
First Life - Part 1

So yeah. I din't write this book here. I actually wrote it on wattpad. A good site. Anyway hope you guys love this!


Also, this is the first book in my triology so please look at the second one after your finished with this.


I woke up and peeked above my blanket at the sun streaming through the window and making my hair look a light dusty silver, the dust was from rolling around in the dirt. I yawned and pulled the covers off hopping out of bed and onto the freezing dirt floor. I hissed and jumped up and over to the hole in the floor that I use to relieve myself and looked around the room.

The only thing alive within my sight was Lodz, my familiar, a snow white spotted leopard laying on the floor still sleeping in. My room was a simple one with dirt walls and a dirt floor with two blankets on a wooden bench. I cast my gaze back over to Lodz and watched as he kicked his hind leg a little from the dream he was having.

I sighed and stood up moving over to him and scratching him behind his ears knowing that his purring would kick in. Sure enough he started purring and sat there as he soaked in the sun. I smiled and watched as he yawned and opened his eyes before stretching.

He looked around and looked like he would get up but instead he rolled over and went back to sleep. I stood there with my hands on my hips as I shook my head. Today was the battle day against the Dark Queen and Lodz was pretending that he was back in the savanna.

" Come on Lodz wake up you fool." I said and nudged his side with my foot.

He yawned and stretched his paws with all his sharp claws sticking out narrowly missing my boot.

I glared now wide awake as I missed death by inches and barely managing to jerk my boot away form his poison tipped claws. He pretended like nothing happened and relaxed as he drifted back to sleep.

" Lodz if you don't get up right now I'm not giving you breakfast." I sternly said.

He shrugged his shoulders and got up. Then he turned around and slumped down curling upon himself. I gasped.

He did not! The nerve of him! That was it! He was was going to get up whether he like to or not.

I tiptoed to him and crouched down until I was two centimeters from his ear. I inhaled a breath and barked.

" Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!"

He jerked up eyes wide and yowled scrambling away from me and across the floor. His claws slipping and sliding as he jumped up and over the window. I strolled across the floor and leaned out the window as I watched his tail disapear into the foliage leaving behind broken and waving fern leaves.

I smirked and turned away. Served him right not waking up on the most important day in our life's.  He was the most lazy, imprudent, selfish, lowlife, argumentative, and most foolish cat I have ever seen in my life. Although he had saved my life a few times I admit reluctantly.

I walked out of the hut and into the dusty but clean air. Sighing I closed my eyes as I breathed in the honey and lavender scented air. I sensed the peace in my self as I meditated  and integrated myself in it. Until someone broke it with loud, unruly, and uncalled for banging.

I snapped my eyes open and glared across the yard at Merny as he pounded away on another god forsaken piece of steel that would become a sword.

" Hey Merny keep it down over there! Some of us are trying to get some peace and quiet over here!" I yelled and put my hands on my hips.

He shrugged picking up the sword and dunking it into the water at his side before looking up and  wiping off the sweat on his brow.

" Ay lad I know tis a cheery and sunny day today but we go to war today against that wretched witch remember?" He said in his deep and rumbling voice.

" Yeah how can I forget?" I said as I strode across to him and inspected the newly made sword glittering in the water. It was silver with a double edged blade and black and blue encrusted diamonds running on the guard above the hilt. The blade was black with magic inscriptions running up and down with the hilt wrapped in black leather.

" Wow you really outdid yourself this time Merny."

" Ay tis the sword for the one who slays the queen."

I slumped and crossed my arms as I tried to rein in the disappointment spreading across my face.

" Oh well I'm sure they will appreciate it."

He looked at me and smiled as he deemed the sword cool enough and picked it up. The water sliding of the blade and dripping onto the ground made it even more beautiful. I looked away and pretended to look at the sun. " Don't worry lad it's the only sword that can slay the queen, perhaps you will." He said as I smiled and understood.

" Looks like it's about midday, plenty of time for us to prepare ourselves." I said and put back the mask on my face that I had perfected over the years. Nobody could break it down no matter what they said or did.

" Ay today we fight, and you can cut those dummy's to pieces as we might not make it out of the war." Merny said as he started polishing the blade with his shirt.

" Yeah." I sighed and moved to pick up my blade from my father that I have practiced with for years and started hitting and slashing away at the dummy's. Merny who's name was actually Mern but I only called him Merny since nobody else would dare call him that. Merny was the one who had saved me from a Lopa. A snake like creature with yellow cat eyes and a snake tail. The Lopa's are only women and they have six arms attached to their torso with a sword in each arm.

They come from deep within the earth and are very rare. The one who attacked me was looking for a male to kill so they could create a cavern in his chest for their egg. They can only generate a egg their entire life. It has to be a male that fertilizes their egg so that it turns out healthy. If it's a woman then the egg dies and nobody knows why.

Apparently this certain Lopa had been searching for a whole day for a male. Since they can only stay out for one day in their whole life before they wither she was desperate.

She had spotted me and mistaked me for a male so she attacked. I had been sitting in a meadow full of grief at the time in the forest as my mother and father had just died from one of the Dark Queen's raids at our village.

So I had been sitting there staring at the impossibly perfect blue sky without one cloud in sight. And grieving when I saw a shadow flicker across a tree. So I sat up and stared when the Lopa suddenly shot over to me so fast that I had no time to react. I sat there frozen as she was inches from my face her slithering tongue tasting the air as she stared at me with her creepy yellow eyes.

Then with a banshee yell a 200 pound man with a brown beard, brown hair and sky blue eyes leapt down from a tree branch and cut her in half with his broadsword as she let out a loud screech and split in half. The sides of her landed with a thud and splattered green venom everywhere. Thank god I had lighting speed as I saw the the blade heading towards me and rolled over right before the sword cut a furrow into the dirt right were I had just been seconds ago.

He landed and strapped his sword onto his back in one smooth motion.

" Ha! Take that you scroungy beast." He said not noticing me sitting a few feet away.

I looked at myself covered in venom then looked at him not covered in venom and at his armor strapped to his chest and legs. It was a pure sliver with intricate designs swirling around it. A sign that he was a warrior that lived to defeat monsters and protect the kingdoms people.

My anger heated up as I remembered that he had almost cut me in half when he was supposed to be protecting not murdering. I glared and stood up before walking towards him and kicking him on his leg.

" You murdering bastard! Did you not see that I was right there! You could have killed me!"I proceeded to continue kicking him and yell obscenity's as he turned around in suprisement.

" What in the bleeding hell?! Where did you come from ant?!"

I stopped and stared. " Ant? Did you just call me ant?!"

" Aye lad ye as small as an ant." He snickered.

I glared and took a few steps back. " I am not an ANT!

He snickered again and waved me away like I was a fly.... or ant. My fury proceed from level one to level ten in two seconds.

" Ahhh!!!!!" I yelled a war cry and charged him leaping into the air. He tried to grab me but I was too fast. I catapulted over his head and twisted around in the air. Before he could process what was happening I shot my foot out and kicked him straight in the back of the head before landing on my feet and kicking him in the unmentionables.

However I think that the last one was unnecessary as he was already unconscious. With a groan he toppled to the ground and did not move after that. I stepped back and admired my work before fear crossed my mind.

" Oh my God. What have I done?"

I couldn't think straight as different scenarios rushed through my head.

What if I killed him? Oh my god I could be charged with murder and treason. Which meant that I would be jailed or worse hung on the gallows. Maybe even get my head chopped of. Oh god this is not happening. I cant have my whole family killed in one day. Imagine the rumors that would spread around.  The gossiping girls would be snickering and say " Did you hear? The whole Coolgate family got killed in one day!" Then the other would twitter. " Oh my gosh really? I heard that their girl is cursed. That poor poor family dying in one day just because of her."

Shit shit shit. I bent down and put my ear to his chest and listened. Oh no he wasn't breathing. I'm so dead. I stepped back in horror and looked around at the bushy area and the corpse of the Lopa still there.

I bent down and grabbed his arms pulling and pushing before I was able to drag him behind a rock. Out of sight of the road that travelers were certain to pass by soon. Then I grabbed his sword and manged to haul it down to the Lopa and proceeded to cut her into manageable pieces as Lopas can stand at fifty feet.

I then proceeded to drag those fleshy pieces into the woods and burying them. As I had nothing to dig out the hole with I was forced to use his nice and beautiful sword and my hands. By the time I was done I looked like a monster myself. Drool, venom, and dirt covered me head to toe.

I looked down at myself and grimaced as a long piece of sticky venom slid down my arm and dropped off. I sauntered over to the guy and peeked over the rock to see if he was moving but no luck. Sheesh I needed a shower bad and he needed to be reincarnated.

" Stupid ass. Calling me an ant." I muttered

" Got himself killed! And now I am going to di-" I was rudely interrupted from my rant by a smooth voice.

" Erm excuse me boy?" A blond haired guy with green eyes asked with brown leather clothing and a golden sword.

I whirled around and scowled as someone mistaked me for a boy the second time today. I mean sheesh just because I had short hair and was wearing pants did not mean I was a boy. "Yes?"

He saw my face and retracted. " Um I'm looking for a friend of mine? Got a bushy brown beard and brown hair. He's built like a bear and has got this gigantic beautiful sword that is absolutely gorgeous." By the tone of his voice I could tell that he like that sword a lot. Too bad.

I grimaced as I remembered the sword that is currently being talked about covered in dirt and venom with scratches along it's blade stuck in a tree next to the buried body of the Lopa. I then noticed the dead guy's boot sticking out from behind the rock so I causally leaned against the rock and tried to shove his incredibly heavy boot out of sight with my foot.

" Oh really? Hmm I don't , shove, think, shove, I have, shove, seen him." I said out of breath as I tried to shove his boot back while talking.

He quirked an eyebrow as he saw me in my awkward position trying to obviously hide something behind the rock.

" I see. Soo... what's behind the rock?"

I froze. " Um it's a um an ant. Yeah an ant!"

I instantly scolded myself in my mind. Really? An ant? That's all you could think of Char? But it was the only thing that came to my mind in the spur of the moment. He crossed his arms and raised and eyebrow in the direction of the imaginative ant. " An ant really?"

I crossed my arms and tried to look causal as I finally kicked his foot behind the rock. " Yeah it was this um big ant."

" Interesting.. tell me more."

I  noticed suddenly that his friend's hand was sticking out of the other end of the rock. Shit. I scooted over to the other side and sat as his eyes followed me all the way.

" Yeah ok well there was this huge ant that attacked my village and so I followed it out here and killed it."

" Hmm that was very brave of you boy. I imagine a boy like you would be proud to show off this huge ant that you killed and the sword you killed it with." He said a twinkle in his eye.

" Yeah well that's the problem see I killed the ant but it ran off with my sword stuck in it's back. And the only thing I have from it is it's leg." I said making up things as fast as they came to my mind.

" Oh well I would like to see it." He said as he edged towards me and tried to look over my shoulder. I yelled and shoved him back landing him on his butt.

" No you can't!" I yelled.

He looked up at me quizzically from the ground as he rubbed his back. " Why not?"

" Well because um it has eyes on it's legs and it will turn you to glass if you look at it." I said in a rush.

" Oh I see." He said believing my story. "By the way my name is Ronan. Would you allow me the honor of camping here tonight? It will be good to be in the company of such a great warrior as yourself."

I turned red and struggled to find breath. Esteemed warrior? Were did he get that from? Oh right I killed a spider that can turn people to glass. Big deal. But then there was that thing. I couldn't let him stay here with bodies laying around. But then my stupid hospitable mouth opened.

"My name is Char and I would love to have company."  I said and then gaped. Did I really just say that? Oh shit.

Ronan smiled and swung his pack to the ground before disappearing into the bushes and bringing out 3 horses. The first one was a lithe horse with pure white hair. The second was completely black with long distance legs. And the third was a huge caramel colored horse with lots of muscles.

I gulped and looked at the incredible horses. " Wow those are great horses."

He looked up from unsaddling them. " Yeah I get that a lot."

" So do you really need three horses?" I said as I pranced around admiring the horses who shied away probably because of how I smelled.

" Um well we ride them. I ride the black one and my friend rides the bigger one and my other friend Savator rides the white one.

" Cool." I nodded then froze. " Your other friend?"

" Yes Savitar my friend who should be coming down the road any second." He flashed a dazzling smile at me. " Hope you don't mind one more staying with us."

I gulped and stuttered. " Uh n-no. He's we-welcome here anytime."

He flashed another smile at me. " Thanks! I really appreciate you understanding."

I waved my hand as if it were nothing. " No of course not. He can stay here anytime it's not like I own this forest or anything." I gave a nervous laugh at the end.

He smiled and finished unsaddling the horses then proceeded to gather firewood and heap it as I slid to the ground in despair. The way things were going I was never going to get away with 'accidentally' murdering that guy.Not with his friends around.

He lit up a match and turned the wood into a cozy roasting fire. I gratefully leaned in to it's warmth until I remembered that the venom on my skin was highly flammable. I managed to jerk away before I burst into flames.

He noticed me jerking away. " What's wrong?"

" Uh well the Lop- spider's venom is flammable so I need to go rinse off."

He nodded. " I understand take your time."

I nodded and turned away heading into the forest to where a stream was that I had seen on the way form my village. I came upon it bubbling and sparkling in the full moon. I sighed in delight and dove in fully clothed. Since my clothes were water proof. My mother had made them with the utmost care. I had on a shirt that was black leather with extra protection and double stitched. It was cut off at the sleeves. I had on a black long sleeved shirt under it. Then I had pant's that were loose and also made of the same black supple leather. The I had my boots that were hard black leather with steel made into it.

I also had a black leather headband that encircled my short silver hair. It had black and blue diamonds embedded in it. And black leather gloves with the fingers cut off that way I could handle my bow better. My bow was an elvish bow that father had traded for in the elves land.He had also gotten a matching sword and two throwing knifes. My sword strapped across and my bow at my side. My knives were hidden in my boots. My bow was entirely made of light steel that could retract into a small piece of steel. My throwing knifes was strong steel that was black with black leather wrapping the handles same as my sword. And my most favorite my black cloak that makes me inconspicuous.

I sighed and hauled myself out off the bottom of the river where I had been sitting on the sand deep in thought. I had been submerged for half an hour without a breath of air. My father had panicked the first time I had done that. He finally surmised that I was part mermaid with maybe a little elf since I had silver hair. Also he thought me part vampire with my red eyes and part leopard with my ears. After all he had not known my heritage when he had bought me from the slave dealer when I was young.

I made sure my clothes were entirely dry before walking back to Ronan as it was night. I retrieved my weapons from behind a bush and strapped them on as I walked into camp and smelled the meat. I almost panicked as I had forgotten about the guy who was dead. But it appeared that nothing had happened except for the tasty yummy rabbit that was roasting on a stick over the fire.

" I see you caught something to eat." I said and sat down in front of the fire.

" Yes I decide to since you were bathing so long. One might think you were a girl from how long you took."

I glared as my face turned red. " I am not a girl."

He threw his hands up as he noticed my glare." Sorry."

Then he finally got a good look at me. " Whoa!"

I looked at him." What?"

" You have silver hair."

" Huh I though you noticed before."

" Uh not really you were kinda covered in gunk."

I shrugged. " Oh yeah."

" You know I have a-"

Suddenly I heard something in the bushes and he did too as he cut off mid sentence. We both got up and drew our sword.

" Who's there? Show yourself!" He said loudly.

A white haired and crystal blue eyed guy stepped out of the shadows. " It is just me Ronan."

Ronan sighed in relief and sat down. " Oh thank god Savitar your a bit late."

" Savitar!" I screeched. " Your friend is a Elf?!" Everyone knew that elves could smell things that others couldn't, had sharp eyesight, and excellent fighting skills. Damn me to hell. " Why didn't you mention that before?!"

 " Uh I didn't know it was that important at the time. I mean you don't have a thing against elves do you?" Ronan said as he looked between me and Savitar.

" Uh no it's not that." I said hurriedly as I got a eye from Savitar.

" It's just that you know I would have prepared more for an elf." I said before I could make up any better excuse. Savitar gave me a nod and bowed.

" I appreciate your concern girl but I am not a royal therefore I can take care of myself."

Ronan took the meat of the flames and started carving it out as he waved the sharp knife around barley missing cutting off Savitar's hair. " Yeah Savitar is a good guy." He said and winked before waving the knife around again this time barely cutting off a couple strands. I watched and gulped as his hair floated to the floor.

Savitar glared and snatched the knife out of Ronan's hand before he caused anymore precious hair to float down and join the other strands.

" Unless you try cutting off my hair you fool." He scowled and sheathed the knife.

Ronan gulped and proceeded to stare at his feet. " Sorry Savitar."

The rest of the hour passed by quickly and in silenced with us eating until Ronan's head shot up. " Hey Savitar why did you call Char a girl? You know he's a boy right?"

I gulped as Savitar turned to me and stared. " She is a girl Ronan. Can you not recognize that or are you as dumb as ever?"

Ronan squinted at me. " Your a girl?" He said in disbelief.

I nodded and looked the other way.

" Oh wow I never would have recognized that." He said in amazement.

I shrugged and looked into the blue dancing flames. Savitar shook his head and finished eating. Until a groan erupted from behind the rock. I froze and looked at Savitar and Ronan. They had heard it too. Savitar sniffed the air and looked curiously at the rock.

I gasped and prayed that the dead would stay dead but I was not in luck. Another groan erupted from behind the rock so Savitar stood up and strode over.

" Wait!" Ronan called out making him stop.

" What human?"

" You don't want to go behind there. There's a spider leg behind there with eyes that can turn you to glass."

Savitar raised an eyebrow and looked towards me as I groaned and buried my head in my hands. Oh god this was bad really bad.

Savitar looked to Ronan. " Really? Then how do you explain to me that a leg is groaning? And " he reached for the boot and pulled the rest of the dead guy out " how do you explain how a spider leg turns into our best friend Mern?"

Ronan gasped and looked with wide eyes toward Mern or Merny which is what I heard. " What? But - how - can that be?" He spluttered.

Savitar shrugged and pointed to me as Mern woke up and pulled himself to his feet and glared at me arms crossed. " Ask your friend over there."

Ronan looked at me. " Char?"

" Um well see I lost both my parent's today from the Dark Queen who destroyed my village with a spider. And then I barely escaped when I was just sitting there and a Lopa attacked me but then he killed her and almost killed me. So I retaliated and struck him until he got dead or actually unconscious and I thought that I would be killed for killing a warrior of the king so I hid him and the Lopa. Then you came through so I panicked and didn't tell you about him. And made up some false story about it. So that you wouldn't discover him. Then the elf came and I panicked more and thought you would discover him. And then he moved and is now alive and glaring at me and I don't know how he is even alive and honestly I'm freaking out." I said in a rush.

Everyone glared at me and I thought oh shit oh shit their gonna kill me. Until Merny broke into a big smile and strode forward hugging me.

" It's okay lad. We understand and besides we're not those prized warriors. We're a  band of thieves called the Ruffians."

" Thanks Merny." I said as he bellowed into a laugh and had to sit down from laughing so hard.

From that day on I had been integrated into their band and learned fighting, magic, and thieving. And unto this moment when the king hired us to be in their army for the final battle against the Dark Queen.


The Biggest and Bloddiest War - Part 2


" Hello are you even listening to me?" A cat like voice broke through my thoughts about when the Ruffians and I had first met.

"Hmm?" I said not even noticing that Lodz had been ranting and raving at me for the past five minutes while I had been standing there with a dreamy smile and my sword in the air.

" You haven't been listening have you?" Lodz said mournfully and curled up into a little ball managing to make himself look like a poor lost kitty. " I guess no one cares about me."A tear slipped down his cheek.

I gave him a look and proceeded to train once again. " No one falls for your pity acts anymore Lodz. Anyway what were you ranting and raving about?"

He glared at me." First off. I was not ranting and raving. Second off. I was talking about how you need to stop waking m-"

" He was talking about how he loves Luna and wants to see her again and then hold her tight and kiss her then start making love to her and make bab-" Merny interrupted but was interrupted by a hissing Lodz.

" I was not talking about THAT!" He yowled and proceeded to bare his fangs at Merny.

I rolled my eyes and stopped my training putting away my blade and left them gathering my other weapons and clothes inside my hut. Typical Lodz. He was very protective of Luna even though he tried to make it seem like he did not like her. The same way Luna does him. Luna was a black leopard that had rescued Lodz when he had been held captive. She had come in all her glory and flashiness with her daring green eyes contrasting to Lodz stormy grey ones rescuing him then pretending like she was a higher royalty. She hadn't found her familiar yet so she sticks around and keeps an eye on Lodz when he's not looking.

I put on my fighting gear. The same looking gear I had on when I had met the Ruffians except it was newer since I had grown out of the old ones. I strapped on my weapons and stepped outside.

" Where's the other guys? They were supposed to be here this morning."

Merny broke away from the glaring competition with Lodz. " They probably at a tavern somewhere. You know how those whelps are."

Yeah I knew how they were, always getting into fight's over the women with guys bigger then them. Which meant that I usually had to go in there and break it up. I would arrive there and see Ronan flirting with the prettiest girl while the ever faithful Savatar standing watch from the corner with a hood over his head. Then some heavy muscular dude that could always beat Ronan would start beating him up then Savatar would step in then this dude would always would have 20 friends that are already in the bar start beating them up then oh god then I had to step in.

" Ok." I sighed. " Might as well go and get them so we can get a head start."

" Aye I'll knock their head together when we reach them." He said and started saddling the horses. I had gotten my own horse a black stallion with white socks about a year after joining them.

" I'm going to go and travel with the other familiars. I'll meet you there okay Char?" Lodz said.

" Okay Lodz see you there." I told him and watched as he loped off into the jungle.

I whistled and watched my horse trot to me raising up dust as he came to a stop. I grabbed the saddle and put it on before starting on the next horse. When we had gathered all the supplies that we needed we started off winding our way down the mountain pass and through the forest before alighting on the trail to the town.

I pulled my cloak up as we came into town. No need to attract attention. Not that we didn't need to attract attention since the king himself had asked us to fight for him. He was a good king after all or we wouldn't have even considered it.

Nobody looked at us as we rode into town after all there were many people hurrying that day. Soldiers rushing everywhere getting ready their silver armor glinting. Merchants selling their wares so that they will sell for more. Women gathering their children and scolding them into the houses. While at the water docks fishermen came in with enough fish to feed an army.

I urged my horse on to the most famous and best tavern in town The Burning Fish. I know what your thinking The Burning Fish? Really? But there was a legend that said a fish apparently irritated a customer so he burned it alive. On his plate. And it was a dragon.

Me and Merny arrived at last and jumped off our horses tying them off just as the shouting, yelling, and breaking that signaled a fight started in the tavern. We both sighed and headed up to the doors and pushed them open and ducked as a drunk flew over our heads and out the door. I walked inside and made sure to stomp a little to attract attention as well as did Merny even though he didn't need to stomp as he always stomps. The scene froze as everyone watched us enter and stop.

Glasses were overturned and shattered everywhere.Tables pushed over and splintered. Chairs broken in pieces and scattered. Men passed out on the floor with bruises and broken arms. Men standing over each other with beer glasses and chairs waiting to crack the other ones head. Ronan and Savitar in the middle back to back as they protected each other. Ronan had the brawniest guy in the tavern in a headlock while Savitar had the poor owner's windpipe between his finger's ready to crush it.

" Is this anyway to show respect and loyalty to the our king?" I said in a deep voice as I stood there hood over my face the sun behind my back and probably the biggest guy in the kingdom standing at my side with a face that screamed I want to bash your skulls together.

The men stood dumbfounded and one guy even passed out.

" Well? Answer men." I demanded and put my hand on my bow hanging at my side.

" Uh no." A lucky guy answered hid knees knocking together.

" There's a smart one." I said as the guy nodded gratefully. " Today is a day of war against the Dark Queen men not against each other. Today the king needs every man on his side to win against this wicked witch. He needs your help to kill her that way she does not destroy your homes and kill your family's. Today he needs knights and warriors not thieves and drunks squabbling against each other. Today he needs our help. Do you want him to see drunken men? Or do you want him to see warriors ready to fight against his side?"

" We want him to see us as warriors." The crowd said.

" Aye the king need us in fact he needs every race of every species it does not matter you can be a hybrid, fairy, fey, vampire, werewolf, elf, witch, mermaid, wizard, dragon, gnome, troll, dwarf, familiar,ghost, wraith, or even just a human. But if we are to win the war he will need everyone! Do you agree?! I shouted.

" Aye! The crowd roared and beat their fists and mugs against the tables and chests.

" Well men today is the day we fight! Toady is the day we prove we are worthy! Today is the day that we prove that we are better then the queen! Today is the day we go and get our brethren and fight against her! Today is the day we do not squabble instead we share our weapons and fight! Today is the day that we do not give up like we have done so many times before!" I shouted and unsheathed my sword into the air.

The crowd roared.

" Today men I need you to go and gather even more men no matter who or what and bring them to the battlefield to fight against that wretched witch and her wraiths! Today I need you to prepare your self and give it your all! Now get out there!" I shouted and pointed to the door. " Today is the day we fight!"

The crowd roared so loud that it shook the walls and rushed outside. I stepped aside and let them pass and watched as they leaped on their horses and sped off. I turned around and saw Merny, Ronan, and even Savator gape at me.

" What?" I said innocently.

" What?" Ronan spluttered. " You should be amazed! You just turned a bunch of drunkards into warriors! I mean you were like amazing! You were standing there with the sun at your back and you looked like a god as you urged them on!"

I shrugged and waved it off. " Just one of my many talents. Now can we please go? We're already going to be late."

They all nodded and managed to close their mouths before heading outside the tavern. We mounted and proceeded at a fast gallop towards the battlefield. When we arrive I gasped as I saw the enormity of it. Every species and every race of every army were there. It looked like the whole world was there and that wasn't it either. Floods of people were still coming through and it didn't end. Blacksmiths were everywhere making swords and spears and all manner of weapons for the flood of people who did not have them. They would have a pile of weapons  at their feet so that when they finished one they would throw it there and a person would come by and pick it up for free.

Bakers and cooks also had tents set up were they were serving meals to the never ending line for free. Seamstresses were also making armor and clothing for the people that did not have them. Experienced warriors were showing others how to battle. Giving them advice and tips. Magic users were teaching others how to do magic.

Tears welled in my eyes as I took in the scene. I brushed them away and looked at the others who were also dumbfounded.

"I'm pretty sure that army's don't get this big even for one against the Dark Queen. Believe me I have been in lots of battles. And there's even more coming." Savatar said suprisement coating his features as he took in all races working together.

" Oh wow." I whispered. " Surely I didn't do this with just one tavern talk?"

They all shrugged and we proceeded to the kings tent. A huge golden tent with a banner on top of a lion and a dragon with all kinds of soldiers waiting outside. We rode up and was stopped by the king's soldiers.

" Which kingdom are you?" A soldier asked us.

I pulled down my hood and slid off the horse along with the others. " We are the Ruffians."

The soldiers squinted. " I don't think that's a kingdom I have heard of."

I waved my hands around frantically and a little confused. " Oh no we're not a kingdom. We were asked by the king to come here on the battle day."

He looked at me with a confused look until a soldier who had been with us that day stepped forward.  " It's okay Grenn they are with the king let them through."

He nodded and stepped aside as did the others as they let us pass through. I bowed respectfully and entered through the flap in the tent. King George was sitting around a stone table with a elf map in the middle. The map glowed with magic and showed where our forces were and where the Dark Queen's forces were. There were also kings and queens from every realm sitting around the table staring and looking at our abrupt entrance.

Savatar looked around and quickly saved us from being turned into roasted meat. Literally. Since there was a couple dragons in the room.

" I deeply apologize for disrupting you your majesty's." He bowed as did I. I elbowed Merny and Ronan who were on each side of me until they also bowed. "We can leave and come back at another time."

George looked up and broke into a wide smile. " Ah! You come at last! I was afraid that you got caught in the rush." He said and strode over to us hugging us in turn. While the king and queens stared bewildered as did we.

" Ahem why is a elf with you?" The king of elves asked as he stared at Savatar.

The king beamed and patted Savatar on the back rather forcefully. Savatar grimaced and tried not to look offended as I held back a grin.

" This is one of my esteemed warriors!" He boomed as everyone jumped in their seats. " he is part of a band called the Ruffians! A noble and thieving band!" he said oblivious to their stares of disbelief.

" Uh and why are they here?" A queen mermaid asked politely.

" They will help us win this war. As they are the best warriors in the kingdom!" He boomed again making us jump as well as the others.

" Also one of them I heard made a speech in a tavern and managed to convince all of you to come. Now we have enough forces to defeat the witch!" He said as I froze. Well it seemed that my speech must have stirred things up. A lot.

" Which one?" A dwarf asked as he scanned us in turn and his eyes landed on of course Merny.

" Char!" He said and clapped me on the back. I smiled and tried to look like I wasn't uncomfortable as everyone stared at me in surprise.

" Her?" A dragon king looked at me and snorted, smoke rising from it's nose.

" Aye the best fighter in the kingdom!" He clapped me on the back making me jump before taking a seat at the table.

" Come on Ruffians take a seat and help us discuss our strategy." He patted the table and motioned to the five chairs besides him.

We moved forward and sat down without question. Everyone leaned forward and focused on the map.

" Ok as you can see the forces of the Dark Queen are rapidly advancing towards us. Which means we have one hour before she arrives. As we well know we have different army's therefore I am thinking about positioning them in the best strategic positions." The elf king said.

"Hey! Who said you were in charge?" A dwarf said as his face reddened and he pounded the table as food went flying and a drink sloshed onto the elf. A couple of kings and queens also murmured in agreement.

The elf smoothed his robe and flicked off the red wine. " Well since this is my map then that means I plan things out." He said in a calm and smooth tone. I noticed some food missing from the elves plate and furrowed my brows. When had elf's ever ate during a battle strategy? I thought they were picky eaters?

The dwarf shook his beard spit flying everywhere. " That doesn't mean you get to plan everything!"

" Well.." The elf said and smoothed his robes again.

" Well it is your map elf you should at least dish out recommendations." Someone who suspiciously sounded familiar smoothly suggested.

" Thank you. At least someone understands." The elf threw up his hands and said.

" But" the voice continued " the others should be able to take part in the options. After all they are giving their army's and fighting together."

The dwarf stopped beating on the poor table and threw his hands up. " At last! Someone who agrees!"

I suspiciously looked around the table seeking out the voice.

" Who gave out this valuable information?" George asked as he looked around. I looked around the table again and spotted a sneaky paw snatching another sweet from the elf's plate. Before it could retract I snatched the sweet out of the paw and held it in my hand while keeping it's paw above the table.

" Hey!" The voice said. " That was mine!" He poked his head up and came into contact with my burning glare.

" Oh hey Char. Watcha doing?" He said innocently and started cleaning his other paw.

" You nasty, thieving, good for nothing cat!" I screeched." Where the hell where YOU?"

His fur stood on end as he put his paw down and stood up straight in the chair ignoring the stares from the others. " I was traveling with the others and recruiting. I won't be getting a thanks will I?"

" A THANKS? What the hell?! You were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago! Your late!" I screeched again as everyone leaned away.

A ghost whispered to George. " Who's that?"

He whispered back. " That's her familiar."

She looked shocked. " The king of familiars is her familiar?"

" Yes." He said and nodded.

I whipped around. " Your not helping!"

They looked off in the distance and fell silent.

Lodz looked for once in his life genuinely sorry. " I'm sorry. I lost track of time."

I looked at him and reached over hugging him. " It's okay just don't disappear in battle okay?"

He smiled. " Okay."

I leaned back and looked around the table and cleared my throat. " Ahem we were talking about?"

" Oh yeah.  I um I think that we are done here." King George said and looked around the table.

" Agreed?"

Everyone nodded. "Agreed."

We all filed out of the tent just as the horn sounded signaling that the Dark Queen's army was 20 minutes away. Everyone broke and headed for their army's so as to get into formation. A hectic 20 minutes passed before everyone was finally ready. The Ruffians rode up to the King and stood by his side on top of the green mountain that would be stained in blood when we were done.

We waited until I saw a Wraith flying in and settling down on the field. Soon after hundreds then thousands flew in and settled row upon row. Flying in the air and on the ground.They were done soon after and parted as their queen flew in and landed midway between us with. an expectant look

The King looked at us. " It seems she wishes to talk."

" We will go with you King to make sure harm does not befall you." Savatar said as we all nodded.

" Are you sure you want to?" He asked. We nodded again.

He sighed and knew nothing will change our minds so he got off his horse and started walking. We slid off our horses and followed him keeping up at his side.

We finally arrived before her. Her black hair streamed behind her and her red eyes bore into us as she tried to pick apart our minds. But all our minds were protected. She walked forward and stood before us and put her hands on her hips. She had black robes with red designs that swirled and curled around her body like snakes.

" Well well well. The little pitiful kingdoms finally come to battle me out." She said with a tone that slithered through my mind and I'm sure the others felt the same thing in their minds. She smirked and laughed a evil laugh before turning and sauntering off never giving us a chance to respond.

" Well she's a little ray of sunshine isn't she?" Lodz said loudly not caring who heard unfortunately.

The queen froze in her track before whipping around and glaring at Lodz. She walked back up to us with a slow step and stood in front of him.

"Be warned kitten you will be one of the first to die by my hand." She said in a chilling tone before flying into the sky to join her army.

" Wow. First encounter with the queen and you already made a good impression." I glared sarcasm dripping from my voice.

" What?"He said gazing at me with an innocent expression. " I cant help who I am."

I sighed and trudged back up the mountainside and finally reached the top with the others. I groaned and stretched my muscles. I swear she called us down there just so that she could watch us trudge back up. I bet she's laughing about it right now.

We got back on our horses and readied our-self's for the king to tell us to charge. But he never did so I looked over and saw a arrow embedded in his chest. I gaped and followed the arrow's direction back to a smiling queen holding the bow.

I looked back towards him as he reached forward and clasped my hand.

" Char you are a queen now. Queen of my people. You lead these people into battle and kill that queen you hear me?" I nodded too devastated to do anything else.

He grasped for the sword at his side that Merny had made that morn and pressed it into my hand. He closed my hand over the handle. " Kill her and save my people." He whispered before his arm went slack and fell. His eyes glazed over and he dropped from his horse. The soldiers murmured but did not break rank. I rode my horse to the front and faced them and the magic horn that would speak to every army.

" Today we gather here to save our family's and our land. I know we lost a King today but we must lose a queen also for us to be safe. Today everything depends on you. And as we charge forward to meet this threat and end it for once and for all I remind you. Give it your best."

I nodded and met their eyes as I drew my blade before turning around and facing the queen. We met our eyes and held them for a minute. A time that seemed to stretch onto infinity. I then saw the spark in her eyes swirling around and knew it was time.

" Charge!!" I yelled and charged my blade forward as we rushed forward to meet the millions of Wraiths screeching. We thundered down the battlefield and clashed swords. Axe meeting heads and arrows raining down from both sides.

I ducked a huge axe and managed to repel a sword blow before a wraith screamed and latched onto me draining my life force. Oh my god I thought. First wraith and your already dead. But when nothing happened for a few seconds I twisted from her grasp and rammed my blade into her chest.

She screamed with confusion lacing her eyes and threw her hands up before bursting into ash. I didn't have time to ponder how I was not dead as another wraith threw herself at me with the same results.

Soon the wraiths quickly figured out that they couldn't do anything so they came at me in full force. I was forced to dodge and weave through screams and swords. I weaved ice magic and killed of a dozen of them as my eyes turned blue from the magic. Finally they told their queen and I saw her striding across the field to meet me.

I slashed and cut wraiths as I waited for her to reach me but she continued walking. What? Where was she going? I followed her gaze and saw Lodz fighting of dozen of wraiths. Oh shit it looked like she was making good on her promise.

I cut and slashed as I tried to run over to him but the wraiths barely gave me time. I would barely manage a few feet at a time. I winced as Lodz barely avoided a fireball from her. He slashed her with his claws and opened his mouth blowing a special magic that was a ice tornado but took strength out of him. The ice tornado reached her then missed as she dodged to the side. I was only a few feet away as I gasped seeing Lodz hit the ground and attempt to get up but failing.

He looked at me and mouthed I love you right before she plunged her ice blade into his heart. I stopped and screamed internally as my mouth stopped working. Blades clashed and fire burned and licked my hair but it passed right over me. I didn't notice anything in that space of time as I stared at Lodz glazed over eyes and knew he was lost. I raised my gaze to the Dark Queen with the light that was once so bright in my eyes completely lost.

She looked at me and snickered until she met my gaze. Fear crossed her face and she stumbled back as she fully realized what she had done. Today she was going to die. I opened my mouth and screamed. The scream whipped through the air and blasted out a shock-wave. It was a sadness filled scream that everyone within earshot over miles of land that had been fighting could hear.

Then the scream stopped. And every wraith bursted into ash but not a person from the kingdoms were harmed. Everyone turned and looked at me including my friends in amazement. The queen looked around in fear at the battlefield devoid of wraiths then back at me as I stood up and drew my sword. My ice cold gaze burned through her soul as she knew there was no escape. She turned and lifted her hands pulsing and flinging every kind of magic that she had at me but not a single one touched me.

She fell back but I continued froward until she tripped over one of the dead. I stopped in front of her and raised my sword.

" Please." She whispered. A final plea for help.

The sword plunged into her chest and into her heart before coming out the back as she dropped to her knees . Her eyes staring in disbelief before glazing over. Her heat stopped beating and her blood stopped pumping. I let go of the sword and stepped back as the sword turned to stone. It started from the handle and spread down the blade until it reached her chest. Spreading out from there until it covered her whole body and when it was done she crumbled into dust with the sword.

I stared for a moment and finally looked up as the cheering started and the news spread.

" The queen is dead! The queen is dead!" They shouted to each other. I looked up at the nodding faces of my friend's as they understood the pain that I was going through but they also knew the queen had to die.

Their gazes turned to horror as they stared at my chest. I looked down and saw the blade poking through as blood ran down my shirt soaking it red. Someone had stabbed me in the back I realized before I toppled over next to Lodz.

I laid there my cheek on the grassy field as I looked at Lodz eyes and reached forward stroking his blood matted fur. I was not hurting but I knew I was slowly slipping away. I closed my eyes and laid still as I heard my friend's talking and trying to revive me with magic. I even heard and felt the other kings and queens trying to revive me but failing. I slowly spiraled down down down until their voices faded away and I drifted into nothingness.

Why Am I Alive? - Part 3


Voices drifted through the thick blanket of darkness that covered me. They would fade in and out but I didn't know who they were as they were unfamiliar.

Often it would feel like the fog was breaking and words of encouragement would reach me then fade away. I finally managed to catch some of the words.

" Your doing great honey. I just wish you would wake up." The female voice said sounding like she was crying but desperately trying for it not to show.

Then another voice. " Mom needs you sis and I need you. I don't care that your hair turned silver or that your eyes are grey. I just want you to come back to us."

This girl was most definitely crying and not holding back as I felt her holding my hand. I managed to make myself think despite the fog. What the hell was she talking about? I didn't have a sister or grey eyes. And what was she going on about my silver hair?

All these things I thought but the fog and darkness dragged me down farther until I heard no more. Until sometime later I heard clear concise voices breaking through again.

" You think that she's going to wake up mom?"

" Possibly yes the doctor said that her heart rate is increasing. And she might even wake up today."

I wondered what they were talking about. But one thing for certain was that I was in a deep sleep. However I wondered how I did not die as I had felt myself go through the underworld and then nothingness.

But if they said that I was in a deep sleep then I would wake up. I cleared my mind and reached for the darkness pushing it away. It resisted trying to hold me in but I broke it and it faded away as nothing remained.

I opened my eyes and instantly snapped them shut as blinding light penetrated my eyelids and blind me. I waited before slowly opening them again and squinted through them at the two blurry figures.

I heard them holding their breath as they waited for me to fully open my eyes. I slowly opened them the rest of the way and waited until I was adjusted to the light before everything came into sharp focus.

A blond haired girl in her teens with sky blue eyes who reminded me of Ronan was smiling at me with her hands clasped in front of her. She was wearing a was that a pink top? that I think looked too low on her. Tight light blue pants wait what? Hmm she must be a warrior if she is wearing pants since other regular girls wear dresses.

I looked to the other figure a woman in her thirty's with the same blond hair but with warm brown eyes. She however had on a decent black top and a white fur jacket with loose black pants. Which meant that she must also be a warrior.

I looked to the older authority figure. " Where's Merny?"

She drew her eyebrows together with a puzzled expression. " Who Merny? He not the guy who hit your car is he?"

I looked at her confused. " Merny's my best friend."

The other girl put her hand on her mouth and gasped. " Mom she must be a little delusional after all she was hit pretty hard."

I glared at her. " I'm not delusional girl."

"Girl? I'm your sister." She said almost in tears.

" No your not. I don't have any sisters." I said and sat up as I felt the thing sticking in my arm which I assumed was making me woozy.

" What is that in my arm?" I asked the older woman.

" It's morphine honey. You really shouldn't take it out." She added the last part as I ripped out the needle with the tubes attached to the end and threw it over the bed. Hmm I thought this bed is the most comfortable bed I have ever slept in.

I looked back at her. " Do you know where Ronan or Savatar are?"

She shrugged and looked confused. " I'm sorry but we don't know who they are. I really think that you should lay back down sweetheart you've had a bad accident. Nicole can you go get the doctor?" She told the blond haired girl.

Nicole nodded and left through the door. The door closed behind her and clicked into place. I sat and finally took in the room. White smooth walls with a table besides the bed. Colorful cards were on the small table in a different language. Some sort of small metal boxes were beeping away besides me which I assumed was magic. The sheets were so soft and were probably made by the best weavers in the kingdom.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up before walking to the square glass and shoving it open and looking out. But the sight that greeted me was not what I had expected. Instead of trees and birds I was up very very high. I looked down at the roads and the metal boxes that had people trapped in them until I realized with my sharp eyesight that they were actually controlling the metal boxes.

I inhaled in a gasp of air and let my eyes roam around. The city was huge with lights blinking everywhere and huge tall palaces stationed around everywhere. The light glistened off the buildings and reflected onto the streets below where millions of people rushed about on their business.

They carried metal boxes and talked into little tiny metal boxes. Rushing and bumping into each other. I stared and let my nose work as I experienced new smells that assaulted my nose. Heavenly smells and sharp smells that burned with familiar smells of trees and flowers and animals.

But one thing for sure was that I wan not even in the kingdom. However I was still on earth but it was different. Wayyy different.

I looked down at the flimsy dress on my body and glared whirling around. " Why in the freaking motherfucking hell am I in a dress?" I shouted.

The woman cringed. " It's not a dress it a gown since your in the hospital."

I looked towards the door as it opened revealing Nicole and the 'doctor' who was a guy dressed in white robes. I raised an eyebrow. Usually healers are women and wear red robes not white.

" What are you? And for god's sake where are my clothes?" I asked hands on my hips.

The supposed doctor smiled and reached for me. I snarled and jerked my hand away. " Don't touch me."

He stepped back and the smile dropped from his face. " My name is Doctor Jenkins and you have been in a terrible accident so I need you to sit down before we can get you some clothes."

" Terrible accident?" I said and laughed. " You call having someone kill me with a sword a terrible accident?"

His eyebrows drew together. " I'm afraid your a little woozy Miss Coolgate. Please take a seat so that we can talk properly."

I glared. " I am not woozy at all thank you very much. I am perfectly fine talking from where I'm standing."

" But you might get dizzy and fall down. Are you not weak in the legs or anything? You where in a coma for a year." He said and raised the sheet of paper and looked on it as he talked.

" I'm absolutely fine. I can leap from this building and be perfectly fine." I said and crossed my arms as I leaned against the glass. For some reason everyone immediately began shouting and waving their hands around as they pleaded for me not to do that.

" No! No! Please Miss Coolgate do not do that."Jenkins said frantically waving his hands around.

I shrugged what was the deal with them? " Alright but first tell me what year it is."

He finally calmed down. " It is 2018."

I did not show disbelief on my face as I turned and faced the glass. 2018? That means I have been dead for over 3000 years. This was not good.

" Do you remember me honey?" The woman said with a tone of hope in her voice.

" I'm afraid I don't miss." I said without turning around.

" What about me?" Nicole asked.

I turned around and faced them. " I'm sorry I don't know you."

They all looked at me sadly before the woman turned and started discussing thing with Jenkins about releasing me. They talked in whispers for some reason as apparently they did not know that I could hear them. They discussed about how I was in a 'coma' and couldn't remember anything. And how long before my boyfriend should come and visit me. And how he was going to be shocked at how I looked that resulted from my "coma".

Finally they stopped and looked at me. The woman opened the door and waited for me to pass through. " My name is Sarah Coolgate. I am your mom. Please come with me."

I reluctantly rolled my eyes and passed through following them down the eight flight of stairs until we came to the bottom floor and passing through the front doors that you pushed outwards. Then they came to a white metal box and opened the door for me to get in.

I eyed the door before passing through it and into the tight exterior. I settled on the the soft seat and watched as Nicole got in besides me and smiled at me. Sarah got into the front and activated the magic and drove it into the traffic. Nicole stuck her hand out towards me.

" Hi I'm Nicole and I'm your sister." She said as I shook her hand.

" Um hi I'm Char." I said trying to make the best of it.

She giggled. " Uh yeah I know I'm your sister."

I eyed her. " Oh of course."

I regretted my decision of talking to her as there was not one moment of silence in the car as Nicole chatted away the whole trip from the hospital to 'home'. She told me about how I had been driving my 'car' when someone crashed into me and made a 'hit and run'. Apparently I hit my head and was in a deep sleep for 12 moon cycles. My 'boyfriend' was my supposed suitor? And she said we loved each other very much. She said he had blonde hair and green eyes and his name was Cole.

Also she said that I used to have blond hair and blue eyes like her until my coma. Then my hair and eyes changed from the stress.

I just sighed and let her rant on until we arrived while I managed to figure out how to open the door of the car. I stepped out and gazed up at the two story white house. I followed Sarah up the steps and into the house as she smiled at me a secret smile that told me that a surprise was waiting.

I stepped into the living room and stared at the brown haired blue eyed man with a big smile.

" Hey honey." He said and reached forward hugging me. I let him hug me before managing to escape out of his embrace.

" You look good Char. Almost looks like you weren't in a coma for a year" He said as he stepped back taking me in.

I looked at a reflection of the patio glass and noticed Sarah drawing a hand across her throat which meant silence it.

" Um honey Char doesn't actually remember anything." Sarah said as I turned around and walked around the room.

" Oh." He said in surprise.

" Um my name is Jacob and I'm your dad." He said as I stopped and shook hands with me. I smiled.

" Is there anywhere that I can go and buy some clothes?" I asked them.

" Oh you already have clothes in your room!" Nicole said excitedly.

" I assume that most of them are dresses and tight jeans with low cut tops?" I said as she twisted her hands awkwardly.

" Uh yeah but that's the stuff you like." She said.

I snorted. " I do not like that stuff."

Sarah jumped in before Nicole's feeling got hurt. " Well I'm sure that you can take Char into town and get her clothes right Nicole?"

" Yeah sure. I'll take you anywhere you want to go."

" Ok."  I said and whirled around walking towards the door. " Let's go."

We went into the city and Nicole showed me the clothing stores. I went in and picked out all the clothes that suited me. Often she would try and come up with suggestions about this dress or that dress and I would turn her down. I picked out a couple black and brown t-shirts. I bought a black jacket that I fit into comfortably.

I also picked out a black overcoat and black jeans that had silver zippers just above the knees. I picked out some black underwear, socks, and 'bras'. I picked out some black lace up hiking boots and a black leather belt.I also got some black leather gloves with the fingers cut off and some black leather armbands. I waited for Nicole to turn up her nose at them before buying them and then I took them from her and put them on. I walked out of the dressing room and heard Nicole whistle.

" Wow girl. You really know how to put together an outfit." She said.

I had on the jacket and a black shirt and the black jeans with the boots and belt with my gloves and the armbands. I shrugged and followed her out.  I followed her to a car and stopped as I looked at the store window and stared. Was that a wraith flying through the people? Sure enough I walked closer to the glass and saw the wraith flying in and out of people affecting their moods.

She cackled as she saw me and headed through the store towards me. Until she realized I could see her. She came to a stop as I met her eyes and glared.

" Don't even try it wraith."

The wraith eyes widened and she backed off hastily before screeching and flying off to the back of the store. Which reminded me that I needed other stuff that I would only find in a supernatural store. After all I didn't see any people walking around with swords and knife's. It looked like if you did that they would run away screaming in different directions.

I turned around and walked back to Nicole and stopped at her window. She rolled it down.

" What do you need Char?"

" Um well I have to go and look for something special. I'll meet you back at the house."

" Well I'm not supposed to leave you here by yourself but I understand if you need some time alone. You know where the house is right?"

" Yeah I'll see you."

She grinned and waved before rolling down the window and taking off. I sighed I finally got rid of her. I walked to a store that was pure black and walked in greeting the young fairy at the counter in her language. The fairy nodded and murmured something as she continued reading until her brain suddenly started working.

She looked up in surprise. " You speak my language?"

I nodded. " Yes where is your back room?" I asked since I couldn't spot what I needed.

" My name is Roda and It's back there" she pointed to the wall before continuing " my grandmother is in there she will help you.

I nodded in thanks and crossed through the disguise and into a room full of weapons and armor. A little old lady was bustling around cleaning stuff when she noticed me.

" Hello dear how may I assist you?"

" I'm looking for a very special suit of clothes and weapons that match them."

" I see dear and the name of the warrior?"

" Char Coolgate."

She gasped and whirled around and started poking me in the chest with the sharp tipped cane.

" How did you demons find me again? I thought that I already killed you off you miscreants! How dare you come here in the disguise of a innocent girl!" She screeched in demon language and continued poking me until she backed me up against a rack of potions.

" Excuse me ma'am but I am Char Coolgate not a demon." I said and watched as she stopped poking me and stared at me in surprise before fainting to the floor.

Oops. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Now I just made the queen of fairy's that had been in the Great War with me faint to the floor. I poke my head out of the curtain and called to her granddaughter.

" Um excuse me Roda but your grandmother kinda needs you."

" Be there in a second." She said.

I went back to the queen and picked her up carrying her to a old rocking chair in the corner as Roda came in and gasped.

" Oh dear! What happened?"

"Uh well see I told her I was Char Coolgate because she started accusing me of being a demon and she just fainted to the floor." I said guiltily.

She looked up and gasped." Your Char Coolgate the one who killed the Dark Queen and also died in the process?"

I nodded. " Please don't faint."

" Faint? That's the opposite of what I would do! I'm so happy that your actually alive!" She said and twirled around just as her grandmother woke up.

" Ehh?" The queen said squinting at me before leaping to her feet and taking my hand in hers. " I can't believe it's you Char."

" I can't believe that your alive either." I said as she kissed my hand and pulled away.

" Yeah well I haven't relinquished my claim to the throne to my granddaughter yet."

" What about your daughter?" I asked but immediately regretted it as her eyes welled up in tears.

" She was lost during the Great War."

" Oh I'm so sorry." I said and handed her a napkin.

" It's okay. Tell me about yourself. I assume you woke up in this girls body from a coma?"

" Uh yeah how did you know?" I said as I wandered around looking for my weapons and clothing while she followed.

" Well you actually go to the school my granddaughter goes to." The queen said as she located my stuff and unlocked it to reveal my stuff.

" Really? A fairy going to a school in this huge city?" I said as I grabbed my stuff and put it in a burlap sack that she gave me.

" Yes it's the school that has the most supernatural people in it."

"Wow do familiars go as well?" I said as the queen looked at me with sadness.

" You don't know do you dear?" She said as she steered me out and into the front part of the store.

I looked at her. "I don't know what?"

" All familiars died the day the King of familiars died. Thar's actually why humans stopped believing in us. A priest from the humans started a generation that did not believe in magic or anything else. Even if they are faced with it they will not even see it. Now only the king or queen of the humans know about us. And the current queen is the queen of england"

" I see that's why nobody saw the wraith in the store that I stopped at."

She nodded. " Yes they do not believe anymore."

I sighed. " That's too bad."

" Yes it is. Now off you go. Sorry If I scared you with all the demon talk."

" It's fine. I smiled and waved before exiting.

I made my way through the streets back to the house. I was crossing a street when I noticed a blond haired green eyed werewolf heading towards me. He stopped in front of me and smiled putting his hands in my shoulder as I dropped my bags in surprise.

So this must be Cole I thought eviliy as he started to speak in a tone that was a bad ass tone that he only used when away from home. But in reality he was kinda shy and smart not at all who he pretended to be.

" Hello baby." He said purring in a machismo tone. " I'm so glad your awake babe maybe we can catch up on some of our loving tonight. By the way I'm totally digging your new look."

I took his hands of my shoulders and snapped his bone in both his wrists in one smooth motion. Then I punched him in the stomach and watched as he doubled over before kicking him in the balls and watched as he slid to the ground in agony.

" Don't you ever put your hands on me again you filthy werewolf." I boomed inside his head.

He waited for his bones to heal before responding in my mind. " Who the hell are you? Your not Char."

" I am Char just not the Char your dating." I replied.

He stared at me with wide eyes. " No way. Your the Char from the Great War?"

" Yes the one who kicked the ass of that witch."

"My god. My father speaks about you all the time." He said as he got back up and grimaced.

" Your father I assume is the King that was in the battle?"

" Yes."

I shrugged. " I'll come and visit him then."

" He would like that. By the way I assume we're not dating anymore?" He said wincing.

" Your correct."

He sighed. " I wish father would understand."

I smiled." He'll understand if you tell him who I am. Besides did he tell you what happened to my friends?"

" Yes he said that they died right after you from the same sword. It was a spell that the queen cast just before she died that way that the person who killed her would die with her. I'm sorry."

I smiled and nodded. " I guess it's better that way. By the way you go to that school don't you? I heard Nicole say that you were the top guy in the school."

He grimaced again and not from the pain. " Not anymore. There's this succubus that's a male and he has gotten everyone turned to his side. They practically beg and lick at his feet."

I smiled as I saw his wounded ego. " Don't worry I won't fall for him but I will teach him a lesson that he won't forget."

He nodded his thanks. " Yeah that's good. And you might need to go on the internet and learn how to write their language. On the internet you can find anything you need to know about how to blend in."

" Thanks." I said even though I had no intention of blending in. Not that I could blend in anyway.

" You should tell Nicole that she's your mate .Bye." I told him quickly and walked away before he could respond towards my house and went to tell my sister who I was truly. I arrived and went in but before she could say a word I clapped my hand over her mouth and dragged her up to my room while levitating all my bags in the air.

I finally arrived at my room as I magically opened the door and flicked on the light switch while I deposited her on my bed with wide eyes and a gaping mouth and put away all my clothes with a flick of my hand. Finally her brain moved into gear.

" Holy shit Char what was that?"

"Can't you tell? It's magic. Oh by the way did you know that my no longer boyfriend Cole is a werewolf?"

She gaped some more until she finally closed her mouth." Wow I should have known that your not my sister."

" How do you know?"

" I can see other people souls. And when you woke up your soul was different."

I looked at her in surprise. " Your a Soul Searcher?"

" Yeah and so is mom. But she didn't notice until the drive home that you were different. But dad is actually just a human so we don't tell him."

" I see. Well I'm tired so I got to get to bed."

Nicole nodded and offered words of advice before taking off. " Don't forget tomorrow is school."

I groaned and sank down on the bed. Really? Tomorrow is school? I'm so dead. I went over to the computer and worked magic into it so that I knew everything about this world and especially someone named Ryan Walker on facebook.

I shut it off and spent twenty minutes fiddling around with the shower before I was able to take an hour long shower and changed into my pajamas before sliding in between the covers. My last thought was that tomorrow was going to be very very interesting.


The Player - Part 4


I woke up to someone bouncing up and down on my chest.

" Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" A little cute kid voice kept repeating over and over. I groaned and lifted the pillow of my head to see a little tiny brown and black curly haired dog jump up and down on my chest.

I hurled obscenity's at him before pulling the pillow back down to block out the sun that was beaming through the now open curtains.

" No! You can't go back to bed!" It squealed. " You have 20 minutes before school starts. And you have to be in the car in five."

I groaned and heaved off the pillow and sat up as the dog jumped of my chest. " That's it! Wake up and smell the coffee!" He said beaming at me.

" I can't smell the coffee if I don't know what it tastes or smells like." I told him. After a few seconds of silence I looked over and saw him staring at me with wide eyes.

" You can understand me?" It said in a tiny voice.

" Yes I can understand you. Now can you please let me go back to bed?"

" Yes okay. Wait no! You can't! You have to be in the car in four minutes!" It said as it bounced around and hopped of the bed and inspected my closet as my eyes opened wide in surprise and I fell off the bed onto the floor.

" Four minutes! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I screeched and started hopping around the room as I tried to put my pants on while brushing my teeth at the same time.

" I tried but your a stubborn waker. By the way I'm Pomo. What kind of clothes are these anyway?" He said inspecting my outfits.

" Don't you dare touch those!" I yelled as I manged to finish pulling my pants and shirt on. I put on the same outfit from yesterday except I wore a brown shirt instead of black.

He grumbled. " Just because I'm just 3 months old doesn't mean I'm not an adult. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself thank you very much. Do I also need to remind you I was able to wake you up in time for-" He turned around mid sentence to see that I was nowhere in sight.

" Hello?" He said as he poked his nose into the bathroom only to find it empty so he jumped on my bed and sat down. " Why are humans always rushing around?" He murmured to himself.

I only managed to listen to half his speech as I was already rushing down the stairs and out the door leaving it open behind me. I spotted Nicole's red sports car that we drove yesterday and hopped in slamming the door shut and pulling on my seat belt. She smiled at me then started screeching at me as she looked at the time.

" Where were you?! We're gonna have to double time it! Last time I got a ticket because of that!"

I put my hands out to stop her rant. " I know okay? If a certain talking Pomo hadn't woken me up I would be double and triple late. Also I was in a coma yesterday. Now drive." I demanded.

She looked at me for a second before a smile slowly slid onto her face and she slid in a disk of Nightcore and turned it up blasting my ears before shoving the car into gear. She backed out of the driveway and slammed the gear forward as she pushed the pedal down jerking the car forward. We barely made it as we slid screeching into the school parking lot.

I stared at the school as I stepped out of the car. A huge brick two story building. I glanced around and looked at all the nerds outside as their mouths dropped open and they stared at the two most popular girls in school.

" Hey Char, Nicole." Cole said as he approached us.

I put on my game face and flashed a smile in his direction. " Hey Cole wanna walk with us?"

He nodded and so we strode forward across the parking lot and pushed through the double doors. We stopped short as all chatter inside stopped. I looked around at the popular students all inside as they stared at us. I especially looked at the corner where the succubus was leaning against his locker with his four friends with about a dozen girls drooling over them.

He noticed me looking and flashed a smile in my direction as he strode forward to meet me. The girls all parted like a wave and watched him with adoring eyes as he stopped in front of me.

" Hello beautiful what's your name?" He said as he looked into my eyes with his bright blue ones.

I almost dropped the whole facade then and there. As obviously he already knew my name so that he could seduce me. But I kept my wits around me and flashed him a smile.

" Name's Char and yours is?"

" I'm Ryan. That is Ryan Walker." He flashed another smile and I pretend to have a surprised look.

" Oh wow! Are you the son of-"

" George Walker the billionaire? Yes." He said as he laid a hand on my arm. " Well I'm sure you must be off somewhere so will you sit with me and my friends at lunch since you missed breakfast?" He said gesturing to the four hot boys leaning against their lockers and smirking in my direction.

I faked a cute smile and brushed my hair behind my ear. " Oh I'd love to."

He smiled like he had won the lottery.

" But" I continued with a sigh " I already promised my boyfriend that I would sit with him and his friends."

The smile almost dropped from his lips. " Oh is that right? Who's your boyfriend?"

Cole stepped forward." I am."

The succubus looked at him with a gaze that promised if Cole did not tell him what he wanted to hear then he would rip him apart.

" Well I'm sure that she wouldn't look at you like your her boyfriend if you told her that you were the one who ran her over." He said with a smirk as he pulled me and Nicole away from him.

The students and I gasped as I slapped Cole across the cheek rather hard. " You were the one that ran me over?"

He looked at me with a sad smile and nodded. " Yes."

I mind linked Cole. " I forgive you Cole I'm not mad at you." Before turning to Ryan. " I'll come and sit with you Ryan but I can't say the same for my sister." I side winked at her.

" Oh well I like that very much. And as for your sister I always knew she had the hots for your ex-boyfriend."

Nicole fake gasped and pulled herself out of his grasp. " How dare you?! Come on Cole we're leaving." She said grabbing Cole and pulling him down the hallway.

I shrugged. " Sorry about that she always has  little temper in the morning. I'm sure she will come to her senses soon though."

Ryan gazed at her walking down the hallway before looking back at me. " Yes I'm sure she'll come around. I have to go to class see you around." He said winking at me before motioning to his boys to follow him as he stuck his hands in his pockets and strolled down the hallway to his class.

I snapped to attention just as the bell rang. I quickly walked down the hallway to the administration office and signed in thanking the secretary as she gave me my schedule with a smile. I barely managed to slid through the door as the second bell rung signaling that I was supposed to be in my seat.

I spotted Roda with some new glasses and waved at her before taking a seat besides her. " Hey Roda."

She nervously glanced around. "You can't sit by me."

I suddenly noticed the students whispering and talking about how I was sitting besides a nerd.

" Why not?" I asked her.

" Because your popular and in here I'm just a nerd." She said as she gazed at her homework.

" Well that's not what I see. I see and incredibly smart and talented young woman who is my first true friend and is next in line to the fairy throne." I said winking at her as she blushed.

" Thanks. I know I shouldn't let them put me down but in here it's ruthless."

" Not anymore. I'm going to take this school down." I said in a low but ruthless tone as I watched the SDAMLG's enter the classroom. It stand's for Socially Derivative And Mousy Little Girls.

The head blond gaze flickered across the room to where I was sitting and smiled a predatory smile. Until she saw who I was sitting by then that smile turned vicious only to the people that were paying attention.

She walked up to me with her two minions by her side. " Well hello there I'm Stella and the red headed is Lonnie and the black haired is Connie. And I don't suggest sitting by her."

I looked at her innocently and pointed to Roda who had her head and eyes down. " You mean this little sweet girl who helped me when I needed some clothes to pick out?"

Stella quickly retracted. " No not her she's fine I was talking about someone else never mind."

She quickly flipped her hair and sat in front of me while her minions sat besides me with Roda in the back. Then the stern faced teacher entered.

I nearly gaped. It was the dwarf at the Great War! He however was a little taller and older now. His eyes roamed over all the students and settled on me before he let out a big bellied laugh.

" Char good to see you!" He said rushing over and greeting me. All the students had their mouths hanging open as the little dwarf I'm sure was not a teacher that laughed often.

" Um hello Mister Zorenn. It's good to see you too. How is your lovely wife?" I added the last part so as to remind him we were not alone. He instantly took it.

" She's good child she is good. We'll talk later okay?"

" Okay thank you."

He smiled once more before tromping back up the his desk. " Ok listen up students!" He bellowed as we all cringed. " This year we will have no whistling, moving around, leaving before the bell rings, going to the bathroom, and most importantly no talking. Is that clear?"

He was met with silence. He looked around as his face reddened. " I said IS THAT CLEAR?"

Silence still met him until he suddenly remembered his rules. " Sorry. You will not talk unless spoken to. Now is that CLEAR?"

" Yes Mister Zorenn." The whole class echoed.

He smiled and sat down. " Good now let's begin the lesson."

The rest of history went by as boring as a war. So did art and biology .Only math was a little interesting as Ryan and his friends sat around me, not to mention that the class was full of twittering girls.However I already knew all of this stuff so why did I have to endure this? I moaned and and dropped my head to my desk.

" Ahem Miss Coolgate are am I boring you?" A stern tone brought my head up as I sheepishly looked at the human woman teacher.

" Um no." I said and looked toward the board for the question that I knew she would ask me on. Sure enough she asked me it.

" Then can you please tell me what is the answer?" She said pointing to the complex formula that nobody had ever been able to solve which meant she was going to trick me that way I looked like a fool and would get sent to the principle's office.

So I narrowed my mind and started solving the formula that took Einstein years to solve. 50 years to be precise and not to mention the fact that he never solved it. Nobody could ever solve it. I saw Ryan look sorry for me so I worked faster. A few minutes of silence went by before the teacher spoke.

" So what's the answer Miss Coolgate?"

" 7000 x 4 / 3.002 - .5730578389567 + 45." I said triumphantly.

She narrowed her eyes at me. " Excuse me?"

" The answer is 7000 x 4/3.002 - .5730578389567 + 45." I said again and crossed my fingers under my desk hoping that I calculated it all correctly.

She harrumphed and turned to the board and began furiously writing down the problem and the answer and begin working it out. " Well let's see if it's right then."

One hour passed by before she turned back to us out of breath and with wild hair. " It appears that Miss Coolgate is correct." She said as everyone loudly cheered and I let loose a breath that I had been holding as the bell ringed for lunch.

I grabbed my bag as people congratulated me as it was not every day that someone solved the worlds biggest problem. I smiled back and headed out to the huge cafeteria room with about 500 people in there.

I walked in and spotted Ryan and his buddies at a big table with the three hot girls and some other jocks and cheerleaders. I noticed other peoples stares as I walked to their table and sat down unwrapping my Nutella sandwich.

Ryan looked up noticing me. " Hey Char."

I smiled back at him. " Hey Ryan.

He smiled and resumed eating while everyone else hammered me with questions about the math incident.

" So" a brown haired jock said leaning forward " how did you solve it Char?"

I shrugged like it was no big deal. " Just some quick calculations."

Stella leaned back and laughed. " Some pretty good quick calculations I'd say. It was genius."

I smiled and looked around the table at the supernatural boys and girls except for Stella and her minions. I wondered how they did anyway with her as a human.

" So Char." Ryan said breaking me out of my thoughts. " Are you going anywhere tonight?"

" No why?"

" We're having a party to celebrate the first day of school and your welcome to come."

I looked around at all their expectant faces. " Uh actually I'm not sure. I mean it's like been a long day so...."

"What!" Stella said. " You can't not come. This is like the party where everyone who is in this school is coming to no matter what."

I gulped and looked around slowly. " Um I guess I can come then."

Stella smiled and gushed. " You won't regret coming Char it's gonna be the best party in New York."

I smiled and spent the rest of lunch in silence as I heard Stella and all the other girls chat and laugh away about what they would be wearing. Unfortunately I would be wearing exactly what I had on to their disappointment.

Finally lunch was over and I got to go back to my boring classes. At the end of the day I got out and went to the front where Nicole car was idling. I slid in and smiled at her as she smiled back as she turned up the music and drove home. On the way there I asked her to pull into a store and I bought some things before heading out and into the car for the rest of the way home.

I arrived and ordered pizza and grabbed a soda out of the fridge before heading into my room since Nicole had to go to something called 'yoga'. I sat and watched Netflix in my room until the doorbell dinged.

" I'm coming!" I yelled as the doorbell rang again. I scrambled to the door but my shirt got stuck. I glared and tugged on my shirt that was stuck on the doorjamb. It dinged again so I ripped off the stuck part and fell as I tumbled down the stairs. All two flights and landed in front of the door so I reached up and opened it.

Mister Zorenn was standing there with a smile on his face and a pizza box waiting to greet me as he looked above me. Then he looked down and gasped as he bent down and helped me up.

" Poor child are you alright?"

I grimaced none the worse for the wear. " Yeah I'm good just a ruined shirt."

" Oh sorry. I came by to see you and found the pizza guy dinging away at that infernal doorbell so I took over."

" Oh yeah come on in sorry about that I was up in my room and I was watching TV." I said as I closed the door behind him and grabbed the pizza from him setting it up on the table.

" Ahh." He said and sat down.

I sliced the pizza and got out two plates. " You want some?" I said gesturing to the pizza.

" Yeah sure." He said rubbing his hands together in delight.

I placed the pizza on the plates and handed him one as a little voice spoke. " Who's that?"

I looked down and saw Pomo looking at Zorenn. " Oh this is the king of dwarfs, Zorenn. Zorenn this is Pomo." I explained as Zorenn looked at Pomo in surprise.

" Ahh nice to meet you." Zorenn said and shook Pomo's paw.

Pomo nodded likewise.

" Can I come up there?" He said.

I looked down. " Of course." I picked him up and placed him on the table as I let him eat the rest of my pizza.

I yawned and looked at the clock as my chair almost fell over from me standing up so fast. " Shit I almost forgot about the party."

Pomo and Zorenn both looked up and asked. " What party?"

" Never mind. I gotta go."

I left them standing there and rushed upstairs before pulling off my brown torn shirt and putting on a black one. I snagged my knives that I had forgotten this morning and put them in my boots before rushing downstairs and out the door without even a goodbye.

I leaned into a fast walk before falling into a full blown run towards Ryan's house.  He had described it to me earlier at lunch. I came upon the three story cream colored house and slowed to a walk until I came upon the bouncer.

" Name?" He said in a bored tone as he looked at the list.

" Char Coolgate." I said smiling as I watched him look down the list.

He opened the gate and bowed. " Please enter."

I bowed much to his surprise and entered to come upon a wild scene. Multi colored lights were dancing across the green yard and pool. People were chattering and making out as the music boomed and rattled the windows. Guys and girls were hollering and stripping before jumping into the pool. People stood around with beer and tequila as they laughed and joked.

I smiled nervously and moved into the house were it was even more chaotic. Girls dancing and drinking with the music louder than ever before. Guys leading girls away into rooms as they made out. People taking heroin and coke while drinking beer. People playing beer pong and managing to drink more beer than playing.

I moved upstairs and spotted Stella the same time she spotted me.

" Hey girl! You got here that's awesome!" She managed to yell over the music obviously drunk before she was pulled away by a guy to a room as she made out with him.

I waved after her and weaved my way through the crowd until I reached Ryan as he talked to a girl in a corner. " Hey Ryan." I whispered seductively in his ear before turning and walking away swinging my hips.

I didn't need to turn back to see him staring lustily after me and licking his lips before following me into a dark room. I went inside and sat down on his bed as I waited for him. He came inside and locked the door before walking to me as he laid down and pulled me to him. Big mistake.

I flipped him over and sank my cat teeth into his shoulder as he cried out in pain. He tried to push me back but I grabbed his hands and feet and tied them to the bed with the rope I had bought on the way home.

He stared at me with wide eyes. " What are you doing?"

I smiled at him and got off him as I stood there hands on my hips. " Isn't it obvious succubus?"

His confusion was wiped of his face as anger replaced it. " I should have known. She said you were going to be easy as a girly girl. But all I saw was a rebellious girl."

I narrowed my eyes at him. " Who is she?"

" Like I would ever tell you." He said smirking.

I stared at him for a minute but when he didn't speak I went over to my bag and ruffled through it. I got out a candle and a lighter before heading over to him and sitting on the bed. I smiled before lighting the candle wick and and slowly tilting it over his arm.

" Look here succubus. I am going to get information from you even if I have to slice your chest open and tear out your ribs." I told him as the hot wax dripped onto his arm.

He fidgeted as the wax made burn spots on his arm. " You don't scare me Char. I've heard all about you from her."

I stared at him before I blew out the candle and put it and the lighter back in my bag. I closed it and slung it across my back before heading to the door.

I could hear the panic in his voice as he spoke. " Wait! Where are you going? Aren't you going to torture me?"

I turned around and smirked. " You already told me who she is. Good luck getting out of those knots I tied tonight demon."

I walked out the door leaving the confused silence behind as I exited into the hallway. I walked down the stairs and passed through the front door and into the night nodding at the bouncer who looked at me with a smile. I finally arrived back home and walked in only to be greeted by my family.

" Surprise!" Sarah said as she pulled me into a hug.

My eyebrows knitted into confusion. " What surprise?"

I looked around the room and noticed that nothing was different.

Sarah only smiled and gave me a key. " The whole family decided that since you have been in a coma that we would buy you a ride that way you won't have to ride with your crazy sister."

" Hey! I'm not crazy!" Nicole protested.

I smiled at her whining. " What is it?"

" Go look in the garage." She said smiling mysteriously.

I thanked them and told them that I would look at it in the morning since I was tired but actually I was wide awake. I waited until they were in bed before creeping out of bed and downstairs. I made it to the last step before it squeaked. I froze holding my breath hoping that none heard that. When the crickets continued chirping I crept across the kitchen and into the laundry room. I saw the mops haphazardly crossing each other like a mine trap. I smiled and cracked my knuckles. This was going to be a piece of cake.

I tiptoed until I met the first obstacle a dirty old broom. I took a one foot leap and ended on the other side. Next course a still wet and dirty mop most likely from Nicole's bad cleaning skills. I put my foot up and over just as the last course came in sight. I hurrahed in my mind.

" What are you doing out of bed?"

I startled and slipped on the wet mop and went down like Goliath. The whole system set off a barrage of sounds as I fell on every mop and broom that I had just avoided. I laid there catching my breath and waited for the flashing lights and men in uniforms to cuff me but nothing happened.

I looked upstairs upside down and prayed to the heavens that my family were heavy sleepers or knew I was down here. Instead I was met with a overly cute face as it stared down at me.

I groaned. "Pomo what are you doing down here?"

" I was going to ask you the same thing." He said as he stepped over the big mess and made it to the other side without making a noise.

I glared before heaving myself up and going into super ninja mode. " I was going to soundlessly go into the garage and check out my ride when some little tiny punk scared the bejesus out of me and made me fail my mission."

" Hey it's not my fault you didn't check it out back when normal people are up."

I snickered and crawled on the wall past the security system before dropping in front of the garage door. " Well I'm not a normal person am I?"

He shook his head and sighed. " Nope. How are you gonna get that door open?"

I smirked as I pulled out my tool set and opened it. " Tada."

He rolled his eyes before pushing it open and going inside. " Showoff."

I followed him and flipped on the light. As my eyes adjust I looked to the side and gaped. They had bought me a motorcycle! I was practically dancing with joy as I looked it over. It was the best fastest black bike on the market.

Pomo gave it a critical eye. " I can tell you want it but are you sure it's safe?"

" Well we'll find out tomorrow won't we?"

" YOU will. I'm not going on this thing with you. Besides have you even gotten your license?"

I stood back and admired it as silence penetrated the air.

His eyes grew wide as I finally flipped of the light switch and ushered him out the door closing it behind me.

" Wait you don't even have your license?" He said as I crept up the stairs. 

Silence surround Pomo. " Hello?"

More silence. " Anyone?"

I smiled in my sleep as my dreams carried me off.


Outdone by a Girl - Part 5


I woke up and yawned as I opened my eyes to the perfect sunny morning. Then I bolted upright and shrieked.

" What did you do to my clothes!?"

My clothes were strewn across the floor with Pomo in the middle of them, with MY SHIRT in between his paws. Pomo looked up with scared and watery eyes as he pleaded for me not to hurt him.

" I was just checking them out. That's all." He said whimpering as he curled up into a ball.

He looked so much like Lodz that my heart melted and I smiled while I started crying. Pomo  looked scared and shocked. He uncurled himself and hopped up on the bed as he went over and curled up in my lap.

" What's wrong?" He asked me as he licked my tears.

" I used to have a cat named Lodz. He died in battle with me slain by the Dark Queen."

" Oh. I'm sorry for you. Maybe it'll get better later."

I smiled and hugged him to me almost squishing him. " Thanks Pomo."

He squirmed out of my hold as he laid there gasping for air. " Did you have to try and squish me to death?"

" Yes." I said and tickled him before jumping of my bed. " What time is it?"

He laid there gasping and taking all the oxygen in the room. " It's 7:00. Mom and dad are up."

" Ok thanks." I got dressed and left the room. I trundled downstairs in a better mood than yesterday. I smelled bacon and eggs so I redoubled my pace and bounded into the kitchen.

" Hey honey! How did you sleep?" Sarah asked.

" I slept good." I told her before sitting down and started eating as she set crispy bacon and scrambled eggs in front of me with a slice of toast.

" Hey! How come I don't ever get any?" Pomo grumbled as he sauntered into the kitchen and saw me eating.

I smirked at him. " Cause your tiny."

" Who are you talking to honey?" Jacob asked as he came into the kitchen with a newspaper staring at me.

My face flushed. " Um I was talking to Pomo. He looks hungry." I added for Pomo's benefit as his ears perked up and he started barking and jumping around.

" Oh. Well I guess he does look hungry. Might as well feed him Sarah." He said as he sat down and started eating.

Sarah smiled and grabbed a can of dog food as I launched secret operation mission Give Pomo a piece of Nicole's Bacon. I grabbed two pieces of bacon off Nicole's plate and sneaked it under the table just as Nicole bounced down the stairs.

" Hey guys what up?" She said as she sat down and started eating.

Sarah smiled. " Well everyone sure seems to be in a good mood this morni-"

" MOM!" Nicole shrieked. " WHERES MY BACON?!"

I smugly grinned as Sarah looked flustered as she looked at Nicole's plate. " Um I don't know honey. Maybe Pomo got it. You know if you take so long to wake up your food starts disappearing."

Nicole continued to whine and moan as everyone ignored her and they continued eating. I finished and got up.

" See you later Pomo." I whispered.

" Bye." He said not looking up from the crispy bacon held greedily in his paws.

" Oh and um I'm going to spend the night at a friends house if it's okay with ya''ll." I told my parents as they looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

" Well you can go if it's just a friend." Jacob said as he continued reading the paper.

Sarah looked at me and sighed her hands on her hips. " Okay Char if it's just a friend you can go. I expect you to be in school tomorrow. You hear!?" She threw the last part out as I nodded and rushed out to the garage.

I opened it and ran inside before throwing the tarp off and wheeling my bike out. I put on my black helmet and hopped on as I faced the street.

I put the key in and started it as I revved the engine. I had read up on the internet all about how to ride these baby's. I  released the brake and rode forward as I revved the engine again and grinned.


I jerked to a stop as a two ton truck screeched to a stop just inches from hitting me. I fell over with my bike on top of me as I gulped and tried to steady my nerves. A driver hopped out and frantically ran around to the front as he tried to see if I was okay. I pulled off my helmet and breathed in some fresh air.

" Are you okay miss?"  A frantic driver said as he patted me over for any broken bones as he helped me up.

I patted myself. " Yeah I think so. Sorry about that. It was my first time and I was a little sketchy driving."

I looked up and met his eyes as we both froze. " Savatar?" I said in disbelief as I took in his pointy ears and his white hair.

" Char?" He whispered disbelievingly as he looked at me.

We both stared at each other for a full minute as we made sure we both were not hallucinating.

" I thought you and the other guys were dead." I said as I stood my bike up my eyes never leaving him.

" Well I though you and the other's were dead." Savatar said as he helped me.

" How are you even alive?" I asked him as I straddled my bike.

" Well I actually woke up in this time period a month ago. What about you?"

" I woke up about two days ago." I said.

" Yeah. We must have the same thing. Maybe the other guys are still alive."

" Yeah maybe." I said. A long minute passed by until I remembered had to get to school.

" I've got to get to school Savitar. I'll talk later. This is my house by the way if you want to come by." I told him as I put my helmet on and started my bike revving the engine before backing out of the way.

" Ok I'll see you later." He said before hopping in his truck and driving off.

I grinned as my hopes lifted again at seeing Savatar. I drove the bike forward as my tires squealed on the black topped road. I drove it at 110 through the cars in the highway as I weaved past them. Finally my school came into view and I could see Ryan standing there with his buddies as he waited for Nicole's red car to pull in with me.

I grinned as he was obviously waiting for me that way he could beat me up. I could see the terror and expectation on everyone's faces. Even Stella was standing there with her girls as she waited for me a smug smile on her face.

I grinned and put on speed as my bike's needle shot up to 150. I flew in there with my wheels spinning and flying dust everywhere and onto the brand new cars and onto Ryan and Stella and everyone else as I drove by them.

Their shocked faces were worth it as I screeched to a stop in a parking space perfectly aligned. I hopped off and put a spell on that would prevent anyone from messing with my bike. I turned around and grinned under the helmet at Ryan waiting for me to pull of my helmet to reveal who this guy is who ruined his ego.

I turned around and pulled off my helmet as I put it on my bike. I whirled around hair flying as I walked past Ryan and into the school as everyone stared and whispered. I walked past them all and into my class without breaking my stride just as the bell rang.

Zorenn and Cole both stared at me as they drew lines across their throats signaling that I was screwed. I shrugged and opened my textbooks.

I leaned over to Cole. " Hey Cole can I follow you to your dad's house after school? I got my own bike."

He looked at me and nodded. " Sure. Be warned though that a bunch of other Alphas will be there today for the pack meeting."

I shrugged again. " That won't be a problem for me."

He nodded and opened his textbooks just as the Stella, Ryan, and the others filed in glaring at me except for Roda.

Roda sat down besides me. " You okay?"

" Yeah definitely."

She smiled as the other sat away from me and to the front.

" So um you can come and sit over with me at lunch if you want. Since it looks like you won't be sitting with them anymore." Roda said as she eyed them.

" Sure." I said as Zorenn began talking about history.

" Oh and tomorrow me and my brother are going to this bar to hang out if you wanna come."

" I'll come. Where do you live?"

" I live about three blocks away from you down the street. It's a yellow sparkly house you can't miss it." She said.

I nodded. " Okay what time?"

" 9:00."

" Okay I'll be there." I said just as Stella raised her hand giving me a smug look.

" Yes Miss?" Zorenn asked with a pointed look.

" Mister Zorenn, Roda and Char are talking. And I specifically remembered you said that there was to be no talking." Stella grinned like Cheshire cat.

Zorenn looked over at me and winked. " I do remember that. I also remember that I said that you are not allowed to speak unless spoken to. Which means detention after school for you Miss."

Stella's mouth opened and she flustered. " But I was-"

" Do I hear you speaking again without being spoken to?" Zorenn said sternly.

" Yes but-"

" Detention for two days."

" But-"

" Detention for a week."

Stella eventually closed her mouth and glared at me before gathering her bags.

" Where do you think your going Miss Stella?" Zorenn said as he folded his short arms across his chest.

She whirled around and glared at him tears streaming down her face. " Your going to regret ever giving me detention cause I'm leaving!"

" Detention for two weeks! And if you leave this classroom I'm going to report you to the principle!" Zorenn shouted at her as she left his nerve in his neck popping out.

" Fuck you!" She called out from down the hallway.

"Expelled for three months!" Zorenn bellowed his face red.

He slammed the door shut and walked back to his desk as he sat down. " Resume." He told the shocked class.

A minute passed before Ryan glared at Zorenn and stood up. " I don't think that was fair to Stella Mister Zorenn. She was trying to do right from wrong."

Zorenn stood up and marched over his face as red as a tomato with his ruler in his left hand. " Are you talking Mister Walker?"

Ryan stood his ground in front of the you should never ever ever get angry dwarf. " I am. Trying to right, right from wrong."

" DETENTION FOR A WEEK!" Zorenn bellowed as little wisps of smoke filtered out his nostrils.

Ryan's face fell as he faced the punishment that every child no matter who they are feared. " But I  am tryi-"

Zorenn face turned purple as he banged his fist on Ryan's desk as we all jumped including Ryan.


Ryan's face turned white. "  But-"

Zorenn banged his fist again on the desk as little cracks appeared on it, his face like an angry bull. " DETENTION FOR TWO MONTHS!"

Ryan face was as white as snow. " Bu-"

" EXPELLED FOR THREE MONTHS!" He bellowed as he pounded the desk and it finally broke into pieces.

Ryan stood there with his gaping mouth before he made enough sense to shut up. He gathered his bags and left the classroom his minions and Stella's minions following him.

Zorenn ruler in his left hand broke as he bellowed. " EXPELLED FOR THREE MONTHS FOR ALL OF YOU!"

He slammed the door closed and left marching to the principal's office. We all cheered throwing our books and pencils in the air as we hugged each other and high - fived.

Everyone eventually calmed down and picked up the classroom before sitting back down.  The last person had just sat down as Zorenn walked back in face calm and he sat down resuming the lesson. We all couldn't help but grin as we finished and went to our other classes.

Everyone was much more relaxed and throwing jokes around as we did our work willingly and with smiling faces. All the teachers were mystified as they would teach us they would be a little suspicious. Only the principle who was a unicorn knew what had happened.

Finally fifth period came around and I headed to the cafeteria. I saw that the table where the popular kids were was empty so I headed over there and unwrapped my yummy Nutella sandwich. I was about to bite into it when Cole sat down.

" Hey." He said.

I looked up. " Hey."

Nicole then sat down and started eating her peanut butter sandwich.

" So-" Cole started but was interrupted my Roda.

" Hey guys!" Roda said.

" Um hey Rod-" I started but was interrupted.

" Hey I was sitting with her first." Cole said as he scooted closer to me.

I eyed him as Roda got the chance to scoot closer to me.

" Well it did not look like she wanted to sit with you first so I'm here." She said as I eyed her giving Cole the chance to scoot closer to me.

" Well I knew her first so that means I'm closer to her." Cole said glaring across the table at her.

Roda scooted even closer. " Well technical that's not true I knew her first."

" Um guys." I tried to intervene but they weren't listening.

" Well that's technically not physically." Cole spouted his eyebrows drawing together.

I was practically squished between them as I tried to eat my sandwich.

" What does that even mean?" Roda said.

" It means whatever it means."

" But that doesn't mean anything."

" It does mean something."

" Not true not everything means something."

" That is absolutely false everything means something."

" No it doesn't."

" Yes it does."

" No."

" Yes."

" No."

" Yes."

" No."

" Ye-"


They both meekly looked at me and nodded. I sighed and managed to eat my sandwich in peace as they finally scooted away. The four of us as friends, peaceful allies and regular kids eating peacefully togeth-"


I stared in horror at my sandwich lying on the floor in a mess. OH MY GOD. Someone just messed with MY NUTELLA SANDWICH.

I looked up and met the eyes of a big 6'4 human bully with a grin on his face. I felt my face grow hot as I looked at my poor crying sandwich laying on the floor. So lonely, small, and cold.

" You bastard." I said coldly to him as my friend's shocked faces looked on.

He grinned and smugly smiled. " Watcha gonna do about it?"

I smiled and bared my teeth as I knew he did not know who he was dealing with. He looked a little afraid but then he reverted back.

I stood up slowly and looked at my sandwich then back at him.

" Never mess with a girl's Nutella sandwich buster." I said and socked him in the jaw.

You could hear his jaw break across the cafeteria. He stood there for a moment before his eyes rolled back in his head and he dropped to the floor. A resounding boom echoed across the floor as he broke both his arms and legs.

There was a moment of silence before once again the cafeteria resounded in cheers. It took a while until the ambulance arrived and managed to cart him away. Meanwhile everyone calmed down and resumed eating.

Everything was peaceful until the principle walked up and looked at me.

" I want to see you in my office Char. Please walk with me." She said and turned away.

I gulped and stood up following her as the others gave me meaningful looks. Oh shit I should have known that I wouldn't get away with all the stuff I pulled today.

We walked out and down the hallway to her door as she pulled it open and ushered me inside as she pointed at a chair across from her desk. I sat down and waited for her to lecture me. She sat down on the edge of her desk as she folded her arms and put on her stern face. Her white hair framing her silver eyes.

" Char you pulled a lot of tricks today, you know that don't you?" She said.

I nodded as I tried not to perspire.

" But" she continued " you also got that freaking succubus out of my school along with those spoiled brats."

I must have looked surprised because she nodded.

" Yes Char you cleaned my school out of those dreadful boys and girls. In case your wondering I am a moon unicorn. I can tell who is good and who is bad and I can turn into a unicorn. I am after all the queen of unicorns."

I gasped. " That's where I remember you!"

She nodded and reached forward. " My names Staruna."

I shook her hand. " I'm guessing you already know who I am."

" Yes." Staruna said.

The bell rang so I stood up. " See you later Staruna."

She smiled and waved goodbye before I rushed out the door to my other class. I went through the rest of the classes until they were over. Finally I jumped on my motorcycle and put on my helmet as I waited for Cole.

He came through the front doors and spotted me and waved at me. I waved back and smiled. He got in his car and drove out the parking lot.  I followed him onto the highway out of the city and into the countryside. Soon the countryside turned into woods.

Aspen tree's dotted the mountain side. Green forests was upon us. We drove through the trees until we came upon a huge brown five story house sitting in a clearing. I saw wolves darting through the tall trees. Kids walked around with their mothers and fathers.

We came to a stop and I turned off my engine as I pulled off my helmet and hopped off my bike. I followed Cole inside and upstairs. The house was brown on the inside with at least fifty rooms. Hallways filled with doors and a huge kitchen on the second floor. On the third floor there was a big living room.

Cole opened the door and led me inside where about 50 pack leaders were gathered. A black haired blue eyed guy who was on a recliner looked up.

" Cole!" He said as he rushed over and greeted his son. A couple of werewolves rolled their eyes while others looked uncomfortable.

I stood awkwardly as I waited for him to stop hugging his son which was five minutes later. Finally Cole waved his arms around.

" Dad!" Cole said.

" Just a little longer." He said as he pulled Cole to him tighter.

" DAD! Your embarrassing me."

Finally he pulled away and noticed me.

" Who's this?" He said until one second later when an expression crossed his face. He rushed forward and hugged me almost breaking my ribs. I groaned.

" Ahh finally Char you've come. My name is Charles. " He said before letting me go a minute later. Thank goodness.

" Uh yeah. How are you?" I said backing away making sure he did not hug me again. A couple of werewolf's gave me understanding looks.

" I'm good. Please sit down." He said motioning to the only couch before sitting down.

Me and Cole looked at each other before he motioned to the couch. I sat down as Cole stood awkwardly.

" Sit down Cole after all your her boyfriend." Charles said.

Cole stood and stared at a spot on the wall while I quirked an eyebrow at him.

" Cole? Did you tell him that we are not boyfriend girlfriend anymore?"

Cole shrugged and folded his arms as his dad busted out.

" What?! I thought you were still her boyfriend Cole."

" Sorry dad. We aren't." Cole said and looked down.

Charles sighed. " It's okay you just should have told me."

Everyone finally sat down as Charles explained who I was and what I was. Everyone was happy for me especially when I told them that I met Savatar today.

Cole then showed me around and I met a lot of his brothers and sisters. His brothers wanted to flirt with me but I stopped that after I broke his brothers ankle by 'accidentally' tripping him. But his sisters were really nice and they welcomed me with smiles.

Finally everyone sat down to a big meal and we all ate before we went off to clean up and go to bed. I was showed to a nice big fluffy bed in a big room. I smiled as I slipped in between the covers and turned off the light as I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


Overprotective Fairy Brother - Part 6

 I woke up surrounded by snarling vicious wolves. Razor sharp teeth ripping through my clothes while I screamed and thrashed. Their teeth cutting through my skin with their black predatory eyes watching me.

Actually that didn't happen. Instead I opened my eyes and found cute little wolves surrounding my bed. They were heaped on top of me and around me and even laying on the fluffy carpet. I blinked my eyes and scowled at the sleeping wolves.

Didn't they have beds to sleep in? Why did they have to go to my bed?

As in response one of them on my chest stretched it's cute little paws out and opened it's eyes and looked at my scowl.

It just smiled and curled back up on my chest. Laying it's head down for a good nap. I glared at it but as the time slowly ticked by I realized I needed to launch operation Creep Through The Cute  Wolf Bombs. Or I could be late to school and be in bad standing.

I slowly slid from under the covers and put my foot down slowly before tiptoeing across the floor. I lifted my foot up and over a little black wolf and was about to put it down when it's head shot up and it blinked at me with wide eyes.

It opened it's stupid mouth with a smirk and yowled and howled to it's other buddies. In two seconds they all stood up and rushed over themselves tripping over each other. I tried to get out of the way but I was hopping around wildly with one foot. A little black sneaky wolf bumped against my balanced foot and I fell, face planting onto the floor.

I realized that the yips and yaps were not screams of despair which I hoped it was but instead they were playful yips of joy and laughter.

Still the door flew open and there stood the angry mama of the wolf that was on my chest.

Still the door flew open and there stood the angry mama of the wolf that was on my chest

I could tell it was her by the markings and the eyes. One was brown and the other blue. I gulped as she landed in front of me and bared her teeth. My eyes closed as she reached forward with a wide mouth full of razor sharp teeth.

My scream must have been heard for miles cause I didn't feel any teeth on my throat instead I heard pounding footsteps as 50 people rushed up the stairs and into my room. My entire room became packed as everyone crowded in to see what was happening.

I opened my eyes in time to see Cole and Charles shoulder their way from the crowd and into the little circle I was in.

Cole crouched down by me concern written all over his face. " Are you okay Char?"

" Yeah I'm fine." I said as I grabbed Cole's hand and he pulled me up while his dad got the crowd to go away.

Charles steered me to the bed and sat me down. " What happened?" He said.

" Well I got up and all these little wolves were laying around and in my room. They wouldn't let me get up so I had to do my best to tiptoe around them when this little black wolf starts up this ruckus that makes all the other wolves go crazy. That same little black wolf then intentionally tripped me just as the mama of the wolf that was on my chest came in. She was about to rip my throat out. I just wanted to go to school. Which reminds me that I need to hurry my butt to school." I said ranting and waving my hands around.

But by the time I finished they were all crying and laughing. I glared at them and got up stalking over to the clock only to see it was 12:00.

" What!" I screeched and went over to Cole as I grabbed him by the front of his shirt and started shaking him. " Cole! Why didn't you wake me up! We're gonna be super late to school! I even promised Sarah that I would be in school today!"

I shook him harder as he just laughed some more. " Why aren't you responding you stupid wolf!?"

He grabbed my arms to stop the shaking. " It's Saturday Char. That means no school. And the wolves were just playing a trick on you."

I let go of him and groaned as I left slamming the door. I tromped downstairs and glared at the the little wolves as they happily got crispy bacon from that same exact mom. Who was standing there cooking and throwing the bacon over her shoulder.

She turned around and raised an eyebrow at me as I shrunk back in fear. " I'm sorry if I scared you. I was just retrieving my pup."

I just crossed my arms across my chest and sat down as I scraped together my dignity. " Oh no I wasn't scared. I was a little disturbed that's all."

She smirked at me and flipped another piece over her shoulder. " Sure didn't look like it."

I scowled and caught a piece of bacon that was headed for the little black wolf. He turned around and huffed as he saw me eating his piece. But then his lips turned up in a smile.

The woman turned around. " My name is Lara by the way."

I nodded. " I'm Char." I said my mouth full of bacon.

She nodded and looked at me again frowning. " Where did you get that bacon?"

I shrugged and swallowed it. " I caught it from you."

She turned white and rushed forward as she started slapping me on the back. " Oh my god I'm so dead. Charles is gonna be pissed that you ate poison."

" Poison?" I spluttered.

She nodded. " Wolf's Bane is poisonous to humans and werewolves."

I shrieked and rushed over to the trashcan as I tried to hack it out. " Why were you feeding them poison then?!"

" We are trying to build their tolerance up that way wolf's bane does not affect them. That's also why we have those silver necklaces around their necks."

Now that she said it I noticed the fine silver lines around their necks. I hacked and hacked until I remembered a trick that Merny would do if he got too drunk and his stomach felt squeamish.

I stuck my hand down my throat to the werewolves surprise and dug around with my finger until I hit the back of my throat and tickled it.

I jerk my hand back as all the contents in my stomach spewed forth into the trash. I heaved and heaved until I got it all out. I finished and accepted the wet towel from Lara's outstretched hand.

I was finished wiping and trying to look respectable when Charlie wafted into the kitchen with Cole. I smiled and tried not to look like I had not been spewing contents in their trash.

They smiled back and sat down as Lara got them their breakfast. My stomach protested as the smells drifted to my nose. I could feel the contents of more food trying to come up my throat. I gulped and tried to hold it down as Charlie gave me a strange look.

" You okay Char?" He said as he slowly slid a poisonous piece of crispy bacon into his mouth slowly.

That was the last straw for me as I opened my mouth and heaved whatever was left into the trashcan.

He stood up and rushed over to me. " What's wrong?" He said just as he noticed the green slime in the trash.

He whirled around and looked at a guilty looking Lara. " Lara why is she vomiting Wolf's Bane?"

" Well she accidentally caught a piece of bacon that I was feeding the youngsters."

He sighed and waited for me to finish before handing me another wet towel. I cleaned up while he rummaged around in a cabinet. I glared at Cole as he sat there eating and not giving a thought to my health.

Finally Charlie turned around with a small glass bottle. It had glittering sparkling blue water in it swirling around. He presented it to me so I took it and uncapped it.

" What is it?" I asked as I watched it swirl around.

" It's a fairy potion that will clean the effects from your system. You'll feel better in not time at all. It's the best stuff around. It has been used by all manners of creatures. That's one thing that the fairy's are good at."

I nodded as he rambled on and tipped up the bottle as I drained it down to the last drop.

" In fact" he continued " the only thing that you don't want to do is drink too much of it. Usually one or two drops will do for a common ailment."

I gulped and looked at the now empty bottle. " So... what happens if you drink more than necessary?"

He shrugged and continued eating. " You start to fly a little. Also you get real glittery."

Cole looked up and nodded then froze. He looked at me and pointed. I shrugged and felt my face for whatever he was pointing at. I took my hand away and looked at the silver glitter now decorating my face. I looked down and noticed I was a good three feet off the floor.

I also noticed that his dad was still rambling on.

" It's not like you'll grow wings or anything but you will be able to use magic for a little.The effects will go away in a day or so. But it's not like you need to know this stuff since nobody is stupid enough to drink that much."

Cole and I looked at each other as his dad looked up as he noticed silver glitter drifting into his eggs.

" What the heck?" He said as he grabbed some glitter and inspected it. " Why is fairy glitter going around the room?"

He looked up at me and stared for a full minute before he started laughing. Cole too. I crossed my arms and scowled which only made more dust go flying.

" This is not funny." I said exaggerating every word as I pointed to myself.

" Yeah it kinda is." Cole said.

" Yup." Charlie said. " The last time someone drank it all was back in my grandmother days."

I turned red. Great. Not only was I stupid but the last time it had happened was back before he was born. I tried to huff and stomp off but instead I just huffed and drifted off.

I wondered if possibly I could go any faster and just as I did I suddenly zoomed forward. I nearly crashed into a tree. I managed to avoid it and the other things that came flying my way. I couldn't avoid the flapping chicken however so I caught it as I went through some trees and into the front door.

I groaned as I slid down the unopened door just as it opened and a handsome face peered out.

" Need any help?" He said.

I narrowed my eyes at the black haired green eyed boy that looked just like his brother Cole. I realized that this was the mischievous black pup that had caused all this trouble. Apparently he was maintaining a innocent expression on his face that way I wouldn't recognize him.

I smiled and maintained a cheerful expression as I stood up or actually floated up dropping the chicken as it squawked and fell down. Probably terrorized for life, it sure didn't look like it was going to be making anymore eggs. I then brushed myself off.

" Oh hey uh actually I drank too much fairy potion so now I'm like a fairy." I said and laughed as I drifted closer to him.

He raised and eyebrow. " My name is Drake. And yeah I heard that last time that happened it was back in my great grandmother days."

I laughed nervously and tried to wave it off, inwardly cringing. Did everyone know about that?

" Yeah so I heard."

" Yeah one day my grandmother had a bad cold and so..."

I drifted closer to him as he recited the story my mind on other things. Closer and closer I drifted until I was half a foot from him. With a yell I reached for him and brought him down much to his surprise. Actually he was down and I was still in the air above him.

" Hey! What are you doing?" He said as he tried to fight me off.

" You little rodent! You were the one that made me get up and get attacked by your mom! Also you had me eat Wolf's Bane and now I'm a freakin fairy!" I yowled and thumped him against the floor as he protested.

" Hey! No that wasn't me! I swear I didn't do it!"

I continued bashing him against the floor until my sharp ears picked up faint laughing. I whirled around and stared at a copy of Drake as he continued laughing until he saw me looking.

" Uh oh." He said and ran off.

I looked down at the same exact Drake on the floor and suddenly everything became clear.

" What's your brother's name?" I asked him.

" Blake."

I let go of him and whirled around. If Blake wanted to mess with me then he was gonna get messed with a banshee. I was part banshee. I had figured that out when I had been attacked by a bee. Not just a little bee either. It was a huge ginormous bumble bee. Ronan had been with me that time.

The bee had been searching for pollen when it spotted Ronan's yellow pollen looking hair. And since I was in between a bee and Ronan I had assumed that the bee was headed for me. I had screamed when the bee was two inches from my nose.

The same exact scream I had vanquished the wrath's with on the battlefield. It had a horrible sound that pierced through your ears. I had learned that I could control it to target a specific person.

So that's what I did. I chanted a spell that made me look like a banshee before taking off. I had on dark tattered clothing with elongated teeth. I also had long sharp nails and a evil voice. And dark smoke drifting off me. I opened my mouth and screamed. Everyone could hear it of course but it wouldn't hurt them.

I screeched in short bursts and headed for a running Blake who looked back and turned white. He started screaming as he changed directions and headed for Charlie who was standing in the middle of the yard with a confused expression.

I winked at him and he winked back. Just as Blake reached him Charlie stepped aside and watched as his son hit the dirt face forward. I put on speed and reached him in two seconds.

He rolled over and stopped screaming. His eyes wide in fear.

" Little boy didn't your mama ever say it was impolite to run away?" I said in a chilling voice.

" N-no." He said as he looked over to Charlie and pleaded with his eyes to come and save him.

" Nobody's gonna save you now little boy." I said as I licked my lips with my snake tongue.

He trembled. I grinned and reached forward slicing through his clothing. Soon his shirt lay in tatters with wisps of smoke eating it up. I moved forward until I was inches from his face as I opened my mouth wide ready to devour him. My teeth dripped venom onto his chest as I watched him with yellow eyes. I closed my mouth over his quivering throat.

A sudden snarl came from out of nowhere as a pure white wolf knocked me aside and stood over me her jaws ready to lock onto my throat and tear me to pieces.

I whimpered and let the disguise fall as easily as I had put it up. I had NO intention of being eaten today.

I waited until she transformed before I began profusely apologizing. While Blake got up and dusted himself off pleased that his mom came to his rescue. I just continued apologizing until she put a hand up.

" I am so so sorry miss-"  I was explaining.

" Stop please."

" Huh?" I said.

" I thought you were a real wraith attacking him. But since your not I do not mind. As far as I'm concerned he deserves it."

I watched as Blake's mouth dropped.

" MOM!" He whined.

I smirked as we both ignored him and went off to lunch. Me and the family ate around the table except for Blake who was up brooding in his room. We had hotdogs and you guessed it! Yummy pizza.

Finally I finished and thanked them before getting on my bike and heading off out of the woods and into the city. I passed the shops with the wind in my face as I smiled and zoomed up to my house. I arrived and parked my bike in the garage. I headed inside and bypassed Sarah making cookies in the kitchen. I crept by and poked my head inside the living room  to see Jacob devouring stolen cookies while watching TV.

I smiled and levitated the cookies out of the room and walked up the stairs. About halfway up I heard the answer I was waiting for.

" HONEY!" He said.

Sarah poked her head out. " What?"

" You took my cookies!" He whined.

Her face went from concerned to angry in 2.5 seconds. " YOUR EATING COOKIES FROM THE NEIGHBOR INSTEAD OF MINE?" She shouted.

I climbed the rest of the way up and sat down to hear them out.

" Uh no." He said quickly backtracking. " I was eating cookies from the store."

" YOU WERE WHAT!?" She screeched again.

" Uh not really." Was his only answer as he couldn't come up with anything else.

I quickly ate a cookie and grinned as she yelled at him again.


He nodded and rushed into the kitchen. I could hear him gobbling up the raw dough as he murmured that they were good.

I snickered and levitated the cookies back into the living room before going and getting a shower. I finished showering so I pulled on my fighting outfit that I had from back in the war except it was brand new.

I twirled in the mirror and looked at myself before realizing that wearing fighting gear with real sword, bow, and knifes would not go off well with my parents as it was not Halloween.

I sighed and constructed a story while I threw on my cloak and drew the hood up. I sauntered downstairs and almost made it to the front door but a voice stopped me in my tracks.


I cringed and turned around as I pulled of my hood. " I'm going to a bar with Roda a good friend of mine. And we are not doing any drinking or smoking. We're just going there to hang out. And before you say no please let me remind you that I'm also getting you a present for your anniversary."

She narrowed her eyes at her husband making sure that he wasn't going to escape from the coming punishment.

" Alright but only because your going with Roda. And you might want to make sure you don't let anyone see that fairy dust or the fact that your levitating a few feet of the ground. Also I'm having a prisoner anniversary. So I want you out of the way for tonight. "

I had forgotten about that. I just smiled and drifted off closing the door behind me before she could change her mind. I drifted down the street and made myself invisible before arriving at a ridiculous hot yellow and pink house with glitter all over it.

I undid the invisible spell and knocked on the purple door. A blue haired boy who was no doubt Roda's brother opened the door and stared at me with his unflinching stare.

" Um hey I'm Char." I said and awkwardly waved.

He continued to stare at me.

" I'm here to go with you and Roda to a bar?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

" How do you know Roda?" He barked.

I flinched. " I go to school with her."

" Your that human." He said with a tone of disgust in his voice.

My temper went up. He had set it off with the staring and now he raised it with the disgust against humans. It's not the human's fault that their born that way. What did he have against them anyway?

" I'm not a human." I said with a tone of warning.

He didn't even flinch. " Yes you are. If you think you can trick me with fairy potions then your wrong."

My temper went up to an 8. " Oh yeah what if I prove you wrong?"

" Well you can't because your a dirty stupid human."

My temper went to 9. " You know not all humans are bad."

He snickered. " You defending your race just proves that your one of them."

My temper reached 11 in a split second. I kicked him in the chest, sending him flying into a couch with a crash. He got up and snickered again. I drifted forward and leaned to his face.

" If you think you can win a fight against me then your wrong fairy." I said in a low voice.

" Ha as if you would never win." He said and pulled a wand out.

The wand had dark blue engraving along the sides with silver lines spiraling in midair around it.

I snarled and reached deep inside me for the demon. I was also part demon. Did I forget to mention that? Whoops.

Within an instant I was transformed. No longer was I covered in dust. No longer was I the 17 year old girl that had died. No longer was I the one who defeated the Dark Queen. Instead my name was Lucifer.

Now your wondering. Not 'the' Lucifer? God of the Underworld? Possibly also called the Devil? But actually it is him. Lucifer. He had shown himself to me once and told me to call him up whenever I needed him. After all he said that it was kinda boring down there. You know with all the redeemed and pleading souls. Sarcasm here.

My black cloak was now a black cloak except it was a little tattered at the bottom. Silver designs covered the back with a red horned dragon in the middle. In his left hand was what I called the grass cutter but he insisted was a head chopper. He was normally pretty handsome. He even has a daughter.

However he had changed to were his eyes were a burning red and black smoke drifted from his cloak.

" Well well well." He said in a snickering voice. Head covered as he wheeled his grass cutter. " If it's isn't the prince of fairy's, Xeno."

Well at least now I knew his name. Meanwhile Lucifer reprimanded me for calling his head chopper a grass cutter again.

" Lucifer?" Shock coated Xeno's words as he stood there.

I wondered how he knew Lucifer and Lucifer him.

" Yes Xeno? Long time no see." He said mocking him.

The Dark Queen - Part 7


I laid perfectly still as the Dark Queen continued to hurl insults at me to get me to get up. I made sure that she had no idea that I was awake.

Finally she grew tired of insulting me and decided that I was asleep so she got up and left.

However she had left whoever had dragged me here. Something that my senses told me was big and smelly.

I stayed there for an hour until all was silent and I peeked through my eyelids at the monstrous figure bathed by the flames of the campfire.

He was huge. Standing at over 7 feet tall as he leaned against the poor tree bending over from his weight.

I pretended that I was waking up just enough for him to turn his head and watch me. I yawned and stretched my arms above my head.

As he got up from the tree I jumped up with the speed of a hacker and murmured the words for a encasing ice spell.

The ice flew towards him and spread over his retreating figure. It completely encased him and froze him still.

The Queen was gonna be mad as hell I thought. I got up and started running away from the area and back towards what I assumed to be the city.

I ran and ran until I finally doubled over and caught my breath. My lungs heaving I leaned against a tree and waited until my breathing leveled out before stepping forward.


I found myself upside down. What the hell?

I twisted around as my breath leveled out once again only to find a wooden club rushing towards my head. A blur against the darkness and then I was out again.

-----4 hours later----

I opened my eyes to a wonderful morning as the sun started coming up over the horizon. The sunlight was spreading through the leaf's of the trees and over the unnecessarily far away ground.

I groaned and got up as I leaned my weight against a tree branch. I looked around at the small 5x5 wooden tree house that I was in.

Getting up I discovered that someone had chained my leg to the tree. I groaned again but not pain as I tried tugging on it but it wouldn't budge.

I furrowed my eyebrows as the chain creaked but did not give in.

" Need some help there?" A voice countered from my right.

I whirled around and glared at the darkness. After all you can't blame me as I was not feeling very hospitable at the moment.

" Who are you? You better tell me before you regret it!" I said as I grabbed a knife from my boot.

" Whoa calm your socks. You sound like your going to tear me apart." The male voice said.

I strained against the chain as I tried to locate the voice.

" Well you can't blame a girl for defending herself after being knocked out and tied up." I said as a flash of blond hair appeared in the darkness.

" Sorry about that. I tried not to handle you too hard." Another flash of gold against the blackness.

" You tried not to handle me too hard? You knocked me out!" I screeched disbelievingly.

" Sorry again but you can't blame me after all your the first person that I came across in the past few months."

 I rolled my eyes and snorted. " Well even after living out here for a few months your still supposed to be social and not knock out the first person you see."

" Well figuring out that your alive after getting killed by a evil sword is kinda traumatic." He said and snorted back.

I stopped tugging on the chain and froze. Surely this guy wasn't Ronan? But it made sense since that sword had killed my friends and I have found them all except Ronan.

" So..." I began cautiously " what's your name?"

" Name's John the Conquer your's?" He said in a casual and proud tone.

I sighed a breath of relief and grinned. Figured that only Ronan would try and come up with a stupid name to trick me.

" Ronan it's me Char." I said and waited a pause before Ronan's excited voice broke out.

" Char?! Oh my god. Do you realize how long I have been searching for you?" He said and came into the light.

" No I don't know how long you have been searching for me but I am guessing it was a few months."

He walked to me bending down and started taking the chain off my ankle. " Yeah about three months! I thought you were dead and lost along with the other guys."

I rolled my eyes and stepped back to get a good look at him. " Not really dea- "

I stopped short as I got a good look at him.

Instead of his usual look.

Instead of his usual look

He was a MESS. I groaned in disbelief at his dirty golden hair that had grown to his shoulders. There was twigs and even other hair that I did not want to know where it came from stuck in his usually golden hair.

He had on a ragged pair of shorts and a once white shirt. No shoes.

His face was also covered and smeared with mud,dirt, and whatever that black stuff was.

He noticed me looking and squinted his eyes. " What?"

" Well um... erm. You kinda have like a LOT of dirt on you."

" Yeah I know it comes with the bad ass look I generate."

I rolled my eyes. " Yeah welll I think that this is too much dirt.

He shrugged his shoulder and leaped off the tree house in an ungentlemanly like manner.

I glared and leaped of the tree house in an ladylike manner following him through the trees and came upon a small creek.

He stared into the creek for a moment of silence before shrieking.

" What the hell! Why did no one tell me that I looked like this?!"

" Well uh-" I started but was cut off.

" I look terrible Char! I can't catch any girls in this condition!"

" Yeah well-" I started again but was rudely cut off again by the girl chaser.

" Savitar looks better than me now! I can't have that!" He whined.

I glared and tried not to do what my evil imagination was imagining right now.

" I need to get styled and primed before he sees me! Imagine what would happen if everyone knew that he was better than me!"

I scowled not really thinking that anyone would really care. He rambled and whined on and on and on and on until I felt ready to give him a makeover myself.

Instead of tearing him to pieces and burying him in the woods where no one would find him I just picked up a tree branch and conked him on the head.

His whining stopped and his eyes rolled into the back of his head before falling limply to the forest floor.

I smirked and leaned down securing my arms around his middle before pulling him up and over my shoulder.

OH GOD. HE WAS HEAVY. My smirk disappeared as I shifted his body that way all his weight went to the front instead of my already poor and aching back.

I almost toppled over as he slid wayyy down my front his hands touching the ground.

I shifted him back and managed to stumble and slide towards the road that I suspected was around here.

About an hour later of dragging, pulling, and shoving his body up and down hills I finally managed to reach the road.

There however was not one car in sight.

I sighed and looked at the blazing sun overhead.

I dumped his body on the ground and looked around at the empty, deserted, hot, and blazing-

WAIT A MINUTE. Wait one little tiny minute.

Was that what I thought it was?

I squinted and almost jumped in joy as I spotted Roda's beautiful shiny car laying on it's side.

I finally got enough sense to levitate Ronan's body up and ran over to the car.

I dropped him again and picked up the car flipping it over. I know how it sounds but you can't blame a supernatural for not having superpowers.

I checked under the hood and noticed a 'certain engine' missing.

I stood for a minute until I realized that 'someone' had removed the 'certain engine' in case I tried to escape.

I snarled and moved off in search of the engine. An hour later I finally found the engine stuck way up a huge tall slim tree.

I managed to crawl up it before lugging it down and dragging it over to the car. I sat it down and leaned back as a realization hit me.

I had no idea how to air a tire let alone how to install a whole engine.

I sighed heavily and banged my head against the car.

I stopped banging my head and instead of doing absolutely nothing I instead tried to figure out how to study the engine.

Finally 30 minutes later of levitating parts and losing a couple that I'm sure weren't important I managed to install the engine.

I grabbed Ronan and stuffed him through the window and into the passenger seat before going into the driver's seat and inserting the key.

I prayed before counting to 10 and turned the key.

A moment of silence passed. Suddenly the engine kicked and started to life as I internally whooped and backed the car out before driving it back onto the road.

About 30 minutes later I reached New York. I grinned at passing people that gave me bewildered looks.

I stopped at my first stop and parked in the parking space before lugging Ronan inside the salon and dumping him into the chair.

I looked at the frowning young hair stylist. " I need him trimmed and cleaned up."

She raised an eyebrow at me. " He's unconscious."

" Yeah how about I pay you a hundred and you do it." I said pulling out a hundred.

" No." She folded her arms across her chest.

" Okay. How about I pay you a thousand and you still trim him up and get him a complete makeover."

Her face scrunched up but she couldn't say no. " Fine. I'll be done in a hour. You will need to get me some clothes though."

I nodded and pulled out a thousand and gave it to her before I left and drove to a clothing store to get his clothes.

More people at the store gave me weird looks but didn't comment.

I got him a black shirt and some jeans.

I drove back and gave it to the girl  who I learned was named Jenny. She actually was excited at the thought of giving Ronan a makeover. Not that I could blame her as he was good looking.

Finally she was done. Ronan in the meantime had slowly started waking up. She wheeled him in as he stood up and blinked.

" What's going on?"

I grinned at his question as he looked hotter than he did back in the forest or even before he died.

" Hello? Anyone gonna tell me what happened after you knocked me out?" He protested after a moment of silence

" Hello? Anyone gonna tell me what happened after you knocked me out?" He protested after a moment of silence.

Jenny glared at me for being the one to knock him out but then she smiled after all she got the chance to go wild on him.

" Well you look great now that I cleaned you up or... actually it was Jenny who cleaned you up." I added the last part as Jenny glared in my direction.

" Huh?" He said with a confused expression before turning and walking to the mirror.

We waited as he saw himself fully.

" Wow." He whispered. " I am amazing at attracting girls."

My grin fell as the sarcastic guy was back. I growled and snatched his arm before leading him out the front door.

" Call me!" Jenny yelled after us.

Ronan blew her a kiss right before the door swung shut. I bet if I looked back she would be swooning.

I looked back through the glass and sure enough she was swooning.

I redoubled my pace before anymore girls fell in love with the fire prince.

Finally after dragging the reluctant prince to the car and stuffing him into to we set on our merry way to my house where for sure some frantic people were.

I drove into the garage and levitated Ronan out the car and through the front door before entering it myself and slamming it shut.

A yammering of voices rose up from the living room as I made my grand entrance. I put up a hand and silenced them also managing to slam Ronan against the ceiling. Oops.

I put a grumbling Ronan back on his feet as everyone finally quieted down.

I scanned the face and recognized a lot of people. Thank god the living room was big for all the people that were there for me. There was all manner of creatures there. Listed in the following.

Xeno and Roda where there with their grandmother. Cole and his dad Charlie. All the other queens and kings of the supernaturals were there also. I even spotted Master Vampire Reno. My parents were there and Nicole. My dad had his mouth open and his eyes wide as he took in  everything around him. Merny and Savatar were also there as they scanned me for potential injuries. Basically everyone was there.

I sighed and put my hands on my hips.

" Alright everyone I know you have questions but now is not the time. I was captured by someone you all know." I then paused.

" The Dark Queen."

A sharp gasp went up from the crowd as murmuring started up. I raised my hand again and everything quieted down.

" I know what your all thinking. How is the Dark Queen alive? Well I feared she was alive when I learned that me and my friends were also alive as you can see already. And I must say that I am afraid that we are going to another war. The last war was a little to easy even though we lost many."

I sighed and steeled myself before continuing. " I think that this time we will have a war soon and more deadlier. More life's will be lost but the outcome will be if we win or if we lose. This battle however needs to be done away from the humans so that none of them get hurt."

Sunruna the sun unicorn queen raised a hand her eyes glowing like the twin suns.

I nodded and pointed to her. " Yes?"

She put down her hand asked a question that I am sure no one had thought about.

" Why can't we ask the humans to help us?"

I stared at her for a moment before answering. " Well for one they wouldn't believe us and two it's going to take someone that can convince them to go and convince them."

Everyone nodded and murmured at each other. Finally after discussing it they all looked back at me expectantly.

I narrowed my eyes at them. " Why are you all looking at me like I am the one needed to go and convince the humans?"

Sunruna shrugged and pointed at me.

I glared and tried to look like I wasn't the one needed to convince the human race that we needed them but nobody budged.

I sighed and finally threw my hands up. " Alright! Alright! I'll go and try to convince the humans. Happy now?"

Everyone nodded and stood up ready to leave.

I gulped and thought of the impossible that was going to have to happen tomorrow.

I threw out a last sentence. " Now everyone I need you to gather your armies tomorrow and make swords or whatever. Gather them and put them in Colorado. That's probably the biggest state to have a state war in. Meanwhile I'll try and convince the humans. If they are convinced then we will need a couple more states to have the war in. A reminder is that we will need every supernatural this time no matter if you are enemies or have grudges."

I looked at each and every one of them as they gave each other bad stares before continuing.

" I don't care what kinda of grudge or war it is you have. Even if it is their fault. You need to put it aside for now because it won't matter later on if we do not win. Now that I have said this please leave so that me and my friends can go and see the President."

Everyone grudgingly got up and left leaving me and the Ruffian's and my family alone.

I sighed and sat down as I looked at my parent's and Nicole.

" Okay guys here's the deal. I'm going to get a shower and then I will go with my friends here and drive to Washington to meet the President. I expect a update about how the army's are gathering and whatnot."

My family nodded so I got up and left. I ran upstairs and opened my door to find Pomo sitting there expectantly.

He looked at me with his adorable eyes that pleaded to go with me so that he could meet the president.

I rolled my eyes and got undressed before cleaning my outfit and heading to the shower.

" I know what your thinking Pomo but the answer is no." I threw over my shoulder.

" But I wanna see the President!" He whined and pleaded.

" It's too dangerous Pomo."

I turned on the water and got in as he followed.

" But who knows? Maybe I can help convince the President." He pleaded.

" No Pomo the answer is NO."

I heard a sniffle as Pomo went away and my heart melted. Maybe I was too hard on him. After all he was a tiny pup.

But I countered he couldn't come along because he might get hurt and god only knows what the President would do to him in a lab.

I firmly instigated in my decision to leave him behind and finished my shower. I dressed and gathered all my weapons before heading downstairs.

Waving goodbye I went out the front before getting in the black van that Savitar had rustled up from somewhere.

I squeezed in the back next to Merny and sighed as the van started up and rolled away.

After a moment of silence I plugged in some earbuds and drifted away to Nightcore 5 minutes later.

The President - Part 8


I woke up with a fuzzy headache and someone snoring on my shoulder.

I yawned and stretched as every muscle in my body felt more refreshed than earlier. Everything seemed sunny and peaceful. Warm and cozy.

EXCEPT for the snoring that was originating from my right ear. I tried scooting over but it didn't even help.

In fact it just made the snoring louder. I finally opened my eyes and glared at Ronan who was snoring peacefully away on my shoulder with a little smug smile on his face.

When had he gotten here? Last thing I knew was that Merny had been in the backseat with me.

I sighed and finally grabbed some duct tape from my bag and ripped a piece off slapping it on his mouth.

I snickered and added an extra piece over his nose abruptly ending his snoring.

Finally after having my fun I looked out the window at a surprising view of skyscrapers and clean manicured lawns. Not to mention the fancy well dressed people that were walking the streets as they hurried to their jobs.

I managed a grimace as a blonde looked at me in disdain. Or probably in disdain at the lower classed van that we had since the windows were tinted.

I sighed heavily, why couldn't Savitar get a car that blended in? Not to mention that I had no idea where we where.

Without waking up Ronan I carefully reached in the back and grabbed my clothes out of my bag.

Before stepping out in public where no doubt I would receive stares and looks I grabbed a hoodie, and baggy black jeans from my bag and put them on.

Looking down at myself I then realized that I would still attract attention since I was dressed all in black.

Since it couldn't be helped I just sighed again and opened the door and stepped out. Of course right away a group of businessmen and businesswomen looked at me and scoffed before turning their noses up and walking away.

I glared in their direction before proceeding to the most important building in the place.

The White House.

Standing in all it's glory before me with it's manicured lawns and pristine walls. I smiled and put a bounce in my step as I sauntered to the 20 foot fence.

Several guards gave me looks as I walked around the fence looking for the best way in.

Finally I spotted a section of the titanium fence that was a little shorter than the other.

It didn't even take me two seconds to half crawl half leap over the fence and onto the other side.

It also didn't even take two second for a couple of little puppy's to start whining and barking at me as they strained at their leashes.

I looked confusedly at them. What was their problem?

" Hey! What are you doing over the fence?" A guards stern voice sounded from one of the puppy's owners.

I shrugged and pointed to the tall white building before me.

He stared at me for a minute before removing his gun very slowly and turned his head calling into his radio.

" We have a code red here. Southwest corner."

Glaring at the gun I proceeded to walk very slowly forward which only triggered a response from the guard as more guards came in and started surrounding me.

" Hey! Stop or I will shoot!" The guard said pointing his gun at me with steady fingers.

Walking forward only made them get more edgy and trigger fingered.

" I said stop! Or I WILL shoot!" He edged towards me.

Ignoring him I proceeded forward while keeping an eye on all 10 guards.

I didn't think that they would shoot so I was surprised when a bullet edged through the air at supersonic speed towards my head.

I turned my head and watched the bullet go slow motion through the air. The patterns of airwaves flowing from the bullet going round and round.

Snaking my arm forward I caught the bullet without a mini second to spare.

The guards waited for me to fall from the bullet that First guard had shot but I didn't instead I stood stock still bullet between my fingers before letting it slip to the ground.

They stood still for a moment before shooting a wave of rounds from their guns.

My eyes opened wide in surprise and I twisted my body to avoid from being used as hamburger meat fed to the dogs.

Dodging the last three bullets I almost missed the fourth heading straight for my shoulder.

I barely managed to swerve aside and miss the bullet but not before it nicked my skin.

I hissed and grabbed my stinging arm as the guards reloaded their guns with more clips.

" We warned you girl. Next time you will not be alive to hear it. Now stand down." The First guard said.

I snickered and let my eyes turn an bluish icy white before running forward in a flash and dodging their bullets as they fired off round after round.

Running in a sonic boom also, thank god, made me able to dodge the automatic gun systems positioned at each corner of the house.

I arrived inside out of breath only to be confronted by a group of armed agents.

Groaning I readied myself for the fight to come. Why did it take so much testing and effort just to meet the president?

But life was not easy as I was forced to take five seconds from my important time to knock them all out.

Rolling my eyes I proceeded down the hallway and whipped out my phone as a ding lit up my screen.

United in War - Part 9


You know how in the movies and books people start whispering as soon as you wake up?

Well it's not very good in my opinion for the mental health of a patient who just had a thousand pound desk land on top of her.

However as I descended from the darkness and into the light a series of whispering started up.

I frowned and opened my eyes to a blinding light. Instead of the whispering dying down they grew in volume until I almost couldn't stand it anymore.

I closed my eyes and tried to block them out but it only seemed to make it worse. So finally I snapped open my eyes and punched blindly in front of me.

" OW!" Someone yelled.

I grinned but unfortunately the whispers only got worse.

By that time even Satan the most patient one in the universe would have had enough.

Of course by that time I had had enough. I mean can't a girl rest around here without someone snoring on her shoulder or taking up all the space?

So I ripped the sheets off my body and side-kicked the light out of my face before heaving myself over the side of the bed and crashing into a wall.

Instead of crashing through the now white wall as was my initial intention, I rebounded and ended up sprawled on the other side of the bed.

I heard snickers of laughter come over to my right so I kicked someone there in the unmentionables.

When I finally opened my eyes I realized in horror that the person I had kicked in the unmentionables had been the president.

His face was bright red as he tried not to cry out in pain from the super kick that I had given him.

I pulled myself up and immediately began apologizing.

" I am so sorry Mr. President. I didn't realize it was you. It will heal eventually. Here let me get a towel."

I rushed over to a random cabinet and started tossing through it as I tried to find a towel to ice his balls with. 

" Wait Char-" The president held a hand up as he tried to stop me.

I interrupted him immediately. " No Mr. President. Please do not say anything. This whole ordeal was my fault. I shouldn't have ever come here. I have only ruined your life. First i messed up your office and now this." I waved at his mid-section to prove my point.

He grimaced while I turned back to the cabinet and started tossing things back out.

I started getting more frustrated as I couldn't find a single towel in the medicine cabinet. I mean what kind of hospital was this? Not even a single towel anywhere?

I especially got frustrated as my friends stood back and didn't even lift a finger to help me. They were all grinning mysteriously and saying random things about how 'perverted' I was and about how someone really was 'getting it on.'

I twisted around and glared at them as they made fun of me. What was their deal?

Death Resurrected - Part 10


After - Part 11


Hey guys this is the end of book one. It's not checked over for spelling so forgive me if it is misspelled. I am really happy that I finished this book in 3 months. I am coming out with a sequel called War of Darkness.

Thank you for reading this book!

Comment please.

And as this book is on here I would like to say I have it on wattpad too. So yeah you can go and read it there. It has pics and stuff.


By Char Steel.





Am so excited. Logged on here and found out that people downloaded Char Resurrected 12 times. I'm happy that you guys are enjoying it. I am so sorry you can't read the other two books but I assure you it is not the end. If you go to and sign up for completely free you can read my books and other great books for free. I know people say 'yeah whatever' but it's true. I found my heaven on there. Please check it out if you liked this book. :)




Texte: Char Steel
Bildmaterialien: Google and Ixquick
Cover: Char Steel
Lektorat: Char Steel
Übersetzung: Char Steel
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.02.2019

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Dedicated to Wattpad. Also dedicated to __agustchim__ and all others on Wattpad who have helped me.

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