

 I never thought about the actuality of being reunited with my daughter, nor did I ever think she would still be alive or is she? Leviticus has gone on a rampage, Paradise left Emrick, Emrick is losing his kingdom and I am on a trip of my own. A trip to find my long lost daughter....Maria is dead, Damian has moved out of his mothers' house and moved into the palace where he is no king. The loss of his mate is taking a toll on him and the guilt of chasing me instead of believing her is eating at him too.  Emrick hates me and wants me dead, Paradise hates him and never wants to see him again, Leviticus can't stop drinking and destroying everything in his way. Maybe in another lifetime things could have been different, but this is how things are and how they will remain. I can't be wrong, right? Any mother would do anything and go to hell and back for their child, right? Maybe a few people died in the mix and hearts were broken, but I am a mother; a mother without her child. My child was taken from me and now I must find her, alive or dead. I must find my baby girl. 

Chapter 1: Damian


"Mold me, dear God, one may cry out in agony from the pits of hell. FOr a heart of two placed in the alignment of the stars are ripped apart.  A bond, so strong that one who accumulates an immaculate thing shall suffer upon the day; let no one break the bond a higher force brought together... for if you do your days of eternal life shall continue without a soul to give any will to live. Once the soul is gone your heart shall past whilst blood runs cold. YOU WILL KNOW NO LOVE..." 

  Blood covered the entirety of my body as I headed for the throne. All for blindsided manipulation and foolery called "love". My mate's body slowly decomposing in the absence of a heart that was radiating love to what was suppose to love it back, and yet the love story disaster of them all "death". The king's headless body appeared in the distance as warriors placed his body on a pole; showcased to hell in its wholeness. I lost everything over something that was nothing and now I am a fucking king.  "Ah hell the lamb of God.", I chuckled to myself as I took a seat on the throne. Neighbors, friends, family and all glancing with curious eyes as to why the king is dead. Traitor, deceptions and kill reflected in the eyes of every demon starring up at me. Now was not the time for observation of emotions. 

  "This pit of fire holds secrets, some that may never be known to you all. The king of hell is staring at you right in your face. No need to question certain things as threatening but more so protecting. We are all we have and this kingdom must prevail. Continue on with your lives and day. We are united as one under the heart and heat of the fire. May your hearts and unanswered questions have comfort with the mere understanding that everything is not meant to be known for right now. The truth will reveal itself in due time." I wiped my face with slight annoyance and headed towards the Kings' old office. I snuggled back into my own mere thoughts as my mother tried her best to communicate me back to acknowledge her. Attempting multiple times to communicate with me as I walked by but she's getting everything she deserves...fucking traitor. 

  "Damian, Just talk to..", before she could finish her sentence I slammed the door in her face. Events that have transpired started to flood my mind like a hangover making its appearance at the break of the sky allowing the sun to rise. Almost like the peak of an onset drug overdose just slowly killing you with free knowledge, allowing it to do so.  She was a poison that found a way to control my mind through the manipulation of love, talk about general warfare for humanity. Yet, the most disgusting thing of it all, the true monster; for I allowed this poison to control my mind and kill my soul mate. Now I suffer slowly just because I lost something given to me by the divines and instead of cherishing her, I chased after another and killed mine and I may never feel love like that again. A knock at the door brought me out of the pits of my thoughts as David walked in ready to get an understanding of everything. He wanted answers that I still couldn't fathom to believe myself or even make sense of.

  Yet, the selfishness to keep what I knew now to myself could not be. If I am not true to anyone nor myself who could I be true too? "Yoo, what's up?" Davids voice concern dragged me of out my thoughts as I prepared myself to tell him everything, even down to my own dumbness and true death of Maria, our friend, his crush and my mate. I motioned for him to take a seat in front of me and started from the very beginning, spilling my guts, my heart, my fear, emotions..everything. Silence filled the air for what felt like five minutes maybe even five seconds. The love, hurt, betrayal and anger of leaving a friend in the dark crossed Davids face before he launched himself onto me. What was I to do? I deserved this. I deserved to be chocked, to feel the isolation of death surrounding me. Maybe I could find Maria and explain to her everything that is going on. How sorry I am...Make up for old times. 

"ENOUGH", A voice I knew all too well shouted before throwing Davide off of me and into the couch. "What the he-" David attempted to shout but moma bear was a little bit louder with much more age and authority behind every word. "No, what the hell is going on?" She ran her fingers through her head and patiently waited for any response. "Oh, don't all speak at once..I have the time." She locked the door and sat on the desk that was placed in the middle of the office. "You are not supposed to be in here, I didn't call for you." I turned towards the door with motions for her to leave. Yet, she remained positioned in her spot. "You could try to move me if you would like..." I stared at the words left in the air as I followed them to the vessel that released them. "You and I both know that the fight to get you out will be destructive." I ran my head over my face. "Well I guess you should start talking and while you are at it explain the family that's locked up downstairs. Your mom has her ways." I looked at her in disbelief and then with questions of my own. 

   A family locked up..this has Angeline written all over it and of course, I would have to clean up all this shit. I decided to put those thoughts at the back of my head, that was the best thing that I could right now. My mother was here to assists and I needed to tell her everything. Maybe she could help me put some shit together and shine a light on what the hell I didn't know. 



Quick little message! Just here to see who is waiting for the book. Kind of excited about this one. I am way more mature and I believe I have much more to give to this book than I did when I was sixteen. If you're still here waiting for the rest of the book let me know! I have questions about characters, what do you want to see a little more in this book and so forth. Would love to connect with you all. 

Chapter 2: Leviticus


 Red...All I could see was the color red. Nothing could bring me back, no one could pick up the pieces of my heart. No one could bring back the heart that once beaten for Angeline. No one could revive the soul that now runs black. I could kill him, I should kill him...I wanted to kill him. To find out information that's been withheld for so long. Opened arms and manipulation; never a true sign of love. I should've known, the signs..the signs were right there all along. To be used as a crutch by my own mate. To be humiliated by the one thing I yearned for, lived for, breathed for. To walk around in a sea of lies burning my wounds with its toxic salted chemicals. To remain cool in a crowd full of people, my people..lead by the lies their future King was hoping to keep until he died. Music and laughter filled this polluted air; lies and hidden dispairs crushed against gravity until forming it's on quilt thick enough to fill the lungs of us all. 

 I was disgusted but not entirely with my own people but with my blood, my best friend. There at the corner of the right step that spiraled continuously, he was there. Smiling and conversating like his engagement was true and yet "yes" attracted its polar opposite far too soon. There he was smiling and grinning toasting to fake nothings and kingdom downfall. He turned his smile towards me in hopes of reciprocation. We were supposed to be happy but how could I fake happy when I knew the truth. Announcing to a kingdom their new King, announcing to the kingdom and showing them their new queen.  Disgust reflected all over my face how dare he makes this mockery of love, of a bond so magnetic and true; he was an absolute fool. We were the foolish insects clueless to the web wrapped, tightened, unbearable enough to trap us all. My brother was the true leech. 

  Poor young girl dragged down and placed in his world full of polluted air. I was livid, livid for myself and her too. She knew nothing and he knew it all. He smirked; the audacity to smirk but only because you didn't know that I knew. His guest walked away unaware of the atmospheric change progressing aggressively. Paradise kissed his cheek and walked towards Em, cluelessly. He walked towards me with worry but stopped abruptly when I motioned for him to walk to the side hallway with a nod, and so he did. I followed silently and casually for if I said any words someone would have to die. "Whats u-", I grabbed Emrick by the throat and lifted him into the air. He attempted to break free. I leaned in close enough for my words to be herd by him no one else. "I know about the baby, bitch." I squeezed his throat one last time as his eyes enlarged to the words finally settling into his brain. Like a fragrance of death sprayed upon the living patiently settling unto them as they fell; One by one, he was scared. Forcefully, I plunged my fist into his stomach.

   I watched as he fell to the ground and placed my hands in my pocket. "Meet me in the field opening, away from everyone." I whistled and slowly walked away with halfway slouched over Emrick right behind me. Trying his best to act casual, as if everything was fine but in reality, shit just started to run. Here we stood face to face with an exasperated piece of shit of a brother. "How do you know?" Emrick said with laced venom as if he didn't regret the action itself but the fact that he was caught. "You are to tell no one. Not mom, not one. Do you understand?" He attempted to use his authoritative voice which only caused me to hulk up a bunch of spit. "Fuck you, Emrick, fuck you." I spat as we circled each other slowly.. "Do you honestly think I give a shit about you or whatever the fuck you don't want them to know." I spat again. "I feel sorry for Paradise. She said yes to a fucking lie. The fact that you didn't even tell her you had a child. You kept her in the dark.. You kept everyone in the dark believing that you were this fucking Prince Charming.. what bullshit of a charade. You don't deserve the life that's been placed upon you, Emrick." I shook my head and smirked. 

  Emrick slit his eyes and jumped in the air with the same motion as me. "You are younger than me Leviticus, you'll never win." His smirk grew as we lunged for each other once again in the same motion. I slammed my right fist into the side of his face causing him to come back even harder with a crushing left hook. I flew into a tree bouncing back quickly adding two more punches in the mix; more force behind every inch. We were so caught in the rage that we didn't realize Angeline was watching the whole time. "Now that he knows, what happened to my child?" I stopped mid-air and stared at her with disgust. "How dare you even show your fucking face in front of me?" I pushed passed Emrick and walked up to Angeline, " The both of you are nothing but pathetic fucking liars and manipulators. The Heavens should have kept the two of you together, maybe Paradise and I would have suffered less. You pulled me into this bullshit scheme of yours to get back at my fucking brother just like the fucking demon dude who just kilt your fucking dad. You are really something fucking else." Angeline stared at me while a few tears slowly dropped from her eyes. 

  Eventually, she stopped crying and charged for me and I gladly charged back. Emrick soon enough joined in the fight. All three of us wanted each other's blood and it showed. I swung at Angeline, who swung at me then swung at Emrick. Emrick swung at me and then at Angeline. All three forces and energies growing as blood continued to spill. "ENOUGH!" My father yelled as he crossed the field with his hands still in his pocket. My mother walked gracefully on his side with both hands placed properly in front of her, the true representation of a Queen naturally. However, her face reflected that of a sad, disappointed and furious mother towards us all. 'What is the meaning of all of this?" My father questioned while taking the scene in before him, along with my silent but loud mother. Silence filled the air as we all backed away from each other and turned towards my father and mother. She held her hand up to silence us, yet she had our full attention. "How dare you? How dare you all?! Fighting out here like a bunch of damn untrained soulless leches. Thank the Heavens everyone was able to leave before all this mess started to happen. I am so disappointed in all of you but we will deal with this back at the house with the others." 

 Before my mother and father could walk away Angeline stepped up breathing heavily and emotionally. "Moma, I am so sorry for all of this. I just wanted to know the truth, I just wanted him to tell me where my baby was." She stood there before us all with tears pouring down her face. My mothers face scrunched up in confusion, "What does your baby outside of your mate have to do with my boys?" Angeline chuckled, "Emrick there..that precious boy of yours is the baby daddy." She winked at my mother as my mother turned towards Emrick, "Where is this child of yours that we knew nothing about?" Emrick stepped forward as we all watched him intensely. His hair was rough, dry and matted from the blood as his wounds were slowly healing. "Dead." He said with the grimmest, unemotional look laced with a venomous tone with the face to follow. Emrick stormed off to the castle leaving us all behind to understand the words of death placed on a child that was just born to us through fresh knowledge. Angeline screamed as she hit the ground, "That fucking bastard."


Chapter 3: Paradise


 My heart paced rapidly and aggressively against my rib cage, causing it to ache a little. Yet, I continued running with hot steamy tears falling from my eyes effortlessly. All I could replay in my head were the words of truth that flowed from Leviticus mouth. Emrick and Angeline not only slept together but had a child together as well. How could I have been so stupid to actually believe that he was true in everything that he said and did? How could I allow myself to be pulled into a world that I had never belonged in? My mind was racing at a speed inhumanly impossible to keep up with. Everything happened so fast.. So, suddenly. 

  Something in me knew this was too good to be true, all of this shit..too good to be true. I continued to run towards the castle, mud tracing the gold of these now worthless but priceless heels. Yet, that meant nothing to me if lies on a hidden foundation portrayed anything but the truth. The castle seemed so far away but yet so close. To believe that a man could love me with purity and honesty. How foolish could I be? - To know that my mate slept with my ex-best friend, probably created in the love that I once believed as something the two of us would share together. How could I be mad at a woman seeking redemption through the works of a broken heart? I couldn't be mad at her for going about things the way she did. She was a woman scorned from not only what had to be a tragic heartbreak but traumatic separation as well. Being that she was here to most likely find out information regarding her child. 

  As a soon to be mother, myself to a precious boy or baby girl I couldn't imagine not being with them. "Paradise! Please stop and think about what you're going to do." Em cried out bringing me back to the forefront of my painful reality. I stopped on the back steps of the castle abruptly, causing me to trip and fall forward. I prepared for the impact of brick to collide with my face, however, Em had other plans in mind; being that her stern look shot daggers at me as I laid in her arms. Immediately after realizing that I was in fact caught by Em and not the stairs I backed away and quickly pushed the hair out of my face. "I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to leave here someway and somehow. I can't do the lies... I gave him the opportunity, to tell the truth, and what did he do? - He lied to me.. in my face, Em. My child and I are leaving." I turned back towards the back door heading towards my room. 

  The castle was very quiet and empty, very abnormal. However, without a second thought, I continued running through the halls. My heels clicking loudly as I finally made my way up the stairs and to my room. I slung the door open with much force as I started searching for my bags and belongings. "Well at least let me help Paradise, please?" Em reached her hand out to make sure I was still in this reality. "Slow down and breathe. The stress is not good for the baby." I nodded and started rubbing my stomach as I decided to calm down for the sake of my baby. "How are you going to help me?" I said in between breaths. Em started packing bags for me as she wiped away a few tears that fell from her face. "I'm going to call Matthew and see if it's okay for you to stay with them for a while. I'm sure my mates' mother wouldn't mind. Besides, they're Royals and witches so you'll be fine." 

  Em smiled slightly to herself while pulling out her phone to call Matthew. I nodded and continued to pack other personal items while Em conversated on the phone to her mate. Eventually, I finished packing and was now changing my clothes to catch the car waiting for me at the back of the castle. Nervousness filled me as we carried my bags to the gate. Silent tears fell down Ems' face as we placed the rest of my belongings in the car. "This is only temporary Paradise. Please don't forget that." She pulled me into a hug and placed a sisterly kiss on my forehead. "Call me when you get settled in." She closed the car door with me in it and placed a hand kiss on the door. I leaned back and took a deep breath as Matthew and Em kissed each other goodbye. 

  Matthew got into the passenger side of the car and signaled for the driver to drive off. My heartbeat started to ease as we pulled away. The tears holding on to the lashes of my eyes eventually released themselves as the castle and Em disappeared. Matthew turned around to face me, "Em told me everything and I just wanted you to know that you and your baby are safe with the witches." He winked at me in a friendly manner slightly lifting the atmosphere enough for me to find sleep. The world that I knew was no more, a new world had been manifested before my eyes. A bump in the road startled me to my edge with Matthew and the driver sending apologies and apologetic looks my way through the mirrors. Suddenly, the car came to a peaceful stop causing me to glance out of the window; curiosity at its highest peak. 

  "We're here!" Matthew stated softly as he got out of the car and made his way over to me. He opened the door and offered his hand of escort. "Welcome to your new home Paradise." I smiled at the sight before, catching me by surprise. A castle, just as big as the one back home. Beautiful salt colored bricks peacefully laying upon one another as if it was painted just for me. Forming a scene from a fairytale, the only thing missing was my red glittery heels. Maybe leaving was for the best after all. There were flowers planted at every corner of the castle in bundles of colors reflecting that of a rainbow. There was a fountain placed directly in the middle of everything but protected by gates. I inhaled slowly as all my worries and sorrows started to evaporate into thin air of positivity. I could see myself raising my child here, peacefully..happily. Maybe we could turn temporary into permanently. 

   This truly felt like home. "You like it?" Matthew said with a chuckle as we made our way up to the stairs and into the main hall. "The scenery is quite breathtaking. I've been here since I was a kid and it still gets to me." I laughed but remained silent, my eyes spoke the words my mouth couldn't seem to speak. Matthew signaled for me to drop my bags and to follow him to the sitting room. There were a few more things he needed to do before my room was complete. I simply nodded and turned my attention to the books coating every wall in the room. The smell was dry but filled with the moisture of multiple languages, concepts, ideas and imaginations from writers all over the world and from different centuries. 

 I walked towards a red book with golden trimmings outlining it. The boost of energy to finally touch something in this house zapped me out of nowhere. Slowly with caution, I grabbed the book; It was heavy and very thick. The pages were crisp but still fresh due to the good upkeeping of this area. The words on the page never appeared, however, leaving me to think that I picked up a blank book.  Maybe someone was going to write in it. Matthews cleared throat and presence startled me, causing me to drop the book before actually reaching the bookshelf. "Oh, my goodness. I do apologize for that. My curiosity caused me to put my nose where it didn't belong." I placed the book back to its original place and followed behind Matthew who chuckled to himself.  While, of course, informing me that it was okay.

  For me to be such a stranger they were very welcoming; then again I'm sure a bunch of witches would feel no harm or threat from a human like me. "Ah!, You must be Paradise. It's nice to finally meet you." Matthews mother reached out her hand before snatching it back quickly and embracing me in a hug. The sudden gestures caught me off guard halting me in my own personal thoughts. She held me in her arms but slightly pulled back as if she was trying to get a better look.  "You're a witch?" Her face balled up in confusion.."Matthew, you didn't tell me she was a witch.. or that she was pregnant with twins." His face soon followed the confusion his mother face held while informing everyone that he was calling Emerald. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.06.2019

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