
Alices POV

It was still the same, nothing had changed. Through all the years I had tried to keep back the dark side of my soul, I forgot about the dark side looming on my heart. 'Curiosity killed the cat' was what they always said. Yet being my rebelious self, I just had to go into the shadows.

Another bruise formed on my cheek as a particularly hard bat hit it. I felt blood creep up my throat and coughed it out onto the street. I didn't care if they'd yell at me for giving them more cleaning work later, I didn't care that they would laugh at me for being so pathetic I couldn't even take a few hits, I just wanted out. I felt like lifting myself to my feet and just running away from all my pain. Just running away from this town, these people and most if all, my past. All my memories remained here, all the memories I would give anything to forget.

Alexs POV

I stared at mom could she be serious we were going to move again?"Really mom do we have to Ive made some great friends here already" I complained.

"Now come on sweetie dont be selfish I really need this job" mom replied trying to make me feel guilty."But mom you always 'need' the job and everytime I give into you and your whining" I said glaring at her and then I sighed.

We were always moving and I was always starting a new school eight schools in two years and yes I had been counting.

"Come on sweetie pleeeaaasse" she said stretching the please. She did her cute puppy dog look and I hid a smile at her attempt to win me over.And it had worked.

Damn my easy give and her puppy dog look. Yay it looked like I was going to Mobile Alabama. Im so happy.....Not

Alices POV

I walked down the street, ignoring the dirty looks being thrown in my direction, ignoring the whispers and rumour spreading going on. I had been completly alienated from the rest of the people.

I felt a sharp pain in my head as a can was thrown in my direction. Tch. I had had enough of this a long time ago. Breaking into a run, I felt the small drips of rain slowly falling from the sky, then it suddenly poured down in a rush. It was almost as if the heavens were crying, releasing all of it's pain and thrusting it towards me.

Before I had realised it, I had ran outside of the town. I felt my brain urging me to continue running. To escape from here. I gave in and yet again broke into a run. Fog was slowly covering the road and I couldn't see much ahead of me.

Rain poured into my eyes and I reached to rub the water away. Big mistake. I felt myself get propelled off of my feet just before my head collided with something made from glass. It knocked me to the floor just to the side of the road and I heard screeching breaks. The pain in my head hadn't even slightly receeded yet so I curiously reached to my forehead. Warmth? No...It was wet and slightly stickly. I examined my hand and found it to be coated in a layer of thick red liquid.

Then it came, the oh-so-familiar feeling of flesh regrowing over the wound. Standing up again, i turned my head to the car that had knocked me from my feet.

Alexs POV

I sat in the car bored as hell. It had taken us ages to get to Alabama and as I lay back in the black jeep my mom had bought I felt myself drifting to sleep.

As I closed my eyes willing sleep to come I heard a loud crash and the sound of my mom sceaming.My eyes snapped open as I got propelled forward. The airbags burst free and smacked me in the face.Och but that was the least of my probelms there was glass everywhere and a massive crack in the windscreen.

I could still here my mom screeming and quickly turned to face her. There were a few scratch marks on her face but other than that everything looked okay or as okay as things can get when your mom is screeming in your face while in a car crash.

There was blood on the windscreen on the outside, it was neither mine or my mom it was simple.We had hit something or rather someone.

I tried to stare out of the cracked windscreen but couldnt see anything which I think was mixed with the reason of it being foggy outside and the reason that the wind screen was cracked.

Finally I had managed to calm my mom down and I slowly climbed out of the car looking for the someone that we had hit.

It was then I saw her.

Alices POV

I saw the surprised look on the girl's face as she stared at my injured head. Her misty blue eyes bored into my crimson ones as the realisation struck her.

My wound was healing itself, quickly, but not as quickly as I had hoped. The rain soaked her sleek black hair. She was shorter than me but looked around the same age.

I turned around as i started to slowly walk back in the direction of the town. "Who are you?" the girl spoke in a small, shaken voice that, I imagined, was normally filled with cheer. I stopped for a moment and turned only my head to face her and bored my eyes into hers before replying.

"You don't wanna know..."

Alexs POV

I watched her searching for the injurys on her.There was a wide spread gouge in her head that was quickly repairing itself. To quickly was it repairing itself.Inhumanly quickly.

I stared at her my eyes wide as I studied her. She had crimson eyes and a pale complexion, similar to mine, yet I was paler. I always was the palest I never tanned either.

Her black hair hung above her shoulders yet her hair was a different kind of black to mine. She was slightly raven-haired while I was more of an onyx colour.

Ifelt like I knew her from somewhere that I had seen her somewhere before.My voice shaking I asked "Who are you?" I asked as she began to walk away.

She turned her head and bore her crimson eyes into my pale blue eyes. "You don't want to know..." she said as she walked away.

Her voice was cold and expressionless and I could tell this girl had suffered a great deal of loss.I foolishly stared after her.

Just then my mom poked her head out of the cars smashed window."Who was that sweetie?" she asked me. I didnt want her to freak which I knew she would if I told her she was the girl we had hit.

"I have absoloutly no idea..."I replied and then I sighed. "So mom how do you plan on getting us into the town now?"

Alices POV

I jumped from rooftop to rooftop heading towards the mansion on the other side of town. It was what my parents had left for me before they disappeared. Even though my parents were well respected, I was treated like dirt all because of them seeing my power one day.

I had left to get some supplies from the market as I was running out when I heard a shout behind me. I turned around just to go straight into a throwing knife one of the kids had been using. Everyone gasped as I tore it from my shoulder, only to reveal the healing wound.

That told them of my unhuman power and from then on they were disgusted by the mere sight of me. People would back away in fear as I came past and most of the teenage boys would find clubs and physicaly injure me.

I reached the mansion and jumped up and into the open window. There was no point using the door anymore. It just gave off my parents' scent.

Collapsing onto my bed, I allowed my head to drop to the side. My school timetable caught my attention and I remembered. The new school term was going to start soon. Great...Another year of being pushed around or avoided completly. Yet I had already made the decision that this year would be different. This year, I was going to fight back...

Alexs POV

We continued walking toward the direction of the town.It was getting less and less foggy as we got closer to the town.

When we finally got there I looked round it looked friendly enough but I didnt think it would be any different from any of the other towns we had been in.

It was simple we moved to a new town while mom did her job and I went to school until mom had finished her job then we moved to a new town and so on.

I didnt like to stay in a town for to long anyway because that way I would get to attached to it and then we would move away only to leave me missing the town.

Id never had time to make friend with anyone so I didnt really try to. That seems like a hard life no friends new school but really its not that bad once you get used to it.

As we walked through the streets towards our new 'home' where we were going to be very 'happy' I could see everyone looking at the new comers. I sighed.

Yep this town will be no different from the others. As we finally got to the house we were going to be staying in mom unlocked the doors and walked in cheery as every.

I slumped in not bothering to look around and sat myself down on a black couch to tired to do anything else.

Yay home sweet home were the last bitter thoughts that went through my head before I was taken by blackness that cloaked itself over me....

Alices POV

I felt myself slip into illusions as sleep drifted over me. My reality sverved and slowly changed into dreams. Dreams of fake hopes.

I woke with a start and bolted upright. Sweat dripped from my brow as i slowly took a few deep breaths. It was the same again. The same dream, the same shadows lurking in my soul. Working their way through my blood and taking over.

"You don't look well, did I pick the wrong time to come and visit..." a calm voice spoke from the shadows.

"I thought I told you not to come here again, Azazel" I spoke harshly yet I really wasn't in the mood right now.

"Don't take your anger out on me, Hangel, all I'm here for is to give you a message from the superiors. 'Tread cautiously through these next few months for there is something else coming'" He threw me a small ring with something engraved along the edge.

"Since when did your superiors care about me..."

"Since you became important, you and a few others that is..." A cold wind spread through the room as he disappeared.

I decided not to sleep anymore tonight as all that would come was those shadows in my dreams. So I jumped from the window and slipped the small ring onto my finger. Not noticing the small engraving glowing slightly before disappearing.

Alexs POV

I dreamt of the mystery girl she was lying on the floor blood covering her. She reached out for me and I willed myself to help her.

As I went to grab her hand it disappered right before my very eyes and for some unknown reason I found myself crying next to a grave in a cemotery.

I looked up at the stone and saw the names Rebecca Wilson and Mark Wilson engraved on them.Huh who was this Rebecca and Mark Wilson and why did I see their names everywhere?

Just then a voice spoke my own voice spoke "Blood blood blood" I was repeating over and over again.

I woke with a start and found I was screaming. Quickly I shut up I didnt want mom to wake up. And then I went to the kitchen with a hunger I had never had before.

In record time I was in the kitchen looking through the fridge for something to eat. At last I found something to take away my thirst. A rare steak.

Without even thinking about it I shoveled the steak into my mouth and moaned in pleasure as the steaks amazing juices entered my mouth and swallowed the steak.

When I had finished I licked my lips and sighed. There were no more steaks. Damn it. Then relising what I just done I gasped in shock and horror. It wasnt just the shock and horror of I had done but that I had enjoyed doing it.

There was a voice in my head telling me what I had done was wrong but there was another voice telling me that it was perfectly natural and that I should do it more often.

I had drunk blood real blood. It was then I started to vomit.

Alices POV

Something made me shudder, and it wasn't just the cold of the night. I felt as though something was wrong. Shrugging it off I headed back to the mansion. It was getting slightly lighter now and I should start getting ready for school the next day.

I had reached home and was just about to jump back in the window when I felt a sharp pain in my head. It was unlike anything I had felt before, just unbearable. I clutched my head with both hands and gritted my teeth.

An image crossed my mind of a boy, older than me yet looked similar. He had short, raven hair that was slightly spiked and crimson eyes that had an unknown warmth to them.

Then an image of me, a younger me, standing next to him. He turned away from the younger me and walked away. Yet the walk turned into a jog, and then a run. The other me screamed and reached out for him. Trying to run after him but falling down to the ground and crying to themselves.The image disappeared along with the pain as I collapsed down to the ground.

I couldn't remember anything that happened before I was 13 years old. Anything except for brief memories of caring parents whose faces I could not remember, and loneliness.

I noticed the sun creep its way over the town's buildings and decided to go pick out some clothes for school tomorrow. I may aswell waste time doing something. Leaping in through the window, I went to my closet and started looking. I hadn't realised that the ring from Azazel's superiors was now showing different markings along the edge.

Alexs POV

After finishing throwing up I leaned on the kitchen table for it was the only thing holding me up.I glanced up at the clock and read aloud "2 in the morning".

Jesus since when did I get up in the middle of the night wait scratch that since when did I get up before I had to?

I wasnt tired but I knew that if I didnt go to bed soon then I would be tired in the morning so I unwillingly walked up the stair trying to find my new bedroom.

Soon enough I found it nextdoor to a bathroom. Great I would properly get woken up by mom when she is in the shower Im so lucky (note the sarcasm).

I walked into the room and slipped into bed destite my bodies protest. I sunk under the covers wait for the feeling of tiredness to come.

It didnt instead the only feeling I had was confusen oh and questions lots and lots of questions.I forced my eyes to shut and tried to will myself to sleep.

It seemed not a minute later that I felt a being in my room. It took everthing I had not to throw back the covers and attack the person as they loommed over my bed.

"My beautiful Alexandra I love you so and I wish I could have properly met you sooner but if we had not met when destiny had foretold you would be told and I know this is reckless of me coming to see you before I am supposed to but I couldnt keep away" spoke the voice.

Huh who is this dude how did he get into my room how does he know my name and what on earth is he talking about?

I again resisted the erge to pull back the covers. But what if he trys something? I thought and imdiantly pulled back the covers to see.....nothing?

Huh maybe it was a dream all of this was a dream yeah a dream thats it.Somehow that I couldnt quite believe that...

Alices POV

I looked across the room to the clock on the cabinet. 2 in the morning... Still not early enough to properly get up. So instead I decided to go downstairs, for once.

The stairs creaked with every step I took and the floorboards did the same. An unknown yet nostalgic scent filled me as I reached the kitchen. I looked around and saw a calender hanging up on the wall.

Walking over to it I saw that it was years old, not a surprise. Half of the calender was blank, the rest was filled with things that my parents had never got to do or had already done.

I casually flicked through the pages when a small piece of writing caught my eye. It was the only writing on the page and I assumed it was near to the date they disappeared. The writing was small and hard to read and before I could take a better look, a small tap on the back of my head made me loose consciousness.

My eyelids fluttered open and I slowly sat up. Taking in my surroundings, I realised that I was in my room. Had it only been a dream? I took another look at the clock before heading to the bathroom for a shower. It was 7:30. Still an hour before school would officially start.

I hoped the hot water would clear my mind as I turned the water on and stepped in. It didn't work. My thoughts were still filled with Azazel's message and the image of that boy that looked so much like me.

After the shower, I walked back to my room and took out the clothes I had picked out last night. Our school's dress code was really lax so we got many girls wearing rather revealing clothing. I just thought they were disgusting, but somehow it got a guy's attention.

I wore straight jeans that were light in colour and a plain white t-shirt. Over the top I wore a long sleeved black jumper that I left unzipped. For shoes I just wore black converse.

Checking the time again, I saw it said 7:50. It was getting close to the time I had to leave for another great day. Note the sarcasm. Picking up my bag and all that I needed, I left the mansion and slowly made my way to school.

Alexs POV

As I opened my eyes from what seen like a two minute sleep I imediatly shut them again. God the sunlight was burning my eyes how weird.

I got out of bead and headed downstairs to find mom making breakfast. Huh mom only made breakfast when a she wanted something or b she was celebrating something.

"Hey Alex hows it going did you sleep okay" she said not looking up from her pancakes. "Okay mom you I know you want to tell me something so please dont start with the hole 'hey hows it going' speech and just cut to the chase" I said waiting for an answer.

Am I that obvisius? she said. "Yep yes you sure are mom" I replied noticing she hadnt answered my question but not ready to question it yet.

Huh did I say that out loud? she replied. "Mom stop dodging my question" I said getting annoyed now. "Okay drum roll please" she said her eyes gleaming with excitment.

I sighed. Really a drum roll? Well it didnt look like she was telling me anything until I started a drum roll so I gave in.

After about ten seconds of the drum roll she finally screamed "We are saying here for good or at least for a couple of years".

I stared at her in disbelieve for a moment and then finally relisation hit. "Thank you mom thank you so much I love you" I said while pulling her into a hug.

I stayed like that for a few more seconds when mom say "Quickly get dressed I dont you to be late on the first day of school".

I quickly ran upstairs and put on my converse jeans my hollister tshirt and stuck a cardigan on over it. Raning down the stairs I spinted to the door shoved it open and walking smack bang into the mystery girl...

Alices POV

Ignoring the daily dirty looks, I kept walking to school. That was until a particular gang of boys in my year stopped me. The same ones that kept coming to beat me up every so often.

"Why hello there, freak, how has your day been so far..." Their leader said faking a sweet voice.

"It was better before you got here, now get outta my wa-" I was cut off as someone burst from the house at the side of the street and ran straight into me.

Looking at her, I noticed she was the same girl as before. Great.I wasn't sure if she'd realised who I was yet but I decided not to find out.

I tried to get up when I saw that Mr.Oh-I'm-so-cool-I'm-a-gang-leader had come over and was currently keeping me down on the floor. That (cue bleep here).

"Well who might you be..." He directed the question to the other girl, who currently was still on the floor.

Alexs POV

"Well who might you be?" asked the boy currently sitting on tope of mg (mystery girl). "Sophie Halts" I lied and held out my hand for him to shake it.

He did and as soon as he did I had him under me at my mercy and most importantly away from mg. "Chapter one in crimial master minds never trust a pretty face" I said and I gave him my oscar award winning smile.

"How how did you do that?" he asked in confusen and his friends werent any better there mouths gaping open.

I laughed forcing it to honey coated. "That is for me to know and for you to never find out" I said as I got off of him. I held out my hand again and helped him up.

I mouthed to mg run but she simply shook her head. Huh? Oh well if she wanted to stay her choice but I didnt want her to get hurt.

"If thats all I think I better be going" I said hastily. "Wait hey-" But before he could continue I ran over to mg grabbed her hand and took off running.

"Where are we going?" she asked me confused. " I dont know but anywheres better than here" I replied looking behind me to see if the boys were after us.

Alices POV

"Let go of my hand now I can run by myself you know!" I half shouted at the girl. "Plus you're running the wrong way, school is in that direction" I pointed to the right of where we were going.

She stopped running at turned around. She was laughing nervously as she realised her mistake. "oh" was all she said.

"Come on follow me" I started walking in the correct direction and she followed closely behind me. I wondered to myself what she was doing here as we walked onwards.

We arrived at the school without saying another word to each other. It wasn't good for me to get particularly close to people anyway.

"You should head over to the office, you're new right, so they should give you your timetable and direct you to your classroom." I spoke to her before heading away and towards the roof of the school. I normally stayed up there because of the lack of people going there.

I just hoped for her sake that no one had seen me with her. Yet my hopes were in vain as I saw the school's popular group head over to her.

They consisted of only girls. Girls with rather revealing clothing and slutty behahavoirs. All that group ever did was get people who were with me to completely despise me. The new girl seemed okay aswell, shame she would soon hate my guts like the rest of them.

Alexs POV

The group of girls strutted towards me and mg like they owned the place and I could berely stop myself from rolling my eyes. They were like an army of barbie dolls.

Mg gulped and I looked at her confused. What did the world like hate her or something? She gave me a look that said this is your big chance dont mess it up. Huh was she scared of barbie or something (I had been when I was 4 but come on I walked in on my mom watching child play.)

When they reached us the sluttish girl that looked like the leader gave me a smile that I saw right through. She wore a totally see through blouse and a very very short skirt.

"Hey why havent I seen you arounde here before?" she asked me in a fake cheery voice. Yep definatly a cheerleader and prom queen.

"Im Alex Im new" I replied putting a smile into place. "Oh your new that explain why your hanging out with the trash" she gestered to mg with a disgusted look on her face.

"Im not sure what you mean" I say in my own fake cheery voice. "You mean you havent heard the stories yet?" she asked in fake surpise. "Come with me I'll explain" she said gestering me ot follow her.

I look at mg and she again pleads with her eyes they say go on go with them. I shrug and follow behind the barbies and look back to mg but shes already gone..

Alices POV

That's another one gone, seriously those girls need to stop trash talking me every second they get. Then again, I reminded myself, this year it wasn't going to be that simple. I was going to fight back just like I had said.

I guessed I should head to homeroom. It wasn't long until lessons would start and it would be strange for people to see me in school if I didn't turn up.

I sighed and made my way to the main school building. It wouldn't be long until everything was going to start again.

I would take my seat in class and everyone in the nearby seats would screech and stand up. Claiming I had tried to harm them in some way. Yet again I sighed as I remembered all the events that had happened before now.

I almost walked into a boy as I made my way through the maze-like corridors. Unlike anyone else would, he didn't throw insults my way before barging past me. He smirked and walked right up to me before whispering into my ear.

"Well well Hangel, you sure do know how to get yourself into trouble don't you."

That was when I realised it. This boy was Azazel, only that he had changed his form into that of a human's. I sent him a confused look only for him to roll his eyes.

Then without warning he grabbed my hand and started dragging me off to god knows where. Or in his case, devil knows where.

Alexs POV

"You know that girl back there was Alice Xdaak" said the leader. "Erm yeh thats her name so?" I ask hoping to find out something about the girl.

"Well" said the leader lowering her voice "shes been court doing horrible things like last year she got into a knife fight and killed Mary anne Hill I mean sophie and aggie saw it" she said and her clones nodded.

"Shes be court praying to satan shes like inhumans" said the leader and I imdiatly thought of the car accident. Huh is that why everyone hated her so much because she believed in some weird things and she just killed someone... Wait crap she killed someone!!!!

"Wait she killed someone" I asked horrified. How could she she didnt seem like the type but then again no one ever seeming like the type.

"Erm thank you for telling me this" I said in a nonfake uncertain voice."Hey you know we dont normally do this but do you wanna hang out with us?" asked the leader. "Oh Im Ashley by the way".

Just then the bell rung saving me from the barbie clones and Ashley. "Sorry I gotta get to homeroom" I said while backing up. "Okay bye" waved Ashley and her clones as they walked in the opposite direction that I was going in.

Thank god I thought as I walked in the directions of my homeroom. I did my best to keep my head down and lye low. That is until I bumped into someone "Im so sorry" I say picking up their books. "No probelm it was my fault" said a femiliar voice. I looked up and gasped as I looked into the eyes of him.....

Alices POV

Azazel had brought me to the roof. It was abandoned as usual, but then again, the bell had already gone so most people were already in homeroom.

"So what is it you brought me here for" I asked while staring coldy at him.

"My superiors are getting impatient, you haven't answered their calls" He replied with a blank expression on his face.

That confused me. What calls? What in the world was going on here? "I guess they have been getting in the way after all then, judging by your confused expression"

Everything he said just made me more and more confused. He merely stepped towards me and handed me a knife. Yes a knife. It had a handle made from bone and small skulls were carved into it. The skulls had red eyes that were probably made from rubies.

As for the blade, it had not even a single bit of rust to be seen. It was a silver colour and reflected perfectly. It's edge was jagged but it somehow suited the style of knife.

"Why are you-" He cut me off by placing a hand over my mouth.

"Just take it and let's go. Homeroom has already started and you don't wanna miss it do you?" He joked as he started to pull me back into the building. "We're in the same homeroom and most other classes you know"

It was only as we ran along the corridors that I really payed any attention to his human form. He had darkish blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He had a slightly tanned complexion that went well with his style.

He wore baggy clothes and had headphones hanging round his neck. I guessed the girls would fan over him as soon as we got to homeroom. Oh how little they knew.

Alexs POV

I looked up into his beautiful face. His eyes were a deep brown and his hair a pale blond almost white he smiled at me as I gasped at the very sight of him.

"Hello Alexandra Ive been waiting for you" he said in a heavenly voice."Im sorry one question who are you?" I said not looking into his eyes in case I got lost in them again.

"Im sorry Im Michel Michel Spean" he said holding out his hand for me to shake. I take it and shake it risking a glance at his beautiful eyes again. Big mistake I found myself not able to look away.

He chuckled and I looked away again embrassed at what I might do next. Suddenly I think back to when I bumped into him and what he had said. Huh did I imagetion him saying that like I had been with a lot of other things.

I looked up ready to ask him my question but he was gone. Hey what was it with disappering around here? Oh well I thought as I entered my homeroom.

There were loads of kids obvisiously and they were all kind of sitting in groups. There was a group that was in the corner whiched I guessed were goths. In the middle of the class there were a buch of boys and girls smooching.

Huh your very secretive I thought sarcasticaly as I continued looking around the room for anyone that looked the littlest bit decent and I spotted Alice with a boy who had blond shaggy hair and blue eyes but not like the ones I had.

His were cold with an almost evil look to them. The boy she sat with was the only one in the room not glaring at her or whispering to others about her.

Huh what the heck I thought as I made my way over to them.The Rooms eyes removed themselves from Alice and placed themselves on me. Everyone was staring including Alice and the boy as I slipped into the seat next to them.

"Take a picture it will last longer" I said glaring at them. Finally they looked away elobing into whispers.

"Hey so this is your homeroom no offense but it looks like a dump I mean how rude are some of the people here" I said loudly laughing as I watched the others faces.

I had changed my mind I was going to like it here.

Alices POV

Is it me or is this girl stalking me? Well it's either that or just a massive coincidence. But to think she sat with me even after she had heard my story from the pg (popular group).

I looked other to Azaz-I mean Jack. That was what I was told to call him while we were in school. It was true, it would be a bit weird for some kid to come in with the same name as a legendary demon.

"Soooo" Aza-Jack said trying to break the awkward silence "Why did you choose to sit with us Ale-" He cut himself off by covering his mouth.

"How do you know my name?" This Alex girl asked with a hint of wariness but mainly curiosity.

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you" I answered before Jack could even open his demonic mouth. I saw Alex was about to question us again when our homeroom teacher walked into the room.

"Well hello class, it's good to see you ready for a new year yet again" Half the class groaned to themselves yet he ignored it "I realise we have two new students joining today. Would you like to come to the front?"

It was more of an order than a question. Jack and Alex made their way to the front and stood next to the teacher. I found it slightly amusing that Aza-Jack was just taller than teacher. And people thought he was just slightly taller than others. Oh how little they knew.

"Hey, my name's Jack Raos" he added a wink for effect making some of the girls swoon. I just rolled my eyes.

"My name's Alex Carter, nice to meet you all" The boys slightly smirked to each other while taking a good look at her. Yet again I rolled my eyes.

They both sat back down next to me but something caught my attention about this Alex Carter. Something seemed different about her than everyone else. It was something I just couldn't put my finger on.

Alexs POV

Alice continued to stare at me and I grew more uneasy by the second. Just then a boy came up to us a jock I guess with his perfect looks and buff body.

But he had an aroggent look his face that made me have to force myself not to eyeroll. "Hey Im Dan your Alex thats Jack and thats the freak neither of you should be hanging out with" He said with a look of digust replacing his aroggent one.

Alice looked bored Jack looked I dont know expressionless while I was damnright mad. "Look Dan unless you want to tell us anything useful then I think you should go back to where yoou came from" Said Alice in a bored tone.

"None of us care what you think freak" He partically hissed. Something was wrong with this guy I could tell there was something about him that made me want to attack him huh or maybe it was just the anger I was suddenly had.

"Hey punk heres what I think I think you better shut the hell up" Said someone and then I relised that I had said it. Ut oh Im in trouble....

Alices POV

Woah...Did Alex really just say that. She has some guts. I saw Dan clenching his fists, not good.

"Why you..." He threw a punch at her and my first reaction was to get in the way. I caught his fist and held it firmly. Maybe a little too firmly as I heard a small snap coming straight from his hand. Ooops...

He pulled his hand from mine and screamed out in pain. "Get over it Dan everyone breaks a bone at some point in their lives" I heard Jack state as he slightly snickered to himself.

I saw a few of Dan's fangirls coming over to our table and sighed. This was just getting more and more annoying.

"How could you you freak you hurt Dan!" One of them half shouted in my face. The others just nodded in agreement.

I was about to explain he was asking for it when I felt myself get pulled back and onto something. It was Jack pulling me back onto his lap...Just great.

"Sorry girls but if you do anything to my

Alice then I'm afraid I won't stand for it" I felt my face heat up a bit and tried to squirm out of his grip. A failed attempt.

I saw some of the other girls in the class give disappointed looks. They were probably thinking something along the lines of 'No! Another hot guy joins and he's been taken by the freak girl. Life just isn't fair!'

They reasured my guess when one of them said the exact words out loud.

Alex POV

Hey great day Ive been here for what 5 minutes ans have already made some enemys. Still at least I had made some friends no matter how many people told me they were the wrong kind.

I really liked Alice she was well different. So was Jack and I didnt know how but I sort of felt like I had a connection with them.

The jocks kept staring at me with mixs of confusion and lust on their faces plainly insight. I smirked and then I gave them my famous million watt smile teasing them.

I couldnt get my mind of Micheal and kept thinking of him and his big brown eyes that I had twice gotten lost in. As if on que he walked into the room and surpisingly none of the other students looked up from what they were doing.

He saw me and flashed the most beautiful smile and then well...then he saw me sitting with Jack and Alice. He hissed at them and everyone looked up. He motioned me to come over to him and when I shook my head and mouthed the word 'talking' to him he frowned and went to sit with the....oh no

He went to sit with the jocks. Damn it I bet hes a jerk just like they are though Im was no postion to judge since one of my two new friends were rumored to be a killer.

He kept staring at me while we started talking about things like bands. We all had alot in common and I really liked them.

Soon enough they noticed Micheals staring and Alice asked me "Hey whats up with you and him?" she asked well I say asked but it was much more of a hiss. God what was up with Alice and Micheal (who I was now calling micky).

"Oh nothing" I said quickly. For some reason I knew I shouldnt have told them about Micky. The both stared at me their eyes narrowed. But just then the bell rang saving me from their questioning.

I jumped out of my seat and thought haha freedom as I rushed out of the door. Or so I thought as a set of hands grabbed me....

Alices POV

As soon as the bell signalising the end of homeroom sounded, Alex jumped from her seat and straight towards the door when that Micheal guy, or whatever his name was, grabbed her and stopped her.

Before even giving her a chance to turn around he spoke "why are you hanging around with her


I don't know what but something about him just made me annoyed. And from the look on Alex's face when she turned around, I could tell she had it too.

"I don't see why it's any of your business Micky" She gave a comeback after a few seconds and half glared at him. I had to admit, I just felt like punching that guy sometimes, he was just a pretentious idiot. Even more than the rest of them.

He seemed slightly taken aback by her cold tone of voice. He looked like he wasn't going to answer so she took this chance to turn and swiftly make her way out of the room.

After a few moments, he and his gang exited the room and I couldn't help but snicker to myself. Me and Jack had our next lesson in the same room as homeroom so we just stayed there.

I was about to say something when I heard a thumping sound. I turned round to see Jack with is head on the desk, shaking slightly. Then without warning he shot his head back up and half ran up to me.

"Something's come up..." He grabbed me by the shoulders firmly. "My superiors want to see you..."

Alexs POV

How dare he he has no right to question who I sit with no matter how charming he is. I continued walking towards the door that was my English class when yet other set of hands grabbed me.

God seriously I thought as I turned round.It was another jock. Huh? What was it with these people and grabbing me. "Hi Im Josh your Alex and I saw what you said to Dan" he said and I waited ready to duck when he went to punch me. Surpisingly he didnt instead he smiled.

"That was pretty brave of you to stand up for Alice but I dont think you or your kind should be hanging out with her its pretty dangerous."

Hey I noticed he called Alice by her name which got him brownie points but what was he talking about my kind? Deciding to speak my confusion aloud a said "What do you mean my kind?".

"Oh I think you know exactly what I mean Alex I bet the change has already started" he said sizing me up. "I dont know what change your talking about" I said while having difficulty keeping my voice low.

"The blood the speed the streight the night vision Alex thats what change Im talking about" He said staring at me intently as he let what he had said sink in.

Oh god thats it the blood I hadnt thought about it since last night but now that I had I found myself unable to look away from Joshs neck. "Oh god what it happening to me?" I asked though I was sure I wouldnt like the answer.

Never before had I been so scared in my life and now that I had I found myself directing all of the anger I had for this fear right at Josh.

"Stay away from me Josh" I said while pushing pasted him and going into my english class. I tried forget about what he had said about how he had know so much about me but I found I couldnt I just couldnt......

Alices POV

Huh. His superiors wanted to see me? But hadn't he told me a long time ago that no one ever saw them. Except for a select few powerful ones, they only ever recieved messages to send. But never saw them.

"I'll be coming with you but I'm not even sure what's going on here" His face was deadly serious and as I took everything in I felt slightly queasy.

"I don't think you'll have a problem with skipping classes, right Hangel" He spoke with a small smile as if he was trying to reasure me it was all fine.
He offered his hand to me and I took it. Then we just disappeared from the room and appeared at the place I never thought I would have to go to yet. Hell.

Azazel was still in his human form as he led me through the blood-stained streets. Other demons stared at us and we went. Some gave looks of disgust towards me while others bowed their heads in respect. It was strange yet I went along with it.

"Here we are" He said as we reached a large black castle like building. It was made from bone and blood was splattered in some places.

The halls were much more horrible than the outside as corpses hung from the walls with their skin ripped from their bodies. A few of them were even still alive and screamed out in pain as we passed by them.

We took a left then walked into a room. There were seven thrones on the far end of the room and in each was seated one of the seven hells. Pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust. Then there was a throne larger than the others and was probably for the ruler of all of them. It lay empty and it seemed to have been that way for a while.

"Now then, Alice Xdaak. I think it's time for you to learn why you are here"

Alexs POV

English passed pretty quickly as did the other lessons and faster than I thought possible the bell rang indercating that there was one more lesson till I could go home to freedom.

I hadnt seen Jack or Alice all day but I had unfornatly seen Micky and Josh as they were in all my classes damn it!

I walked into history and sat down into one of the many empty seats. As Micky entered the room with the rest of the douche bag jocks I put my rucksack on the chair next to me expressing that he was not welcome to sit with me.

He saw this and frowned angrily at me as if to say why would you do that huh? Well buddie I did it so you and your thick as bricks friends cant come sit with me I thought as I glared right back at hm.

Just then in marched a girl with glasses carrying loads of books and having difficulty walking with them which I think was because they were pratically bigger then her.

"Sorry Im late woah" she said as she "fell over". I said "fell over" because one of the jocks tripped her on purposed.

Anger washed over me and I found myself gritting my teeth. They looked at me exceptingly as if they could smell the anger coming off of me.

Huh so that was how they wanted to play it then was it? I thought as I walked over to them. All I could think of was wiping those surperor looks off of their faces.

I walked straight over to the guy who had tripped the girl. I looked up at him he was like ten times bigger than me but I wasnt going to let that imtimdate me.

"Douche" I said to him as I slapped him right across the face. I hadnt relised I hit him that hard but when I saw the red mark on his cheek my hand had left I knew there was going to be a bruise.

Well serves him right picking on girls that cant defend themselves. I started to walk over to the girl when a hand caught my wrist. I growled as I swerved round to see who grabbed me.

I found myself facing fermiliar brown eyes tat were no longer soft but hard and cold. "Say sorry to Chris" He said not letting go of my wrist.

Oh Chris so thats what the jerk was called but hey there was no way I was saying sorry to him. "Make me punk" I said to Micky.

His eyes reflected more anger as I felt him trying to enter my mind. Fuck off douche I sent out and all of the jocks fell to the floor.

Huh what the hell I thought as I stepped round the and went over to help the girl. I looked at her as I helped her up.

"Hi Im Alex whats your name?" I asked her. "Mary" she said shyly as she looked at me. I looked into her eyes and relised that we would become great friends....

Alices POV

I was confused. They had told me so much and I was still taking it in.

"Any questions?" I heard one of them speak. I couldn't tell the difference between their voices. All of them made the same bone chilling sound.

"Just one" I said quietly "If all you said is true, then does that mean I have the power to command both those armies?"

"That is correct. They may think it is wrong to have you command them because of what you are but they do respect you. And they shall follow you wherever you go. All you need to do is call them"

Woah. To think that I could do all that...

"I think it's time for us to go would be strange for us to just disappear completely for an entire day" Azazel commented from the side.

With a nod from the throned 'people', we teleported back to the human world. I felt that queasy felling in my stomach again just as the bell signalising the end of school sounded.

I wondered if I would see that Alex again. Now that I knew what she really was, I would be able to understand her slightly better. Then again I shouldn't mention it to her seeing as she didn't know herself.

I felt my lips form a smile as I thought about what was to come this year. "This should be fun" I thought as Jack came up behind me.

Alexs POV

The bell rang after what seemed like five minutes. I had fun talking to Mary while still keeping an eye on Micky and the jocks.

They stared at me all through history and though I simply smirked at them I became more and more uneasy under their glances. I again felt myself unable to look away from everyones necks.

I ran out of the class quickly and desperate to escape the sweet smell of blood. I ran until I heard foot steps behind me.

I turned quickly which caused the person follow to wack into me. Not felling their body hit mine I snarled. Woah did I just snarl I thought as I felt a piercing pain in my gums.

I quickly got off the floor while holding my jaw. Looked down to find Micheal (yes when Im serious Im gonna call him Micheal) rubbing his head.

"God Alex you have a hard ribcage" he exclaimed. "Why were you following me?" I ask deciding to cut to the chase.

"I saw you struggling with your blood lust and well" he trailed off. "How do you know about my blood lust or whatever its called?" I asked confused.

"Im also here to explain to your becoming" he said. Hurrah finally someone who could give me the answers I wanted."Okay shoot" I said.

He stared at me confused. "Shoot?" he asked confused. "It means go moron" I said impaitently. "We need to go somewhere more private" he explained.

"Okay where do you have in mind?" I asked....

Alices POV

Jack passed me some sort of gem. It was the stereotypical gem shape and was white and black. It was mostly black with white cloud like shapes moving around on it. Yet the colours kept switching places.

"It's from them

" He said plainly before sighing slightly. "I always knew you were different but I never thought you were-" I cut him off by placing my hand over his mouth and putting a finger over mine.

"You never know who's listening, after all the walls have ears" I said clearly with a small smile on my face.

It was just then that the gem started glowing. For some reason I felt I needed to hide somewhere.

"Az, hide now" I said to him. I had just decided that that was what I was going to call him when no one else was around.

We both hid into the shadows and he used some of his powers to make us unseen. That was when they came up to the roof where we were. When Alex and Micheal came here.

??? POV

I walked up to the mansion like house that I used to call home. Even with my critical injuries, I could move well swiftly make my way inside.

The downstairs looked like it hadn't been touched in years while the upstairs had obviously been used recently.

I smirked to myself as I remembered the past, before disappearing into nothing.

Alex POV

Huh the roof pretty cool I thought as he leaned against the door blocking the exit. I tensed up and as he saw me do so he gave me a sorry smile and moved away from the door.

"Im sorry I just" I cut him off by placing my finger over my lips. He looked at me confused but kept quiet as I strolled towards the corner of the roof.

I could sence something up here with us a presence. I dont know why but when I reached the corner I imagined pulling a cloak off of someone. Then before me appeared Jack and Alice with shocked looks on their faces.

I smiled smugly and looked back at Micky who was shaking with anger. "What are you doing here are you here to spy on us Demons" he partically spat out.

I for one didnt have a clue as to what he was talking about and stared stupidly back and forth between the so called demons and Micheal.

"It is none of you business what we are doing up here mutt" spat back Jack. I could see all of them tensing up and they looked ready for a fight so I sprang between them.

"Hey dudes no offense and all but can you go away so Micky can continue" I said watching them both. Jack burst out laughing "You nicknamed him Micky really Alex really?" he asked through gasps for air and more laughter.

"Hey Jacky boy dont get Micky mad" I said and Micheal started cracking up. "Okay Alex we will go for now" Jack said and just like that him and Alice had left the roof to go donwstairs.

"Soo where were we?"

Alices POV

I could see Az was annoyed but seriously. Anyone who would have seen that would have thought he had more anger mangagement issues than me. And they would be dead wrong.

I decided to try out the so called limitless power I possessed. Telepathicly I sent that 'Micky' a message. 'I'm only half demon you pretentious idiot, seriously you need to check your facts before you state them.'

I checked the gem and it was back to its normal state. So i guessed it glowed when I had to do something or was in some kind of danger.

"What are you doing here!" Az half spat hlf shouted out suddenly. It surprised me but made me turn around quickly. The gem wasn't glowing so it wasn't dangerous...

There was a man behind me and he somehow, without physically glowing, radiated a bright glow. Something told me that this guy was an angel. I didn't know how I knew it just came to me.

He walked right past me and right to Az. "So I see the demons got to you first huh..." His voice was warm even if he was making in seem cold. He punched Az round the face and instead of slamming into the wall from the force. He just disappeared into thin air leaving me alone with the angel.

"Now then..." He turned to me just as the gem started to glow "It's time for you to come with me..."

Alex POV

"Huh a vampire are crazy?" I shreiked what the hell is this dude talking about I couldnt be a vampire for many reasons.

Like I didnt sparkle in the sun I hadnt been bitten by a vampire and there was no such thing!!!

"Stup up the angels might hear you" he said urgently. Yup this guy is a complete wacko next thing you know he will be talking about Caspar the friendly ghost being real.

"Oh sure we wouldnt want that" I said my voice leaking with sarcasim. "This is serious Alexandra" he said. "Oh and I dont suppose your a elf or a fairy then" I smirked at my own remark.

"As a matter of fact Im a werewolf" he said puffing out his chest. "Alright wolfman prove it" I said while smiling.

"Okay but remember you asked for it" he said and then I heard the sound of bones cracking inside of him. I looked away for about five seconds and then when I looked back there stood before me a chestnut wolf with the same brown eyes as Micky.

My first thought was get the heck out of there but I pushed it away. "Micheal is thta you?" I asked while surpisingly keeping the shaking out of my voice.

The wolf nodded and I gasped. "Okay I believe you Micheal just please change back" I said and the wolf that was Micheal nodded.

I turned and heard bones cracking again when Micheal called out he was done. I turn and there stood before me human Micheal with a smug look on his face.

"Okay so Im a.." I trailed off not being able to say the word. He nodded getting what I had said. "So can I ask you a few questions about you know" I gulped and he nodded.

"Sunlight" I asked uncertain.
"Myth" he replied
"Bat turning"

Huh I thought and then I heard a scream. Rushing out the door with speed I didnt know I had I headed towards the scream".

I found the owner of the scream Alice was fighting a sort of deforned bird with white wings. As soon as it noticed me it knocked Alice over and came striding over to me.

"Daughter of Markus you must come with me" It said. WTF I thought as I took a step back with every step it took forwards.

"As much as that sounds temting bird brain no thanks" I said with a fake smile on my face. "This isnt opition sweetie" A voice said behind me and suddenly I faded into blackness.

Alices POV

I woke up in some sort of cage. My hands were chained to each other behind my back and they were draining my strength. I felt slightly queasy again and tried to stand up, only to fail.

I saw Alex. She was not it the cage I was. She was tied up to a wooden post in the middle of the room while I was at the side. She had not woken up yet.

I heard a groan from the cage next to me which I thought had been empty. I looked towards it and saw...

"Az!" I half shouted. Not wanting anyone else to hear her other than him.

He slooked over to me and his eyes widened. He looked completely shocked at something.

"What happened to you.." He said quietly yet I still heard it. I was confused until I looked at myself.

I had cuts and bruises everywhere on me. There was a large wound on the right side of my stomach and another to the left side of my forehead. You could almost see the bone on my hands. It was as if the flesh had been worn away.

I felt someting on my back and saw that my wings were out. As always they were strange. One white, feathered angel wing and the other a red demon wing. I also had the stereotypical demon tail.

My angel wing was covered in blood and the demon wing tattered and had holes in it. Even with my healing powers, these wounds would take forever to heal.

It was then that I heard Alex stir and start to awaken.

Alex POV

I woke on some kind of post it was wooden. It felt like I was tied up to a burning hot iron and every time I moved it hurt like hell.

"Alex!" said a fermilar voice. I looked down and saw Alice trapped in a cage. I gasped as I looked her over.

She had two wings one and while one was white the other was red and..oh my god she had a tail!!!!!!

Next to her I saw a another cage that contained Jack. He also had wings but his were only red. They both looked on the verge of death and suddenly I felt furious at whoever had done this.

I struggled more and more getting angier by the second. Suddenly I had this pain in my back and I felt something slice through me.

I screamed in agerny and both Jack and Alice looked at me in amazement. Huh what are they staring at I thought as I looked behind me.

Coming out of my back and each going round the pole were two huge feathered black wings. My eyes went huge as my wings started flapping.

"Hello demon" Nodded the angel that had taken us to Jack in disgust."Hangel" he nodded to Alice."And Alexandra" his eyes went to me and they grew a little wider but other then that he showed no signs of surpise.

I suddenly thought of Micheal. "Wheres Micheal" I asked in the bravest voice I could. He smiled "Oh you mean the mutt Ive had some of my people take care of him".

I growled and bered my fangs at him. Woah I have fangs cool! He merely laughed at my growl and walked over to me.

"Just like your farther you pity lower undead" he said and I spat at him in disgust. He laughed "And also agress like your farther".

"What do you want angel?" I asked through clenched teeth."Simple really I want the to most powerful creatures in excistence on my side" he gestered to us.

Well didnt really surpect that but then again who would....

Alices POV

This couldn't be real could it? What had happened to our reality? Weren't angels meant to be the good guys and demons the bad? What was happening now was the complete opposite.

"So you want their power huh?" I heard a voice from above and looked towards it. And there he stood. Atop my cage. The same boy from my vision.

He disappeared and appeared right next to me. "Well I'm afraid you came too early. My little sister's power hasn't quite awakened yet. And I could say the same for the other two."

He lifted me from my feet and we suddenly appeared next to Az. He lifted Az up aswell and then went over to Alex.

"Miss Alexandra, can you manage to come without me carrying you?" He asked politely with a warm smile on his face.

She merely nodded as an explosion burst the roof open. "Get 'em outta here Sho!" A voice called from up above"

I'm not sure what happened next. All I remember happening was a sudden pain in my back and Az screaming to me. After that I blacked out...

Alexs POV

The angel held a knife at Alice throat and Jack had to hold back the boy that looked like Alice from charging.

"What you gonna do now Lucas" asked the angel. Lucas went red and continued fighting Jack. "Look dude Im really not in the mood can we do this tommorrow I mean its my first day of school and I get captered by an angel find out Im a vampire that my new best friend is a half angel half demon my stuck up kinda friend is a werewolf and I got a feeling theres more to come so please can we sort this later" I said dead serious.

Suddenly the angel burst out laughing.WTF how is that funny! Oh well just gonna go with it. "Okay I'll make you a deal with you a trade if you will" said the angel when he finally managed to stop laughing.

"What kind of trade?" I asked my eyes narrowed. "You for Alice" he said as he smiled an evil smile. Everyone looked at me and I gulped. How was I supposed to make that kind of decision.

"I'll do it" I said before I knew it. The angels smile widened. "Then we have a deal" he said and before I knew it I was being taken away from everyone and everything as they diappeared until it was just me and the angel.

"Whats your name?" I asked him. "Damien" he said and from that moment I knew I would fear the name forever....

Alices POV

I woke up in a white room. Everything in there was the colour white except for me. I tried to remember how I got there and what had happened before then but all I came up with was nothing. I couldn't even remember who I was.

It felt like I was safe, yet at the same time in constant danger. Nothing was possible, yet anything could happen. I just felt confused with all the mixed feelings I had.

"Ah, you're awake" I heard a calm voice from behind me as an automatic door slid open. Looking behind me I saw a man with a smile across his face that radiated some sort of glow.

He saw my confused look and beckoned me over to him. I cautiously came over and he lifted his hand. He then tapped my forehead with two fingers and a mysterious glow came over me. I felt myself change in some way yet I couldn't quite tell what it was.

A marking appeared on my forehead that was a skull with angel wings. I soon recognised the feeling that was overcoming me. It was happiness. Or was it fear?

He removed his fingers from my forehead and offered out his hand. I took it without question and he smiled again before hugging me. I felt like I needed to be with this strange brown-haired man. Yet something told me to stay away.

I just pushed away all negative feelings and followed him out of the room.

Alex POV

"Well Damien are we just gonna stand here like lemons or what?" I asked impatiently. "Your so like your" he said before I cut him off.

"If you say father be prepared for me to rip your head off" I said angry. "Okay okay just wait another minute until my boss gets here" he said laughing at my head comment as if it was a joke. Believe me it wasnt.

Just then in came a beautiful blond angel with blue sparkling eyes not as pale as mine. I wasnt impressed and you could tell by the look on my face. I guessed this was Damiens boss.

"Hello Alexandra and" he looked confused for a moment as he looked around the room for Alice. Hahaha sucker his expression changed from confusion to anger and he glared at Damien.

Ooh someones in trouble I thought as big boss man yelled at Damien "Where is Alice?". Damien shuddered and leaned away from his boss.

"Im sorry sir Lucas came with his army to get them and if I had not traded Alice for Alexandra there wouldnt be ever of them here so I" "you traded for the most powerful one" finished the boss and Damien nodded nevorsly.

"No matter Damien you have done well" he said as he turned his ead towards me. "Now my dear where were we" he said while shooing Damien from the room.

Oh great now Im alone with him things just cant get any better now can they.....

Alices POV

The man from before was named Jamie and he quickly became my best friend. He kept muttering things like 'almost time' or 'getting closer now' yet I pushed away the negative feelings again.

"Alice" I heard him speak softly as he came up behind me. "It's time, follow me"

He offered out his hand and I took it gladly. For a moment it seemed like he reminded me of someone but the feeling soon disappeared.

He led me through many corridors and hallways before going into a large room. Just as we walked in, the scenery changed and we appeared at some sort of town. The people there saw me and bowed their heads in respect and a few of them smiled warmly.

Something told me it was different to what I should expect. Yet how could that be when I had never been here before?

"We shall be staying here for a while so make yourself at home" Jamie spoke softly and calmly towards me. He smiled as I looked to him and I returned the smile.

He then led me through the streets towards a mansion that was obviously for those with a lot of cash to spare.

I smiled at Jamie again before entering the mansion. As I walked up the stairs I almost crashed into someone. Looking up I saw...Az? Hang on. Who was this guy and how the hell did I know his name?

Alex POV

"So you think Im gonna help you in a war?" I snorted no way hosay. "Oh but Alexandra I think you will with a little perswading" said boss man.

"What kind of perswading?" I asked confused and slightly scared not that I showed any fear. "Are you thristy yet? Well come a few days and youll be starving for blood and then you will be most agreeable" he smirked.

Again I had forgotten about the need for blood until he had mentioned it as Micheal had. "Wheres Micheal?" I asked hoping that he was safe like the others and unlike me.

"The mutt yes he is free my employe kept to his deal" he said and I sighed in relief. I hadnt relised how much I cared about him until I knew he was safe and some kind of wait lifted itself off my chest.

"For now you will remain in your room until you agree to our terms" he said and he clapped his hands. Then in walked some huge and I mean huge angel guards."This is Ben and Jerry" he said gestering to them.

I burst out laughing (Dont question my weirdness) and they all just stared at me. "What dont you get it Ben and Jerry like the icecream?" I asked between laughter.

The looked at each and I didnt need to be a mind reader to know what they were thinking. They were thinking Woah this chick is weird.

"What dont you know what icecream is?" I asked in confusion along with the rest of them. They shook their heads and I gasped. Weirdos how can they not know what icecream is?

Maybe thats why angels are so grumpy because they havent tasted gods food creation. "You guys have to try it" I said and I turned to glare at boss man.

"How dare you deprive these guys of Ben and Jerrys you should be ashamed" I said completely serious. I get worked up by little things that people find meaningless.

And with that I linked arms with Ben and Jerry and I held my head high as they led me out of the door. If I was gonna suffer Id suffer the Alex Carter way........

Alices POV

This guy looked at me with wide eyes. "Alice? Is that really you?" He brought a hand to my shoulder as if checking I wouldn't fade away.

I knocked his hand away. "Who the hell are you? And how do you know my name?" He looked slightly hurt and it pained me inside but why should I care. I didn't even know this guy. So why did I feel this way?

??? POV

I just felt pained as I watched the events through my power. We had selfishly left when we found out what was going on and had unknowingly left a massive burden on these kids.

"How much longer are we just going to sit by and watch them fall into despair from this illusion filled world!?" I felt tears welling up in my eyes just mentioning it.

He came over to me and caressed my cheeck softly. "Everything will be fine, we shall go back there soon. But for now we will let them sort out their problems on their own. They're strong kids. I'm sure they'll pull through."

He was right. I was just worrying too much. I would never had thought it would end up like this. The old strong me turning into someone who worried over the strongest things. But wasn't worrying the thing that mothers did.

Alexs POV

I sat in the plain white room as I had for a few hours. My thrist was already killing me and I didnt know how much longer I could stand without blood.

I hugged my knees pulling them up close to me just as I saw a camera in the corner of the room that had pointed itself at me.

Anger took the place of fear inside of me as I walked over to the camera.I made some very rude hand gesters at it before pulling it from the wall and stomping on it.

"Take that you oversized fairies" I yelled though panting. I heard laughter from the other side of the wall and my anger grew once again.

My wings that had come through earylier suddenly came through my back again but I managed not to scream as the pain came racing through my body.

I ignored it because I was just that mad. I slamed the door with all my might and as the door burst open I found myself falling on Ben and Jerry.

"Sorry guys but remember ask the boss man for icecream see ya" I said as I got up and walked past them smiling as they groaned.

I walked through the corridor ignoring the people staring in amazement at my true form. As I walked I stopped by a mirror.

My wings were the same but I had grown fangs and my eyes were black. And when I say black I mean pitch black. I gasped at the mirror.

Not so much at my reflection but what I had seen in the corner of the mirror. I had seen a pair of emerald eyes staring at me in the mirror.

??? POV

We teleported to the place where everything had started. And would restart again. This was just the beginning of the end for us. And soon it would be time for us to reveal ourselves.

As I saw the oh-so-familiar gate of that

place I couldn't help but gulp. This would be dangerous but if everyone pulled through, it would be worth it.

We entered slowly and I took in the musty smell. As we walked further in, we began to pass the prison cells of those

people. They walked up to the bars of their calls as we walked through. Their questioning stares made me shiver slightly.

"Listen to us. You all know who we are so there's no need for introductions. We'll just get straight to the point. We need you guys to help us. For there is a war starting. It's between angels and demons yet other creatures such as you guys will get dragged into the mess aswell. So you must choose a side right now. Choose wisely because if you choose wrongly we will kill you right here and now"

One of them smirked before giving his reply "We know what has been going on and we know what side to pick. We disagree with what the angels are doing so we pick demons" All of the others nodded in agreement.

I smiled slightly. Now it was time to get everything started. For the beginning of the end was only just coming into view.

Alex POV

I turned away from the mirror only to walk into a form and a huge form at that. Unable to hold onto my thrist I bit down into the persons shoulder.

The form started scream and soon enough a set of hands grabbed me and tried to pull me off the person. I was in heaven as the blood filled my mouth.

This was much better then the animal blood I had had before and I found myself unable to stop drinking the persons blood.

Finally the hands pulled me off of the person who I saw was Damien. Ha Damien suck on that or rather let me suck on that.

I felt strong as if I could take on the world as I stood up only to find someone knock me down again. Oh no they didnt I thought as I went to stand up again but found I couldnt.

I looked up and saw what I guessed was demons fighting the angels. Fighting in heaven huh never heard of that before.

I turned round to see the most beautiful demon holding me down. He was a different kind of beauty compaired to Micheal.

He had chestnut hair and the same emerald green eyes as the person in the mirror. He smiled the most beautiful smile and I couldnt stop myself from smiling back.

Suddenly before I could stop it a fist came towards me hitting me square in the forehead and as it had many times before blackness took me for its own......

??? POV

"You picked right" I said to them, regaining my endless courage I thought I had lost years ago. We unlocked the cells and were about to leave when one of them spoke.

"I have just one question. Why are you, an angel, on the side of the demons?" The question was not directed at me so I stayed silent.

"I'm just the same as you CMs. I disagree with the way the angels are doing things." He answered casually. With that, we disappeared. Leaving them to choose where they wanted to go.

Alices POV

I ran from the mansion place as fast as my legs would let me. This was scaring me slightly. How did this guy know me? And how did I know him?

"Alice, wait!" I heard him call after me but I kept running. Running throught the streets I almost collided with a group of boys. That was when I had an idea.

I ran up to the boys. "Excuse me, there's someone chasing me. Can you please stop him from following me?" I asked politely.

They smiled and replied with a nod before I ran off again. Looking back I saw them blocking the way. Maybe now I could get away.

"Alice!" Woah! How did he get in front of me like that. What was he? That was when two other people appeared just behind him. People who looked just like me...

Alexs POV

I woke with a start as I felt something poke me. "Hey if its Ben or Jerry Im not gonna talk to your boss about getting you icecream and then youll have to stay grumpy" I said not bothering to open my eyes.

The person poked me again and I opened one eye. I saw a guy with fire red hair and piercing green eyes that seemed to hold my blue ones.

"Morning sunshine" he said chuckling at the expression on my face. "Who are you? Where the fuck am I?" I asked annoyed and crancky since Im really not a morning person.

"Im James Im a fire demon and you are in hell right now" he said as he watched me take everything that he said in.

I looked round the room and saw nothing in it I could use in it as a weapon. It looked well.....normal. I was expecting it to look a bit more evil.

"Great now Im being taken prisoner by demons whats next taken hostige by elfs?" I asked my voice dripping with sarcasem.

Ignoring my remark he said "My superiors want to see you". Oh great I thought as I got up off of the bed Im in hell and the devil and his friends want to meet me.

Great first day just great......

Alices POV

"So people keep appearing outta nowhere. What's next? The devil's gonna be a great guy?" I asked sarcasticly

"The devil's dead..." The woman spoke quickly and slightly harshly. "I should know, he's my father."

Huh. So this woman is the heir to the throne of hell. Somehow that reminded me of something.

"Let's just get this over with. Arc, do the honours" She gestured to the man she had appeared with as he just smiled.

"Be slightly patient Kyt. I'm getting round to it" He replied softly. He walked up to me and tapped me on the forehead with two fingers.

As soon as he did so, a sharp pain took over me and it felt like my skull was about to crack or my head would explode. It stopped soon enough but left me feeling dizzy and almost falling over. Only being caught by Az.

Wait a second. I remembered! Of course I knew who Az was. And everyone else, how could I have forgotten in the first place.

"We can't stick around. Right now we have some business in hell" Kyt spoke more softly thsn she had before. "You guys are coming aswell though. We aren't just going to leave you alone again"

"Hang on. Who are you guys anyway. I know you're an angel and you're the heir to the throne of hell but who exactly are you?"

"I figured you'd ask that. I am also the heir to the throne of heaven. Right now they have a false leader acting in my place. And also... We're your parents..."

Alex POV

As I headed out the door I decided it would be saver to change into my weird bat form thing. I imagined my wings out and surpisingly the change was painless.

I walked behind James while noticing two demons behind me. "Let me guess Ben and Jerry?" I asked them while continuing to walk down the corridor.

They looked each confused that I was even talking to them "Its Tom and Jerry actually" said one of them and I began to crack up again.

Again like in heaven everyone stared at me as I walked past or they bowed but mostly they stared. What had they never seen a bat vampire thing cracking up in hell?

"You know like the tv programme Tom and Jerry?" I asked and again they just looked at each other as if to say wow thats one crazy vampire.

God this felt like dejavu or whatever it is. "You know what a tv is right?" I asked and they shook their heads.

"Wow and I thought heaven was bad not letting the angels have icecream but this this is beyond unfair I'll make a complaint with you boss dont worry" I said as we continued walking.

Most of the demons bowed to me and said things like "welcome your magesty" or "nice to see you your highness".

Huh did they have me confused with someone else cos I knew I wasnt royal. Finally we reached a huge door and James opened the door for me to go in.

I walked in and saw thones and demons sitting on them. "Hi guys so what you wanna talk about?" I asked and they just looked at me.

"Hello dudes anyone home?" I asked while pretending to knock on a door. Finally the male demon on the side burst out laughing.

Soon they all joined in and I was standing there tapping my foot and losing patience. Finally when they had finished the female demon in the middle that looked the leader spoke.

"Daughter of Markus ah we would like to talk to you about joining our side and not being as you would say such a loner" she said.

I stood there offended no one calls me a loner an gets away with it. "I am not a loner in fact I have a few inhuman friends of my own thank you very much" I said in my offended tone.

"Oh and whats with the whole you highness and daughter of Markus bull cos its driving me crazy Im not royal and I dont know who the hell Markus is" I said getting worked up.

"Firstly Alexandra Markus is your father secondly he was the vampire king as your mother Rebbecca was queen therefore you are the heir to the thones and that makes you royalty" she said explaining slowly as if talking to a five year old.

My mouth hung wide open and I stared at her speechless. That couldnt be true could it? If it wasnt why did I feel like it was?

Alices POV

I revealed myself from the shadows in the hall. "Hello again Alex" I said slightly jokingly "I see you've met my mother" I gestured to her.

"Your mother?!" She said in surprise.

"Well we're all royalty here aren't we..." I gestured into the shadows and my father stepped out.

"Yep. All four of us" He said with a smile on his face.

It was then that I realised we weren't alone. And it wasn't just me. I could tell by looking at everyone else that they knew it too.

The room shook slightly and angels appeared. Ar-my father took action quickly by putting up a barrier to shield us. "You shall not pass here angels. You and your fake leader. I command you as heir to the throne of heaven, stop this madness! Or I shall call upon the CMs to take care of you all!"

CMs? What were they? "Chaos Manipulators, they control chaos so they can do pretty much anything. They're insanely powerful and they where mostly put into a special prison because others were scared they would use their power against them" Kyt answered.

I nodded in understandment before turning back to Arc. The angels were frozen in shock as they looked to him. "We were told the demons killed you..." One of them said quietly.

Alex POV

I couldnt beleive it this stuck up bitch was Alices mother it was apparently true because no one had come out from behind the curtain and said "youve been practical joked sucker".

I stared from Alice to her mom to her dad. They looked different but sorta simerlar if that makes sense.

Just then the door burst open and Micheal came falling through the door followed by Tom and Jerry. Micheal ran to me and without thinking I flung myself into his arms.

Huh did I have a thing for Micheal? Maybe I did but I wasnt yet ready to addmit it to myself. "Micheal oh my god I missed you so much" I said while everyone wrinkled their noses in disust.

"Me to Alex I was so worried" He said when the door burst open yet again. "Tell me about it he was all like I miss Alex when will I see her again? Should I see her again? Do I like her? Does she like me?" mocked a voice and I turned to see Josh and the jocks.

I had never been to see werewolfs in my life. I ran up to Josh and hugged him. "Vampire stregh cant breath" he managed to choke out before I let go of him.

"Thank you guys for well being werewolfs" I said and they all chuckled while I heard growling from behind me.

"Dont get jelious Micky" I said without looking back which made the wocks (Yes werewolfs that are jocks) laugh even harder.

"You nicknamed him Micky" stuttered Dan. "Yes Danny boy got a probelm" I said which caused his smile to disappear at me nicknaming him.

Someone coughed and I turned to see all of the demons and angels glaring at the werewolfs. "What you got a probelm at my bros" I asked them daring them to answer me back.

"You know these mutts?" asked Alices mom and I heard snarling including my own. "They are not mutts and they are not to be called so" I said with anger in my voice.

Suddenly the ground began to shake and Alice said "Youve done it now mom youve made her angry"......

Alices POV

I sighed and made a hammer from thin air. When both my parents looked at me in shock I frowned in confusion. "What?" I said confused.

"You just made that hammer from mid-air right..." My mother said without changing her facial expression

"Well yeah" I said. Not really knowing what was the problem was.

"Only people who can manipulate chaos can do that. The chaos manipulators that is" My father replied. This was the first time I ever saw him shocked. Before he was just casually smiling all the time.

Oh. That was why. So it seemed I had the powers of a chaos manipulator. Well that was cool. Well at least it was until the angels spoke.

"Chaos manipulator powers! She is a danger to everyone. GET HER!!!!" Oh dear... Not good... Even my parents weren't stopping them. They grabbed me from behind and sealed all of my abilities. It was then that I blacked out.

Kyts POV

It was only after they had taken her that Markus's daughter's power hit me. I managed to shield it slightly but it wasn't enough. I got blasted backwards into the wall.

When Arc tried to help me up I shoved him away. "It's alright I deserved it. I guess I'm being the same again huh" I felt tears start to fall down my cheeks "Being horrible to people just because they're different. Now they've even taken away my own daughter and I didn't even bother to stop them!" I shouted out my anger...

Alexs POV

Now that I had released my anger I felt more calm but as I looked round the calm disappeared. I looked at Micheal confused.

Where was everyone? Why was there only me and Micheal here? Where was here? My head as usual was swarming with questions and those questions needed to be answered.

"Micheal where are we?" I asked not showing any fear in my voice. "You tell me Alex your the one who blasted us out here" he sounded pissed.

"Hey since when is this my fault I was standing up for you do you know how many people look down on you? Im sorry for defending you" I yelled as the anger came back.

"Well your anger brought us here so it can get us back" he said and I stopped pacing and turned to stare at him.


I finally couldnt stand it anymore and began to walk way from him. "Yea I see just like a vampire your gonna walk away thatll sure solve your probelms" he called and I stopped.

I walked over to him and said "Dont you dare insult my kind" just as I slapped him across the face. He began shaking and he turned into a wolf.

My insintict had me growling at him and soon we began to circle each waiting for one anothers reactions. He went to lunge at me and I dodged easily.

How could he was he trying to kill me? I feared the answer and what I had to do depending on that answer. I decided to use my wings to fly higher where he couldnt reach me.

I feared how long I keep up with this before ever Micheal gained his selfcontrol or I had to face him in dual.

It wasnt that I feared Id lose but that Id win and Id kill Micheal. Oh god please someone help me!!!!!!

Alices POV

When I woke up I was in some sort of metal room. There was a large glass window on one of the walls for people to watch me from. Chains were holding me, wrapped around most of me.

I was left unable to move. No one else moved around me. All I could hear was a deadly silence. As if something was waiting to strike at me from the shadows.

It would be awkward from the way I was suspended one foot from the air, yet I was going to sleep for now. Just hanging there awake would be pointless. So I let the blackness take over me as I drifted into a slumber.

I woke up with a start and, if I wasn't chained up, would have jumped before shaking slightly. How could I have forgotten about that dream. Had all that had happened pushed it out of my mind? Or was the lack of sleep I had had recently been the cause?

Whatever it was, the dream was getting clearer now. I started to recognise more of the people from actually now knowing them. I felt myself shiver, as much as I could with the chains, from remembering one part of the dream.

Those red eyes. They didn't just look at me. They looked straight through me. As if they were looking straight into my soul. As if they wanted to break it and tear it into pieces.

It wasn't just me either. It wanted to do the same to everyone else aswell...

Alexs POV

"Micheal!" I shrieked and the ground shook again. I was getting more and more tired and I feared if I let my guard down for more than a second Micheal would eat me.

Just then a sorta door appeared and Micheal stopped clawing at the air to turn to look at it. It opened and in walked a guy with shaggy dark black hair and blue eyes paler then my own.

"Down Micheal!" yelled the guy and although Micheal backed down a little he also growled and bered fangs. "MICHEAL GREGORY SPEAN!" He yelled and with a whimper Micheal stopped.

Wait this guy knew Micheal? "Darren Blake you must be the famous Alexandra Carter" he held out his hand for me to shake.

I flew to the ground and shook his hand cationously. "Its Alex" I said and when he went to do my get the person under you trick (na: the trick Alex did earlyier with the boy bullying Alice) I flung him over my head and threw him to the ground so he was lying on his back.

I placed my hand at his throat and whispered into his ear "Dont hurt yourself big boy" he shivered as my breath touched his ear.

I smiled as I helped him up and he shook his head and muttered something like I just got my ass kicked by a girl.

I smiled even wider and I said "That wasnt getting your ass kicked by me youd know if I kicked your ass".

"One question what are you?" I asked and a voice behind me said "Alpha of the south" I turned to see a human Micheal more importantly a naked Micheal.

"Woah dude not cool" I said as I turned away. That wasnt the only non cool thing........

??? POV

"Guys, hurry up. We got a job to do" I shouted at everyone. They were taking a bit too long preparing.

"Well we haven't been able to use our power in ages. We need to warm up a bit so we can still use them properly" One retorted.

Well that was true... If we didn't do anything like a warm up no one would be able to fight as well as we used to. While thinking about it, I materialised my two swords and attacked one of the men.

He blocked it yet had obviously found it quite a shock. "You have to be ready for suprise attacks..." I said with a small grin before getting rid of my weapons.

"Everyone ready?!" I asked loudly. With a nod from everyone, we headed off to complete this job.

Alices POV

I heard an explosion from somewhere else in the building. I'm pretty sure that wasn't meant to happen so, someone else was here. Who was it? And why were they coming here?

"I think she's this way!" A voice shouted from not that far away. Were they looking for me?

"Found her!" A man with slightly shaggy, silver hair came up to the window. With one kick he smashed it and climbed inside before seemingly trying to get me out of the chains.

"Don't bother. I'll do it, just stand back a bit" I said to him after getting my mouth free of the chains.

He stepped back a bit as I closed my eyes. I felt a surge of power go through me and took that moment to make my move. I pulled at my arms and they came free. I then proceeded to breaking all of the chains over the rest of me before following the silver haired guy away from this place...

Alexs POV

There infront of my was a pack of about 50 wolves with guns pointed at us. I sighed "Why does this always happen to me?" I said looking up at the sky.

"Let us take the girl and we will leave you be" said a guy whom I guessed was the leader. "I am not an object you may not take me without my permission" I said defiantly.

"Well sweetheart we have the gun and believe it or not there pointed at you" he smiled. Yuk who calls a seventeen year old sweetheart.

He cocked a gun at Micheal "Permission to take you?" he asked. "Granted" I said in a non expressional voice.

"But Alex-" I cut Micheal off "Talk to the hand Micky" I held up my hand. "Oh and only my friends get to call me Alex" I added.

"Since when am I not your friend" He asked. He really didnt know! "Um let me think WHEN YOU TRIED EAT ME" I yelled.

"Hey Im not the one who sucks blood" he snapped and I felt like someone had staked me. "Mutt" I yelled.

"Leach" he replied
"Flesh eater"
"Bitch literally"
"Man hore"
"And proud you LINT LICKER!" I yelled.

Suddenly the room urupted in laughter everyone laughing expect Micheal. "What Micky dog got your tongue" I said and with that I walked out of the door with the wolves following me.

"Woah I think I like you youve got spunk" said a wolf with curly brown hair and an easy smile. "Thanks Im Alex you are?" I asked smiling.

"Im Theo" he said smiling. "Theo quiet now that weve got the girl we have to go back to the pack house" said the leader.

"Well nice to meet you Theo" I said acting as if the leader hadnt said anything. "Can I help you?" I asked in a bored voice turning to the leader.

The pack gaped at me apparently no one had talked to the leader like that. Oh well there was always a first time for everything.

"Are we gonna have to do this the easy way or the hard way" he asked. "Nither we do it my way I will not run away or attack on these terms I began".

"One I get to walk with Theo on the way there two I will not go if you are leading me to my death. And three I will not be killing any one unless they are ugly" I explained.

They all looked confused and the leader says "You dont know anyone ugly?" he asked utterly bewildered by my terms.

"Well I do but I just dont like them very much" I explained. "Oh okay then I agree to the terms lets go" he said hastely.

We began to walk towards a huge building with 47 werewolves behind me and 2 at either of my sides.

Alices POV

"So, how come you have powers that only our race has?" Kon asked, running a hand throughhis dark blue hair.

"How the hell am I meant to know?! But I gotta admit your guys' power is awesome. You may aswell be gods!"

Kon and Airmo smiled at me while everyone else had playful smirks plastered onto their faces. Airmo was the silver haired that saved me before.

"Well it's great to mess with people with" Scythe mentioned (she was one of the only girls in the CM group which I found slightly sexist omehow). "Especially after we found out Kon was afraid of spiders.."

Kon paled and everyone else burst out laughing. "I thought we said we would never speak of that again!" He half shouted.

"Well Hangel here is practically part of the group now, she was gonna find out at some..." She trailed off and her hazel eyes became unfocused. She then smiled and returned her gaze to the team. "It seems our howling friends have returned..."

Scythe was the main sensor of the team. She had her power on a constant watch around their base so they would know if any enemies came or left.

The door opened and a large group of people walked in casually. The hall was now a lot more crowded with the 50 or so more people. "'Bout time you got here..." Kon shook hands with the guy who appeared to be the leader.

"Oh he was just scared that we would start explaining the spider story..." A voice called from somewhere in the team.

"Shut up!" Kon shouted just as I saw a familiar face in the group.

"Alex?" I called to her.

Alexs POV

"Alice" I said pulling her into a hug. She seemed surpised at this but after a moment she hugged me back.

"What happened to you?" she asked gestering to my ripped clothes. "Long story short me and Micky got magiced to this big white cell thing he tired to eat me this alpha guy turned up then so did the big wolves with the guns so I said Id go with them and then Micky was like 'No Alex dont' and then we got into a big cuss war and then I left with the gun wolfy guys and I met this epic guy called Theo oh and we ended up here" I said taking a deep breath when I had finished.

Everyone one was staring at me so I said "What are you looking at". "Its just your the last vamp alive and you nicknamed Micheal the great Micky" said a wolf dude near by.

"Hey you dont like not my probelm" I said simply. "So tell me why are we here?" I asked the dude with blue hair who looked to be in charge.

"Well you see we heard about you your a vampire/supe and supes have been known to be alided with our kind for quite sometime" he said.

"Yep a chaos manpulater and a supe together would be thick as theifs" said a women with sliver hair smiling.

"Huh say what Im not no supe Im a vampire" I said confused. "No your half vampire the other half of you is supe" said the man.

"What is a supe?" I asked and a wolf behind me snickered I stuck my tongue out at him. "A supe is a being with well powers" he said.

"Woah I have powers what kind?" I asked. "You tell us Alexandra its time for you to power up"

Alices POV

"Well first things first, Kon stop pretending to be leader" Scythe smirked as the words left her lips "It's a bit weird seeing you acting like big bro"

"You called" A mascaline voice echoed over the walls as a man appeared before us.

"Az?" I questioned his appearance only to have him from at me.

"Are you referring to Azazel the demon? If so, that is definatley not me" This guy looked exactly like Az. Well in his human form anyway. "Anyway on to training. Hangel, Alexandra, follow me."

"Hangel?" Alex asked curiously. "Ah that never got explained to you did it..." I stated, more to myself than anyone else. As we began to follow the leader guy, I explained.

"So a few people call me Hangel since I'm half angel half demon. Hangel is an abbreviation for Hell's Angel. I am the angel from hell so therefore, Hangel." She nodded in understanding.

"We're here, welcome to the place where most of the CMs were trained, the Death Grounds" He gestured to the massive room we had just entered. At the far side there were weird machines that looked like people were meant to go inside.

"This training area is filled with pain but you cannot die. For when you step into those machines over there you are taken to another place within both the mind and the soul. The area will be made from your memories and so will the enemies you have to face to pass. If you die in that place you are instantly taken back here and no injuries you obtain while there remain. The main use of this is to fine your limits and strengths against many opponents you have previously lost against. Even though you get no injuries from this you do gain insane amounts of strength speed and a lot more. Sorry for the long explanation but I thought you needed to know"

It was a lot to take in, but I knew this would be fun.

Alexs POV

I couldn wait to find out my powers and I was ready as ever. "Now Alex Hugo here is going to be your trainer2 said sliver haired girl gestering to a huge wolf with a shaved head and almost white eyes.

I gulped. "Hi Hugo hows it going?" I asked nervious and the he attacked me!

Oh no he didnt I thought swiftly dodging his attack. "Hey dude what the hell?" I asked angrily and confused.

Again he went to attack and as I dodged anger built up inside me. He was ignoring me and I hated being ignored.

Then again he went for me. This time I forgot to dodge and found myself on my ass. Embrassment grew in me as I got back up.

I was ready the next time he went to hit and I grabbed his leg and flipped him backwards causing him to land on his back.

In no time at all he was up again and then he...disapeared. Huh I thought he disappeared into thin air.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my back and I turned to see a smiling Hugo. "Expect the unexpected" it was the first time he had spoke and he had a ruggied voice.

I ducked to prefent a punge coming my way. "Focus Alex" said the blue haired man. Yea I could focus but on what?

So I just focussed on my being and imagied my powers inside of me. Suddenly Hugo was looking round for me as if I wasnt there.

Alices POV

While the fight was going on, I wandered over to the machines on the other side of the room. They were really high tech. "Nice..." I muttered, more to myself than anyone else.

"What are you doing?!" The leader shouted at me from the other side just as a spark caused the machine to start emitting smoke. A hologram that kept flickering appeared infront of me. Its movements were unclear due to the blur but I could still make out who it was.

"Az!" The leader guy was right, it did take people from your memories. He ran right up to me and sent a kick at my face. Instinct allowed me to dodge but at that moment I realised something. I had felt that go past me. The attacks were real.

"Now you have to fight or it won't go away... please tell me that this guy is a weak one..." Kon was disappointed with his reply as he got a shake of the head from me.

I dodged another kick and jumped high into the air, landing on a bar that ran along there.

"You...are not...Az!" I shouted as I landed a kick in the hologram's stomach. My leg went right through him but he visibly grimaced in pain, only to switch forms. Yet again I recognised the form. It was....

Alex POV

"Guys right here" I said waving my hand in the air. "It seems that she has mastered one of her powers" said the smiling blue haired man (Gotta learn his name). Woah I was invisible! Cool!

"This is awesome!" I said too loudly. So loudly that infact Hugo discovered my whereabouts and kicked me in the stomach. "OW!" I conplained as I hit the floor clutching my stomach and glaring hatefully at Hugo.

"Damn you" I said through clenched teeth and he chuckled. I picked up a fallen pencil (Where the hell did that come from?) And went to aim at him. Suddenly it shot out of my hand all by itself and hit him square in the forehead.

"WOAH!" I said and then I relised I had turned uninvisible and Hugo glared at me. "I guessed you ssaw that?" I asked and he nodded. "That was amazing!" said silver haired woman (Have to learn her name too) clapping loudly along with the other wolves.

"Thank you thank you too kind" I said bowing. Then I heard a scream that I was pretty sure was Alices. Strinting towards Alice I stopped infront of her as I looked at an all to familar face........

Alice's POV

I screamed. All I could focus on was the face in front of me. His emerald eyes staring me down like they always did. As Alex ran over I could tell she had recognised him too. The first thing that struck me was that this wasn't the hologram (it was stood next to him), it was the real thing. The real man himself. He was God.

He just stood there staring right through us. Looking right into our souls. I just knew that was what he was doing. He raised his head slightly in recognition of me and Alex yet did nothing to the others who were gaping at him.

I tore my gaze from his eyes to have a look at the rest of him. He had short blonde hair with red streaks and tanned skin with no scars whatsoever. He was taller than both me and Alex, probably around Az's height.

It was then that it struck me. This was God, he wouldn't just be here because he 'happened to be in the area'. He must have been here for a reason. I only hoped that it didn't have anything to do with us.

A small smile graced his features as the hologram readied itself to attack. It disappeared before getting anywhere near him. He reached up and held a hand over his face before speaking. "What? Have I got something on my face?"

I couldn't help it. I tried not to laugh but failed miserably. Some of them gave me odd looks but I couldn't care less as a small sense of relief came over me. God wasn't some kind of heartless guy with a cold personality. He had at least some sense of humour.

Everyone stopped gaping at him and slowly composed themselves before Scythe asked the question everyone had been wondering. "Why are you here?"

Alex's POV

"Yea what she said" I said finally able to speak instead of gawp. This was emerald eye guy! What was he doing here? More importantly! He wasnt a fantasy? I resisted the erge to poke him to see if he was really here and real.

It was then everyone started to ask questions like it was question time on BBC1. "Are you here to take the girls?" asked purple haired person. I glared at her. No way was I going with green eyed dude (Even if he was kinda cute).

He answered "Kinda" and I frowned at him. The words came out odd in his mouth as if they didnt truely belong there as though you expected more civilised words to come out. Not that I was one to judge and all due really to the fact that I wasnt so good with words myself.

"What do you mean kinda?" this from Alice whose eyes were narrowed to slits all of a sudden. Again I repeated "Yea what she said" unable to find more useful words. Everyone looked at me eyebrows raised.

Now it was my turn for the question asking though my question was proberly easy to answer. "What?" I asked looking at everyone. "Is that all you say" asked greeny. "Nope but I prefer to be more direct than words allow" I said smiling at him and showing him my clenched fist.

His frown deepened and my smile widened. Didnt he understand that I was threatening him? Ah well some people you cant insult whereas with others you cant threaten. The others looked at me caution clear in their eyes.

"Alex are you crazy?" asked Alice alittle hysterically. I surpose with a day like this she had reason to be hysterical so I decided not to get in her face. "No just a slightly insane supernatural vampire with a death wish" I said without blinking.

Greeny frowned EVEN more! "Why should you wish death on yourself?" he asked. Yep defo question time! "It was a figure of speech" I said.

"One should not joke about death none the less young one" said a voice from behind me.........

Alice's POV

I spun round to see who had just spoken only to freeze again. Typical. Just typical. Of all the people to have in one room at the same time, why did it have to be these two.

Standing behind us with a playful smirk on his face, stood the Devil. Standing in front of us with a raised brow, stood God. Great combination! NOT!

"Why are you here Devil?" God asked, annoyance clear in his voice.

"That's not any of your business Mr. God," His smirk never once left his face.

Urgh. Why did I have to be related to these people. Yes I was related to them, you heard me right. Both of these rival morons were my grandfathers; God from my father's side and Devil from my mother's. How I suddenly knew this was a bit weird. Maybe my memories were coming back a bit.

"Well I'm making it my business." Childish reply much.

"Well I'm here to say 'hi' to my lovely granddaughter. How 'bout you?" Still smirking.

"WAIT A SECOND!" Scythe cut him off just as he opened his mouth to speak, "You have a granddaughter here? Who?" Oh no. Time to be embarrassed.

Both God and Devil pointed towards me and simultaneously spoke, "She's my granddaughter!"

Silence overcame everyone for a while as they took in the new information, before they all turned to stare at me.

I put my hands up in a joke surrender, only to notice something I hadn't in a while. The ring Az had given me was glowing weirdly.

"Where did you get that ring?" It seemed Devil noticed it too.

"Why?" I questioned slowly.

"That ring is said to show the truth, and only the truth," God answered for him.

"Correct. It does show the truth.

" The voice apparently coming from nowhere startled us almost as much as the pure coldness in the tone.

"You have the ring so you must want the truth. Enough of these Realistic Illusions you call life, I'll show you the truth of the worlds.


The ground cracked beneath our feet and collapsed into nothingness, bringing us with it. As soon as the black mist from below touched my skin I felt like I was on fire. Unbearable pain took over me and I soon felt like I was being crushed. Unconsciousness took over just as I felt myself land on something.

Alexs POV

"HELLO!" I yelled as I looked round the dark tunnel of which I had appeared to fall in when the ground had opened. It was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing as I stumbled over a rock and cut myself.

"Ow!!" I yelled as I grabbed my foot and started hopping round aimlessly. I heard a chuckle behind me. Oh no. Not good. "Little Alexandra Wilson not so tough now are you?" asked the voice and I could practically see a smirk on the persons mouth.

"Oh your calling me a coward" I said through gritted teeth trying not to show how much my foot hurt. "Look at you hiding in the shadows, in the darkness where no one can see or find you" I smiled and knew it wasn't my nice smile. "I've never understood why people were afraid of darkness in the first place its just a big bully. The moment you stand up to it it disappears" I continued and I suddenly I knew what to do.

"You can't save your friends trapped in here" said the voice though now the smirk behind it wasn't there and it sounded more uncertain. "Well I'm betting theres a exit somewhere around here so why dont we save time and turn the lights on" I said while clicking my fingers.

Yes! It worked! In my palm there was suddenly a small flame that was growing by the second. "What have you done!" Screeched the darkness. "Your a vampire! You hate light!" It yelled and I smiled.

"Some legends prove faulty I guess" I said and the flame stopped growing. It was just the right size.

:)Not finished yet Jen still writing didn't have enough time ;)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.07.2011

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Thank you to all of the supernatural beings fans who has given us our inspiration.

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