
SIde - Note

 This is just some poetry and small writings that I have done. I would love any kind of thought on any content. If you would like more daily add-ons please just let me know. Thanks, Guys!



Set Me Free

I no longer want to be here.

  I want to be set free.

 Bound by shackles , lies , and words of those around me.

 Don't grab me and revise me when I'm close to my peak . 

Don't send shocks through my body to start my heart beat.

 Don't push too hard. 

Don't push.

 Just don't.

 Don't scream " breathe".

  Don't be too loud . 

Can't you see this is what I wanted .

 This is how I wanted it to be. 

I'm happy this way . 

I'm finally free. 

 Don't put me in a wooden box and sing sad tunes

 Don't say it's a celebration for our dear sister. 

Don't even shed a tear and ask me to come back . 

Can't you see I'm happy this way.

I'm finally set free. 

The pain is gone. 

My heart hurts no more.

The tightness in my chest.

The tingling in my feet.

 They are all at peace.

 Just let me leave.

 Please just let me be.

 I no longer want to be here.

I want to be set free.

Bound by shackles, and words of those around me.

 Don't grab me and revise me when I'm close to my peak.

Don't send shocks through my body to start my heart beat. 

Don't push too hard.

 Don't push.

 Just don't.

 Don't scream "breathe". 

Don't be too loud.

I no longer want to be here.

 I want to be set free.  

~~ Teresa Wilson ~~

Echoes in an empty room

Getting used to being alone.

I should be used to it by now.

I'm always alone.

The room's dark..

Drops of water echoes from a place I don't know..

I sit in the middle of this empty room..

It's so cold..

I'm so lost..

I slowly rock back and forth..

I don't know why..

My body is bare..

There are whips all over my back..

I grab my head and prepare for the sounds and memories..

Images of my mistakes flashed before my closed eyes..

All the mistakes I've made..

Tears starting to flood my face.. 

I wanted to be perfect...

I was far from it..

No movement in this dark room..

My body still rocked back and forth..

Only a mirror hung in this room..

I don't have the confidence to move..

What would I see?

I don't even know the real me..

The times I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize that pitiful face..

I couldn't even describe what was in front of my eyes..

Who is that ugly girl with those ugly brown eyes?

They portray the color black.. 

Those fat cheeks that sit high on her face..

Longing for my acceptance.. 

She knows I can't accept this.. 

Fuck it..

I hate the sight of her...

I don't know what happened..

I just got so mad..

Now I'm picking pieces of glass out of my hand...

I punched it...

A man with red eyes...

Heavy feet...

Breath like a bull...

He whipped me for breaking the glass...

Then placed a mirror before me...

Maybe I pissed him off...

I know I did...

He mumbled under his breath and walked out...

My confidence...

My past...

 Not done with me yet..

~~ Teresa Wilson ~~




Don't throw that bucket of water on me !


It's so cold !

I know I messed up..

I know I messed up !

They're not real..

I don't see them anymore !

They're not real, 

Don't force me to take those pills ! 


They make me sleep..

I don't like sleep,

Don't touch me ! 

I don't like being touched !

Do you hear me !?

Are you listening !?

I am talking to you !

Don't put me in that jacket !

Please !

I can't move, 

I'm not crazy !

I promise..


There's no demons inside of me..

There's nothing !

I am nothing, 


~~ Teresa Wilson ~~

Affected ( Forever Hiring )


You misguided teens created me by a mistake.

You say your job was to bathe and clothe me,

But whose job was it to love me ?

Whose job was it to hold me when the boys at school called me fat ?

The girls who ran as fast as they could because I ran out of breathe.

I was so blinded by the words thrown at me that I didn't see the beauty that reflected,

But whose job was it to show me ?

I was so young, 

So lost, 

But whose job was it to guide me ?

When the boys gave me attention because I spoke about things I knew nothing about, 

But whose job was it to tell me ?

When a man destroyed my mental health that soon reflected on my physical self, 

But whose job was it to protect me ?

Labeled a mistake,

 But never be mistaken,

I was created by a mistake, 

But I am not a mistake, 

But whose job was it to remind me ? 

~~ Teresa Wilson ~~

Stormy Death


"Rain, Rain, go, away.." I whispered as I rocked back and forth. 

"Rain, Rain, go, away..." I watched the lightning strike throughout the air and listened to the thunder sing a sad but loud tune.

"Rain, Rain, please..." I wiped my face from the rain and continued to rock back and forth.

Today marks the day my love went away. They say I killed him but that's not the way I remember it. 

"Don't touch me !" I say but my pleas never work. 

"Damn you, child, damn you !" I watched him destroy our home. 

"I am your wife!" I screamed but it didn't work. 

"Stop acting like a damn child then"  I watched him say as he walked near me. 

"Lessons, you need to be taught some lessons." He stumbled a few times but he stayed upright. 

"Please." I cried as he walked towards me. I held my hands out to put some space in between us but it didn't work.

He grabbed a handful of my hair and threw me across the room. I couldn't move. My whole body was numb. I let the darkness engulf me !! 

"Rain, Rain, go, away..." 

"Mrs. You shouldn't be out here during this storm."

"I..I.. m-i-ss him." I looked at the sky, "Rain, Rain, go, away."

"I'm not supposed to tell you this but you blacked out and killed him. They say it was a defense mechanism, you called her Mary." The woman tried to pull on my hand.


"Rain, Rain, clear and red, come again another day." I rocked back and forth as I played with my keepers decapitated head. 


This is not a poem by no means. I just wanted to share what I wrote a few minutes ago with you guys. 

Black Veins ( Deadly Love )


Your love is the black crimson liquid that flows through these veins of mine. The fire that pumps throughout my body, reaching my heart, my soul, the real me. 

Your eyes are the eyes that see past my darkest secrets, 

The real criminal inside of me. Your mind is the mind that breaks down the barriers I put in front of me. Make love to me, slowly, deeply, release me, breathe me, love me. 

Your arms are the arms that caress and holds me, they feel me and gently take care of me. Your lips are the lips that ease the burning sensation within me. The reason why my goosebumps manifest when your lips connect with my skin, 

With me. 

Your fingers, 

Your hands mold me to the perfection you need.

 Touch me, mold me, shape me, make me whole, love me. I am your creation from the deepest abyss and I live to serve you with everything you've shaped me to be. 

Give me more of you, I want to feel more of you flow through me. The poison you released within my veins slowly kills the old me and recreates someone new in the image of you. 

I am your sacrifice, 

Your sacredness. 

Your deadly love has suffocated me, intoxicated me, drowned me, and now I want more. They try to warn me about the dangers of this love, 

The attachment,

 The pain,

 The thrill, but I want more. 

I want more of your poison running through my veins, more of your skin touching mine. 

I am a greedy child, 

Your greedy child,

 I want you,

 I need you,

 I crave you, 

My soul yearns for you. 

Touch me, drink from me, love me, be one with me...

 Take Me. 

Let your deadly love turn my veins black and kill me, nothing matters as long as it's coming from you. 

My lover, 

My obsession, 

My deadly love... 

         - Teresa Wilson  


Dangerous Thoughts ( Signs of a broken relationship )


Who am I to try? Why do I try? Would I be wrong not to try? 

Who am I to cry? Why do I cry? Would I be wrong not to cry?

Do you even know the real attributes that create me?

The warmth of my thoughts giving me the comfort your heart, 

Can't seem to give.

A man who reaches the deepest depths of my soul, 

My heart flutters to his imaginary touch.

The imaginary love of a mate within my mind, 

Manifested by this neglected heart of mine.


More powerful than the love you tend to give.

Those imaginary hands wrapping around my body, 

Those lips whispering promises truer than your own.

Don't take these thoughts away, 

It's the only way this reality of a  relationship will last, 

It's not cheating when the man lives in your dreams, 

A man who comes when you least expect it, 

These thoughts he pushes through makes it so much easier to walk away from you. 

You wouldn't notice though, 

Or would you?

You're losing your woman to the thoughts of a perfect man. 

These dangerous thoughts show the signs of a broken relationship.

        - Teresa Wilson


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.06.2019

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