

Do you ever get the feeling that no one likes you that you don't fit in, or are even bullied? Well if you do join the club, because I have felt like this for years. Any way I'm Ashley Groove, I am fifteen years old, have long raven black hair, and I am emo. This horrid life of mine started in fifth grade when I had embarrassed the most popular girl in school. That one mistake is what took my life. This is how my life came to an ending.

The Beginning
It was my first day in a new school and of course I was really nervous. I probably shouldn’t have been considering I have attended seven different schools this year. Making friends normally was an easy thing for me, but other times it was difficult. I had just gotten to the cafeteria when a group of girls confronted me,” Aren’t you the new girl? Ashley... I think.” “Yeah I’m Ashley, and who are you?” The first girl in the group, more than likely the leader replied,” I’m Amy, this is Annie, and that’s Angie.” Each girl waved at me and smiled. Amy had long straight blonde hair, Angie had medium curly brown hair, and Annie had long curly red hair. I could already tell why they were talking to me so I cut to the chase,” Look can you give me a few minutes to get used to the new school before you want to become Bff’s.” That look at first got me a nasty glare from Angie but the other two didn’t seem to mind. Right then I could tell this was going to be a rough school life.

I had just gotten into class when I realized all three of those girls from this mourning were in my class. I slowly walked up to the teacher to tell her who I was when she exclaimed,” Hi, I’m your teacher Mrs. Snarzoski. You must be Ashley.” I reply with a smile,” Hi, I’m so glad to be part of this wonderful class. Um where do I sit?” “Oh well you get to sit by Amy. Amy raise your hand so Ashley knows where to sit.” Amy raised her hand and smiled at me; I smiled back and walked toward her. As soon as I sat down Amy whispered to me,” She’s a really nice teacher but she is insane. No one believes me but Annie and Angie, you believe me right?” I thought about it for a moment and nodded, Amy took that well,” Good as long as you agree with me we can be Bff’s.” When she said that I gulped, could this day get any worse?

My Horrid Mistake

The first month at school was going great, but today felt like something bad was going to happen. All of us were by the swings talking when Angie asked,” Ashley why don’t you ever talk about your family?” It felt as if my heart had literally stopped, they were all looking at me expectantly so I answered quietly, “I never talk about them because they all died.” Angie looked as if she might have just caused the end of the world but Amy stepped in, “I’m so sorry, Angie why did you have to bring up such a sensitive subject!” Angie quickly apologized I replied,” It’s okay I really haven’t talked about it in so long.” Amy took this as an opportunity to snoop around,” Oh, what happened to them?” “Oh um they died in a really bad car accident. I was the only one who survived, my twin also survived but about a week later he died.” I then changed the subject and everything seemed to go back to normal. Amy had a strange look on her face; I couldn’t tell what she was thinking about.

We all soon left for lunch, this was the time of day Amy flirted with all the guys trying to get herself known to the guys. Our school had every grade considering it was a boarding school, so this was the best thing for Amy, Angie, and Annie. They flirted with everyone and we all looked about sixteen so this helped get dates with seniors. Every Friday and Saturday night I was alone in my dorm while the others had dates. I shared a dorm with Amy and Angie we had a lot of fun sometimes we would have guys come over and throw a party. We had all just gotten our food and sat down when the captain of our football team, Jared, came to our table. He looked at me and smiled,” Hey Ashley, I was wondering if you wanted to go out Saturday?” My heart began to beat rapidly as I smiled and said yes. He told me where he would take me and what time he would pick me up then he left. Amy looked at me angrily,” What was that?! You know I like Jared.” I quickly got out of my daze and responded,” I thought you were over him? You were just saying how you liked his twin Jeremy.” Angie got an evil glint in her eyes then whispered something to Amy. She lit up and asked me,” How about we double date Saturday? It would be fun.” I responded cautiously,” I don’t know it seems like he wants it to be just the two of us.” She then said she would take care of it and walked off, leaving me with Annie.

Annie was the one I actually liked and she was happy I got Jared instead of Amy. “So if you don’t like Amy why do you hang out with her,” I asked curiously. “Well I only do because she is my only friend,” she replied. I thought for a moment,” How about we start our own group and Amy can have Angie?” She thought about it and smiled,” Sure pack your things you are moving into my dorm.” We both lit up and went to get my things.

We entered my room to see everything thrown about my room. Annie looked around and said,” I hope you won’t do this to our dorm.” I looked at her and said,” I didn’t do this. My room was clean when I left this mourning.” We looked at each other confused, then Amy walked in the room,” Sorry I was looking for something.” I reply,” Did you find anything?” She looked at me and smiled,” Yeah I did. You can have it back if you figure out what it is.” I looked around, I found my photo album but I couldn’t find my diary,” Give me back my diary!!” “Sure. Catch”, she said tossing it in the air.I caught it and began flipping through the pages only to realize that every page with stuff about Jared in it was gone. I grew so angry that I could’ve sworn steam was coming out of my ears, I was just about to punch her in the face when Annie reminded me that we had to get my things.

Meeting Shane

It took about an hour or two in order to get my things moved to Annie’s dorm. After I was done unpacking it was about dinner time so Annie and I began to walk down to the cafeteria. When we entered the cafeteria my heart was ripped in two, at the back of the room I saw Amy making out with Jared. I stomped over to her and screamed,” What do you think you’re doing?!” She replied casually,” I think I’m making out with my new boyfriend.” I looked at Jared with pleading eyes and asked,” Is this true?” He looked as if he was forced to nod and reply,” I’m sorry Ashley but our date is canceled.” I could feel tears burning to get free from my eyes so I ran as fast as I could out there.
Annie’s P.O.V.

I saw Ashley run out of the room and almost followed her when Amy said to me,” Annie this is a war. If I were you I would choose sides carefully.” I looked her dead in the eye and said,” I have and I choose to stick around with Ashley. Amy what you have done is just wrong. Jared I hope that you’re happy because you just lost the best thing that walked into your life.” As I turned and began to walk away I could’ve sworn I heard Jared mumble” I know”.

Ashley P.O.V.

I was sitting and crying under the bleachers when I heard someone approach me. When I looked up I had no idea who he was but he looked like a god. He had crystal blue eyes, really pale skin, and raven black hair. He must have noticed me staring because he said,” Yeah I know I’m a freak.” I was astounded,” You don’t seem like a freak to me. Hi I’m Ashley.” He smiled and said,” Ah the famous Ashley. You’ve only been here for what a month and Amy already hates you.” Tears welded in my eyes,” So you have heard what she did to me?” He only nodded and sat down next to me. We sat there in silence a while then he broke the silence,” I’m Shane by the way. Don’t worry about that douche that’s dating her. You can do so much better.” I smiled and thought” You’re right, because you are ten times better”. Apparently I didn’t think that to myself because he began to chuckle,” Trust me everyone is better for you than me.” “ Oh yeah, like who?” I realized that we kept getting closer and closer until we began to kiss, all I could think was wow.

Beginning To Lose Everything

“Can you believe I’ve been going to school here for four years now”, I exclaim with excitement. My best friend Annie looked ten times more excited than I,” I know right and you’ve been dating Shane for the same exact time.” I couldn’t believe it my life at this school started out as crap and now I have the world’s greatest friend and even greater boyfriend. Looking around I noticed Shane was nowhere in sight,” Where is Shane? I haven’t seen him since last month.” “Oh he’s just doing some last minute things.” I look at her curiously,” Like what?” Annie was about to answer when someone cut her off,” Oh I was just getting my motorcycle license.” I scream with excitement,” Shane!! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, what have you been doing for the past month?” He grew a little embarrassed,” I’ve been traveling to every museum in the country.” Annie and I looked at each other and burst into a laughing fit. Shane grew red,” It’s not funny!!” “ Sorry but it kind of is”, I reply.

We spent the next hour or so talking about what we did over the summer when Amy showed up,” Oh look it’s the rejects. I thought you guys would’ve run away after what happened last year.” I stand up and say,” A little cat fight isn’t enough to make me leave, Amy.” She got an evil glint in her eyes,” Ok, then I’ll do worse this year. Ashley I swear by next year you won’t be here anymore.” I gulped as she turned and walked away.

After that Annie and I walked toward our dorm to unpack, we sat in our dorm for a while playing our favorite game “Mortal Combat”. I finally gave up after losing 23 to 10, so we decided to go get something to eat. “Ashley did you notice that this mourning Amy was creepier than usual?” asked Annie. I reply,” Actually I did notice, what do think she’s going to do this year?” “I’m
not sure but I’d rather not think about it.”

When we walked in the cafeteria I immediately walked over to Shane,” Hey Shane.” I looks at me with genuine love in his eyes,” Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go on a trip with me, Annie you can come too.” I look at Annie and she shrugs,” Why not where are we going?” He begins to tell us all about when Amy walks by and begins to listen, no one but me noticed so I said,” Hey Amy, you can walk away now.” “Nah I’m good. That trip sounds fun.” Then she just walked away, Annie says,” Can this day get any weirder?” Shane didn’t seem to mind and kept talking. We agreed to meet up by Annie’s car at 2.

We all got in the car after an hour of debating with Annie to let Shane drive. “ I can’t believe I can’t drive my own car!” I reply from the front seat,” Sorry Annie but Shane is the only one who knows the way there.” She slumped back in her seat defeated and Shane chuckled. After about an hour of driving I began to notice we were being followed by a pink convertible,” Shane I think we are being followed.” He began to respond when the car slammed into Shane’s side and the last thing I saw was Amy’s face, then everything went black.

I woke up only to realize I was in my least favorite place in the world ,the hospital. Quickly I looked around for Shane and Annie, I saw Annie sleeping in the bed next to me but I still couldn’t find Shane. A nurse walked in and was glad to see me awake, I asked her,” Do you know where my other friend is?” l She looked confused at first but then she realized who I was talking about,” Oh Mr. Shane is in another room. He’s also in a coma, all three of you will have to stay here for a while in order to recover from your almost fatal injuries.” I grew sad,” Oh, well can I get up and go see Shane? I just need to see him for myself.” She agreed and brought me to his room, which was actually right next to Annie and I’s. I sat down in the chair next to his bed and grab his hand, I began to quietly sob in the fear of losing him.

All three of us have been in the hospital for about three weeks and Shane still hasn’t come out of his coma. Annie and I were watching TV when we noticed tons of people rushing towards Shane’s room. I quickly rushed to his room only to find out that Shane’s heart had stopped. I screamed and cried until someone grabbed me and brought me back to my room. The doctors told me that there was a surgery that would possibly work but they needed Annie and I’s approval. We quickly agreed and they rushed Shane to the ER. After hours of surgery the doctor came out and told me that Shane didn’t make it, I sat down and cried. Annie tried to comfort me but nothing would help. When I finally spoke the words I said were,” Why does everyone I love die in a car crash?” Annie looked sad,” Ashley, this wasn’t anybody’s fault.” I shook my head and said,” No. It is someone’s fault, and I know who. Annie right when we got hit I saw Amy in the driver’s seat of the car that hit us.” She gasped and called for the nurse.

When I finished telling the nurse what happened she quickly ran to call the police. The police were there in about five minutes and they were asking loads of questions. They finally left saying they were going to go question Amy. Annie looked at me,” How good of a liar do you think Amy can be?” I responded,” Normally she’s a 5 but for this I think she’s been working on a very good lie. So I have the feeling she’ll be able to get them to think that we were lying.” She looked sad,” Do you really think that?” Nodding I say,” She has a brother that is a cop, so yeah I have a feeling that he will help her out of this.”

Going Back

Annie and I were finally released from the hospital and were sent back to school. As soon as we got there I went searching for Amy. When I found her I was outraged,” Why?! What did killing Shane accomplish?!” Amy just smiles,” What are you talking about? I didn’t know Shane died.” I was fuming then Annie comes by,” Look Amy I understand the grudge you have with Ashley and me, but why bring Shane into this? Was it because you thought it would make Ashley leave, because trust me it won’t.” All she does is smile and I storm off toward our dorm.

The Pain Recedes

I was sad, angry, and worst day by day I seemed even more depressed. When I wasn’t in classes I was in my dorm trying to find ways to make the pain go away. I was walking toward my room when someone blocked my way,” Hi, aren’t you Ashley? I’m so sorry to hear about what happened to Shane.” Looking up I recognize her,” Yeah I’m still really upset about that, please don’t bring him up. You are Serenity, right?” She smiled,” Yeah that’s me, I know how much you must hurt. My brother died the same way, but I know a way for you to get rid of the pain.” Curious I ask,” How can I get rid of the pain?” All she did in response was grab my hand and led me toward her room.

When we got to her room she brought me a razor,” Uh what do you want me to do exactly?” Serenity chuckled,” Cut yourself with it, I know it sounds insane and I would’ve laughed in my face two years ago about this but it helps.” I look at her,” How does this get rid of the pain?” She shrugs,” With the pain from the cuts you don’t feel the pain of your loss.” “ Hasn’t people died from doing this to often?” Thinking she replied,” Only about 30percent, so you have a good 70percent chance.” The odds seemed good so I took the razor and cut.

Walking back to my dorm I felt great, my arms hurt but I still felt better. When I entered the room Annie was freaking out,” There you are!! What is all over your arm?!” I realized to late that my arm was still bleeding badly,” Uh sorry I got caught up in something. I’m going to go take a quick shower.” She grabs my shoulder,” Ashley I know what you are feeling but it doesn’t have to come to this.” I shook off her hand,” Sorry Annie but it already has come to this.”


The next morning I noticed all the cuts on my arms,” Annie what do you think everyone is going to think of this?” She looked thoughtful,” They will treat you ten times worse than usual.” I grabbed my purse,” Well let’s go clothes shopping so I can cover these.” She smiled and we went to the mall. There weren’t many jackets or long sleeved shirts considering we live in Florida but I did find some cool shirts at Hot Topic.

We were walking around the mall when we saw Amy,” Oh look it’s the rejects again. How’s Shane?” I almost punched but then she saw my arms,” Oh my gosh Ashley has gone emo! How cute. This is going to be fun.” Annie stepped up,” She may be emo but at least she’s not a skank like you!!” I laughed and then Angie punched me,” Ow! You know that hurts but someone without a heart wouldn’t know what pain is.” I then kicked both of them in the face, grabbed Annie, and ran to her car. Annie looks at me like I was insane,” What the heck?! They’re going to kill you!” Shrugging I say,” I took kickboxing for seven years. I think I can handle myself, but I would look out for her convertible just in case.” We both became wary looking out for her but she never came for us.

It has been two weeks since the mall incident, Amy needed nose surgery, and no one has said anything about my arms. I was surprised because I thought Amy would do anything to destroy me, but I don’t think it’s that bad. Annie gets more worried every time I come back from Serenity’s because she says my cutting has gotten worse. Since it was spring break Serenity took Annie and I to Louisiana, but I felt as if something was wrong. This was the same feeling I had before Shane died and I was really worried.

Not Annie Too!!

“ Serenity this was a great idea, coming to New Orleans!” I say ecstatic. She smiled,” Yeah, well I used to live here so I knew it was the perfect pick me up. Hope y’all don’t mind sharing a room for the week.” Annie shakes her head,” How could we mind, we share rooms at school. It’s really no different, except for the fact that there are no classes or teachers.” We all laugh and go to check in at our hotel. I was looking at the tour card when I saw one for a mystery solving trip,” Oh my gosh, guys we have to do this!!” They both looked at the card and Serenity brought it to the front desk,” Hey, sir? Could you make a reservation for us to do this tonight?” The guy had short blonde hair and green eyes, he also had a wonderfully bright smile,” Of course, I will call right now. You may want to wait here just in case though.” We all say thanks and go sit down he comes to us in five minutes,” Okay, so I made the reservation. You will have to be here in the lobby at 7p.m. or the bus will leave you stranded.” Nodding he hands us the room keys and we go to the 15th floor.

I was walking down the corridor when I heard Amy and Angie arguing.” Amy you are getting too dangerous! One person was alright and that was an accident but this one is planned and that’s illegal.” I heard Angie’s worried voice. Getting a bad feeling I pulled out my phone to record the conversation when Amy replies,” Angie relax, they don’t even know we are here. Plus this plan is fool proof!” Angie gives her a strange look,” Fine. What’s this perfect plan you have?!” Amy gets an evil glint in her eyes,” Well I overheard that they are going to this tour thing later, so I got us reservations too. Then when Annie is away from the others I will grab her, you will pin her down, if she screams I will gag her, and lastly I will strangle her.” I couldn’t believe this, she was planning to kill my best friend! Well at least I have proof of this, and I had to convince the others not to go to this tour. Amy and Angie began moving my way so I quickly go to another hall.

It was difficult to convince Annie but really easy for Serenity to believe it. Annie looked at me,” I can’t believe this?! They used to be my best friends.” She was now in tears,” Annie, I don’t think Angie wants to do this it’s more like she is being forced to.” Looking at me my heart broke for her,” Ashley, I can’t go to this. They are going to kill me! Can we please do something else tonight and do this tour tomorrow?” Sighing I nod,” Yeah, and if it charges us twice I will pay for tomorrow. Just in case they are spying again let’s just not leave the room or at least Annie you don’t leave while we go get you some lunch.” She nodded so Serenity and I left to go get food. Walking out the room I got the feeling that I was being watched so I quickly turn around. Serenity looks at me,” What’s wrong?” “Nothing I just got the feeling that we were being watched. Hold on I need to tell Annie to lock the door.”

Serenity and I were walking down the hall back to our room when we saw Amy and Angie running and laughing down the hall. I look at Serenity and sprint off toward the room only to find the door open and Annie laying lifeless on the floor. Quickly I feel for a pulse and tell Serenity to call 911 when I couldn’t find a pulse. I kept whispering everything will be all right not knowing if it was to her or myself. Finally the police had to pull me away from Annie but I kept screaming and crying. A young police officer asked me what I knew and I said,” Well I was walking with Serenity to the room when I saw two girls I know running away from the direction we were heading. I also the other day overheard them planning Annie’s murder.” He looked at me,” Do you have proof of this, because if you don’t you are wasting my time.” Nodding I pulled up the recording and all of the police listened.

Her Arrest

The police had taken my phone as evidence against her arrest. I was a little relieved but not enough to get rid of the pain of loosing Annie. It was almost as bad as when Shane had died.
It took two days for Serenity and I to get a call from the police. They had found Amy and Angie in Canada hiding away from the police. The cops said we had to go to their trial or there would be a larger chance of them being let go. We agreed to be there at 8a.m. the next week.


When we arrived there were some lawyers who wanted to speak to me. "Hi Ashley, I'm Lawren and I will be representing you. If you can tell me anything you know then this trial will be ours." I smiled," Okay, it started at the begining of the school year when Shane, Annie, and I were going to this lake. Amy was listening to our plans and followed us too, I didn't realize we were being followed until it was too late. Also, on the first day of school she told me ' I’ll do worse this year. Ashley I swear by next year you won’t be here anymore.'" Lawren looked at me," Okay everything you just told me ,including the threat, will help us at trial. Now go inside and sit down until they call you up." Nodding Serenity and I walk to our seats and wait for the trial to begin.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.11.2011

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