
Chapter one

I had everything i ever wanted. Wonderful boyfriend, great friends everything was prefect like it was suppose to be. Few days later i died i didn't know how are why. I was staring at my body laying on the bed in the hospital.Everyone was there even my boyfriend. He was crying setting holding my hand saying why her why not me. I wish i was there to tell him i am fine . Then they said there goodbyes. I started moving back to my body fast it was like something or someone pulling me back. When i opened my eyes no one was here just me. I looked white whiter then before. I looked at my skin it was so cold like ice my whole body felt cold. Feeling my way around the room i found the window and claimed out of it. There was someone at the bottom i calmed back up fast so no one would see me. As i got in room there was someone there by my bed. I looked at the person but it wasn't anyone i knew. The person look at me i tried to go back down the window but he said. I wouldn't do that if i were you. Who the hell are you and what are you doing by my bed. Why the hell am i not dead? Slow down there your not dead because i turned you. You were about to die thats the only reason i turn you . Turned into what and as you can see i did die but something pulled me back to my body . Yes that was your vampire senses. What the hell are vampire senses? Are you saying you turned me into a vampire ? How many times do i have to say that yes i turned you. Why ? If i was about to died you should have let me. You asked me to change you. Your words were " Don't let me died i don't want to my life has only begone please help me" and thats what i did. So you didn't try to safe me you just turned me into a blood sicking vampire thats just sick. I am not a blood sicking vampire i don't hunt humans only deers. Oh thats even better a vampire who doesn't drink human blood. You need to shut up Amanda. I need to think what i am going to do with you now. How did you know my name ? You don't have to do anything with me i will be fine by myself thanks. Amanda you can't be by yourself your not ready for that. You are a new vampire, you need to feed. No i will feed with out you. Since you know my name i need to know yours. My name is Justin just Justin no last name needed. Well Justin it was nice meeting you but i don't need you anymore. Your wrong you need me more now then ever. I promise i will leave you alone in three weeks the transportation should be done by then said Justin. What transportation i asked ? The full transportation that will make you a full vampire. Then you wouldn't need me to be with you . Thank god for that because right now i feel like killing you. Why i saved you like you asked. No you didn't i just wanted you to call my mom or dad but just want to change me. Now here i am sick with myself. You are beautiful then any vampire i met. I am not just saying that its the real truth. I don't care about being beautiful all i care about is my boyfriend. Amanda he thinks your dead and your can't tell him. I wasn't going to but i will tell you this my life was perfect the way it was before i died . Yes it was but it wasn't the life you were made for said Justin. What do you mean? I mean that you were never going to live in the human body forever and it was time to let you out. It's just how it has to be i'm sorry i had to be the one to do that. There is a big war coming this way and i needed you away from that . So my human life was fake that it? No it wasn't fake you just had a different life then that one. I am hungry i need something to eat said Amanda. I guess it's time to go then said Justin getting up and walk to me he asked me, Where do you want to hunt at? In the woods and i need a big deer or two. OK lets get going then said Justin jumping out the window flowing him i put the little note i just wrote on the bed then jumped out to my new crazy life.

Chapter two- things i had to deal

We were running throw the woods i didn't know i was run not until Justin yell for me to stop so i did. I looked at him. You are just getting used to your vampire sense that all. You will learn to control them soon be passion. I wasn't listening to him i spotted a big deer and went after it very fast. I was drinking so long that it felt forever. Justin was just standing there looking around. Now Justin i Said what were you saying before ? Never mind are you full now or do you need to hunt more still ? No i'm good Justin . I will take you to our new house now . No thanks but i have a house and i don't feel like living with a lot of people said Amanda. You won't you will live with me that it. Why the hell do you think i would want to be with you or live with you ? asked Amanda. Thats it i had it . Had what you were the one who turn me i didn't turn. I looked around and he was gone thank god just then he was in front of me taking my face in his hands he looked at my eyes and kissed me. He kissed me slowly and softly the kiss got deeper. He put his hands in my hair picking me up he started to run still kissing me. Then he let me breath . Why the hell did you do that? I didn't wanted to listen to you anymore and also you were getting on my nerves. What did you think of my kiss ? Not the best kiss i ever had i said not looking at him . Really ? Yes really like i said not the best kiss i ever had. Maybe we should try again he said . I turn my head away from but i was a late. His warm lips were on mine moving softly like a whisper in the winter. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back. His lips moved slowly then before. Was he blowing air in my mouth i couldn't tell. Then he moved his lips to my neck kissing it. I was breathing harder then i ever was when Jake would kiss me . Justin moved his lips from my neck. We both looked away from each other. I wanted to ask you something said Justin. Yea i said . Do you know how you dead and who would want to kill you ? I looked away the only thing i can remember is that i was walking back home then someone or something hit me and that is how you found me laying on the grown. I am really sorry no one should died like that it just wrong. Yes i know you have nothing to be sorry about. You saved me even though i am a vampire. Does this mean your not mad at me for turning you ? I don't know. I have something i wanted to ask you said Amanda. What is the question? How are you ? Seventeen why ? No in vampire years i said . I am going to be one- hindered. Wow thats old i said laughing. Finely something you can laugh at said Justin also laughing with me. He stopped laugh enough to say and how old are you beautiful ? Sixteen and i am guessing i am one years old in vampire year laughing again. Yes you are right little one said Justin.

Chapter Three- Can life get easier?

We are here said Justin. I looked at the house it was beautiful there were big windows with flowers on them but the house looked so old like it was there before i was come in this world. Now he said would you like to walk to the door? I looked at him like trying to see what he was saying then i remembered i was still in his arms. I will walk in the house myself Amanda said getting out of his arms not even looking at him. So how long has thing house been here? she asked. Since eighteen- twentey why ? I was just wondering. Amanda there is one thing you need to know said Justin. Yea and what is that thing? You can't let anyone in this house or tell them where you live. It's very importent. Who can i tell said Amanda everyone thinks i am dead and i am pretty sure if they see me they will just run away with out saying a word. My life is over i can't think of anyone that would want to be with me now that i am a vampire. Do they know vampires are real ? No people just think its a fairytale Justin said looking at Amanda. Then you have noting to worry about. I just wanted to make sure he said opening the door with a big gold key that looked like a flower. when the door opened the floors were glass the walls looked like ice. Your proble thinking why the floors and walls look like this, because no one can tell that anyone lives here he said, and because we are so cold right? asked Amanda. Yes that is right. Are you mad about something? asked Justin. No why i asked. You just seem to be in a different place somewhere in your mind... He didn't know i was thinking about the day i died. I was trying to see who hit me but it was all a blank, someone was shaking me. Amanda ? can you hear me ? Amanda come on i'll take you to your room. You need to reset but i didn't hear him very well then i remembered who tryed to kill me but didn't and i know who was the real killer. It was my mom's boyfriend who tryed killed me because i was in the way of his life. Amada talk to me please said Justin. I'm fine i said. No your not he said walking me to the bed. You need to reset he said kissing my head. Goodnight he closed the door behide him. I was alone in the big pink room, closing my eyes i just layed there. It was like remembering a dream i was there listing what Tom was telling me. You better not get in my way i am planing on marring your mother. I never got in my mom's way where are you getting this from ? You just better stay away from your mother and me that's all i am saying. Oh and if i don't what will happen ? Something that you will never forget he said walking away. I jumped screaming oh my god he did kill me . Amanda are you alright? what happend ? asked Justin. Noting i told him just a bad dream that all. I didn't want him to know who killed me. I needed to take care of it myself. I'll stay in here with you if you would like. No thank you but i am alright really. If you need me i will be down the hall to the right frist door. Thank you i said closing the door. I needed to think of a plan fast and make sure Justin won't know.

Chapter Four- My plan

My plan was to get pass Justin with out him knowing i was gone. I needed to go see for myself that my family was safe from Tom. If he tryed to kill anyone else i would have to kill him there was no way i was going to lieave him alive if he is a killer. I can't imagen what if will do to my mom if they get married. There is just on ething i needed to do before i go to my house. I wrote a note so Justin knew i was safe.
Justin i don't know how to thank you for everything.
There is something i need to do by myself.
I promise you i will tell you everthing when i am done.
I need to do this . Please don't look for me.
Leaving the note on the his bed. She looked at the note then walked out into the rain. Why did she ever think she can falling in love with him that is just something in her heart that is telling her this is fake . As she walked now the street thing were falling apart. Her life was over, there was noting she could do, noting that will make this right. Amanda felt so cold even though she is a vampire, she couldn't stand it. Maybe if she tried to kill herself things will be easy on everyone and she wouldn't need to hide to make sure no one see's her. Every day will be hard knowing that i can't be with my family anymore because of my mom's boyfriend. I hope that there will be an Angel watching over them because i can't, not when i'm going to leave this city so no one has to face me when i look dead. Amanda went to her house to get her thing. She put her clothes and everything else in the car. She got in the car and took off with out saying goodbye. Driving took away her pain, her weakness. Amanda made herself not to feel love anymore. She wished that her and Justin would have lasted but it's to much. She felt like she was drowning with pain. Amanda didn't look where she was going when a little dog stopped and looked at her. She got out and picked up the dog and went back to her car with him. Hoping was the last thing from her mind, she felt the world falling all around her, no matter where she would go. Going to the house where she first lived when she was five was something she never though she would do but she had no where else to go. Amanda got out of her car and picked up her thing. When she opened the door there was one light on in her room she got the bat under the rag. She walked slowly to the room and looked inside but no one was there. Amanda turned around and standing there was Justin with his arms folded.
He looked so pissed as if he wanted to kill someone. To broke the silence Amanda said, What are you doing here ? I got your note he said. You didn't say that you were going to move out of my house he looked at her. Justin i need to be alone. She didn't want to say that he was everything to her, that she looked him but instead of that she asked how did you find me ? It wasn't easy i came home and looked in your room then mine. I read the note and went looking for you but i couldn't find you first. Then i saw a car that i though you would drive only. You pulled up to the house and got out of the car. I was waiting for you for three hours said Justin. Why ? I told you i don't need your help didn't i ? said Amanda. It didn't fucking matter! I care what happens to you and your not ready to be on your own yet said Justin. The hell with it said Amanda, i am not some fucking kid ok i can take care of myself, besides your not my dad are you ? just leave me alone thats all i am asking for. You know that i can't he said not even looking at her but the ground. Things won't always go the way you want them to so why can't you just got over it and just let me go ? There things you need to know and learn first before you can be on your own Amanda, you can't just go off by yourself. There are people that want to kill vampires. They would love to get there hands on one and do tests on us! Do you want that to happen to you? he asked looking pissed off as hell. No but i don't want to be living here with you ! why ? do you think i will do something to you ? I don't fucking know and i don't even know you that well. Dammit Amanda would you fucking get a hold of yourself! I will be sleeping in my room and i promise i won't get near you, is that good enough for you ? Yea i guess that will have to do she said looking at him. Fine now let get some sleep. Um we can't sleep you said that. I know what i said but you can still close your eyes and think or do what you want. Fine then get out of my room Amanda said looking pissed. No problem see you tomorrow he said closing the door.
When i got up there was a note under my bed.
Amanda i want out to hunt
be back in two hours
don't do anything stupid
See you then .
God i can't believe him. What is his problem ? Well this should be fun i have the house to myself for two hours awesome!! What should i do? hm.... before she could think of something to do the phone rang. Hello ? Amanda don't you even think about going anywhere do you understand ? Who the fuck is this ? and i can go anywhere i want ! It's Justin . Dam so you just called me to tell me not to leave the house ? that was stupid of you . No it wasn't there is someone looking for you or me i don't know yet . Why would they look for me ? Well let's see your not in your grave and your vampire. Im pretty sure your family though someone took your dead body and was trying to hide it or something he said. God that is so stupid ! I was going to go for a walk but i guess i'll stay inside for now. Good girl i'll see you in five minutes he said as he hanged up his cell phone. Dammit why is this happing to me ? I don't understand why i said i loved him when he is suck a jerk and why in the world did i fucking kiss him ? He can't tell me what to do i am going to go for a walk and there is noting he can say that will stop me from doing what i want to do ! As Amanda walked to the door and was about to go out the door opened and he was standing there looking like an angel from heaven . Dam he looks good no no no i can't be thinking that when i am mad at him . What do you want i though you said you will be back in five minutes not like one minute. Well i heard what you were going to do and you didn't care about what i said so that's why i came back . Oh were you worded about me? Dammit Amanda i said i didn't want you to go anywhere but what i say doesn't matter to you does it ? Hmmm let me think, nope i don't gave a dam about anything you say. I wasn't going to bring this up but do you remember when we kissed and you said you loved me ? Yes so ? Did that change do you feel the need to hate me Amanda ? I don't know ok i just don't see why i can't be on my own that all. I told you why but you still don't understand. I don't know what else to say or do to make you realize what will happen if someone finds out that your still alive when your suppose to be dead ! Do you know what will happen if the world finds out vampires are real ? Nope but your going to tell me right ? she laughed. Yes but only so you know that what you are doing or thinking of doing will kill you somehow. Fine just fucking tell me already Justin. If people find out that vampires are real then the world will go to hell. Why ? There are a lot of different vampires and not all vampires are good or evil some are just crazy, that they will do anything to get there way. It would be bad for people to know we are here on earth with them. That's why we try to hide ourself's or try to find in with them. So this has noting to do with me. This part does Amanda he said looking upset. What i am about to tell you will stock you to the point where you won't be able to say a word .


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.07.2010

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