
Chapter one: What's happening?!


Hi, I am Leo Adams; I've this dark secret that most people would be afraid to hear. My family and I moved many times because of that stubborn brother of mine allows people to know our secret. Zyan doesn't normally like to move along with the rest of us, but if he could just keep his mouth shut...just maybe we would be able to live in a place for a while. As you may have guessed, my family is a pack of vampires. "Brother, mother is looking for you" My dear younger sister said sweetly before skipping out of my room. I soon followed my younger sister down the stair way to my awaiting mother. We are all made by blood since we are pure bloods, and we are the most feared. Why? It’s because we can reproduce with sex with any gender, and is fairly strong.

"Yes mother?" I asked looking at her with care. She is such a gentle woman, far better than my eldest sister. "Leo dear, why is it your room isn't finished? You have the ability to speed things up." Her soft voice asked me with concern. "Mother, I wish not to unpack since Zyan will most likely leek our nature again." I said with a hint of anger to my voice. "Oh sweetie, please do it for me and your father?" She said with kindness that pleaded for me to do so. "Alright mother..." I said pouting as I rushed to my room. It took me no less than fifty seconds to take care of unpacking and set out an outfit for tomorrow’s school day.

I really don't understand why I must go to school every so often. I hated it since the teenagers these days have no respect towards anyone. "Lee, I need help with choosing my outfit for tomorrow." Jason said as he walked into my room (If you were wondering he is my second eldest brother. I am the youngest brother out of all the children.) "Sure, I don't mind" I told him since I love to do anything that involves fashion. Yes, I am gay which makes everything a bit odd between my father and me. I am open about it so I don't have to live a life filled with lies. "Good let's go to my room" He said pulling me along with him. Sadly he doesn't realize he is too controlling when something is about him.

Sighing I went straight to his closet and roamed through it searching for an outfit that said who he was. "Try this and those on" I said as I handed him a couple of outfits to try on and which ever made my heart scream hotness then that will be the outfit he wears. It took him forever but finally the result was the third outfit that made his personality pop. "Thanks Lee. You’re the best brother!" Jason said as he patted my back as he left the room for a shower.

 Leo's P.O.V-        It was already five-ten in the morning when I woke up to Zyan's singing. Don't get me wrong he sings wonderfully but I hate when I am awoken by force. Sighing I went down stairs, to the dining room to find my whole family but Zyan at the table. My mother smiled at me. "Sweetie please come and sit down with us." She smiled and I do as I was told. Let me introduce my family to you. Iris Adams, the oldest of all of us and is the meanest, she has silver hair along with aquatic-silver eyes. The rest of the family has the same hair color and eye color except me. I have purple eyes. Winter Adams, the second oldest and she may look innocent but she loves sex. Rina Adams, the third oldest girl sibling we have and she has a tendency to torture people if they make her mad. Malcolm Adams, our eldest brother and is always causing trouble for our parents. Jason Adams is our second eldest brother who enjoys reading, playing around, and causing trouble.

      Zyan Adams, our third eldest brother, and always falls in love fast which leads him to spilling our information to others. Mason Adams, our fourth eldest brother and is always picking on me. Now for myself, Leo Adams, and is always staying to myself. Last but not least our youngest sister, Julia Adams, and is always the cute quite type until she is hungry or pissed. As for my mother and father I really don't know their names but they both reflect each other. Caring and kind yet my father act a little different towards me. "Leo, are you going to pray or what?" Iris hissed hating to wait for her food. "Ah…I’m sorry!" I said before praying our thanks and we started to eat.

       Zyan walked down to the table freshly showered and clothed. "Zyan dear you are not going to eat?" My mother asked him and he shakes his head. "No ma I am a little nervous." He answered kindly but he was the only one that called her 'ma'. "Oh, it is alright Zyan you'll make it just fine here." She said all trusting like, but most likely he did something that caused him not to be hungry. "Alright children go to school and enjoy your young selves!" My mother giggled and we all stood heading towards the door. "Hey, Leo do you want to ride with me?" Malcolm asked gathering his bags and I nodded "Yeah thanks brother." Happy that my brother offered so that I do not have to ride the bus filled with food. ~~~~~~~~        It only took five minutes to reach school since my brother drove fast. "Hey Leo...when we're here can we act like we don't know each other?" He asked for the first time. I felt my hand rise up about to slap him but he caught it. "Why, we’re brothers! Blood freaking brothers do you not care about me?!" I held my scream but it didn't help. Malcolm glared at me before answering "Because I am not going to have guys walk up to me asking if they can fuck you. It is very bothersome for me." He growled leaving the car before I could say another word. "I'm sorry for being a bothersome." I whispered mostly to myself and got out locking the car behind me.

     Sighing with my head held down, my day ruined.  I walked up the steps leading to the front doors of the school. Which I must say is beautiful. As I walked to the front office smiling like I always did there was a woman with long blonde hair. Walking up to her I shown my best smile (I loved to be the favorite. Being the favorite means special treatment). "Hello how can I help you? Wait! Are you one of the Adams kids?" The women with blonde hair asked cutely.  "Yes, I am Leo Adams" I tried hard to keep the smile since the office women should know all students face. "Oh dear, there is a lot of stuff to carry, okay here is your class list and your handbook and you locker number. Okay that was the basics now here’s your books I know it is a lot to carry, but once you settle in it seems like nothing. “She giggled as she handed me the stuff.

     "Thank you very much for the hard work. Please enjoy the rest of your evening." I said before leaving the office. As I was walking down the hall I heard her run after me. I turned to see what it was she needed and saw her thankful smile. "I forgot to give you your school map!" She gasped for air handing me the map. "You walk fast…should try out for track." She said before heading back to the office. Haha…me sports?! Shit no I hate sports and if I join that means pictures. That also means remembering our faces. "Leo! What class you got?" Julia asked speeding up to me, but before I could answer she took my class list out of my hands and sighed "You only have second hour with me." She said with a pout before forcing it into my hands.

     “You seem bored as always. Why don’t you try and get to know some people here?” She asked knowing the reason, but asks it every time we go to a new school. “You know the answer Julia.” I said annoyed already. What a great fucking day it is coming out to be. “Whatever just remember you have second hour with me. You can’t skip or I will tell mom this time.” She said with a wicked grin on her face. "Thanks for telling me sis or I would have." I said stopping in front of my first class. I looked at her with a large frown before walking into my classroom "Bye Leo" She yelled out giggling knowing that she was making me do something I hate. I heard a lot of gasp and people mutter (mostly the girls) about how handsome I was and if I was single. Stupid females can’t they tell I am gay? Sighing I looked up to see what I was working with and it seem there were more females in the class than males but that didn’t bother me.

     It was the way the females were looking at me. "Who may you be?" A young female with short black hair and strikingly blue eyes asked me. With a look that gave me the impression that she demanded my answer. "I am, Leo Adams, the new student. You should know since you are the teacher." I said a bit too harsh since she raised an eyebrow in shock, but also with an impressed look. "I see well, Mister Adams, go ahead and sit down.” She stopped for a few seconds and smiled “Sit over there next to Lucas Price" She said pointing to the boy in the back whom looked as if he was bored out of his mind. Nodding I went over to the empty desk that held nothing but a book-bag that I assume was his. "Excuse me; can you please remove your book-bag?" I asked as kindly as I could, but he looked at me his green eyes slanted with annoyance

       "Nope I won’t." The jerk said before looking outside. What makes his so perfect? Yeah, he might be sexy, but that don’t mean he has to be rude. "Fine then I can take care of that." I said picking up his back-bag, and dropped it next to him. "Now that is better isn’t?" I said clapping my hands together with glee and sat down. There were many gasps, snickers, and comments about me being stupid. "What the f..." He began but was interrupted when the door opened with my brother, Mason, walking in. "You may be?" The women asked again and my brother winked my way. "I am also your new student Mason Adams." He said soothingly along with a smug grin. "Oh? Brothers I assume?" She asked and he nodded with a large smile. "Okay you mind sitting here behind my desk until I ask for extra?” She asked him and he frowned, Mason didn't like being put up front, but nodded.

     “I’ve forgotten to mention my name so I’ll say it now. I am Mrs. Brown and that will be the only name you call me.” She said with pride. With that said she turned her back to the board as my brother sat behind her desk and spoke to me. She seems to have much pride doesn’t she? With a smile I nodded.  “Now, please open your books to p.120 to find The Cast of Amontillado. We will be reading this short story and make a report about the story and Edgar Allan Poe." She said as she wrote it on the broad when I felt something tapping my arm. I looked over to see a cute, innocent, looking girl holding out a paper. I smiled at her taking the paper from her. Opening it I realized that it was a letter stating her affection towards me.

    Which read as: Hi I am Annie. I know there is no reason for you to read this or even care about what I have to say. But I feel as if there can be a connection towards us. I know it is too soon so all I ask for right now is a friendship. Please write back. What affection can anyone have for me? She doesn’t even know me but what she said made me consider becoming her friend. My reply stated:  Please forgive me but I am not interested in a love relationship. Not only that I am not attracted to females. Don't get me wrong you are cute. We can be friends though. With that being said I began to read the story I have seen many years before. I mean I am sixteen just add two zeros behind it. I looked around feeling as if there was someone watching me and my gaze went over to Lucas to see his deathly stares on me. What an asshole.  My brother’s voice popped into my head. I know, but I don’t understand his hatred towards me. As I said that my brother turned his head acting as if he didn’t heard me. To my opinion he'll be fairly handsome if he wasn't so...angry looking. "What you staring at fugly?" He said loud enough for the class to hear and sadly there were a few snickers. "Hum-mm... it may be a rabbited dog." I spit back at him and once again there was laughter excepted from my brother.

    He watched with pure protection mode on. That wasn't a good idea! My brother warned me. "You two stop right there we have work to do. If you wish to continue this then do it after school." Our teacher hissed and we quieted well almost everyone. "Not my fault fugly was looking at me." And here we go again. "I beg your pardon. Do you ever shut up? All I hear from you is rude comments. Shouldn’t you know not to bully? Haven’t your mother thought you anything? As a big brother I must ask you kindly to leave my little brother alone. Leo is not ugly nor will he ever be. You child is ugly on the inside but fairly handsome on the out. I swear you hum-" he was about to say humans but I interrupted.

     "Hoodlums" and he nodded “You hoodlums are nothing, but trouble.” He said with his famous smug grin. Lucas glared at my brother and a lager smirk appeared on his face "Unless you are being rude to him because you fancy him." A low evil chuckle escaped his lips. Before a word left Lucas’s mouth there was a loud bang on the desk and Ms. Brown glared at us. “You three out of my class now and wait for me there!” She said with such anger that it made me shiver. If she were a vampire pure blood or not she would be very frightening. Brother? Why did you do that? You know we are not to physically fight humans? What would you have done if he run up to you and punched you?  I asked as I packed up my stuff.

     Before Lucas was done packing my brother and I was already heading for the door. Well I would have fought back but not use all my strength. I am not Malcolm or Zyan that would let you get bullied, and attack them at night. I am different. He replied simply as we waited outside along with Lucas glaring at us. “I do not fancy him as you put it. I must say you should stay out of it since I was talking to him not you.” He said strongly which made me wonder why he cared so much about his book-bag being moved. “I am only looking out for my brother. I don’t like it when others mess with him. It is my siblings and my job to do so. Not yours in any type of way.” Mason said in a voice that was to calm and yet scary with the venom in it.

     “Alright you brats you are going to get an ear full!” Mrs. Brown’s voice popped out from behind us and managed to make Mason jump. “I don’t know what is going on with you three, but you better work it out. I don’t care how, but you will and I will insure that it will be done with you all staying after class and clean up the classroom and grade some paper work.” She said in an evil tone that made me look at her closely before seeing that she was none other than a weretiger. Yes, weretiger, that was why she smelt like wild flowers and dryness.  “Do you all understand?!” She said roughly and we all nodded. “Good go back inside. First, Mason and Leo are staying out here a bit with me since they are new.” Mrs. Brown said and sighed heavily as Lucas went back inside. “Are you two stupid? Do you understand that we immortals can’t physically harm a human unless they are monster hunters?” She said a bit worried, but angry at the same time.

     “We understand that we are not to fight humans, but honestly it won’t hurt to fight with them if we hold back our strength.” Mason said with a matter-of-fact tone which made Mrs. Brown eyes twitch. “Alright, Mister Vampire don’t it occur to you why you have a teacher that is a weretiger or the fact the town store has ‘animal’ blood for sell but in all reality it is human blood?” She said annoyed that we were clueless. “We live in a town run by your father! You idiots there is at least one hundred monsters living here. The rest is human, but there are connections for us to live here without them knowing.” She sighed even louder with our questioning faces. “Did your father not talk you about this? Your family is the first to rule a town to where humans are not the only thing in it.” She said plainly, but Mason wasn’t having it “Our father would have told us if he was ruling the town right Leo?” He said asking for backup, but I didn’t answer since I wasn’t so sure anymore.

Chapter Two: Why?


Mason P.O.V-

         I thought about what I was going to say to my father when I see him at dinner tonight, but in all honesty I do not know what to say. Is what Mrs. Brown told us is true? I mean she did know who we are, and who are father was. Not to mention Malcolm and Leo have been acting different towards each other. Leo told Malcolm and the others that drive that he was going to walk. It was not normal for him to walk in heat like this. Malcolm didn’t stop him since he was normally more protective of Leo. Furthermore on my hands is Iris is complaining about how her day was and if you don’t listen to her complain she will make you listen by butting into your mind.

     “Mason, what is the matter? You never frown for this long.” Winter said as she walked into my room not needing permission since in her mind she doesn’t need it. “Winter…I feel confused…very confused. First Leo and Malcolm’s relationship is weird. They are not even talking to each other, and what is worse Malcolm is trying to talk to Leo and then there is dad and a teacher of our told us dad owns the town and have one hundred other monsters living here as well!” I growled at her and she looked at me calmly. “I see so father didn’t tell you about it huh?” She said thoughtful and then looked at me with concern. “You don’t have to worry about it since it is true father told us older siblings is all. He was going to tell you all when he felt it was a hit.” She smiled widely at me and sighed “Now for Leo and Malcolm’s problem. I do not have an answer for and I am worried about it as well.” Winter said hollowly since she normally doesn’t reveal her feelings.

       “Mason whatever you do don’t butt in with Malcolm and Leo it is for them to solve it and as for dad forget you ever heard it until he brings it up himself okay?” She said and just like that she left without another word. “Oh I forgot. Mother said to come down for dinner.” Winter said as she popped her head back in.  “See you down stairs.” She once again left. Why…must I have a weird family?

~~~Twenty minutes later~~~

    As we all sat down at the table there was a very heavy atmosphere involving Malcolm and Leo which brought the rest of the family to remain quite. We watched the two brothers sitting apart from one another. “Alright, that is it, Malcolm tell me what is going on with…” My mother raised her voice but was silence by Leo’s glare. Now there must be something very wrong with them if Leo dare disrespect our mother. “Leo! You sorry…” Our mother looked at my father with sadden eyes. “I am alright Richard. I know he does not mean to look at me like that and he has the right to feel angry towards whatever it is he is angry at.” She said calmly as she said his name for the first time in front of us.

   “But Emily if you let them slide like that is allowing them to disrespect you and me.” My father said her name with a bit of disappointment and sighed. We all looked around at each sibling except Malcolm and Leo they remain silent and unmoving. Well mostly Leo he was the one that gave of more of a vibe that dare any of us to mess with him. “Now Leo you are to apologies to your mother this instant!” My father said roughly and Leo got up and kissed our mothers’ cheek before leaving for the upstairs. “That damn brat…Malcolm what have you done to him?” My father said looking at Malcolm sorrowful face. “I…I told him to act as if we didn’t know each other.” He said as he slowly looked up at us “Father you try having to hear a lot of men coming up to you and asking if they can have his number and have their way with him! I cannot take it anymore!” Malcolm said as blood tears fell from his eyes. This was the first we saw him cry and my fathers’ face bright with anger.

    “How can you tell a family member let alone a brother that follows you like a puppy to act as if you didn’t know each other?! That is wrong in so many ways Malcolm you are to be an heir to this family and you can cast aside one member as if is nothing!” My father yelled and Malcolm rose from his seat. “You don’t understand father! You never understand!”  He exclaimed and our mother jumped in this time nothing but sadness on her face. “Malcolm, no matter how many time they come up to you, what you have done was wrong and very hurtful. I know you love your brother and this has put a large dent in your relationship with him…” She said thinking of a kind way to put what she had in mind. “You have to tell us what else you told him, because just that isn’t going to make him act this way.” She said evenly.

    “I might have added that it was bothersome and left without explaining what was bothersome.” He said bowing his head with grief.  A gasp left my mothers’ mouth and she ran up to him grabbing onto his shoulders. “How could you! Your brother hates that word all together! Have you not learned when he was younger and suicidal?!” She nearly screamed at him before leaving for the stairs with my father behind her. I looked at my sisters’ and brothers’ before speaking. “Malcolm, I understand how you feel and I been through it as well. I think all of us have, but you just have to put your foot down and tell them that they are not allowed to have our brother.” I said calmly with an expressionless face.

     “Mal…Even though we forgive you Leo hasn’t and you must tell him you’re truly sorry and nothing else. You will have to wait until he forgives you himself.” Iris said before leaving the room. “I don’t think you understand the problem here Malcolm. You keep saying no one understands when we all do and not only that you have used the forbidden word!” Rina’s voice felt like venom and he looked at us with a frown. “I didn’t mean to use it okay?!” He said as more tears fell from his eyes.

         *Flash Back*

   It has been ten hundred years since Leo’s attempt to commit suicide. We use to have an uncle that lived with us when we were younger and right under our noses he was abusing Leo. Mentally and physically he would always mention how Leo was always bothersome and how whatever he does is nothing but a mere bother for him. We don’t know the whole story since Leo won’t tell us.

     “Mom, why is Uncle Ivan cruel to Leo? Does he hate him or something?” I asked my mother when I was about sixteen thousand years old but beside that my mom looked at me with an expression I still can’t explain. “Sweetie, your Uncle is a little odd with Leo. We don’t understand it either.” She said and patted my head before getting up to check up on Leo. It was the first time a vampire ever caught a fever and she tended to him nonstop. “Ugh! Why is this child so bothersome?” My Uncle yelled and stomped down the staircase.

    “Brother, please the boy is sick that is all don’t make it into a scene.” She said before heading up to his room.  He frowned and looked at me with a wicked grin and went outside for god knows what. Why does he have to live with us? He is nothing but a pain in the ass. I thought coldly before going to find my brothers to play with. 

             ~~~Many weeks later~~~

   Leo sickness was over and he was once again healthy like the rest of us. My mother kept a sharp eye on him to make sure he was better and when she was pleased with the results she gotten the watching began to die down. “Leo, why does Uncle Ivan go to your room so late at night?” Malcolm asked Leo while we all were playing human. “I…I…I d-don’t know.” His voice tightens along with his body. “Why are you lying to us Leo?” Iris yelled at him and he pouted. “How rude how can you tell me that I am lying?” He returned and left towards the house with us all in confusion.  “Malcolm you two are closer. Go after him and see what is wrong.” Winter and Rina said as a union and looked at each other briefly.

     “I will but first let’s finish our game.” He said and we continued to do so until we all had to go in and eat dinner before going to bed. As the night went along I heard Leo’s door open at the same time it always opened. With my uncles muttering and Leo’s whimpering.  I wanted to go see what is going on, but I’m very scared of my uncle.

      The next morning my Uncle wasn’t to be seen and Leo’s behavior changed greatly. He had no life in his eyes and wouldn’t speak to anyone. We all worried but we were young and wanted to play around. So we did, but Leo went off into his room not wanting to play. Our mother told us to give him some space and hopefully he would be better by tomorrow. As the day went by and it was time for lunch Leo wouldn’t answer to our mothers or fathers callings. He wouldn’t even answer the door for any of our knocks. I’m sorry… was sent through all of our minds. As we got upstairs our father broke the door down to find Leo’s chest wide open with a knife in his hands and his heart barely out of his chest. My mother screamed as she saw her baby chest cut open.

    “Hold her back!” My father ordered us and went to Leo before gently pushing his heart back in place. We didn’t see is face, but we could tell he was crying just like mother. Then our father grabbed the knife in Leo’s hand and cut his own to press against Leo’s chest. “My baby…my baby…”My mother repeated over and over again. Why Leo? Why this? It was the only thing going through my mind and to see my father give his blood to the half dead Leo. It broke my heart.

*End of flash back*

  “Mason you didn’t have to think of it again! It is something I don’t want to remember!” All the siblings said as a union and I frowned. “I’m sorry I couldn’t help it.” I replied and Malcolm’s body shook with sadness as he thought of how he was a horrible brother for saying such word to his youngest brother.  We all heard my mother scream and all looked up at each other before running up to see what happen. “Mother what’s wrong?” We all said together and looked to see what she was screaming about and it was Leo on the bed throwing up. How could he be sick? He hasn’t been sick since that time.

      “How could he? There can’t be a reason for him to be sick…” My mother said and my father went over to Leo touching his head. “Son, did you do this to yourself?” He asked and Leo’s unnatural pale face looked at my father. “No…I am just to stress. It is not a fever either.” He said before wincing. 

Chapter Three: Family Issues

Malcolm P.O.V-

*Flash Back*

       It has been a little over ten hundred years since Leo tried to commit suicide. I wish I paid attention better and tried to stop my uncle from doing whatever it was. We only know the basic abuse our uncle implied on Leo. Mentally and physically hell Leo didn’t even tell us that. He just admitted that it happened to him, and what’s worse he won’t tell us all of what happen.

   “You little brat stay still…” My uncle’s voice came from Leo’s room and my body shuddered. “If you bite me again I’ll…” His voice went lower as if he knew someone was listening. After a while I heard Leo whimper about how he was sorry and everything went quiet. I sat in my bed confused at why Leo was allowing Uncle Ivan to be mean to him. “You little fucker you are nothing back a bothersome!” My uncle’s voice growled and Leo done nothing but whimper. With that there was a door click twice indicating that the door opened and closed.

     When I thought everything was settled I would hear Leo’s soft sobbing begging for it to end. But what to end what was uncle doing to him? Why isn’t he fighting back? Why doesn’t he tell mother or father? The sobbing continues until the early rise of the morning, and then there would be the shower starting right at six in the morning no later or no sooner. –Knock- “Come in Iris” I noted since Iris scent was like a minty spring river. She walked in slowly before closing the door quietly.

    “It is time to get up and shower, but of course you knew that though right?” She stated since Iris knew us more than we did ourselves. “Yes, and Uncle Ivan was in Leo’s room again.” I commented on the visits Leo gets from our uncle. “And he has fever!” I nearly wanted to yell, but what good would that do? Iris raised an eyebrow and shook her head. “Mal…we don’t know if he were helping him last night or not. Don’t grow so angry over such.” Iris defended our uncle and to be honest I hated it.

     I glared at her and looked down. I know I can be over exaggerating, but there is something deeper than a normal checkup. “Yeah, hey do you mind leaving? I need to change.” I said and she left without another word. When I was fully dressed I greeted my family and went to see how Leo was doing. “Hey Lee, How are you feeling?” I asked stupidly since by looking at him was enough to see how he was feeling. “Good, I don’t feel the burning anymore.” He smiled happy to see me.

   “That’s good…what happen to your arm?” I commented on the bruises forming. “Oh? I didn’t notice. Haha it must be a way my body to heal.” He answered calmly but I knew otherwise. “Oh…okay well I am going to go and play. Get better soon so that you can play too.” I said rushing out of the room not wanting to cry at the sorry sight of him. My little brother that had a nasty pale color along with dark marks on his body, and not to mention his eyes red from crying.

~~~Many weeks later~~~

        Leo has gotten better and it was a relief to the family. Well except our Uncle Ivan. When all of us were outside in the guest house playing humans I thought of many ways to confront Leo about our Uncle visiting him at night. Even with him being better. Iris agrees with me the next time she visited my room in the morning that something was wrong. “Leo, why does Uncle Ivan go to your room so late at night?” I asked him and he looked at me with fear in his eyes. “I…I…I d-don’t know.” His voice tightens along with his body.

          “Why are you lying to us Leo?” Iris yelled at him and he pouted. “How rude how can you tell me that I am lying?” He returned and left towards the house with us all in confusion.  “Malcolm you two are closer. Go after him and see what is wrong.” Winter and Rina said as a union and looked at each other briefly. “I will but first let’s finish our game.” I said looking back to where Leo had run off to. I wish that I had the confidence in seeing what is wrong with him.

        When we all finished dinner and headed up for bed I briefly went to Leo’s room with a large smile on my face. “Leo…please talk to me about what Uncle is doing to you.” I said and Leo looked at me with a frown before replacing it with a smile. “Mal…he is doing nothing to me. I don’t know what you are talking about” He said calmly, but in his eyes you can tell he was lying. “Fine don’t tell me, but come to me after he hurts you even worse than now.” I said filled with anger and betrayal.

        With that I left his room and went straight to mine, and decided to put something in my ears to forbid me to hear what happens. The next morning Uncle wasn’t to be seen and Leo’s behavior changed dramatically. He looked as if had not soul and wouldn’t speak to anyone not even mother. We all worried about him but we were young and wanted to play around. That was the only way for us to keep our minds off it. But instead Leo went off into his room not wanting to be messed with. Our mother smiled weakly at us and told us to give him some space and hopefully he would be better by tomorrow. As the day went by and it was time for lunch Leo wouldn’t answer to our callings. He wouldn’t even answer the door for any of our knocks. I’m sorry… was sent through all of our minds. I felt a sharp agonizing pain in my chest and we all rushed upstairs with our father in the lead. As we arrived our father broke the door down to find Leo’s chest wide open with a knife in his hands and his heart barely out of his chest. My mother screamed as she saw her baby boy’s chest cut open. My mind went blank. What is going on?

    “Hold her back!” My father ordered us and went to Leo before gently pushing his heart back in place. We couldn’t see his face, but we could tell he was crying just like mother. Then our father grabbed the knife in Leo’s hand and cut his own to press against Leo’s chest. Using a healing technique we learn at a young age. “My baby…my baby…”My mother repeated over and over again. Why Leo? Why this? Why not come to me for help! Right…I told him not too. I did this to him.  It was the only thing that kept going through my mind and to see my father give his blood to the half dead Leo. It just broke my heart.

*End of flash back*

       “Malcolm, you don’t have to sit here and watch me all night. I am not going to harm myself. I swear.” Leo’s ice cold voice broke through the nightmarish past. A past I wish I could change. Looking at him made me sigh in pain. Leo looked at me with his purple eyes glaring at me as if he were sending daggers my way. “I am not leaving you alone. I swear I didn’t mean to say that word! I love you and you can talk to me all you want at school! Please stop hating me!” My voice cracked and tears once again left my unwilling eyes.

    Leo stared at me with no expression and I shook my head. His silver bangs fell over his eyes. “I don’t care…” He said looking at me with anger filled eyes. Sure, you don’t care. I thought quietly and watched as Leo glare at me again “Out.” He said softly and I looked at him confused. “Get out! I want Rina to watch over me!” He yelled and coughed roughly. I felt shocked my little brother might truly hate me. “Malcolm, I can take over go on and go to bed.” Rina said popping in with a sympathetic smile. “Whatever” I replied and left the room not wanting to see the smug look Leo gave me anymore.

    Rina P.O.V-

         “Leo” I said and walked over to my sensitive little brother. I sat down softly on the bed ignoring his protest. “Why are you giving him trouble? He is working hard for your forgiveness.” I said and watched his movements. “I don’t want to be a bothersome anymore.” He said with regret to his voice. “I…I don’t want to be…” He stopped for a minute and looked around before remembering what time period it was. “Leo?” I asked concerned. “Rina I am not going to harm myself please. I want to be alone and I haven’t thrown up.” Leo’s eyes pleaded for me to accept his pleading. “Fine, but only for a little while and if I come back with you hurt…” My mind froze at the thought and my heart cringed.

       “I will kill you myself and very slowly at that too.” I said walking out of the room trying hard not to think of the fatal night. Leo, he may seem loving, but in reality he is quiet cruel and cold hearted. Shaking my head I went down the stair way giving Leo some room. I felt hurt growing in my chest, since I know that Leo never really been like this…not until that man…that evil man attacked him.

*Flash Back*

         It all started about ten hundred years ago when my little brother tried to commit suicide. Ten hundred years ago I felt my heart fall out from my chest, and ten hundred years ago when he changed.

       “Winter, I think we should play another game. I am getting really tired of this one.” I said to Winter, but Iris looked at me glaring. “No, we have to finish this one!” She shook her head not feeling the least bit happy. “Sister, you should be nice! Mommy said so!” Julia chewed out Iris and she frowned, but soon replaced with a faint smile. “Alright Julia if you say so.” She laughed slightly and looked around for Leo.

     “What’s wrong?” Winter asked watching my gaze turn towards the location Iris was looking at. Julia got up heading towards the place when she finally reached the place her face went pale. “Rina! Rina! Come here!” She screamed before calling out to our mom. All of us got up running towards Julia seeing a limp body that belonged to Leo.

           His beautiful pale skin was a nasty, sweaty, and nearly transparent. “What happen to him?” Winter asked to herself and my mind studied his body and come to a conclusion. “He has a fever.” Our mother’s voice came from behind us and smiled while she picked up the burning Leo. “It is very rare for a vampire to get sick.” She said calmly and walked towards the door.

    We all watched puzzled, but it didn’t matter since our mother showed not concern for his illness. But what bothered me the most was seeing our Uncle grinning evilly at the scene.  As the time went by Leo soon became better and was ready to play with us until Malcolm asked Leo a question we all was wondering. Leo lied that our Uncle wasn’t doing anything to him, but we all knew better.

     But when night came and the family fell to rest I heard uncle leave his room to head down the hall where Leo’s room rested. Iris always plays it off as our uncle tends to him. I didn’t believe it. Not one bit since Leo was no longer sick and our uncle had not right to visit him. I heard the muttering and whimpering that happen all the time, but this night…this night something else was happening.

        “Rina, you okay sweetie?” My mother asked me and I looked around knowing that tears was falling from my eyes. “Yeah I’m fine…I should go back and check up on Leo.” I said sighing Idiot you sworn that you wouldn’t think of that night again. I chewed myself out about slipping into that evil night. “Leo?” I said walking into the room to find Zyan in there watching the sleeping Leo.

      “Zyan are you okay?” I asked knowing all too well that he wasn’t. “Not really…I think I know what happen with Leo and that man.” Zyan whispered slightly and looked at me with such sadness that could break you in a fit of tears. “What do you mean?” I asked since I know Leo never speaks of that night. Hell he will act as if that night never happened.

     “He…he was whimpering a-and said ‘Uncle…don’t please no it hurts.’ And then he said ‘Uncle what is that? No! NO! I don’t what that!’ Rina I think that man raped Leo.” Zyan said trying to hold back his tears, but it was no use you can always tell when we cry.


Texte: Photobucket
Bildmaterialien: google and photobucket
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.11.2012

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