

Based On the True indcident......



                                             The Twinine




                        By: Shion Arkenevis (OSHI)


Present Day:

February 12,1997

I am falling,ending up at the bottom of hell.Guess that's my destination.Even after that you will have to wake up to see what is the reality of life.So I woke up to feel what reality is.


The Hells' doorway,situated approximately 583837 light yeards away.But still the dimensions are behind every single window,every single wall and door.The walls have ear to hear us.

This is the place where lives a peculear human like creature called the Orions.They are immotals made of fire  and  are consider to be the most powerful  being ever made .They maintain the balance between good and evil. 85000 ceturies ago a large number of them were deviated from their ways and mis-used their power .Every single authority here are considered to be the elites and everyone here are immortal except Fregous.He is a mixed blood.He possased two souls. Which is successfully losed by him.His mother was an Orion named Marnias,(the daughter of the Eldest) but his father was a mortal of the earth.It is heard that Marnias was once saved by an Ine from an spell.But for the last 45080 centuries Marnias is lost,everyone says she was trapped by a powerful spell cast by the mages and Ines were the one responsible.So the Orions hated the Ines (departer of soul) and so did Fregous until this day.

Orions always considered Ines to be their deadliest enemy but they were wrong to select.....

And this is what fregous wished to find out.


Day on Earth:January 18.1981

The Phase Of Ines

Hell-Authority of the Dead

 "What in the Hell is taking you this long to return from the globe ?" roared Necolus, The Authority of dead.  Fregous is quite like his brother .So,He will be next in line and after every 25000 century this authority will be changed.Fregous has not much interest about this,he is much more interested in creating shadow worriors and stone guards but he is been told that it's his destiny.He didn't know he was used only as a pawn  of a chess board and was befooled by Necolous.This day proved it.     

"My lord,there is some unusual activity.You better take a look at this" said Fregous."Are you commending Me ?" Necolous roared again.

"No My lord."       "Then shut up and ruturn here... Humanbeings on earth have nothing unusual.""Get It?"

"But the globe is showing two unusual bright lights."  said Fregous.    "What is that to worry about ?" asked Necolous.

"Lord, they are new borns.Born exactly on the Ine phase on perfect alignment. They are Ines" Fregous said.     "What !!!? Ines were killed and there blood line was destroyed by us 15000 ceturies ago.No  depertar are born after them. How can they be born.Check again."

"Sir the calculation is correct they are Ines" said Fregous.

"If this is so....then why are you sitting here cover the light,kill it,destroy it." rored Necolous.

Hearing this Fregous covered the light with sand.But it became more luminous and glowed more brightly.

Fregous could not kill it.But then the lights stated to blink and gradually faded.

Necolous laughed seeing that and said "Is that the best they have got..."

On light vanished but the other grew luminous and lighted the entire globe and finally the hall.

This light threw away both Fregous and Necolous.

Necolus threw a fireball and the globe smashed on the hall's floor."Why couldn't you kill it ?"asked Necolous.

"Lord, it was self sustaining.It is not my fault...." said Fregous.

Necolus threw Fregous to the other side of the hall and said "It is your fault that an Ine

shall suffer for that." Fregous was then thrown to the base of Hell.Where prisoners are burned for eternity.

The path of Necolous is now clear as he can rule for the next 25000 century.

Fregous waited .....



Somewhere in Maryland.....

January 18, 1981

The Hospital -Room No:#343

Patient: Richie Lawren (Eda),the wife of Alan Lawren working as a Marine.


Everything was working properly but at the final stage something went wrong.The drainage

of blood started.It became almost impossible to save both mother and child.The child was

estimated to be a twin.

30 minutes Later....

The drainage of blood stopped and so did her heart-beat. Only one child has survived.The Mother and twin has both mysteriously died.The reason of drainage of blood remained unclear.Other than a ditached arm nothing of the twin was found.It was later on guessed that probably the mother was suffering from some sort of disease.

Dr.Meldrid said:

"We naver faced such an incident in our hospital's history."


Continution of life:

Even after such a trajic death life didn't stop it continued in it's own mysterious way.Following its own regulations fixed up by nature. Life is like water flowing through the vains of eternity.Where soul is its source and body is it's medium.The soul needs the power to be free until that it must stay in the body of host.The body close to martin was Marvin's.So,the soul took shelter holding it's identity without revealing the secrets.The body has died but Martin lived.....waiting to reveal his secrets.

I am not Dead


Trapped inside:

"It's too dark, where am I ? "Thought Martin.

"There happens to be a ray of light above me but it is too high"

Martin could not understand where he was...he only felt the darkness.Still he could see everything.

The place where he was can be called nothing more than emptiness.It was pitch black.

All on a sudden the place was lighted he could see two faces leaned towards him and staring at him

They were saying something but Martin could not understand a single word.

Martin tried to call them...but he did know what to say and no one heard him.

He couldn't get the reason.Soon the lights vanished again and he waited for the lights to return.

Days within darkness and light:

    I have no idea about time and measurement. All I know is I am here and there is one thing pretty clear

that I have no control over the place where I am now.Sometimes it is light and sometimes

pitch black darkness.There are some faces smiling , staring at me.I can hear them.

But...they can't hear me !!!

In the emptiness some new additions are made. They are like pictures...broken and blur pictures.

Two days ago I saw someone...I stared and it was like me but it was also someone else.I have now

got what it was.It was probably my reflection...but I am not sure about that.

The hands move and so does the legs of the body.But I am not doing any of  these.

If not who is ?

December 6,1981

Memories of Malvin:

I have heard them saying "Malvin".It is probably how they call someone and I have learned about where

I am now. I am trapped inside someone,trapped in the memories.I feel how he feels.But he doesn't feel

me or may be he does.I just don't know.I have learned the way to talk in their language.I have also got a

way to measure time.With the passage of a definite part the light shuts down for a long time.And within

this the memory makes a mark,a sigment a division between the memories.There are parts of dream

seen here but they don't exist forever.I have been in his dream. It makes me wonder if his dream

can be a way out for me.

I now Know...

The name of the person I am inside is Malvin.So I am trying to find a way to communicate with him.

Perhaps we can help each other.



Doorway of Hell

January 16, in world.

time: 20:00

13th Phase of soul.


The Kingdom on the wings of fire:

"Nicolus,Did you find him ?" asked Caprus,the Elder.He is considered to be the king holding the balance for the last 50000 decades.He is prased for his power.

"No your Majesty.I couldn't find him,there's been no trace of him.It was the fault of Fregous who didn't cover the light "said Nicolus.

"You were there, how could you let an Ine slip away and escape before you?" asked Caprus.

"The fact here is Sir...I wasn't informed in due time." Said Nicolus.

"Where is Fregous?" asked Aurnio,the queen of fire.She is next to Caprus.

"Your Majesty, I would like to mention that he is already been taken care for his sin to violate my order,he is sent to the pits of hell.Where he will paying for his sin." Said Necolus.

"You shouldn't have done so only by anger Nicolus.I could have asked him the reason of his violation." said Aurnio.

"Necolus,I have great trust in you,you are one of our best warrors who has faught the ines and protected  the walls our kingdom.You had previously destroyed the Ines and prevented them from reaching the walls of light.You have stopped them from rising the guardian of light and I praise you for your work.I hope you can succed to destroy this one too." said Caprus.

"Thank you, your majesty I am honoured." saying this Nicolus turned around to leave the hall.

"So it begins" Caprus said to himself.


Way out

January 18,1982


Days Inside:

Martin: Yesterday I suddenly felt so light and I was floting.It seemed to me as if I can fly. I have discovered that Marvin can hear me.Cause when I speak he turns around to see who is talking but finds noone.Unfotunately I can't show up before him and I am not sure if this will ever be possible.My calculation says that...Exactly a year  ago I got trapped here.


January 25,1982This is something pretty strange thar I have started to hear voices they are not of Marvin it seems to me as if it is somewhere else.

But who are they? where are these voices coming from.

January 29,1982

Freedom last made my way out.Not only that...I can be anywhere I want to.For the first time I feel really good.Guess the world out will be amaizing.








Day in world: March 3,1982

15 th Phase of light

Hell-the cave of the spirits

"Any sign of him ?" asked Nicolus in a eager voice."Not yet" replied Anguila,the tracker.She holds a significant position among the Orions because of her knowledge about spirits.She is here for the last 55693 centuries.   "I don't get it can anyone stay unditacted from us ?" asked Nicolus. "It might have faded ...or maybe we will have to wait till his power comes to his surface" said Anguila.

"So be it.....the moment he reveals his location we have to get there before anyone does,let this not be know by the Spectors " said Nicolus.

But the Spectors,(the dark spirit.followers of Evil). were already aware of it,they were waiting just like Nicolus.


World isn't for me.


2 years later.....

Shifted in indonasia

May 8.1985


Martin: "The world did really amaize me. This world is interesting.They look just like me but still they can't  accept me.What makes me so different from them. It's been two years.I don't feel much of a difference between being trapped and being free. Freeness seems to be like an endless cage where I am moving in a circle.Within this long time I have visited different people. Most are children some are olders.They showed me different reactions.Some of them were too afraid of me,some of them screamed,some of them threw thing at me out of anger but all these passed right through me some even threaten me.I never mind.Guess my appearence makes me different and guess this is what they are afraid of.Maybe they think I am their enemy.I have seen them...doing pointless enmity among themselves.

I still remember the first day I became free.I showed up before a little girl and asked her where I was?

But insted of answering she screamed and fainted.I was in a fix what to do.I now know I have nothing to do.I can cause nothing but trouble.I don't want them to be afraid of me.Why is that they can't believe I am friendly.Not to cause trouble I stay invisible at day.That is the best I can do.So this is the cold fact I have realized "This world isn't for me."

But the question remains in my mind "Why am I here ?"

There are others like me,I feel them It is like we are connected.....but why ?




Marvin's Assumption


Januar 18,1986

Marvins' diary:

The voices:

This is the day I was born.Today I am 6.My Aunt gave me this beautiful diary.So,I am using it.My dad works in the Navy.He can't give me time.I never saw my mum.My aunt stays with me.Everytime I ask her about my Mum she hesitates to say and in the end replies she went to Asia.But I know the truth she isn't alive.Why does she lie to me ?

I wonder what my mum did today if she was here.My aunt is great she never lets me feel lonely. I always heard voices.It continued till I was 2.I never understood who it was.But I felt someone.I never said this to anyone.Cause I am afraid.

I just know someone was there.I am sure about it.Guess I have to end here.

February 3,1986

It has been a long time I almost forgot about my diary I am probably going to head for a boarding school.And probably my aunt can't stay with me any longer cause she is going to go somewhere else.I never liked a boarding school and now I will have to head for one.I am going to leave iwithin 2 days. I have already packed my bags. Aunt gave me an advice to fix a smile on my face and she sounded just like a mother.

Fabruary 15,1986

Boarding school isn't that bad as I thought. I have a roommate named "Chao Fresker" the name seemed preety peculiar to me.But he is really friendly.Still I have found few enimies here as well.Guess it is very natural to have enimies side by side of friends.


March 9,1986

Boared....I can bearly breathe.So much work.Today is this the next day is that.Strictness and they call it  discipline. Boarding school may can teach us nothing but there is one thing it can train us about and that is life.How can they say this to be good anyway.    


The invisible


November 29,1986

Days to return home

There is always just a little releaf from a hard life and so there was a little releaf in the life of Marvin and he is going have a bit amount of joy back to home.He is counting his days for it.Only a  day is left for it.Marvin was planning to give his aunt a surprise. But a bigger surprise was waiting for him.

Marvin is all alone in the room he felt dizzy and he was sleeping early.It was then when he heard a whishper.For a moment he paid no attention.But right then he became completely alert when he heard it again.He remembered that he heard this before.But even after that he was too afraid to move.He looked around and saw nobody.Still the whishper continued in a rythm.Then he rembered the stories told by his aunt about ghost and this made him more nervous.He was a bit afraid and asked "Who is there???"

No answer came but the whishper stopped.He couldn't sleep for the rest of the night.

On the very next day....

November 30,1986

The same thing happened again but this time it seemed to him as if they were not just whishpers but voices and they had meaning.Someone called Marvin by his name.But he saw nobody.He then asked "Who is there ?" He never expected an answer but still it came.

"Please don't scream at me" said the voice.

"Who are you?" asked Marvin.

"I don't know." said the voice. Then a boy appeared from nowhere.The boy looked just like Marvin. But his eyes were completely black and he looked blur.Marvin was at first afraid but then he looked at the boy who looked just like him.It seemed to him that the boy was sad and looked afraid of Marvin.So,he wasn't afraid anymore.He smiled and said the boy to sit beside him and he did.It was like the boy was weightless.

Marvin then asked the boy "How did you know my name ?"

"I just know" said the boy."What is your name ?" asked Marvin. "I don't have a name." said the boy.

"What ? how can anyone stay without a name ? Wait we look alike then let me call you.....Martin." said Marvin.And thus Martin got his name.They became friends.Marvin drew the picture of Martin. Then he slept.Martin sat there all night.The next morning he woke up and thought for a while if what he saw was real or it was just a dream.He searched for the paper in his drawers.But couldn't find it.Just the moment he was starting to think that it was a dream then something caught his eyes on the wall.There was two pictures on  the wall one was Marvin's face drawn by Martin and other was the picture of him drawn by Marvin and it seemed like the picture Martin drew was drawn by a proffesional.




Not right


Something isn't right here.I just don't get what it is.

Finally I am home.



Texte: Shion Arkenevis (OSHI)
Bildmaterialien: Shion Arkenevis (OSHI)
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.06.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This is dedicated to God. Although the story is based on a true incident. But, The subject matter and characters of this book is entirely fiction.

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