but couldn't.
Ryan bent his head and lightly brushed his lips against hers.
"What about Svea?" Anastasia whispered in a last effort to overcome him.
"What about her?" Ryan frowned.
"Wouldn't she mind you kissing other girls?"
"What do you know about-oh. Kyle told you that Svea and I are together?"
Ryan muttered something in Swedish that Anastasia didn't understand, but she could tell it wasn't nice. Then he cupped Anastasia's face in his hands. "She doesn't have to know," he said, as he claimed her mouth with his own.
Anastasia trembled as his kiss heated every inch of her body. Her knees became to wobbly to hold her up, so she leaned into him for support. He took this as an invitation for more, and took the kiss deeper. His arms tightened around her, pressing her firmly against his body, and Anastasia nearly screamed out in ecstasy when his tongue touched hers.
Then, common sense returned. He had a girlfriend! And he didn't have any problem kissing other girls behind her back! Sexy or not, this guy was bad, and she wasn't about to become his play toy.
With iron like determination, she wrenched free of his passionate embrace.
He stepped away and frowned at her.
Anastasia stared right back at him, breathing heavily. When she finally regained control, she crossed her arms and said, "You are the most despicable man on this planet! I made a mistake letting you kiss me. I made a mistake letting you get near

me! Even if she's got issues, Svea's your girlfriend, and that fact that you're so nonchalant about cheating on her speaks volumes

about your character- or, in this case, your lack there-of. I'm not attracted to you, I don't like you, and I never will."
Ryan stood still as stone the whole time she spoke, his blank expression unwavering. When she'd finished, he shifted his weight to one leg, crossed his arms, and allowed the cold, cocky expression on his face to return. "Good. I'm glad we're on the same page. Because I don't like you either. I was just proving a point. Thanks for the pleasure. It was fun."
Tears flooded Anastasia's eyes. "I hate you!" she hissed, and then she stormed out of the building. After walking a few blocks, she realized that she now had no way to get home. She sat down on a bench and began to sob.
She remained on that bench long after she'd cried herself out, staring listlessly at a crack in the sidewalk. A car horn jolted her from her thoughts. She glanced up.
Kyle grinned at her from inside his jet black Chevy Camaro Blackroc. He pulled up to the curb, and stepped out. "Hey, pretty lady. Why you cry?" He came over to her.
"I hate Ryan," she said bitterly.
Kyle shook his head. "Si, he is bad. You need a ride?"
Anastasia nodded stiffly, and took Kyle's outstretched hand.
"Don't cry, mi bella," Kyle said softly, and tipped her chin up with his finger. "You will smile for me, si? You have such a pretty smile." His warm, friendly grin was infectious, and Anastasia couldn't stop the corners of her mouth from turning up.
"Si, that is better!" He laughed, and wrapped an arm around her wast. "Let's get you home."

When they pulled up to Hasten Hus, Annike was waiting for them.
"Oh, my dear!" Annike ran up to Anastasia and embraced her. "Where have you been? Ryan came back, alone and mad as a...something! I don't know the phrase in English, sorry. I was so worried! I sent Kyle out-"
"She's fine, Annike," Kyle kissed the woman's cheek. "She's just upset. You know how Ryan can be sometimes."
Annike sighed. "I'm sorry, my dear. Ryan can

be incredibly frustrating at times. You look splendid in that outfit, by the way."
Anastasia smiled. "Thank you." Then, she yawned. "Well, if you all don't mind, I've had quite

a long day, and I'd like to get some sleep."
Annike took Anastasia's hand in her own and patted it affectionately. "Of course, dear."

Chapter 3

Kyle walked Anastasia up to the house and showed her to her bedroom. "Your stuff was delivered earlier," he gestured to the trunk at the foot of her bed.
"Thank you. For being so nice to me." Anastasia said.
Kyle's gave her a soft smile. "It's hard not to be nice to such a bella senora," he said as he gently brushed his fingers across her cheek.
Anastasia could feel the blush burning her cheeks, and her heart thudded. Her mind flashed back to the euphoric kiss she and Ryan had shared just hours ago. Would it be like that with Kyle?
"I like having you here," Kyle murmured. "I can't wait to see you ride. And I can't wait to get to know you better."
"I-I like it here too. Sort of," Anastasia stuttered. Kyle chuckled. He leaned forward, and Anastasia braced herself for his kiss, but he kissed her cheek instead of her lips.
"Buon noche, mi bella," he said. "I will see you in the morning, si?"
Anastasia nodded. "Good night."

Anastasia awoke feeling rested and excited to start practicing for competitions. She dressed in her usual riding leggings and boots. Then she pulled on her favourite green sweater that brought out her eys, and pulled her long, red hair back into a messy braid. She quickly brushed her teeth, and then jogged over to the barn where Deluxe awaited her.
When she arrived, she was surprised to see Kyle there, leading Deluxe and a gorgeous black Arabian mare towards her. Both were beautifully groomed and fully tacked up for riding.
"Ah, buon giorno, mi bella!" Kyle grinned. "I thought maybe we'd go riding today?"
Anastasia beamed. "Si!"
Kyle clasped his hands dramatically over his chest and gave a loud sigh. "Ah, she is a girl after my own heart!"
Anastasia giggled and went to Deluxe's side. Kyle cupped is hands and gave her a boost up onto Deluxe's back.
The golden buckskin mare snorted and danced in place excitedly. "Who's a pretty girl?" Anastasia crooned and patted the mare's neck.
"You are," Kyle said with such a matter-of-fact-ly tone Anastasia had to laugh. He grinned back, and swung into his horse's saddle. "This is my horse, Melody," he said.
"She's gorgeous," Anastasia smiled.
"And stubborn as they come," Kyle chuckled and stroked Melody's mane. "Let's go explore the woods, si?"
Anastasia clapped her heels against her mare’s hide. “Race ya!” she laughed, and Deluxe took off across the field. A few moments later, Kyle and Melody pulled up alongside them. “There’s no way you can beat an Italian!” he stuck his tongue out at her and made a face.
She made a face back. “I bet I can!”
“I don’t think so!” Kyle gave his horse a small kick, and Melody leapt into the lead.
“Come on, girl!” Anastasia clucked to her mare. Deluxe snorted and bore down on the smaller black horse.
The two riders raced neck to neck all the way to the woods, and in the end, they called it a tie. They arrived at the edge of the woods, laughing and completely out of breath.
“That,” Kyle paused to catch some air, “That is good fun, si?”
Anastasia nodded and was about to reply when Ryan came riding out of the woods aboard Renegade. He glared first at Kyle, then at Anastasia. “You two were laughing loud enough to raise the dead! Are you not aware that this is a professional organization?”
On an impulse, Anastasia leaned over in her saddle and slapped Kyle across his face, then gasped and quickly redrew her hand.
Ryan flinched, then slowly turned his head towards her. With a fake smile on his face, he said “You will pay for that, I hope you realize.” Then he gave Renegade a whack on his rump and galloped away.
Kyle reined Melody over to Anastasia, laughing. “Well, you certainly showed him!”
Anastasia grinned. “Yeah, I guess I did!” She turned to face him, giving a startled squeal as his arms wrapped around her waist and his lips touched hers.
It was a nice, slow kiss that made Anastasia tingle, but didn’t set her on fire the way Ryan’s kiss had.
Kyle pulled away and chuckled. “Any more of that, and I won’t be able to comfortably sit in this saddle!”
Anastasia laughed. “Glad I’m not a guy!”
Kyle rolled his eyes. “Sure, rub it in why don’t you?”
Anastasia leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “I think you’re cute.”
Kyle grinned, and waggled his eyebrows. “Does that mean you’d date me?”
Shaking away the image of Ryan’s face that crossed her mind, Anastasia gave an enthusiastic nod. “Si!”

Life became quite habitual over the next few weeks. Anastasia spent most of her time riding, grooming, or relaxing with Kyle. Ryan and Svea avoided them, and the returned the favour.
One day, on a day that followed the same routine as most others, Kyle approached her after an afternoon ride. “Do you have any plans for dinner this evening?” he asked.
“Nope,” Anastasia shook her head. “Why?”
“Care to go into town with me? There’s this quaint little restaurant that I lumvhpp…” his words turned into a soft moan as Anastasia silenced him with a kiss. “I’d love to,” she replied.
Kyle wrapped his arms around her waist. “Ah, mi amore. I will come to fetch you in half an hour. You will be ready in that time?”
She smiled. “Si! I’ll be ready!” After a shower and several minutes of trying to decide what to wear, she finally chose a teal-coloured dress with brown decorations on it. It was short and cute; neither too dressy nor too informal. She piled her hair up into a bun, letting a few curls hang down in front. She applied a light coat of make-up and slipped into her soft, leather sandals that resembled those worn in ancient Greece.
Kyle knocked on the door just as she was slinging her purse over her shoulder. She checked herself in the mirror one last time, and then answered the door.
Kyle stood there, leaning casually on the doorframe. He wore a soft blue sweater and khakis. The sweater hugged his masculine frame, and Anastasia smiled appreciatively.
“Hey, pretty lady,” Kyle said softly, and pulled her against him. She closed her eyes and inhaled the spicy smell of his cologne.
“You smell good,” she murmured.
“You look good,” Kyle chuckled, then held her at arms’ length to inspect her further.
She giggled, and spun around for him.
He grinned at her, and then wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Andiamos, mi amore. Shall we go?”

Kyle pulled into the parking lot, and Anastasia started to get out of the car, but Kyle put a hand on her arm to stop her.
“You are the lady, no? I will open the door for you,” he winked. He got out and walked around to her side. With a dramatic bow, he opened the door and held out his hand. She took it, and was about to give a witty reply when someone from behind Kyle gave a loud snort.
Kyle glanced over his shoulder, and Anastasia saw Ryan and Svea standing there.
“So, he actually knows how to be polite?” Ryan’s eyebrows raised in mock surprise. “This is a shock.”
“What do you want?” Kyle snapped. “Cannot you see that Annie and I are trying to have a nice date? Don’t ruin it!”
Svea examined her nails as though thoroughly bored. “You couldn’t be a gentleman if your life depended on it. Not that rat face - she waggled her fingers towards Anastasia - would know a gentleman if one came up and screamed in her face.”
“Svea, gentlemen don’t scream in women’s faces,” Ryan replied dryly.
She whirled around to face him. “Ryan, how many times…” she trailed off and glanced back towards Kyle and Anastasia.
Ryan leaned forward and spoke softly into Svea’s ears. She frowned, and began to say something back, but Ryan gave her a meaningful look.
She gave a dramatic sigh, and then walked into the restaurant, swinging her hips saucily as she went.
Ryan turned towards Kyle. “Jag behover att talar med hon,” he said.
”Nej!” Kyle said. ”Du har en - !”
Ryan stepped foward threateningly. Kyle glared back at him for what seemed like eternity, then finally he backed down. “For minuten,” he hissed, then followed after Svea into the restaurant.
Ryan stared after him for a few moments, then glimpsed over at Anastasia. “Why do you fall for it?”
“Excuse me?”
Ryan gave a heavy sigh, and rubbed his temples. “It’s all just an act, Anastasia. His nice guy routine? You don’t know the real Kyle. I do. And trust me, it’s not pretty.”
“Well, I’d be awfully hateful too if I’d had to live with you all these years,” Anastasia retorted.
Ryan’s eyes flashed with anger for a second, but he closed his eyes to calm himself. “Anastasia, please.”
“Please what? Listen to you? Forget it, you snake!” She tried to brush past him, but he gripped her shoulders angrily and spun her around to face him. “You little - !”
“What? Little what?” she snarled.
Ryan’s features softened. “I don’t want him to hurt you.” The emotion in his face was so unexpected that Anastasia couldn’t formulate an answer. But, it was gone as soon as it had come, leaving his face blank and expressionless. “Are you two together? Officially?” he asked bluntly.
Anastasia blinked, then brushed his hands away. “Yes. He treats me better than you did.”
One side of Ryan’s mouth pulled up and he gave a small, dry laugh. “I deserved that.”
Anastasia raised an eyebrow. “Ryan, what’s gotten into you?”
He stepped forward. “Anastasia, I think you should know that Svea and I aren’t -“
“Time’s up!” Kyle interrupted, coming between her and Ryan. He gave Ryan a nasty scowl, and then faced Anastasia. “Let’s get out of here.”
“Where are we going?” Anastasia asked as Kyle pulled her to his car. She glanced over her shoulder one last time at Ryan, who stood there with a lost look in his eyes. Then, he turned around and went inside.
“We’re going to my friend Toni’s place. His spaghetti is amazing. There is no way I’m eating in that restaurant if Ryan’s there. Or Svea, for that matter.”
Anastasia shrugged. “If you say so.”
The two were silent as the drove. What had Ryan been about to tell her before Kyle cut him off? And what was with Ryan’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde act? It really was quite frustrating.
Kyle put a hand on her knee, jolting her from her thoughts. “Don’t let him get to you,” he smiled gently. “That man has issues.”
Anastasia nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. Now where’s this Tony guy? I’m starved!”

The two enjoyed a pleasant dinner full of friendly conversation, and they made sure to steer clear of any discussion about Ryan or Svea.
“When is our next competition?” Anastasia asked.
“Not for a few months yet,” Kyle replied. “We had a competition up in Wisconsin just three months ago.”
“How did you guys do?”
“Ryan came in first in the dressage competition. Svea rode in two different jumping competitions, and won a second place in one of them.”
“What about you?” Anastasia frowned. “Didn’t you ride at all?”
“Nah,” Kyle shook is head. “Melody wasn’t feeling very well. We usually do show-jumping. Is that what you and Deluxe do?”
Anastasia nodded.
Kyle took a small bite of bread. “Then be careful. Svea doesn’t like competition.”
“Don’t you count as competition?” she asked. “Why aren’t you concerned?”
Kyle laughed. “Because Svea wouldn’t dare try to attack me! I’m taller, heavier, and stronger than she is.”
“Hey, are you calling me weak?” Anastasia pouted.
“Not at all,” Kyle smiled. “I’m just saying that Svea wouldn’t hesitate before harming you. But you could probably take her,” he winked. “Plus, I’ll teach you a couple of moves. She won’t be that hard to beat. She’s terrified she might break a nail or get a hair out of place.”
Anastasia laughed, and Kyle beamed. “Ah, that is such a beautiful sound.” Then he gestured towards her plate. “Are you done?”
She nodded. “It was delicious!”
“You’ll find that is common of most Italian things,” he grinned impishly.
Anastasia groaned, and rolled her eyes. “You are incorrigible!”
“I knew there was a word for it,” he wiggled his eyebrows. Then he held out his arm. “Care to go for a walk?”
“I’d love to,” she wrapped her arm through his. “Where to?”
"Oh, there's a park just down the street," he said as he led her towards the door. "There's a lovely fountain there. We'll drop a penny in and make a wish, si?"
Anastasia giggled and kissed his cheek. "Sure!"
He touched her nose with his finger and pulled her to his side as they walked.
"Hey, I'll race ya!" Anastasia challenged.
"Okay!" Kyle grinned. "On three! One, twothreeGO!" he raced off.
"Hey! Cheater!" Anastasia laughed and took off after him. He pulled way ahead of her, and by the time she arrived huffing and puffing to the park, she couldn't see head nor hair of him. "Kyle?" she panted.
Suddenly, Kyle jumped out from behind a tree and gave a playful roar as he scooped her up into his arms.
Anastasia shrieked and tried to escape, but he was much too strong for her. He carried her over to a bench and sat down, holding her in his lap.
She rested her head against his chest and poked his stomach gently.
"Hey, now," he murmured softly into her hair.
"Hey, what?" she replied playfully.
"Hey, this," he said, and brought his lips to hers. She relaxed, and leaned into him. His arms held her tightly, and she placed her hands on his chest.
When Kyle pulled back, he touched his forehead to hers and closed his eyes. "I like you, Annie."
Anastasia closed her eyes too, and sighed happily. "I like you too."
They sat quietly like that for a few minutes more, and then Kyle finally stood up, still holding her. "We should probably head back now. It's getting late, and your training starts tomorrow."
"My training?" she frowned.
"Yeah. You get to take lessons from Ryan in order to prepare for the upcoming competition," Kyle placed Anastasia on her feet. "Doesn't that sound like fun?"
"Oh, a real blast," Anastasia replied dryly. "Why aren't you teaching me?"
"Because Annike is sending Melody and I away to an Arabian Horse Association clinic and showcasing tomorrow." Kyle took Anastasia's hand and they began walking back to the car.
"How long will you be gone?" Anastasia asked.
"Only a week, mi bella. Do not worry," he kissed her hand gallantly. "I will hurry back to you."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.12.2011

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