

I was falling faster, my hair whipping around my face and my eyes started to tear up. I was holding my arms high, trying to reach for him. His crying face had soon been lost as I was falling faster into the abyss. Although, I could still hear screaming. I honestly couldn't tell you if it was my screams or his that were burning my eardrums, but I did know that soon everything would be gone. Without him, I was nothing.
It's terrible to lose somebody you love, but it's even more horrible to lose yourself right beside them.

Fairytales for the Damned

I had awoken to the sweet aroma of vanilla. Everywhere I turned it buried itself deep within my nasal cavities, making it harder for my lungs to receive air. I tried to stand up, but the smell taunted my head, making me crash back onto the light blue sheets.
Bright pink strands of hair covered my face and I pushed them aside. I finally opened my eyes to see the pale white ceiling that lacked a fan. I stared intently at it, thinking. "Mason..." I whispered. The words escaped my lips as fast as a shot in the head would kill you. How ironic, that's how he died... suicide, his escape.
Tears sprang to my eyes and I shut them quickly. Biting my bottom lip, I let out a huge sight.
"Don't worry, sweetie, I'm here."
It was Mason's voice... But where was it coming from? I frantically sat up and looked all around my room. There he was, sitting in the purple armchair in the far right corner of my room. When he was alive, I remember so many nights where he would sneak out to come see me and we would sleep together in that chair. He would hold me close, safe from harms way.
He smiled when he saw my eyes boring into him, trying to see through him. But no, he looked just as he did two months ago, alive and happy. What was going on? How could this possibly be? I've never believed in ghosts or anything supernatural, and I'm not going to start now.
My finger started to burn. It felt as if someone had stuck my ring finger on a frying pan and left it there to simmer like bacon. I looked down at it and noticed the ring that Mason had gotten me on our two year anniversary. He had proposed to me by giving me a Poke Ball with a little strip of paper inside that read, "I choose you!" The pink amethyst ring was in there too, sitting quietly, waiting to see if Mason could place it on my finger.
Even though the whole proposal was kind of dorky, it took my breathe away, and of course I said yes. He slipped the beautiful ring on gently as we both cried tears of joy.
I looked back at Mason who hadn't moved an inch. "Never forget me and the love I will always have for you." He said sweetly.
"Please don't leave..." I begged, but he had vanished just like perfect white snow on a hot summers day.
I punched my wall hard, only to break some skin on my knuckles. I would miss those perfect baby blue eyes, that long black hair that swept across his face, his lingering kisses and the light he could spread over any dark soul. He was perfect, he was mine.
I walked over to the armchair and sat carefully in it. The vanilla scent was all over the chair, Mason's shampoo. I buried my face into the chair, trying to savor every last breathe of vanilla. I subbed quietly to myself and drifted into a world of darkness. Playing in the background was the Iron Maiden song called Children of the Damned.
I was the child, and this was my damn fairytale.


I heard the handle on my door jiggle and I sat up quickly. My father walked in, dressed in his navy blue uniform. He was a policeman for Scrawsville county, the richest county in all of Summerton.
"I didn't expect you to be awake this early." Said my father, looking at me with his big yellow eyes.
"Well I am." I replied, some of the sadness still stuck in my throat. I cleared it, hoping it would disappear.
"How about you just skip school today, my treat."
"No, dad, it's okay."
"Aleta, I insist."
"Fine." I laid back in the chair, trying to look normal so he would leave.
"How's the baby?" He asked worriedly.
I touched my stomach lightly. "She's fine."
"How much longer?"
I rolled my eyes. "I'm six months pregnant, you do the math."
"Don't get an attitude with me, okay? Shouldn't you start buying clothes and stuff for her?"
"That's why I'm having a baby shower."
He leaned against the wall and sighed. "Alright. Well, I better go to work."
I closed my eyes until I knew for sure that he was gone.
"I'm here..." I jumped as Mason's soft whisper spilled into the silence.
"Mason, please show yourself." I pleaded, wanting to see his beautiful face.
Something lifted me up and I felt strong arms grab my waist and pull me into an invisible body. His whisper made my body shiver. "I'm here, darling, I'm here." He pushed my hair forward and softly kissed the back of my neck. I sighed softly as he did so, picking up his hands and placing them on my shoulders.
He pulled the thin straps of my tank top down and pushed me onto the bed. "Mason... stop. The baby..." I gasped.
He kissed my lips softly and I felt as though all of my energy had vanished. My whole body went numb, and it was hard for me to move, let alone breathe.
"What's wrong, honey, can't move?" He twisted my hair around his finger and laughed, a laugh of sheer evil.
My eyes widened and I tried to scream, but the scream couldn't find its way out. Mason pressed his hand on my pregnant stomach. "So, how's Athena?" He asked, laughing.
"She's... great." I huffed out. "Mason, get off of me." I pushed him as hard as I could, but he didn't budge. My pushing him had set him off. He grabbed my throat and squeezed it hard, making me cough.
His voice turned demonic and his eyes turned the color of fresh blood. Horns shot from the sides of his head and huge black wings grew from his back. "Don't you dare tell me what to do!" He growled.
"Please stop!" I cried, tears rolling off of my face.
He finally let go and sat back on the bed, putting his face into his hands. I stared at him for several minutes until he finally looked up. His eyes had gone back to blue, but the horns and wings remained attached to him. "This is what I am now. I was sent from the depths of Hell to kill you and that perfect baby." He said this with sadness, only glancing at me. Ashamed, I guess.
"Why were you sent to Hell?" I asked, eager to get the full story.
"I know you were never big on Christianity, but I was. When someone kills themselves, they automatically go to Hell."
I laughed nervously and Mason glared at me. "Do not underestimate the power of God nor Satan."
I looked down at my legs while thoughts and questions rushed through my head. "I must go." Said Mason. He crawled over to me and kissed my cheek. The kiss burned and made my whole body sweat. "I love you." And with those last words, he disappeared, and I was left alone to be indulged by the silence.
I really loved him back, no doubt about that.

Same Difference

Mason was beautiful, yet ugly. He was sweet, yet destructive. He was souless, but still alive. He was carefree, but carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. He was harmless, then turned harmful. He made me cry, yet filled me with joy. He was here, then he wasn't. He's my baby's father, but he's dead. He was mine, but I guess now he isn't.
Nope, that perfect man belongs to the devil now, and as far as I was concerned, I still loved him, but he will never come near this baby in the state that he's in. Alive or not.

Self Inflicted Pain

It was six in the evening and my dad had come home early with the tacos I have requested. He handed me at least twenty mini packets of hot sauce I had asked for as well. Being pregnant does have its advantages, like eating as much as you want when you want.
I walked over to the kitchen table which had papers scattered all over it. I scooted them to the end of the square, wooden table and laid down my heaping plate of tacos and multiple hot sauce packets. "What do you want to drink?" Asked my father, walking towards the stainless steal fridge.
"Water." I replied. You could never go wrong with water.
My father then walked over to the table and placed a glass of iced cold water in front of me. I sipped it thoughtfully, letting each individual drop of water leak into my throat.
My dad sat down on the other side of the table, clearly wanting to make conversation. I looked down at my food and picked at it for a few minutes, feeling sick all of a sudden. My dad cleared his throat and I glanced up, meeting his stare. I slouched back in the chair, feeling tiny under his watch.
"Aleta, what's on your neck?" He asked sternly.
I pressed my finger tips to my neck. A jolt of heat rushed through my neck, it was the place where Mason had choked me. "It's nothing, really."
His voice rose and his face turned a deep red. "Aleta Jane Morchester! What happened?"
"Mason." I whispered, flinching at the words my dad had just used. He hadn't used my full name since I stole a cookie from the cookie jar twelve years ago.
"Mason is dead." He protested.
"He's more alive than you think."
"That's it, were getting you help."
I stood up and stared him straight in the eyes. "Go to Hell."
He stared back, astonished. How could his perfect daughter ever say that to him? Well, dad, I'm not perfect. I got knocked up and now I have a precious baby on the way, my dead boyfriend has to kill me and my daughter, and you call me perfect?
Imperfectly perfect is more like it.

Fading Colors

As I stormed up the stairs I could have sworn I heard my grandma's old music box playing. She had given it to me when I was six. Then a year later she died of Breast Cancer. That precious box was the only item I had left to remember her by.
I walked down the wide, lighted hallway and saw that my door was wide open. I had a hunch of what I would find inside.
I stood in the entrance way to my room, peering in to see Mason crouched over my grandmother's music box, rewinding the nob to play the sweet tune over and over again. He seemed to be quite facinated with it, his fingers tracing the purple and pink flowers painted on it. He then picked it up and examined the under side. He looked deeply into its cracked wood, unpleased.
"Hi." I said softly, looking at his naked chest and smiling sweetly.
"Oh, hi. I didn't see you." He looked at me with that same dorky look I had seen two months ago.
"Obviously." I said, choking out a little laugh.
He set the music box down carefully and made his way over to me. He grabbed my waist and pulled me in for a huge hug. My fat stomach was pact tightly into the hug, making me feel safe. He kissed my cheek and I giggled.
"Aleta, I want to be here when Athena is born." He said.
"Fine by me. Just please, control your temper."
He looked me dead in the eyes. "I can't promise you that... Tell me one thing, why aren't you scared of me?"
"Because I love you, that's why."
"Love..." He repeated, sounding astonished.
"Yes, Mason, love." He picked me up with ease and placed me onto the bed. He laid beside me, looking at me with those pretty blue eyes.
"How could you love a demon that was sent to kill you?"
"Because you're my demon, and I know you love me too much to hurt me."
He grabbed my hand and played with my fingers. "Your hand is all sweaty." He said playfully.
"I'm aware." I laughed and turned over to look at him.
His face was so close, and I ached to press my lips to his, but after what had happened last time, I wasn't sure if I should. I guess I'd let Mason make that choice. And oh, he did. He grabbed my back and pushed me towards him until my baby bump was touching his stomach.
He leaned in and his sweet lips intertwined with mine. Sparks flew off of our touching mouths and ignited into a spectacular show of fireworks. Well, not really, but that's how it felt at the moment. His mouth moved slowly to my neck and bit lightly, but it hurt.
"Mason, stop. That hurts." I whispered.
He scooted back. "I'm sorry..." He rubbed my neck lightly and the pain slowly eased away.
"How did you do that?" I asked, confused.
"Did what?" He asked back.
"All you did was rub my neck and then it was completely hurt free."
"I'll explain some other time, when were fully alone."
"We could go somewhere now." I said excidedly.
"To the woods. Remember when we had a picnik there? It was so romantic." I looked at him in his eyes, smiled and twisted my hair flirtaciously.
"Flirting are we?" He chuckled.
"Trying to." I said in a tone that sounded like a mad cheerleader.
"Oh, Aleta. You don't have to try to flirt with me. I find everything you do attractive." He said with a huge smile.
I kissed his warm cheek. "Whatever you say baby."
He grabbed my hand and we reached the stairs before I noticed something. "Mason, wont other people see you?"
"Only if I make myself visable to them."
"Are you visable right now?"
"Yep, and I'm staying this way. I want to see how your dad reacts."
I shook my head in dissbelief, can't helping but to smile.
As we walked down the steps, hand in hand, I heard a glass clank against he table. "Dad?" I called.
Mason and I walked into the kitchen, and as I saw my dad's jaw drop, I laughed uncontrollably.
Mason nodded towards my dad. "Sir."
My dad just stared at us, unable to speak.
"I told you Mason is alive." I said.
"But... We went to his funeral, I saw them put his casket in the ground. I saw it with my own two eyes. I was in the room when they lifted his bloody body into the ambulance!" Said my father.
I looked over to Mason, who was smiling.
"I told you he was still alive."
"He is not! This is too bizzare! That thing is not human! This is proposturus!"
I could feel Mason's body tense up and I knew something bad was about to happen. "Do you not realize what I am capable of?" Mason's voice turned back to that demonic tone and I looked up at him, scared. His eyes had gone red and I could see his horns and wings slowly decending from within his body.
My father stood up from his chair and backed away slowly towards the house phone which sat on the granite kitchen counter.
"You putrid human!" Mason snatched his hand away from mine and leveled it to my dad's head. "Say your prayers..."
Mason lifted his arm higher and my dad started levitating in the air. "Mason, stop!" I cried.
An invisable hand was choking my dad, he was holding his throat and gasping for air. I shivered and made one last attempt to get Mason to release him.
"Mason stop! That's my dad!"
He stared at me with those menicingly red eyes, not taking those unseeable hands away from my father. "I know. Things will be better for us with him gone." He looked back at my dad and laughed that evil laugh of his.
I heard my dad choke and looked up to see his pleading eyes staring at me. He tried to say something, but the words just couldn't be released, and his lips were quivering so much that I couldn't make out what he was attempting to say.
A few minutes later, Mason laid his arms to his sides and watched my dad fall to the floor. My dad's golden eyes stared straight up at the ceiling and I knew that he was no longer with us.
I could feel Mason's gaze on me, but I didn't have the courage to look up at him. Instead I fell down and crawled up into the tineist ball I possibly could. The tears spilt from my eyes and hit against my neck and chest. "Why?" I whispered.
Apparently Mason could hear me. "Because inocent blood must be spilt in order to keep you safe from me. If I'm occupied on killing other people, then I won't have any time to hurt you or our child."
"I will never understand this."
"You will over time."
"You are not the man I fell in love with."
"I'm not human, I'm immortal, but I still love you all the same."
"You don't love me if you want to kill me." My words became muffled as my crying had become more intense.
"That's where you're wrong. If I didn't love you, you would be dead already. I'm trying, Aleta, I really am." The sweet, angelic voice I knew was back. Mason was staring at me, his blue eyes fixed with my hazel ones. His neutral expression-which seemed to be a frown- was stuck on his face. Even though nothing was perfect right now, I just wanted him to smile. I thought maybe just a little smile could lighten some of this, but he didn't smile. He just kept looking at me with that frown.
"I could just leave, if you want." He said.
"No!" I pleased. My eyes locked with the dark wooden floors below me, realizing how foolish that sounded. "I mean, you just killed my dad, you have to help me figure out what to do."
"Leave the body and find some place else to stay for a while. Once you find that place, do not speak of this incodent, even though nobody would believe you if you did."
I nodded my head and wiped away my tears with the back of my hand.
"I will be there shortly after you arive to the destination of your choice, but I won't reveal myself to anybody there."
"How will you know where to go?"
"I can see every move you make."
"Kinda stalkerish, don't you think?"
"No. I have to make sure my love and baby are alright." He waled over to me and lifted me to my feet. Then, he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and disapeared.
I looked over at my dad's dead body, a sick feeling spreading through my stomach. You could see the red hand print on his neck like somebody had strangled him. I know nobody would suspect Mason of the murder, but they would probably label me as a suspect. I would have to lie my ass off in order to get me off the list, but I've never been a good liar. I guess I would have to believe in God, even though my fiance is a demon.
I walked over to my dad's body and kissed his pale cheek. It was cold and lifeless. "I love you, daddy." I said.
I quickly grabbed my keys off of the counter and walked outside, unsure of where to go.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.10.2011

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To all of the lost souls.

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