
Chapter One- priorities
“Riley, get up sweetheart it’s the first day of your sophomore year. Get up.” My mom was practically yelling in my ear when she pulled the covers off my face. I blinked a little at the bright light coming from my window. I blinked rapidly a few more times and rolled over. My mom patted my back a little and said “Come on you don’t wanna be late on your first day?”
I groaned and sat up. “Mom, please don’t ask that question because right now I’d love to sleep another hour or two.” My mom rolled her eyes and kissed my forehead. When she walked out of my room I threw the blanket back over my head and sunk down into my bed. I was going to try to get at least 10 more minutes of sleep but the twins came in.
“Mommy said to get up,” Emma said as she hopped onto my bed. I felt Ella trot into my room, there was a faint click of the light switch and then the room grew lighter. Emma pulled off the covers and said “Mom gave us 5 dollars to make sure you got up on time.” A grin covered both of their faces and Ella pulled a flashlight out of her back pocket.
“Don’t make me use the multi-colored flashlight because I will. Don’t tempt me.” Ella said as she tugged at my arm. I groaned again and sat up. I stared at both of their identical, annoying, part-angelic faces. Ella nudged Emma and gave her a look and they trotted out of my room.
I was tempted to just roll back over and go to sleep but something in my head told me that it wasn’t a good idea. I stood up and walked to my bathroom. When I flipped on the bathroom light I almost screamed. The hot mess I saw in the mirror scared me. My wanna-be blonde hair was tangled into big knots and my face was covered in red splotches. I sighed and turned on the shower. I walked back out to my room to wait for the hot water and to get my phone.
My phone was flashing and vibrating when I picked it up. When I looked at the screen there was a long list of missed alerts and the majority of them were from my boyfriend Gavin. I rolled my eyes and laid my phone on my bed.
When I got in the shower I scrubbed my head with shampoo. I wasn’t ready for the first day of school. I was mad at Gavin and I wasn’t ready to deal with Sophia and her stupid posse. I couldn’t handle Gavin trying to make a fool of himself for my forgiveness. I definitely couldn’t handle Sophia’s stupid comments on my shoes or backpack. The more I thought about it the more I just wanted to hop out of the shower and go back to bed. But again there was a voice in my head that said to get out and get dressed.
I was starting to dislike the voice because no matter how horrible the thoughts of embarrassment or heartbreak the stupid voice wouldn’t leave my head. I know that when I go to school Gavin will be apologizing and begging. Oh and Sophia will be trying to own the halls. I’m not ready for another year at Monroeville High. Nope, not at all.
When I got out of the shower I went straight to my closet. Not only do I have to start the school year broken hearted and going in having to deal with Sophia I also have a strict mother. I had to think of a way to get a cute outfit out the door without my mom knowing. I grabbed a white Hollister shirt and my Hollister mini skirt. Then I grabbed a pair of sweats and a hoodie. My mom wouldn’t think a thing about me going casual on my first day of school. My mom thinks that I’m just a practical girl who doesn’t need material things in life. It’s a good thing I got to my dad’s once a month or I’d be wearing this with nothing to change into.
When I walked out of the closet I almost died of heart attack. My friend Madeline was sitting on my bed. I took in a deep breath before I spoke.
“Whoa. How did you get in here?” I asked as I pulled the sweats over my skirt.
“Your mom let me in. When are you going to stop double dressing?” She asked.
I rolled my eyes “The day my mom realizes I’m 15 not 2.” Madi laughed and pulled my phone off the bed. I gasped.
“When are you going to forgive this poor boy?” Madi said.
“Soon, I just want to make him suffer a little.” I said taking my phone out of her hand.
“Come on Riles sure he kissed Sophia but that was 3 months ago. He has apologized, humiliated himself, he has done it all. Besides you can’t go out with him but ignore his texts, calls, and etc.” she said as she stood up. “You either forgive him or dump him. I think you just won’t dump him because you think Sophia will get him.”
I rolled my eyes and pushed her out of my room. When I shut my door I sighed. Madi was right. Gavin is the only thing I have that Sophia can’t take away. She’s taken everything I’ve ever had. It’s like it’s her goal. We used to be good friends in like third grade but she decided I wasn’t good enough. Ever since it’s been her mission to take whatever makes me happy. She took everything from crayons to my cheer captain spot in middle school. The only thing she can’t have is Gavin De’Roy.
Gavin De’Roy is a 15 year old sophomore, I’ve known him since kindergarten and he has always been the cute, jock type. He plays starting varsity for football and basketball. He is a straight A student and is high on the popularity chart. I don’t know why he likes me but he asked me out the second day of freshman year. I’ve dated him for 8 months and Sophia is very jealous. Gavin swore he didn’t want her and it was just a mistake when he kissed her.
“Riley hurry up and get down here.” My mom yelled. I ran into my bathroom and combed my hair. I put a bobby pin in and doused it in hairspray. I got a quick glance of myself in the mirror and ran back in my room. I grabbed my phone and book bag and headed for the stairs.
“Come on Riley you’re going to miss the bus if you don’t hurry,” my mom said when I got to the bottom of the stairs. My mom pulled out the camera and I put my hand in the lens. “Ok, no pictures. Have a good day,” she said as I walked out the door.
Madi was sitting on the porch and she hopped up when I walked outside. She reached for my phone which was in my hand and I pulled away. “Madi, I’ll talk to him later. Stop worrying so much about me.” I said as we walked down the sidewalk.
“I’m only worrying because you are my friend,” she said as she wrapped her arms around me.
I wiggled free from her hug “Well thanks but some things I can handle myself.” She rolled her eyes and we both stopped dead in our tracks.
About ten feet from where we froze stood something horrible. Madi and I both gasped at the same thing. There stood a skinny blonde holding a Channel purse. She wore a tiny skirt and layered tank tops. Her hair was perfectly straight and when she turned her head towards us I nearly died.
It was Sophia McCorrick, the pretty, popular, cheerleader, complete blonde stereotype standing in front of me. She flipped her hair and turned away. I looked at Madi the same time Madi looked at me. Then Sophia turned towards me with a slight grin on her face.
“Nice outfit Oliver, typical for you.” She said and then she giggled. I rolled my eyes but then remembered that I hadn’t taken off my sweat outfit yet. I pulled my sweats off and took off the hoodie. Sophia stared me up and down and turned back around.
I laughed and Sophia spun towards me. “What’s so funny Riley?” she asked. I laughed again.
“Oh nothing really.” I said. Lucky me, my phone started to ring. I looked at the screen and laughed again. I didn’t flip open the phone though. Right then the bus pulled up and Sophia, Madi and I filed on the bus.
I saw Gavin sitting in the backseat with all the seniors. He waved his hand in the air and Sophia laughed. I wanted to warn her before she made herself look stupid but why ruin my fun? Sophia walked back to Gavin’s seat and he shook his head. I heard all the boys laugh and Sophia walked a few seats up. I walked back to Gavin and sat down. He put his muscular arm around me. I was going to ignore him but his phone vibrated. I saw the name on the text receipt. Right then I laid my head on Gavin’s shoulder. He flipped his phone shut and put his other arm around me.
“I knew you would forgive me,” he whispered in my ear. It felt good to be in his arms again but it also felt wrong. He pulled my chin up so he could kiss me. Again it felt so right and so wrong at the same time. All the other boys around us roared when his lips pulled away from mine. Right then I caught a glimpse of Sophia. She scowled and turned towards the front. Great, I already have drama.
When I got off the bus Gavin interlaced our fingers. He walked me to my locker and my class. He squeezed me in a tight hug and lifted my face to his lips. He was waiting for me at the end of class. He did this every class. I felt like I was in a sappy love story.
When he walked me to fourth period we both hesitated to perform our “new” ritual. Sitting in the front row right by the door was Sophia. Gavin still pulled my face up so I could kiss him but I added something extra. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tiptoes. I pulled away and turned toward class. Again Sophia scowled at me. The bell rang when I walked into class.
“Ok class my name is Mr. Smite and I’ll be your Chemistry teacher for this year.” Mr. Smite said. I was still standing and Mr. Smite turned towards me. “Ms. Oliver is it? You sit by Ms., uhm McCorrick.” He pointed towards the front row. I knew who “Ms. McCorrick” was. I stayed standing for a minute and slowly walked to my seat. Sophia gave me a dirty look when I laid my books on the desk. I rolled my eyes and scooted my books to the corner. Sophia’s hand shot out in front of them.
“No. Your books won’t go there,” she said pushing my books back. I looked at her in astonishment. She rolled her eyes. I had something to say but Gavin texted me. I pulled out my sidekick and glanced at the screen.
[Gavin]- Hey beautiful. I was jw how class was goin. I <3 you. 4ever & always.
I laid my phone on my thigh and pretended to pay attention to class. I saw Sophia glance down and her neck shot straight back up. I decided not to torture her anymore all class, even though Gavin’s text messaging would have crushed her. I sighed in relief when the bell rang. The urge to hurt Sophia’s feelings grew stronger. Another urge that was hidden slowly crept out.
I was starting to feel the need to see Gavin. I was beginning to feel the way I did when things were normal. I couldn’t let myself back to that stage quite yet. He didn’t deserve to have me want him. But I couldn’t stop my mind from thinking about him.
I felt semi-relieved when I saw him leaning against my locker. He smiled at me with his adorable dimples and shiny brown eyes. He reached his hand out towards me and I grabbed it. “Hello how was biology?” he asked a little worried.
I looked at him and sighed. “How do you think it was?” I asked rhetorically. He frowned and went right back to smiling. “What are you so happy about?” I asked.
“Two things,” he said. “One; you’ve decided to forgive me.” I smiled at him “And two; we have lunch together.” I smiled again. I don’t know how right he was about number one, I was almost there, but I definitely liked number two. We walked to lunch together. He explained to me basketball camp and C.I.T camp. I told him about cheer camp and the theatre workshop.
When we reached the table with all our friends he pulled the chair out for me. All the girls oohed and the boys groaned. He put his arm around me and I sighed happily. All lunch was discussing what we did, not just me and him, but everyone. When the bell rang I kissed him goodbye and walked to journalism.
My journalism teacher seemed rude. I didn’t pay much attention to him. His class was absolutely boring until his lecture. In the middle of his lecture the door opened wide and our principle walked in.
“Sorry Mr. Smalls but you have a new student.” Mrs. Moral said gesturing someone in. My jaw dropped when I saw who walked in.
It was a boy, but not just any boy. This boy was a perfectly tanned and muscular boy. He had the skater boy look, eyelevel brown hair which he kept flipping. Each flip revealed his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. He looked around the room.
“This is Carson Malone. He is from Cooler High School in Pennsylvania. I’m sure we all can make him feel welcome.” Mrs. Moral said before she walked out. Mr. Smalls put Carson in the same row as me. I’m not like any story book girl who fell in love with the new kid, but he is gorgeous. What am I thinking, I have Gavin. But Carson is gorgeous.

 Chapter Two: Uh-Oh
By eighth period the whole school knew about the new kid. Rumors were starting about him, girls were falling for him. Typical high school stuff when a new boy comes. Through my last few classes that was the only thing people talked about. It was only the first day of school and there was already drama.
I was hearing girls talk about how he flirted with them and supposedly he already had a girlfriend. The boys in class were talking about how he was “weak” and couldn’t “hold up” to the other boys. Everyone was either hating on him or fighting over him.
Luckily I didn’t have to day dream about the amazingly gorgeous boy. I had Gavin, who was beginning to become one of those haters.
“There’s no reason to be jealous,” I said walking down the stairs with Gavin. He was talking about Carson like he knew him and they didn’t get along.
“Jealous?” he smiled. “I’m not jealous. I have no reason to be,” he said smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and laughed. He laughed along but his laugh wasn’t very real.
He walked me to my bus and kissed me goodbye. I could tell from the look on his face that he was going to be very aggressive at football today. I sighed as I got on the bus. He didn’t have anything to worry about; I decided in seventh period that he was officially forgiven. So now it was back to normal. Well at least until I saw who was sitting in the third seat.
I didn’t notice him at first because I was too busy thinking to myself, but he was definitely there. Carson sat in the seat eyeing his schedule until I walked by. He glanced at me, for a second I was lost. I blinked twice and found me in the middle of the bus’s aisle just starring. I shook my head and turned away. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the kid laugh. I guess he thought it was funny?
I didn’t, I’d never done that before. I always read about it in the romance novels and see it in chick flicks. The mysterious boy with the most gorgeous eyes that you could get trapped in for hours, his eyes so beautiful it they froze all time. Where was I, Forks Washington? This was no “Twilight” book this is good ‘ole Monroeville. It was probably my imagination though, making something out of nothing.
I was a little shaken when I sat down in the back. I stared up at the third seat watching the boy shake his head to move his hair. After a good 45 seconds of starring I quit paying attention, only to enter the conversation about homecoming. I wasn’t looking forward to that again.
I hated it last year when I had to run for “freshman” homecoming court because of Gavin. I hated fighting with my mother over which dress or my hairstyle. I didn’t overly enjoy the attention when I walked around the football field on Gavin’s arm. I just didn’t enjoy homecoming.
In thinking about my horrors of homecoming I missed watching Sophia plop down next to Carson. I laughed to myself as I watch flip her hair over and over. I watched them the whole bus ride since my stop was last. I noticed how every few minutes they both would turn back and look at me. Each time Sophia would laugh and they would both turn around. But Carson would turn back towards me quickly and then back to Sophia. It was weird; again I was letting my imagination run wild.
While my imagination was having a fun day the bus was becoming less crowded. We had lost about five stops of people when I noticed he hadn’t got off. I wondered to myself, ‘what if he lived by me?’ Again with my imagination, I need to work on it. All these thought s were just plain dumb. Then that stupid voice came in my head. It kept saying ‘no such things as coincidences’, just a stupid NCIS quote. I swear this voice and my imagination, I need help.
Two stops later the bus had only four people left. Madi, Sophia, me and Carson. The bus driver pulled to the stop sign and let us off. Sophia was giggling right next to Carson and Madi was walking along side me.
“Looks like Sophia found a new somebody,” Madi said semi-laughing. I rolled my eyes at her.
“Well I think that’s perfectly fine with me, and oh I forgave Gavin.” I said looking at the sidewalk. Madi shook my arm.
“Way to go girl! I knew you would I just didn’t want it to be too late,” she said still shaking my arm. I looked at her face and then at her hand. “Oh, sorry,” she said stopping. I laughed.
We walked down the sidewalk laughing about the stupid drama that had already started. When I got to my driveway I said “You can come in if you want.” Madi shook her head.
“Can’t I have to wait for Aiden and Jayden to get home,” she said when she started walking. I felt bad for her since her mom made her watch her twin brothers who were the same age as my twin sisters.
When I got to my door I looked back towards the street. Walking in the middle of the road was Carson. He wasn’t with Sophia anymore, just Carson. The silly voice in my head wanted me to talk to him but I knew better. So I unlocked my door and headed inside. I went straight to my room.
The voice was still annoying me, talking to me about going and talking to Carson. I wish it would just stop because right now I was semi-happy. I forgave Gavin, Sophia found a new crush, and my classes weren’t too hard. Everything felt a little bit right and this stupid voice was trying to ruin everything. I laid on my bed and put my face straight in the pillow. I want this dumb voice to leave me and go bother my mom or maybe the twins. Then my phone rang.
I jumped up off the bed and walked to my backpack. I pulled my phone out of the side pocket and hit talk.
“Hello,” I said. I’d forgotten to look at the caller ID.
“Hi sweetheart,” my dad’s voice said.
“Daddy!” I shouted “how are you?” I asked.
“I’m fine, I was just going to ask how your first day of school was,” he said quickly.
“Oh, it was good. Classes seem a little bit ha. . .” I didn’t get to finish my dad interrupted me.
“Ok that’s good. Well I’ll call you later. Bye sweetheart.” He said that very quickly and I heard the phone click. I pulled the phone from my ear and stared at it.
I hate having divorced parents. My mom is always so uptight making sure everyone is busy so we don’t have down time. My dad is always working now. Constantly he is flying everywhere. He moved in the Village which is the neighborhood like 10 minutes away but he is never there. Everything is a mess. We only see my dad once a month. Then he takes us shopping, buys me clothes and the twins toys. He normally doesn’t call and if he does it’s always short and quick. I sighed.
I walked down stairs and laid down on the couch. I flipped on the TV and flipped through channels. Nothing was really on. I looked over at the clock and sighed again. It was only 3:15 which meant 45 minutes until Gavin got out of practice. I looked back at the TV and settled on watching “Greek”. I had already seen the episode so I wasn’t really watching it.
I started to think about today. Today started out like any other day. Then after fourth period it was great. Now it’s back to ok. I just wish that it would stay great the whole day instead of a few hours. Then I thought about Gavin. I’m glad I forgave Gavin but I wish there was something else I could do. Not to torture him just to make him prove that he really doesn’t care about anyone but me. Maybe flirt with the Carson kid, just make Gavin rattle a little. What am I thinking about? I’m going crazy; this voice is starting to take over my whole brain. I groaned.
My phone vibrated from my pocket. I slid it out and glanced at the screen. I had a text from Gavin. I checked the time it was barely 3:45 now.
[Gavin]- got out early. Be there in ten minutes.
That brightened my day a little bit. Maybe the last few hours were going to be good.
[me]- I’ll be here doors unlocked for ‘ya.
I walked to the front door and unlocked it. Out the glass panel I saw Sophia walking with Carson. She was smiling and laughing and he was grinning. This made me a little happier too. If she gets with him than I don’t have to worry anymore. I walked back to the couch.
I didn’t want to sit down, I felt kind of anxious. I walked back into the kitchen and sat on the bar stool and stared at the clock.
Ten minutes can go by extremely slow if you stare at a clock. I nearly ran to the door when it I heard a knock. Normally Gavin walks straight in if I told him the door was unlocked but maybe he didn’t get my text. I flung the door open ready to throw my arms around him. When I saw who was standing on my front porch though, I nearly flung it shut.
“Hi, you’re the Riley girl right,” Carson asked grinning.
“Yeah, and you’re the Carson kid, nice to meet you,” I said as I edged the door closer to being shut.
“Well,” Carson murmured, “uhm look my mom just wanted me to come by introduce myself.”
“Well we’ve been introduced,” I was being rude and he didn’t really deserve it. He also didn’t deserve what came next.
Gavin walked up behind him and when Carson turned around Gavin hit him in the eye.
“Gavin,” I screamed as Carson fell.
“Don’t mess with my girlfriend again,” Gavin said as he walked to my side.
Carson started to sit up and I noticed his eye was bleeding. I elbowed Gavin in his side and knelt next to Carson.
“Oh my gosh are you alright,” I said accidently touching his hand as I knelt down.
“No I’m not alright, my eye probably needs stitches!”
“Well,” I didn’t know what to do, “come inside and we’ll wipe it off and go from there.”
Carson looked at me like I was stupid. Gavin nudged me with his foot and when I looked up he was rolling his eyes.
“Don’t mess with the quarter back of the football team’s girl, you ought to know I have a strong arm,” Gavin chuckled.
“Gavin don’t be a jerk,” I started to help Carson up, “he was coming here as a favor to his mom, you didn’t need to hit him.”
“Oh so now you’re going to take up for him over me, you’re boyfriend.”
“I’m not taking up for him, you hit him because you assumed and now he’s bleeding and he could run and tell his mom and you’d get in trouble if word got to the coach,” Carson cut me off.
“If I need stitches I’m suing you.”
“And what are you going to get out of me, you already have my girlfriend,” Gavin waved his hands towards me and Carson.
“Gavin quit exaggerating!”
“Its cool chick,” Carson said as he stood up, “yes, I would love to come in.”
Gavin huffed and walked off the porch, “Text me when you decide to hang with your real boyfriend.”
I stood up to chase after him but I saw my mom pull in the driveway. Crap, she can’t see this, my outfit and two boys at my house, one all bloody. I put my face in my hands and waited as my mom jogged up to the porch.
“Riley Oliver what in the Sam heck going on,” she shouted.
“Mom just calm down.”
“Calm down, Riley there is a bloody boy on my porch I,” Carson cut her off.
“Gavin accidently elbowed me in the eye, I just moved in and my mom wanted me to come down and introduce the family while she was at work and Gavin was dropping off a book and I was walking up when he turned around.”
“Oh,” my mom said, “well come inside and we’ll check you out.” My mom opened the door and let Carson go in first and then gave me the “we’ll talk later” look. The twins hopped out of the car then and giggled all the way in the house.
Carson didn’t need stitches; my mom just put a band-aid on it and some ice. He sat and talked to my mom while the swelling in his eye went down. When the swelling was at a minimum my mom cleared him to leave. He had a large purplish ring around his eye that made him look a little cuter, if that’s not a weird thought.
“Riley take Carson home and explain to his mom what happened and give her our phone number,” my mom said while she picked up her make-shift hospital.
“Uhm mom why don’t you do it.”
“Riley,” she said raising her eyebrows.
I sighed and knew that if Madi was walking her dog or especially if Sophia saw, I would never hear the end of it.
I walked out the door behind Carson and down the driveway.
“You don’t have to walk me home you know,” Carson said as we turned on to the sidewalk.
“Uhm, yes I do or my mom will kill me for not following her instructions.”
“Well you could just give me your number and hide behind some bush for like ten minutes,” he winked.
“Don’t be surprised but I don’t trust you with my number.”

(to be continued once finished) ;)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.04.2010

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I dedicate this to my friend Katie who encouraged me to put my writing out there for others to read and so she could read it without asking me.

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