
Love can drive you to do crazy things like jump off a cliff.Well it drove me to run away.I was 16 years old at the time about to turn 17.It was my birthday.My mom gave me $28.00 dollars to go and buy a cake.I got in to my car driving carefully with a license.I looked over in to the side mirror as I stopped and looked over to this Mustang convertible. There was a young boy around my age i gazed-he gazed at me with his warm happy smile.He had brown hair and ocean blue eyes. The stop light turned green. He looked at the stop light and pointed forward. I noticed and went on.He followed with a smirk on his face. I started to notice and just kept on driving not watching him no more.
Hoping he would turn I drove in to the parking lot and parked close to the entrance.Not noticing the empty parking space right next to me she rushed in grabbing her purse.He parked next to me noticing my car.He rushed toward her grabbing my hand.I pulled away without wincing.He spoke in a sweet voice"Hey.I just wanted to say hi.My names John.Haven't seen you around here!"I calmed down as he spoke."Nice to-I was cut off by the manager."Do you need of any assistance?"He asked nearvous."No!"we both said nervously.The manager walked off not knowing what to say.
I rushed away, off to the bakery.With him following."Hey you did not answer my question!"He said running towards me.Leaving a lady staring at us."It is lola."I said confident."Ok nice to meat you...just wondering why where you staring at me earlier?"He asked hopping for a answer this time."I... thought you were cute."I said blushing."Oh...well so did I but you know .You know it is my birthday I am turning 17."He said happy."Me too!Hey you look like justin bieber?"I said blushing again.John digged in his poket."Hey well i am but uh you got a pen and a peace of paper?"He asked."Yeah,hear.Umm and you are JB?" I said digging in my purse,and lowering my vocie.I handed him a peace of paper."Hear."Justin said handing the paper back."Oh, so u want me to call you?"
I asked."Yeah,hey what time is your party?I want to come."Justin said."Ok,hear one minute."I said handing him some paper after writing on it."Thanks and the time?"John asked."Oh on the paper even the address."I said ponting to the paper.
I rushed up the steps and in to her room.I put on my red dress and red high heals.I rushed down the steps.
The door bell rang it was John.I rushed to open it with my hands shaking."Hello?"Asked John."Oh hi!"I said cherfully."Oh right home I guess!"John said cheerfully.Just then Lola's two frinds Alisa and Alisa's boyfriend Karter got out the car and walked up to the door."Hey!"They both said.
"Hey umm Lola can I talk to you?"Asked Alisa."Sure!"I said happily.Alisa kissed Karter and rushed in side.Alisa Perne with her pale skin, blond air,and ocean deep blue eyes that glowed red this morning."Ok.."Said ALisa entering my room and shut the door.
"Yeah?"I asked."Well I got to tell you some thing about me..."Said Alisa."Well i have known you for 4 years!What could u possibly have to tell me..wait are you pregnant?"Lola said."No.Not at all now stop freaking out I am a...Vampire."Said Alisa.I got light headed and fainted right there."Karter!Call 911!"Screamed Alisa from up stairs.Karter rushed to his phone in the car dialing 911.The hole place went blank.
The ambilents arives with the gurne.Puting lola on it."What happened?"Asked karter."I told her about us and it you know"Said Alisa."Well is she it."Said Karter."Yes I did it."Said Alisa.
Alisa and Karter rushed to the car along with my family and friend's.
Rusing in to the room."LOLA!"Scremed her mother."Shh..only two at a time in the room!"Scremed the nerse."Ok you two can go first."Said her mother ponting to her two friends Alisa and Karter."Ok...thank you very much!!!"Said Alisa.Alisa looked over at lola.
Lola was coming to."Alisa are you ok?"Asked Alisa in a soft vocie."ALISA!ARE YOU REALLY A VAMPIRE!?!"Scremed Lola."YES YES I AM!...I AM A VAPIRE ME AND KARTER ARE."Russhed Alisa."HOW!?!WHY?"Said lola scremeing it out."Well we were just together and Karter bit me after he told me he was a vapire."Said Alisa softly.I got mad and told my mother i just wanted to rest
*Later that day*
My family burst out laghing "Good times!"Bursted out her mother.All of them had been able to come in the room and they where having a grate time!"You know i never got you're name?What is it?"Asked Lola's mom asked jon."Umm it is Jon but..."Said Justin."Oh Jon well good name but you look more like justin bieber!" *THE NEXT DAY OUT OF THE HOSPITAL*
...Lola woke up at the sound of bags paking."Justin!?!"Scremed lola."No shh..we are going to run away i will explain now get dreesed."Scremed Justin.Lola rushed up piking up some close and russing in to the bathroom to change."Justin?"Lola asked."Yah?"What happened?I dont rember much of last nite?"Asked lola."I dont have time to explane come on lets sneek out the window."Why?"Lola scremed in a wisper."Well just come on?"He scremd with out a anser he heard foot steps up the stairs.Justin grabed her arm and rused out the window.They slid of the seal and on to the emergincey fire steeps and walked down them.Lola said nothing being scared of justin and all.
I jumped in to the frount seat next to justin.But he did not say nothing he just put my bag in the back.
He had not noticed that i had fell asleep.I woke up and looked all arond they passed a sign it said "WELCOME TO Californa!!!".I pused before saying a word I looked up at the time.It had been 6 hours!"Justin!!Where are we what are we doing!?!"Said lilly but said fellt not to good.It was 5:00 in the morning!"Ok Lola you may not rember but last nigh lets just say your family and my family have no idea you are pregnet"He said sonding sleepy."WHAT JUSTIN BUT UHH WOW!!!!"Lola did not feal so good."Stop the car!!!"She scremed.Justin pulled over near a hotel and stoped by some buses.Lola russed over and threw up.She looked up and scremed got back in the car.With out saying a word she got her bags from the car then walked opisite of the car.
"Stop!!!Lilly I know you are mad and dont like it but we have to live life to the fullist"Justin said.Lilly fellt a tear that was her fav poem justin never even new it.He was write she chod do this.She turned around walked back to the car and got in to the back.As she sat down she rembered it all it was hear.She cryed and cryed."What is rong?"Justin said.She did not reply.He pulled over to the hotel and parked.He got in to the back and held her.Then it hit hear all the details what had happined how long every thang they where there for a hour but did it for 30.She just cryed harder she did need to live life to the fullest even if you are with your runnaway love and you just dont know if you love him or not.She let go of him.The details were to grafic to even bare so she looked away and pretinded they were some where else not in californa where justin bieber's grandperents lived.Or they did it back there.But the fact that she was pregnet.Locked in the life with her runnaway love.Even thow she was mad and feld with soo much sorrow.
She got out of the car and grabed her bags slaming the door.Rushing in to the very fancy hotel she asked to get a room.She got room 201 it was a nice room master bed room.Justin ran in with his hood up(you know fans)he ran up to her and huged her."Oww"She yelped.She clunched her stumick.She kept on walking she got in to the elevator and up she went.The window was glass she hated hites so good justin was there.But there was about 5 other people to.They were cramed up to the window.Lola just closed her eyes and tryed not to cry.She was just so sad mad but happy to be on the run.But most of her was sad fellt with sorrow.
Justin and lola walked out the elverator in to room 201 on floor 3.She walked in to a big room with a hot tub and all!Justin took of his shurt and shoes and jumped in."Come on lola!!"He said.Lola did not move.So he got out and pusshed her in which mad her cry.The hot water hurt her stumic with all the water and bubles when she scremed nout owww leaning down her head went in to the water.Gasping for breth Lola got out and picked out pjs and got in to the shower.Being 17 was not so fun,and her bad prez was being pregnit!
It got worse they ordered from the menue Lola got A nice salid with a little bit of ranch but she really wanted every thang.As soon as she took a bite she fellt like trowing up she did!!All on her salid.They had to pay for justin pizza soda and water and salid and new sheets an a hotell all for $98!She just sank in to the bed.
She did not even cry she sat there staring up.Justin comed over he laid down he put his hand on her hand and stared up to then he put his head on her stomic lisning for a hart beat "oww!!"she scremed.But justin rubed his hand on her stumic and rubbed it with the other hand he took the hair and her facie and pulled it back behind her ear smiled then kissed her gently but pashinintly on the lipps.They later falled asleep.
*The next day*
Lola waked up and saw her friend Alisa standing right there."Alisa!"Scremed Lola."Wow finally know Lola i need to tell you about me and stuff you know being a vampire"She said keeping a low voice.Lola pussed her covers of her body and sat up.Alisa told her all about her having to drink blood and the hole powers and how she chod tell justin.But as soon as Lola heard she chod tell justinf tears rolled down her eyes and Lola cryed."Ohh lola what is rong i can tell in your mind that you are very sad."Said Alisa fealling very concerned.So lola faced Alisa telling her the hole story and telling her how she was pregnet & did not reber what Alisa had told her before she fanted and just rembered Alisa was a vampire.The rest of after *I AM A VAMPIRE* she chod not rember."Ohhh lola i forgot to tell you!As soon as i bit you!Well- Alisa got cut of by Lola screming"You bit me!?!"She scremed waking up justin."What---wh-who there huhh?"He nearley Scremed waking up every one.Just then Karter Appered and bit Justin leving him to pass out."Lola watched in horror.Rembering she need to drink someones blood or she whod die."I left blood for you Alisa you need it"He said.Alisa then looked up took a long sigh looking at justin wigling in pain still barley a human then alisa took out her fangs and bit in to his neeck.His sweet worm blood tasted so good.The blood was so life changing Lola felt love in it.Then with out a word the room went dark and alls you chod hear were screms of rooms then justin awaking up screming"What happined!whare am i"Then the most frightning thang happened

Chapter 2 *The dark world*
Lola saw a glow of light then she felt a hand a cold hand tuch her hand and hold it geting almost her last drop of blood and then screm in horror finding out she alredy was one.Then lola chcod see it standing there it was Justin but his hands where cold and insted of choclet brown eyes.His eyes where glowing Red & his eyes were filled with the need of blood.As soon as Alisa saw justins eyes she said,"KARTER,LOLA!!RUNN!!!!!!!!!!"She scremed.Oping a window Karter and Alisa jumped landing on the ground in human form.Leving Lola there with Justin "When you sucked my blood i felt hate appon you know i will kill you!"He scremed in rase.As soon as he had her to the window Lola looked backed and lenned down jumping to the ground with no broken bone.I had to nearlly run to catch up with Alisa and Karter.They had the car door open for me and as soon as i sat in that seat i locket the door.Just as we speed oround the corner i saw Justin in the rear veiw merah and he had that sad look on his face.But i new it was all just guilt.I just looked away knowing he was just trying to lower me and Alisa in so he chod turn me and her in to the vampire concel.Where they chod vanish me and my hole line of life.They where to crule to be called vampires more like a mean witch and devel put together more like bitches.I was so sick of him."Alisa?"I asked alisa."Yah?"She replied."Well you see when i tasted Justins blood i saw a vision that he is going to atack are whole family and turn us in to the councel."I told her."Oh lola!You have the talent of visions!"She scremd."Visons?I thot everyone chod do that?"I asked."Well yes but not everyone you see there is 3 tipes of vampires 1.the strong.Witch gives you the power to distroy or be evil and 2.The vison witch alows you to see the future and tell what they feal about you.But only the ones with vison can know them then you get fealings and future.But if not you get nothing but blood tast of nothing that is why vampires cant really ever get anuf.That is also why most talk and hang with the human before they turn them.But last but not lest 3.The power to be on the councel.Witch is one pregnet kids that have kids and then the kid is born on human grounds.That makes the kid become more power full than us witch will live life as human then when a queen dies the generatchen of next hidden vampire gets picked.So your kid will do the same."She explaned."Wate i never want my kid to be one of them!"I scremed."Well you cant hide it the vampires can tell and when you'r kid is old anuf he will to sence you are vampires you can not hide it not at all!I am sorry it is the only less.."She thoth."What what is it!?!"I scremed.*THe vison Lola has*..
I saw a car crash then the vison ended."Alisa watch out for that car!"I scremed."Ohh dear god thank you any way..*calms down*you can have your kid born on the forbiden grounds witch if a forbiden vampire shows up you and your kid will be rased in there life as humans surving them with nothing but human strancth but i hear most get a box full of wizard power that is only used by the forbeden,and they practice it for what like years and gane the strancth to banish the forbiden long anuff fot them to become vampires again and escape the forbiden casle.Soo in other words very riscy!"Alisa explaned.I just sat there i new i had to have my kid on the forbiden grounds.Plus most of theis semed as if i read it from a book i stole from my mom as a kid & if you tell the forbiden about somthing that chod put humans in danger they let you have your kid on forbiden grounds.She did not say any thang till she came up with a plan."Alisa i know what he is going to do turn us in then when are strangth is gone he will get are family leving him inicent.So we need to get to the forbiden quick!"I scremd.The next thang i know Karter jumped out of the car*car was stoped*and raced to go git the car*he has the power strangth*and then he ame down in a mustang zooming down hear in less then a min.We jumped in to race to save Vampire Mankind!
It jumped out of the car and raced to the tall dark coold bilding hovering above me.But i noticed something it was not a building but a casle with a gate and a brige above water.As i walked up to the gate i saw someone waisp past me nothing ohh never mind so i keept on walking.Then as i walked up to the gate i saw it or shod i say..... him.It was justin standing there."Plese LolA DONT TELL THEM!"He pledded.I satred in his eyes trying to read his mind and dispite i was hoping his mind whod be set on good thougts not i dont love her i dont wana leve hear and i dont want the kid.So i did not speak at all and kept on walking!He looked like he was going to explode and i did not want any thang to do with him at all and i am sure he did not eather he just did not want to lose his power to control me."Fine i will go kill you'r family!"He scrmed back so i nearley ran and used my powers to get there."I NEED TO SPECK WITH FORBIDEN!KNOW I AM A VAMPIRE!"I scremed but the gard sat there and said in my face,"No i am sorry you need to make a apoint ment."He said back to politly becus i was about to explode.I nearly ran him over scremed out the words coming from my moouth and i was suprised he got all this,"KNOW LOOK BUDY I HAVE NO TIME FOR THIS ALL JUSTIN BIBER IS A VAMPIRE HE GOT ME PREGO AND HE DOES NOT WANT ME TO TELL THE COLD PEOLE THAT HE MIGHT DESTROY MAND KIND TRYING TO HUNT AND HE MIGHT KILL MY FAMILLY AND MY FRIENDS FAMILY KNOW LET ME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"I scremed.Witch deffently he let me in really scared i am gessing he is the kind that used to be a vampire.I rushed in leving Alisa and Karter behind me and i ran to find the cold mean evil ones but they are the only one that i can look now and my family was more inportant than justin and mabe this babe.As soon as i got there one of the cold one staired up and said,"I know why you are hear".

I looked around and i read his mind he spoke to me saying,"I know that justin is mean and evil and some one will come and get him i have the power of vision and i can read peoples mind."He spoke to me clearley in my mind.I was frigitened.Then the room went blank i passed out.
Chapter 3 trying to escape
I was in a solid black room seeing only some light what looked like to be a room so i got out of what semed to be the bed.Then i heared some one say"Where am i"It sounded like Alisa was there to.But i kept quit and got up to go to what was supost to be the door.But then i frosse to hear justin speak."Alisa its me justin did you tell Lola what and who i really am?"He said in a sturn voice."No i did not master she said in a hazed robot voice.I had to get out of hear.Then i felt a cold hand grip me.I gased up and heard what semed to be karter wisper"Lola justin has turned alisa in to his eavl little helper i was supost to keep my mouth shut but i can not explane as soon as they open that door runn bolt dont wory i will be running with you."He said.I did not reply knowing that the guy chod read my mind so i sat there wating for the door to open.As if i was in there for days.I chod not take it i slamed on the door "let me out!"I scremed.I saw it the light what semed like days of darknes was gone.As soon as they opened that doot me and karter bolted out the door.As soon as i saw the gate karter picked me up in his arms and he held me tight and lifted me up in the air.
We took of flying what semed like less than minits.As soon as we got to ground past the gated on the floor i was out of air amased by what had happened."Know...lola i need to tell you alisa is really..dead.Justin controled her and killed her know she is in a robot voice."He said with out any emocion but i chod hear him say in his mind"I am not going to cry."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.03.2012

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