
Chapter 1 - Meet the iversons

My name is Paige Iverson and i'm 16. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. Some might say i act like a guy, but i don't care. I like the way i am and i'm not changing for anyone. Some people say i act the way i do because of my brothers. They are:
Shawn Iverson- 17, brown hair, blue eyes, super smart, the prankster.
Ryan Iverson-18, brown hair, brown eyes, funny, the player.
Blake Iverson-19, blonde hair, blue eyes, cool, the jock.(twin of brody)
Brody Iverson-19,blonde hair,green eyes, bad-ass, the trouble maker. (twin of blake)Alec Iverson-21,brown hair, amber eyes, super charming, Mr.popular.(goes to college on the school campus)

My brothers and i all go to the same school, seaview bay high school. Seaview is best know for their athletic department. Blake should very much know that department. Today marks the day we go back to school, and honestly i'm not all that thrilled to go back. My brothers on the other hand are ready to go back.

I wake up to the smell of pancakes. Getting up i rush to my door and run down stairs along with my brothers and we all end up on the floor, in a pile at the bottom of the stairs. "Damn paige, move your boney butt." says shawn. "Shut up, and leave my butt out of this." i say getting up, with the rest of them."Come and get 'em!!" shouts my mom. We all run to the table. As soon as all of us sit down , we dig in. grabbing alot of pancakes and shoving them in my mouth. "Woah, someone's hungry." says my dad. I nod, chewing my food. "Hurry and finish your food, or you'll be late for your first day of school. I groan.

"What your not ready for you first day back to school?" says blake. I glare at him and roll my eyes. "do it look like i'm ready for school?" i ask sarcastically. "Yea." says ryan. I istantly reach over and punch him in the arm really hard.
"Your hits hurt like a bitch." ryan says rubbing his arm. The rest of my brothers laugh. "We should get to school." says ryan. I look up at him in confusion. "You just want to see the new whores coming to the school." i say putting my plate in the sink. "What can i say the ladies love me." he says. All my brothers get up and put their plate in the sink. They meet us in the foryer. "player." i mummble slinging my bag across my shoulder. "Bye mom and dad." we say as we leave the house and enter our limo.

We arrive at the school and we all get out the limo. All eyes turn to us. "paige,you need to go to the front office, to get your schedule." says Alec. "ok, but you have to go with me." i says as we all walk into the front door. People are starring at us still. I think it's because the people at the school didn't know there was a girl iverson, well there is and she is no one to mess with. "Fine, but if i'm late for college, your in for a rude suprise."

Alec says, opening the front office door for me. The office a big room, with two door. One door lead to the principal's office, the other the counslers, i have a feeling i'm gonna be in here alot. There also was chairs outside each office. In the center was a long desk, and there sat a lady with red hair and brown eyes. On her desk was her name wich read: Mrs.Anderson/ assistant principal. "Paige iverson, the principal will see you now." Says mrs.Anderson.

I nod. Alec and i walk in and have a seat. "Well, it's nice to meet you paige, your brothes have told me alot about you, i'm mr.bertty." Alec gives him a forced smile. "Here's your schedule,now you have most classes with your brothers, and a couple to yourself." He says. Then the school bell rings. We get up and heads towards the door. "You should get to class." I say facing alec. He nods and leaves.Hopefully i will have a good day.

Chapter 2- Using the prankmaster

Looking at my schedule, i see that i have english language arts with ryan. I walk around the school until i find the english room. I open the door and eyes instantly look over to me. I don't look back my focus is on the teacher who is just staring at me. "Well hello paige, you can go ahead and take your seat. I nod and head towards my brother. On my way to my seat, i hear guys say pervy comments like
"I would love to tap that." and "Nice ass."

I swear theses guys get more horny and disgusting every year. I find an open seat by ryan and i sit down and put my head on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" says ryan. "The pervy guys here make me sick." i say. Suddenly i feel my head moving up and down. I look over to see ryan laughing. I hit him in the arm, again. "It's not funny, that guys are hitting on your LITTLE sister." i say. He dosen't respond but his laughter seems to have calmed down.

"Paige, i'm not laughing because of that, i'm laughing because they don't know the real you, your not some ordinary girl your an iverson." he says. "Plus it's gonna be funny when you get them back." Ryan adds, poking me in my side. Ryan's right, i am an iverson, not some ordinary girl. With that thought i decided to have some fun on my first day of school. After class is over i see i have fifteen minutes until my next class. Now if i wanted to pull off a prank there was one person to do it with, and it was the master prankster himself, shawn iverson.

Running in the hall i jump on shawns back and we both go stumbling to the floor. "Damn it paige, you are-" shawn says, but i cut him off. "Shut up, i need help with a prank." I say with a evil smirk on my face. "Now is that how you ask for help?" Says shawn with his eyebrows furrowed. "Fine, o great prank master of all pranks, will you please help me?" I say in a bored tone. "See that wasn't so hard now was it." Shawn says pulling me up off the ground. "Ok, lets get pranky." i say, with a devilish smile on my face. "ok so who are we pranking?" Says shawn looking around the hallway. "Those three." i say pointing to three guys leaning against lockers on the other side of the hall. "those are my friends but, ok." Shawn. This is going to be the best prank ever.

Chapter 3- Best prank ever

Shawn and i have a class together next, so we could put our prank into motion. I look around to see if the three guys are in this class. Sadly it's only two. Oh well i'll just have to get the other one later. I see one of the guys leaning against a desk all alone. Perfect, i think to myself. I pull shawn aside, and we both sit in the back going over our prank. "Are you sure this is gonna work." i ask. "Are you doubting my mad pranking skills?" says shawn. "No not doubting, but just curious if it's gonna work." i say turning away from him, hiding my smirk. Shawn takes his pranks very serious. Like one time i wouldn't get up for school, so shawn thought it would be hilarious to throw water on me. So i got out of bed ready to kill him, and i slid across the floor and hit my head on something hard and liquid. I got up and chased him around the house and when i got him i gave him a royal paige punch. Then later i went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and saw that my hair was blue. I spent all morning trying to get it out, but it wouldn't come out. I ended up going to school with blue hair. But eventually it came out, and boy was i pissed at shawn. I looked at the clock it was a quarter to 5'. The teacher wouldn't be here for another 15 minutes. That's more than enough time. "You ready?" I ask shawn. "I was born ready baby." I nod, and shawn walks over to the guys. This is gonna be epic.

Shawn's P.O.V.

I walk over to them, now it's the two of them and i can start the prank. "Hey what's up austin." i say. Austin is one of the guys names. Austin is a brown hair,brown eye player, and dosen't care for girls feelings. He bangs them, and leaves. So he really deserves this prank, as well as his best friend Ian. Ian is a brown hair brown eyes, jock, he's the other one im pranking. "What's up, shawn." says austin. "Damn who's the hottie you was talking to?" asks Ian. "Yea is she new, i could rock her world." says austin. I really wanted to punch them both for talking about my little sister like that. But i didnt want to loose it and risk our prank getting exposed, so i played along. "I think her name is paige, she asked me for directions." i say as i scratch my head, which is the signal for paige to come over, and start her part of the prank.

Paige's P.O.V.

I walk up to the guys and force a smile on my face.
"Hey shawn, could you tell me where the on campus college is, i've been dying to see it."I say.
"I can tell you." says austin.
"That would be great." i say giving him a flirty wink.
"It's out the back door, a few feet to your right, i could show you if you want." says austin. I already know where the campus is this is just apart of my prank. Plus i get to spy on alec. "Sure." i say. Then we both walk out of the class room and start down the hall. "So this is your first year." says austin. "Yea, my parents thought i could use a new start." I say. Which is true. I got expelled from my old school for being to mischievous. So they sent me here with my brothers. They think my brothers can make me more mature.

"Well you'll like it here, and i could be you personal tour guide, if you know what i mean." Says austin putting his hand around my waist as we leave out the back door. Honestly i want to punch him in the face for touching me. God, can this guy get any more horny-er. "Yea, i practically own this school, i know everyone and everyone knows me." He says. He is so cocky, and aragant. He really needs a ego check. Luckily im the girl to do it. We get outside and most people from the college are out here. Some people from our school. Perfect place to finish my prank. "Really i guess i could use a tour guide." i say putting air quotes around the word tour guide. "Good, so it's officail, we should kiss." Says austin.

I nod. Now time for the prank to settle in. "Why in the hell would i kiss you, your aragant, and cocky, you think every girl is after you and every guy wants to be you because you banged the most chicks, and quite frankly i bet you a little small in that departmant. i say shouting so every one can here me. We are standing in the spot where the intercom projects. That way the whole school hears me tell mr.cocky-pants off. After i say this every one is saying oooh, and ouch bro. "I will never date you, your not even that hot." I say then walk off, leaving austin with his mouth open and his face bright red from embarrassment. That'll teach him.

I walk back into the classroom, and stand by shwan. "Nice work, sis." Says shawn. "Thanks bro." we stand there laughing at how embarrased austin was. I think im gonna like this school. "Will paige iverson, come to the principal's office now!!" say the intercom voice. "oooh, so close." says shwan. I shoot him daggers as i leave and head for the principals office.

Chapter 4- Huge crush... mabey?

"Have a seat paige." says mr.bertty. "Why am i here?" i say acting innocent. "Seems as if your making quite a name for yourself, on your first day ms. iverson." He says. "I am, well i hope it's nothing bad." i say. "Cut the act, you know what you did to austin, now we have a no bullying policy here at seaview bay." He says. I nod acting as if i care. I never get caught on my pranks. Damn this school. "I'm gonna have to assign someone to show you around and also keep watch on you." He says. "What?!?, why im not a little kid, i dont need a babysitter, i do what i want and your just gonna have to get used to it." I say folding my arms across my chest. Now i know im acting a little childish,but im not a child im 16 for god sakes. He nods. "I know but for right now i need someone who is gonna have a good enfluence on you." says Mr.bertty. "Come on in jason." he says. I look up and see a really cute guy. He has strawberry blonde hair, sky blue eyes, and a body you would want to lick hot fudge off of. I shake my head. I can't think like this. Guys are nothing but pervs and dont care one bit for girls feelings. "Hey im jason." he says with his arm extended out to me. "Im paige." i say with a grin. "Jason's gonna make sure you don't get into anymore trouble, he's one of our honnor students." Says Mr.Bertty. Jason smile and rubs his neck, as if he's shy about him being smart. I think it's cute. Wait what am i saying, i have to get away from him. "I hate to interupt this bromance here, but i have to get to class, or my brothers will start tearing this school apart looking for me," I say getting up. "Very well then take this late pass, and i don't want to see you in my office again paige." says mr.bertty. I nod as i take the late pass and leave. Jason is following right behind me. Brody is waiting for me at the door. "What was that all about?" Says brody. I shrug. "You know, your principals a little bitch!" i say. "Your saying it like it's new information." says brody. I laugh and push him. "Hey! no shoving the ninja." say brody pushing me back. I rub my arm as if his push hurted. "Wanna go spy one alec?" Say brody. "Hellz yea!!" I say. "Umm, paige i think you should get to class, you wold be in big trouble if you skipped." says Jason. "Ok, what up with the nerd." says brody. "Mr. bertty thinks i need someone to watch my every move, so that's why jason's here." i say. "oh." says brody. The bell rings and everyone rushes out of classrooms and into another. "Mabey tomorrow we could spy on alce.... later sis." says brody walking off. I check my shedule and see i have a class without my brothers, but with jason.

Jason and i walk into science together and take our seats. "Hello class, we will start with chapter 14, just do the 20 questions as a review when your done." Says the bold man, who i think is our teacher. "Here you go." says jason, handing me a book. "Thanks." i say and begin working on the assignment. My hair falls in front of my face. I reach up to pull it over, but jason beats me too it. Our faces are nose to nose. "Your really beautiful." Says jason as he leans in to kiss me. "I dont want to kiss you." Thats a total lie i so want to kiss him. But i cant. "Oh... i... um, wasn't gonna kiss you." I nod sadly. The bell rings. Jason and i grab our stuff and head for the door when the teacher stops us. "You two have to work extra credit for this assignment, in order for you to get a deccent grade in this class." I nod and walk out, followed by jason. I spot blake in the hall talking to some girl. I walk up to him and smile. "Hey paige, what's up." says blake. "Nothing much, are we still on for tonight?" i say. I hear the girl behind me gasp in shock. A smirk forms on my face. "Yea we are." says blake. The girl storms off pissed. "Aww did i mess that up?" i say. Blake smirks. I could tell blake didnt like her she was all over him. He hates clingy girls. One which i will never be. "Paige can i talk to you for a momment?" says jason. "ooh, lil sis has a crush." I punch him in the arm. "OWW, you hit like a dude." He says in a shocking voice. I smirk.

I walk over to jason. "What!" i say. "So when can we work on our project together?" Says jason. "Oh, i guess you could come over my house and we'll finish it there, but if you try anything i'll murder you." He laughs. Blake walks next to jason, and touches his shoulder. "Dude, you know she's not kidding." says blake. His smile fades away. And a smirk grows on my face. After two classes without my brothers or jason, the final bell rings. I go to my locker and get my stuff out. When i close my locker jason is standing there with my notbook. "You left this in class." I nod and reach for it when ryan's voice makes me turn my head. "Lets go paige, the limo's here." I turn back around to jason, and smile. "Could you just bring it when w you come over." I say. "Yea, sure." I nod and lock my locker. "Lets go paige!!" says alec. "Im coming dont get you jock-strap in a twist." I say walking away. "See you later paige." Says jason. I wave as i get in the limo. "Who was that?" Ask alec. "Paige's new boyfriend." Blake says in a girly voice. Which sounds weird coming from him. "You better not have a boyfriend, i've never met him." says alec. He so protective at times. He acts like he my dad. But all my brothers are really over protective. "You can meet him, cause paige invited him over for a study date." says blake. "Perfect." says alec. I glare at blake. "Thanks alot dude." I say. "Your so welcome." I dont want to have to regret inviting jason over. Something tells me i might regret it.

Chapter 5- My Feelings for you

When we got home my brothers have been asking non stop about Jason and i. So I ran to my room. But of course the guys sent mom to my room. I usually don't have these girl-talk moments with my mom. But considering i'm the only girl in the family besides my mom, they all want me to be well aware of everything. My mom knocks on the door but enters anyways. Gosh i cant stand when parents do that. Like what's the point of knocking if your gonna come in at your free will anyways. "Paige we need to talk." Says my mom sitting on the edge of my bed, but facing me. "What is it?" I say, putting away my books. I was doing homework before my mom came in. "From what the guys have told me, you have a boy coming over." She says looking down. Almost like she is hesitant to tell me something.

"Yea but it's nothing were just working on a extra credit project that's all." i say.
"Are you sure, because i could bring out the sex ed books if you want, I-" She says but i cut her off.
"Mom, don't!!" I say.
"Ok, you sure?" She says.
"Yea, im sure."
"Just remember when a girl and a boy gets phisically attracted to each other they eventually have sex and then-" She say but i cut her off, again.
"Mom i seriously don't want to go through the Birds and the Bee's story with you ok."
"Okay i just want to make sure my little girl is prepared at all times." She says.
"I know." I say. We hug for a while.

The door bell rings and i pull away from my mom. I give her the 'Get out a cute boy is coming in my room' look. She nods and puts something in my night stand and leaves. Looking in there i'm suprised by what it is. I can't belive my mom put a box of condoms in my room. If my brothers or dad see's that they're gonna assume i'm doing the nasty. Which im not. Th door bell rings one more time and i get up to answer the door. "Hey." says Jason. He's wearing a tight v-neck which shows his perfectly sculptured abs. I snap out of my perv thought and invite him in.
"Wow, you have a very big house." Says Jason. I smile.
"Thanks my parents are building designers, and they're very good at what they do." I say.
"Cool, that would explain the limo, so what are you rich?"

I laugh. "Sort of, but we don't take anything for granted." He nods. I Give him a house tour. First with the living room, kitchen, dinning area, and the den. Then i lead him upstairs. I hear my brothers in the game room. I show jason the room, then join my brothers for the fun. "Hey paige." says brody. "Hey, what's up." i say floping down a bean-bag chair. "Ryan beat you score on the call of duty." Says Alec. "No way!" i say snatching the controller from blake. "Hey!, i was using that." I ignore him and wave my hand in his face. He quickly swats it away like a mad toddler. Whcih ,makes me laugh. "Oh yea, im the champ!!" I say. I just beat ryan in call of duty. I do a victory dance and shake my butt in Ryan's face like a sore winner. "Get you boney butt out of my face!" says ryan. "No!" I say shaking it some more. "That's it!" Says ryan. He gets up and pushes me to the floor we start wrestling and ryan wins. We both get up laughing. Jason clears his throught in a 'Im still here' sort of way. I walk over to him followed by my brothers of course Alec is first. "Jason these are my brithers." I say. They introduce their self's. Jason and I walk down the hall to my room. We sit down and begin working.

"Hey do you have any markers, i left mine at home." Says jason. "Yea, it's in my night stand." i say pointing to it with my pencil. I'm laying on my bed, flat with my tummy. Jason's on my desk, on the left side of my bed. He's doing the drawing part of the project, im doing the writing part. He opens the draw and gasps. I ignore it untill i remember earlier when my mom put those rubbers in there. I quickly sit up to see Jason wide eyed looking at me holding the box. "Paige why do you have condoms in your room?" Says jason.I sit there trying to think of a way to explain it, "Well my mom put those in there, she thought something was gonna happen tonight with us and she wanted me to be prepared." I say. "She thought we were gonna have sex tonight?" Asks Jason. I nod. I bet he thinks im some sort of perv. I'm starting to really like him. "But i didn't tell her i was planning on having sex with you-she just assumed and then-" I say jamming my words together. Jason shuts me up by kissing me. I pull him closer to deepen the kiss. His tounge roaming my mouth and im enjoying every momment of it. It feels like fire work city when he kisses me like this. His hands slids down to my back. I feel him smirk and i kiss him back more. I never knew my first kiss was gonna be like this. It was better than i imagined. I hear the door open and my brothers yelling, so i quickly pull away from jason. He's sitting there smirking. My face is bright red from embarresment. "Paige what the hell is going on?" Says brody. His voice is filled with anger. "I-UM-WE-I-." I say stumbling, and can't find my words. "I told you to let me meet him first." Says Alec. He seems really pissed. I sit there speechless. "You need to leave." Says Blake. "Yea don't bother talking to my sister or were gonna have some problems." Says shawn. I belive he could seriously hurt jason. Shawn is very musculer, as well as my other brothers. "I'll see you at school paige." Says jason as he gives me a peck on the lips and my brothers look like they're about rip him apart. After jason leaves my dad calls a family meeting in the living room. We don't usually have family meetings, unless it's a crisis or problem in the family that we need to resolve. And the person on the hot seat tonight. Is non other than me. I have a feeling this is gonna be one hell of a family meeting.

Chapter 6- Me.. you.. and the rest of my family

I sit there waiting on someone to say something. Because i sure as hell wasn't gonna speak first. My brothers all sit there looking pissed as ever. "Paige..." My dad says with a sigh. "Explain yourself." Says Alec. Acting like my father. "Well we started out doing the project and he saw the condoms mom put in my drawer-" I say but my father cuts me off.

"Carrie, why the hell would you put condoms in her drawer?" Asks my dad.
"I was just trying to make sure she was prepared at all times." Says my mom.
"Yea, but it's like your giving her the green like to have sex."
"It's not like-she's not like that." Says my mom, glaring at my father.
"Hello-she's right here." I say pointing to myself. This could take a while.

My faimily could never end an argument on one note. Someone always had to be right. "Paige your too young to be having sex." Says Ryan.

Oh, great the player wants to give me a lecture on the perfection of abstinence. "You should be the last person to tell me that Mr. I bring home one girl a day." I say folding my arms over my chest.

It's not fair. They treat me like i'm some little kid and it's not fair. "Besides it's not like we did anything, we just kissed, i promise you im not going to have sex untill im ready which is a long way from now."

I assure all of them. They exchange looks. "Ok, go finish your project, we'll discuss this later." Says my dad. "Thank you."

I say in a tired tone. I was over all this drama. Not even drama, just my family jumping to conclusions.

I hpope Jason isn't mad at me. I mean we did share an amazing kiss. I feel my lips remmember the spark between us.

Then it all came crashing down by once again the one and only Iversons. I rest my head on my pillow wanting to go into a good slee. Tommorow was going to be Hectic. Well better prepare for the worse. I think to myslef.

Chapter 7- My feelings for you

I get up before my brothers so they won't hogg the bathroom like they do every morning. I brush my teeth and curl my hair and pin it to the side. Walking back to my room and looking into my closet i find the perfect outfit.

A pink V-neck shirt, Black cutt off shorts with my pink and black combat boots. Looking in the mirror i smile. I add the final touch to my look.

which is light makeup, not too much though. I grab my bag and head downstairs to find my brothers eating. How did they get ready so fast.

I guess girls really do take longer to get ready. "Wow you look like a girl." Says shawn. I punch him and he rubs his arm. "Shut up i am a girl."

I say defensivly, grabbing a plate of breakfest. "He meant your dressed all girly... probably for that guy you were in a lip lock with." Says brody.

I glare at him and he sticks out his tounge like a lilttle kid. "What.. No.. Jason has nothing to do with how i look.... oh look at that we should go were gonna be late."

I say jamming my words together as i rush out the door followed by my brothers who think this is so amusing.

When we get to school the first thing i do is turn in my project and i find jason there to with the report. I smile. It's nice seeing him again.

He doesn't smile back. He's probably mad at me because of what happended last night. I need to talk to him. "Nice work you two, you make a great pair." Says our teacher.

Still i dont know his name. "You'll get full credit for the course." He says with a smile. Jason and i walk out of the room that's when i decide to try to talk to him. "Hey are mad at me?" I ask him as he opens his locker.

"Why would i be mad?" He answer my question with a question. I hate it when people do that it's like answer with an answer not a question.

"I dont know mabey because my stupid brothers-No family interupted our kiss." I say calmly. "Im not mad more like confused.. Im getting mixed signals from you paige, one minuet you dont like me the next your wanting to make out then your family...." He says. I look down. I knew it he didnt feel the same way.

"I like you paige, and i can handle your crazy family i just dont know where i stand with you." He says looking away nervously. "I like you too, and this should tell you here you stand with me."

I say grabbing the nape of his neck and pulling him in for a enticing kiss. I pull back to see a crowd and my brothers standing there.

"Ok you can leave going back to whatever it is that you do." I say moving the crowd away. My brothers don't say anything which is a first they just give me a look and walk away.

I think deep down inside theuy want to be accepting to my love life. "We should get to class, and by the way you look so hot today."

I smile as he takes my hand in his. We walk together laugung talking until e reach the class room. I see my brothers and some other guys standing there in the middly of the class.

I loo around. No teachers, No students, dimmed lights. This could only mean one thing. They're gonna confront jason.

I hope things dont get violent in here. I squezz his hand tighter not wanting to let go.


Texte: All right reserved
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.05.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To all my friends and family, for inspiring me to show the world my writing skills.

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