
Enter your text here by copying it from any text editing software (e The Devil’s Daughter
Chapter 1
I opened the door to the classroom and walked over to the teacher’s desk and gave him my transfer slip. I could feel the rest of the classes’ eyes on my back. I was wearing dark ripped jeans, a black leather jacket, and combat boots. I wore my fiery red curls long to the middle of my back. My eyes were a bright gray-blue, against pale skin and thick lashes. I looked very different from any other girl in the school, probably the whole state of Montana, I though wryly.
The teacher looked up at me with beady eyes, “Nakoda? I see you went to a military school? You must be. . . very disciplined” he said slowly. My bored expression changed to one of amusement. “Yes, that must be why they kicked me out” I said. I had been kidding of course. It wasn’t even really a military school. It was a school for half demons like myself. I had to leave though because the angels had found my location. The class erupted in chuckles and pink spots appeared on the teacher’s cheeks. Glaring, he pointed to a seat next to a boy in the back row. “Please take your seat Miss Black” he said stiffly.
Holding back a chuckle I headed to my seat. When I got to my seat I looked at the boy sitting next to it, and froze. His hair was a tossed, golden, color. And his cheek bones sharp and defined. And then his eyes turned towards her. They were and un- natural golden color surrounded by thick lashes that you wouldn’t expect on a boy.
He looked like . . . . An Angel. And with me being THE DEVIL’S daughter, that was not a very good thing. “Aren’t you going to sit?” he asked, half amused, breaking me from my trance. “Yes” I said tersely and dropped my bag to the floor and sat on the stool. No one else seemed to have noticed my pause but the boy, and it amused him. I clenched my fists under the table. “I’m Will” he said his eyes boring into me. I studiously ignored him and pretended to be watching the teacher.
I kept glaring at the clock wishing it would move faster. Absentmindedly I messed with my pendulum. The chain was cold on my skin. Then Will’s eyes zeroed in on it and I froze. “What’s that?” he asked, his eyes narrowing. I quickly tucked it back, “Nothing” I said. “Where did you get it?” he asked ignoring me. Before I could answer, the bell rang and I quickly grabbed my bag and hurried out of the classroom, feeling him close behind me.
‘Crap’ I thought. I wasn’t ready to fight an angel. Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a supply closet. I was already grabbing my pendulum and pictured it as a dagger, and it changed so I was holding a small dagger with a dark ruby on the hilt.
They faced each other in the dimness. “Are you one of us?” he asked eyeing the dagger, and then they widened. “You are. You’re a Nephilim like me right?” he asked. He was only half angel? He didn’t know. The only thing to do was lie. “Yes” I said lowering the dagger, my eyes widening. His eyes shined in the darkness “I’ve never met someone like me” he said. I had, I shivered. You think hell is bad? Heaven is just as bad, if not worse.
This was bad, every angel and demon was after me because sadly I wasn’t just any demon’s daughter. I was Lucifer him self’s daughter. But I didn’t really feel like being taken back to heaven or hell. To me neither was a very great place. I slid to the floor, “God I thought you were one of them” I said. “One of who?” he asked finding the light and then sliding down next to me. I stared at him dubiously, “A demon” I said keeping with the lie, a demon would be the least of my problems. His eyes widened, “So there are demons?” he said. “You didn’t know?” I asked in surprise. How could he not know? “No my dad taught me a few stuff but he left a while ago, my Uncle visits every now and then though” he said. “And he’s and angel?” I asked. “Yes, Gabriele” he said. My eyes widened. Oh that was soooo not good. Gabriele was a big shot angel, and a good warrior. I wasn’t sure I could survive a fight with him. “I don’t really trust angels either” I said truthfully.
“Oh, my uncle’s great” he said. “So your dad is Michael” I said hoping he’d say no. I’d met him of course. Barely escaped actually. “Yes” he said. “whose your dad?” he asked. I shrugged, “I don’t know” I lied. “Then how’d you find out so much?” he asked. “My mom” I answered. Thinking of her made me sad, I had run away because of everything that was after me, hoping to keep her safe. I knew she understood though. He must of seen the sadness in my eyes because he asked “Do you live with your mom?” “She died” I lied. “Oh, sorry” he said. I looked away.
“So, do you wana get out of here?” he asked getting up and holding out his hand. “Sure” I said taking his hand. We went quietly into the hallway and then slipped out one of the side doors, and headed for the woods behind the school. “And tell me everything” he said. “What do you know? Because I know like nothing” he said, “oh and you never did tell me your
Name” “Nakoda” I said and then started telling him some of what I knew, because we were in many ways the same, just from opposite sides and it was nice to finally talk to someone about it. Our friendship wouldn’t last but at least I could enjoy it for now. “So you have your pendulum right? Well there’s a bunch of things you can do with it. You can turn it into pretty much whatever shape you want” I said. He pulled his out. “Yea I know how to do that” he said. “And I’m sure you’ve noticed your extra strength and speed” I said, “but I bet you didn’t know we can fly” I said smirking. His mouth dropped open “really?” he asked.
I smiled and when we got to a clearing in the wood and then jumped up in a tree. I climbed high up, and his eyes followed me, and then he screamed when I leapt out of the tree and into thin air. But I let out my huge dark wings and soared high and twisted. Then I went to float in front of Will.
His eyes were wide in awe. “You’re so beautiful” he said reaching out to feel one of my wings. “They’re so soft” he said. I landed my wings still out, “You can do it, just focus on them. Feel them behind you” I said. Will closed his eyes and after a moment they appeared there.
They were beautiful, a pristine white and a little bigger than mine. Now I was the one in awe. He seemed to emit a golden glow and his perfect features and bright eyes stared at her making her want to melt. He laughed and then jumped into the air flapping his wings. It took a couple of tries but soon both of them were high in the air. “It’s a good thing I’m not scared of heights” he said. I laughed, I was starting too really like Will which was very bad because if he knew what I was he would have no choice but to kill me or turn me over to heaven.
Will met me in the parking lot the next day, at school. I had been alone so long I was happy that I’d found a friend in Will although I knew it could only end badly. Trouble seems to follow me wherever I go. But Will seemed to feel the same. He had been alone with his secret too, and didn’t have any answers.
“Hey, you wana go flying later? I’m not that great and I want to practice” he said. I smiled “Sure.” A girl started towards us. She had long brown hair, which she flicked over her shoulder and smiled widely at Will, ignoring me. She stepped in between us, “Hey Will, I’m having this party at my house tonight, and I was thinking you’d wanna go with me?” she asked smiling sensually and playing with the sleeve of his coat.
He carefully pulled his arm away, “Sorry, Jess, I kind of already have plans” he said, looking at me. I felt a sick sort of satisfaction at the look on her face as she turned to look at me with eyes like lasers, that probably would have turned any other girl to jelly. But I just smiled, “I’m Nakoda” I said. She gave me a putrid look, “Yeah, I know who you are. New girl right?” she said. I smiled again. She gave me one last evil glare and then turned to walk away. “I don’t think she likes me” I observed, wryly. Will ran a hand through his hair with a slightly confused expression. “Jess doesn’t like a lot of people. And even if I lived a billion years I don’t think I could ever understand girls” he said. I smiled, amused, and we headed for first period. The teacher glared at me when I entered. Apparently he hadn’t gotten over my joke.
Class was boring and I found myself spacing out for most of it. None of it was really that important when your life was in danger from pissed off angels and the chance of spending eternity in hell as the devil’s weapon.
I’d actually already been to hell and had no plans of ever returning. As you can imagine, its not a very pleasant place. I was trapped there for a year and I can honestly say it was the worst year of my life. My father planned to use me as a weapon against heaven, so he had to train me.
To teach me how to control Hell fire, he had a demon burn me with it until I stopped it. I still have the burns on my hands and back. A handprint on my shoulder blade.
And when I wouldn’t do what I was told he didn’t send me to my room, he sent me to the lake of fire, which doesn’t actually burn you but its worse because you can live there, forever, in agony. I am still haunted by the screams. Awesome parenting skills, don’t you think? Needless to say I kind of loathe the guy. Some of the things he did to me were so horrible; my brain has blacked them out. I had to fight demons until I was broken and bleeding and then I was told to keep going. If I refused to do something he threw me into the lake of fire.
His only problem was that he underestimated me. He thought that he had broken me, but he hadn’t. I escaped from my cell one night, and overheard him speaking with another demon. “She shows promise” said the demon. “Of course, so do you think she has the power to control the gates?” the Devil asked. “I am almost positive. But the only way to know for sure is to let her try” the demon said. “Yes, hmm, and we can’t have her escaping” he said.
And that was enough for me, I finally had a chance of escaping. I knew he meant the gates to heaven and hell. No wonder I was so important. He believed I could work both. I had only seen the gate opened twice but got the main idea.
Then I had hurried through the bloody streets of hell in a black cloak with a sword, hoping to blend in with the demons. Once I got to the gate, which for now was just pitch black, nothingness, I was lucky. Only some of the littler demons were guarding it because who would be stupid enough to try to escape? Who even had the ability to? Only me of course.
Littler demons I could handle, it was the greater demons that I had been worried about. And I remember how desperate I was. I had been almost crazed.
I incinerated the first two demons who got in my way, without even blinking. And I slit the throat of the next. Then I had looked into the inky blackness, and I closed my eyes and tried to picture, and feel the gate. At first there was nothing, and I started to panic but then it was like a switch flipped in my brain. Suddenly without even thinking I was raising my hand and calling the gate up.
An alarm of some kind was going off now but I didn’t react to it. I was looking at the gate which was black and tall, and magnificent. And I could feel all the lives on the other side. And all the places, some places with people so terrible. All of them were calling me to open them but I made myself focus on earth. And then I stepped through.
The last thing I saw was the devil’s angry face. His red eyes flaring, and his sharp teeth flashing as I was enveloped in a strange blackness. I heard him yell, “I will find you Fiera!” and then I found myself on soft grass, somewhere in Washington. I didn’t go home, I didn’t want to put my mom in danger, and I knew everyone would be after me.
I was drawn back to the present as Will threw a crumpled up note at me. I opened it. It said, “Are you okay?” and then at the bottom of the page there was a ridiculous picture of the teacher. I laughed and the teacher turned from his lecture to glare at me. I quickly hid the note. Will was smirking. Then I wrote, “I’m fine” on the note and passed it back to him, under the table because the teacher was still watching.
I met Will in the parking lot after school most days after that so we could go flying. He was getting really good “So you wanna come over to my house for a while?” he asked. I smiled, “sure” I said, I had never been to his house. Will’s house was a small two story blue house, in the woods, with a cliff a little ways behind his house. It was beautiful and the view was amazing. “It’s beautiful” I said as we walked into the back yard. He got us lemonade’s from the kitchen and then I took off my jacket and let out my wings. I sighed in relief. Will let his wings out too. They were dazzling. And then I had an idea, “You wanna learn fencing?” I asked. He smiled “where’d you learn that?” he asked. Hell, I though darkly. “Classes” I lied. “Alright then” he said.
We turned our pendulums into swords and then I started teaching him the basics. Like footing, and balance, and how to block and jab. But he wasn’t very good, and he kept making funny faces at me, when I was trying to show him things. I was laughing so hard tears were rolling down my face when he made a fish face at me. “i- give- up- on- you” I said through my laughs. And I realized I hadn’t laughed like this in- well as long as I could remember.
He made a tragic face, “Oh, how will I ever go on?” he said in a falsetto, and then pretending to swoon to the ground. I sat down on the ground next to him. “You’re hopeless” I said.
And then the back door opened and a pretty, middle aged, woman with long blonde hair came out. She looked at us, and we must have been quit a sight, two teenagers with wings, sitting on the ground with swords. She raised her eyebrows. “Oh hey mom, this is who I was telling you about” he said. She smiled, “then you must be Nakoda” she said. “Yes, nice to meet you” I said.
“So, what were you too up to?” she asked eyeing the swords. I met Will’s eyes, and we laughed. “I was trying to teach Will fencing, but he is hopeless” I said. Will made the fish face at me. I laughed. “But I would be pretty damn good at charades” he said. His mom rolled her eyes and then headed in the house saying she was making dinner.
Then Will ran and jumped off the side of the cliff, flying, then he called over his shoulder “You coming Kody?” My heart froze and I think that is when I first started falling in love with Will. No one had ever given me a nickname before, or made me laugh so hard I cried. Will was all I ever wanted and all I could never have
For those few weeks everything was fine and perfect. We flew together all the time and I started to teach him sword fighting. And I showed him that because he’s part angel he can understand every language. Some can even understand animals. Of course I couldn’t do that, but I could do other things like control fire. Of course I didn’t show him this though. But then things got so good and so bad at pretty much the same time. I should have known nothing can last.
The air made my long hair fly around my face. I loved it. I twisted and then did a drop, diving straight down for about 20 feet and then pulling up. Distantly I heard Will make a whoop as he dropped also and then he was beside me. Will’s flying had improved a lot over the weeks and now he was almost as good as me.
I turned to look at him. He was glorious and I deeply wanted to tell him what I was. But I couldn’t because I knew that would be the end. Our eyes met, his smoldering into mine, a smile on his perfect lips. Oh, how much I wanted to kiss him. To explore his muscled chest. He flew closer. I couldn’t move. His eyes held mine, and then he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.
I didn’t resist and when his lips met mine I thought I might melt. His mouth was warm and soft, as they moved softly against mine his arms around me. His lips tasted sweet, like honey, and I let my hands explore his chest and then tangle in his soft hair and pulled him even closer to me, deepening our kiss. Our legs entwined, and our wings touched as we kissed, high in the air, the wind blowing all around us. It was perfect. The best kiss I’d ever had and I realized one terrifying yet at the same time wonderful thing. I loved him. I, the devils daughter, loved a half angel. Someone I could never stay with. “I love you” he whispered. I thought I might cry, “I love you too” I managed to say back. And then we flew towards the ground, our hands entwined.
The next day after school Will met me in the parking lot. “You want to come over to my house?” he asked. “Sure” I said. I spent a lot of time at his house. He lived with his mom, who thankfully, knew little of heaven and Hell, and all that. I jumped in his truck. “How was your day?” he asked. “Boring as usual” I said smiling at him. But my stomach was doing uneasy flip flops. I needed to tell him, but I couldn’t seem to get out the words. “Will, I-I’m-“ I stopped. I couldn’t. “You’re what?” he asked smiling. A Demon. I’m a demon Will. The devil’s daughter. “I’m just really glad I met you” I finished smiling weakly. He smile “yeah, me too” he said leaning over to kiss me. ‘Coward’ I thought to myself.
When we parked at his small, two story, blue house, which was surrounded by forest, with a cliff behind it, his mom came out smiling. “Will, you have a guest” she said. We got out and headed into his bright backyard, holding hands when, we caught sight of an angel in the middle of the yard, who I assumed was Gabriele. He was tall, with dark blonde hair and bright blue eyes. His huge frame could be two of me and he had a sword strapped to his back. I froze eyes wide in horror. This couldn’t be happening. “Hi, William” he said and then flashing his blue eyes to me where they narrowed. “Hey its okay she’s nephilim like me, this is Nakoda” Will said.
But then he roared and stamped his foot and the ground rippled towards me, ripping my hand from Will’s and sending me flying back. I hit a tree, while Will screamed out in surprise. Gabriel grabbed me before I could even stand and pulled me back over to Will, pulling my head back and putting his sword on my neck. “What are you doing?!” Will yelled, stepping forward. I struggled in his grip, but he was stronger than me. “This” Gabriel snapped, “Is part demon” he said. Will froze, his eyes widening. Tears welled in my eyes, “I tried to tell you” I gasped. “No” Will
whispered. The sword pressed tighter into my neck. “Don’t hurt her” Will said. “She is a demon, it needs to be done” Gabriele said.
But then I wrenched my head back, hitting him in the face and pulled away, rolling backwards and landing in a crouch, pulling the pendulum from my neck and turning it into a sword. He laughed, “You can’t win against me child” he said. Will watched, frozen. His mom was still standing in the doorway, looking frightened. My back was hurting and my ankle had twisted when I’d hit the tree. “we’ll see” I said. He smiled then charged me, I turned blocking his first swipe, but the impact made my teeth snap together, and then I jumped back. But he kept coming, and I kept trying to block, but then he kicked out his foot, and it connected with my stomach. I flew across the yard landing in a heap. Will cried out.
I clutched my rips and tried to get back up but Gabriel kicked me back down. I was on my back. He kicked my sword away. “Gabriel, please don’t!” yelled Will. Gabriel ignored him and pointed his sword to my throat. “You see, you can’t win” he said. I smiled through my pain, I’d had worse, “I’m not done yet” I said, and then I closed my eyes and focused, calling fire to me. And then raising my hands and letting it explode from me at Gabriel. He flew backwards and hit the house with a crash, but landing in a crouch, with an incredulous look.
I jumped up grabbing my sword and letting it ignite with fire, and getting back in a defensive position. I let my wings extend. Will was watching me with wide eyes, and then he jumped in between us, but Gabriel just waved his hand and knocked Will off his feet with a rippling of the ground. He went flying, and then Gabriel yelled “Fiera!” and started coming after me. But he’d said my real name, well the name Lucifer had given me. Which was not good because it would call – and at that moment a huge demon with fiery red eyes and huge black wings appeared. His sword was made of a black metal that was ignited in fire. Oh damn, was all I could think. Now I would have to fight both of them, because I was not going back to hell. But I was going to lose. I closed my eyes briefly.
“Come to me, Fiera” said the huge Demon. “Like Hell” I said sending a bolt of fire at him which he blocked easily with his sword. “No she dies” said Gabriel. The demon turned its red eyes to Gabriel. “I think not” he said. I raised my sword, getting ready to fight. Then Gabriel sent the ground rippling towards the Demon, sending him flying and then Gabriel lunged at me with his sword. I dodged to the side but it tore into my wing. I cried out in pain, stumbling back. And then the demon and Gabriel locked in a furious battle. Will had jumped up and was trying to make his way over to me but then Gabriel sent out a ripple of the earth throwing me into the air and off the side of the cliff. I heard Will call my name and then all I heard was the rushing of the wind as I soared downwards. I tried to flap my wings but only one would flap and the other just ignited red agony in me and I almost blacked out. I spun, but kept falling. I was going to die, I thought, but then strong arms caught me. It was Will. I looked up into his honey golden eyes. And then we were soaring upward.
Gabriel called something at us but Will just kept going. We soared away fast. Not looking back. We flew for a long time and then stopped in a small town when we got far enough away. We landed in a small forest. He laid me down on the soft grass. “Are you okay?” he asked me. No, I felt like an old, broken toy. “I’ll be fine” I said, “And Will, I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you” tears were coming to my eyes. “Shhh” he said, brushing the tears from my cheeks, “Its fine, I don’t care” he said. This was what I’d hoped he’d say but I never thought he would. I pulled him to me and crushed his lips to mine. After a minute he pulled away. “I’m going to go into town and find a first aide kit” he said, “You just stay here and rest” he said, and then headed off into the forest.
I lay there staring up at the clouds for a while and then I must have dazed off because the next thing I know, Will is leaning over me. My eyes fluttered open, “I’m going to clean your cuts” he said, “This might sting” he said. He pressed a cloth, wet with antiseptic, into the cut on my wing. I bit back a scream, and closed my eyes in pain. “I’m sorry” he said.
Once he’d cleaned it, he wrapped a white bandage around it. And then he cleaned a cut on my forehead and one on my arm. “Now try and disappear your wings” he said. I closed my eyes and tried to focus. It was difficult but after a minute I managed it. Even though my wings were no longer there I could still feel it, like a phantom pain. Then he felt around my ribs and I winced. He said I probably had at least two broken ribs, so then he wrapped those up to, and then he helped me up. “I reserved us a room at a motel, under the names Susan and David Martin” he said.
I nodded and we made our way through the forest and onto the road. The walk was only fifteen minutes from there. We checked in and then headed to our room. It was small and it only had one bed. I laid down. “What are we going to do?” I asked. “Whatever you were doing before, except now ill be with you” he said. I smiled at him, “I love you” I said. He leaned down and kissed my cheek, “And I love you” he said and then laid down beside me. I fell asleep cuddled in his arms.
When I woke up, I felt a bit better. I could feel Will stroking my arm, and my shoulder. It was very relaxing. “Where did you get this?” asked Will once I was awake, tracing a pattern on my shoulder blade. I knew it was the hand print, scar, where a demon had burned me. “Hell” I said turning to face him. “You’ve been there?” he asked. I shrugged, “I’m sure you realize who I am now” I said. He shook his head. “I’m the Devil’s daughter” I said. His eyes widened and I looked down. Then I told him about my year and hell and why he wants me. To help him conquer heaven.
When I was done Will said, “That is horrible, the things he did- they’re. They’ll pay” he said, “I won’t let them touch you again. You’ll never go back there” he said.

.g. M.S. Wo


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.08.2011

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