
Chapter one: Brilliantly Dangerous

“Easy,” my coach yelled as I twisted around on the uneven bars.
Easy was not my favorite approach when it came to warming up like this. I was not just going to flip off the bar and land on my feet like a sissy. No way, that is not how daring Dylan rolls. I had something dangerous in mind and I was not sure what it was. So instead of flipping off the bar, I kept swinging around and around while I thought of something daring to do.
I decided to do a back giant while I was debating. I did the handstand on the bar and twisted around, perfect back giant if I was being judged. I thought some more, I wanted to do something dangerous, but I really did not want to get in trouble. I hate when Jerry, my coach, gets mad at me but I love to show off. Besides, I could see that after every turn more people were gathering. I needed to finish this with a bang and I needed to finish it quick because my arms were hurting.
Gymnastics isn’t always about quick decisions. Actually, everything is planned out so that you don’t get hurt. I don’t like planning things out though, so when I performed a blind change and I heard all the people below me gasp I smiled. I was the dangerous girl, the one everyone had to watch carefully because I did things how I wanted. That is why my very well known nickname was daring Dylan. The Dylan Carvers everyone knew was daring and spontaneous and now I figured out what to do that was over the top and very spontaneous.
A Jaegar, very dangerous, not to me, stunt that’s a D level skill. I pushed all my weight, swinging me around to start the stunt. I could swear that when Jerry saw me swing like I did he cursed under his breath knowing what I was about to do. I swung forward, release the bar, did a forward salto, and caught the bar in a regular grip. My hand slipped a little on the bar which slowed me down, which is really not good at all. I should’ve stopped then and restarted but I was way too proud. I tried to land laid out but I wasn’t moving as fast as I should and instead of landing I flipped right over the bar and landed flat on my back.
Everyone rushed to my side at once. My back was really soar, despite falling on a mat. Mats might be soft but when you fall from 228cm after swinging around and around with all the momentum, mats aren’t that soft.
“Dylan,” Jerry shook me, “I told you easy.”
I sat up and groaned, “Jerry you’ve known me since I was four, why did you even bother?”
All the girls around us laughed.
“Back to training,” Jerry snapped at all the girls, he had the most disapproving look on his face, a look I’ve seen more than a million times.
Jerry stood up and stuck his hand out for me. I was too proud to take it and that made him chuckle. I frowned at the chuckle but better a chuckle than that disapproving face. Even though I’d seen that face before a million times it doesn’t mean I like it. So to see his face change into a smile was good.
“Dylan you can’t do stuff like that in training, if you get hurt you can’t compete in Denver for nationals,” Jerry had a smile on his face but he was being serious.
“I didn’t get hurt Jerry, I was practicing a trick,” a trick that I really shouldn’t be doing with nationals being in two months.
“Right kiddo, practicing a Jaegar during warm ups.”
“Oh Jerry, Jaegars are warm ups for me,” I rolled my eyes.
“Go flip somewhere gold medalist,” Jerry pushed me towards the trampoline.
I walked onto the trampoline and did a few aerials and twists. Nothing over the top because 1) Jerry was watching and testing him might mean sit ups and 2) the only fun things to do on trampolines are aerials and they aren’t that fun. I jumped higher and higher on the trampoline, just bouncing out of boredom.
My daddy put me in gymnastics when I was four to help me burn energy off and he denies it but he also used it as a babysitter. The Scaggers gym is an elite training facility, which normally doesn’t take in younger girls unless you have the money to pay. My father being a CEO and all had the money. So after my mom left and my dad was left with an energized, high maintenance, little girl he had to find a place that would serve as a energy release and a babysitter. Ever since the day he first dropped me off here, I’ve spent 7-10 hours here 6 days a week.
Jerry knew, or so he said he did, that I was going to be something amazing and he’s glad he got me before I became unbearably stubborn. He has worked me hard for the past 11 years of my life, becoming more of a father than my actual father. He had me learning C level stunts when I was 6 because he had a lot of time with me, more than all the six year olds learning how to do back hand springs while I was learning how to vault. I was competing with the 11 year olds when I was eight because I had well passed the skill levels of just recitals. Jerry made me into this little machine, and I know you probably think that’s horrible but I’m glad he did that.
I’m a 15 year old elite gymnast, I’ve been on the cover of ESPN and Sports Illustrated eight times and right now I’m ranked number two in the nation, number six in the world! All the hard work I’ve put into my career and it’s really paid off, the endorsement deals and magazine articles, I’m passed perfection now.
“Dylan,” someone shouted from across the gym.
I looked across the gym to the vault where Amanda, the girl I mentor stood flailing her arms in the air. Amanda is eight and she aspires to be just like me, nothing I would want on any child because it means you want to be overly dangerous and stubborn beyond all limits and no one wants to deal with that. But I’m her gym mentor, lucky her, so I’m like her gym tutor. I help her with her stunts and I help her choreograph her floor and beam routines for gym meets.
I jogged over to the vault where she stood, her pig tails high on the top of her head and a Popsicle grin on her face. She wrapped her skinny arms around me and buried her face inside my stomach. Amanda is a little clingy when it comes to me. The sweat that had beaded up on her forehead now was smeared across my favorite orange leotard now.
“Hi Dylan, how are you, I saw what you did on the bars, are you ok,” she talked so fast.
“Amanda slow down,” I patted her blonde head, “why do you need me over here?”
“Well I’m trying to do a Yurchenko, but I keep getting scared,” she pouted.
I do not know what made her think she could pull off a Yurchenko when she can barely land a back tuck. A Yurchenko is a round off onto the springboard, a back handspring movement of the vault table and a back somersault.
“Amanda Yurchenkos are for higher skilled gymnasts, it takes a lot of practice and it’s not going to happen on the first try.”
Amanda pouted, she wasn’t taking anything I was saying in. See, she isn’t even half as stubborn as me and I don’ want to deal with her pouty face. I must put Jerry and everyone else through hell.
“Look Amanda why don’t we work on the bars, I can teach you how to perform a back giant,” I smiled widely at her, letting an evil glint creep into my eye.
She smiled widely at me, she was missing a tooth. Amanda grabbed my hand started skipping towards the bars, she was practically dragging me over there. I watched her put her grips on, she over chalked her hands which will burn when she gets blisters and then ran over to the bottom bar.
Teaching someone a trick on the bars is super difficult. Especially when you know that they really won’t be able to master the trick for another four years. But a back giant could really be done by an eight year old, I did it when I was seven. But of course I was a machine, Amanda is just a regular girl. For her learning right now would just be me pushing her legs and her trying to hold herself up in the handstand position. So now I am going to waste an hour watching her create blisters and wear herself out.
“OK,” Amanda said as she swayed on the bottom bar.
Amanda was somewhat advanced, she did know how to stand up on the bottom bar and jump to the top bar. Some girls don’t know how to do that until they’re like nine. But still she wasn’t advanced enough to swing herself to the top of the bar.
It took me 20 minutes to get her around the bar once. It took 45 minutes for her to do that herself. Amanda fell a total on 22 times, three times flat on her face, all three times it took everything I had not to start laughing. After an hour and five minutes, 22 falls, three face plants and two swings around the bar, Amanda quit. She ripped off her grips and cried at the sight of her badly blistered hands. The when the chalk hit her blisters and sunk in she started to ball.
I took Amanda to the nurse and I held her fingers, because her hands were bloody, while Amanda’s hands were wrapped with pre-wrap and iced. All in all, I spent one hour and 46 minutes with Amanda, Jerry wasn’t very happy.
“I know I assigned you to be her mentor but that doesn’t mean you waste and hour with her before nationals,” he nearly growled as he walked me to the beam.
“It actually was an hour and 46 minutes Jerry,” I winked.
Jerry had that look on his face and it didn’t look like he was going to change unless I did something spectacular on the beam. Lucky me, I had the perfect stunt to do.
“How open are you to new stunts?”
“Skill level,” Jerry raised an eyebrow as I pulled the springboard over to the beam.
“D, what else would I do Jerry,” I rolled my eyes.
He looked very doubtful but he waved a hand in the air, “Go ahead, maybe you can use it at nationals.”
I smiled widely at him, hoping for a smile back. All I got was a furrowed brow and a very worried look.
I smiled at him and then starred at the springboard. I gracefully jumped on the springboard and that lifted me onto the beam.
A balance beam is four inches wide. It is too wide for me to palm, but it isn’t wide enough for anyone to do flips on with a serious risk of getting hurt. Every time I jumped up there I put myself at risk, I could fall down onto the floor or I could slip and break my neck on the beam itself. The beam is a dangerous, dangerous place to be. The dangerous part is what makes the beam my favorite.
My feet are so used to being pointed that instead of getting horrible Charlie horses like I used to I welcome the point. My left foot pointed out in front of me, I tucked my head in and did an aerial somersault. After landing that I pirouetted forward into the frontward splits and just in time I caught myself. I was holding my body up off the beam with just enough room under me to smoothly transition as if I was on a pommel horse from the frontward splits to the regular splits. I eased me down onto the beam, laid on my back, gripped the beam and lifted me up and into a wacky handstand as Jerry would call it. I moved from the wacky handstand into a regular handstand position and then cart-wheeled to the left of me. When I stood up I pivoted to the right, flicked my wrists in the air, smiled wide and then turned to my left. I took one glance at the ground and in my mind I chuckled.
A Phillips is a balance beam skill first done by American gymnast Kristie Phillips. She first performed in 1987 World Championships. It consists of a handstand straddle split, with a 90 degree backbend, originally performed on the balance beam and press to side handstand, front walkover to side stand on both legs. If that doesn’t sound crazy to you than you are just as dangerous as I am. I went back into the handstand, which Jerry says to never repeat a stunt but this just worked, and I killed the Phillips. When I stood upright on the beam and looked at the floor again I did chuckle. Then I did a quick Arabesque to make the routine look pretty, not that the Phillips hadn’t done that. After that I prepared for an Arabian Front. One back handspring, half turn into a front salto and two twists. Then bam, my feet hit the ground and I give myself two second to recover before I shoot my head up in the air and smile.
I looked over at Jerry. His receding black hair was frazzled, no doubt he was about to pull it out when he realized I was going to do a Phillips. His wrinkled face was scrunched up as if he was pondering something and his eyebrows were still furrowed.
“Well,” I asked while I moved the spring board out of the way.
“Dylan did you come up with that yourself,” his faced eased out of the scrunch.
“Yes I did,” I smiled proudly.
“Dylan Laine Carvers that was point blank,” he paused, I was read for a scolding, “brilliant.”
He rushed over to me and scooped me up into a tight bear hug. I was really proud of myself then. I loved when Jerry approved of things, it made me feel special, but for him to call my idea brilliant I was nearly in tears! I wrapped my arms around his neck and he spun me around. When he finally put me down he turn towards the whole gym and smiled.
“We have a national champion,” he shouted lifting my arm in the air, “a true national champ right here.”
I looked around the gym at all the girls who stopped what they were doing and looked. They all clapped with smiling faces and I saw Amanda jumping up and down with joy. But that moment only lasted a little while, well Amanda’s moment lasted longer along with the other little girls. But the older girls went back to flipping off stuff and twirling. It made me wonder. . .
I knew there were certain girls in the gym that envied the time I spent with Jerry and who envied how close we were. To me Jerry was like a father instead of a coach. His wife was like a mother and his older son well we have a story. However, the girls saw him as a coach, a coach who spent so much time building one girl. I guess that is why even though I’ve been here longer than anyone except Jerry that the only friends I’ve made is coaches. Everyone else is just nice to me, and I am nice back.
I brushed that wonder away and let my pride take over. I strutted over to the little girls who were all too anxious to give me a hug or high five. Then I walked to the rest of the coaches who patted my back and messed up my ponytail. I did not head over to the older girls, the one working hard to hear the same words about them come out of Jerry’s mouth. I walked straight passed them and into the locker room. There stood my little piece of danger that even I was scared of.

Chapter two: Dangerous Distractions

I and only one other person can say that they have grown up at Scaggers Elite Gym. I came when I was four and now I am fifteen. I have spent 11 years at this gym and there is only one person I know, besides Jerry Scaggers himself, that has been here longer.
Mitchell Scaggers is 16 years old. He has a full head of thick, curly black hair so long that it covers his deep blue eyes. He has large, broad shoulders and thick, muscled arms. He has a tan and a deep country accent, which is probably the only thing that makes him fit into the Tennessee gym. Mitchell Scaggers is dangerous, and if you have been paying attention, you already know. But if you haven’t been paying attention, I tend to lean towards danger.
I officially fell in love with Mitchell when I was eight and I had to stay the night at Jerry’s house because my dad went out of town. I had to sleep in the basement room all alone and I was scared. Instead of sleeping, I wandered the house, which is large, until I found Mitchell’s room. I was not looking for his room, I swear, but when I walked in and saw all the gymnastics posters, I felt safe. So I sat on the floor and stared at all of them. Well soon, I got tired and I knew I should have gone back downstairs but I was too tired to walk that far. I was too tired to stand up on my own because when I stood up I nearly fell back down. My ninja reaction made me grab the closest thing to me and that happened to be a desk lamp. I pulled the lamp down and that made a loud noise, which woke up Mitchell.
Mitchell was nine then and when I told him my story he felt like he had to be the hero. At first, he tried to pick me up but he gave after he realized he was not strong enough to carry 67 pounds yet. So he held my hand and walked me to the basement. Then, and this is where the falling in love part happens, he climbed into the bed with me and held me so I would not be scared. Cute story isn’t it.
Well that was just the start. Jerry became almost like my official babysitter. Anytime my dad would leave out of town, which is frequently, I would go to Jerry’s. I started to hang with Mitchell, a lot. At Jerry’s house we usually watched movies or went swimming and at the gym Mitchell taught me how to “ride” the pummel horse, a pointless skill because I don’t have to use that. I became Mitchell’s best friend and he became mine. But as we got older, of course things changed, but in a good way.
Most gymnast’s puberty is delayed due to the facts that we are on an always changing schedule and we have trained our bodies by the time we are eight. I of course was the exception, growing a chest that was fairly large for a 14 year old, let alone a gymnast. So when I showed up to swim with Mitchell in a filled out pink bikini everything changed. I don’t think people noticed how much more I hung out with Mitchell. How many times I went swimming at his house or how many trips we took to the locker room at the same time. But here we are, Mitchell and I have been dating, not secretly because people can know if they want, for half a year.
“Dylan,” Mitchell smiled.
“Mitchell,” I giggled.
A mischievous look crept into Mitchell’s eye, a look I liked. He titled his head and frowned at me.
“Dylan why haven’t I seen you lately,” he stepped closer.
“Is yesterday not lately,” I raised and eyebrow.
“Not at all,” he was getting closer.
Mitchell stepped closer and closer to me, which wouldn’t have been a problem if I wasn’t so close to the locker room opening. Like I said, Mitchell and I aren’t a secret it’s just that no one knows about us. I’m pretty sure people wouldn’t seriously care if we dated, there is no crazy law in the gym that says you can’t date. But we keep it quiet because I might not be able to go to Jerry’s and hang with Mitchell if circumstances change, or if I was allowed I probably would be on serious lockdown.
“Mitchell,” I said cocking a hip out and placing my hand on it, “are you about to show everyone?”
“No silly,” but he still moved closer.
“Then why are you getting so close if you know we are in viewing range,” I was trying to tease but be serious.
He grabbed my waist and pulled me deep into the locker room, “I’m not stupid.”
“Oh really,” I ran my hand through his hair.
He was not nine year old Mitchell anymore, he could lift me off the ground easily and he did just that. Mitchell picked me up off the ground by my waist and I wound my legs around him. He tilted his head to the left a little and I knew what he wanted. I leaned in barely and let my lips touch his and then I pulled back.
“Are you stupid,” he frowned.
“Uh, no,” I gasped.
“Then why would you pull away,” and with that Mitchell pulled my face back to his
Mitchell was a different kind of danger to me. He’d known me since I was little, it wasn’t until I was eight that we had really started to get close, but still he has known me for 11 years. He knows my secrets, my strengths, my weaknesses. He knows everything about me and I know everything about him. Mitchell and I also have had many firsts together. Our first gym meets were together, slumber party, pool party, and national level competition. Mitchell was my first kiss too and I was his, he was the first person I kissed in the rain, at a movie theatre, at a mall, in a locker room. Mitchell was very dangerous to me.
He knew that too. He knew that every time he kissed me, like he was doing now, he became more dangerous. He became more of a threat to me. Not because we competed against each other, come on now. He became a threat because he was a distraction.
In gymnastics, a distraction is as bad as having a sore ankle. Gymnastics is and is not a team sport. In a way you are working together, your score combining with your teammates add up for a team score but it’s more a sport catered towards one person. In gymnastics, your mind and body work as a team.
If you are distracted with something, such as a boyfriend, than you might be thinking about him in mid air instead of landing on your feet, and that’s just if you’re distracted because you have one. If you and your boyfriend just broke up imagine the distractions. You let go of the bar and instead of remembering to grab onto it again, you start remembering all the fun you had with your new ex. So every time I kissed Mitchell, I was endangering myself because maybe one day I would remember this kiss instead of remembering to place my hands in the L position.
“Dylan,” Mitchell said as I gently pulled away.
“Yea,” I tucked some loose hair behind my ear.
“Can I ask you something?”
“You just did Mitchell,” I giggled.
“Seriously Dylan,” I winked at his serious face.
“Go ahead Mitchell.”
“Is your dad leaving this weekend?”
“Uhm,” I had to remember the schedule he put on the fridge, “yea, he won’t be back ‘til Tuesday.”
“Are you coming over?”
“No, I’ll be at the gym until eight at night everyday and my dad says I can make it four nights alone.”
“Are you sure you can go alone,” Mitchell had the mischievous look in his eye again.
“Well I don’t know, everyone knows how I hate being in the dark alone,” I teased.
“Maybe I should come over and protect you?”
I knew what he was getting at. I had four nights in my house completely alone. That never has happened before, normally my dad ships me over to Jerry’s and I stay there. But my dad says that I’m 15 now and we have a good security system, no need to burden the Scaggers when I’m perfectly capable of handling myself for 12 hours every night.
“Yes you can come over, as long as you don’t get caught,” I kissed his forehead.
He spun me around, “This will be fun babe!”
“Put me down Mitchell,” I kissed him, “I have a Yurchenko double back to practice.”
Mitchell kissed me and then put me down. He picked up and towel and a water bottle from his locker that I didn’t even know we were close to.
“Mitchell,” I said looking in his locker.
“Yea Dylan?”
“Do you still have my, you know?”
“Oh yea, they’re still there,” he winked.
“Give them back,” I whispered loudly as I reached towards his locker.
“Uh no,” he laughed and shut the door.
I turned on my heels and folded my arms across my chest. I started to walk out, debating whether to add a swing in my step when something hit my butt hard. I looked back at Mitchell, my hand was balled up into a fist. He was laughing softly but he was too far to have hit me. Then he looked at the floor where the towel he had in his hand lay.
“Oh I ought a,” I said swinging my fist.
“Go flip somewhere.”
I laughed as I walked out of the locker room but my laugh faded quickly when I saw who was standing 30 feet away from me talking to Jerry.
My dad is a scary man. He stands at 6 foot 4 and is always in a trench coat. Just seeing him from the back, his height, the trench coat and his baldhead is scary enough for most people. I didn’t want him to turn around and me have to look him in those big but threatening brown eyes. I love my dad and I know he loves me too but that does not mean he doesn’t scare me.
I turned around and walked straight back into the locker room. Mitchell was still there and he whistled while I walked passed him and headed to the bathroom. When I walked into the bathroom I interrupted two little girls in the process of tying bows and when they saw me they stared in awe. I tried not to laugh at one of the girl’s missing front teeth while I stood in front of the full body mirror. I looked so, I was going to regret saying this, preppy.
In the mirror I saw top gymnastics magazine cover girl Dylan Carvers. The tight, dirty blonde pony tail with an orange ribbon tied tightly around it. The bright orange headband didn’t keep back the straggly hairs that had made it out of the tight pony tail. I saw the Tennessee tan that really stood out against the neon orange, shiny leotard. The seriously muscled thighs which I tend to dislike because they are huge. Big, light brown eyes looked back at me and two large dimples appeared on my cheeks. I looked totally preppy right now.
“Uhm, Dylan,” a little girl said as she touched my arm.
“Hmm,” I pulled away from the mirror.
“Can you tie my ribbon like yours?”
I looked down at her, she was the girl with the missing front teeth. She had her purple ribbon outstretched towards me.
“Sure, but I’m going to have to redo your ponytail,” I smiled down at the little girl.
“Really,” the girl smiled, revealing the empty, gummy gap in her mouth.
“Yea, come on,” I walked towards the bench in corner of the bathroom.
I redid the girl’s very messy ponytail and then I neatly tied the bow around it. When I was done, the little girl jumped up and hugged me. I was getting ready to stand up and leave, hopefully my dad would’ve leaved by then, but the other little girl had a sad look in her eye.
“Do you want yours done too?”
The other little girl nearly ran over to the bench. Her hair was already in a neat ponytail but I thought she would want the same thing done. So I redid her ponytail and I wrapped her red ribbon into a neat bow just like the last girl. She didn’t jump up and hug me like the last girl, she seemed too shy. So I put my hand in the air for a high five and she jumped at that and slapped her palm against mine.
After they walked out, I stood up and crept out, not wanting to move to quick in case my dad was there. I didn’t see my dad on the floor when I walked out of the locker room, so I kept walking across the floor. I was going towards the cheese pits to practice my twists when I saw my dad.
The Scaggers gym has a viewing area, actually it has two. You can sit and watch the girls practice from the lobby, there is a viewing area in the coaches office and then there is a large viewing area for the parents to sit and watch. I’ve only seen my dad there twice, the first time when we were going on the tour of the gym and right now. My dad stood with his hands clasped together in his black trench coat and he stared across the floor.
I tried to ignore him and start practicing my twists but it was difficult. I would run, hit the springboard and twist into the foam pieces all why knowing my dad was watching. That’s very hard to do because like I said my dad is a very scary man and having a scary man watch you flip is distracting. Remember what I said about distractions?
“Dylan,” Jerry shouted from by the lobby.
I looked over towards him and he was trying to wave me over. I jogged over there to where he stood. Instead of talking, he just pointed to the parents viewing area where my dad was. He smiled at me, the smile was because either something good happened or he was trying to give me some good luck. I walked into the lobby and towards the stairs that lead to my dad.

Chapter three: Dangerous Decisions

“Dylan,” my dad said as I walked in from the stairs.
“Hi daddy,” I walked over to hug him.
“How are you,” he didn’t hug me back, he just patted my head.
“Good, I did a Phillips on beam today,” I said even though he probably didn’t know what that was.
“That’s good, I’m proud.”
He didn’t look very proud though, he had a stern face on right now. He put his arm around my shoulders and turned me towards the glass so that I was looking across the floor as he did earlier.
“What’s wrong daddy,” I looked up at his stern face.
“Nothing, I just came to tell you that I’m leaving today instead of Friday,” he gently squeezed my shoulders.
“Dad it’s Monday, why are you leaving so soon?”
“Because it’s important and they want me there soon, that’s how it is in the business world Dylan. Don’t ask questions,” he looked down at me and shook his head.
I was being scolded for asking my dad why he had to leave four days earlier than scheduled!
“Sorry,” I muttered.
“Look, Jerry and Danielle said that they wouldn’t mind checking in on you this week and Jerry will pick you up for practices,” my dad removed his arm and turned towards the door, “I don’t want to hear about anything Dylan.”
He opened the door, “I’ll see you Monday night.”
Great, I can spend the week alone at the house. It’s not like me and my dad spend quality time together when he is home, but it’s better when he is there. I hate being in that huge house alone and now I get to spend the whole week there.
I stormed down the stairs and to the floor. I’m going to do a few double Arabians to calm me down. Hopefully that and a long ice bath will calm me down because I could feel my muscles tightening because of the anger.
“Dylan, “Jerry said as I stormed down onto the floor.
“What Jerry,” I growled.
I do not know why I was seriously upset, my dad has done this time and time before. He normally gives me more of a heads up when he does but today was different. I think it was different because he didn’t even seem to care. My dad may look scary but looks can sometimes be deceiving. He can be caring, like when I won my first competition or when I signed an endorsement deal with Scribbles Athletics and when he leaves he usually cares that he is leaving his only child alone, or at least he pretends he does. But today he looked as if he was dropping me off at the gym. Like it did not matter what was happening, I was going to be at one place for 10 hours and then I would be done. (See, my dad treats the gym like my babysitter.) That is how he looked as he told me that he was leaving me alone for practically a week, he looked at me unworried, as if it was no big deal.
“Dylan come and take the anger out on the bars,” Jerry grabbed my wrists and dragged me to my stress reliever.
In gymnastics, you can constantly feel like you are flying. I mean you are doing multiple flips at least 9 feet in the air. Gymnastics can be a stress reliever because flying peacefully in the air can be very relieving, but there is one thing in gymnastics that tops everything relieving wise.
The uneven bars, two fiberglass bars, one at 148 centimeters the other at 228 centimeters. On the bars, you swing around and around, you can switch bars, you can let go of the bar and grab on to it again. The uneven bars are constantly flying, and I love it. There is only one bad thing about the bars. If you do not have grips on with the right amount of chalk, it hurts like hell!
I didn’t have my grips so I had to go chalk only. I lightly chalked my hands; I didn’t want the chalk to get into my blisters that were sure to form. I jumped up on the bottom bar and started to swing, gaining momentum. After a few rounds on the bottom, I released the bar and allowed myself to fly higher into the air to catch the other bar. When I grabbed the top bar, I grabbed it as if my life depended on it, making sure my grip was tight. I swung around, gaining momentum again. Then I did a Giant, handstand into circle swing and back to the handstand. I did a Gienger, a flyaway back salto with a one-half twist and then I regrasped the bar.
I was starting to feel a little better. The faster I circled the better I felt.I could feel the blisters forming because my hands were starting to burn. But I was feeling better and even though I should’ve stopped to avoid major pain, I couldn’t. I just kept swinging and swinging, I did giant after giant, Gienger after Gienger. I was pushing it really, with no grips on and I was releasing the bars and catching them over and over. I couldn’t stop though, I didn’t want to.
“Dylan it’s time to get off,” Jerry shouted from under me.
“Not yet, I’m not done,” I kept circling.
“Now,” Jerry shouted.
I let myself circle one more time and then I just let go. When I let go, I didn’t try to flip, I just let go. The momentum twisted my legs up and flipped me around. I landed on my knees.
“Quit Dylan, don’t overreact,” Jerry said as I sat there on my knees.
“Whatever Jerry.”
I stayed there on my knees doing nothing. My hands burned and I didn’t even want to look at them. I probably just spent 10 minutes on the bar, that’s a long time for someone to sing themselves around and around.
“What’s wrong,” Mitchell said as he stood over me.
“Nothing, I’m frustrated.”
“Well get up and tell me about it,” Mitchell stuck his hands out.
I raised both my hands up, palms facing him so he could see. My palms were a little bloody, not as bad as they would be thanks to my previous calluses.
“Oh,” Mitchell squatted down.
“Yea, 10 straight minutes on the bars with no grips,” I looked at my bloody hands.
“Ouch, let’s go get your hands wrapped.”
“Wait,” I said, “I have some good news.”
“Yea,” Mitchell raised and eyebrow.
“My dad is leaving today, actually he already left, he won’t be back until Sunday.”
“Yea,” I smiled wickedly, “So I’m home alone all week.”
“Hmm, I bet you’ll get scared,” Mitchell laughed.
“Unless,” I teased.
“Unless I come over.”
“Right,” I laughed.
“Six o’clock?”
“OK, well let’s go get you wrapped,” Mitchell grabbed my wrist and pulled me up.

After wrapping up my hands I had to go to school. I don’t go to a regular school but I’m not homeschooled. The gym has a room of computers that the girls and boys who train like me use for school. We have to get on this program for two hours every day, even Saturdays. It’s an advanced program, we learn twice as fast as regular kids because we don’t spend six hours at school. My age puts me as a freshman in high school but thanks to the advanced program I’m intellectually a sophomore.
I personally don’t like going to “school”, but who does. I just don’t like wasting my time staring at a computer screen when I could be doing something dangerous on the floor. Instead of doing flips I’m doing algebra two.
The only good thing about “school” is that I have it with Mitchell. Just us in an empty, unmonitored room, sometimes things happen.
“Mitchell,” I said as he scooted his chair towards me and tugged on my hand, “I’m actually trying to finish my work so I can get out of here.”
“Oh, do you not like spending two hours alone with me?”
“You know better, I actually rather do my work and get it over with than fall into temptations with you,” I pushed Mitchell’s shoulder.
“Temptations,” Mitchell raised an eyebrow.
“Just let me finish my work Mitchell.”
Mitchell laughed and scooted back to his computer. I was focusing on my work, advanced chem. /phys. when my phone beeped. It took forever for me to get my phone out because it was cleverly hidden in my leo, but when I did I laughed.
Mitchell had texted me.
Mitchell: temptations?
“Really Mitchell,” I laughed.
“Do you seriously care about doing your work,” Mitchell scooted closer again.
“Yes because if it doesn’t get done I can’t go out and practice.”
“You are such a machine,” Mitchell groaned.
“Thank you,” I rolled my eyes, “now quite complaining, you have tonight and tomorrow. You have every night until Monday with me.”
“I forgot about that,” he poked my side making me jump.
“Mitchell quit,” I laughed.
He stopped and started doing his work. I did my work as quickly as I could. It took less than the two hours we’re given, for me to do my work. I finished 15 algebra 2 problems, read two chapters out of my advanced chem. /phys. book and I typed two pages for my AP English essay. After all that I was allowed to go back to the floor.
I went and stretched again, did a few flips on the trampoline and then went to the spring floor. I absolutely hate the spring floor. There are so many rules you have to follow as soon as you step on that blue, bouncy floor. Once you step inside that taped blue area you are no longer in control. The judges know your routine, so there is no improv, and you have to follow every rule directly. And the rules are crazy!
You have 90 seconds to complete your routine. You perform your routine to an instrumental song only, no singing allowed. You can’t take a step out of the white tape, that’s a huge point deducted. You have to do at least two layouts, all of which start in the corner. Of course you can’t fall or stumble. You must use the entire floor for your routine. Your form must be more than perfect and you have to execute everything well. If you use the same diagonal more than once, deduction. If you pause before tumbling, point deduction. Those are the main, serious rules. Aren’t they crazy?
I hate the floor routines; you can’t be dangerous you have to be choreographed. It’s not like everything isn’t choreographed, it’s just that everything leaves room for quick decisions and improv as back up, but with floor you have to live by the rules. Nothing is spontaneous or free, you have to move and execute quickly and precisely. Otherwise you might as well scratch.
Even though I hate the floor, a lot of people think it’s what I’m best at. Jerry for example, he thinks it’s my strongest element because I have the capability of landing difficult stunts and I’m also graceful. It’s also the one Jerry says I look best on, he says I’m meant to be on that blue floor. He knows my hatred for it though and he finds it hilarious.
“Ready kiddo,” he said with a smile on his face.
“Blue really isn’t my color,” I tightened the tape on my wrists.
“Sure Dylan, what is your color then?”
“Any other color,” I moved to the middle of the floor to start my routine.

Chapter: four
Chapter: four
I start out on the floor with a few dance moves to the outrageously boring music. A few arabesques and a back walk over. Then I do a quick Assemblé and that lands me in a corner so I can start my layout. My layout will be a simple but hard quad full. One somersault into four twits. Ok, it’s not very simple but it sounds somewhat simple. After that I do a reverse turn toward the other side of the floor. I cat leap and land in a candlestick position. Then I spin up and go to the next corner. I start with a Rudi, a front tuck into two twists, I hit the floor and spring into a quadriff. After that, it is a scissor leap to the middle of the floor, a front tuck into splits and three scissor leaps into the final corner. Then I have to perform my final layout.
I’m not going to say that the final layout is most important. I mean it can be, like if you haven’t been doing well you can somewhat redeem yourself or if you’ve been doing good this layout could make or break you. But for me, the final layout is my most important part. It’s also my favorite because it means my floor routine is practically over. My final layout is also the only fun part because I got to pick what I do last instead of Jerry. I picked something extremely dangerous and fun.
My final layout is a circle with a 1/1 spindle to handstand back to flair. It’s an E level skill and it took me eight months to land on something other than my butt, back or head. The hardest part for me is the handstand back to flair. Everything else is super fun, and very dangerous. When my feet hit the floor after landing that, I backwards roll into a handstand and then I let myself fall on the floor. Just remember that I’m doing all this to the most boring instrumental music in the world!
“What did you think,” I asked Jerry.
“Your wobbly on you landing with the circle, I think we should change it,” he shook his head.
“Jerry no, you know how long I’ve worked on this!”
“And if you fall and get hurt what’s that worth,” Jerry raised an eyebrow.
“You said my landing was wobbly, you didn’t say anything about falling, which if you were watching you would’ve seen that my form was practically perfect and I didn’t fall.”
“How do you know you form was perfect?”
“Because I know,” I fumed.
Jerry frowned at me and walked towards one of the other girls. He wasn’t going to take my layout choice out of the routine. My landing might be wobbly but I have time to work on it, he doesn’t have to take it out. It might be the only E skill level stunt on floor which will give me a big advantage. Plus it’s the only fun, dangerous thing and I got to pick it myself.
I went to the trampoline to try and practice the stunt, well parts of it. It has to stay in the routine. I am determined to have a stable landing and that is the only thing I’m going to focus on. I know I’m being over dramatic but it’s just not fair.
I looked up at the clock on the wall. It was only 1:30, I wasn’t supposed to leave until 6. Normally I love staying at the gym all day, but today just wasn’t my day. I have blisters all over my hands, I’m going home to an empty 6 bedroom house and I just probably lost the little control I had with my floor routine. It wasn’t a good day for me at all.

For the last four and a half hours at the gym I moved from spot to spot. I did the beam; I just did mounts and dismounts. I did the floor; I just did some aerials and supermans. I barely got back on the bars, my hands still burn from popping the blisters. I helped Amanda and then some of the other little girls. I worked out; actually I ran two miles on the treadmill. I thought about lifting but I didn’t feel like it. I went back to the beam; I ate a granola bar, worked off the granola bar on the treadmill. It felt like forever while I waited for time to pass. It took forever for Jerry to tell everyone the gym was closing.
I was so bored that I went and laid in the foam pit. I closed my eyes for what seemed like two seconds to rest for just a little bit.
“Watch out,” someone hollered making me jolt start up.
I nearly punched Mitchell when I saw him standing above the foam pit. He stuck his hand out for me and I grabbed it. He yanked me out of the pit, it felt like he ripped my arm out of its socket.
“Let’s go sleeping beauty,” he laughed, “it’s time to go.”
“Uh,” I groaned.
“I would carry you but that would be to conspicuous, don’t you think?”
“Not right now I don’t.”
“You really just took a nap in the foam pit,” he laughed as he half dragged me to the locker room.
“Shut up I did not,” I was slurring words together.
I felt so groggy all of the sudden. I didn’t really feel tired before, but I guess I took a nap. Now I can barely move I’m so tired.
“Let’s get you ready to leave,” Mitchell started to open my locker.
Mitchell grabbed my bag for me and then he grabbed his. He practically did carry me out to his car and he buckled my seatbelt for me. His car was so comfortable; it is a 2009 Cadillac GTS with leather seats that heat up. Tell me that’s not heaven for someone who just became mysteriously tired.
I had a 30 minute ride home with Mitchell, which I’ve been having everyday for the past 6 months that Mitchell has had his license. Normally we were super chatty, and flirty. Today was different, I was surprisingly tired and he kept quiet. The radio stayed like background music and over that I could hear his breathing. It was really peaceful to me.
“Thanks,” I muttered as he pulled up my driveway.
“Being quiet and dealing with my weird mood.”
“Well I’m just kissing ass right now, and hopefully you’ll nap and be all bubbly later,” he had a wicked grin on his face.
I sat up in the chair, “Why don’t you come in now?”
Mitchell raised his eyebrows and I winked at him. He smiled at me but he shook his head.
“Can’t babe, dad will be expecting me,” he frowned.
“When will you come over,” I pouted.
“Eight maybe, I have to make an excuse to leave.”
“What if I called your dad and told him I was scared,” I winked.
“That might work, but it won’t get me here any faster.”
I frowned and crossed my arms on my chest.
“Don’t be such a princess,” he laughed, “I’ll be here all night.”
Mitchell leaned in and kissed my forehead.
“I guess,” I was still pouting.
“Come on,” he said as he leaned in closer.
I kissed him lightly, I went to pull away from him put he put his hand on the back of my head and held me there. He held me there for what felt like forever, just kissing me.
“Would your dad seriously be mad if you were like 10 minutes late,” I asked when he finally let me go.
“I already am late,” he kissed me one more time.
I shook my head and laughed to myself. I opened the car door and stepped out, I flung my bag over my shoulder and started to shut the door.
“Wait,” Mitchell reached back into the car.
“What,” I raised an eyebrow.
Mitchell handed me a small draw string bag. I shook my head at him and opened it knowing what was inside.
“I believe you wanted those earlier,” he said as I laughed at what was in the bag.
“I really could’ve used this,” I lifted up one of my palms revealing the nasty blisters.
“Sorry,” he pouted.
“Bye,” I shut the door and laughed as he pulled out of the driveway.
Inside the draw string bag was my lime green set of grips for the bar. He’d taken them a week ago from my locker after I drunk the last sip of his Gatorade. I didn’t think it was a very fair trade because he could’ve just gotten a drink from the water fountain, but now I have nasty blisters all over my hands.
I could barely open the front door thanks to Mitchell. It didn’t feel like home when I walked in. To me home was at Jerry’s house with Mitchell and Cory, the youngest son, and Jerry’s wife Danielle. Here is just a big empty house, full of empty, expensive things. The only somewhat homely thing here to me is my room, of course.
My room is in the basement, even though we have a five-bedroom house. I rather be down there, a large space all to myself. When I was eight my dad turned the basement into a mini gym. There is a set of uneven bars, a beam, a mini trampoline and a small foam pit. (The basement is huge, it’s the length of the whole house.) He didn’t mind that I wanted to move downstairs after he added that, he let me decorate it and everything. Basically he uses the whole upstairs and I use the whole basement. I sleep, play and eat down there. No there isn’t a kitchen, but there is a dumbwaiter that my dinner is usually put on. I’m like Cinderella, except I don’t have two ugly stepsisters, I don’t have a step mom, I don’t have to cook or clean, the only thing I have in common with Cinderella is that I’m practically locked down in that basement.
My dad and I never spend time together. When I go to talk to him he is usually on the phone or working, so he always tells me to go downstairs. I didn’t have a problem with that when I was little, I had a mini gym downstairs to keep me occupied. But now that I’m 15 I don’t just want to sit downstairs all day, but that is what ends up happening.
I could barely walk to my room I was so tired. When I finally got down to my room I nearly fell on my bed. The bright orange walls I had couldn’t even keep my eyes open. I didn’t want to take a nap though, if I napped now then I would fall asleep earlier. I picked up the stereo remote off my nightstand and turned on the stereo hoping that if I turned it up loud enough I would stay awake. It didn’t help much. I stood up off my bed and walked into my bathroom. I was a big ball of dried up sweat, I needed a shower and hopefully that would keep me awake.
I let the extremely hot water burn me when I first got in. Then when the water didn’t sting anymore I took the soap and scrubbed. I washed my hair thoroughly and shaved my legs. When I was done with that I didn’t feel like getting out. I was definitely awake now, but I was relaxed with the water on me. I finally did get out though.
I pulled on some soffee shorts and a tank top and plopped down on my bed. The radio was still on so I listened to the station that was playing. After like three songs I decided to comb out my hair. My hair is naturally straight and I love it. It doesn’t frizz or dry out. It’s also full of volume, the perfect kind of hair and I have it. I combed out my hair and put it in a sloppy side ponytail.
After that I realized that I was hungry. I walked upstairs to the kitchen and sighed. The kitchen was big with nothing good in it. We had celery, I hate that vegetable, we also had a bunch of weird Chinese dishes left overs from my dad’s late nights. We didn’t have peanut butter or anything like that, we didn’t have what I was craving. I was craving chocolate and sweets. It was a weird craving that probably meant that I was about to start my period unfortunately.
I walked back downstairs to my phone and looked to see what time it was.It is only 7:30 right now. There was nothing to do, I was in a big empty house with nothing to do. I am used to that though, a big empty house. Even though my dad is normally there, it still feels empty. All the stuff that is here to do, the gym, the TV’s and the movies, pool, I have stuff to do. I just have to do everything alone.
I decided that I would go swimming. I got my favorite bikini on, it’s orange with a silver star on the butt, and grabbed a towel. Even at 7:30 the sun was still out and somewhat bright. I sat on the edge of the pool at first and stared out at the mountains. If there is one thing about this house that I love besides my room is it’s location. The house is set up against a wall of mountains; the beauty of living in Tennessee is that a lot of times you’re up against or on mountains. In the case of my house, the mountains set as a beautiful backdrop, when my mom designed it that is how she wanted it. Well before, she left.
My mom left when I was three and a half. I don’t quite remember the day or time, I just remember how old I was when she stopped showing up. I don’t know why she left, as far as I remember her and my dad were happy, their life seemed perfect. She was rich, living in her favorite place, had a loving husband and daughter, she had everything people would want. But I guess it wasn’t enough because she left and hasn’t ever came back. I thought once I became famous and got on TV she would see what she was missing and come back. It’s not like I seriously want or need her, I don’t need a mom, I have Danielle. I just want to see why a woman with everything left it, I think it’s kind of stupid.
“What are you doing out here,” a familiar voice said from the house.
I jumped up immediately and turned around to see Mitchell.
“Don’t scare me like that, geez.”
“Well excuse me,” he put his hands in the air.
“How did you get in here,” I asked.
“Your door was unlocked, not a smart move if you’re home alone fyi.”
“I didn’t know it was unlocked,” I raised my eyebrow, “why did you just walk in?”
“I knocked like a million times and no one answered, so I twisted the knob,” he shrugged.
“Oh,” I sighed.
“Good thing I wore my swim trunks huh,” he smiled as he edged closer to me.
“I guess, I mean we don’t have to swim, you won’t have time to dry off.”
He took his shirt off revealing his well sculpted body and grinned.
“I’ll be here all night,” he bowed as if he were in front of an audience.

Chapter five:

“What,” I said staring at him.
“I told my parents I was going to Collin’s house for the night, Collin is out of town so I decided that rather than stay home I’d stay here,” he smirked, “is that ok with you?”
“Of course,” I nearly screamed, glad I would not be here by myself.
“Good, now how much do you love me,” he had that wicked smile he tended to have around me.
“Uhm, not enough for you to do whatever you’re thinking.”
Mitchell laughed, “Well then prepare to break up with me.”
Mitchell was about five feet away from me, and I was on the edge of the pool. He charged forward and I knew what he was going to do, I just didn’t have enough time to move. I tried to turn myself out of his way but he wrapped a firm arm around me and took me into the pool with him. When I fell in I tried to squirm out of his arm but he wouldn’t let me, he wrapped his other arm around me and pulled me up. I was facing away from him when we came up from under water. My hair had fallen out of the messy ponytail and my hair was everywhere.
“Mitchell,” I tried to squirm but his arms were holding me prisoner.
“Wow, your hair is a hot mess,” he chuckled.
“Definitely not funny,” I tried to elbow him in the gut.
“Ouch,” he said when I finally got him.
He let go of me and I swam to the edge of the pull. I tried to fix my hair but it wasn’t going to do much, wet, tangled, and chlorine drenched. I took the rubber band that had been holding my hair up, out and just let my hair hang free.
“Thanks,” I muttered swimming back out to the middle of the pool where Mitchell stood.
“No problem, I like it better down,” he played with a strand of hair.
“I bet you do,” I leaned in closer.
He leaned in closer too, expecting a kiss. When he got close enough he closed his eyes, how cute, and I shoved his head under water. He went under nicely but he came coughing and choking.
“Oh my gosh,” I didn’t mean to half drown him.
“I,” he stammered, “can’t breathe.”
I didn’t know what to do right then. I gripped his shoulders and tried to shake the water out of him. He gripped the tops of my shoulders too and he was gasping. He shook me as well but I don’t think he was shaking water out of me. His face was turning from red to purple and I had no clue what to do. Then He laughed and pushed me under the water.
“I can’t believe you, you son of a,” Mitchell cut me off with his roaring laughter.
“You should’ve seen your face,” he laughed.
“Mitchell you had me seriously concerned,” I was almost in tears.
I started to swim back towards the edge to get out but Mitchell grabbed my arm in mid stroke.
“Don’t be mad babe, I was just messing with you,” he was being serious, all laughing gone.
“You had me totally scared,” I pouted.
“I was just messing with you because you dunked me, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Well you did,” I was being stubborn now, I knew he was very sorry.
I swam to the edge of the pool and pulled myself up onto the concrete. Mitchell was right behind me when I swam away but he didn’t get out. He spread open my legs, not in the bad way, and sat in between me looking up at my face. He seriously did look sorry right now, and I knew he was. I smiled down at him and he smiled back. I leaned in to kiss him and he leaned in too. Instead of kissing me though he pulled me into the water.
“Mitchell,” I slapped his shoulder.
Mitchell’s arms wound around my waist and he lifted me off my feet. I think he likes to do this because he does it a lot, I think it makes him feel strong. Even though in water I probably weigh all of two pounds. I wrapped my legs around his waist again, I liked doing that, letting him support me. I leaned my face towards Mitchell, and if he dare dunk me one more time, he was leaving. Mitchell didn’t try to dunk me or throw me backwards. He tilted his face enough so I could fit, and then he kissed me.
“Beautiful,” Mitchell pulled away.
“Aw, thanks,” I blushed.
“Talking about the view,” Mitchell laughed.
“Uh,” I frowned.
“You are the view babe.”
“Good cover,” I rolled my eyes.
“It’s not a cover, you’re big head is my view,” Mitchell laughed again.
I unwrapped my legs from around Mitchell’s waist. I wasn’t doing it because I was mad, I was pruning and I was ready to go inside.
“Are you seriously mad,” Mitchell was frowning.
“No, I’m just read to go in,” I pushed against his chest to make him let me go.
He let me go and I climbed out of the pool. Mitchell got out behind me. I grabbed my towel and started to dry off until I noticed that Mitchell was staring at me.
“Can I help you,” I looked at Mitchell.
“Nope, just keep doing what you’re doing, just enjoying the view.”
“You’re such a perv,” I laughed.
“I’m not a perv, I’m staring at my girlfriend’s ass, that is not perverted,” he grinned.
“Whatever,” I threw him my towel and walked into the house.
I went straight to the kitchen when I walked inside and jumped on the counter. Mitchell followed after me but he didn’t jump on the counter. Instead of jumping on the counter he raided the pantry. I thought about warning him about the emptiness of the pantry, but I didn’t. He was in the pantry for like a whole minute before he came out.
“You’re bare,” he frowned.
“I know.”
“Well I’m starving.”
“Me too,” I touched my stomach that was about to growl.
“Want to order in,” Mitchell asked.“I don’t care as long as I can get it fast.”
“Chinese,” Mitchell suggested.
“How fast can it get here?”
“Well Great Panda is 30 minutes or it’s free.”
“Fine by me,” I hopped off the counter, “I’m going to change.”
I changed into some pajamas, some skimpy pajamas I might add. One because the Tennessee summer heat over whelms any air conditioner and two because Mitchell was there. I wasn’t trying to get any, not at all, I didn’t want to have sex yet. Mitchell understood that too, which boy am I lucky because some guys wouldn’t stand for that. So I felt like a bit of a tease when I put on the short shorts and simple tank top.
I walked up to the kitchen when I finished changing. I found that Mitchell had changed too, just his shorts though. Mitchell didn’t have a shirt on and looking at his very well sculpted torso almost made me drool. I’ve seen him shirtless before, he was shirtless when we were in the pool, but I wasn’t paying attention then. When I do pay attention to his abs, I stare and he laughs. So when he started laughing, I knew he saw me.
“Do you like what you see,” he asked sarcastically as he twirled in a circle.
“Maybe,” I tried to play cool but I did like what I saw.
“Well I like what I see,” he looked me up and down.
“You’re just sucking up,” I said as I walked to him and patted his shoulder.
I walked towards the island but his hand caught mine. He pulled my hand which yanked me closer to him. He kissed my forehead, picked me up and placed me on the island.
“You just love picking me up,” I stated, shaking my head.
“Yes I do,” he answered matter of factly.
I kissed his forehead and spun around on the island so I was no longer facing him. I thought he would walk around and try to say something funny but he didn’t. Instead he wrapped his arms around me and picked me up off the island. I tried to squirm out of it but he wasn’t letting me. Any time he holds me or picks me up I have no way of escaping, he’s too strong.
I saw where he was taking me, towards the pool. I was trying to squirm out as best I could but I wasn’t moving out of his arms. Lucky for me the doorbell rang. He put me down on my butt and ran to the door, I guess he was hungry. I was hungry too.
I was so glad he got Chinese. Nothing can fill you up faster than orange chicken and a plate full of rice with a egg roll on the side. Tomorrow will be hell working this off but who cares for now, right?
Wrong, I shouldn’t be eating this at all. Extra work outs because I indulge take time away from training, which I already had lost thanks to today. That’s why Mitchell is such a distraction. No I’m not trying to blame him for all this; it’s not all his fault. But when I’m with Mitchell I forget that I’m an elite power gymnast, everything I do, everything I eat, affects my gymnastics. I know that sounds weird, but it’s true. If I spend all my time being a normal teenager, eating Chinese with my boyfriend instead of studying my videos and practicing I’ll lose focus. I was losing my focus right now.
I sat my chopsticks down and took my food straight to the trash. I knew Mitchell was watching me with a confused expression on his face. But I ignored what I knew and finished cleaning up my mess. After that I went to my dad’s elliptical, a good power hour on this might work off some of the calories. I need to stay more focused, I hadn’t been focused today at all. Today I was a total drama queen; my mood was constantly changing which I didn’t know why. But I wasn’t going to let that happen again.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.07.2010

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To the sport I wish I could've done.

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