
Chapter 1...Introductions.

I've been like this for 596 years never moving on always stuck as this as a monster, I never wanted to be this i never wanted to be a vampire a monster i was young, immatore didn't know what i was getting my self into until i was one of these.


I was walking down the street with my friends,It was my 19th birthday party and me and my frieinds were out on the town and i vaguely heard them talking about vampires.

"Vampires,Yeah because we all want to not age and be round forever yeah i would love it but we can't all get what we want these days it's just in movies" Yes we were all a bit drunk but i didn't know what i was saying it would be good to not age and live forever but as i said it's just all in the movies.

My laces came undone and i was drunk so i slured to my friends to go on so i sat on a near by bench near an ally way but as i had finished up doing my laces i felt the wind shift but i paid no attention to it but as i was just about to get up and walk back to my friends in a millisecond i was pinned up agaisnt a wall with a red eyes man infront of me.

"Welll well well calm down im not going to kill you but make a decision become one of me or i'll kill you i need to make someone before i die so make one young one" I didn't know what to do or in fact what was happenening so i nodded and then i felt a sharp pain in my neck and in my whole body and a while after i fell inconcious from the pain.

Flashback over.

That was the worst decision i have ever made but we cant go back as much as i want to i cant and as i woke up i was alone they guy wasnt there and i could go back to my friends knowing what i had become a monster, I travled on my own until i had found a vampire covin well they found me sitting in a forest with the bunny i had fed of as i went for thr first thing i could get and they took me in Marie and David and i dont know what i would be doing know if they hadnt have found me and took me in with them.

"Chloe you cant keep on thinkinh of that day it was nearly 600 years ago" Marie said from the doorway so i spared a glance at her from the window seat i was perched on at the moment thinking of that moment like it was just yesterday and not 500 odd years ago.

"Okay and i'll be down in a second" She nodded but i heard a faint David want's to see you knowing i could hear i chuckled and stored the memories at the back of my head for another time when im alone, I walked down the stairs and into the open plan kitchen were David and Marie sat together in eachother' embraces and i cleared my throat awkwardly as i stood in the door way.

"Oh yes Chloe We have a treaty coming up with the werewolf's and i want you to go and sort it out for me if you would't mine you leave in 5minutes" He looked away not really giving me a say in what i would like i dont know what Marie see's in him i love her to bits but him i detest him and i think he knows it but for what they have done for me i owe them my life but sadly there are very few ways in to kill a vampire and if i may say so as much as i hate being what i am im not ready to die yet.

I went upstairs and got a little rucksack and threw a few clothes in there sitting on my bed for a while until i heard my name being called by what i were supposing David as the fucker must forget we have sensetive hearing,I went downstairs and they were waiting by the door and Marie gave me a hug and David well he just walked off couldnt wait to get rid of me quicker could he i thought, I walked out of the house with the satnav in my hand and to my car were i programed in the directions Marie gave me and pulled up off of the drive and through the towns.

I pulled up on to the drive and looked up to a big house and there was like a little village there were other little houses around it so im guessing that was the Alpha's house and his close family and friends who lived there and the stench of wolf hit my nose i was tempted to gag and hold my nose but breathed in and held my breath as it was a normal thing for me to do.

I got out of my car with my ankle hight boots and jeggins with a simple t-shirt and black sunglasses so no one could see my eyes but i got a few stairs well glares and growls but i just brushed it off but inside i knew they all though i was a monster who went around feeding off of human blood so when i got into the middle and had just about everyones attention and even people from the Alphas house were standing outside as i felt one powerful ora and one of an old Alpha and Alpha Female so i took of my sunglasses and let my long black straight hair fall from it's high ponytail and looked at all of them with my golden coloured eyes.

"Yes im a vampire a monster some of you may say but i didn't really have a choice on what i have become it was either die or become one of these a monster but i detest what i am okay so stop with the glares and growls i would do anything to be human i try to be human but it's near impossible im only here for buisness then im gone and no i dont drink human blood i promise that so if anyone dies it's not me i only drink animal blood so my eyes are gold not red im sorry" They all looked at me and im suprised when a little girl around the age 6 came up to me and all of the adults watched and i looked down to her and she held her hand's up to me and i picked her up and sat her agasint my waist she was beautiful she had a baby face and chestnut hair wich was in 2 pigtails.

"I love your hair i wish mine was like that" She said and i laughed as she started playing with it and with my free hand a started playing with her little pigtails that were tied up with 2 little red bows.

"Sweety my hair is nothing compared to your's i would love to have your hair my hair is not natural my hair was brown but shh no one needs to know that but your preatty green eyes and that dress you will have all the boys chasing" The little girls eyes went wide like she couldnt belive it and i nodded and she threw her hands around my neck and i hugged her back and she all but jumped down her little pigtails swaying as she ran to her mummy and told her what i said but i knew she could hear and she gave me a smiled and i nodded and looked towards the Alpha's house and i think everyone was shocked to say the least.

A boy no older than 21 stepped out and i instantly knew he was Alpha now as his ora was powerful and he came over to me and i kept my head down in a sighn of respect even though i was a vampre.

"That was quiet shocking as Tiffany never comes to people she normaly hides behind someone so im guessing she likes you and you can look up you know we wont bite well not now i think you have proven yourself and im Shane" I looked up into the most blueist eyes i've ever seen and i stiffened as the world stopped and it was just me and him and a slow smile came to his face and the people around us gasped and i came back to reality.

"Ermm im Chloe its nice to meet you well all of you actualy" Shane smiled at me and i looked around and i think they were even more shocked now and i looked back at Shane with a confused look but he just smiled and grabbed my hands and it sent waves a tingles coursing through my whole body and i shivered as it made me feel warm all over, Shane led me through the mass of people into the big house were he led me up the stairs and what im guessing into his room were he locked the doors and sat me on the sofa.

"What was that about?" Shane laughed but it sounded forced and i knew something was wrong so i got up and walked to him were i turned him around and he had tears coming out of his eyes so i pulled him to me and he wrapped his big arms around me and sobbed into my neck whilest i just held him not knowing what to do.

"My dad he died and i havent talked that much and i never smile but you come and here i am i just feel like i shouldnt" I shook my head at him and gently pulled him away from me and grabbed his shoulders.

"Shane i dont know you but i know what your going through ive had two watch my parents and siblings age and then die and me stay at this age watching them slowly die but would your dad want you to be unhappy wouldnt he want you to go live your life to the fullist but not forget him just have fun and then come back and think about him what he would say to you so dont live your life an unhappy one because i didnt know your dad but he would of been mad at you okay" He nodded and smiled at me and he had big bas under his eyes so i led him over to the bed and lied down with him and he pulled me into him and it wasnt an uncomftable silence it was a good thinking one.

"Are you ok" I felt him nod and his hands came circling around my waist and i smiled at the feelings i was getting for him but then i rembered the treaty so i slowly sat up and he sat up with me and i smiled at him but it was forced.

"Shane you know i came here for a reason we need to sort out the treaty but i need to talk to your pack again like all together this time i know you probaly dont want to work but i came here for a reason i dont want to do it but im sorry the quicker we do it the quicker it's over and i have other buisness to attend to" He nodded and i leaned over and kissed him on the cheek and he gave me a genuine smile and pulled me off of the bed and we wetn out of the room and back down the stairs, We went outside to the back yard and there was a lot of people even more than before,Shane grabbed my hand and we did get some looks but he gave out a growl and contined pulling me to the front were we stopped and i saw the little girl Tiffany i think came running up to the front and the people tensed as she ran straight into me and i picked her up and swinged her around and the people were eyeing me but i just nodded to them signalling that i would never hurt her.

"Hey sweetie pie have you gotten more beautiful since i last saw you" She shook her head and i nodded to her and she again put her hands around my neck and nussled into the crook of my neck.

"Come on were's your mummy" At that a girl who had the same features of Shane came out with big purple bags under her eyes and when she saw Tiffany she gave a sigh and came up to us and i handed her to her and she looked at Shane and he gave her a side hug and Kissed Tiffany's forehead and took her out of her arms.

"Go rest now Sia it's okay i'll look after my charming niece go we dont need you here sis please" She nodded and kissed Shane's cheek and Tiffan's and walked back through the crowd of people and i looked over to Shane who was playing with Tiffanys hair and smiled and looked back to the crowd of people.

"Okay the reason i came here is because of the treaty between our two lands now my clan is willing to let your werewolfs come and pass through freely no strings attached we have our land's to hunt on but im warning you the vampires there dont all drink on animal blood but we cant do anything about that we're trying though but i want to make it offical by sighning a contract being me and your Alpha setting out rules and if we break or you do its invalid we do whatever we want but i dont want violence ive been around for a long time and i know what it feels like and like what i said earlier i hate being a monster i had no choice die at 19 or live but i didnt know the consenqunces of my actions" I heard them take an intake of breath turned around to Shane and he smiled at me and i held out my hands for Tiffany and he handed her to me.

"Now you heard what Chloe said and i fully agree with her i dont want violence here neither that's all and please try to be nice" Everyone started disperding and Tiffany was falling asleep in my arms and Shane made a signal to follow him and we went back up the stairs and down two sets of hallways until we reached a pink door and he opened it and it reavled a pink princess room, I set Tiffany down on her bed took her shoes of and tooked her in and looked back at Shane and he was looking at me.
"Your good with kids Chloe" I looked away knowing that i could never have my own kids to look after, I brushed the hair out of Tifs face and she looked so peaceful to say the least.
"Shane you forget i cant have kids ever thats another thing im alone never having kids or anyone to love me because what i am nobody gets me when i was first turned i deprived mself of blood but i would have died so i had to feed and i found a guy who was following a young women i fed but hated it the blood it sent me no thrill nothing" I looked over to Shane and walked over to him and he pulled me to him and i felt those sparks again and instantly snuggled into him and he chuckled but started playing with my raven black hair.
"You have me now okay me im not letting you go please just stay dont go back there please for me you know your my mate but please i've been waiting all my life for you your human to me and even that i dont really care what you are your mine" I looked up at him and put my hands on his chest.
"Im no-ones okay not to sound mean and yes i know im not dumb but you'll get bored of me you'll soon resent me for being what i am for not being able to give you kids" He looked down at me and placed his lips on mine and after a minute i couldnt keep control and kissed him back.
"Aww ucee Shane's got a gurllfriend"We broke up hearing Tiffany say in a baby voice and i laughed as she was rubbing her eyes but then bouced over to us and stood infront of us.
"Shhannney i want some sweeties pweassse" He smiled and i knew he was just getting back to that from what i have heard and she even put her puppy dog face on it was soo cute i couldnt resist and grabbed her hand and Shane looked at me and sighed.
"So she has to get you wrapped around her finger" I faked glared at him and Tiffany was leading me out of the room skipping with her hand in mine and led me down some stairs and a few halls until we reached a kitchen and a few of the pack guys were sitting down and Tiffany ran to a draw and a few seconds later came out with a lot of sweets in her hand.
Tiffany grabbed my hand even with some sweets in her hand well they always said girls could multitask, Tiffany led me over to the table with the guys and Shane followed and we sat down and i got some looks but Shane lowly growled but i heard it and they quickly succried of so it was just us.
"Chloe here you go" Tiffany passed me a sweet and i looked at Shane and as he was about to speak i quickly kissed him to shut him up but he shook his head looking at the sweet but i looked at him and opened the sweet and warily put it to my mouth and put it in and wheww it tasted of a mixture of things.
I quickly chewed and swalloed knowing i would probaly throw it back up with blood later but hey the girls having fun,Tiffany was eating her little heart away and when Sia,Tiffanys mum came in and saw me and Tiffany eating sweets she looked at me and the sweet in my hand but shook my head and she looked at Shane going to speak but he cut her of.
"It wasnt me she did the puppy eyes and Chloe fell for them and it seems shes wrapped around her little finger and now shes got her eating when she shouldnt now im worried about her" Sia's eyes went wide and she came over and picked Tiffany up.
"You fell for the eyes well Shane does to so you have something in common so she knows you will do anything for her now your doomed now lets go and see daddy" Tiffanys eyes lit up and they went out of he room and i looked at Shane and he picked m up and put me on his lap with his arms around me.
"You shouldnt have eaten now im worried about you" I nodded but was about to say something but ran to the sink and through what i had just eaten up but as humans throw up vomit and what they have eaten i throw up blood and now sweets up, Shane came quickly and held my hair up whilst rubbing my back.
When i was finished i washed the sink from blood and turned around to see a oncerned Shane looking at me and i just put my arms around him and rested my in the crook of his neck knowing i had to feed now.
"I have to feed the blood i through up was a lot and if i dont ill have no control want to come i wont eat you you can go in wolf if you wish i mean if you want to im not making you-" He nodded and grabbed my hand and led me out of the double doors leading to a back yard and a few years away was a deep forest and i looked to Shane and i heard popping and the sound of bones reforming and looked away but when something nudged my leg i looked over to see a wolf and he was huge he came to past my waist.
Shane was a dark black wolf with a pink nose he looked so lush , I stroked his hea and he made a sound that sounded like a laugh so i tugged and he looked up at me and i raised my eyebrows but he only gave a wolf smirk if that was possible.
I sped off into the wood with vampire speed not warning Shane but in a second i looked over he was there so i pushed myself thurther and faster and i think he was going easy on me as an Alpha he can go faster so he would be able to meet my speed or possibly go faster, After a while we slowed down and i stopped looking at Shane.
"Okay i changed my mind what if you dont like what you see,can you turn around when i feed please" He nodded his head and i looked around using my hearing and there was a deer i presume running this way and when it came in my eye sight it didnt seem to see me but as it came closer i lunged and ripped out his veins in his neck and started draining its blood.
After i had drained all of it i wiped the blood away from my mouth and retracted my fangs back in and turned around to see Shane looking at me and i looked him in the eyes and he didnt look disgusted and horrified he had a look of affection and another that i couldnt understand but i walked over to him and he lied down and i sat down while he rested his head on my legs.
"Im done now we can go soon you need to get sleep i only need an hour" He nodded and we got up and ran the way all back until home and when we got back to the back doors i looked away while Shane changed but as i turned around someones lips were on mine and i felt the sparks and put my hands around his neck and pulled him to me and now we could do it without any interuptions.
I pulled back and we just stood in eachothers embrace until he grabbed my hand and we went back upstairs past Tiffanys room and stopped at a white door and enterned were it was a light blue with a double bed draws all that a normal room would have.
Shane gave me some joggers and a t-shirt and told me where the bathroom was and i got changed and when i went out i nearly gasped as Shane had no t-shirt on and grey joggers like the ones he gave me but they hung low on his lips.
I walked over to his bed and got in and he got in the other side and i rolled over as far as possible but he chuckled and pulled me to him and i gasped at feeling his exposed warm skin and the sparks going through me and for once i felt warm.
"Go to sleep stop temting me okay" I felt his chest rumble so probaly him laughing and he rubbed cirlces at were the top had risen up and i shivered and put my hand over his to stop him.
"What are we because i dont want it to be you just getting into my pants" That did make him stiffen and let out a growl and in a second he was straddling me looking down at me with black eyes.
"Dont you ever think i want to just get in your pants i want to be with you i'll tell you something when my dad died i craved my mate more i never smiled or talked but now i want to be with you seriously!" I looked up at him and put my hands around his neck and brought him down and placed a soft kiss on his lips and i felt him visibly calm down.
"I want to be with you well only if you dont want to just get in my pants" He wrigled his eye brows in a humorly manner and i shook my head and raked my hands through his hair.
"I want to be with you even if i have known you just over a day now sleep big boy"He gaved me one last kiss and lied back down and pulled me to him and after a few mintues i felt his breath even out so i slowly and carefuly got out of the bed and found a piece of paper and a pen and started writing.
Im not leaving you i meant every word i said i do want to be with you i promise but i need to go back home for a bit i'll be in contact soon i promise i'll come back just please dont forget me.
Love Chloe xx
I set the note down on Shanes bed side table and got changed into my clothes and put my sunglasses on and went out of the door and instead of getting in my car i started running forgeting about my bag and trying to forget about Shane but failing and pushed my self faster.
I didnt know how long it took me to get home but i ran inside rushing past my parents and up to my room were instead of last time i was getting my backpack i got my suitcase and got all of my clothes shoes ect and put them into the suitcase.
I had packed all of the stuff i needed and went into my little saftey deposit box and grabbed all of the money and grabbed my suitcase and ran out of the house and gathered one of the cars and sped of back into the direction to Shane's.
I found a motel about 10minutes away from Shane's and got the most dearest room for 3 nights and settled in as much as i could and got changed into some pjs and snuggled up in bed wishing Shane was beside me.
I woke up feeling refreshed and got out of bags feeling glum as i got changed into some jeggins and a t-shirt and my black sunglasses and got the treaty finalised papers knowing i had to go back, I got into my car and drove the 10minute drive to Shane and the other pack members houses like a little village.
I got out of my car and went up to the house and walked in as the door was open and walked in and after standing a few minutes Sia and Tiffany came out and she ran up to me and i picked her up and swung her around.
"Hey missy i missed you but i have to go see your uncle" She nodded and i looked over to Sia to see her tear streamed face and knew she had tried to clear it up but with my vampire eyes i could see.
"Tiff baby go find daddy yeah ill be there in a second you know Shane hes gone back to how he was when dad dies hes not talking or eating he found a note" I looked at her and hung my head.
"I know but what will people think no one will aceapt me remember what i am im here for the treaty thats all im sorry i really am were is he?" She nodded to upstairs and i went up and went to his room and went in and his stuff was everywere and Shane was sitting on his bed with an emotionles face on, I closed the door but he didnt look back at me.
"You didnt think i was going to leave you that easily did you, I had to come back remeber and im sorry" His head snapped to me and he got up and walked over with what i assume the letter in his hand,He stood infront of me and i didnt look up until he put his finger under my chin and made me look at him.
"Talk to me shout at me tell me to leave please anything i dont want you to keep giving me chances just sighn these and i can go or whatever you wont" He leaned down and placed his lips to mine and i kissed him back and led him over to the bed and without breaking the kiss i laid him on his back and straddled him and took his t-shirt on and ran my hands around hs chest and over his 6pack wich made him shiver.
I was teasing him by dipping my hands closer west woods but brought it back up after and he growled and tried to turn me over but i had a tight grip of him so i was dominating him.
"Stop trying its not going to work baby" He growled and with all his force managed to straddle me and as he tried to take of my shirt i stopped kissing him and using vampire speed sped over to the other side of the room holding my hands to my chest.
"Im sorry im just uncomftable not like that more like self concious" He got up without his t-shirt on and came over to me and lifted my face up to meet his and i shivered at the new found warmth going through me.
"Dont be your beautiful and your my mate and i cant bear to be without you and i did think you had left me and for the first time it wasnt over my dad it was over you because i care about you Chloe i do and im falling in lov-" I cut him of by putting my lips to his and holding them there to silence him and pulled back after a minute.
"No your not i cant be loved please dont say those words i cant be loved i will hurt you when i feel pressuared or stressed i run away from my problems and that's what i was doing i was running because i am to but i cant we cant please you cant love me" He looked pained and i went over the words and i knew it sounded like i probaly didnt want him but he looked at me once more then left the room leaving me shocked,upset and angry at myself and when a thought came to my head i immedialty put it to the back of mine knowing i could not i would not feed of a human im not like that.
After my internal battel with myself i soon won and came back to my sences and went out of the room and down the stairs to see Tiffany holding Shane while he had his head rested on her shoulder with red blood shot eyes and i knew he had been crying,I walked into the room and Tiffany first spotted me and slowly walked out of the room and wow she was mature for her age.
"Shane you know i didnt mean it like i didnt want you it's just that i cant be loved by anything who would love a thing like me a monster i was born to feed of of humans to hunt to be indestructable but i didnt i dont want to be made like that" He looked up and i walked over to him and put my arm around his waist whilst putting my head on his shoulder.
"I jus get paranoid im Alpha and i cant be strong i'v changed im not the lively cocky Alpha im broken and when i first saw you i wanted you because i knew you were my mate and i dont know a bit of came back i guess but when you left it was like a bit of me left with you to i need you more than anyone now so will you stay with me and be my girlfriend Chloe because im falling in love with you" I didnt stop him when he said it i just smiled and cuddled more into his shoulder.
"If i had the option of becoming human and sacrifising you i would stay like this and be with you with no cares in the world but Shane what about the council i know im not falling for you no Shane dont look at me like that im going to say i have gone far past falling for you im in love with you and i would love to be your girlfriend have to stay with me in my room tonight and everyother night i want you to pleasee because you love m-" I cut myself of as i realised i was going to say because you love me and h only told me he thought he was falling in love with me.
"Dont stop i love you i just didnt want to say it because i didnt know of you felt the same way but yes i will stay with you and everyother night i want to" I looked up at him and pouted and he had on a cocky smirk as he changed my words around and i gently leant up and pressed my lips agaisnt his but he wanted more after a slow kiss he pushed me on the sofa and staddled me holding himself up on one arm and the other securely round my waist.
I proceeded to take Shane's new shirt he must have put on and took it off of him forgeting we were in the living room and any of the pack could walk in any minute but hey Shane had all of my attention.
I ran my hands down his chest and he shivered and continued to suck and bite on my sensetive spot on my neck yes we can have hickeys only from the supernatural as they have more strenght than humans to do it and we can still feel pleasure and all.
"Shane..Ohh"I moaned and felt Shane smirk and start sucking and biting harder and making me moan laouder until we heard a voice screaming from in the door way.
"Ahhh no Chloee boyyss haveee cooties youu cantt kiss unceyy Shannee he hass cootiiesss ewwww youuu havee themm" I heard Tiffany's voice as she dragged out the words but Shane rolled me over so i was on top of him and so Tiffany couldnt see anything and i looked over to her and he eyes were wide and mouth opened.
I smirked down to Shane and i think he got the idea and he reached for his t-shirt and put it on and we stood up facing Tiffany and if it was possible her eyes got more wide and as we approached her she ran but i didnt use my vamp speed and nor did Shane use his werewolf as Tiffany has not changed yet so she still runs slow to us.
We let her stay infront for a while until i and Shane picked up our place and as we reached the kitchen we grabbed her and started smothering kisses over her while she screamed and tried to wipe her face but failing.
After i felt the prensence of people we pulled back and Tiffany was wiping her face trying to get all of the 'cooties' of that we had given her and she looked at everyone and they were looking at all of us intil they went and Sia and a guy who looked a bit older than us came out and was holding hands with Sia so i assumed he was her mate and Tiffanys dad as she ran to her mum and dad and they looked at me and Shane until Tiffany opened her mouth.
"Daddy,Unceyy Shane was kissing Chloee and he gave her cooties like you do to mummy and they ran and kissed me and gavee me cooties now i have them" I chuckled as they both looked at us trying to hide a smile and grabbed Tiffany's hand and walked of explaining how to 'get rid of cooties'.
"I cant belive she caught us we should be more careful what if we got to into it anyone could have walked in Shane err i love you to much i cant stay mad at you" He came over and pinned me to the counter and as he tried to kiss me i new it would get out of hand so i turned my head so he would kiss my cheek and when i looked up he looked a but upset but i put my arms around his neck and pulled him to me giving him a hug and he put his arms around my waist.
"No it will get out of hand...again im not trying to denie you just wait a bit im not that ready okay Shane come on i want to right now just not yet but i have to go out and you need to sigh the papers can you do it now" He nodded and i grabbed the papers out of my back pocket and unfolded them and he read over it then sighned it and handed it to me.
"Your not going to leave are you?" I shook my head and leant up and kissed him on the lips then pulled back.
"But i do have to go and sort the papers out it could take a day" He looked at me and frowned so i sighed and looked at him.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.02.2012

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