
I woke up to rain. I pushed my warm covers off me and hurried to my open window. I closed it quickly, shutting out the rain and last night's memories. I didn't want to have to remember what I'd done. I walked over to get my robe and I stumbled over Aiden's jacket. Just looking at it made I want to cry and throw up at the same time. I picked it up and wrapped myself in it. I could smell his cologne on the jacket, that plus the warmth comforted me.

I didn't quite know what happened last night. Aiden came over, we talked, and well we argued. He left, and I was mad. I didn't really want to call Matt; I didn't want him to come over at all. But I was so pissed off; it seemed like the way to calm down. I knew how wrong I was while I watched Matt crawl out of my window and hop off the roof. I knew how I would’ve regretted it in the morning. I couldn't even imagine what I'd do if Aiden found out. He'd never want to see me again.

"Aubri," my mom eased my door open a little, "are you alright?"

"Yea, I'm fine," reluctantly I slid his jacket off as I spoke.

"Mary made blueberry pancakes and coffee, come down and eat," my mom was sounding more and more like a Southern housewife every day.

"I'll be down in a sec," I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my robe.

It's amazing how beautiful Tennessee looks, even in the pouring rain. I could barely see the mountains through the fog on the big windows. I chewed slowly on the large bite of pancake I had eaten. My dad stared at the paper and my mom stared at me. I was trying to avoid her eyes.

"It's supposed to rain all week," my dad groaned.

"Well I guess we'll all be stuck in the house," my mom cut her pancakes.

"That’s good, I thought you were going to say shopping," dad joked.

My mom looked at him with a teasing face and shook her head. At least they had resolved their recent issues and were better. It only took them the majority of the summer to solve their problems. How long would it take me and Aiden?

Lilly trudged into the dining room, quickly followed by Mary. Lilly's hair was in a messy ponytail and she was holding her teddy bear. She looked like hell, poor girl.

"Mommy I don't feel good," she moaned.

"What's wrong," mom's concerning voice cooed.

"My tummy hurts," Lilly laid her forehead against the table.

Mary felt Lilly's head and nodded towards my mom. The plate of hot pancakes Mary had in her left hand for Lilly went to my dad. And she helped Lilly to stand up and walk back to bed.

"I guess I'll be taking her to the doctor," mom rubbed her forehead, "Aubri do you have plans for today, your dad will be at work and I'll be taking Lilly to see a doctor, you might want to tell us now if you'll need money."

"No, I'll just sit inside today," today will be my moping day.

I excused myself from the table and went upstairs to my room. I snuggled back into Aiden's jacket and cuddled in bed with "Grapes of Wrath". I heard dad speed down the long drive, I heard my mom pull out with Lilly and I heard Mary leave also. After Mary left I laid the book down and slept.

I didn't dream, I wish I did. I wish I dreamt about me and Aiden. A dream could've been a clue on what to do. If I should tell him, or what to do if he knows. But I didn't dream. I slept peacefully until I was shaken awake.

I didn't fully open my eyes to see who it was at first. I sat up and rubbed my eyes with the sleeve of the jacket.

"Don’t get your eye boogies on my jacket," a familiar, comforting voice echoed in my ears.

My eyes were fully open then and staring into Aiden's deep, light brown eyes. He smiled and shook his head at me. I smiled back at him and lunged into his chest, wrapping my arms around him.

"Whoa calm down," he whispered into my hair.

"Sorry," I murmured against his warm chest.

I pushed off his chest a little and he pushed me and him back against the headboard of the bed. I laid my head on his shoulder and he played with my hair. It would have been a cute moment, but the only reason we sat like that was because we didn't know what to say. But then, I knew what I had to say.

"Look, I'm sorry about everything, the arguing, and the fighting. You said I love you and that's all I wanted and that's all that matters," he shut me up with his lips.

"I’m sorry too," he pulled away from me, "but that's not why I'm here."

He tilted his head back down to my lips. We kissed for a long second, and then I felt his hands move from my face to my hips. The position was awkward at first, and then he slowly lifted me on top of him. I was straddling him now; I started to unbutton his shirt, hoping this was what he came here for.

He didn't stop me; he let me push his shirt off him. He pulled the band out of my hair letting my hair fall down my back. One hand was intertwined with my hair and the other started to unzip the jacket. He unzipped the jacket one handed. He slid my tank top strap to the side and started to kiss down my neck. Then he laid me back onto the bed. I wasn't going to tell him about last night.

I woke up again to rain, only this time lying on Aiden's chest. He was playing with my hair again, this time it wasn't because we didn't know what to say. Everything that needed to be said was said now. Everything was out on the table. I didn't feel the need to move or speak; I was content just laying there.

"You're awake now right," Aiden ruined the moment in an extremely small way.

"Yes, I'm awake now."

"Good, we need to talk now," he just contradicted all my thoughts by saying that.

"Ohm, ok, what about," I mumbled.

"Last night, everything that was said," He was shaking his head, "things you said and I said."

I knew what he was talking about then. I said something when I thought he couldn't hear through his own hollering. I know he heard it now. I rolled over and laid my arms against his chest and rested my chin down on my arms.

"I know both of us were mad," he started, "but the things I was saying was mainly lies."

I was feeling really guilty for what I said, and extremely guilty for what I did. I wanted to tell him so bad right now, but he'd hate me for sure. I'd ruin everything that had just happened. I couldn't live if Aiden wasn't in my life, I knew that now, and telling him would take him out of my life.

"But I said one thing last night, and I don't know if you heard, but I didn't mean it," he looked at me honestly.

"Do you mean when you said that if I hated you so much that you'd just go back to Emma," saying that made me want to rip Emma's head off even more.

Aiden shook his head and looked out the window at the rain. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him tightly. He squeezed me back but didn't look at me. His face looked like he was making a decision.

"I did something last night," I murmured.

Aiden looked at me now, curiously. Tears started to well up in my eyes. I didn't want to tell him but I was feeling so guilty.

"Last night after you said the Emma thing, I said that if you went back to Emma, I'd go back to Matt," I tried to speak softly, "and when you left, I did."

I was ready for the yelling. I was ready for Aiden to push me off of him and start cursing like a mad sailor. But he didn't, he stared out at the rain again, still keeping his arms around me. It was silent for a long minute.

"I know you had him over," he started playing with my hair, "what'd you do?"

I didn't answer the question. I didn't want to say it out loud; I'd probably throw up saying it. I stayed quiet hoping he'd catch on.

"I did the same thing with Emma," he said.

I wanted to be so mad at him when he said it. I wanted to jump out of his arms and scream at him to leave. I wanted to curse at him for going back to that tramp. But I didn't because he didn't.

I squeezed him tighter, "You didn't like it right?"

"Hell no," he almost yelled, "I felt so disgusting after that. I went straight to the shower. And then, all I could think about was you."

"That's how I felt too," my arms were squeezing tighter and tighter.

"I couldn't imagine not having you," his arm was tightening around me too, "if I couldn't see you the same way. I'd miss you too much. I'd miss messing with your ponytail, or kissing you."

He sounded like he was reading from the script of a love story. But his eyes were burning into mine; he looked like he meant it. I smiled up at him and laughed. He had sounded cheesy saying all of that. Plus he sounded so manly admitting his feelings like that.

"You know I love you right," I snuggled my face into his chest.

"I was kind of hoping you did," he laughed.

Everything was awkward right now, but in a good way. Things just happened way too quickly. One second I was napping, the next I'm playing in bed with a tank top on next to Aiden. I was trying to take everything in, except the Emma thing. I don't even want to think about that skank while I was having this moment.

I didn't want to ruin any more moments with Aiden. I'd practically spent the whole summer with him, and all the moments we had I didn't take it seriously. The moment at the church with his sister, dinner with his family, the first kiss. Special moments that I let petty things ruin. My eyes closed and I went back to all those memories, and then I began to dream.

I guessed that Aiden had fallen asleep too. When I woke up again he was staring down at me. I smiled up at him and rolled off the bed. I stumbled around my room trying to find some clothes and after I got dressed I climbed back into bed with him. He and I lay there, doing nothing, for at least 15 minutes. Then I heard the car pulling up the driveway.

I hadn't thought about how long Aiden had been here. Aiden jumped up out of bed in a weird panic mode. I sat up quickly and watched as he hurried to get dressed. He stumbled around pulling his pants on; I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Is it funny," he cocked an eyebrow, "because if we get caught we won't be allowed to see each other.”?

"It's funny because I've never seen you act like this, but don't slow down to talk to me," I covered my mouth trying not to laugh.

He pulled his shirt over his head with one hand and he put a shoe on with another. Aiden grabbed his keys from off my night stand and headed for the window. He paused when he got to it and turned back towards me. He trotted over and kissed me. Then he ran back to the window.

I could hear Lilly and mom at the bottom of the stairs but I wasn't worried. I had this weird serene feeling while I watched Aiden run around like a lost puppy. He finally jumped out the window and onto the roof. I heard him hit the trampoline below at the same time I heard Lilly race up the stairs.

I lay back against my pillow and sighed. The last two hours was total bliss. It was like something from a teenage romance movie, only better. I felt different than I ever had before. Aiden loved me, I loved him, and we loved each other. That was so plain and simple for me to see now.

"Aubri guess what," Lilly burst into my room nearly choking on her sucker as she shouted.

"Hmm," I sat up and looked at her.

She didn't look sick anymore, now she looked like Lilly. Her light brown hair was pulled pack into pig tails and she was in her neon pink tank top outfit. She had a huge sucker stick hanging out of her mouth too. That made it hard for her to catch her breath so she could speak.

"I was sick, then I puked on the doctor and now I feel better," she breathed, "and so mom took me to the McDonald's and then we went and bought a whole bag of suckers."

"Sounds cool to me," I smiled.

"What'd you do Aubri," Lilly looked at me wide eyed.

"Well," I remembered the kissing and the talking and laughing, "I lie in bed and read my book."

"That sounds boring," Lilly pouted.

"It totally was," I rolled my eyes.

I hope Lilly finds a guy like Aiden someday. Maybe when she finds that guy I'll tell her about today and the other days. I know she'll get a kick out of it. Knowing that I was with a guy while she was at the doctor's office.

Lilly trotted over to my bed and climbed in. I lifted the covers so she could scooch in and then I nearly died. Underneath the covers was a pair of black Calvin Klein’s. Matt's black Calvin Klein’s. Lilly didn't notice them; she slid under the covers and got comfortable.

"Aubri," Lilly asked snuggling into my shoulder.

"Hmm," I tried to maneuver my foot around her to move the boxers.

"Why hasn't Aiden been around lately," she sounded a little upset.

I had to laugh. One, because he was just over and it was amazing. Two, because he hadn't been over for her to see in like three days and she thinks a lifetime. Now that I think about it though, even right now, it feels like it's been forever since I've seen him. I feel like a hopeless romantic now.

"He was just over a few days ago," I smiled at her, "why?"

"Aiden," she muttered with a mischievous smile, "is my boyfriend too."

I didn't hold back my laughter then. I was laughing so hard that my stomach started to hurt and I couldn't breathe. She pouted at me, but I couldn't stop laughing long enough to apologize. Finally, after about two minutes of straight laughing, she flicked me.

"Is that so," I asked, catching my breath.

"Oh yes," she nodded very sure of it.

"Well Lilly Anne Boux, you'll have to fight me for him," I rolled her over and began to tickle her.

"No fair," she giggled.

She reached her hands out and tried to tickle me. She poked at my armpits but it didn't help her. I kept tickling her. She stopped laughing though, she started choking. I forgot about the sucker.

I sat her up and started smacking her back. The sucker fell out and she started coughing. I kept smacking her back while she coughed up her insides. I heard my mom start up the stairs, she must have heard.

Lilly stopped coughing; her face was really red when my mom walked in though. My mom hurried over to us pulling back the covers. I almost started choking then.

"Whose are these," my mom raised her eyebrow as she poked at the Calvin Klein's.

I wished Lilly would start choking again, draw attention away from this situation. I stayed quiet for a bit, thinking of a good excuse.

"Ohm," I stammered, "well it's hard to explain."

"Are they Aiden's," Lilly asked, she was fine now.

"No," I was telling the truth.

My mom eyeballed me for a second. She lifted the underwear and shook her head at me. I knew I was in trouble now.

"We'll let your dad deal with this," she stood up from my bed, "come on Lilly."

My dad didn't have much to say about Matt's boxers being in my bed. He looked really tired when he walked in and his face fell when he saw mom holding the boxers and tapping her foot. He didn't sit me down, we didn't talk. He shook his head a lot, told me Aiden and I needed distance and other than work, I'd be at home for a month.

I pouted, put on my sad face to try and hide my lack of care for what he was saying. Aiden and I work together, five hours a day. Aiden has snuck in at least four times now, and they haven't picked up on that. They basically grounded me from planned public appearances that are all.

They did take my cell phone and computer privileges though. Well my phone until I go to work, but my computer was gone for a month. This meant there was no way for me to tell Aiden what was going on. It also meant that I wouldn't be able to communicate with him at all until tomorrow.

Lilly tried to cheer me up by inviting me to her tea party. I declined; I wasn't sad or bored enough to pretend I would enjoy it. I went to my room, opened my window and relaxed on my bed.

I seemed really tired lately. It felt like everything I did wore me out. Of course I also was totally lazy and other than going to work or hanging with Aiden, I was at home doing nothing. And people have said that when you quit being energetic, which in a way I have, then you become lazy. I'd become the complete quintessence of lazy if you ask me. All I do is nap, short little naps.

I didn't nap though, I thought about it. I thought about how much time I spend at home or with Aiden. In truth, the only people I know are Emma, the skank, Aiden and Matt. I hadn't met anyone at the party that night with Matt. And Emma was an accident meeting. Aiden was at work, and we only hung out alone really. I felt like such a loser. I was a loser actually. Staying at home all day, spending all day on Face Book.

I remember when I wasn't a loser. I used to be the "it" girl back in Maine. I had money, style and tons of friends. Everyone wanted to be me, and I wasn't even a cheerleader. I was just popular; sure my money had something to do with it. Daddy is a CEO of a cotton company; I have money out my butt. Everyone back in Maine knew that. I really do miss it.

But I love having Aiden. He really does have me head over heels. I've had tons of boyfriends before him, but he's so different. He is the typical Southern gentlemen with a thick Southern accent. He plays football, but he isn't the best and he knows it. He isn't the most popular, Matt is. But Aiden is so much more than the stereotype. He loves his little sister and his grandma so much. He works hard to get what he and they want. He puts others first. He's just everything, with a Southern accent.

Thinking about Aiden made me miss him so much. But I couldn't help it; the only thing I could think about is him. I started tearing up a little.

I'm so emotional too. Emotional, lazy and in love. Moving down to Tennessee has really changed me. And in only about three months.

"Aubri," someone whispered from outside my window.

"Who is it," I didn't want to open the window if it was Matt.

"Matt and I weren’t going to open the window, "I need my boxers back."

Oh, I had his boxers still. Dad didn't even look at them while he spoke to me. My mom handed the underwear to me like it was a bomb. So now I had Matt's black, stupid, trouble-making boxers sitting on my computer chair.

I rose up out of bed, picked up the boxers and headed to the window. Matt had already taken the screen out, or Aiden didn't have time to put it back in. Matt smiled at me when I raised the window. He leaned in like he was going to kiss me.

"Ohm Matt," I dodged his face and shoved his boxers into his chest, "look I know this sounds bad but. . ."

A small set of footprints were shuffling towards my room, Lilly. I shoved Matt out of the window and closed the shutters. I tried to jump in bed and look comfortable but when Lilly walked in I was in mid-movement.

She plopped down on the floor in front of my door. She didn't speak at first and it was really awkward. She twiddled her thumbs and gnawed on her lip, it was weird. She looked like she had something serious to say and didn't know how to say it.

"Ok," she sighed, "I have a confession."

"Hmm," I lowered my head to my pillow.

"I called Aiden," she huffed.

I rolled over and looked at her now. She was still gnawing on her lip; she wasn't looking at me either.

"You called Aiden," I was a little puzzled, "why?"

"One, he needed to know you couldn't see him anymore and two, I needed to tell him how I feel," she was so serious about the dating thing!

"Lilly," I raised an eyebrow, "how'd you get his number."

She rolled her eyes at me as if I asked as if I told her Santa wasn't real.

"He gave me his number first, duh," she put her hands on her knees.

Ah yes, he did give her his number. He wrote it down on a Hubba Bubba gum wrapper for her to give to me. I told her to keep it because two months ago, I didn't want it. Obviously she kept it, and was using it. How many times had she used it before?

"What'd you tell him," I looked at her sternly, "every word exactly?"

She looked off into space, pondering my question. For a seven-year-old she sure had a lot of emotions and facial expressions. She ponders and loves, well maybe loves.

"I told him you were no longer interested and that if he needed a shoulder to cry on, I'd be the for him," she giggled.

"Hmm, you are too serious about this love thing aren't you?"

"Very, when you have love in front of you well you can't just sit and look at it, you have to grab it," she was quoting something.

"Where'd you here that at," whoever she heard it from was so, so right.

"Mom's TV show that she watches at noon every day," Lilly smiled.

I stood up off my too comfortable bed and plopped down in front of her. She looked at me seriously, she was definitely not playing. I didn't know if I should laugh or ask Lilly how she got a hold of a phone. My first thought, the phone. Second thought burst out laughing. I went with the second thought.

Lilly didn't think it was funny. Again she just pouted at me, like earlier. I couldn't help it though. It seemed that Aiden had a great effect on women. That could be a bad thing for me. Thinking about Aiden made me sad.

"Let's go play tea party," I stood up and offered my hand to Lilly.

"Fine, but since you laughed at me, you get served last," she pouted.

I tried not to laugh. It wasn't that hard, I'd be depressed until tomorrow when I saw him. I know how corny I sound, babbling on about how much I miss him. He has me totally, way over the top, whipped. I love it, and I love him.

I partied as hard as you can at a fake tea party for a seven-year-old. I was trying to make the best of it, trying to make time go by so much faster. I pretended to enjoy the tea with Mr. Fluffy, a giraffe and Ms. Noodles, the monkey, along with Lilly. I have to give Lilly some credit, she had a great imagination.

Her creativity helped my mind stray from how much I missed Aiden. I played along with her little skit, and it was cute. It was like the time at the church with Aiden and his sister. Of course, while thinking about that, I began to think more about Aiden. Imaginative play can only distract me for so long; I am a teenager of the 21st century, easily distracted.

After the super extravagant tea party, we had dinner. Mary made amazing soup, but no one talked about it. The whole table stayed quiet until, of course, Lilly broke the silence.

"Daddy," she pulled his attention away from his food with her angelic little girl's voice.

"Hmm sweetheart," he looked at her with wide eyes.

"I'm ready to get married," Lilly stated.

Mary was the only one that laughed, but she stopped once she didn't hear the rest of us laugh. It was one long awkward moment. I played with my soup, my mom stared at my dad and my dad stared at Lilly. Lilly sat, looking back at my dad, her hands folded in front of her bowl.

"Lilly," my dad was struggling to talk, "who would you like to marry."

It was about to get ten times more awkward now. If she was going to say who I thought she was, she might get grounded too.

"Aiden, of course daddy," she stated adding that 'isn't it obvious' tone.

"Lilly, Aiden is too old for you," my mom tried to make an argument.

"He's older than Aubri but she can date him," Lilly whined.

"Well right now they're on a break," my dad looked at me.

"I know, and I'm taking advantage of it," Lilly's vocabulary was larger than I thought.

My dad was taken aback by her plan. We all were taken back by it. She had cleverly thought of a plan to get a boy she "loved". Sound like anyone? I bet my parents were thinking it too.

"Lilly, you're seven, we aren't having this discussion," my dad ended the conversation.

Lilly pouted, her lower lip trembling. She let one, sad, little tear slide down her cheek before wailing and running over to Mary. Lilly's sobs didn't distract my dad from enjoying his soup. He sipped at his now luke warm soup and stared out the large window. It was a scene from a movie, only the girl was a tad bit too young to be crying over her father's disapproval of a boy.

That should be me actually. Begging my daddy like Ally did in "The Notebook" for his approval of the man she loved. Although daddy never disapproved of Aiden, not to my knowledge. He just watched me over the past month and a half gleam and smile after I talked to Aiden. He never said a word.

Of course dad was a man of few words. The only words he needed to say were cotton, money and act like an adult. Other than that, his vocabulary was dense. That's what I loved about him, he stayed quiet. Even if he didn't like Aiden, he wasn't going to say it, yet.

It would be nice to know what dad thinks about him. If he likes Aiden. Now wouldn't be the right time to ask, the whole boxers thing would make it an even more awkward conversation. I know how my mom feels about Aiden, or felt. She thought he was a sweet gentleman, and she only wished that his life was easier for him. But again, that was before the boxers.

"I'll put her to sleep," Mary was cradling Lilly in a strange position.

"Thank you Mary," my mom frowned at poor Mary trying to carry Lilly.

My dad scooted his chair back and walked towards Mary. He took Lilly out of her arms and Lilly threw a mini tantrum, but eventually she just lay in his arms. He walked her up the stairs and Mary followed quickly behind. All that was left was me and my mom at the dinner table.

I pushed a piece of chicken around the noodles in my soup quietly. My mom slurped at her soup a little. It was very quiet and extremely awkward. I'd never not been able to talk to my mom, but now it seemed like if I did she wouldn't listen. This all happened in a matter of hours too.

Yesterday I tell her about me and Aiden arguing a lot and she comforts me. Then come the boxers. Now she won't look at me or speak. I don't know what to do. I don't want to leave, I want to talk. But I have a pretty good feeling that she doesn't want to listen.

I scooted my chair back and laid my spoon down next to the bowl. I pushed my chair back against the table, making a lot of noise to see if she'll even scold me. Not a word or a glare slipped from her. I started to walk up to my room.

It's sad that my mom's relationship with me transformed that quickly. The over exaggerated emotions I've been having kicked into gear and I started to cry. I cried as I walked up the second flight of stairs. I cried as I crashed onto my bed. I was crying so much I was giving myself a headache.

I started to doze off, my head throbbing, my nose runny. But I kept myself awake. I watched the sun set out my window. I heard Mary leave and my parents head to bed. My head was throbbing, as tired as I made myself, I couldn't sleep at all.

I starred at my ceiling thinking about nothing. There wasn't anything for me to think about. I didn't want to get myself too excited about seeing Aiden at work tomorrow. I also didn't want to think about how awkward it would be, working with Matt and Aiden at the same time; I hadn't told Matt about Aiden yet. Tomorrow will be an eventful, exciting, horrid day, I think.

Now that I was thinking about that, I didn't want tomorrow to come, but then again I did. The clock read 9:30 p.m; it was a little early to be falling asleep. But again, I was extremely tired for some reason. I was about to let myself fall asleep, but something scared me.

Aiden climbed through my back window, I almost screamed. He failed at tip-toeing over to my bed, but I was sure everyone was asleep; it'd been a long day. He sat down, took off his shoes and laid back, relaxed.

"Hi," I whispered.

He kissed the top of my head and whispered back, "Hey."

We both just laid there. A few minutes went by of awkward yet comfortable silence. He didn't move, I rested on his stomach. Everything was peaceful. The calm before the storm.

"Lilly called," he chuckled.

"So she bragged," I laughed too.

"I think she likes me," he looked at me with a funny expression, "you might have competition."

"Well she talked to daddy at the dinner table out ya'll's marriage."

He laughed, a little bit louder than he should have in our situation. I heard the floor creak, but he kept laughing. I put my hand up against his mouth to try and shut him up. He kissed my hand and kept laughing.

"What's so damn funny," I exhaled softly.

"You," he kept laughing, "you just said ya'll, you're getting twang."

I thought over my sentence, he was right. The Southern twang was getting to me. I wondered if I had an accent too.

"Is that all you came to do," I was a little irritated that he wouldn't shut up, "to criticize the accent I'm picking up from being around you too much."

I pushed a finger into his chest. He grabbed that whole hand, covered my mouth with his other hand and laughed. Then he rolled over on top of me and pinned me against my mattress.

"No," he whispered closely into my ear, "I came to tell you a secret."

"Oh," I tried to sit up but he wasn't budging, "well what is it?"

"I," he kissed my forehead, "love," he kissed my nose.

"You," I cut off his cute moment and kissed him.

"Yea, that too," he spoke against my lips.

"Well I wasn't going to say you," he rolled off me.

"Ohm, excuse me."

"I was going to say Lilly," he laughed; I punched him in his side.

I rolled onto him and sat up. He raised an eyebrow and whistled softly. I tried not to laugh too loud. His wrapped two finger around my wrists and started counting. I raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing?"

"Counting how many babies you can pop out for me," he was up to like four.

"Whoa, four, maybe two," I choked.

"Two, no way, big family," he argued.

"Little, petite, small family Aiden."

"Why babe," he tried to pull his innocent face.

"Because, I don't think I'll ever be ready for a baby, I don't want to screw up on raising four," I was telling the straight up truth.

"Ok, I see your point," he shook his head, "if that's what you want."

"Why are we planning our future right now?"

"I don't know, I was bored this afternoon and Kayla was talking to my grandmother about her future life," he shrugged his shoulders.

"Ah, I see," I snuggled closer to him.

I liked the idea of him planning our future. Even though I was only 17, it was still cute. Who knew what was going to happen in the future. All I know is now I have Aiden, hopefully I'll him tomorrow and I love him. To me, that's all that matters. So corny, yet too true.

Aiden played with my hair, I felt him twisting it. He seemed a little fidgety. He did seem a little odd when he came in; being loud even when he knew how much trouble we'd both be in. Of course I probably was looking way to into it.

"Is there something wrong," I tried to give my best innocent look.

"Why the wide brown eyes babe, nothing’s wrong," he joked.

The three and a half months I've known Aiden, I've known he is a joker. He likes messing with people, being a smart ass and what not. But he didn't want to answer the last question, I could tell. His sarcasm read "I'm fine" but his face read "not really".

"Really Aiden, what's wrong?"

He didn't say anything smart this time. He stayed quiet. I sat up in the bed next to him. It was the second time today we'd been in bed together. I wish it was like earlier this afternoon. Now there was tension.

"It's my grandmother," his head dropped.

"Aiden, tell me," I laid my hand on his shoulder.

"The coughing, shortness of breath and everything else, its lung cancer," he mumbled.

"Oh my gosh, Aiden I don't know what to say," my arms immediately were around him.

Aiden cared so much for his grandmother. Making sure she doesn't have to cook or clean. He works; he takes care of his sister, all so his grandmother can be comfortable. I didn't know what to say to comfort him. He practically lived for his grandmother, and she might be taken away from him.

He kissed the top of my head and squeezed me tightly. I could feel what he was feeling right then. He was sad, angry, scared, he was a mess. In the two and a half months I'd known him, I'd never seen him like that. Although two and a half months is short, I've seen him in so many different ways. But the way he was right now, I didn't know what to do.

I just held him, and he held me. He didn't make a sound. I wanted to talk, and make him feel better. But I just didn't know how. I'd never experienced this before.

"Want to stay," I asked looking at his hardened face.

"I don't want to get you in trouble," he tried to smile at me.

"Aiden, I'm a floor above everyone, I have a floor to myself with a door that has a lock," I was trying to make him laugh.

"Then why do I have to be quiet," he challenged, no hint of a smile, he seemed angry.

"Because you can hear everything," I challenged him back with a wink, "just stay babe."

I rolled on top of him, trying to spark up the playful mood he had when he first got here. I kissed his neck, then his chin. He didn't stop me but he also didn't smile. I kissed his lips and something inside him came alive.

He weaved his hands into my hair and kissed me back. His lips were desperate, he wouldn't let me breathe. I would let go for the hundredth of a second and he'd pull me back in. Not that I mind, I don't. It was probably the best kissed I'd had in my life.

After kissing for practically five minutes straight, which felt like hours, we stopped. I felt like I needed my inhaler for a few seconds. My head was spinning. One because I couldn't breathe, two because it was amazing. I just laid there after that. He stroked my back with a finger. I dozed off this time.

It was kind of chilly when I woke up. The sun was blinding it was so bright. I felt Aiden's body next to me. I didn't want to open my eyes and let another day come. I wanted last night to stay, minus the horrible news. I just wanted the kiss to keep replaying in my mind. Then I felt sick.

I shot up in bed. Grabbing my stomach, I felt like I was going to puke. Aiden rolled a little but he stayed asleep. I got out of bed; as soon as I stood up I felt the nausea wave. I ran straight out of my room and to the bathroom.

I'm pretty sure I threw up my week's meals and my guts. I just kept gagging, and puke just kept coming. Not to sound overly gross. Aiden stumbled in after my gross moment, great timing. He was confused at first, but then he was concerned.

He knelt down next to me; he flushed the toilet on his way down. I turned my head, not wanting him to smell my puke breath. He stroked my hair and pulled my face towards him. It was a sweet moment, but it would be gross if he kissed me.

He didn't kiss me though, he examined my face. He opened my eyes wider with his fingers and looked at them closely. He put his palm against my forehead and felt for a fever.

"I'm fine now," I said.

"I'm just making sure," he flipped his hand over against my cheek.

"So annoying," I rolled my eyes.

"Quit PMSing and let me help you," he took my face in his hands.

"I'm not PMSing," I was a little late on my period actually.

"All better," he kissed my nose.

"I was fine to begin with," I kissed his cheek, "but thank you."

He helped me off the floor and we walked back to my room. I went back to my bed and he sat down on the love seat by the TV. I swear he's in love with the fact that I have an entertainment center in my room. He flipped on the TV and turned to some sports channel. This scene was like a peek into the future, if what Aiden and I talked about last night would happen.

Aiden sitting on the couch watching TV, me in the room doing something I believe is productive. I could live like that. Doing nothing all day but be with Aiden, that's actually the life for me. I went over to the couch and sat next to him. He put his arm around my shoulders and squeezed. This will hopefully be us in 10 years. All we need is a kid.

Ironic how when I think that we need a kid, Lilly decided to come in my room. Aiden dropped to the floor as soon as we heard the door knob. I tried to run and lock it, but Lilly was already pushing it open. She trotted over to my bed and plopped on top of it. She made herself very comfortable.

She looked at me, wide eyed. I looked back at her, trying to stall her questions. Aiden crept around from in front of the couch to the side, trying to hide. Lilly just kept staring at me.

"Mary left to go buy some Ginger Ale," Lilly swung her dangling legs back and forth.


"Mary thinks she heard you get sick," Lilly made a stink face.

"Oh no, I was just trying out my fake sick for when school starts," Lilly looked at me crazy after I said that, but then she nodded.

"Well you are babysitting me because momma and daddy went to work and Mary's at the grocery."

"Ok, well I'm going to clean my room," worst lie ever!

"I'll help, I'm a good picker-upper," Lilly hopped off the bed.

I didn't know what to do. I had to get Aiden out of the room, but Lilly was being difficult. I could see Aiden's shoes from behind the side of the couch. Good thing Lilly was facing me. She would have a field day and a fit if she knew Aiden was here. I don't know if she has gotten over last night yet.

"Lilly," I kind of shouted in desperation, "I need your help!"

Her eyes widened, "What is it?"

"Cereal, I need cereal," I shouted.

"Cereal," she wasn't falling for this one quite yet.

"If I have cereal, if I have cereal," I stammered, "I can call Aiden and tell him how you feel."

Her mouth turned up into a sly smile. She put her hand on her hip and strutted out of the room. As soon as I hear he'd walk down the stairs, I opened the window. Aiden hopped up quickly and ran over to the window.

I looked down at the ladder that led to the second floor balcony that if jumped off properly, you land on Lilly's trampoline. I believe the way you got up is a lot safer than the trampoline way. Just climb up the bricks to the beginning of the fire escape. Climb the fire escape to the second story balcony and then climb up the ladder. Much safer if you ask me.

"Mmm," Aiden was puckering his lips at me.

"Hush," I kissed him.

"Work," he raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not sick, I feel fine, just a gross moment."

"Just asking," he touched my nose, "don't want my baby to be sick."

"I'll see you at work," I kissed him again.

He climbed out the window onto the outside window sill. He climbed down the ladder to the balcony. Then, which I watched through my fingers, he jumped onto the trampoline. He bounced a few times and got off. I watched him drive off in his beat up Jeep.

I plopped down on the floor next to the window. Aiden had just been over twice in one day. In the morning, and at night, he even stayed the night. That's not normal at all! Us always being together. Teens doing that always were in some sappy teen drama show or movie. It's not normal for a guy to be sneaking into a girl's room every eight hours!

But who am I to complain. I'm the girl who has he adorable boyfriend sneak in and cuddle her at night. It just seems a little weird. Weird like what I was craving right about now. I wanted that cereal, but I wanted it dry, no milk. The thought of milk made me want to puke again.

I ran straight to the bathroom, and again puked up my insides. During my gags, I heard the bathroom door creep open. Mary's comfortable Mary Kate's squished against the tile floor and stopped right behind me.

"How ya' feeling," she asked when I was done.

"I feel fine now," I looked up at her.

She felt my forehead just like Aiden did. She looked close into my eyes, like Aiden did. She seemed to mimic Aiden's every move, only she didn't give me butterflies when she did it.

She handed me a cup of Ginger Ale and a wet wash rag. She pulled my hair back into a tight ponytail just in case I throw up again. Mary was like a mother to me, except I didn't tell her anything. She was the mother in the housewife way.

I didn't puke again though. It was weird. I threw up, and I felt so much better. Mary made me eat two crackers before she was convinced I was fine. She wouldn't let me do anything but lay in bed. She told me if I wanted to go to work tonight, I'd need to rest all day.

Lilly "rested" with me. We lay in bed and colored in coloring books. We laid on my couch and watched "Phineas and Ferb" and we took a power nap together. It was nice to have Lilly as company during my day of rest.

It seems like since we've moved down here, Lilly and I have gotten closer. We were close in New York, but my "social status" always had me busy so I was never home. Here, all I do is nothing. So I'm around Lilly a lot.

After our long power nap, Lilly and I did clean my room. We also cleaned her room. We helped Mary clean up the kitchen after lunch. I didn't get sick anymore. I felt fine.

I made Mary swear that she wouldn't tell my parents. If they thought I was sick, I couldn't go to work. I wouldn't "legally" see Aiden. I was excited when 4:30 finally got around. I was getting a bit of a sick feeling again though. I didn't tell anyone though.

Mary gave me my cell phone and my car keys. I was excited to speed out of the long drive way and weave through the woods to BFE town. I couldn't wait to get to work today; I'm such a great employee!
I got there early, which meant Aiden wasn't there yet. He probably was dropping his sister off at church along with his grandma. Matt, on the other hand, was here. It got very awkward when I walked into the back room.

"Babe," he broke the awkward silence and made it even more awkward for me.

"Look Matt, about what happened between us the other night, it's just that I did it out of," I didn't know how to say it, but luckily my quick upset stomach saved me from having to say any more.

I ran out of the staff lounge and towards the bathroom. I swore I saw Aiden walk in the door while I dashed to the bathroom. I went straight to the toilet and it was like this morning all over again. Two women whose table I passed on the way to the bathroom rushed in after me, offering to help. Of course, after being sick, I felt fine. They wetted a paper towel for me and waited 'til I left the bathroom.

Sure enough, as I walked out, Aiden and Matt were standing next to each other. Matt looked as concerned as Aiden did. Oh no, what had I done. They both followed behind me, not speaking, to the staff room. I went to the couch and Aiden plopped down on the arm of the couch next to me.

"Now is not the time to play hero," Matt looked at Aiden.

"What are you talking about," Aiden didn't turn his face from mine.

"Come on, you don't care about her one night, then you do," Matt accused.

"What in the hell are you talking about?"

Come on stomach, be sick again. Stop this moment from happening. Aiden turned towards Matt. Matt's face was red looking. Aiden shook his head and turned back to me. He smoothed my hair and Aiden smacked his hand away.

"Holy hell, what are you doing," Aiden stood up and faced Matt.

"Quit touching her, she's not yours any more," Matt stepped into Aiden's face.

"Boys quit," I tried to sound extremely weak, "Matt, me and Aiden are back together."

I tried to spit the words quickly, so my guilt would be done faster. Matt stepped back, astonished I guess. He looked at Aiden and his face got even redder! He looked so pissed.

"You little whore," Matt shouted!

"Excuse me," I stood up.

Aiden stepped in front of me. He was kind of shaking to me. Of course I could make myself see that. He wasn't turning into Hulk or anything like that. He looked like he was having tiny, very tiny; tremors were ripple through his body.

"Don't call her out of her name Matt," Aiden balled his fist.

"I didn't Aiden, that trampy hoe had sex with me, then you and then me, and probably you again!"

"I'm not a tramp," was the only words I could think of!

Matt was right! I did, the night at the party, I had sex with Matt. Two weeks later I end up in bed with Aiden. Two days ago, I was with Matt, then with Aiden. I'm such a little slut!

"She's not a tramp, she was drunk and upset, you took advantage," Aiden stepped up to Matt, "you're the whore!"

Matt swung! I'd never seen a real fight before. I'd seen them on TV but I'd never seen them up close. Aiden was knocked to the ground and Matt was hitting his face repeatedly! I'd never witnessed anything like it!

John, the night manager ran into the room. Obviously he'd never seen a fight before either. He kind of swayed back and forth. He didn't know how to stop it, us he couldn't just leave. Matt just kept hitting Aiden.

I reached to Matt to grab his hand. Matt stood up and pushed me into the wall. I heard my head hit the wall before I felt it. Then I felt it, but it was a little too late. I'm pretty sure I blacked out.

In the ER the doctor was running tons of tests. I don't know why, when I woke up I felt fine. My head and left shoulder hurt a little bit but I felt fine. My mom and dad weren't in the room with me, I saw my dad clenching a fist outside the room though. Once he gets a hold of Matt just wait.

I didn't see Aiden outside my room though. I only saw my mom and dad, Mary and Lilly. No Aiden and especially no Matt. The doctor and a young nurse came in and set down on the bed.

"Nasty fall," the nurse said, "just a minor concussion though."

Concussion, I didn't think it went that far. Again, my head just kind of hurt.

"Well that's not what we're worried about," the doctor said.

He shook his head and looked at the nurse. He was obviously looking at her for support in what he was trying to say. That look, just like on TV, makes everyone nervous. I was literally about to shout for them to tell me what was wrong.

"Sweetie," the nurse started, "have you been sexually active?"

"Ohm, can you not tell my parents," I glanced out the window as I spoke.

"Oh sweetie, they know now," the nurse rubbed my arm.


"Ma'am," the doctor interjected, "you're pregnant."

Pregnant, meant the same to me as impossible. It couldn't happen, ever! I was safe, always so safe. Pregnant wasn't right, they misdiagnosed me. I had a tumor or something, I wasn't pregnant.

When Matt and I had sex, both times we used protection. Trust me on that one, he didn't go bare. Me and Aiden, the other night, I watched him put it on. The first time, as spontaneous as it was, I watched. . .

That night, he didn't put one on. It was so spontaneous. Things were moving so fast. Neither of us thought about it! Oh my damn, I'm pregnant.

The nurse opened a small white envelope. I'd seen one of those before, Lilly's ultrasounds looked like that. The nurse took one out and handed it to me. Sure enough, there it was.

A little circle looking thing, in my stomach. I could've sworn I could see the head, a much defined head. Maybe I was seeing things. I definitely didn't want to see that right then. I mean, I did, but I didn't. I was so confused right then. I was pregnant.

Both the nurse and doctor shuffled awkwardly out of the room. Lilly was the first to walk in, she hopped on the bed like everything was fine. Mary followed behind her and patted her back, gesturing for her to get off the bed. My mom came all the way in, she had been crying. My dad just stood at the door, I'd never seen him look like that before.

"Aubri Adelaide," my mom squeaked, "pregnant, how."

"We obviously know how," my dad rolled his eyes.

"Not now," my mom stuck a finger in the air, "why Aubri, why?"

"Mom I don't," I didn't know what to say really, "I don't know mom, I'm so confused right now."

"Oh no," my dad stepped into the room, "you don't get to be confused now. You get to act like an adult, grow up and take responsibility for your recklessness!"

"I didn't say I wasn't going to take responsibilities," I didn't want to look at my dad's angry face.

"I know," he nodded, "I was just letting you know that you have no other options."

I am pregnant. It's a lot for any woman to take in, especially at 17. I didn't know how I was going to take care of everything. The baby, how am I supposed to raise a child? I didn't know how to handle this. Besides thinking about the baby inside of me, I thought about how I was going to tell Aiden.

I don't think he'll drop out of the relationship, but I really don't know. I didn't think this would ever happen, I know he didn't and I don't know what to think. I really want to think he'll stay but I've seen enough '16 And Pregnant episodes to know the other view. As good a man as I know he is, a pregnancy can change that.

A pregnancy, I'm pregnant. I don't know how to get my mind off that. It's like this weird feeling. A feeling that mixes scared, upset, angry, confused and happy at the same time. Upset and angry because my life is about to change dramatically, and I have no choice. Of course I'm confused, who wouldn't be? I'm happy too though, something I didn't think you would be.

As confused as I am, there is a baby inside of me. My precious little angel, just 10 years early. No woman can deny that tiny sense of happiness they get learning that they have a baby. But the happiness was overwhelmed by every other emotion I was feeling.

"Where's the boy," my dad sounded like one of those movie fathers.

"I don't know," I hadn't seen him since the fight.

I didn't know how long ago that was. I hadn't been able to look at a clock yet. If he already knows, what if he's avoiding me. He could've already skipped out on me, as soon as they told him. Would he really do that?

My dad always told me not to speak to soon. Although I never said it out loud, being with Aiden was a fairytale. Of course fairy tales aren't real because reality sets in. Here's my reality, I'm pregnant, my parents are pissed and I have no idea where my boyfriend/baby daddy is.

Again, I'm pregnant. How I'm going to wrap that around my mind, I just don't know! It's ridiculous; the impossible is now definitely possible. It's happened to me, it's all happening to me. Suddenly, the emotions I've tried to avoid since the day dad told me we were moving is deciding to come out!

I had a great life in New York. It was beyond great, it was routine and simple, and life was so easy. I move down here and things changed. I know all of 3 people my age, I've only been to about four places and I'm pregnant. I thought I met the perfect boy, but of course that's just some BS! I miss the summer breeze, I'm tired of heat. I'm tired of small town, I miss cabs! I miss it all, I can't take it!

Everything I thought I could just dump and try to "start over", it was a lie. A lie I'd been telling myself from the very start. When I thought I was over exaggerating with the tears when dad said we were moving, I wasn't. I had the right reaction, but I doubted it! Now here I am, I thought I fell in love, but no. I thought my life was pretty good, but definitely not! The tiny broken pieces I thought Aiden had super glued together all fell apart. And he wasn't there to pick up the pieces!

I'm left, looking like a hoe, pregnant with no baby daddy. I might as well sign up for '16 and Pregnant' now; at least I can get paid for that! Or call the town paper; they'll want to know that finally some big news happened in their rinky-dink little town! I could get on Face Book and tell the world. Oh wait, I can't, some stupid boy left his boxers and ruined that!

"Miss Aubri," the nurse stopped my mental rant, "due to your situation, we're going to keep you an extra two days here."

"Okay," I tried to smile and nod.

I bet she's never seen a pregnant teenager, well maybe on TV. I'm probably nothing but a whore to her, and the doctor and anybody from BFE that knows about this. She called it "my situation"; did she think she was being discrete? She wasn’t being discrete at all! She had practically just called me out right then. My emotions are running so high right now! I want to get up and punch her in the face for what she just said!

“Well I guess that means we’ll be leaving,” my dad murmured to my mom.

What, did he think just because I was pregnant that I can’t hear? Everyone in the hospital probably heard him. And they probably heard the nurse too! They probably all know that there’s some knocked up 17 year old in their hospital. Some irresponsible hoe lying around being an attention whore is in their hospital! I wasn’t feeling very well any more. My mental rant was starting to give me a headache.

All the hollering going on in my head is starting to hurt my head. I also feel dizzy and sick. I don’t know if you get that with pregnancy. Maybe I should ask that oh so lovely nurse, not! But I really don’t feel good. I think I’m going to be sick!

I rose up from the bed. Both my parents stared as I quick stepped to the bathroom. Again, like this morning I was throwing up. This time it was different. I actually felt like I was sick. And when I was done, I didn’t feel better. I felt worse. My tummy was hurting! Also, the emotional rollercoaster I was on, wasn’t helping. I don’t know how to describe what I’m feeling! All I know is, it sucks! It sucks really, really bad!

Mary was in the bathroom with me like earlier. My mom and dad were still sitting in the room like nothing was going on. Way to pay attention to your child mom and dad. Way to show the love, right? I feel like crap, and to make it worse, someone is coming in the room. Let’s hope it’s not that nurse. She’d been out of the room for all of seven minutes and she’d come back to torture me.

“Where is she,” Aiden crept into the room.

“We need to talk,” my dad said in a threatening voice.

“Sure, about,” Aiden didn’t know yet.

So he didn’t learn about the baby and bail! That makes me feel better. Really, it made my stomach feel a little less, sick. Now I hope my dad doesn’t kill Aiden out in the hallway. I was feeling sick again.

“Should we get a nurse,” Mary spoke over my gagging noises.

I’d never felt as gross and disgusted with myself as I did. Here I am, lying on a hospital bathroom floor, throwing up in front of everyone, and I’m pregnant. The whole pregnant part is so hard to get over. I’ve known for a short time but seems like I’ve known for forever and just can’t get over it. My feelings are just come up and out of me. I can feel tears stream down my face as I lunge forward again. Mary frantically wipes my tears away as she holds my hair back. I’m one big mess right now.

I can’t see anything around me, but the pale white floor. I can feel sweat dripping down the side of my face and tears rolling down my cheeks. I keep lunging towards the toilet, it feels like I’ve been doing this for hours now. Mary has a tight hold of my hair and she whispers silly words into my ear like she used to do when I was little. It wasn’t helping at all though, like it used to! I didn’t know what was wrong with me and if I should be doing this, it didn’t seem right for me to all the sudden be puking my guts up!

“Call a nurse,” Mary shouted towards my mom.

I heard my mother’s feet shuffle out of the room. No one else moved. I assumed my dad and Aiden were still in the room. I could feel the tension in the room. Or maybe that was the nausea, I can’t tell the difference right now. I heard multiple feet shuffle into the room now. Mary let my hair fall over my shoulders again and two hands grasped my shoulders.Someone pulled me to the bed, which hurt because the speed they pulled me at, my IV couldn’t match.

I could hear Mary and my mother nervously crying and Lilly was just plain screaming. I felt the urge to puke again, but the sets of hands which belonged to the two male doctors, were holding me in place. It was irritating me, but I didn’t speak. If I opened my mouth now, I’d blow chucks straight back to New York! I tried to lay there calmly, resisting the urge to purge, and I started to feel much better.

“She is just a little stressed, so that’s why she was vomiting so violently, try to keep her calm,” one of the men said as both sets of hands eased off me.

Both doctors walked out as if nothing were wrong, or nothing just happened. That’s the only reaction I’ve liked since I’ve been here. They seemed calm and cool. Which obviously I should be right now. Aiden’s here now, he didn’t bail. That’s what was really stressing me out. Of course Aiden has to deal with my dad now. I might be the pregnant one, but I feel bad for Aiden.

I guess while my over exaggerated sickness was happening, my dad pulled Aiden out of the room to talk. I could see them outside the hospital room window. It didn’t look like my dad was upset with Aiden though. My dad looked calm, I could tell he was speaking gently because Aiden didn’t flinch back from the words my dad was saying. From the gestures my dad was making it looked like two men having a civilized conversation. Definitely not what I had pictured of their talk.

I figured my dad would be screaming at Aiden about corrupting his daughter. Yelling about how he screwed my life up with a baby. I thought my dad would holler about child support and how Aiden has no option of leaving this baby and me. But it didn’t look like my dad was doing that. They looked to be having a very interesting conversation. I wanted to hear what was going on outside that window, rather than the heavy footsteps of Mary’s pacing.

Mary looked angry, and disappointed. I hope she wasn’t too disappointed in me. I know she thought of me as a daughter and this has to be upsetting to her, me pregnant. It was definitely disappointing to my mother. She looked so confused, like she didn’t know what was happening around her. I know that feeling; I felt that just like 15 minutes ago. When the word pregnant left the doctor’s mouth I felt completely helpless and confused. When Aiden wasn’t at the hospital, I felt lost and confused. So I know how she was feeling.

I wasn’t as confused now, or angry, or disappointed. I was, numb. I was watching my dad talk to my baby daddy, my “nanny”/house keeper pace the floor angrier with my than my mother who looked like she just saw a ghost. And I don’t really know what Lilly was doing, she just sat in the chair looking at the floor. It was like I was watching my life from the outside looking in. I was just numb, watching everyone else feel. It’s nice to just do that every now and then, just watch.

Life has been so hectic these past few months. Dad expected all of us to move down here with ease, and really we did. But the move was probably the easiest part. Me adjusting was the hardest. I fell for the jock guy in a small town. Then I fell for the sensitive guy, in the small town. It seems to me that everything people write about in stories aren’t that far from reality. Which makes life hard, decisions, arguments, love, it’s all so hard! But that’s what it’s supposed to be like, right?

I mean asking someone if their life is easy, you’ll get a simple response. Even from people who are rich, there are always troubles. I didn’t know that before, I never had troubles in New York. Everything seemed kind of perfect to me, kind easy. Nothing bad ever happened, no horrible surprises, no life changers. But I move down here, and it all piles up, everything I’d been lucky enough to dodge for the past 17 years of my life, it all piled on top of me in a short three months. Now I have to own up to my fate, if that even makes sense.

“Mary,” my dad walked into the room.

His voice was gentle, less scarier than usual. Aiden stood outside the window still, he didn’t turn and look at me.

“Mary please take Lilly back home, we’ll follow shortly, and when you get home please prepare a bag of clothes for Aubri,” my dad laid a hand on Mary’s shoulder.

Mary nodded and swiftly got Lilly out of the room without even looking back. Ouch, that moment hurt a little bit.

“Aubri, you’re mother and I are going to stop by Aiden’s house and tell his grandmother, we’ll come back tomorrow morning,” he helped my mom get her purse and started out the door.

He didn’t really give me much time to reply to him because after he grabbed my mom’s purse, they left. Aiden stayed outside for a minute. That was what had me the most concerned, he hadn’t even looked back, not once!

Finally after a whole five minutes of him just standing there, I called out the open door for him. He is not allowed to ignore this anymore.

“How did this happen,” Aiden asked walking in and sitting in the chair Lilly was just in.

“Obviously you know how,” I was almost reciting my dad.

“I know that part Aubri, I mean how did all this mess happen?”

I knew he was talking about. Not just the pregnancy. He was talking about the fight. He was talking about what he did and hat I did. He wasn’t just talking about now.

“I don’t know Aiden,” I sighed, “but it happened.”

“I can tell,” he snapped.

I sat up in the bed. I know he didn’t just snap at me about what happened.

“Excuse me,” I was getting ready to blow up, raging hormones and he snaps at me.

Aiden stood up and moved to the bed. He placed a hand on my and then he looked at my stomach. I’d been ignoring my stomach for as long as I possibly can. I still am ready to blow up, but it’s harder to blow up with the way his face looks.

His eyes were wide with curiosity, like a look Lilly would give. He traced circles on the back of my hand. I was feeling confused again. A total of like 45 seconds ago he snapped at me, now he’s lovingly tracing circles on the back of my hand. Something crazy is in this IV because it seems like every five minutes the mood around me changes. Of course that’s been happening since I moved down here, everything is constantly be changing around me. Nothing has stayed the same, not even me and Aiden.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.11.2010

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