
Fallion's Search

Fallion (23)- main character of the play. He tries to find hints about Mauve’s disappearance.

Anderson (20)- expert about people’s mysterious disappearances.

Oliver (16)- the youngest in the group. He gets involved on the look of Mauve by accident.

Daniele (23)- waitress in the café who gets involved on the look for Mauve.

A’van (20)- hotel worker who wanted to help Fallion.

Marv Hill (70)- old man who is also called “The Wizard” because of his great knowledge.

Mauve (16)- the one who everyone was looking for.

Paul (26)- was the cause of Mauve’s disappearance.

I’van (20)- Paul’s best friend who tries killing Fallion.

Robert II (20)- rich man who gets killed during the look-out for Mauve.

Back-up Characters

Calvin (21)- English gangster who tries to slow down Fallion for the search.

Eli (18)- Calvin’s back-up buddy in case there’s trouble.

Cole (22)- Calvin’s back-up buddy near the end of the play.

Candia (22)- farmer woman who gets shot during the last scene.

Setting: London, England. 7:54 a.m. December 13th, 1874.

Current Setting: Fiskon’s Public Library.
(Oliver walks into the room with Mauve.)

Mauve (blank look): Just go to that man’s counter and pick the book out, I’ll wait right here.

Oliver (approaches Anderson with a blank look): Sir, pardon me. I heard about the book “Thy shall die in the rain”, and I really love it! Is there any chance of this book available for rent?

Anderson (smiles slightly): Son, I have never heard of the book. Please wait, I’ll go and peruse the papers to see if we have the book.

Oliver (smiles): Thank you sir! (Turns to Mauve and nods in agreement)

Mauve (whispers and looks at Oliver): Remember, beg for the book if necessary.

Oliver (confused): I am not very good at begging Mauve. You should have asked for the book anyway.

Anderson (approaches Oliver and smiles): Sorry young sir, we don’t have such a book in this library. You’ll have to check the other ones around.

Oliver (Gets down on his knees): Please sir! I really need that book, my friend Mauve over there made a fair deal with Gretchen. And in order for that deal to remain as it is, he’ll need that book for Gretchen in order for Gretchen to give him the money!

Anderson (looks down at Oliver confused): Pardon me? I don’t recall Gretchen giving money to anyone.

Oliver (looks down): Yes… It was a secret, it was a small deal!

Mauve (approaches Oliver and Anderson): May I interrupt? The deal was that I get what Gretchen wanted, and she will give me a fair deal of money for the new home I would buy in the south.

Anderson (confused): How old are you?

Mauve (looks at Anderson): 16 sir.

Anderson (looks at Oliver): Well, I cannot get the book for you, I apologize. But Gretchen is less likely to give away money, even to beggars.

Oliver (looks at Mauve): How much was she giving you?

Mauve (smiles at Anderson): 20 pounds.

Oliver (awkward): 20 pounds will not get you a mansion!

Mauve (looks at Oliver): I wanted a small home in the south, my friends live there.

Oliver (smiles slightly): The houses there are mostly made out of dirt and are filthy and are filled with bugs and other weird animals!

Anderson (looks at Mauve): Look, you cannot take money from Gretchen or anybody. That’s against the law around here.

(Paul enters the room with a small handgun)

Paul (aims the gun at Mauve): Not when I’m around! Young man, you come with me, we will discuss this money problem.

Mauve (looks at Paul, confused): I can’t…

Paul (cocks the gun): It’s either yourself or the very money!

Oliver (looks at Paul): Is that a real gun sir?

Anderson (looks at Paul): What in the name of London is going on here?!

Paul (aims the gun at Anderson): I just want the boy… Give me the boy!

Mauve (confused): Why me? I didn’t do anything sir.

Paul (upset): Yes, Gretchen’s money! That money will be mine!

Anderson (looks at Paul): It’s only 20 pounds, now put the gun down!

Paul (shoots the gun at Anderson, and hits his left leg)

Anderson (falls down in pain): Ah, ah, ah the pain is burning my leg!

Mauve (worried): Oh dear, oh dear! Please don’t hurt me!

Paul (looks at Mauve): All I want is you for now, so the money can go to me!

Mauve (looks down): I am not going anywhere! Oliver, run to the authorities and get help!

Paul (aims the gun at Oliver): You don’t want to get shot kid, do you? I think not! Sit back and watch me take your friend!

Oliver (looks at Mauve): Mauve! I think he wants to rape you!

Paul (looks at Oliver, angry): What? No! I just want the money! (Paul grabs Mauve’s forearm and drags him through the door)

Mauve (cries): Stop, what do you want?!

Oliver (gets up and tries to run after Paul): Mauve, wait! (Oliver runs outside to get some help and bumps into Fallion)

Oliver (looks at Fallon): Oh great sir which stands before me, my friend has been stolen, kidnapped. I need help!

Fallion (turns around and looks at Oliver, whilst taking the cigar out of his mouth): Can I help you sir?

Oliver (worried): Not me, my friend! He was taken by some stranger with a gun!

Fallion (smiles at Oliver): Sure buddy, I could help you… If you’re willing to pay.

Oliver (confused, backs away a little bit): I don’t understand… We don’t have much time sir! (Oliver tries to run but Fallion grabs his arm)

Fallion (looks at Oliver): We can’t rush this, once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Oliver (looks at Fallion): You don’t understand! I just want to find my friend!

Fallion (nods in disagreement with closed eyes): We cannot rush this young sir, things like this are not supposed to be rushed!

Oliver (confused, looks down): You cannot understand that a human being is out there, kidnapped?! Ugh, it is probably too late anyway!

Fallion (looks down at Oliver): Look, I will help you find your friend, let’s get a small drink first and plan this.

(Fallion and Oliver go and enter the café on the block.)

Fallion (Walks into the café with Oliver and sits in the empty table): Well, what do you think we should do?

Oliver (looks at Fallion confused): I don’t know sir, that’s why I came to you! Look I’m sorry if I am raising my voice but this is serious sir!

Daniele (approaches Fallion and Oliver): Can I help you gentlemen?

Fallion (turns his head to Daniele and nods in agreement, smiles): Yes, please. Get this young sir and me a mug of hot coffee.

Daniele (writes down on the table, and then looks at
Fallion and smiles): Anything else sir?

Fallion (smiles): No thank you miss, please bring the coffee once it is done.

Daniele (smiles and looks at Fallion): Yes sir.

Oliver (looks at Fallion): Sir, we cannot sit around. My friend could be anywhere! Do I really have to pay you for this search?

Fallion (looks down at the table and looks at Oliver): Alright, well, first off, do not call me sir, my name is Fallion, and yes, a payment will be required for this “search of yours”.

Oliver (looks down at the table worried): Fallion, we cannot sit around. We must take action!

Fallion (rubs under his nose and looks at Oliver): Well, you’ll have to pay me first. I need the money a lot, and I’ll need at least 12 pounds.

Oliver (smiles slightly): 12 pounds eh? Well, I promise you that you’ll get your 12 pounds after we find Mauve.

Fallion (slaps the table and looks at Oliver): Deal, what’s your name again?

Oliver (looks at Fallion and nods in agreement): Oliver. O-L-I-V-E-R, Oliver.
Daniele (approaches Fallion and Oliver and smiles): Here’s your order gentlemen. (Sets coffee on the table)

Fallion (looks at Daniele): Pardon me miss. But have you seen a man, with a kid? The kid was…

Oliver (looks at Daniele): 16. And the man’s name was Paul. He had dark hair with dark eyes and a black jacket.

Daniele (smiles and looks at Fallion): Indeed, I have. The man ordered a small cake with coffee beans I believe. What was the kid’s name?

Oliver (leans towards Daniele): Yes! His name was Mauve. Could you tell us where they went?

Daniele (confused): I am not sure sir; I believe the man said he was heading down to Stonehenge.

Fallion (slaps the table): Ugh that’s miles away from here!

Daniele (looks at Fallion): But you can stay at the Makson hotel around here.

Fallion (looks at Daniele): Alright, well do. We’ll stay at the hotel.

Oliver (looks at Fallion): Fallion! We don’t have money!

Fallion (looks at Oliver): I have some pounds. Relax…

Oliver (sits back relieved then looks at Daniele): Hey… How can we get to the hotel you mentioned?

Daniele (looks at Oliver): The hotel is to the right, up the small hill, between 2 buildings, across the street.

Oliver (looks down at the table): Thank you.

Fallion (looks at Daniele): Well, we’ll need your help. Will you come with us?

Daniele (looks at Fallion): Sorry sir, I cannot. Work still isn’t over, sorry.

Fallion (looks at the table): It is fine, no worries. Let’s go Oliver, we’ll find your friend. First, we must crash at the hotel. Thank you miss, we’ll be on our way. (Shakes Daniele’s hand)

Oliver (looks and smiles at Daniele): Yes, thank you miss! (Oliver turns around and walks out the front door with Fallion)

Daniele (looks down at the coffee then at the door): Wait gentlemen, you forgot your! Never mind…

(Daniele walks back to the kitchen)

(Fallion and Oliver arrive at the Makson hotel)

Fallion (approaches the counter and looks at A’van): Hello sir, we’re on a little mission and I would really need a hotel room with my little friend over here.

A’van (looks at Oliver for 2 seconds, and then looks at Fallion and smiles): Yes sir, I will tell
Anderson to check if we have rooms available. Now let me hear about your little mission sir.

Fallion (looks at A’van and smiles slightly): We are on a little run here so we would appreciate it if you would just hurry up with the room please.

A’van (looks at Fallion with a blank look, and raises his hands up slowly): I... I’m sorry sir…

Fallion (nods in agreement looking at A’van): Well, sir listen… My little friend and I are looking for this kid…

Oliver (looks at A’van): Yes indeed! His name was Mauve. He’s only 16; he has dark, slightly long hair.

A’van (looks at Oliver and smiles): Sorry sir, I haven’t seen him.

I’van (approaches Fallion and looks at him with a sharp look): Looking for a boy? My friend Paul made a new friend named Mauve.

Oliver (looks at I’van worried): You better not be kidding sir!

I’van (looks at Oliver): Ay, but I’m not! Paul was vicious with a gun to his head.

Fallion (looks at him for 2 seconds with an angry look and punches I’van, making him fall down to the floor): Are you serious sir?

I’van (gets up and looks at Fallion with an angry look): Yes mate, I am serious! (I’van draws his sword and holds the end of the blade to Fallion’s neck)

Oliver (looks at I’van): Is he dead?

Fallion (looks at I’van sword and pushes him back): Back away there!

A’van (runs into the middle of Fallion and I’van): Gentlemen, we can’t be serious here! Let’s be friends here, no one wants any trouble.

I’van (looks at A’van): Do you work here?

A’van (looks at I’van with an awkward look): Yes, yes sir, indeed. I work here.

I’van (laughs): I will need a room.

Anderson (approaches A’van and looks at him): A’van, we have a room available.

Oliver (looks at Anderson with an awkward look and points at him): Hey. Pardon me sir, but last time I remember seeing you were this morning. You were shot in the leg by Paul.

Anderson (looks at Oliver): Yes and that man got away with shooting me. I am going after him.

I’van (stabs Anderson in the back with his sword): Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! No one is after my friend Paul!

Anderson (coughs and falls down to his knees): A bad day, now I die. (Anderson falls down to the floor and dies)

A’van (looks at Anderson, scared): Oh lord! Why must have this happened? Someone get help, immediately!

I’van (looks at A’van laughing): If someone wants to kill a friend of mine, I kill them!

Fallion (looks at I’van and draws his sword towards his chest): Listen here sir, you’re very crazy.
We’ll make sure you stay here until the enforcements come and arrest you!

I’van (looks at Fallion and laughs, and then drops his sword): I suggest you listen to me now! (I’van takes his gun out and aims it a Fallion)

Fallion (slightly raises his arms up): Whoa oh, I don’t want trouble.

Oliver (looks at Fallion): We have someone to find now!

A’van (looks at I’van): Why would you do this?

I’van (looks at Fallion): Oh because I do my job the right way. And my friend Paul pays me a fair price to kill someone that’s in my way!

Fallion (smiles slightly): Come on sir, shoot me.

I’van (looks at Fallion with an angry look): My name is I’van, Fallion!

Fallion (puts his arms down and looks at I’van, confused): How do you know my name?

I’van (pulls the trigger of the handgun and shoots

Fallion into the chest): Fool! (Laughs)

Fallion (falls down to the ground and looks at the floor, coughing out blood from his mouth): Fair…

Oliver (looks at Fallion, worried deeply): No!

Fallion! I need you, someone send help!

A’van (looks at Oliver and runs to another room): I am calling for help!

I’van (looks at Oliver): Must I shoot you too?!

Oliver (worried): No! Please sir, be merciful, if you are!

I’van (puts his gun away): Ay, I am. I’ll wait for the enforcements to come and arrest me!

Oliver (backs away): Uh-huh… I think they’re on their way sir.

A’van (looks at I’van and draws his own sword to I’van’s chest): I think you have done enough! We’ll wait here until you get arrested and taken away! I really don’t want to fight you, nor start anything. I am not usually like this.

I’van (looks at A’van and takes a gun out and aims it at A’van’s head): Well mate, there’s many things to learn before you start drawing swords to people. One, you need to be a good fighter. Two, a handsome sir like you would not risk his own life in a fight! And three… (I’van falls down to his knee and looks at the floor, then falls)

A’van (looks over I’van): Who are you?

Daniele (looks at A’van): I heard a commotion. I am Daniele.

A’van (looks down): My name is A’van. I didn’t know a woman such as yourself could end a man’s life so quickly with only a small knife.

Daniele (smiles): I threw it.

Oliver (looks at Daniele): Pardon me, Daniele! There are dead people, especially Fallion!

Daniele (looks up): We can’t stay here, the enforcements are coming. We will be blamed for these deaths! Let’s move it gentlemen!

(Daniele, Oliver, and A’van run out the door)

(Daniele, Oliver, and A’van run to Marv Hill’s underground shelter during the night)

Daniele (walks up to Marv Hill’s door and knocks): Trust me gentlemen, this man is amazing with his knowledge.

Oliver (looks at Daniele): He’ll help us find Mauve, right?

Daniele (looks at Oliver): Probably.

Marv Hill (behind the door, high pitched voice): Who is it?

Daniele (faces the door): It is Daniele with 2 friends. Is the wizard there?

Marv Hill (opens the door and looks at Daniele): What do you need? Please come in.

Oliver (walks inside): We’re looking for our missing friend sir.

Marv Hill (looks at Oliver): All I can say now is find the witnesses of the disappearance of your friend. And if someone has kidnapped your friend, find the witnesses of the man.

A’van (looks at Marv Hill): Sir, we really need some help. We just watched 3 people die. We just want to help this young sir find his friend and go on with our lives.

Marv Hill (looks at A’van): What is your name lad?

A’van (awkward look): A’van sir, why?

Mark Hill (looks at A’van): A’van, nice weird name. That was my father’s name.

A’van (looks at Marv Hill, weird): Oh… Th… Thank you?

Oliver (looks at Marv Hill): Sir, we need your intelligence to find my friend! He’s only 16!

Marv Hill (looks at Oliver): I really do want to help but first, I must ask you why you want to find this young boy.

Oliver (looks down): He’s my friend, my best friend as a matter of fact sir.

Daniele (looks at Marv Hill): I want to help because
Oliver and his dead friend Fallion came to me for help at work, and the missing boy is only 16.

A’van (looks down at his hands on the table): I… I saw 3 people die, I need to complete the cause of this disaster, and I want to honor those who died.

Daniele (looks at A’van): I’van does not deserve to be honored, he’s Paul’s back-up friend. He’s a criminal.

Marv Hill (looks at Daniele): I need some sleep Daniele. (Looks at Oliver) Young sir over here, come over to me tomorrow first thing in the morning and we will talk about this.

Oliver (nods in agreement): Yes sir.

(Daniele, Oliver, and A’van leave Marv Hill’s shelter)

(Next day: Oliver wakes up at exactly 8:00 a.m. in the morning then runs to Marv Hill’s shelter immediately)

Oliver (runs over to Marv Hill’s door and knocks rapidly 6 times): Wizard, wizard! I’m here, open the door. Let us talk, please!

Marv Hill (opens the door and looks at Oliver): I am occupied with a little bit of company; I have 2 watchmen in my shelter. Come inside anyway.

Oliver (walks inside to Marv Hill’s shelter and looks at the watchmen): What is this about?

Cut To: (Daniele and A’van)

Daniele (looks down): No we can’t go!

A’van (grabs Daniele’s arm and looks at her): Well we can’t let the watchmen find you! I’ll go over to Marv Hill’s and I’ll discuss.

Daniele (looks at A’van): I know, but the watchmen will question you! They know I killed I’van, I can’t live like this!

A’van (looks down): But you can still get away with it, I’van was a criminal, his death might be a good deed to you and the town! (A’van grabs Daniele’s arm and leads her to his basement in his house) Look, you’ll have to hide here, until I settle this straight! I’ll go to Marv Hill and tell him you ran away to the upper towns in England! This has to work!

Cut to: (Oliver and Marv Hill)

Marv Hill (looks at Oliver, mysterious): You must find Daniele, she killed I’van. I’van held the clue to the missing boy, but now the search for him will be harder.

A’van (approaches Marv Hill’s door and knocks 4 times): Wizard? Sir! I have news!

Marv Hill (opens the door and looks at A’van): Oh good you are here. Come inside and sit, we must talk.

A’van (comes inside and sits down in front of Marv Hill and the watchmen): Gentlemen, who talks before me?

Robert II (walks inside and stands in front of A’van and looks at A’van): I am talking here before you to inform you that we are looking for Daniele!

A’van (looks up at Robert II): Uh… No, I haven’t seen her sir. (Smiles and nods in agreement)

Robert II (awkward): I haven’t asked if you’ve seen her sir.

A’van (confused): She ran off to the upper towns of England. She told me this before she ran off.

Robert II (goes down on his knees in front of A’van and looks at him): Where is she?!

A’van (leans back, awkward): I don’t know sir, please back off. I don’t know you.

Robert II (takes his glasses off): I am rich; I work for the watchmen of London! I am prepared to offer you a fair price and reward if you know where she is!

A’van (looks down): I… I… I can’t… I don’t know what to say, I do not know where she stays hidden.

Robert II (slaps A’van): Listen young sir, I’m not into any games! She has committed a murder, where is she?!

A’van (leans back once more): Please sir, I do not know.

Robert II (stands up and slaps A’van harder): Where is she?!

A’van (falls down on his knees, covers his face with his hands and cries): She’s in my basement… My basement!

Robert II (looks down at A’van): Thank you sir. We must arrest her, or hang her!

Marv Hill (looks at Robert II): Well sir, thank you for coming. (Looks at Oliver) I will assure you that we will find your friend.

Oliver (looks down): I did not want anyone to get hurt nor killed. I just wanted my friend found and something done with Paul.

Marv Hill (walks Robert II and the watchmen out the door): Thank you for coming.

A’van (gets up and looks at Marv Hill): Sir, this is your knowledge? Your greatest visitor is blamed for this situation, now she will be arrested, or possibly killed!

Marv Hill (looks at A’van): A’van, please call me Wizard. And I am sure that Daniele will not be caught at once, but will plan an escape route.

Fallion (walks into Marv Hill’s shelter): I’m back to help.

Oliver (runs at Fallion and hugs him): Fallion! You have returned from the dead!

Marv Hill (looks at Fallion): Oh lord! You’re the one and only great Fallion! I have heard of your father, “The Pharaoh”!

Fallion (looks at Marv Hill): Yes wizard, I have heard of you as well.

A’van (looks and points at Fallion): I can assure that you were shot close range, into the chest. How did you make it?

Fallion (looks at A’van): I saved myself by breaking the bullet down, and pulling the remains out. It didn’t penetrate my bones, or organs.

Oliver (looks at Fallion): Look, we must find Mauve!

Fallion (looks at Oliver): Ah, you’re little friend. Sure, I will still help you buddy.

Oliver (looks at his fingers): Daniele said Paul was heading to Stonehenge! We must go there now!

Fallion (smiles slightly): Speaking of Daniele, where is the pretty lady?

Oliver (looks at Fallion): Who Daniele? She is… She is probably dead now.

Fallion (grins): What are you talking about Oliver?

Oliver (looks down): Robert II probably found her with his watchmen. He most likely shot her or stabbed or hung her. Remember? She has killed I’van, but the watchmen needed to interrogate I’van about Paul, so since I’van has been killed, it made her the criminal. She threw the knife to the back of his neck. I cannot forget that image…

Fallion (looks down): Oh… Poor lady…

A’van (looks down): I know. It was my fault.

Marv Hill (looks at Fallion): Fallion, you must leave now with your 2 friends. Good luck with your search!

(Fallion, Oliver, and A’van leave Marv Hill’s shelter)

Fallion (walks with Oliver and A’van and looks down): Look we’ll be able to get to Stonehenge with a horse. I’ll rent a horse with a carriage and we will get there quicker.

Calvin (approaches Fallion and the 2 others): Hey there sir! I need some pounds for a gun, lend me some please.

Fallion (looks at Calvin): Oh. Sir? You have any idea who I am?

Calvin (looks at Fallion): I am Calvin, I need money!

Fallion (looks down): Alright, if you haven’t heard of me, I am Fallion.

Calvin (draws his sword and points it at Fallion): I am not interested Fallion, I will have to get money out of all of you the hard way!

Fallion (draws his sword): Calvin, you do not want to mess with me right now. You will only slow us down sir.

Calvin (charges at Fallion): Well then!

[Insert fight] (Fallion and Calvin fight with swords)

Oliver (looks at A’van): They will only slow us down!

A’van (looks down at Oliver): I agree. (A’van walks away but gets stopped by Eli)

Eli (looks at A’van): Hello there. I need to help my friend out! (Eli draws his sword)

A’van (draws his sword): I guess this could be a solution for us all sir.

(Eli charges at A’van)

[Insert fight] (A’van and Eli fight with swords)

Fallion (gets his sword into Calvin’s chest): Aha!

Calvin (drops to the ground): If you’d be kind enough, pray upon my body sir. (Calvin dies)

Fallion (pulls his sword out of Calvin’s chest): I will not pray for an enemy, but will honor the spirit. (Fallion turns and sees A’van fighting with Eli. Fallion runs to help A’van)

Eli (stabs through A’van’s stomach and pulls the sword out): I’m sorry, I shall not forget this moment, but I did what was needed. I helped my friend!

A’van (falls to the ground on his back and looks at Eli): I guess you’re the best man and fighter. Take my pounds for a great reward for yourself. (A’van drops his head back and dies)

Fallion (looks at Eli): Fool! I needed him for the search! (Fallion slices Eli’s hand off with his sword)

Eli (looks at his missing hand): Ah! Put me out of my misery!

Fallion (looks at Oliver): Let’s go.

Eli (falls to the ground): Fool! You must finish me at once, this is not very comfortable!

Fallion (looks at Oliver): Do the honors. (Fallion hands his sword to Oliver) Do it.

Oliver (Walks up to Eli): Please forgive me sir.

(Oliver stabs Eli into the throat) Forgive me, may
you rest in peace sir!

(Eli dies)

Fallion (looks at Oliver): Did it feel good?

Oliver (scared): No! I just killed someone!

Fallion (smiles slightly): He was an enemy. Good work buddy. (Fallion walks away)

Oliver (looks at Fallion): We can’t just leave them here!

Fallion (turns around and looks at Oliver): Are you coming to find your friend or not?

Oliver (looks down): Yes but I am not used to a crime like this… I am a criminal!

Fallion (looks at Oliver): Come on buddy. It is a normal thing in life which occurs every day.

Oliver (looks at Fallion): Well then, let’s find Mauve and Paul!

Fallion (walks with Oliver): Alright, over there we can rent a horse and a carriage. Wait here. (Fallion walks to the horse rental place)

Oliver (stands): Hurry back!

(4 minutes later…)

Fallion (walks over to Oliver): I did not have enough for a horse, just a small carriage.

Oliver (looks at the small carriage): Why did you rent it?

Fallion (looks at Oliver): We will take turns to avoid tiredness. Sound like a plan?

Oliver (nods in agreement): I agree Fallion…

(4 hours later…)

Fallion (pulling the mini carriage with Oliver on it): This is not very easy as I imagined Oliver.
(Fallion stops pulling then turns around to look at Oliver) Oliver?

Oliver (sitting on the carriage with his head looking down): I can’t imagine what god thinks of me now. I am a criminal, a murderer, a killer!

Fallion (approaches Oliver): Oliver, the man you have killed was the criminal. He killed our good friend A’van. But you stroke back from the heart and defeated A’van’s murderer. You’re not a killer, you’re a hero.

Oliver (looks at Fallion and sobs): I guess you’re right. (Oliver nods in agreement then smiles)

Fallion (taps Oliver’s shoulder and smiles): That is the spirit Oliver!

Oliver (looks over Fallion): Fallion! A small farm! There! (Oliver points towards the farm in the distance)

(Fallion and Oliver approach the farm)

Fallion (looks at Candia): Hello there miss! We need to borrow a horse.

Oliver (looks at Candia): Yes we need a horse!

Candia (looks down at her laundry): My name is Candia; I am not willing to lend you any horse of mine to you strangers!

Fallion (smiles slightly): Candia, wow that is a pretty name! What are you doing there?

Candia (looks at Fallion): Finishing my laundry.

Robert II (comes over to Candia and looks at
Oliver): Hello there young sir we meet again!

Oliver (looks at Robert II): Indeed.

Robert II (looks at Fallion): And who are you?

Fallion (looks at Robert II): I am Fallion, known because of my father the… (Interrupted by Robert II)

Robert II (chuckles): Uh huh uh huh uh huh! I think you should leave my new friend Candia, alone.

Fallion (looks at Robert II): Sir, we needed to borrow a horse!

Robert II (grins): I can have you arrested!

Cole (approaches Robert II): Hello, I heard my friend Calvin was killed. They said it was you!

(Cole pulls out a handgun from his coat and shoots Robert II in the stomach)

Robert II (falls down with his hands over his stomach): Oh! I did not do such thing! I will have you arrested! (Robert II slowly reaches for his handgun in his holster)

Cole (looks at Robert II): I don’t think so! (Cole shoots Robert II into the head)

(Robert II dies)

Fallion (backs away with Oliver’s arm in his hand): Whoa! Oh! We don’t want trouble!

Candia (looks at Cole): What is wrong with you?!

Cole (looks at Candia): Oh such beauty in you! But so shameful that you must die as you’re a witness to Robert’s murder! (Cole shoots Candia in the chest)

(Candia falls back and dies)

Fallion (looks at Cole): What, you’re a criminal yourself?

Cole (looks at Fallion): You must know that you must die along with your little young friend!

Fallion (looks at Cole and smiles slightly, whispers): Oliver… Run…

Oliver (looks at Cole and backs away slowly, whispers): I am…

Cole (looks at Oliver and aims the gun at him): No you don’t!

Fallion (tackles Cole causing him to drop his gun): Oliver! Grab the gun!

Oliver (runs to the gun and picks it up and aims at Cole): Alright1 I have you now!

Cole (looks at Oliver): Yes! Young sir you have! Now shoot me, let us see you do it! End this moment, finish my life!

Fallion (looks at Oliver): Oliver, shoot him!

(Cole gets shot in the head in front of Fallion and

Fallion (looks at Oliver): But… You did not shoot him; you did pull the trigger…

Oliver (looks at the gun in his hands, worried): I know… I… It came from behind us…

Fallion (turns around and looks at Paul): And who are you sir?

Oliver (turns around and looks at Paul): Fallion, that’s Paul. Shoot him, shoot him now!

Fallion (looks at Oliver): So that’s Paul? We must ask him where Mauve is.

Paul (looks at Fallion): I heard of you… The great Fallion, the son of the pharaoh… Is it Mauve you’re looking for? He still didn’t get the money. All I wanted was the 20 pounds.

Fallion (looks at Paul): We went through all of this bloody trouble, just for 20 pounds?

Paul (aims the gun at Fallion): Not just that! You will help me get discovered by letting me kill you, that way I will be recognized and known. Paul, the hunter of Fallion, the son of the great pharaoh!

Oliver (looks at Paul): I am guessing you remember me?

Paul (looks at Oliver): Indeed, you were Mauve’s little friend. But now I must shoot you and the great Fallion for all of your hard work! (Paul chuckles and aims the gun at Fallion)

Fallion (looks at Paul): Wait! I will pay you my pounds for you to stop this!

Paul (looks at Fallion): I can just kill you and take the money!

Oliver (gets up and charges at Paul): Ah!

Paul (turns to Oliver): Huh?

Fallion (charges at Paul and tackles him): How can this happen Paul? (Fallion takes Paul’s gun and aims it at Paul’s head) First you were in control with a gun, but now I am the man?!

Paul (looks at Fallion): Congratulations! If you kill me, you will never find Mauve!

(Fallion shoots Paul’s knee)

Paul (throws his head back): Ah! I will not be able to walk! The pain is deep! I have not caused pain! Idiot! Fool! Mauve is tied to the tree in the back!

Fallion (looks at Oliver): Go find him. (Fallion aims the gun at Paul’s head) any last words?
Paul (cries in pain): Why must you kill me now?

Fallion (nods in disagreement): You caused many deaths through my journey, and you will see how death tastes like, in hell! (Fallion shoots Paul in the head)

(Paul dies)

Oliver (approaches Mauve tied up to a tree and unties him): Mauve I found you! Everything is good now!

Fallion (approaches Oliver and Mauve): Hello Mauve, I am Fallion.

Mauve (hugs Oliver): Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Oliver (smiles at Mauve): I couldn’t do it without the help from my great friend Fallion!

Mauve (smiles at Fallion): Thank you sir, Fallion!

Fallion (nods in agreement): Glad I have helped young Mauve.

(Lights fade, the play ends)


Written by Luke Matthew

Played by…
Fallion – Anthony Siscos
Anderson – Michael Christian
Oliver – Gary Colski
Daniele – Paula Saunters
A’van – Luke Matthew
Marv Hill – Peter Newman
Mauve – Alex Scorpo
Paul – Alexander Vidal
I’van – Josh Graham Fals
Robert II – Robbie Foster
Calvin – Victor Wallomounan
Eli – Kevin Ricoloso
Cole – Steven Walsh
Candia – Nikki Sauloman

Play powered by Christopher Bayslie

Play directed by Josh Graham Fals

I own all copyrights to this play, please don’t steal it and pretend it’s yours. I don’t want any copyright infringement situations on Thanks, and you’ll need my permission if you want to print the play out. There will be more, thank you.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.06.2011

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