
Chapter 1
My butler, Demetrius, came into the library room, I looked up through my reading glasses.
"You have a letter, sire." He said handing me a carefully sealed tan envelope, with a gloved hand. I took it from him forcing a fake smile upon my lips and said,
"Thank you, Demetrius." He bowed and left me in the silent room. Not even the echo of his footsteps could be heard, that was one of the reasons why I loved this room so much. I looked at the envelope curiously. It was an invitation to a masquerade ball hosted at a mansion across town. Not very interested any more I tossed it aside and continued reading.
At first I wasn't planning on going even if it was a good place to flirt with girls.
Then, Emilie started begging me to go.
"Oh please, Edmund." She begged reeling behind me.
I shook my head,
"I.Don't.Want.To.Go." I said surprised by the hint of annoyance in my own voice, hoping she would get the point and give up on me. She didn't. She just pressed on.
"Why? Is it because of a date? Edmund, you know I'll go with you, so, please!" She brushed past me and stopped in front of me, the front of her dress was adorned with lace perfectly accenting her breast I forced myself to look at her crystal blue eyes, sighing I surrendered,
and “Fine."
She squealed with joy, and clapped her hands. I walked past her continuing on my way, she caught up with me intertwining our arms she swallowed nervously, all happiness suddenly left behind, she looked around the darkening foyer.
"You are going to walk me home tonight?" She said squeezing my arm. Our fancy shoes clicking along the marble floors.
"Duh." I said rolling my eyes. There were a lot of vampire attacks lately and well I wouldn't care less if I left her behind and walked home by myself, but I couldn't. I wanted to keep the gentleman attitude that everyone expected of me. All because of my father everyone has expectations of me.
"Thought so." She breathed patting my arm.
The whole walk back to her fancy looking house she wouldn't shut up about her dress and who she would dance with. Honestly, I don't see why women get so excited about these things.
As soon as I walked through the front door, I was greeted by Demetrius. I ruffled my hair and placed my jacket in his already waiting arms.
"Do you have an outfit suitable for tomorrow night?" I asked. He looked a bit shocked; usually I didn't go to balls. But, just as quickly as the emotion showed it disappeared back to his composed facade.
"Yes, Sire." He said bowing. I walked down the hall into my bedroom,
"What a pain." I said to myself. Tomorrow would be the most miserable night of my life.

Chap. 2
I didn't wake up until 1:00 in the afternoon, I didn't do a lot just read in my private library and took a shower.
When it was time for the party I got dressed and headed for the door, Demetrius was waiting there.
"Your carriage is waiting." He said, I nodded taking one last look at the elegant clothing, placing my dark blue mask upon my eyes to conceal my identity I strode outside up to the carriage.
Emilie was already inside and squealed when she saw me. She wore a poufy mint green dress and her hair was piled on her head in a way I couldn't imagine how she had done it.
"What the hell is that?" My first comment when I got into the carriage.
"This is my hair." She said pointing to the pile of burgundy curls.
"It looks like a nest." I said dully as I opened a book, she glowered at me and swiped the book away.
"Don't read. For once in your life. You’re going to a fancy party for rich people at least act like you’re excited." She said placing her mint pearly mask on. I shot her a dirty look from under my mask and bangs.
" I cannot act what I'm not feeling." I said with a smart-ass reply, taking my book back. She just sighed and looked out the window.
"You look lovely." I murmured without looking up from the book. I felt her soft brush mine as she leaned in close to me, her breath tickling my ear and blowing stray hairs.
"We're here." she whispered. I smirked placing my book aside as the carriage slowed.
"Do you have any idea how unbelieving sexy that was?" She giggled as I stepped out and made my way the other side to open her door. She placed her hand in mine as I helped her out of the carriage. I took a shallow breath as we linked arms and headed for the door.

A butler bowed to us, asked for our names, checked the guest list and let us inside.
I wouldn't say it was all that special, but, then again it was. Every surface was either crystal, marble or cherry wood.
It was still the beginning of the party so everyone was greeting one another. I wondered what the special occasion was to be having a ball. Emilie spotted one of her friends.
"You don't mind if I go?" She asked turning her blue eyes toward me, I just nodded. As she started to walk away I pulled her close, her cheeks turning a light pink.
"If you can't find me, leave." I whispered into her ear, she nodded and headed for a blonde in a rose dress.
I weaved my way through the rainbow of dresses and found myself standing at the refreshments.
That's when I saw him.
He was wearing a dark red suit along with a similar colored mask. He had a flop of dark brown hair and held a glass full of red liquid. It looked thicker than the wine. I thought he caught me staring and I quickly turned away. Why was my heart pounding? For a male? I took a glass with a gold painted edge and downed whatever alcoholic content it held. The liquid warmed my cheeks. A blonde brushed her hip against mine, purposely, but I pretended not to notice.
"Excuse me." She said in a perfect British accent. I looked at her, our faces only inches apart.
Oh, I'm sorry." I murmured our breaths merging with each other. She giggled flirtatiously.
"I haven't seen you before." She said clearly trying to start a conversation. I didn't want a conversation I wanted action. I looked at her deep brown eyes making a questioning face I said,
"I'm sorry, I can't hear you very well with all the noise," I grabbed her hand, "Want to go somewhere a bit quieter?" I asked as my eyes followed the man in the red turning just around the corner. She giggled again; I lead her through the crowd and into the empty hallway. The man wasn't in site. I backed the blonde into the wall pressing myself against her, trapping her.
"So, what's your name?" I whispered seductively in her ear. I felt her body heat.
"Elizabeth." She murmured, I smiled.
"Well, Elizabeth, I'm Edmund." I said into her neck kissing it, as the realization set in.
"You’re...Edmund Coretta?" She said in disbelief, I smiled, moving my lips to hers, she parted letting me slip my tongue inside. She brushed her tongue against my lower lip and placed her hand on the back of my neck. I deepened the kiss so caught up in the lust, of the feeling of our bodies against each other, that when I reached up to remove her mask, the sudden voice startled me and I quickly pulled away.
"What a naughty boy you are." He said smiling. I backed away from Elizabeth, it was the man in the red suit, and I glowered at him taking in his dark hair.
"Didn't you come to the ball with another girl?" He asked still smiling. Damn him. He was ruining my fun, I clenched my teeth. As Elizabeth smoothed her dressed and looked at me accusingly.
"Did you really? So, you were just using me for your own sexual affairs?" She hissed angrily, half of that was true.
"No, Elizabeth I can explain." I started to say, but, she cut me off, holding up one hand she said,
"Don't even go there, Edmund Coretta." And then she stomped off back into the party.
"Who the hell are you?" I said angrily.
"Oh dear," He said walking towards me, "have I angered you?" He asked tilting my chin, he grimaced and that's when I saw his fangs.
"You're a-" I choked on the words, but he just stood there his breath softly blowing in my face.
He removed his mask revealing his flawless skin and deep purple eyes. Something about the shape of his lips made me want to press mine against his.
"I wasn't thirsty." He murmured taking a few steps closer, forcing me to back up against the wall.
"But, then again your blood smells so good." He said brushing his nail across my cheek, making a small cut, he licked it and removed my mask. He stared at me, drinking in my emerald eyes, my body wouldn't move. I just stood there, splayed against the wall.
His body warm against my own, encompassed mine. I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. All I could do is look into those luring eyes.
He swallowed not sure what to do. Weather to drink me dry or leave me with his secret.
And then it happened. His lips met mine crashing together so harsh, so urgent, like two ocean waves crashing together. Some part of me wanted him to continue and the other part wanting him to stop. He moved his lips down to my throat, my neck; I braced myself for what was going to happen next how every story ends. Images swirled in my head as I felt the sharp prick of his fangs sink into my flesh, my breath caught in my throat and I choked on it.
Blackness all around.
I didn't think I was dead. That would be stupid. There was no afterlife or in-between. There's just black and you don't feel, see, breath or think.
I heard a muffled rustling noise, and opened one eye to see him. His dark hair almost completely covering his strange purple eyes.
"What happened?" I asked groggily and confused. Being around him made me feel awkward. He smiled crookedly,
"Well...are you positive you really want to know?" He asked. I nodded sitting up, noticing I wasn't fully dressed and triggered a light blush across my cheeks. He cleared his throat, removing his shirt and shaking his head to make his bangs go back in place.
"I bit you." He stated plain and simple, sitting on the edge of the bed. I stared at him waiting for the words to fully sink in. I scrambled out of the tangle of silken sheets and into the private bathroom. Staring blankly at the two, sore red dots upon my neck. He came from behind coaxing his head,
"Are you...angry?" He asked now wearing a new white shirt.
I didn't know what to think relief, fear or anger. Right now all I could do was stare in the mirror. So I changed the question,
"How did I get here?" I questioned still looking in the mirror, looking at his reflection instead of the real him. He did that crooked smile again.
"You are actually a lot heavier than I thought." He chuckled to himself, I turned around and glowered at him, he took a step back surprised by my sudden outrage.
"Calm, I had to do it, I could not just leave you with my secret." he said "So, I decided it was best to bring you here after I....bit you." He gestured to the room when he said here. I scratched my head flipping through the events in my head, blushing when I remembered us kissing.
"And what know." I asked, face heating even more. He looked at me question dancing in his eyes.
"The girl?" He smiled clearly enjoying teasing me, "Or this?" He murmured backing me into the wall; I could feel his sweet scented breath blowing softly in my face. I turned my head,
"Please, don't." I whispered
He tilted his head slightly frowning,
"Why not?"
I had no answer for that as, my brain was screaming for me to run, but, I felt the complete opposite. I wanted to feel his demanding lips on mine, I wanted...
What the hell was I doing? I tried to convince myself that it was the bite, the bite was making me think crazy things, but, I knew it was my feelings pressing me to tell him, to let go of gender and embrace him. That aside, wanting to keep my character, I pushed him away,
"Just...just get me some clothes." I murmured suddenly getting a killer headache.
It pained me to see the flicker of sadness in his eyes but, quickly after it was replaced by a playful smile.
I stood behind him as he shuffled through a dark wooded wardrobe. Turning around with a plain white shirt.
"This should do." He said handing them to me, I put it on, the shirt felt soft and light and had ruffles were you buttoned it up. I ran a hand through my hair.
"Not bad." He said standing behind me. "By the way, did not catch your name." He said going into a different room, I followed.
"Edmund Coretta." I said looking at the dark marble counters, assuming he was also from a rich family.
"Ah," he said turning towards me “I am Aldiar Fitishh." He looked over me with slight concern, grabbing my face gently he checked my growing in fangs and asked,
"How do you feel?" I looked at him fighting to keep my face calm.
"Fine." Lying through my teeth. If anything I felt I felt like I was hyperventilating. He shook his head.
"Hungary? Thirsty...?" He asked crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow, I thought over my symptoms.
"Nah, I feel fine." Just my head hurts like hell and the smell of your breath was driving me crazy.
I didn't say the last part.
He didn't question my answer, tough; I could tell he knew I was lying.
"That is fine." He sighed walking towards the dark curtained window; he brushed it aside so he can view the already darkening streets of London. I looked at him in question; he caught the look and explained.
"I can understand, you do not want to drink blood, but, Edmund," He turned letting the curtain drape back over the window. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat at the words drink and blood.
"You are going to have to drink soon, or you will die." He finished flatly. I couldn't help the tiny burning flame of anger inside flicker to life and my reply came out a bit more poisoned then I meant it to.
"Then let me die." I said looking away, "What do you care?" He glared at me so ferociously it made me shudder.
"You are my responsibility now, until you are not a blood thirsty savage killing machine." He hissed back, grabbing my hand and pulling me to him, once again, forcing me into a kiss.
This time I pulled out quickly.
"What the hell?" I gasped, wiping my mouth childishly.
"God. I cannot- I am sorry." He murmured and briskly turned to walk away.
I stood there watching his back as he turned into another room. Wondering what was wrong with him, with me.
But, what was I supposed to do? I didn't know where I was, what was around me. So, I followed him.
When I entered he was leaning over a chair struggling with something I couldn't comprehend, dark hair falling into his eyes.
"Umm..." I muttered, hand out towards him, hesitant, "Are you OK?" I knew as soon as I'd said the words that it was a really dumb question to ask.
He shook his head. I didn't know what to do or say so I stood there helpless, dead weight.
"Just....go." He breathed. I didn't. I just stood there staring at him.
Where would I go? What would I do?
"Go before I do something stupid." He said angry this time.
"Where?" I whispered.
He looked at me sadly, realizing that I now had nowhere to go. I was bound here in this stuffy house, to the life of immorality and it was all because of him.
"Edmund." He whispered reaching a hand to my face, but, then he dropped it and it fell limp at his side.
"I need something to drink." He said, swiftly moving to the door and grabbing a coat by the rack, "I suggest you come with me." He said eyeballing me still not believing that I was "fine". I shook my head.
"Edmund, I understand you don't want to but if you don't get used to it now, you never will." He said throwing a coat at me. I sighed angrily
The thought disgusted me to every bone in my body. The thought of me bent over a limp body drinking their blood until they were nothing more than an empty shell.

I followed him as he walked through the dimly lit streets.
"Now," He said as we walked, "It is nothing like those folk tales or books." He said his breath orbiting the air like a ghost; I nodded to show him I was listening. I had read a lot of vampire stories.
"We do not sneak into some random house and drink from them while they are sleeping." He turned towards me, placing his hands on my shoulders, at first I thought he was going to kiss me again but instead he said,
"Look at me." I looked at him and shrugged, he groaned angrily.
"No, really look at me, Edmund." He said, his breath tickling my cheek. So, I did. I studied his flawless pale skin, his high cheek bones, his strange deep purple eyes and his dark smooth hair. I didn't know where he was going with this.
"Yeah..." I said confused and a bit impatient.
"Ever notice how I am extremely good looking?" He asked, I nodded.
"Well, we use our looks to lure in our prey like a-" He paused, "Incubus, if you will."
I looked at him a little shocked.
"We use our looks to seduce prey and then kill them?" I asked kind of liking the idea.
"Something similar to that." He said walking again.
A woman wearing a ruffled dress walked by, Aldiar looked at me.
"Meet back here say hour?" He said, eyeballing the woman.
"Aren't you going to teach me anything?" I whispered, he just laughed patting my back.
"You will know everything you need to know once you have done it once." He said walking in the direction the woman went.
I sighed and kept walking.
No point in going home, Demetrius would probably think I spent the night with Emilie or some other girl, that's probably what I would have done if this didn't happen. I heard the sound of clicking heels somewhere behind me.
"Edmund? Edmund Coretta?" I couldn't quite put my finger on which the voice belonged to, so, I turned and I knew instantly why the voice sounded so familiar, it was Emilie's friend, Rosalie. She walked up to me flipping her blonde hair out of her face; the movement was breathtaking in the dim light of the street lamps.
"Where were you last night? We looked everywhere for you!" She said as I turned onto an empty street.
"I told her if she couldn't find me then to go home." I said, sudden lust flickering to life inside me, the delicious over powering scent that seemed to be radiating from her, it wasn't quite a perfume but something sweeter. My hand trembled as I reached up to touch her face.
"Rose, I-" I couldn't finish, staring longingly at her neck. I was considering attacking her or playing with her first.
She cast a worried look at me,
"Edmund, are you alright?" She asked so innocent so unaware that she would soon be victim to my thirst. I grabbed her waist pushing her against the nearest wall.
"Mmmm Rose, I- I want you." I murmured into her sweet smelling shoulder, I glanced up at her face. She was looking down at me wide eyed and confused.
"Edmund, I will not take part in your sudden affairs." She huffed trying to squirm away from me. I forced her into a kiss without a word. She tried to push me away. I moved my lips to her ear, so close to her neck.
"Don't fight, Rose." I whispered, "Besides I know you like it, You've always been so jealous of Emilie, how I always gave her attention and not you." I was surprised at how dark and sexy my voice was, she looked away blushing, biting her lip. I smiled continuing,
"So now, I'm giving you attention, and even my body." I whispered seductively, pressing myself against her, getting so close it seemed as if our bodies were molded together.
"Edmund!" She breathed still blushing, I kissed her again. This time she deepened the kiss sliding her tongue between my teeth, she brushed it against my lower lip, making me moan in pleasure. I was glad my fangs weren't grown in all the way.
I pulled away, my lips tracing her jaw, her neck.
"Edmund sh-shouldn't we go to your room?" She whispered, entranced by my lips, I almost considered it but, the sweet scent made my mouth water, my needs were more urgent, I didn't have patience to walk to my house. I kissed her neck once more before sinking my fangs into her flesh. She didn't say anything or even make a sound, as the sweet red liquid filled my mouth. Even though I thought it vile, I drank her, her body shuddered for a second before going limp. When I was finished, I wiped my mouth feeling a new energy flow through me and tossed her body behind an old building, they would find her and think it was just another unfortunate attack. I pulled my coat around me as the night air was getting colder and headed to the spot where Aldiar had told me to meet him. Though, it was no wear near being an hour yet.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.10.2010

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