
Chapter 1:Explanations

Chapter one ~ Explanations

I woke up hearing my phone next to me ringing.I looked at the clock.4 am?! Are they kidding me?!I looked at the caller ID:Work

Really god,really?!I answered the phone and nearly screamed annoyed:"What?!"Someone on the other line chuckled:"Why are you so annoyed,Demi?"That was Josh,my boss.I hate him."Why shouldn't I?First of all YOU called me and second:It's 4 am!"Josh chuckled again:"Well,you have to come now,new case.It's Miller Street 6.Hurry up lazy butt!"Ugh..."What's the matter with you?It's 4 am and you are awake calling me.Why are you out there though?"Josh sighed,:"I got a call too and they called me at 2 am so don't be harsh.I have slept like 1 hour!Now move your lazy butt here!"With that he hung up the phone.I fell back onto the bed and closed my eyes.I hate him,I hate this stupid job and I hate myself.But so what,I get money...Actually really good money.I got up,took a shower got dressed,took my handbag with me and walked to my car.On the way I stopped at a shop buying a coffee and a bagel.I finally arrived and got out of my car.Josh was already standing there,telling people what they had to do.And then I am the lazy one...Whatever.He looked at me and came my direction."Good,you're here.I need your help."
"You always do..."
"Yes,because you're detective.It's your job."He looked at me wierdly.
"Yes and I hate this job!"I knelt down in front of a young girl.Dead,young girl to be honest.She had cuts on her wrists,which I take as self harming...
"So.Write down:Cuts on her wrists,probably from self harming,Little cuts on her left leg and a shoot in her head.So my conclution is that she killed herself.What do you think?"
"I don't know?You are the detective.I'm just the guy who pays your money!"
"Come on.I don't have time for your stupid jokes.I have to go home again.I'm tired.Help me."
"Fine."He knelt down beside me,spinning the girl,so she was laying on her stomach now.
We looked at her back.I saw her purse and looked at her license.
"Alexandra Beth,7 years old."
"Alexandra Beth?Isn't that the girl that disappeared two months ago?"
"You're right!That's her...But she looks different...She looked better when she was life."
"Oh,really?What did you expect?That she still looks like a queen?"
"Haha,you're sooo funny..."
I stood up,walking to my friend Selena.She looked at me yawning.
"Hey Selly.You're awake too?Who called you?"I smiled at her,putting my hands into my pockets.She shook her head,:"Guess."
"YOU WON 100$!!!"She giggled.I shook my head,laughing.
Josh came towards us.He handed me a paper.
"Here are the papers for te case.Handle it.Or you are fired."
"WHAT?!Why am I fired then?"
"I thought you couldn't care less about this 'stupid job'."
"Hey,I didn't say that this job was stupid.I just said that I hate it!"
"That's enough.2 weeks and you solved the case or you're fired.It's your choice."with that he turned around and walked away shouting things at people.I scoffed."Is he serious?!I work harder than everyone here.No offence to those others and to you Selly,but...I don't know why he keeps picking on me!"
"Maybe he loves you!"Selly winked at me.
"Eww,no way!"I looked at her funny.
"You don't know.Maybe he just wants your attention."
"Then he could just ask me out,instead of being mean to me!I wouldn't say no..."
"Ouh...You like him."She giggled at me.I shook my head.
"No way.Not today,not tomorrow,never ever.He is my boss and he annoys me everyday.Why should I like him anyway?"I looked at her.She shrugged.
"He likes you.I know that to 100%"
"If you think so."I look at my clock. 4.30 am...God time flies...
"Selly I have to go.I got a lot of work to do.Love you.Bye."
"Bye sweety."
I drove home again and went to bed.I drifted off to sleep fast because I was really tired.Josh can be so annoying.I should get extra money for surviving with him in one room.He always picked on me.Even when I first came into his office.He made jokes about me,but so what,he does that with everyone.Bullshit,what Selly said.Sure he really loves me...He can't even fall in love!He always dates girls for one week,than he breaks up with them.He even dated Selly.Now they are some kind of friends.What I really don't understand about men:Why can't they just ask you out or tell you that they love you?Is it that hard?Why am I even caring?I don't love him,he doesn't love me.Now I really have to sleep...I drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 2:Josh's secret

Chapter two: Josh's secret

The next morning I woke up by a lound knock on my door.I groaned and looked at my clock:1pm?!!I hopped out of my bed and opened the door.Josh.My dear lord this can't be good.
"Good morning.Sleep well?"He looked at me slightly angry.I closed my eyes tightly and groaned."Oh my god.I'm so sorry!I didn't hear my alarm!"He came in looking around the room.
"You are two hours late miss Lovato.Should I be angry or kind?"He made his typical 'thinking-face'and looked at me."I'm really sorry..."I drove a hand through my messy hair.He sighed."You have to be at work in 2 hours.Don't be late."He turned around and left.I sighed in relief and ran into the bathroom,getting ready.I was at work 1 hour later,already sitting in my chair Looking through the folder my assistant Juliet gave me.Alexandra Beth,7 years old,Junior in Acting school,New York.She had long black hair and wore black clothes.Probably she was really self harming herself.Her skin was pale but she still looked pretty.Parents:Josh Pattins and Juno Pattins...WHAT wait!JOSH?!Josh Pattins?!My Josh Pattins?!My boss?!This can't be true!I looked at his picture.Oh my god...It's really him!He has...had a daughter and a wife?But I never ever heard of them.I think nobody did.I looked at the girl again.She really looks a little like him...Oh my god.He lost his daughter.This has to be really hard.I can't know because I don't have children,but it has to be really hard for him now.I heard a knock on my door."Come in."The door opened,revealing a upset Josh.His eyes were red,probably from crying.I looked at him."So,it's true?She is your daughter?"He nodded slightly.I sighed and got up from my chair.He looked at me."I didn't even know."He sighed.
"You didn't?"I was really confused.Maybe that's why he hasn't told anyone.
"No.Juno and I had a divorce 8 years ago.I never saw her again or called her.She didn't tell me,she was pregnant when I left.Now I called her.She said she didn't want Alexandra to know who I was because she was scared I would want her or she didn't want to stay with her anymore."He sat down on my chair,putting his head in his hands."I didn't even got to know her..."He sighed.I knelt down next to him,looking up at him.He looked at me.I smiled,trying to cheer him up."You know what,everything has it's reason.Maybe you found her so you can solve this case.I'm pretty sure Alexandra was a nice girl.And you would have been a great dad.Don't think to much about it.It just makes you upset.And who knows,you're only 22 maybe you get kids someday?"I smiled warmly at him,speaking softly.He smiled at me."Thank you.Maybe you're even right."
"I AM right,ok?"I winked at him.He chuckled.A tired chuckle,but still a chuckle.
"I'm always right."I giggled and got up.Josh got up too and hugged me.I was really surprised because normally he doesn't hug others.He doesn't even show any emotions.I hugged back with a confused look on my face.he pulled back and smiled at me a last time before he left the room.I stood there thinking about what happened.After 2 minutes I sat back down on my chair.Now Josh is Alexandras father.Now let's call her mother:Juno Pattins.

Chapter 3:Visiting Juno Pattins

I was walking out of work,when someone grabbed my arm.Josh.I looked at him wierdly."What?I have to go now.I have work to do..."he smiled."That's why I am here.I'm coming with you."I rolled my eyes."Why?You annoyed me enough."Josh groaned."Because I know Juno.And you don't so I could probably help you?"I glared at him."No.You can't help me.You're just paying my money.That's what you said.You don't know anything about that job.So don't bother me with your presence,please."Josh rolled his eyes."God.You're so stubborn!Let me help you?"I put my head in my hands and looked at him."Fine.BUT if you annoy me you go."Josh smirked."Great."I looked around so noone would see me with him.I hate him and that would destroy my career as a 'hater'.Josh hummed to my favorite song while we walked to my car."Stop it.You know this is my favorite song.Don't destroy it."He hummed louder.I threw my head back,groaning.suddenly he stopped humming and walking.I stopped too,looking at him."What?"He cleared his throat."We're here..."I smiled."Well?Don't be nervous.She won't kill you."He glared at me."You don't even know her.She will absolutely kill me."I laughed."Well you wanted to come.Now,don't be a chicken and follow me."I rang the doorbell.A tall guy opened the door and looked at me."Erm...hello.Can I help you?"I smiled at him."I'm detective Lovato and this partner.We're following the case:Alexandra Beth and we have to ask miss Pattins some questions.Is she here?"He smiled."Yes.Please come in.I will bring her."I stepped in,followed by Josh who looked a little pale.The guy walked away."Are you okay?"He nodded."yes.I'm fine..."We heard a voice of a girl.Probably a little girl.She ran through the house,giggling.Then someone came towards us.A woman.She had curly blonde hair and a smile that freaked me out."I'm sorry.But my niece is here for the weekend.I hope she won't bother us.-"Then she stopped,looking at Josh.He looked at her,slightly nervous.I cleared my throat looking at Josh."Oh.Hello Juno."Juno glared at him."Hello asshole."I looked at her,raising an eyebrow.She smiled at me and looked at Josh for one more second,before sitting down on the couch."Sit down."Josh and I sat down across from her."So."I started."Since when did Alexandra start cutting?"She looked at me confused."Cutting?"I nodded."I didn't even know she was cutting.Well she had a fight with this girl in school and the girl cut her wrist with her nails but that was the only thing I could remember...Well at least that's what Alex told me."I nodded,writing something down on my piece of paper I brought with me."Well we found deep cuts on her wrists when we found her and we think that's the reason she died.Self harming.What was the girls name she fighted with?"Juno thought for a moment."I think it was Delia Ronny...But I don't really know anymore.She changed school last year."I smiled."Thank you.You'll hear of us.If you remember anything else call me."I handed her my card and walked out of the house.Josh followed me."Mhm...I don't think she has to do anything with it.She seemed nice."Josh smiled."She is really great.But she hates me.And I hate her too,well a bit."I smirked."You don't hate her you love her!Aww!How cute!"I nudged him."Stop it!I don't love her anymore!Not after she betrayed me with that guy."I giggled."Fine.I will take that as a 'yes'"He rolled his eyes."If you feel better than."I smirked at him."What?"I smiled."Nothing.I just started liking you.A bit."Oh god.I can't believe I just said that!I hate him!This can't happend!I can't like him.He is...well Josh and he is annoying.I hate him and he hates me.He smiled."Well i like you too."What?What did he say?He likes me too?What the hell is happening here?!

Chapter 4:Feelings

Josh was sitting in the car waiting for me.I had to drink a coffee now.This was just to confusing for me.I bought two cups of coffee and headed back to the car,getting in.He took his coffee and started driving to my apartment.I drank my coffee without saying a word.Normally I would turn up the music in his car annoying him,but this time it was different.He liked me.And I kind of did too.Why do I like him?Why god?I should hate him.And he should hate me too.Than I would annoy him and he would be annoyed and we would live happyly ever after.Like always when we are together.But now?We are quiet.So quietly that I can hear my own heart beat.And man,it was hot here.I pulled off my jacket throwing it to the backseat.He looked at me."Hot?"I nodded."Kinda."He smiled.That was all?No stupid comment on how I look?Nothing?I waited,looking at him.Nothing.After a while he looked at me."Why are looking at me like that?"I looked away.Than I looked at him again."You don't wanna tell me someting?"He shook his head."No.Why?Should I?"I shook my head."No.It's just...Normally you would annoy me.But today you aren't."He smirked."You miss something?"I rolled my eyes."There you are again.My annoying boss."He laughed.I giggled."So we're here."He pulled into my driveway and stopped the car."Thanks for the drive."He smiled."Thanks for the coffee."I giggled,kissing his cheek,getting out of the car and into my apartment.What did I do?!I am soo confused right now man.I have to talk to someone now...Marissa!I have to call her now.I dialed her number,waiting for her to pick up.Come on!!!"hello?"I sighed in relief."God.I'm soo glad you picked up.You can't believe what happens with me."I heard Marissa giggling."What happened girl?"I giggled."I think I like Josh...Oh my god.I can't even believe I said this now."I heard Marissa gasp."Oh my dear lord.WHAT?!You LIKE him?!What is wrong with you?!"I sighed."I don't know...I can't even think straight now.It's so confusing.But everytime I see him I have to smile.He is...Well...Cute.Kinda.But I don't know what to do.He told me that he liked me too.Marissa cutie,help me!"Marissa laughed."Slow down girl.Well seems like you are falling in love with Josh.Who is,by the way,your boss."Marissa chuckled again."Well I guess I have to come over now,right?"I nodded even though she couldn't see it."Yes please..."Marissa laughed."Right girl.I'm over at 5,ok?"We hung up.I leaned back to the couch and took deep breaths.Ok,why am I falling in love with him?What happens with me?I hated him for 10 years.10!And I know him since I am 10.And we hated each other the day we met.So why did my feelings for him change?What did he do?!I smiled as I heard the doorbell ringing.I got up,opening the door.Marissa came in with a smirk on her face."so so...My little girl is falling in love.Lalalalalaa!"I hit her."Stop it!" I giggled.

Chapter 5:Next day,new feelings?

I was leaning against the wall of the lift,sighing.God...I can't even look at him.The door of the lift opened and Josh stepped in,smiling at me.His smile *-* God,Demi stop it.I smiled back at him."Morning,Demi.How are you?"I tried to act calm."Uhm.I'm fine.How are you?"
"I'm fine.Ready to solve the case?"
"No.Not at all.But I guess I have to."
"Well.It is your job.And I believe that you solve this case in no time."
I smiled and hit his chest before going out of the lift and towards my office.Marissa was waiting for me."heeyy heeyy,giiirl!"
"hey Mary.What are you doing here?"
"I have to tell you something!You know Chester Callahan,right?"
"Yes.He is an actor,why?"
"He called me and offered me a job!!!"
"Oh my dear lord!That's awesome!"We jumped up and down,screaming and laughing.Then Josh came towards us.I stopped jumping and giggled."Hey,why are you both that happy?"
"Marissa is going to be an actress.Isn't that awesome?"
"It is.Congratulations girlie."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.11.2012

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