

Dylan sat on the railing of the ship. He sat there singing wondering what he could do. As he was singing he got a wonderful yet ludicrous idea making his song falter. As his song faltered he fell off the railing on to the deck. At that he began to laugh. While still laughing he hot up and walked up to a pile of swords. As he stood there he realized how funny laughing sounded.
Finally he took a deep breath and began to sing again. While he sang he picked up the most beautiful sword out of the pile. It had a special blade that’s metal turned colors for the users. For the captain it was a blue. Such a deep, deep blue. It reminded Dylan of the ocean on a good yet cool day. As he picked up and looked at the blade, the blade turned three different colors. They were silver like mercury, red as deep as blood, and purple as beautiful as any lapis lazuli. He knew what it meant though. Tomorrow there will be a storm and then there will be bloodshed, and as soon as that is done he will be taken away from the place he now called home. As he thought and sang the sword changed one last color, gold.
Gold was for land and for love. Gold was for happiness and a true home gold meant that Dylan was no longer stuck in this hell they called a ship. He was going to be free! If he could only remember what gold meant. He had so many things going around in his head that he couldn’t catch the thought of what gold stood for. He tried his hardest to think about what it meant but couldn’t.
As he tried to remember he kept playing with the sword. Since he was not paying attention to his movements he ended up losing control and slicing himself. The cut went from his caller bone. He couldn’t believe that he did that to himself. As he tore off his shirt to see how bad it was he knew that he would need stitches. But he also knew that everyone on the ship was asleep. He was only one on board awake. For it was his role as a possession and a thing of the night. He was to sleep during the day. He knew not why though.
He thought that it was weird because he could go days without sleep. Then sleep during the night and stay awake for days again. But he did like being able to sleep every day. But not sleeping through the day. If anything he rather sleep during the night and help out aboard during the day. But it could be what the captain wants. Then he remembered his cut. It was bleeding pretty badly. He went and dropped the sword then went to the captain’s quarters. He knocked on the door. He waited. Nothing. Then he knocked again but louder. Waited. Nothing.
So he then banged on the door and he heard a thud. The door opened two minutes later and the captain was there.
“What do you want?” the captain said in an angry sleepy voice.
“I need stitching sir. Do you have a stitching needle? Or any stitches?” Dylan asked.
“Ay, I just might. Now hold on a minute will you and I will get you them.” The captain said.
Dylan could tell that the captain had a hangover from the party they had that Dylan was not invited to go to. But that didn’t bother him none. In fact it gave him more time to himself. As he sat waiting for the captain to give him the stuff he kept on looking at the cut. Finally the captain came and gave Dylan the needle and stitching. He then went to the railing as soon as the captain shut the door on his face and stitched himself up. As he stitched himself up he noticed that it didn’t hurt.
Once he was done it was becoming dawn and he was getting tired. He went back to the captain’s quarters and knocked 3 short knocks and 2 long ones. The captain got up and got dressed. Dylan waited and then the captain came out. As he did so he then let Dylan into the room and Dylan fell onto the bed and fell fast asleep. Nothing could wake him up now.
As he lay there he wasn’t aware of what was happening. Dylan did not hear the clanging of metal or the screams from multiple people getting hurt. He knew not of the danger that could possibly befall him. Then all of a sudden the door to where he slept fell down with a loud bang and he awoke. Dylan moved to his back and sat up. He came face to face with a very enchanting face. The face to Dylan seemed to capture him but he knew that he shouldn’t be intrigued by the beauty.
Dylan closed his eyes and then opened them again. He still had the beautiful face in his.
“Who are you? What do you want?,” asked Dylan.
“I, child am the captain of the ship ‘Possessive Melody’. And I want the possession of this ship!” said the beautiful face in an equally beautiful voice.
“Well, captain. You’ll not have the possession. For there is none.” Dylan lied.
“Is that so?” the beautiful captain said.
“Ay. It be true. The last of the possessions we saw were over 4 months, 6 days, 7 hours, 37 minutes and 45 seconds ago… oops.” Said Dylan.
Only possessions would know exactly when or where they were seen by recruiters for ships.
“Ay. So you be the possession right?” the beautiful captain said.
Dylan said nothing about being one or not. Not only did he not want to say if he was one but he also was not allowed to say. It was part of the pact he made with the captain of the ship he was on this very moment. As he sat on the bed looking at the beautiful face the face began to get a new emotion. Dylan knew what the emotion was.
“D-D-D-Don’t get mad please. If you do I don’t know what will happen. I swear to you I don’t know what will.”
“Then tell me if you are the possession or not child!” the voice said.
“I can’t it is impossible for me to tell you. Once the pact is sealed I am not to reveal anything that is on the contract. “
“How is this contract sealed?”
“To seal a contract you must kiss the possession. But if you want to possess one that has already been possessed then you must kill the possessor and then kiss the possession after making a contract that both you and the possession find fit.”
“I didn’t ask for all this information. Why are you telling me all this?”
“I can’t tell you. I am sorry.”
“Who is your possessor?”
“The captain of this ship.”
“He is dead. Right before I came in here I ran him through.”
Dylan began to laugh. How could a pirate know about how to kill a possessor? Not in 10 years had the pirates been able to kill a possessor after trying to and then taking his possession. Many possessions had died that way. Due to lack of possessor love, affection, and energy. The person then got angry looking again and Dylan stopped laughing.
“Once one owns a possession one cannot die easily. The only way to kill is to do what the possessor never did that was on the contract.”
“And where is this contract?”
Dylan didn’t say but looked over to his left and looked at a giant black chest. The beautiful face did the same thing and then walked over to it. Then he opened it without a problem. As he looked in the chest he found the contract. It lay open next to a picture of Dylan.
“I found yer contract. Can you tell me what he didn’t do that was on the contract?”
“I can point to it but I cannot say. I am sorry sir.”
The person with the beautiful face came back to Dylan and opened the contract. He placed it in front of Dylan and Dylan read through the contract. He pointed to all the things that the captain never did. The beautiful face read the things Dylan pointed out, out loud.
“He never let you meet the members of the ship; he never loved you, never kissed you, and never had any time with just you…. He never did the things that a possession really needs ay? Well I could do that for you, child. And much more. What would kill him?”
“If you do all that I pointed out. You already did one though. That is time with just me.”
“Well before I can kiss or love you I must know your name, child.”
“My name is Dylan. Dylan S. Shadowed. And your name captain?”
The beautiful face gave a shocked look and then put his hand on Dylan’s cheek. He then sat next to him with his hand still on Dylan.
“Before I tell you mine I want to know how old you are.”
“I am to be 15 tomorrow sir.”
The man smiled and then gave a grateful look. “My name is Donovan.”
“Donovan S. Death” they said at the same time.
“So you remember?” the captain asked.
“Yes now I do.”
Donovan then made Dylan lay down for he was already looking at him and then Donovan kissed Dylan a sweet passionate kiss that was long awaited for Donovan.
“I believe I have 3 of your things down. The kiss, the love, and the time. Now do you want to meet your new shipmates?”
“I would love to Donovan. More than anything else.”
“More than that kiss?” Donovan said teasingly.
“Maybe.” Dylan teased back.
Donovan kissed Dylan again and then helped him up. Then he took Dylan to meet everyone. Once out of the quarters Dylan found a lot of injured men and one man barely clinging to life. The captain. Then he saw that there were people that were perfectly fine. Nothing wrong. Not even a scratch. Dylan then was introduced to the crew of the “Possessive Melody”. They all really looked nothing like pirates. They were clean and beautiful. They even had good teeth. That part shocked Dylan immensely.
As Dylan got introduced some of the men looked at him as if he were a bug that was going to be hassle. Once he was introduced to all of them, a couple of the crew members came up to him and Donovan.
“We aint going to take care of another little girl. We are done with taking care of something that believes they should be treated like a queen.” Said a tall, tanned, and the most handsome member of the crew.
Dylan began to laugh. So what if they had other possessions. But seriously. Him, a girl? Now that was hilarious. The person that spoke glared at Dylan.
“I aint no girl. And I have dealt with too much to be treated like something majorly important.” Dylan said through his laughing.
“Prove it to us child.” The handsome man said.
Without thinking Dylan opened his shirt. His sloppy stitching was still there. And when he opened his shirt it snagged on a stitch and opened it. Violet blood that belonged to certain possessions, bled from Dylan.
“So you are a boy. But what happened. And do you know you are bleeding purple?” the handsome man.
“Shit I can’t believe that I am bleeding. This is so bad.” Dylan said. “while fighting did any of yous find a weird looking sword that had weird metal for the blade?”
“ay. We did. Why?” Donovan said.
“I need it. That sword was given to me by my father. It has a special gift to it.”
Donovan had one of his men get the sword. Once the man came back with the sword Dylan grabbed it. In Dylan’s hands the swords blade turned a deadly black then a plagueish green. Then Dylan fell and lay unconscious.

When Dylan awoke he didn’t recognize where he was. Then he looked around then at himself. His chest and stomach was wrapped. Then he began to get up but found an arm around his waist. He removed the blanket and found Donovan. Dylan smiled and bent down to kiss him on the cheek. But Donovan moved and awoke. He made Dylan kiss him on the lips. As Dylan did so Donovan’s hand came up and rested on Dylan’s head so he could deepen the kiss.
Dylan then was let go and Donovan got up. Dylan also got up.
“Ye’ve not been awake for 5 days Dylan. Wez thought you were dead till the doctor on board looked at ye.” Donovan said sadly.
“If I die then I die it isn’t that big of a deal. You wouldn’t have to worry about taking care of me or anything.” Dylan said without realizing he said it.
“Ye should never say such things child. Ye know that Iz have been looking for ye since ye were put on to that stupid ship. Iz made a promise to yez parents that Iz would find, love and protect yez till we both die!” Donovan said angrily.
“Please don’t get angry. A lot has changed since then. Even the way Iz react to people getting angry.” Dylan grunted and then fell to the floor. Donovan’s anger was going to make Dylan do something he didn’t want to do.
Donovan walked over to Dylan and picked him up. Dylan could tell that Donovan was still angry at him. But he didn’t mean for the words to upset Donovan. He just wanted to bring closure to Donovan. But he chose the wrong words. Once Donovan laid Dylan down Donovan was pulled down next to Dylan.
“Iz told ye to not get angry. A lot has changed. And now Iz have to make it up to ye for my angering ye.” Dylan said seductively.
Donovan began to get aroused just by what Dylan said. He was ready to arouse Dylan and make him pay for getting him angry. Donovan got up and grabbed Dylan’s hands and tied them above his head. Dylan got a shocked look into his eyes but not in his face. Then as Donovan did that he tore off his shirt and then Dylan’s shirt.
“Ye, child, are going to get punished for making mez angry.” Donovan said angrily.
“Wouldn’t want it any other way captain.” Dylan teased.
Dylan hated it when he got this way but he couldn’t help it. He hated that he had to be what other possessions called the lovers possession. A possession that made love to those it angered so no one could be mad. But he never made it possible. Cause there was never a person who could stay made at him for so long. And he was thankful for it. But then there was Donovan. The same Donovan that he had known since he was so little. Donovan always got made Dylan when he talked about death.
But death was so natural to Dylan. He lived with it on each ship he was put on. Someone had died each day. Or every other day. He hated the death but he finally got used to it.
Donovan kissed Dylan pulling him out of his memories and Dylan kissed him back. Then all of a sudden the normal Dylan came out but he could still tell that Donovan was mad.
“Did Iz say anything really weird?”
“Yeah ye told me that ye wouldn’t want it any other way when Iz told ye that Iz was going to punish ye for making me angry,” Donovan replied to the random question.
Dylan smiled then tried to hug Donovan. But he found that his hands were tied. “Can ye untie mez please?”
“But ye broke my curse. Ye really did and now Iz can really be myself when it comes to making love and more.”
Donovan looked at Dylan like he was some unknown creature that he caught. Dylan then gave Donovan a teary eyed look but that did nothing. But he didn’t know what else to do and he began to cry. That still did nothing to Donovan. Donovan kissed Dylan again but Dylan didn’t kiss him back. He didn’t want to. He dint want to be someone’s play toy even if it was his first love.
“St…..op,” Dylan said between Donovan’s kissing.
But that was useless so Dylan decided to hold his breath and lie still. But then he remembered he did that to Donovan so many times when they where little. And his thought where proven right.
“Iz remember that trick very well. Too many times ye have done that to mez. I can tell when it is for real and when it aint.”
Dylan cursed under his breath and then gave up against Donovan. Dylan didn’t know what else to do but then he realized that Donovan was no longer mad. In fact he was upset and ashamed.
“I can feel you emotions Donovan. What is it? What is the ashamed feeling for? Do tell me,” Dylan said in a whisper.
“Iz am ashamed of meselfs because here ye are crying and all Iz can think about is getting meselfs to bed ye. Iz am upset because Iz is the captain and I now just find ye after so many years and all Iz wants to do is get in ye pants and make love,” Donovan said untying Dylan.
“Then make love to me captain. Iz not seen ye in so long and Iz really wants it now that ye told me the truth. Iz don’t think that its will be wrong either,” Dylan said in a serious tone.
“Do ye really wants that?”
Donovan laid Dylan down and stripped Dylan of all his clothing. Then Dylan began to undo Donovan’s shirt. Donovan smiled brightly and helped Dylan. Donovan went to Dylan’s nipple and then stuck his fingers in Dylan’s mouth. Dylan knew what to do for he had done this with Donovan before he left to the ship. (Did not get far. Dylan was way too scared.) Dylan licked and sucked on Donovan’s fingers then felt the scrap of Donovan’s teeth on his nipple and he gave a gasp.
Donovan moved to his other nipple while he took his fingers back and slowly had them enter Dylan.
“Y-Y-Your fingers!”
Donovan chuckled as Dylan said that. He was happy that Dylan was still the same as he left him in sexual experience. Then he began to move his fingers in and out of Dylan slowly. At first Donovan used one and worked his way up to three. Each thrust inwards with Donovan’s fingers Dylan gasped and moaned nicely.
“I am going to enter you now. Are you ready for it?”
Dylan gave a nod and felt something big enter him. He gave a big gasp for it hurt when it entered him. Then Donovan slowly began to move in and out. Slowly thrusting himself in and out of Dylan.
“Faster… please!”
With that Donovan began to thrust himself into Dylan harder and deeper making Dylan cry out in pleasure. How wonderful Dylan cried. The voice of an angel in ecstasy. Donovan wanted this moment to last forever so he kissed Dylan softly on the lips.
“I th-th-think I an going to come,” Dylan said shuttering in pleasure.
“Me too, my love, me too.”
And with that they came together. Donovan was surprised at how much self control Dylan had.
“Tomorrow wez will reach our home island. Yer mother and father has blessed mez with being able to marry ye. That is if ye will have this lame old pirate captain as yer lover.”
“Iz wouldn’t want anyone else as me lover. And yes Iz would love to marry ye Donovan.”

They had reached land and they had been welcome back to the island. Dylan saw his parents and they showed him his wedding outfit that he was to wear. Dylan loved the outfit for it was white and blue. The colors Donovan used on his ship.
Then they got Dylan and Donovan ready for the marriage. Three hours later they were married with matching gold bands and earrings to show their love. Then they were off with Donovan’s crew for their honeymoon in the island next to theirs that was uninhabited by people.

They then lived happily ever after till they died going down with the ship “Possessive Melody” at the ripe old age of 99 and 83.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.08.2012

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