
Creepy Tales: The Bigfoot of Garden Lake

Creepy tales: The Bigfoot of Garden Lake


This is a story of an encounter with a bigfoot, which may have a core of truth

in it. It is You reader, who will decide whether or not this story is true.

This story goes way back in the time of the Woodstock days, which were

glorious for some and jolly bad for others.

A hipster was travelling back from Woodstock and decided to go hiking. The road which lead to his desired destination, was bumby and desolate. Tranquility and the beautiful face of the sun surrounded the alley of trees, which paved the way through the beautiful finger lake region. It was a sunny day and the weather was warm and full of joy. One could smell the blooming flowers teeming with all sorts of life.

Life was everywhere and everything seemed to be at ease. The thoughts of fear, wars, pain were gone, if only for a moment in time. The hipster was listening to the radio in his old Cadillac, which had seen many roads and festivals. But this time it would be different, this time the journey would have a different turn. Perhaps one should add, that it would have some wrong turns, but in the end it would be fine; fine enough to tell the story of this happening. The hipster was called Clark Burton and he had no clue, that the myths of the Wappinger, Montauk and Mohegan were true. Listening to Grateful Dead and smoking a wonderful joint, he didn’t bother to care about the words of the old Wappinger, telling him not to take that road to that lake, because of the creatures, which abided there. Clark Burton wasn’t driving alone, he had some company.

A gorgeous girl and a good old friend called Dennis were his companions on this voyage to planed ecstasy: because they didn’t know, what would await them like Napoleon,


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.09.2018
ISBN: 978-3-7438-7979-9

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