

Tick, tick, tick, tick,

Her eyes were first; the silver of the moon
Giving her mystique, beauty, and cunning,
All held within her soul, her eyes
But impossible to predict.

Tick, tick, tick, tock

Now for her lips; a needle pierced a finger,
The blood painting the white surface
Giving her a romantic heart,
With kindness and sacrifice she is willing to give,
But any who receives it feel they don't deserve it.

Tick, tick, tock, tock

Her face must be finished; the third thing to do
Each stroke highlighting her beauty,
And the sweet, cunning, intelligent, goodness in her
That she seems unaware of
Yet knows is there
Because it marks her destiny.

Tick, tock, tick, tick

Now for her neck,
Strong and slender to support her
With the ability to hold it high
Fore her confidence casts a shadow
And it leads others to follow her
Because they know she will lead them to righteousness
And because she lives for the just.

Tock, tick, tick, tick,

Her body now, the easiest to do
Slender curves, 4 round half circles,
Two on her chest, two above her legs
With a flat middle, but with rectangles enhancing her strength
Her legs lean and fit, her arms muscular,
But each in a subtle, pretty way
Because everything about her is subtle and pretty.
But only if she see's it in herself.

Tick, tock, tick, tock

And finally, her spirit
Always the hardest to do
But it makes her worthwhile.
We have given her cunning, beauty,
Strength, confidence, mystery,kindness
And now we shall add wisdom,
A mothering nature, innocence,
A loving heart,but it beats strong and loud, like a man's
And waiting to be tamed, with the patience of an old clock

That simply goes

Tick, tock, tick, tock

As it waits for this angel to join the other's in heaven,
While doing so much good
On an earth that's full of so much evil
That goodness, common-sense, and will-power
Are all rare and far in-between
It is truly unique when someone possesses all 3
And can survive.
Because this beauty, who has been blessed with it all
Cannot survive in a world like ours.
She will fall; her innocence corupted,
Her beauty drained, her spirit flattened,
And her eyes; alive with the blessings once given to her
Will die with the rest of her
And she becomes ordinary.
Like so many of us.

Tick, tock, tick

And when her clock, the clock that is patiently waiting,
Patiently putting people like her into our world,
When it stops ticking
Only then do we have reason to fear.

Tick, tock

Because by then it is too late.
There will be no more goodness,
No more hope.


Evil has won.
And nothing else can stop it.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.06.2012

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