
Chapter 1

I'm sitting in a First Class seat, in an air plane, while playing on my DSI, and I hate every minute of it. My name is Morgan Colbat. My dad and I are moving from New York to Tennessee. Which is a drastic change for me and I don't like change. I think it's a bad idea. But dad thinks differently, he said it would be good for me. I don't believe him. Dad is rich because he owns 1OO successful stores all over the world. I go to a private school in Virginia. Of course it was an all-girls school, but I don't care. We’ve been on the plane for 2 hours and we just landed. Once I step of the plane I see my dad standing next to a boy in a tux. I walk over and when i got close i saw he had light blue eyes, black hair with pink strips, high cheek bones, and full pink lips. He also had a tan.
I noticed he was staring at media tried not to blush, but failed. He must have noticed to because he looked away. Dad was the first one to speak "HI, my name is John Colbat this is my daughter Morgan."
The boy in front of us finally spoke. “Hello, my name is Robert I'll be your chauffeur today. “He sticks out his hand and gives both our hands a firm shake.
Dad walks past Robert and walks toward the limo. Robert runs to open the door for him. When we're both in Robert shuts the door and goes to up front to start the limo. Dad turns toward me and says “I know you don't like it here, but you’re just going to have to deal with it.” I turn toward the window thinking he was done talking to me, but then he said the scariest thing ever. “You’re going to public school."
I turn towards him and start to protest "PUBLIC SCHOOL! How can you do this to me! “I yell at him. Which is mean, but at that moment i didn't care.
He says “calm down. Let me explain. “I cross my arms over my chest. “ I want you to make friends here so in the summer you can have fun with them hear and I don't have to pay for air fare. We’re here."
I look out the window and see a large ranch. Dad pointed to the barn and said “there’s a surprise in there for you."
All the sudden I'm have way to the barn already. I hear dad telling me to slow down or. I didn't hear the next thing was because I ran in to something that felt as hard as a rock.
I look up and I see I didn't run into something, but someone.

Chapter 2

I was doing my normal rounds when I heard a car door slam shut. When I turned around to see who it was, then all the sudden I was hit by the person who was running after me or so I thought. I looked down to see who ran into me.
It was a girl with rosy cheeks, gold curly hair, and bluish/green eyes. She was wearing a polka dotted tank top with an old pair of jeans and flip flops. She looked up and stepped away. I finally realized that i was holding her up. I also realized that I was staring right at her. So I did the one thing I know a sane person would do. I stuck out my hand and said "My name is Zack Peterson, nice to meet you."
She reached out to shake my hand. When her hand touched mine an electric shock went through my aria let go as quickly as possible. She looked up and I started to wonder if she felt it to. But she just shook her head and mumbled weirdo under her breath. Then sighed and said "Hi my name is Morgan Colbat, it’s nice to meet you to. I’m also sorry that I ran into you."
I was just starting to say that it was my fault when another set of footsteps started coming towards us. I look up to see a man in about his forties running up to us. When he stops he looks at me and says "Hello, I’m John Colbat. I see you met my daughter Morgan. This time when I shake his hand he does not pull back as quickly.
Then I realized that I forgot to introduce myself. So I stammered out that my name is Zack Peterson just as they were walking away. I keep staring at Morgan and her dad till they were in the barn and I couldn't see them anymore.

Chapter 3

I could feel him staring at me till I got into the barn. Then I turned to dad and asked.
"Who the hell was that?"
My dad looked at me and shook his head. “Didn’t he tell you his name?"
"Yes. He told me his name, but what I wanted to know is why he is here?"
He continued walking and said "He is your trainer and is the only person we have to check up on the horses when we are away."
I pulled on his arm to make him stop walking. “What do I need a trainer for?"
He pointed at a nearby stall. “Go look yourself."
I opened the stall door and went inside. Then there in the middle of the stall was a beautiful black and white mare. I spun around to look at my dad and gave him a big smile. Then I whispered "you got me a horse."
He smiled and said "It's not the only thing I got you. Go look in your bedroom."
As soon as he said that I took off running towards the house. In seconds I was at the door and was pulling it open. I didn't even look to see if Zack was still were I left him. I ran all the way through the house opening and closing doors to find my room. Finally, on the 3rd floor I saw a door with my name on it’s soon as I swung it open I saw that my room was fully furnished and right in the middle of my bed was my best friend Allyssa.

Chapter 4

Allyssa jumped up from the bed and ran to give me a hug. She had a big smile on her face when I pulled back from the hug. There was a long moment of silence. I was the first to break the silence. “What are you doing here?!"
"Your dad flew me here because my parents wanted to spend their summer in London. “While she explained she seemed to be staring at something outside the window. After a few seconds she turned to me and said "Do you know there is a HOT guy riding a horse around the yard."
I nodded and walked to the window where she was sitting. When I looked out to see this supposedly HOT guy. I noticed that it was just my trainer Zack. He was riding a white horse with no shirt on. So i could see that he has long muscular arms that any girl would with to have around her and a hard flat chest that could probably break someone’s hand if they tried to hit it.
Again I didn't know I was staring until Allyssa waved her hand in my face. “So do you think he is cute?"
"No. I don't think he is cute. So you can hit on him all you want. “I go out of her bedroom shutting the door behind me, clearly stating that I don't want to talk any more.
I thought about what to do next. All my stuff is unpacked and I can tell that Allyssa is asleep from the music blaring from her room. I wish I could fall asleep as fast as she could.
I go to my bedroom window and see Zack eating his lunch by the barn.

Chapter 5

I am sitting outside eating my lunch not bothering anyone when Morgan walks out of the house. Looking more beautiful than when I first meet her. OK, I might have a little crush on her, but not that much.
Anyway she walked up to me and asked if I could teach her how to ride after I'm done eating.
I shook my head no. "Why not?" And I told her the truth.
"You’re not ready. You have to know how to saddle and unsaddle a horse before you ride. “She blinked a couple of times before a look of anger crossed her pretty face.
As soon as they looked appeared on her face, it was gone in the same second. She smiled and grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me to my feet.
Then she got in my face. “Then teach me how, so I can learn how to ride."
I put my index finger on her forehead and pushed her away. “No. I will teach you how to ride tomorrow. Until then you will learn how to take care of your horse. “I walked into the barn knowing she will fallow. I stopped in front of the horse's stall. “What is his name? “I asked petting the horse.
She reached from behind me to pet the horse. I stepped aside so she could pet him better. After a while she turned to me. "His name his Midnight because his fur is as black as midnight. “I smiled, I thought she was going to name him that.

Chapter 6

I'm so excited when I wake up because after a week of teaching me how to put everything on and off a horse (which the day I asked him to ride he said I'd get to ride the day after that),I finally get to ride Midnight. I shower and dress quickly and run down the steps that lead to the kitchen. When I got to the bottom of the steps I ran into my dad and spilt his coffee all over him. He started to do this funny dance, but I was already out the door ready to ride.
When I got to the barn no one was there so I fed Midnight. After Midnight was done eating I got her ready to ride. I was in the middle of putting the saddle on when a hand touched my shoulder I automatically turned and punched the person in the face. When the person was on the ground I realized who it was. “Oh my god, Zack I am so sorry! I didn't realize it was you! I’m so sorry! “That’s when I couldn't help it, I broke out laughing.
He just stares at me. "Oh, so you think me getting hurt is funny, huh?" I shook my head yes. “well, let’s see if you’re laughing when you’re soaking wet. “I gave him a confused look.
When he was getting up he had a big grin on his face. I stopped laughing, he started to walk towards me. I backed up until my back was against Midnight's stall door. When he was close enough he picked me up a slung me over his shoulder. Then I walked out of the barn and in the opposite direction of the house. That’s when I decided that the shock of him picking me up has worn of and I could talk again. “Where are we going? “ He doesn't answer, he just sits me on a bucket and tells me to close my eyes and hold out my hands.
I do as told and then I waited for him to put something in my hands, but instead I feel a something wet hit my face. I wiped my face of and looked at my hand. I looked up at Zack and he started laughing. So I thought it would be funny to play a little trick on him. I bow my head and start to force tears down my cheeks. So it looks like I'm really crying. Zack stops crying and walks over to me. "Hey Morgan, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. It just a harmless joke."
I smiled and he sighed at that, but I wasn't going to let him get off the hook that easily. So I looked around and saw a big patch of mud right next to me. "Hey Zack. Will you come help me up?"

Chapter 7

I sighed. I’m so glad that she's alright. I mean I didn't want to make her cry. Wait what did she just say? OH yeah, I walk over to help her up. She lifted her head and then I saw a big smile on her face. Then she smacked a big glob of mud in my face. I smiled through the mud. “So you want to play that game do you?"
I grabbed her off the bucket and gently slammed her in to the mud puddle. She started laughing and she pulled me down with her. We started a mud war and it lasted until we couldn't fight any more.
After the mud war ended we played in the puddle. Morgan turned to me. "Come on Zack. Let’s go to the house and clean up. “I shook my head yes and got up. She stuck out her hand for me to help her up.
We ran all the way to her house laughing like crazy. I ran up the porch steps to open the back door. Once we were in we walked into the kitchen trying to act civilized. When we got in the kitchen a girl in sweat pants and a T-shirt. She looked around Morgan’s age. Morgan walked over and put her hand on the girls shoulder. "Zack this is Allyssa. Allyssa this is Zack. "Allyssa lifted her hand and waved. She was a good looking girl. She has black hair and with gold colored eyes. She looked me up and down and gave a flirty smile. I looked at Morgan. She smiled and grabbed my hand. Still looking at Allyssa she started to pull me up stairs.
She pulled me into a bedroom with a queen size bed that has a gold comforter on it. In the corner 0f the room was a desk with some stationary on it. Morgan walked to a door that is right next to her bed. “Each room has its own bathroom. This is mine. You can use it if you want to. If not you can use the bathroom down the hall. “I shook my head and looked down at my cloths. “Oh. Don’t worry about your cloths. Take a shower and give me your cloths. Ok. "I just shook my head and went in to the bathroom.

Chapter 8

I watch him walk into the bathroom and close the door. I sat on my bed ignoring the fact that I'm covered in mud and sighed. After about two minutes the door open and he threw his cloths out. I ran over and grabbed them. I rang for the maid and opened the door so she could come in. "Here are some dirty cloths. Can you please have them washed by the time he gets out of the shower. I will be in the shower down the hall if you need me. I will la my cloths in the hall. “She nodded, took the cloths, and went out of the room. I followed after her.
Once I got into the bathroom I started the water and started to undress. I put my cloths outside and stepped into the shower. I let the warm water run down my shoulders.
After my shower I got dress in blue jeans and a plain white T-shirt. I walked in my room forgetting that Zack was here. I realized he was in my room when I ran into him. I turned around. “I am so sorry. Why do we keep running into each other?"
"I really don't know why week keep running into each other, but at least you didn't hit me. " He smiled. “So are you ready to go riding."
I laugh. “Ya, at least I didn’t hit you and yes I’m ready to go riding. I’ve been ready all week.”
He smiled and headed out of my room. I followed him all the way down stairs and into the kitchen. I was just about to walk out the door when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me towards them. I looked back to see it was Allyssa. “Gosh, Allyssa you should know better not to do that. Heck I even hit Zack for doing that.”
Allyssa’s eyes went wide in shock. “You really hit him?” I shook my head. “You are crazy. Anyway why was he in your room? Wait, what were you doing in your room? Wait, why is his hair wet?”
She bombarded me with question. I held my hands up and she knew that I wanted her to stop asking questions and listen. “OK, yes I hit him. He was in my room because he was waiting for me to get out of the shower. We did nothing and his hair is wet because we both just took a shower to get this mud off. Oh, and by the way that is in separate showers by the way.” I said as I was walking out the door. I look down for my riding and when I looked up I saw Zack standing there with Midnight and his horse Black Night. I love the name of his horse and it is actually spelled Black Night. I run over to Zack when I get closer I slow down trying not to spook the horses.

Chapter 9

She starts running towards me but slows down when she gets close enough so she doesn’t spook the horses. She stops right in front of me. I look behind her and see that her friend Allyssa is standing on the porch and waving. “Your friend is waving at you.”
She turns around. “Oh, sorry she thinks you’re hot and I’m sorry I had you wait. She had to ask me a bunch of questions about what we were doing in my bedroom.”
I blushed lightly. “Well that’s good to know and I don’t mind that you were late. It gave me enough time to get the horses.”
She nods and started putting the gear on the horses and I do the same. Looking at what she is doing to make sure she doesn’t have a problem. After we are done we mount horses. “Where are we going?” She asked.
I smile. “It’s a surprise. You will have to wait in see. All I can say is that you will love it.”
Again she nods and starts to follow me. I take her to this well-worn horse path that I used to ride when I was a kid. We ride for a while in silence then she speaks up. “So, where are you from Zack?”
I smile. “I’m from right here. I was born and raised on these exact same lands. What about you?”
She looks around and sighs. “I from New York. I love it here but I miss living there to. I go to school in Virginia.”
I look at her. “Why do you live in New York but go to school in Virginia?”
“Well, I go to a boarding school in Virginia. I loved that school. I have to go to public school now right after the end of the summer.”
“There is nothing wrong with public school. I go to public school. What school are you going to?” I smile at the chance to go to the same school as her. I’m finally going to admit this but I think I have feelings for her.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.08.2010

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To all my friends who kept pushing me to wright.

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