
Chapter 1

8:00 am in the morning and I'm waking up by loud boys and yells. And it's only 2 boys down there. I am so lucky it's summer break. Them boys would be in deep pain. I decided to take a shower and go down stairs to my wild brother, Benny and his best friend, Chris.
"What am I going to wear today? Lets go to the pool outside." I said deciding on my green bikini with pink and yellow hearts.
"Where you going sis?" Benny asked. "Look at my outfit and you'll know." "Penny hasn't put the water in yet so you have to wait." "OK. I'll stay here until she' done."
"Hi, Hannah." Chris said. "Hi, Chris. When Penny's done want to swim?" "No. I don't know how." "Yea and he's playing this game." my brother said.
Sometimes I think they're dating and my brother's gay. "I'll go see if Penny's done."

"Ben, do you think that you could get me a date with Hannah?" "Why would you want one?" "I think she's hot." "What? My sister is not hot. And no. You are not going out with my sister."
"I'm going to get some chips. Be back."
When I went into the kitchen and saw Hannah in the pool.
"She's so hot." I said to myself, "If that was mine I would-" "You would do what to my sister?" "Nothing." "That's what I thought." "Please?" "NO!"
Through the window of the kitchen I could see Chris staring at me through the window. So I gave him a show. I took some lotion and rubbed it down my legs and fixed my bikini top. Then Ben came so I stopped. They talked for a second then left.
"You like the boy called Chris?" Penny asked. She was so quiet I forgot she was here. "Yeah. He's really cute." "What's stopping you?" "He's Benny's best friend. I couldn't do that to Benny." "Do what makes you happy. Ask boy out." "Thanks Penny. You know that you can go home?" "Yes."
"I got to use the bathroom." "Don't go talking to my sister. You here me?" "Yea."
I knew that Hannah was in her room so I went in. "Hi, Hannah." I said quietly "What are you doing in here. I could have been naked." That's fine with me, I thought. "I wanted to ask you if you will go out on a date with me this Saturday?" "Really?" "Yea." "Sure. Pick me up at 8. I'll sneak out." "OK."
"What took you so long?" Benny asked. "Nothing. I think it was the pizza." "Or you talked to Hannah." "OK, I did. I just asked her did she want to play the game with us. She said no. And I went to the bathroom, then came down here." "Sure you did."

Chapter 2

Dear Diary, June 10,2012
Chris. I've known him since I was 7 years old and he was 9. He and Benny where the same people as today.
I said that I would never like Chris but as we grew up he began to get taller, stronger, and cuter. He asked me out today. I didn't know what to say but i said yes. I hope Benny will be fine with this.
"Hannah, mom and Dad are on video chat." "Coming."
My mom is a movie star and my Dad is a Director. "Hi, Mom. Hi, Daddy." "Hi baby. How are you?" my mom asked. "Good. Benny has been playing his game all day." "Go away honey." my mom told my dad, "Is Benny out the room?" "Ummm...yes. What is it." "Have you started dating?" "Yes, mom." "Who is it?" "Chris." "Chris?!" "Shhh. Benny would be furious if he knew." "Sorry. But Benny's best friend Chris?"
"Yes. Well not yet. We have a date this Saturday. I don't know where we're going." "I'm so proud of you. I'll video chat you Saturday to see how it went, OK?" "Yes, love you." "Tell Benny I said that I love him." "K. Bye."
"A date with my best friend? When was you going to tell me?" then he walked away.

I got to figure out where I'm taking Hannah. There's the movies. No. To traditional. There's a fair Saturday. Maybe we can go there. Yeah.
"Chris come here please?" my mother said. "Yes." "There is someone on the phone for you."
"Hello." "Hi, Chris." it was Hannah and she sounded sad. "Whats wrong?" "I can't go out with you Saturday." "Benny isn't letting me. He said he told you no. So I can't come." "That jacka-" "No. Don't be mad at him. He's just looking out for me." "OK. See you whenever." "Bye."
When Hannah hung up I got a text message from her.
HannahBanana: still cum 2 my house saturday
ChristopherIsMe: wat about ur brother
HannahBanana:i'll sneak out do u no where my window is
HannahBanana:park ur car there and i'll sneak out

"Benny. You got to talk to me sooner or later! Benny!" he was not talking to me and it was really annoying. "Just leave me alone."
I really need someone to talk to. Penny is at home and Benny will get more mad at me if I call Chris. How about Annabelle. Me and her are best friends it's just that she moved to Hawaii and I live in Washington. I guess long distance calling isn't that bad for my family.
"Hello" Annabelle said. "Hey. It's Hannah." "Hannah how are you?" "Not to good. I like Chris, you know him." "Benny's best friend?" "Yea. We're going out today and Benny told me to call him and tell him that I'm not going. I did but then I text him and told him that I'll sneak out and now I feel really bad."
I know how you feel. I used to like Benny and I told no one. Benny didn't even know. You didn't. But when I moved I told Benny and he was really shocked and sad that he couldn't go out with me. I guess since that happened to him he's doing it to you. Talk to him." "I can't he won't listen." "How about I ask my mom if I can fly over there and stay with you for a week or two?" "I would like that." "K. Go talk to him."

Chapter 3

"Benny?" "Please don't talk to me." "I know that you like my best friend. And I'm guessing that you don't want me to." "Come in. The door was unlocked."
I came in and sat on his bed. "Look, you know Chris and I know him. He's not going to be like that." "I know it's just that I liked Annabelle and she was your best friend and so it's just weird." "You know she said that she would ask her mom if she could come here for a week or two. And by this text she can."
"You can go out with Chris. Just no touching." "OK."

Hannah told me that she can come on the date. I really hope that Benny don't get mad and try to kill me.
Now I have to get ready for our date to the fair it's going to be awesome.
When I got to Benny's house Benny opened the door. "Hey,Benny." "Hi. Hannah's getting ready so you can wait down here."
"Benny, I don't want this to affect our friendship. If this is weird for you then I'll stop it." "No. You like her and she likes you so." "OK. I'm ready." Hannah said coming down the steps. She looked so beautiful. Like an angel from heaven.
"Wow. You look great." "Thanks. Are you ready?" "Yes." "Bye, Benny. I love you." "Have a good time and take care of my sister." "I will." Then we left.

"Where are we going?" I asked. He just kept driving not saying a word. He didn't even answer my question. Finally we got to a fair. It was so beautiful.
"A fair?" "Yea. My brother is in charge of it so I thought that we should come to support him." "That's nice." "Want to go on a ride?" "Yea." We went on this roller coaster. Me being stupid like the girls in the movies, I acted like I was scared and turned and leaned on him.
He started to smile and that made me happy. When the ride was over we played a bunch of games. I won him a stuffed dog and he won me a stuffed monkey. "Thanks. Monkeys are my favorite." "That's good. So how did you like it?" "It was fun. But we didn't ride the ferris wheel."

"The view is beautiful." Hannah said. "Yea. But that's not the only thing beautiful." I leaned in for a kissed. We was so close but it was our turn to get off.
"Do you think it's time for you to go home?" "Yea. It's getting late."
The ride home was silent. So I held her hand. When we got to her house I walked her to the door. "Have a good night." I said. Waiting on her to kiss me. "Thanks. I had fun. How about we do this again when my friend come?" "Yea." She went in the house. "Hey." she said. Came up to me and kissed me. "Now it's a good night." YES!

Chapter 4

When I walked into the house Benny was sitting on the couch. "So, how was it?" "Wonderful. He was so nice. He got me a monkey. Look." "You like monkeys. Did you tell Annabelle that she could stay here?" "Yea." "Yea, cause she called and asked did we even have an extra bedroom." "Sorry for not telling you." "OH, you're fine. I've been wanting her to come. Mom's on video chat."
"Hey,mom." "Hey baby. How was your date?" "Date?" my dad said in the background. "Yes, Howard." "It was great. He won me a monkey." "Did you kiss?" "Mom." "Did you?" "Yes. HE is a great kisser. Sorry, Benny." "I said no touching." Benny said sitting right next to me. "That's my boy." my dad said sitting next to my mom. "Look at this. A big happy family. I love you, guys."

She kissed me. I hope that means that we're together. "Hey, mom." "Hey, Chris. How was your date?" "Good. She got me a dog." "Aren't you supposed to win her something?" "I did. I got her a monkey." "Did you kiss her?" "Yes." "Your father would've been proud of you." "When is he coming home?" "I don't know. He said that he had another mission. You now them marines." "Are you going on another date?" She said we would when her friend came to town. Probably Annabelle."
"I remember her." "Yea. You said that Benny liked her." "Did you eat?" "Like hot dogs and cotton candy." "Get ready for dinner. I'll call for pizza." "OK."

"It's been 5 days since our date and I can't stop thinking of him" I told Annabelle. "Aren't you guys going on another date today?" "Yea. I was hoping that it would be a double date." "With who?" "You and Benny."
"Me and who?" Benny said walking in my room. "You and Annabelle. I was hoping if you two would go on a double date with me and Chris." "If it's fine with Annabelle." "I'd love that."
Hannah_Banana: hey want to go out 2day
ChristopherIsMe: were
Hannah_Banana: out 2 dinner benny and annabelle was gone cum 2
ChristopherIsMe: yea wat time
Hannah_Banana: 8
ChristopherIsMe: see ya later

"Mom. I'm going out today." I yelled down the stairs. "Come here, baby." I saw my dad at the table. "Dad, what are you doing here?" "I could come home for 2 days. Where are you going today?" "On a date"
"A date? With who?" "Hannah. Benny's sister. This is our second date." "I'm proud of you son. How about, me and your mother go out today and tomorrow me and you can do something?" "Yea. How is the ocean?" "Wet. I missed you guys."

"What about this?" I said putting a dress to my body. "No." "This?" "No." "This?" "Yea. No. Do you know what that means?" "Shopping. Benny! Me and Annabelle going shopping. See you soon."
"K. Don't be out to late." "Big brothers."
We went to a lot of stores and got stuff that didn't even go with my date. "We need some jewelry." Annabelle said. "Anna." I said. "What?" "I think we're done. Lets go home." "Fine. But no more shopping?" "No. We got to go home."

"What you wearing son?" "I don't know." "Here. This is the shirt I wore when I went out with your mother." "Is this the shirt you wore when you and mom made me?" "No. That's my blue one." "And blue is my favorite color. Thanks dad." "Look, son. Treat your mother good, when I'm gone. And if I die." "I will dad." "Good. cause me and your mother are leaving. So I'll see you later." "Bye dad. Have fun, but to much fun." "Yea. Sure."
I picked up Hannah, Benny, and Annabelle. "Hey, Anna." "Hey, Chris. You know, I wouldn't see you to going out. Cause I remember when Chris hung you head first down the well at my parents farm." "I remember that. i guess I had a crush on her. And Benny put meat in your pants so Bee-Bee the dog could bite your butt." "What?" Benny said,"Nobody asked to go down memory lane, OK."

Dear Diary,
Annabelle moved here and lives with me and Benny. They're getting married soon. Wasn't supposed to tell you all that. It was a secret. Me and Chris are still going out. He wants to have kids soon. His father got out of the marines and works at gym.
So me liking my brother's best friend worked out really well.


Texte: Do Not Steal Anything!
Bildmaterialien: All Pictures Are From Google
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.06.2012

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