
Life and Death

Piercing screams
Accompanied by a dead silence
Howling winds and powerful rain; lightning and thunder
Shattering the world

Blood splatters, people die
This is more than war
I'm not even sure it's murder

It's Life and Death
It happens, I swear
It'll come to you
It follows me

Because pain and suffering, tears and scars
Are nothing new to me

Eventually, every scream will be silenced
A quiet blanket surrounding the Earth
Winds will pause, rain forever gone
Bright lightning and thunders cries... lost

Never fear? I am fear
I am the one lost long ago
Death's very own shadow

We'll lose this battle; get lost in the sea of souls
The silence will swallow us whole

Life and Death
Always there
You and me
Forever theirs


Texte: Me. Me. Me. Me. You? HELLZ NAH!
Bildmaterialien: Backgrounds
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.11.2012

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To everyone trying to escape the inevitable. I wish you luck.

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