
A Summer Vacation Gone Bad Part I

It was a sunny morning when Angela jumped out of bed full of excitement for the vacation ahead. Angela and her family were going to Florida for a summer vacation. It was the first week of summer when Angela asked her mom if they were going on a vacation and she said ''Yes.'' As Angela got dressed she heard a noise coming from down the hall. She quickly walked along the wood floors until she got to her sister's room, she peaked in she saw her sister on her tippy-toes trying to get her suit case. Angela laughed quietly to herself then said '' Are you having trouble?'' Angela looked at her sister Amelia. Amelia jumped in fright! Angela bent over in laughter as her sister gave her a rude look. Angela strolled back to her room and put the clothes she was going to wear on her bed. It was 30 minutes before her mom walked out of her parents bedroom in her furry pink robe and white slippers. She had a sleepy expression on her face as she made her way down the stairs to get a cup of coffee. Five minutes later she walked back upstairs and told both Angela and Amelia to get ready, even though she was the one who needed to get ready the most. It took a whole hour for everybody to get ready then finally they loaded up the car and headed out for a vacation. On the way Amelia kept poking Angela after 2 whole minutes of nothing but silent pokes Angela punched Amelia in the arm as hard she could. Amelia started to cry when Angela said ''I'll give you 2 suckers if you just shut up!'' It seemed to take days before they reached Florida, when they got there they immediately checked into their hotel room. When they walked in the room there were only 2 beds in the room then Amelia said ''Yippee now me and Angela can share a bed so we can stay up and talk!" Angela shook her head and looked at her mom then her mom said ''Well what else do you want us to do make your sister sleep on the floor?" Angela laughed and said ''That would be better." Amelia just rolled her eyes then plopped down on the soft and bouncy bed. Angela wandered around the room looking for fun things to do when she saw they had a menu for room service. Angela jumped with excitement then turned to her mom and asked her if she could order room service her mom said she could ,but nothing too expensive. As Angela scanned over the menu the tomato soup and toast caught her eye she dialed the room service number then asked for a #17 with a cream soda. As she waited Amelia turned on the t.v. looking for the cartoon channel. About 20 minutes later there was a knock on the door Angela jumped off the bed and looked out the peep hole there was a tall women in a blue shirt with a name tag that read Sara. Angela opened the door then took the food and handed Sara the money. Angela then closed the door and jumped back on the bed with a cream soda in one hand and soup with toast in the other. She turned to see a cartoon about 2 kids with funny names as her sister giggled she looked at the t.v. with a bored expression on her face. She decided to just focus on her food and ignore the t.v. Music started to play on the t.v. then Amelia jumped up and started dancing around on the bed as Angela tried to eat her soup the bed started bouncing then Angela looked at her soup right as the bowl tipped over and spilt all over her new pajamas. She jumped up and yelled ''Why do you have to be so annoying?'' She hopped down & then left the room she made her way down the hallway to the elevator, she pressed the button to get to the first floor. After walking around the building she then went back up to her room when she walked in her sister Amelia yelled ''You are the annoying one I'm just cute!" Angela looked at her mom then her mom said "Cut it out this is supposed to be a vacation not a boxing match now calm down before your dad gets here.'' Angela looked at Amelia then cracked up laughing after a while Amelia started to giggle. Suddenly they heard a knock on the door Angela looked to see who it was then she swung the door open and went charging at the man who knocked. Then she lead him into the room Amelia went running and yelled ''DADDY!'' Angela looked as her mom dashed to hug her husband whom she had not seen him in 2 weeks. They all laughed and hugged and enjoyed the moment of happiness. The next morning when they woke up there was a knock on the door Angela got up with a groan and looked to see who was disturbing them. As she looked all she saw was a tall figure hiding in a black hood. She did not have any idea of who it was she decided they probably had the wrong room number and she expected them to leave once they figured that out so she just went and hopped back in bed. She just started to close her eyes when there was another knock on the door. Angela covered her head with her pillow when it sounded like the person at the kicked the door, this woke Amelia up then she went and tapped on her dad then told him there was somebody at the door he got up to see who it was when the door swung open the person in the black hood ran in and yelled ''GET DOWN NOW!'' Angela looked at the man then he shouted ''I SAID GET DOWN!'' Angela laid belly down on the bed Amelia started to cry when the man pulled a gun from his jacket and pointed at Amelia. Their dad went to tackle the unknown burglar when the gun went off Angela, Amelia and their mom all screamed. The neighbor next door came to see what was going on but when she saw the man with the gun she turned around and ran back down the hall. Angela looked at her dad as he held his stomach and made a hissing noise. The crook looked around the room for something valuable then he turned around and dashed out the door. Angela heard the phone being dialed and saw her mom calling 911 her mom started yelling ''A burglar just broke into our hotel room and shot my husband!'' then she told the person on the phone their address and room number. Angela jumped off the bed then got towels to wrap up her dads stomach she jogged back in the room and kneeled down to her dad and put a towel around him she put little pressure on it to try to help subside the bleeding. It seemed as if millions of hours went by before the cops and pera medics came. When they arrived Angela watched them load her dad on a gurney. She ran downs stairs along side her mom and Amelia, they hopped in the car and took off when they reached the hospital their dad had already gotten to his room and was being helped. After 2 minutes the doctor came out and said ''The only way he will live is if we extract the bullet a.s.a.p.'' Angela knew her mom would say do whatever you need to do. It was 60 long stressful minutes before the doctor came out and talked to them about the surgery, luckily the surgery went well and he would be healed in no time at all. Angela went into the room her dad was recovering in and talked to him. Her mom peaked in and said ''Honey will you take Amelia to go get some ice-cream from the cafeteria while I talk to your dad?" Angela stomped out of the room and grabbed Amelia by the hand then took her to the cafeteria when she walked in there was an old man in a wheel chair talking to the cook he must have cracked a joke because she was laughing hysterically. Angela got an ice-cream cone filled it with the delicious soft serve then handed it to Amelia. She had a smile on her face as she licked the vanilla ice-cream. Angela told Amelia to sit in one of the cafeteria chairs while she ate her ice-cream. There was a tall doctor with a blue lunch-kit that sat at the same table as Amelia and Angela. He looked at them then said ''How are you young ladies doing today?'' Angela faintly smiled then Amelia said ''Oh we are doing just fine, don't mind my sister she's shy." Which was completely untrue it was just Angela did not feel comfortable talking to a stranger doctor or not. Amelia finally finished her ice-cream cone then said good-bye to the doctor and left the cafeteria. Angela guided Amelia back to the lobby where they waited for their mom to come out of the hospital room their dad was in. It took 5 days before their dad was stable enough to be released when they were leaving the hospital the doctor Amelia and Angela talked to gave them both a pink heart balloon which they gave to their dad because he was the one who got shot. They decided to go to the police station to see if they had any leads on the crook. After they finished describing the crook they were looking for somewhere they could stay because they refused to go back in the hotel room. They spent the night in their car when they woke up their mom's cell phone was ringing she picked it up. They immediately headed over to the police station, they had a row of men in a line up. When they looked at the men they quickly realized the burglar was #3 they told the cop. When they called his number he stepped forward then the cop said "what is your name?" he replied ''Travis Lane.'' Their mom looked at them with a surprised expression on her face she asked the cop to make him repeat his name, when the cop asked him this he said ''Travis Lane?'' He looked at her confused then said ''Why did you want him to repeat his name." She turned to the cop then to her husband then she said "My maiden name is Lane!'' Angela was wondering if they were related but if they were her mom would have recognized him. Then she asked the cop ''Can you ask him a question?'' The cop said "Yes of course." Finally Angela noticed the man looked kind of like her mom but with more wrinkles and gray hair than she had herself! The cop turned toward the man and asked ''What are you're parents names?'' The #3 suspect looked puzzled but he answered anyway when he replied ''Mary and Harold Lane." Angela looked at her mom as she almost fainted. Angela asked ''Whats wrong with his parents names?" Her mom turned to her and said "those were my parent's names ".................................TO BE CONTUNUED


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.04.2010

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