

Stacy chewed her strawberry-flavored bubble gum slowly as she scanned her dimly lit surroundings.  Things were definitely in full swing at the club tonight.  She slowly reached up and removed her midnight-colored sunglasses then rubbed her weary eyes.  It was getting late and she was in desperate need of some sleep.

She felt a little self-conscious about her sultry wardrobe, but tried to make the best of it.  The sheer cerulean blouse, skin-tight coal jeans and black heels were a far cry from her usual style of dress.

 For the past thirty minutes she had endured endless advances from drunks commenting on her tight jeans.  Stacy vowed this was the last time she allowed her friend Jenny to select her wardrobe. 

After scanning her immediate surroundings, Stacy slowly waded through the crowd to the center bar.  Aptly named the Watering Hole, it served as an oasis for thirsty dancers and socialites.  Constructed on a three–foot-high steel platform the circular bar offered a 360-degree view of the club.  It was surrounded by several lounge chairs positioned near the platform’s neon guard rails.

After politely declining multiple offers for a drink, Stacy found a secluded seat near the platform edge.  She slowly slid on her sunglasses as she concentrated on the dance floor.        

Her primary assignment was to observe the club for any abnormalities.  So far she hadn’t detected anything out of the ordinary or even interesting.  She did, however, notice the attendance was well above normal for a Thursday night.  Stacy estimated there were at least two hundred people on the massive dance floor and about twenty-five around the bar.  That was a high number for a club that typically saw upwards of one hundred on a Thursday night.  

 “I don’t remember anything special listed on the flyer,” she said to herself. 

After another ten minutes, Stacy did notice something peculiar. The dance floor was jam-packed with dancers.  That in itself wasn’t unusual for a popular song, but the current song didn’t warrant this kind of reaction.

She quickly wrote it off as drunken dancers not knowing any better.  Stacy imagined they would enthusiastically dance to “Old McDonald” if the DJ played it.  Or perhaps they were all getting ready to perform the electric slide when a good song came on.   When the DJ played another song from his outdated collection of ’90s one-hit wonders, Stacy cringed.  For a brief moment, she imagined a mob complete with torches and pitchforks rushing the DJ booth to exact justice upon the hapless disc jockey.  To her surprise, no one charged the DJ booth or uttered a cry for change.  They simply danced, apparently oblivious to the horrid music being perpetrated in their presence.  No change in rhythm, movement or speed.

Without warning, everyone turned in unison to the northwest corner of the dance floor.  In that corner was a beautiful Hispanic woman dancing on a raised platform.  Her dark brown lace dress blended beautifully with her skin. It was hard to determine where the skin-tight dress stopped and her skin began.  To the naked eye, she appeared undressed.  Her thigh-high black leather stiletto boots were wrapped with thin gold chains.  Her curly black hair was damp.  It fell loosely over her shoulders and around her neck.  Her almond-colored eyes were captivating and sparked in the dark.  She was currently the main attraction and everyone’s eyes were drawn to her.  Her movements were slow and deliberate like a tribal dance, exuding sensuality and desire.        

With a little effort, Stacy ripped her eyes away from the young woman in the corner.  To her surprise, everyone on the dance floor was mimicking the girl’s movements.    

Realizing something was amiss, Stacy closed her eyes and focused her senses.  She whispered a prayer for protection and slowly opened her eyes.  The dance floor before her was now awash with a dull crimson glow.  She recognized it immediately: a demonic aura. 

The adversary typically used auras to alter emotions and physical health of any human in its vicinity.  Those who did not have a relationship with God were the most susceptible. 

Stacy quickly pulled out her cellphone and typed a message, “Type = red aura?” then hit send.

After a few moments her cellphone vibrated, signaling a response.   Stacy quickly glanced at the message.


She quickly typed a response, “Meet me outside in 15.”

Once the message was sent, Stacy returned her attention to the dance floor.  To her amazement everyone in the aura’s radius was now partially disrobed and sensually embracing a partner.  They were still facing the Hispanic woman, who had removed her dress.  Stacy quickly averted her eyes from the partially nude woman, who was the focus of everyone’s attention.       

Stacy sensed the demon a moment later.  It had slowly entered the club and was making its way to the dance floor.  Stacy’s eyes began burning as it drew near.  Fearing it might sense her presence, Stacy slowly rose from her seat and approached the bar.  She was under strict instructions not to engage any demon in a public area.  Her superior made it clear collateral damage in a crowded setting was unacceptable.  She was not to engage any demon or fallen soul in public without prior authorization. 

Once she reached the bar, Stacy quickly retrieved her phone and fired off a text message to Jenny, “Found one.”

The reply was almost immediate, “Draw it outside, ETA two minutes.”

Stacy calmly placed the phone back in its holster then turned her back to the dance floor.   The bar was nearly abandoned now.  Everyone had abandoned their drinks and joined the dancers.  Once they were in the crimson aura their attention was fixated on the nude woman in the corner.  

Stacy felt the demon moving unimpeded through the club.  It existed on the spiritual plane, invisible to the naked eye and unimpeded by physical objects.  

In order to gain its attention she needed to reveal herself.  She quickly surveyed her immediate surroundings and found everyone was either preoccupied with their drinks or enamored with the woman dancing in the corner.  Stacy quickly removed her sunglasses and allowed her dark brown eyes to transform into glowing sky blue orbs.  Stacy’s transformed eyes peeled back the mortal plane and granted her access to the spiritual realm.  Her vision became crisper than normal and granted her an unobstructed view of the demon she sensed nearby.  It was a hideously deformed creature with dark yellow eyes.  The abomination appeared to have once been human, or something resembling a human.  Its skin was burnt and ripped in sections.  Muscle tendons visible through the skin were pink with splotches of yellow.  A broken wing slumped from the right shoulder blade, and with each step a charred feather fell to the ground.  A battered and cracked skull devoid of hair and beauty quickly turned in Stacy’s direction.  It saw Stacy’s glowing eyes and roared in anger.  The demon’s black eye orbs quickly turned yellow and began smoking.  Stacy studied the demon for a moment longer, then severed her connection to the spiritual realm.  Her glowing eyes slowly faded back to their normal color.  The demon vanished from her sight as it slowly approached.  She knew it couldn’t harm her unless she had an active connection to the spiritual plane.  Although the demon knew she was an adversary, now all it could do was follow her harmlessly.  

Stacy started to proceed to the exit behind her when she heard her name.

 “Stacy, is that you?”

Startled by the sudden voice, Stacy quickly turned.  She was surprised to see an old acquaintance by the name of KJ standing behind the bar.

“KJ?  What are you doing here?  I thought you were working at Platinum on Rush Street.”

His dark brown eyes quickly scanned her outfit then returned to the shot glass he was cleaning.

“Never mind that, what is that you’re wearing?”

“Oh, you don’t like?” she replied with a hint of self-consciousness.  “Jenny picked it out for me.”

“I didn’t ask who picked it out.  I’m just a little shocked to see you dressed like that.”

 KJ quickly averted his eyes and slowly reached beneath the counter for a cold bottle of water.  He placed it on the counter for her then reached for another shot glass to clean. 

“What exactly are you trying to accomplish by wearing that getup? Looking to catch a man or something?”  KJ asked with a hint of disapproval. 

 She studied him for a moment then smiled.  He clearly disapproved of her overtly sexual appearance and she couldn’t be happier. 

  “You’re the first guy to disapprove of my outfit tonight.  Thank you.” 

K.J. was confused.  He had known Stacy for over a year and had never seen her dressed in such a manner.  Although they occasionally chatted when he tended bar at the Platinum Club, he never considered her a friend.  She was an acquaintance whom he saw occasionally, maybe once a month.  She always kept to herself and was always wearing sunglasses.  He thought she was just plain weird.  

 “Well if you must know, I am trying to attract … something,” Stacy said as she glanced over her shoulder.

“Ahh, so you’re trying to attract someone special then?” he asked with an eyebrow raised.  “That explains the outfit.  At least you managed to keep most of it on, unlike the Hispanic girl in the corner” K.J. said as he turned around to the cash register.

Stacy now sensed a second demon entering the club.  It was time to go.

“Take care K.J., I have to run.”

Before K.J. could respond, Stacy was already making her way to the exit.  She quickly weaved her way through the sea of partially dressed dancers to the exit.  She needed to get outside to meet her partner before the demons found her.  She finally gave up excusing herself when she realized everyone on the dance floor was oblivious to her presence.  They were still focused on the Hispanic woman dancing in the far corner.     

As she continued across the dance floor, Stacy’s right hip vibrated.  She quickly retrieved her cellphone and flipped it open as she passed a couple laying on a table.  She quickly read the text message,“Outside Now! J.”


As Stacy left the night club she scanned her surroundings intently.  The immediate area was quiet and devoid of activity.  The doorman she passed acknowledged her presence with a nod. 

“Leaving so soon?” the brawny man asked as he closed the door behind her. 

Stacy didn’t reply as she turned left on the sidewalk and proceeded north on Michigan Avenue.  Once she reached the corner, Stacy stopped and took a deep breath.  

 “It’s about time you got out of there,” Jenny said as she crossed the street. 

“Took me a while to locate it,” Stacy replied as she turned to her best friend. 

Jenny was dressed similarly to Stacy.  Rather than wearing tight jeans Jenny opted for a tight black skirt.  Stacy immediately felt thankful Jenny had chosen to wear the skirt.    

Jenny’s face turned serious, “I checked with Beth and she confirmed it was a Lust aura, the same aura used at Sodom and Gomorrah.”

Stacy sighed.  “Well, there are over two hundred people in there.  Most were in the process of disrobing when I left.”

“Did you see any demons?”

“Just one.  But there was one woman everyone appeared to be watching.  She wasn’t what she appeared to be.”

Jenny thought about it for a moment, “She may have been a fallen.  We haven’t seen one in quite some time.”

“Maybe…” Stacy stopped in midsentence.  She felt the familiar burning behind her eyes.  

Jenny’s light green eyes quickly turned sky blue and began glowing.  She glanced in several directions, then focused on something to her right.  After a few moments her eyes returned to their normal color.  “Let’s go.  I scouted an area just south of here.”

“Is it secluded?”  Stacy asked as she followed her friend.

“Of course.”  

  Jenny quickly led her friend south on Michigan Avenue.  As they walked, Stacy reached out with her senses.  They were being followed.  Before long they found themselves in an industrial park full of warehouses and shipping docks.  

Stacy abruptly stopped staring off into the distance.  Jenny quickly joined her friend. 

“What is it? What do you sense?” Jenny asked hastily.

 “Nothing.  Maybe it lost interest and went elsewhere.”

“I doubt it.  It’s probably keeping a safe distance until it feels we’re vulnerable.”

“How much further?” Stacy asked as she scratched her arm.

Jenny pointed to a large warehouse a block away. 

“We’ll lure it there.  Come on.”

They continued their trek until they arrived at their destination.  The enormous warehouse served as a distribution center for Oscar Systems, a manufacturer of computer systems boards.  It was surrounded by a twelve foot-high iron rod fence and manicured bushes.  The parking lot gate was cracked open.  

“Nice touch” Stacy muttered as she visually inspected the warehouse and parking lot. 

“I thought you would like it,” Jenny replied.  “Come on.” 

 Stacy followed her friend through the partially opened parking gate.  For a brief moment she wondered why this company left their parking gate unlocked.  The broken padlock several feet away answered that question.  It was still smoldering.       

  “I see you took care of the lock,”  Stacy said dully.

Jenny casually led the way and replied mockingly, “Lock?  What lock?”

   Stacy studied the warehouse for a moment then pointed to a dark alleyway to the right.  It was nestled between the warehouse and a parking garage. 

“Wait.  Don’t tell me.  We’re supposed to go down that dark alley in search of a short cut.  Am I right?”    

“We are?” Jenny replied, unconcerned.   

“Then to our surprise we discover it’s a dead end.  The evil demons show up, we scream and the movie credits start to roll.”  

“A little cynical, are we?”

“Who, me?  I’m a ray of sunshine.  Besides I have to give you some grief for picking out these clothes.”

Jenny smiled, “I thought you always wanted to be man-candy.  Besides, I have been dying to see you in heels.”

“Well this will be the last time,” Stacy replied as she began walking towards the alley.

A strong breeze rushed in from the west carrying the scent of rain.  Jenny watched as several dark clouds rolled in.  In a matter of minutes the moon and stars were blanketed by clouds.

“Something’s coming,” Jenny announced as she followed Stacy into dark alley.

Jenny reached out with her senses for any trace of their pursuer.  She sensed something slowly approaching from the south.  

Stacy suddenly put her hand on Jenny’s shoulder to catch her balance.  All of a sudden her unique senses became overwhelmed as her eyes began to burn intensely.

“What was that?” she said to Jenny. 

“The adversary’s minions.” 

“Minions?  I only sensed one when you left the club.”

“More than that now.”

“How many is more?”

“Can’t tell.”


As they turned to face the front gate a male voice echoed through the loading dock.

 “Hey ladies, where are you going? It’s not safe out here.”

Stacy immediately focused her senses, attempting to locate the source. 

“There,” Stacy whispered as she pointed to the open gate.  “About fifty yards away J.  Let’s see that dead end of yours.” 

 Jenny took the lead and ran into the shadowy alley.  Stacy easily kept pace with her partner while carefully avoiding rocks, trash, and discarded office furniture.  Occasional cloud breaks allowed silver light from the full moon to illuminate the alley. 

After about thirty yards, Jenny slowed their pace to a casual walk.  They quieted their footsteps in an attempt to hear any pursuit. 

Jenny leaned over and whispered, “Do you sense anything?”

“What I feel right now you don’t want to know about.  It’s stronger than ever.  Stay vigilant,” Stacy said in a serious voice.

Jenny became slightly unnerved by Stacy’s seriousness.  Normally they kept things light before a battle to maintain a sense of calm.  Now, Stacy was not laughing.  She was dead serious and that didn’t bode well for their situation.     

As they continued walking down the alley, Stacy suddenly kicked off her shoes.  “That’s it. I’m done.  These heels are killing me.”  

 As Stacy’s shoes flew a few feet a soft feminine voice echoed through the darkness.  “I didn’t like them either.  They really didn’t match your outfit.”   

 A slightly deeper voice added, “She should have gone with an open-toe style if you asked me.”

Jenny assumed her prey were had unwittingly fallen for her trap.  Unbeknownst to Jenny, her pursuers were well acquainted with the area.  They knew the alley was a dead end, and they knew Jenny and Stacy were no ordinary girls.   

The alley had been awash in faint moonlight when Stacy and Jenny entered.  Now it was growing increasing darker as their pursuers approached.  The unmistakable sound of heels walking on concrete resonated loudly down the alley.  Stacy reached out with her senses attempting to locate their pursuers.  Nothing.

 A gust of wind rushed down the alley carrying the promise the promise of rain and the unmistakable scent of jasmine.   

Jenny’s eyes widened, “Oh my God, we need to go.”

Stacy clinched her fists, “Go?  Why?” 

“We’re not prepared for this.  They’re supposed to be extinct,” Jenny replied quickly.

“I’m not going anywhere until we identify our targets.  We stick to the plan,” Stacy said, annoyed. 

Jenny whirled on her partner, “You don’t understand what we’re up against.  These… Things approaching were once human and they can command Legion.”   


“The Gospel of Luke, Luke 8:30,” Jenny whispered in hushed tones.  “And Jesus asked him, saying ‘What is thy name?’ And he said, ‘Legion.’  ‘Because many devils were entered into him.’  Since man’s expulsion from Eden, humanity has been susceptible to their influence.”  

“You’re talking possession?”

“In some cases. We can pick this up later if we survive…”

A thunderclap suddenly exploded over Chicago, causing the ground to shake.  Dogs and car alarms responded immediately.  Unnerving howls and growls resembling wolves brawling over a fresh kill quickly swept through the city.  The din was so intense and deafening citizens walking the streets quickly sought cover, fearing for their lives.  Dark amber eyes simultaneously appeared across the city peering from the shadows.  Several people screamed in terror and ran from the menacing eyes in dark alleys and bushes.  After a few horrific moments, the eyes vanished without a trace.

  A ray of bright moonlight exploded through the layer of dark clouds like a spotlight.  That ray of light lit up the alley, allowing Stacy and Jenny to see their adversaries.  Stacy frowned when she recognized the Hispanic woman from the club slowly approaching her.  She was again wearing the same lace skirt and stiletto boots.

“The one in black lace is from the club.  The other one I don’t recognize,” Stacy said to her partner.

“I do.  She was hanging around a crowded park I passed earlier,” Jenny replied.

The approaching women came to a stop twenty yards away.  They were sensually dressed in black lace dresses, stiletto heels and gold jewelry.  Both smiled as they watched Jenny and Stacy slowly approach them.

“You left the club in a rush,” the Hispanic woman said to Stacy.

“The music sucked,” Stacy replied drily.  “Why did you follow us?”

The Hispanic woman smiled, “Because you wanted me to.  Why else would expose yourself in public?”

“I thought your kind was extinct,” Jenny cut in.

“Why would you think that?” she replied amused.

“You need to leave, now” Jenny commanded.

“Leave?  But we just returned from sacking one of your strongholds in San Francisco.  As a matter of fact, we wanted to grant you the opportunity to say goodbye to someone.”

The Hispanic woman and her partner parted as an Asian woman appeared from the shadows wearing bronze armor.

Jenny’s face turned white.  She took a step forward visibly shaking, “Amanda?”   Amanda’s black hair was braided and fell behind her shoulders. Her bronze armor was sleek and form-fitting.  Her majestic breastplate bore the crest of a golden lion.  A gray cape was clasped at the right collar bone by a golden cross.  Bronze leg plates protected her legs and knees.  Her eyes were bloodshot but sharp. Amanda appeared to be breathing hard and exhausted. 

“Hello, Jenny,” Amanda said between labored breaths.

“What the hell are you doing with them?” Jenny nearly screamed.  She was slowly losing control of her emotions.

Amanda ignored her question, “I’ll make you the same offer I made everyone else tonight.  Join us or die.”

“Join who?” Stacy replied confused.

Amanda glanced at Stacy then back at Jenny, “I see you’re still training the new recruits.  I gather she hasn’t been in the fold very long.”

Jenny ignored the statement, “Amanda!  What…are…you…doing…with…THEM?!”

Amanda rolled her eyes, “You know what this is.  You just don’t want to admit it.”  She paused for a moment before continuing, “Are you aware every stronghold around the world was raided tonight?”

“Raided?  What does she mean raided?” Stacy asked, concerned.

“Amanda,” Jenny replied sternly, “What have you done?”

Amanda tilted her head slight to the right. “That includes the Holy Name Cathedral.  No survivors.  Well, none except Celeste and Beth of course.  They ran like rats escaping a sinking ship.”

Jenny quickly bowed her head and said a prayer for strength and guidance.  When she raised her head she opened her transformed eyes.  Glowing orbs of sky blue light quickly surveyed the area.  Her clothing instantly liquefied then reshaped itself.  A moment later she bore armor similar to Amanda’s.  The only difference was the dove etched on Jenny’s breastplate.  

“You’re going to burn for eternity Amanda,” Jenny spat.

“Same old Christian propaganda, Jenny.  Open your eyes and think for yourself for once.  You’re serving an absentee landlord.  He doesn’t care anything about you or anyone else for that matter.”

Jenny’s right hand quickly reached for the sky, summoning her holy weapon.  A silver sword quickly materialized in her hand, granting her additional strength and dexterity. 

“You never could beat me,” Amanda said, disappointed.  “I honestly thought you would be the one who opened her eyes.”

“Goodbye, Amanda,” Jenny spat though clinched teeth.

Without warning, Jenny sprang forward swinging her sword horizontally neck high.  Her strike was blocked effortlessly by Amanda’s golden sword.  The clashing of swords sounded like thunder as a gust of wind swept down the alley.  Amanda’s expression didn’t change when Jenny disengaged and retreated several steps. 

“Jenny, I’m not going to kill you.  I’m taking you with me.”

“I don’t think so,” Jenny yelled as she raced forward again.

From the shadows a glowing red whip raced through the air.  The tip stuck Jenny’s chest plate with enough force to knock her off her feet.  She was unconscious when her body struck the ground inches away from Stacy.

 “Oh my God,” Stacy exclaimed as she knelt next to her friend.

“He’s not here,” Amanda spat as she slowly approached.  She quickly nodded at Stacy.

 A moment later Stacy heard the crack of a whip then indescribable pain raced through her body. She felt her body flying backwards for a moment before it slammed into something hard.  Her body went limp and she couldn’t move.  Stacy managed to force her eyes open in time to see Amanda lift Jenny off the ground and vanish into the darkness. 

Once they were gone the Hispanic woman appeared from the shadows holding a glowing red whip.  She blew Stacy a kiss before delivering the final blow.  Stacy saw her life flash before her eyes moments before darkness engulfed her.  She knew what awaited her on the other side and smiled.

 An instant later she was standing before Saint Peter, who was holding the Book of Life.


Dr. Angela Celeste was devastated by the news.  Every stronghold across the United States had fallen to the adversary an hour ago.  A coordinated attack by Legion and Fallen managed to do the impossible; they successfully entered and destroyed every stronghold along with her warriors.  No, God’s warriors.  This was not possible.  No way could they traverse holy ground.

As she paced her office searching for something to throw, her assistant Toni, quickly entered. 

“We just found Stacy’s body,” Toni managed between breaths.

Angela’s eyes narrowed even further, “Legion?”

“And at least two Fallen.”

The room shook as Angela whirled to face her old friend.  “Fallen?  We banished their ilk from the mortal plane over a century ago,” she yelled.

Unfazed by Angela’s outburst, Toni crossed her arms defiantly.  “Apparently, someone has been busy.”


“The first wife.”

Angela’s brown eyes quickly turned blue as she crossed the room to her friend.  “Is anyone left?”

“Initial reports indicate no survivors.  We’re searching for warriors who may have not been at the strongholds during the sieges.”

Angela quickly approached a door to Toni’s right.  The iron door resembled an intricately crafted gate for an expensive wine cellar or closet.  It measured twelve feet high and twelve feet wide with no visible handles or markings.  Standing six feet from the door, she removed her worn shoes and neatly placed them to the side.  She gazed at the door for a moment then turned to Toni.  “I need to speak to Stacy directly.  I want each one of my warriors accounted for when I get back, dead or alive.”

“Understood,” Toni replied as she turned for the door.  She paused for a moment and added, “You may want to ask her what happened to Jenny.  We can’t find her body.”  Then she was gone.

Angela slowly approached the iron door and gently touched the surface with her right hand.  She then took a step back and patiently waited.  Moments later an intense white light erupted around the door’s frame, bathing Angela with its brilliance.  Her glowing blue eyes watched the door silently swing open, granting her access to her home.  She promptly passed through the door, leaving the mortal plane behind.  Once Angela crossed the threshold the iron door immediately closed behind her and vanished.

Angela found herself quickly walking across a vast green meadow of magnificent marble buildings and statues.  Enormous white clouds slowly passed overhead as long green grass and assorted flowers swayed in the breeze. Golden bricks formed sidewalks connecting each building in view.  One golden trail led to an enormous city far off in the distance.  The city was so large there were no visible boundaries. 

Angela had not visited this campus for several decades and was happy to see nothing had changed.  Beautiful African swallowtail butterflies flew overhead, dancing in the warm breeze.  Their colors glowed in the sunlight.  Angela smiled as took in their bright colors and graceful movements.  She occasionally passed other beings like herself going about their business dressed in flowing white robes.  They acknowledged her with a smile or wave.  She responded with a polite wave or head nod as she continued to her destination.

She finally arrived at an enormous marble building resembling a museum.  As she approached the entrance, she read the words etched on four massive columns: Fortitude, Temperance, Justice and Prudence.  Those words were a reference to the principles that embodied the pious warriors who bravely fought for God.  Above the entrance’s ornate golden doors were the words “Hall of Fallen Warriors.” 

The hall was filled with elaborate portraits, immaculate tapestries and enormous marble statues.  Elegant portraits depicting men and women dressed in majestic suits of armor lined the walls as far as the eye could see.  Angela knew each one of them personally.  She had trained them herself since the beginning, when God began enlisting his children to serve in his army.

 As she strolled down every hallway she nodded at each portrait and did something she hadn’t done in years.  She smiled.  After several minutes of searching, she found two blank canvases outlined in ornate silver metal frames.  Turning her attention to them, Angela took a deep breath and closed her eyes.  She whispered a silent prayer, which would allow her to see her former pupils. 

“Lord, please hear my prayer.  I come to you as your humble and loyal servant.  I pray for Stacy and Jenny to please hear my call and appear before my eyes.”

After a few moments, Angela raised her head and patiently waited for a response.  Immediately, one of the blank canvases began growing horizontally and vertically expanding like liquid paint poured on a smooth surface.  After a few moments, Angela found herself before a large gateway standing six feet tall and four feet wide.  This gateway would serve as a portal granting the girls entrance into her realm.

Angela frowned.  Something was wrong.  Two portals should have opened, not just one.  That meant one soul reached heaven, but not the other. 

Small ripples began flowing across the large gateway signaling a soul’s arrival.  Suddenly Stacy appeared through the portal and quickly embraced Angela fiercely.  At that moment, Angela allowed herself a moment to act human.  She grasped her fallen warrior with a firm embrace. 

Stacy was the first to speak, “I’m sorry Angela!  I failed you.”

Angela quickly clasped Stacy’s face in her hands.  “No, my child.  You did not fail me.  You served your God to the best of your ability.  That’s all I could ever ask for.”

“Thank you,” Stacy replied quickly.  “Did you find Jenny?”

Angela released Stacy’s face and took her hands.  “No.  I need to know what happened to her.  Do you remember?”

“It all happened so fast.  Jenny and I lured what we thought were low-level demons into a trap.  Then out of the blue a woman showed up wearing Warrior armor.  Jenny freaked out.”

“Wait a moment.  Who showed up?”

“Jenny called her Amanda.”

Angela’s eye narrowed.  She had promoted Amanda to the rank of Commander over a year ago.   Amanda was in command of the Pacific garrison stationed outside San Francisco.  Angela quickly cleared her throat as she fought to maintain her composure.  “Start from the beginning.”

Stacy quickly recanted how their nightly patrol turned deadly.  After frequenting several clubs they decided to try club Platinum.  Jenny wanted to patrol several bars a block away and told Stacy to send her a text message if she found anything.  After twenty minutes Stacy finally sensed a demonic presence.  She quickly informed her partner, who insisted they lure it away from the club. 

Angela patiently listened and occasionally nodded.  Stacy and Jenny believed they were luring a half-wit demon into their trap.  The hunters quickly discovered they were the hunted.

“But there is something I still don’t understand.  Jenny kept saying the women with Amanda were supposed to be extinct.  What did she mean?”

Angela rubbed her chin for a moment then smiled, “It is of no consequence now.  Do not concern yourself with the affairs of man on Earth.  Your King is eager to thank you personally for your service.”

Stacy smiled, “Will you attend the banquet?”

“I wouldn’t miss it.”

Stacy slowly turned to the portal from which she came.  Before entering she paused and asked, “Is there hope for Jenny?”

Angela replied in a firm voice, “There is always hope.  Our King has a plan for all of us.”

Stacy nodded then passed through the portal, eager to meet her King.  Angela was proud of her and thanked God for the time they had together.  The frame slowly shrunk back to its original size before displaying an elegant portrait of Stacy donning a majestic suit of silver armor. 

Angela stood there motionless, pondering the events that had transpired in the last 48 hours.  She knew the perils of her tasks on Earth, but the loss of life was never easy to deal with.

 “I still feel so distraught.  I thought speaking with them would help.  How could I have failed them?  What step did I miss in their training?”  Angela thought as she turned from Jenny’s portrait.   

A warm, welcoming female voice roused Angela from her thought, “Greetings, Angela.” 

Angela’s face immediately brightened as she turned to the familiar voice. 

“Hello June.  It’s good to see you again.”

A middle-aged woman with strong African features emerged through a corridor several feet away.  She wore silver armor trimmed in gold and a white cloak clasped with a small golden cross at her right shoulder.

 The comrades in arms quickly embraced one another.  After a few moments Angela released her friend and former pupil.

“How are you?” Angela asked.

June was considered to be one of the most powerful humans to have ever served in God’s Army.  Many believed her strength rivaled that of Judge Samson.  Samson himself disagreed, but admitted she was one to be reckoned with.

Her death was mourned for weeks by Saints and Angels alike.  She fell to the demon Asmodeus atop the Sears Tower in Chicago.   June had dispatched more than one hundred demons alone in the final battle against Asmodeus, known as the King of Demons.  In the end she was impaled from behind moments before she could deliver a killing blow.  The battle had gone down in Angelic history as the greatest human feat ever.

Every life was precious, but the loss of June pained Angela especially deeply.  June was her prized pupil but more importantly she was a deadly weapon for heaven.  Even though June was no longer present on the mortal plane her service to God was eternal.  She was recently promoted to the title of General- Third Sphere.  This new title granted her command of human warriors and lower-ranking angels.

 “Not well my friend. Over the past year, we have lost ninety percent of our soldiers and all of our officers,” Angela replied wringing her hands in worry.

June stepped back and looked at Angela, “I debriefed the new arrivals. They informed me the demons they encountered were continuously chanting the word ‘Legion’ as if they were possessed.” 

“I am not at all surprised.  Are you?” Angela replied.

“No, but Jenny said there was also an interesting female voice commanding them.  She said that it had a raspy yet seductive sounding voice.  Before her last breath she believed she saw a succubus lurking in the shadows.  If she was correct, that would explain the increase in Lust and infant mortality.  If left unchecked, the creature will multiply and wreak havoc on a global scale.  Their ability to induce Lust will destroy families, but that would be the least of our problems.  Their need to kill infants in retaliation to God’s judgment against Lilith will devastate Earth’s population.”

Angela’s eyes darkened as she looked at her friend.  She swallowed hard and found her voice. “My God!  When was the last time one of those creatures was seen?  It has to have been at least two centuries since we eradicated their ilk from the mortal plane.”

Angela began pacing deep in thought “June, what can we do to stop this?  Have we met our match?” 

“Rebuild your army, Angela,” June stated flatly.

“It’s not a simple task, June.  Recruitment is proving to be difficult in this century.  The current generation is more narcissistic, with a greater need for material items than serving the King of Kings, Lord of Lords.  How do I compete with ‘Bling’?”

June beckoned Angela to follow her through a corridor twenty feet away.  Angela quietly followed her former pupil deep in thought, wondering what June had in mind.  Soon, she found herself in a familiar chamber, The Hall of Demon Slayers.    This particular Hall was a memorial to past and present Demon Hunters who had committed their lives to tracking and slaying demons in the name of God.  The surrounding sky-blue walls were covered with various hand weapons, shields, and suits of armor.  Large crystal statues of men and women in majestic suits of armor were positioned diagonally across the floor.  Next to them were demons chiseled in black stone.  

“Divine Enterprises has to change its recruitment methods,” June began.  “Through reconnaissance I have discovered the adversary is using the internet to recruit new disciples.  In this era, the internet grants you access to a broader audience than word of mouth or door to door conversations.  In addition, the internet is always on and there is always someone online seeking information or exchanging ideas.   It’s time you make our presence known online.  I have some ideas to help you get started, but you must be willing to change.”

“I am not exactly sure about recruiting online.  And what’s wrong with choir kids?  Are you suggesting we start recruiting dodgy kids who don’t believe in God?” Angela asked with a questionable look.

June maintained her calm demeanor and shrugged.  “Angela, the fact of the matter is we’re losing.  Losing badly and we need a game changer.  Times have changed and we need to recruit kids who can think and fight.  Young adults who have already experienced adversity, disappointment and trauma are less likely to fold when exposed to it again.” 

“Is that a clinical observation, doctor?”

June frowned, “Cut the crap, Angela.  We’re losing and I have been instructed to turn the tide by any means necessary.”

 Angela didn’t like the sound of that and wondered how far up the chain this sentiment went.  She had seen this “less than holy” recruitment approach before during the Crusades and wasn’t a fan of the aftermath. 

June and Angela continued discussing strategies and ideas for several hours before striking an agreement.  Angela agreed to use June’s unique recruitment while retaining to right to train her recruits as she saw fit.  

“Thank you, June.  Our discussion was enlightening to say the least.  What would I do without you?”  Angela said with a genuine smile of appreciation.

“Let’s hope we never find out,” June replied with a sly smile as she turned and headed to the nearest corridor.

 Angela watched as June returned to the corridor from which she had come.  June put her first foot through and turned to salute Angela.  Angela smiled and returned the salute.   As she watched June disappear, she sighed to herself.  “Okay, Angela it’s time to put your money where your mouth is.  Heaven is depending on you. Time to put this plan into action”.  

Moments later, Angela returned to her office ready to begin her recruiting efforts anew.  The iron rod door she had emerged from on the far wall had vanished.  She gazed around her antiquated office for several moments before closing her eyes.  When they opened again, the old décor was replaced with contemporary furnishing and equipment.  The instantaneous facelift was just the first of many changes to come.  She had taken one of June’s suggestions to heart and revamped her environment. Gone were the antiquated wood furnishings and ancient dusty bookshelves.  In their place were retro glass tables, plush leather sears, and stylish metal bookcases.  She sat behind an executive glass desk complete with laptop, smartphone and tablet computer.  She laughed as she looked at the laptop.  “I am definitely going to have to take some classes to learn how to use that,”  She forcefully pulled her suit jacket down and said, “I’m up to the challenge.”  She tapped the phone’s intercom button eager to get started on her new goals.  Seconds later, an elderly Asian woman entered the room wearing an all-white pantsuit. 

“Angela, you summoned me …?” Toni’s voice trailed off as she entered.  Her eyes quickly took in the new surroundings.  “I see that you’ve done some redecorating.  Are you exploring your inner designer?”

“Let’s just say that I have had a moment of enlightenment.  I need you to do two things for me, please.  First, let’s have two white roses placed on the steps of St. Jude’s church on 84th and Stony Island in Stacy and Jenny’s honor.”

 Toni took in a sharp breath as she felt the tears begin to swell on the brim of her eyes.  The thought of placing two roses on the church steps brought her back to reality. It was a stinging reminder of lives lost in the past week.  She was having a hard time dealing with the passing of Stacy, but she knew Jenny’s body was never recovered.  At best that meant Jenny was probably still alive somewhere, at worst it meant her body was being held somewhere and her soul was imprisoned. 

 Angela noticed Toni shudder when she mentioned Jenny’s name. She knew Toni spent a lot of time with her and they had developed a close relationship.  Angela allowed a moment longer to reflect on their friendship before pressing on.  

“Secondly, call headquarters and inform them we need to purchase a controlling interest in a particular company.  There is a multimedia company called K4 Games which created a video game entitled The Golden Age. Their product could allow us access to millions of potential soldiers over the coming years.”

“Purchase a controlling interest in a company called K4 …” Toni said as she quickly took detailed notes.   “What will be the final bid we are willing to put in for controlling interest?”  

“There is no limit, whatever it takes.  Tell headquarters I we need control of the company ASAP.  If they have any questions have them call me directly.”

   Toni looked at Angela in utter awe.  There definitely had been a change in her boss, and she liked it.  The move of purchasing a controlling interest in a company at any cost was a risk, and the previous Angela would not have taken that risk.

   “Yes, ma’am” she said excited.  “I will call headquarters immediately,” she replied with a smile as she exited the room.

Angela turned from her glass desk and walked over to a large window overlooking downtown Chicago.

 “A good friend of mine once told me I needed to change with the times.  She was right!”


“Knights and Warriors need to generate more aggression in their targets.  Casters are generating way too much, back off a little. Scale down your spell attacks before we lose control of the situation,”  Adalia barked into her headset microphone. 

“Spell Damage Per Second ratio is outpacing the DPS ratio of our melee attacks.  If the Hell Dogs go after the Holy Clerics healing us we are done.”

 Adalia Moore had been barking orders to her group of adventurers for the past three grueling hours.  Her voice was starting to crack and her fingers were tiring of tapping keys on her mouse and keyboard.

She was trying to lead her party of adventurers through a series of dungeons and abandoned churches infested with demonic creatures.  They were attempting to reach the demonic Lord hidden the Crystal Cathedral’s catacombs.  After several hours of carefully marching her group past insidious traps and demonic creatures, she had finally located Dremor, Lord of Destruction.  After two years of playing the online game, The Golden Age (which had dominated most of her available free time), she was eager to obtain the one treasure that eluded her: The Shield of Golden Dawns.  The shield would make her Holy Knight avatar unstoppable in battle and she knew it.  She could taste it.

The Golden Age was a Massive Multiplayer Online Game capable of supporting millions of players simultaneously.  By necessity, multiplayer games are played on the internet and feature at least one persistent, ever-living world.  The player’s experiences were completely based upon their choices.  The Golden Age featured several character classes recognizable in fantasy lore such as Warriors, Holy Knights, Wizards, Holy Clerics, Rangers and Assassins.

“OK, we’re clear of the last fight.  Dremor is in the Cathedral’s Throne room just ahead.  Everyone take a five-minute bio break before we go in.  I hear this fight could last a good ten to fifteen minutes.  And someone resurrect the Assassin … again,” Adalia laughed.   

“Got it,” came a young feminine voice over Adalia’s PC speakers.

Adalia turned away from the computer monitor and took a few moments to relax her weary body.  Her eyes took a few moments to readjust to her dimly lit surroundings.  As she stretched her long dark fingers she could hear knuckles crackling and popping.  Adalia had become accustomed to her body producing such sounds of “joy” over the past school year. 

The only light in her bedroom came from the twenty-inch flat screen monitor on her small computer desk.  She rose to her feet and successfully navigated past a notepad, broken keyboards and four PC gaming magazines in route to the door.  Now that her eyes had fully adjusted to the dark she quickly opened the door and entered the hallway in route to the kitchen.

“I got dibs if the Juggernaut Cape drops,” whispered a feminine voice directly behind Adalia.  Quickly emerging from her bedroom six feet away, Jamari sprinted past her older sister to the kitchen.  She ripped open the refrigerator door in search of her favorite drink, grape flavored mineral water.

Adalia continued to the bathroom and whispered back “I doubt it will drop. I have’nt seen it drop in fourteen runs through this dungeon”.

“It better drop tonight. I’m not running this dungeon anymore.  The rewards in here are terrible.  We should start raiding the Forbidden Forest.  I hear the drops there are impressive,” Jamari shot back.

Adalia thought about it for a hot second.  “Isn’t that the 30-man dungeon?”

“Yeah so?”  I think we’re ready for it.  Don’t you?” Jamari asked.

“Our guild doesn’t have the armor or weapons necessary for such a raid. We would need to partner up with another guild or start forming pickup groups.  Or our last resort would be recruiting lower-geared players and running them through several dungeons to get them geared up to our level,”  Adalia sighed and shuddered at the thought, “I just don’t know if I have it in me anymore.  I really want that shield.”

“Not going to happen here,”  Jamari quipped as she strode back to her room. “Pickup groups cause me to use colorful metaphors when situations get out of control.  Mom informed me if I keep using such metaphors she would take away my computer.  I might entertain your thoughts on the lower-geared players though.”

Adalia quickly washed her face and left the bathroom smiling.  She understood Jamari’s feelings towards pickup groups or PUGs as the gaming community called them.  Once too often she joined a PUG in hope of completing a difficult quest.  More often than not everyone had their own goals, and most of time they weren’t cohesive goals. 

Continuing to the kitchen, Adalia paused for a moment in the living room.  She glanced out the large bay window overlooking their back yard and noticed the rain had finally stopped.  The night sky was slowly turning bright orange in the east.  She looked at her watch and frowned at the time, 5:15am.  Another marathon raiding session with her sister would end soon, her second wind was starting to wear off. 

Better hurry up before I pass out at the keyboard, Adalia thought as she continued to the kitchen. 

The light from the refrigerator assaulted Adalia’s eyes, causing her to turn away.  She wondered if this was how vampires felt when struck by sunlight.   Adalia quickly reached inside and used her


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.05.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-2684-0

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