
Who Wants To Go Somewhere?

Ugh! I need something to do! Nobody is answering their phones or commenting on my tweet but perverts! Maybe I should make my profile private. Anyways ,I wonder what my best friends, Jasmine Williams and Shayla Brown, could be doing.

Jasmine Williams, a.k.a Jazzy, is short ( about 5ft ) and has a lot of curves. She has no problem turning guys on. She’s also a bold person and will tell you what’s on her mind right then and there without hesitation.

Shayla Brown, a.k.a Shaye, is average height and only has little curves. She’s quiet and keeps a lot of things to herself. Me and Jazzy both know when something is wrong and bothering her.

I need something to do ASAP! I can’t just sit around and do nothing! That’s just not me! I’m going to see if my little sister Angel, a.k.a Angii, wants to go shopping even though I don’t like going with her. Angii is 2 years younger than me (14) and I’m technically raising her because my parents are never home and my grandmother died of breast cancer when we was little. Angii is a pretty girl but her attitude is ugly. She’s in a stage when she wants everything she see that everybody got and it go to look right on her. When we go shopping she’s either complaining about how the cloths don’t’t fit her the way she wants them to or about how bored she is. I should ask Shaye and Jazzy again before I make plans with Angii.

Getting ready 4 a party! Can’t wait! 

Ariee keeps calling, texting, and tweeting me. Ariee is one of those people that can’t just sit in one place for a long time. And she can’t stand being bored and she’s impatient. She is a good advice giver but she never takes her own advice like it don’t applies to her. She is into boys a lot more than me and Shaye but I have no problem with that. Although, she sometimes push herself onto boys and doesn’t care how it affects other people. But I guess that’s why o love her. Anyways, it’s not that I’m ignoring her but I’m too busy getting ready for the party. When I’m finish I’ll shoot her a text but right now I got a Date with Jason.

Jason us my boyfriend, obviously, we’ve known each other since the 6th grade but didn’t start dating until the 8th grade. We are currently in the 11th grade. He’s tall, muscular, his skin is flawless, he’s light-skinned, he has hazel eyes, and has brown so light its looks badge and it falls into his face a lot. He’s cute, funny, sweet, smart, and knows how to treat a girl in every kind of situation.

After 2 hours of getting ready, I’m finally done. I guess I can send Ariee a text now.
**Hey Grl. Goin 2 a party with Jason. Tlk 2 u late..
~~ Oo ! Ookayy ! Hav Fun ! Luv Uu, Dnt Mwahh <3 && Stay Safee. ’Cuz If Something Happen 2 Uu Imma Spazz !
** Lol, Kayy <3 U 2 Muwahh.!
I love Ariee she’s always looking out for me and Shaye.

Honk! Honk! Hooonnnkkk! That’s Jason. He’s not aloud to come in our house because my father cought us kissing! My father is so irritating but I still see Jason. As I walk downstairs my father starts to following me asking me a million and one questions!
“Where are you going? Who Are you going with? How long do you plan on being out? Do I know this person you going with? Is..”
“DAD! Stop talking so I can answer! But if its any of your business I’m going with Jason to a party, yes you know him, and I’m going to stay out until whatever I feel like it.”
“No. You need to be back by 12.”
“Umm I’m going to repeat myself, I’m going to come back home when in feel like it. Im almost in the 12th grade dad, you can’t hold me down forever! I need to learn how to make my own decisions on my own without an adult there to tell me what to do!”
“Young lady! I don’t care what grade your going to! If your not back by 12 I’m locking the door and putting the alarm on.”
“Well in that case, Im going to stay with Jason!”
“You know I don’t like that boy! Why can’t you be with Shayla or Aaria?”
“Because I won’t be able to stay here and Aaria is out of town with her aunt and Shayla got in trouble for failing math!” I lied “And I’m staying out to how long i feel like it!”
“Fine! Just make sure you lock-up when you come in! I’ll leave a key under the mat for you to get in.”
“Ok! Thank you daddy!” I said with a big smile, gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran out the house. PARTY!

Going over daddy’s house! 

I love going over my father’s house. My parents separated when I was 10. At first I was devastated. All I did was run away but then I met Jasmine who always made me laugh and helped me forget what was going on but when I met Aaria, she helped me stop running away. They were there for me the whole time. I love them!

Anyways, I like me dads house more because it’s big and I have lots of space. Plus his girlfriends are cool. But my mom on the other hand has a small house, but it’s still nice, it’s just her boyfriends look, acts, and smell like anything! I don’t know why she chooses them because she’s not a drunkie or a druggie so he brain is functioning right and she is smart.

I get to my father’s house around 7 do to rush hour slowing us down. But I’m just glad I got here.
“Hi daddy!” I said greeting my dad
“Hey baby girl!”
“Where are you going looking nice tonight?”
“Do you remember Brianna?”
“Well were going to the Royal Rocks.”
“That’s cool but isn’t that a place for dancing?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Because your more of a classy person! Not a dancer! Your going to ebarrase yourself and me! You go out in public displaying me! OMG! I’m going to die!”
“Hahahaha! No your not. I’m doing it for Brianna and I should be saying that to you. But I got to go pick up my date! I’ll be home around 11.”
“Ok by daddy! Have a good time!” Then he left.

My dad really did look nice. He always do. He has an masculan figure, his skin is like a brown caramale type color, He has dark brown eyes, always have a fresh shape up, and he always has the latest outfits and fresh pair of kicks on. I love my daddy.

I go to my room to study for my science exam on Monday. But then Aaria text me.
** Hey ! Wyd ? Uu haven’t responded 2 mii tweets or mii kalls ! Too Bored ! S.O.S !
~~ Lol. Sorry. Ive been busy packing because its my weekend with my dad! Bt I’m studying for the sience exam which is what you should be doing!
** -___- Uu Knoe I Dnt Study !
~~ And I still don’t see how you manage to pass!
** Hehe  Wanna Go Somewhere And Do Somethin ?
~~ Idk, Im studying soo….
** Awwwwww C’mon ! ITS Friday 4 GOODNESS SAKEE ! Uu Cn Last A Nitee Without Studying
~~ Fine! Give me all the details and I’ll see what I can do
** Arundle Mills, We’ll Go Shoppin && Go 2 The Movies Wilee Were There So Well Behh About 4 or 5 Hours
~~ ….No comment….
** Wadd ?
~~ Its already 7! By the time we get back it’ll be around 11! You know I need my beauty sleep and to study!
** Lol Yess Chyls I Knoee Juss Cum Plz !
~~ Finee
** Luv Yaa ! Cc Uu Inna Few !
~~ Smh love you too.
Looks like I’m going to Arundle Mills. I should let my dad know
** Hey dad! Me and Aara is going to Arundle. We’ll be about 4 or 5 hours so we’ll be getting home around the same time.
I don’t ever have to ask to hang out with Ariee or Jazzy because my father knows I’m going to be safe and smart about being out with them. I should set my phone on sound. Boyyyy Ohh Killing Me Softlyy… My phone went off a few minutes after I set my phone on sound.
~~ Ok Baby Girl! Have Fun. Text Me Every Few Hours To Update Me
** Got it
Time to get ready


“I’M NOT GOING TO THE MALL WITH ANGII !” I sung as I got ready. Instead, me and Shaye are going.

I put on a denim skirt with a green Baby Phat shirt. I put my hair in loose curls and to match my top, I put on my green flats and my silver hoops. I grabbed my Loui purse then I left.

When I got there, I immediately saw Shaye. She was the only one who looked like she just got out of bed and don’t want to be here. She had on Apple Bottom jeans that fit her itty bitty curves just enough to see them. She had on a red Apple Bottom shirt with her red tennis shoes to match. Her jewelry was gold and her hair was pulled back into a pony-tale.

“Who dressed you? The bed bugs?” I said as I approached her
“Well hi to you to!” she said with attitude.
“Haha! Sorry but let’s not waste time sitting here talking about your pajamas! Let’s go see a movie!”
“Whatever” she said as she rolled her eyes.

“Insidious or Friends With Benefits?” I asked “ I wanna see the new Alvin and the Chipmunks when it comes out! I got to see my boyfriend!”
“Haha! Girl you a mess! I want to see Insidious and yeah yeah everybody likes Alvin”
“Ummm…. No girl! Mt boo is Theodore!”
“OMG! He’s MINE! You know what, we’re over!”
“Are you breaking up with me?”
“How dare you dump me!” then we both burst out laughing once when we realized we were getting a couple of stares. “Let’s get our tickets” and we walked towards the ticket booth.

When we got there I froze. There was a cute boy standing there. I almost fell in love when I saw him. And when he said those 5 letter words in his sexy voice made me melted.
“How may I help you?” were those 5 letter words.
“Umm… Umm… I… I…” I stuttered.
“2 tickets for Insidious” Shaye said speaking up. I gave her a “Thank-you” glare
“Here you go” The guy said handing her the tickets.
“Thanks. You know, I see everybody else except you with a name tag. So what exactly is your name? It’s for umm… News… Broadcast thingy that we’re doing for our school.” I said
“Your slick I see.” He said with a chuckle. “But it’s Anthony. By the time your movie is over, my shift should be over”
“What are you saying Anthony?”
“Let’s hang out… Around the mall”
“Sure! As long as my Bestie here says it’s ok. With her”
“Cool with me. Just hurry up please!” Shaye said before I can ask her
“Ok! It’s a… meet up!” Anthony said “Oh by the way, what’s your name?”
“Aaria. But most people call me Ariee.” I said as Shayla pulled towards the theater.
“Aaria” I heard him whisper before I was out of ear shot.

“He was soo cute!” I said
“Yeah I guess. After the movie I’m going home.” Shaye said
“Aww! Why?”
“Because I’m not about to be the 3rd wheel”
“Your not!”
“That’s what you always say. Now get me a slushy and some Twizzlers while I go get seats.”

“So Anthony, why haven’t I seen you around before?” I asked
“Because I just moved here from New York about a month or so ago.”
“Oh! So what school do you go to?”
“Well I’ve been so busy helping my mom unpack, me nor my mom had time to enroll me in any school but tomorrow my mom said while I’m at work, she’s going to enroll me at Wakes Field High.”
“That’s the school I go to! Maybe we can meet outside the office or something and I can show you around! When do you start?”
“Monday and ok sounds cool”
“One more thing”
“If you’re from New York, then where is your accent?”
“I hide it”
“I don’t know”
“Say something in your accent for me please!”
“I think you’re really pretty” he said in his sexy accent
“Nothing… Let’s go shopping!
“Ok” He said with a chuckle

“OMG Jazzy! He was such a cutie and a gentleman! He is so sweet!” I said
“Wow” Jazzy said
“Ask Shaye! Wait… Is she still on the phone? Wasn’t he cute?!”
“Yeahh… mmhhmm… sure… whatever” she said with attitude.
“Whats you’s problem?”
“Nothing. You just interrupted my study for us to go to the movies and shopping for some BFF time with Ariee’s dude on the side which by the way isn’t BFF time. Then you interrupt my study AGAIN for a phone call about Ariee’s boy on the side.”
“Awwww c’mon! Why can’t you just be happy that I found my Prince Charming?”
“And why can’t you just have a day with me or Jazzy without picking up the Prince Charming that always disappoint you in the end?” she said emphasizing the words Prince Charming
“Well she does have a good point Ariee. You do always think about boys when were suppose to just have us time. But then again Shaye, why don’t you let Ariee do what she do? Why can’t you accept she likes boys al little more than you?” Jazzy said jumping into the conversation.
“I do accept that. That’s one of the reasons why I love her. But she doesn’t understand that if you interrupt my study for some us time, I expect some us time! You know I take my studying seriously but whatever. Bye.”
“Wait do..” Jazzy said before we heard CLICK!
“I still don’t get her issue” I said
“Ohhh myyy goshh ! ARIEE!” Jazzy yelled
“Your so full of yourself ! I’ll walk to you later.
“Ok? Bye?” I said with a sigh. What did I say wrong?

What just happened? Well that party was off the hook! Now I’m off to bed. #GoodNightTwitter!

The party was so fun. They were playing all the hip songs! It was cool. Jason got drunk though and ruined my night. He tried to get me to have sex with him but I didn’t so he got mad at me and started flirting with other girls. Then he tried to put his hands on me. But he didn’t. So I had to get one of his buddies to take me home instead.

His name was Tomas and he was a better gentleman than Jason. He gave me his number if I needed help or advice. He warned me that Jason was a cheater. He opened the door for me and walked me to my front door and everything. Tomas told me so much about him in the 20min car ride we had. But he is our of my league.

Shayla and Aaria got into it over the phone. I can already see a fight coming. They are complete opposites! Ariee is the wild party girl. Shayla can party too, but she can party as long as she don’t have any studying or homework to do. I honestly think I’m the one who is keeping them together. Without me they would fall apart. I take school seriously just like Shayla but I know how to be a wild party girl like Aaria at the same time. I know each of their point of views but they get into the dumbest fights. It’ll blow over in about a week so I’m not getting into that.

When I get home, my dad was surprisingly up. “Hey dad…umm…what are you doing up?”
“It’s only 11! The question is what are you doing home so early?”
“Oh” I said noticing that I never checked the time “Things got a little out of hand so I left.”
“And who was the gentleman who dropped you off? Definitely not Jason.”
“Dad! What are you doing spying on me? That was Jason’s friend Tomas.”
“Not why can’t Jason be like Tomas? I like Tomas and I haven’t even met the boy. Hmmm… Invite him over to dinner tomorrow would you.” My dad said disappearing up the steps

** Umm… Hey Tommy… Can I call you Tommy? Why did I just ask that? Smh. Well umm… my dad wants to meet you and to come over for dinner tomorrow… so… can you?

I wonder what he is going to say. I want him to say yes only because my father will keep bugging me about it. But then again, I hope he says no because every time we touch, it like I feel sparks. I’m not supposed to feel that while I’m dating Jason. Boy you got my heart beat running away… My phone went off.

~~ Umm… it depends on who this is.
How can I forget to say my name?! I’m so dumb!
** My bad… it’s Jazzy… Jason’s girl…
Almost immediately he texted back.
~~ Alright. What time?
** Mmm… 8
~~ Aiight. Cc Uu 2Morrow
“DAD! HE SAID HE’LL COME AROUND 8!” I yelled up the steps
** What would you like to eat?
~~ Surprise me
** Mmkayy
I got ready for dinner. I don’t put nothing fancy on. I put on a pair of jeans, a white tank-top and a pink half shirt that says “LOVE”

When I got down stairs, my dad was in the kitchen. He had on his wedding tux. I can only think of 2 times when he worn it, the day of his wedding and the first date he been on since mom died. My mom died in a car accident due to a drunk driver.
“Umm dad… Why are you dressed like that?”
“Why are you dressed like you’re about to go to the club?! Go put on one of you’re dresses! NOW!” my dad yelled. He must really like Tomas.
“Fine” I said. I didn’t feel like arguing.

** Dress Fancy
I sent Tomas a text
~~ Lol. Ok missy.

I put on my strapless dress. The top half is black and the bottom is grey. I put a yellow belt around my waist and accessorized with yellow earrings, bracelets, and a yellow necklace. As I finish eyeballing myself in the mirror, the door bell rang. UUGGHH! I thought to myself.

“Wow! You look amazing! I feel like I should be taking you out on a date” Tomas said as I walked down the steps
“I don’t see why you can’t!” my dad said
“What?! It’s my opinion.”
“Nahh it’s cool Jazzy. I mean if you wasn’t going out with Jay… I shouldn’t have said that”
“It’s cool” I said with a chuckle.
“Let’s eat!” my dad said
“And then she peed on me ! I have a baby picture of her right here.” My dad said as he pulled out a photo album.
“Ugh! Dad! You’re embarrassing me!”
“Naw! It’s cool! I won’t tell noone I promise.”
“Speak English Tomas! What is Naw?!” my dad said correcting him
“Sorry Sir… Naw is another term for no in our generation.” Tomas replied in a calmed tone. I was impressed. Then he started looking through the pictures. “You had a cute butt!” Tomas then said with a chuckle
“Ugh! Excuse me but I’m going to my room.” I said getting up as fast as I could before my father could stop me.

“Girl! They have been down there for hours laughing and talking! This whole dinner was messed up the moment my father asked for Tomas to come over.” I complained to Ariee over the phone.
“It’s not that bad!” Ariee said laughing
“Yes! It is!”
“Well is Tomas at least cute?”
“Umm… I’m not going to say”
“Because I got Jason! Duhh!”
“So! I can’t be looking at other boys”
“Says who?”
“Says me! Plus you got Anthony”
“Me and Anthony don’t have anything promised or official. So tell me”
“Jasmine Chernell Williams! Saying of somebody is cute or not is not cheating! Now tell me!”
“Ok ok! Yes girl, he is more than cute… he’s FINE ! But he isn’t my type. He warned me the other night though about Jason.”
“Well what he say?”
“He was like Jay was a cheater and an abuser, but I don’t believe him because Jason hasn’t laid a hand on me yet.”
“But didn’t you say he tried to at the party?”
“He was DRUNK!”
“My mother always told me that drunk people always show their true colors.”
“Whatever! I got to go bye!”
“No no wa-…” I said hanging up on her.

I wonder if Tomas left. As I start to walk down the steps, my phone goes off/
~~ You were really cute when you were a baby. My lips are sealed. Promise. Nite Jazz.
Wow! I didn’t expect that! Should I text back? I minus well. I’m bored.
** Mmkayy thx! But you’re not going to sleep anytime soon are You?
~~ Nahh
** Kayy Kewl
~~ Wat u up 2 ma?
** Nunn , just laying down thinking
~~ Bout…
** Stuff …
~~ Such As…
** People
~~ Named
** Jason, dad, Tomas, Shania, Aaria, that’s it
~~ Wat About Them?
** I’m Not Telling You!
~~ Awww ! C’Mon!
** Fine, Aaria And Shania Are About To Get Into A Fight. My Dad Is Embarrassing. I Wonder What You Said About Jason Is True Because Ariee Made A Good Point.
~~ How Is Ur Dad Embarrasing?
** O C’Mon! You See How He Was Just Showing My Baby Pics Like They Were A Brand New Shiney Car He Just Got Bcuz He Likes You And Thinks I Should Date You Instead Of Jason
~~ Lol Wow. Wat ‘Bout Shania And Aaria?
** They Got Into A fight Over The Phone .Cuz Ariee Made Shaye Stop Studying To Go Shopping But Blew Her Off For A Boy
~~ That’s Messed Up
** Yeahh
~~ Wat ‘Bout Jay?
** Well I Don’t Belive He Will Cheat On Me Or Will Put His Hands On Me But At The Party He Tried To But He Was Drunk! Ariee Said When You’re Drunk You Show You’re True Colors
~~ && She’s Right && You Know It
** Mayb
~~ U Mentioned A Guy Named Tomas But You Never Sed What
** I’m Not Saying
~~ Yeah But I Know What Your Thinking!
** How Did You Know That I Was Thinking Dat You’re Cute But You’re Not My Type?
~~ Lol! I Didn’t Know Until Now!
** Grr!
~~ Lol
** Wyy Am I Telling You These Things ?
~~ Because You Trust Me
** Oh Well, Im Sleepy. Nitee Tommy!
~~ Nite Jazz.

That’s when Shaye sent me a text. I’ll go to sleep once we finish talking.

This Story Is Not Yet Finished But I Need Some Ideas So If You Would Lykk To Help Meh Then Write Comments And If They Are Good I'll Use It Somewhere In My Story THANKS!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.10.2011

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To My Bestfriends Shania And Jasmine. I Love You Both

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