
1.New kid.

Dear diary

It's the last day of summer break and then back to school tomorrow, it has gone to fast but there is one positive point that I get to see my two best friends in the world the stylish Courtney and the lovely Emily.

Emily and Courtney have been my friends since primary school and we are still together now.

Hope tomorrow will be a blast.


I set my diary down and chucked the blankets over my head for a nice peaceful sleep

Beep, beep, beep


“Err school better get up

I lifted the blankets and quilts from me and went over to my dresser and had a look and my hair was all over the place so I plugged my hair straightners in and started combing my hair then straitening it.

I walked over to my closet after I was finished doing my hair and adding a bit of makeup on and decided to wear a crop top and some shorts as it is sunny outside and you don

t really get many of these days in Alaska.


“Tasha are you ready your going to be late

Me: “Yes mum im ready im just getting my bag”

I picked up my back of the window ledge and ran downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast and walked out of the house and onto the street.

It took me about twenty minutes to walk to the school as my car is in for repair as me and Courtney trashed it into dustbins when we were drunk but luckily I didn’t get my drivers licence took of me only a warning and then my mum had a go at me and my dad had a go at me down the phone as he works around the country so I don’t get to see him a lot as I used to.

Courtney: “Hey Tasha over here”

I turned around to see Courtney and Emily standing by are usual tree we sit at because we get to school early so we can talk.

Me: “Hey guys how was your summer”

Courtney: “Not that good really my mum made me meet her new boyfriend and I wonder how long that will last”

Emily: “Well I met a guy and we are friends but I like him a lot and we better get going or were going to be late”

Me: “Oh yeah class”

We walked in silence for the rest of the walk to the parking lot were we would meet up with other friends and talk.

When we got to the parking lot everyone was crowded around a Aston martin vanquish v12 so me and Courtney went to look what was going on and a guy appeared from the drivers side of the car he was HOT! He had blue jeans and a black t shirt that showed his muscles and his hair brown hair covered his eyes.

Me: “Seems like there is a new kid”

Courtney: “And he is totally hot you should go for him we all know what your like with guys you wont let anyone get in your way when you want someone”

Me: “Hey that makes me sound like a bitch and a slut witch I am none of them ok then maybe im a bit of a bitch at times”

Ok so maybe Courtney was right a little that if I want something I will not let anyone get in the way of that but I do consider other peoples feelings to.

Courtney: “Why don’t you go and introduce yourself now that the crowd has gone”

I didn’t see the crowd pass and go as I was caught in one of my day dreams again but I was considering to go and talk to him.

Me: “Ok then”

I walked over to him were he was leaning against his car.

Me: “Hi im Tasha nice to meet you”

Guy: “Hey im Kyle nice to meet you Tasha”

Me: “So have you just moved here then”

Kyle: “Yeah I just moved here”

I didn’t realise the bell had rang until Courtney shouted me from the front doors of the school and I said I would be a minute and she should go ahead.

Me: “What’s your first class”

Kyle got a schedule out of his bag and ran his finger threw it.

Kyle: “Ummm I have English”

OMG I had the same lesson as he did eeeeeepp.

Me: “I have that lessons to do you want to walk together”

Kyle nodded and then we started walking threw the parking lot and up to the school.

When we entered English class I went to sit down and Kyle followed me to the empty seat next to me and about a minute later Mr.Howard came into the room.

After about ten minutes of the class I received a note so I picked it up and it said…

Hey Tasha what’s your num J Kyle.

So I wrote back

Why do u want it J Tasha.

I passed him the note and he read it and started writing again.

Because then I can txt you after school J

I read the message and wondered if I should give him my number as I have only know him for like half an hour.

My num is 07785264771.

I passed him the note and he folded it up and put it in his pocket and then I turned back to the front and the bell rang and I didn’t even know what the lesson was about but I thought oh well.

I picked up my bag and was going to go out of the classroom but Kyle stopped me.

Kyle: “Hey I will text you later”

And then he walked out of the class before I could ask for his number but I just let it drop and walked to my next class.

The day went by in a blur and the next thing I know im with Courtney and Emily walking home and were talking about the new guy Kyle.

Emily: “So Tasha what do you think of Kyle”

Me: “He’s ok I guess and hot oh I got to go guys I will text you both In a bit”

I walked of from Emily and Courtney saying bye and then walking down the road to my house.

When I got in the lights were off so I went into the kitchen and there was a note there saying that my mum and dad have gone on a business trip and wont be back until Sunday yay I thought to myself four days to my self.

Why I was day dreaming of what I was going to do my phone vibrated an I picked it up out of my pocket and I had a text from an unknown number so I read it and it said…

Hey Tasha its Kyle I need to talk can you meet me at the park in 5 minutes.

I replied back to Kyle saying I would be there in five minutes and so I picked up my jacket and left to go and meet Kyle.

I made it to the park in five minutes but I didn’t know were Kyle was so I searched the park but I couldn’t find him so I went to have a look near the lake and I found him sitting there with his head in his hands so I went over to him and put my hand on his back and he looked up and I smiled.

Me: “Hey what did you want to talk about”

Kyle told me to sit down so I did then it went silent until he broke the silence.

Kyle: “Tasha I need to tell you something well there are two things actually and I don’t know how to say either of them but I…I think im falling in love with you Tasha”

I didn’t know what to say we had only know each other for a thew short hours and he is telling me he loves me but I don’t know how I feel about him though I like him a lot and I think im falling for him to.

Me: “Kyle I…I think im falling for you to but what was the other thing you wanted to tell me”

There was an awkward silence between us and I didn’t know if I should say something or not.

Kyle: “I don’t know how to say this and I don’t know how you will react but I want you to promise me something and that is that when I tell you, you wont leave me”

Me: “I promise you I wont go any were not without you, you are my life now Kyle”

Kyle: “Tasha im a werewolf”

I couldn’t say anything at that moment all I could do was stare at Kyle thinking that he was a werewolf but that didn’t change how I felt about him I still love him no less and im glad he told me his secret.

Me: “Kyle I don’t care what you are”

When I said that he lifted his head and I looked him in the eyes and smiled.

Kyle: “But there’s another thing im the alpha of my pack and you are my mate”

Me: “Kyle what’s a mate”

Kyle: “Tasha a mate is your soul mate the person who you will spend your life with a mate is like the other half of you”

I snuggled up to Kyle and rested my head against his shoulder and he rested his head on my head and I got his hand and entwined our hands together and looked up to him and smiled and then I lifted my head up to his and kissed him passionately.

It felt like the kiss lasted for ever not just a few minutes but I pulled back to get some air.

Me: “I love you Kyle no matter what you are”

Kyle: “I love you to”

We went back to looking at the lake only then did I realize that it was dark and we could see the stars and I pulled my phone out to check the time and it was already seven o clock I thought to myself its been four hours we’ve been here I could stay in Kyle’s arms forever but I had to get back.

Me: “Kyle I have to go”

Kyle: “Oh ok ill see you at school tomorrow”

I thought about tomorrow and I didn’t really want to go to school so I thought im going to ditch tomorrow its not like my parents will find out.

Me: “Actually you wont see me tomorrow at school cause im ditching”

Kyle: “And why would you ditch you would have nothing to do”

Hmm I thought to myself what if I could get Kyle to ditch with me.

Me: “I will tho your ditching with me now lets go your

Coming back to mine my parents are gone for four days”

Kyle: “Aren’t you a bad little girl”

I just smiled and grabbed his hand and we walked back to mine.

When we got back to mine I made me and Kyle some dinner and we ate and I learned more about him and he learned more about me it surprised me that we had so much in common like are favriote colour was blue and we like the same bands.

After we had finished dinner we washed our plates and sat on the couch together and watched TV.

Me: “Do you want to stay over tonight”

Kyle: “Hmm ok then”

Me: “Lets go”

I walked up the stairs and into my room and got my pyjamas out and went into the bathroom to change.

When I got out of the bathroom Kyle was sitting on the end of my bed so I went over to him and sat on his lap.

Me: “You are now my new teddy bear”

Kyle: “And I thought I was something more than just a teddy bear”

Me: “You are baby now lets get some sleep im tired”

I crawled into my bed and under the covers while watching Kyle take his shirt and jeans of so he was only in his boxers and he climbed in bed and put one arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

Me: “I love you Kyle”

Kyle: “I love you to”

Me: “Good can I ask you something”

Kyle nodded and I went on.

Me: “Why did you think I would feel different when you told me you were a werewolf”

I looked up at Kyle and he was smiling down at me so I smiled back.

Kyle: “I thought that you wouldn’t like what I am and that you would run away and never want to see me again”

Me: “Kyle your stupid I still love you no matter what you are”

I leaned up and pecked him on the lips and then went back to lying down on his chest and omg he has a six pack.

The next morning I got up and I felt an arm around my waist so I turned around and Kyle was still asleep so I pecked his nose and he smile so I kissed him on the lips and boy did that wake him up for sure.

The kissed didn’t last that long so I pulled away for some air and jumped out of bed to take a shower and to get changed.

After I had taken a shower I got dressed into some shorts and a purple v neck t shirt and tied my hair back into a messy bun.

I walked back into my room and Kyle was still lying in my bed so I went over to the bed and sat on the edge and watched Kyle.

Me: “Kyle you cant stay in bed forever”

Kyle: “Ok then im awake”

Me: “Lets go”

I pulled his arm out of the bed and he rolled onto the floor and then started to get changed so I ran downstairs in a fit of laughter to the kitchen to make some pancakes.

Be time Kyle got down I had already made so many it could feed an army of people.

Kyle: “What you cooking”

Me: “Pancakes sit”

Kyle sat down and I gave him a plate of pancakes and I did myself a couple and started eating.

After we had finished we were sitting on the couch watching TV when my phone went off.

Hey were are you, you aren’t at school xxx Emily

So I was thinking of telling her I was with Kyle or not hmm.

Hey Em sorry im sick ill see you tomorrow xxx

I waited a coupe of minutes and my phone went of again.

Hope you get better cya tomorrow xxx

I put my phone down and started watching TV again.

Kyle: “What do you want to do today then”

Me: “I don’t know”

Kyle: “Do you want to meet the rest of my pack”

Me: “Ok then”

Kyle got up and helped me off the sofa so we had to walk meet the rest of the pack.

Me: “So were we heading then”

Kyle: “My place”

Me: “Ok then”

We carried on walking for like half an hour until we passed some houses and there were only single ones we had to make a turn that led us on a path and at the end of the path was a beautiful white house with like five cars parked out front.

Kyle: “Come on were here”

Kyle grabbed my hand and we walked inside and he led the way and we went round a corner and like four people were there.

Kyle: “Hey guys this is Tasha, Tasha these are Bobby, Zack and Lucas”

Me: “Hi”

Guys: “Hey”

Kyle led me to the couch and pulled me on his lap.

Kyle: “So guys what’s been going on around here whilst ive been gone”

Bobby: “Well nothing really except that May has been coming round like five times a day”

Kyle: “Ok then why cant she get over the crush she has on me already”

I looked back at Kyle and raised my eyebrow and he just smiled and kissed me on the nose and trailed kisses up to my ear.

Kyle: “You’re the only girl I love”

That made me shiver a bit but I smiled.

Me: “Good cause I love you to”

And then Kyle pressed his lips to mine and we kissed slow and romantically.

And yet again I had to pull away for air.

Me: “You are going to kill me one day”

Kyle: “Im sorry your just so irresistible”

Me: “Haha so you would kill me for that”

I looked at the guys and they were holding back laughs so I gave them my deadliest stare and they soon stopped laughing.

Me: “Kyle you want me to tell you a secret”

Kyle nodded so I went on.

Me: “I didn’t like you when I first met you”

Kyle: “And why was that”

Me: “Because I thought you were a player”

Kyle: “Oh thank you”

I looked up at him and smiled and pecked him on the cheek and whispered in his ear.

Me: “I did think you were hot though”

I looked back at the guys and they were doing there own thing.

Me: “So do you guys have a girlfriend”

Lucas: “Nope but Zack and Bobby do”

I nodded and turned back to Kyle who was going to kiss me but I pulled back.

Me: “Big bad wolf trying to seduce me now”

Kyle: “Oh sorry then I will keep to myself”

Me: “Good it was only a crush I had on you any way I will get over it”

Kyle: “Oh so now im only a crush after I tell you my secret and I thought you loved me”

Me: “Aww baby don’t get upset I do love you”

Kyle: “Well good”

I looked at my watch and it said half past three and then my phone vibrated so I read the text.

Hey its Em me and Courtney are coming over be there in ten xxx

Me: “Kyle I have to go”

Kyle: “Why”

Me: “Because I told my friends that I was ill and not going to school so there coming over in ten minutes”

Kyle: “Well ill walk you to the end of your road so they wont see me because I bet you didn’t tell them you were with me”

Me: “Nope I didn’t and bye guys”

I waved to the guys and me and Kyle started walking back to my house.

We were down he road from my house and Kyle had to go so my friends wouldn’t see him.

Me: “I will see you tomorrow”

Kyle: “Bye I will text you later”

I gave him a kiss on the lips and ran down my road and into my house and ran up the stairs and put my pyjamas on and rushed down stairs and out a thew tissues and scattered them on the sofa and sat down.

After about another five minutes the door knocked so I got up and opened it and there was Emily.

2.Friends or enemies.

Me: “Hey Em where’s Courtney”

Emily: “She had to do something I just wanted to check whether you were alright but I have to go my mum is waiting for me so I will see you on Monday”

Me: “Yeah I am feeling much better and yeah I will be back on Monday bye”

I waved to Emily and she ran back to her car and I closed the door and went back over to the couch and laid down.

After about ten minutes threw the film I was watching on the TV I drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling awkward my back kills and my neck is stiff I thought to myself that’s what you get for sleeping on the sofa.

I got up and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast and then I heard my phone vibrate so I ran over to the couch and got it and it was from Kyle it said:

Hey babe wuu2 today <3

I smile and replied back.

Hey I don’t know what im doing today come over im feeling down and I need to talk <3

After I ate my breakfast and cleaned my plate there was a knock on the door so I ran up from my seat and ran to the door and opened it and I saw my perfect boyfriend standing there like a god that had fallen from the sky.

I walked away from the door and Kyle followed and I slumped down on the sofa.

Kyle: “So what’s up”

I signalled Kyle to sit down and he did but I didn’t know how to tell him that I think we should spend some time apart so I can think but don’t take it the wrong way I love Kyle and I don’t want to lose him but I need time to think as we have only know each other for a short period of time.

Me: “I don’t really know how to explain this so im just going to say it but when I do don’t think that I don’t love you”

Kyle: “Tasha what’s wrong”

I looked away from him while I said it because I felt to ashamed of myself.

Me: “Kyle I…think we should take some time apart I just need to think about things but know that I love you”

Kyle: “Ok I get what you mean have all the time you need”

And with that he just got

up and left so I ran after him as he had gone out of the door but I could tell he felt sad and he thinks its all him and when he told me he was a werewolf that he thought I didn’t love him.

Me: “Kyle please wait”

Kyle had gone and I couldn’t stop him because I didn’t know were he was but I felt guilty now that I had told him I need some time to think and be alone not that I didn’t love him and that I didn’t like what he was but in true fact I love him no matter what he is he is still Kyle.

I went back into the house and I cried myself to sleep thinking about what I was going to do.

The next morning I woke up and went to the bathroom were I saw that my eyes were puffy red and my hair was a mess so I got the brush of the side and started brushing it and I put it into a messy bun and went upstairs to get changed.

When I had got changed I went back to the couch and picked up my phone so I decided to text Kyle that I needed to talk to him.

Kyle its me im sorry but I don’t want to lose you and im going crazy thinking I hurt you please just call me I still love you <3

I put my phone in my hands wondering if he would read my texts or not so I thought I would give it an hour and then call so I waited.

1 hour later…

It had been an hour and Kyle hadn’t called or texted me back so I decided to call him myself.

I picked up my phone and dialled Kyle’s number and it rang and rang but he didn’t answer until it came on to voice mail so I put the phone down and got my shoes and coat on and went out of the house and to his house.

I was outside Kyle’s house but I didn’t know weather to knock or not so I went and knocked on and then the door opened and I was face to face with Zack.

Me: “Hi Zack have you seen Kyle I really need to talk to him”

Zack: “Hey Tasha yeah Kyle’s in his room go see its upstairs and the second one on your left.

Me: “Thanks Zack”

He smiled and let me in and I went upstairs and looked to the left now Zack said it was the second door so I went two doors down and I was there I put my hand on the door knob and turned.

When I went in the room was pitch black all the lights turned of and the curtains closed so I walked in and closed the door behind me.

Me: “Kyle”

I searched across the wall for the light switch and finally I felt something so I moved my hand along and it was a switch so I flicked the switch and the lights came on and there was Kyle on his bed face in his pillows I thought he was asleep so I crept over to him and sat on the edge of his bed and looked down at him he was sleeping.

Me: “Kyle its me wake up”

I gave him a nudge and he opened his eyes and the blinked a few times to get properly awake.

Kyle: “I thought you need some time apart”

Me: “Kyle I know I said that but I thought about you and me and I didn’t know were we were heading now and I needed time to think that I actually do love you and I do and I was stupid enough to think that you didn’t love me back and im sorry”

Kyle: “Tasha you thought I don’t love you I do love you more than you think and if I didn’t why would I have told you my secret”

Me: “I know that now but I was stupid and I thought wrong but can you forgive me”

Kyle: “There is nothing to forgive you for”

I looked up at Kyle and he was smiling up at me so I smiled back and he pulled me on the bed and I lied down beside him and he put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head.

Me: “I do love you”

Kyle: “I love you to”

At that moment I got a text message so I leaned up and got my phone out and it was from Emily.

Hey Tasha its Em and I was just wondering if there was anything going on between you and Kyle there have been rumours?

I looked up to Kyle and passed him my phone and he read the text and started putting something and then he passed my phone back to me and I read the text he had sent Emily.

Hey Em yeah me and Kyle are dating and I don’t care who knows.

Me: “Kyle why did you do that”

Kyle: “Im sorry”

Me: “Im going to go its getting late”

Kyle: “Why cant you stay with me”

I looked up to him and kissed him and then pulled away and then waved him bye and then walked out of his room.

When I got home I went straight up to my room and took my shoes of and then plopped on to my bed and got my phone out and I had a missed call from Courtney so I decided to text her.

Hey Courtney what’s up J

She texted back after like five minutes of me waiting.

Hey I need to tell you something im coming over ill be there in two minutes.

I got caught up in thought of what Courtney was going to tell me and then didn’t realize that someone was banging on the door so I got up off my bed and went to the door and it was Courtney so I let her in and we both went and sat on the sofa.

Me: “So what do you want to tell me”

Courtney: “Well Tasha I have to tell you something and I want you to listen”

I nodded for he to proceed and she did.

Courtney: “Im a witch”

I gasped and the looked over to Courtney and she looked sad but I gave her a smile and I thought to myself I had just only found out that Kyle was a werewolf now I find out that my best friend is a witch.

Courtney: “I have to tell you something else to do you know how im adopted and all and my real parents are dead I found out who killed them and it was…Kyle”

I gasped and then froze and I had to make myself look at Courtney.

Me: “Please leave”

She nodded and then left and when I heard her close the door I broke out in tears had Kyle actually have killed my best friends parents.

I couldn’t get my head around the fact that my boyfriend was a murderer and why did he kill them they were good people I remember me and Courtney when we were younger we used to help her mom bake and me and Courtney used to end up having food fights instead of cooking anything so I thought to myself not Kyle he is sweet and I cant do this anymore him and me.

I got my phone out and decided to text Kyle.


That’s all I could bring myself to put to him no explanation and I would be happy if I never saw him again for that matter I then didn’t here my phone go off so I took it and opened up the message I had got from Kyle.

Tasha what why please I have done nothing wrong?

I could feel the anger boil up inside me and I had to let it out before I let it out on someone who didn’t deserve to be.


3.Truth or lies?

I woke up the next morning and all that happened yesterday came flooding back to me and I couldn’t bring my self to get up so I looked at the clock on my bed side table and it read 7:00 so I hoped out of bed and decided to go to school.

I was on my way to school and I could see Emily and Courtney and when they saw me they waved me over to them but I nodded and continued on walking and went to the school library.

I got up out of my seat of the back of the library when the first bell rang signalling that we had to go to lesson and I was dreading it knowing that Kyle would have the same lesson as me but I thought to myself while walking down the corridors If he would be here or not.

When I got to my first class and that was English I glanced around and found Kyle looking at me but I just walked passed him and sat on my own at the back of the class.

All threw class I could feel his eyes on me so I turned to were he was sitting and looked him in the eyes and I could see a mix of confusion and sadness so I mimed over to him go to hell and turned back to the front of the class.

After class I went to leave the classroom but two strong arms pulled me back and I tried to get out of there hold on me nut they were to strong so I looked back and there was Kyle.

Me: “Let go of me you jerk”

Kyle: “Why did you put them things on text last night”

Me: “If you really love me as much as you say you do then let me go and stay the hell away from me I promise you I wont tell but In return answer me one question”

Kyle nodded so I went on.

Me: “Kyle have you…killed anybody in your hole life”

Kyle: “No but come over to my place later and we can talk there not here”

Me: “Ok”

He finally let go of my arm and I left the classroom and went to my next class.

The day went in a blur and the next thing I knew was that I was at home eating my dinner.

After I had washed the plates up I got my coat on and went out of the house and over to Kyle’s place and when I got there Zack opened the door and let me in.

Me: “Hey Zack what you been up to”

Zack: “Nothing much really what’s going on with you and Kyle he’s bin acting like a ghost every day”

Me: “I broke up with him but were trying to sort things out”

Zack: “I thought you were his mate”

Me: “Yeah I know but I had to break up with him Zack even know it is breaking my heart I will catch up with you later”

I waved to him and gave him a hug and then I went up to Kyle’s room and knocked and then walked in.

Me: “Hey”

Kyle: “Come and sit down”

I went and sat down and we sat in silence for a couple of minutes.

Me: “Kyle did you kill Courtney’s parents yes or no”

Kyle: “What of course not”

Me: “She told me that and she also told me she was a witch”

Kyle: “Tasha I didn’t kill her parents I swear to you”

I looked Kyle in the eye and I only saw truth but why would she lie to me.

Me: “Why would she lie though I’ve know her all my life and she has never lied I don’t know who to believe”

Kyle: “Please Tasha I didn’t kill her parents”

Me: “I know im dong this again but I need time for myself to talk to Courtney and other stuff I believe you Kyle but why would she lie I got to go my parents are coming back in an hour”

Kyle: “What is going on between me and you then are we still together because I don’t know what I would do without you Tasha I love you”

Me: “Kyle we need some space and I love you I need time”

I went over to him and kissed him like it was are last kiss and then pulled back with tears rolling down my cheeks and hugged Kyle and I whispered in his ear.

Me: “Goodbye Kyle I love you”

Kyle: “I love you to come back soon”

Me: “I promise”

And with that I walked out of the room and downstairs to find Zack, Bobby and Lucas with beers in there hands so I went over to them and sat on Zack’s lap.

Zack: “Are you ok”

Me: “I don’t know I just got told that my boyfriend killed my best friends parents but then he said he didn’t and I don’t know who to believe so im on top of the world right now”

Zack: “Tasha Kyle has never killed any humans accept vampires that’s all I swear”

Me: “Thanks I believe you and Kyle told me that but I didn’t know”

I looked up to Zack and smiled.

Me: “So lets talk about something else not just my life so how you guys been doing”

Bobby: “Good just checking out girls all the normal things”

Me: “Hope you have look with that”

Lucas and Zack burst out laughing while Bobby just stared at me.

I waved them off and I ran back up stairs into Kyle’s room and he was there still on the floor with his head in his hands so I went over to him and took his head and I put my lips to his and I laid us down so I was on top of him.

Me: “I thought about something that Zack said and I knew you wouldn’t lie to me and its not like I can stop loving you”

Kyle: “Thanks I love you”

I put my lips back onto his and we literally stayed like that for like half an hour and then I remembered my parents so I pulled back.

Me: “I have to go my patents will be back soon”

Kyle: “I will text you later bye”

Me: “Bye”

I got to my house about twenty minutes later my parents were already home.

Me: “Mum, Dad I have missed you”

Mum: “We have missed you to sweetie but we will have to catch up with you in the morning we are so tired from the plane night”

Dad: “Night sweetheart”

Me: “Night”

I went to the kitchen and got a drink of milk then headed on upstairs and into my room.

I set my milk down then got my diary and went over to my bet and tuck my shoes of and got a pen and lied down on my bed.

Dear Diary

I know I haven’t wrote in a while that’s because I have been having trouble with Kyle but were past him but there’s a part in me that doesn’t think I can trust him.

Love Tasha.x

I set my diary and got under the covers as my phone went off and I looked who it was from and it was from Kyle.

Hey baby I miss you xx <3

Hey babe I miss you to I will see you tomorrow im going to bed <3

I put my phone down and let sleep consume me.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of pancakes coming in my room so I got out off bed remembering that I still had last nights clothes on so I went to my closet and changed and then went downstairs were my mum and dad were eating pancakes.

Mum: “Here honey sit I made pancakes”

Me: “Thanks but I cant stay for long im meeting someone so I will talk to you later about your trip”

Dad: “Oh honey we are sorry we have to go on another business trip out of town and we wont be back for two weeks im sorry”

Me: “Its ok go ill be fine I love you goodbye”

After we said our goodbyes I slumped into my chair nibbling on a pancake.

I got up and washed my dirty dishes and then went over to Kyle’s place it only took a ten minute walk so I was there in no time and I went up to the door to knock on and Zack was there to answer it.

Me: “Hey Zack is Kyle here”

Zack: “Actually he got called out on an pack meeting and will be gone the whole day you can hang out with us if you want”

Me: “Ok then and I would love to hang out with you”

We went inside and into the living room were Lucas and Brody were.

Zack: “Hey guys Tasha is going to hang out with us if that’s ok”

Lucas: “Yeah sure come sit”

Lucas patted the seat next to him and I sat down next to him.

Me: “So what’s been happening lately”

Lucas: “Nothing much just getting drunk, girls the usual”

Me: “Oh more like you get rejected and then get drunk to forget about it I get it”

Everyone burst out laughing but I was trying to keep a straight face but inside I was laughing.

Lucas: “Haha very funny”

I then got a text and I wondered who it was from so I looked and it was from Kyle.

Hey babe I got caught up in pack business im sorry I will be back by half six <3

I had a look at the time and it was only half three now only three more hours to go.

Hey babe its ok I will be alright on my own I was thinking of calling Emily love you <3

Zack: “oh my god I have just found out May has moved across the Country that’s a relief”

Me: “Can I ask who May is I heard she had a crush on Kyle”

Zack: “Well umm she and Kyle were friends but May

Wanted it to be more than friends but Kyle knew she wasn’t his mate and then she became obsessed and didn’t leave him alone and she changed for the worse so it’s a relief she’s gone”

I look a Zack and nod but I cant get the feeling out of me that it must have been hard on May for her to like someone and then get rejected.

Hey Courtney its me we need to talk meet me at the park in 5.

Me: “Guys I have to go im meeting my so called best friend who said Kyle killed her parents so I will cya”

Zack: “Have fun”

I smiled and said goodbye and I was at the park in five minutes and I saw Courtney sitting on one of the benches so I went over and sat beside her.

Me: “Kyle said he didn’t kill your parents”

Courtney: “Tasha I have know you a long time and you have barely know him a week and your dating why would I lie”

Me: “I love Kyle and I know we have been friends a long time but why would he lie and how do you know anyway you have no proof”

I look at her and there is a smile on her lips.

Courtney: “Tasha when I told you I was a witch I started having dreams and I saw Kyle and my parents and then he killed them so I went to see why I was having these dreams and someone said im seeing the past”

Me: “I don’t know what or who to believe but you’re the most important people in my life and I don’t want to lose any of you and I don’t want you to make me choose cause it would be Kyle always im sorry”

I looked up at Courtney and she had her head in her hands.

Courtney: “It seems like you have already chosen but you will find out the truth one day bye Tasha”

Courtney got up and left and I didn’t stop her because I would have had not look so I decided to see what Emily was up to.

Hey Em its Tasha can you meet me in the park on the benches I have something to tell you J

I waited five minutes but I didn’t get any text back so I thought Emily wouldn’t come but she did at the moment I was going to leave.

Emily: “Hey Tash what’s up”

Me: “Sit…so im sort of going out with Kyle”

I looked at Emily and she was practically jumping off her seat.

Me: “That is awesome but I have to go because im going on holiday for a week so bye text me later I want to know everything”

Me: “Ok Ok bye go have a nice holiday”

I sat on the bench alone for about half an hour then checked my phone to see that it was six all ready so I got up of the bench and started walking home.

I got home in five minutes so I made some noodles for myself and started eating them.

After I had finished my bowl of noodles I was half way threw washing the dishes so I wiped my hands and went to see who it was and it was Kyle.

Me: “Hey come in”

I walked to the sofa and sat down and Kyle followed me in.

Kyle: “Tasha I have to tell you something”

I hate it when someone says that it always makes me feel like there going to say something bad so I nodded for him to go ahead.

Kyle: “Well when I was away I had to kill a vampire and there was another one but he got away and he is after us and he wants to hurt you to get back at me”

I didn’t know what to say Kyle had killed a person well not at person but it was close to one though.

Me: “Kyle why does it want me”

Kyle: “Because the vampire I killed was a girl and the guy who is after us both they were in love and he has been following me so he will get to you to get back at me and we need to go”

Me: “Ok lets go my parents are gone so they wont know”

Kyle got up so I followed and we went into his car and drove off.

Me: “Kyle were exactly are we going”

Kyle: “We are going to my place the pack already know so there just getting ready and then we are going to are safe house not so far away”

We made it to Kyle’s in less than five minutes at the speed he was driving at so we stepped out of the car and Kyle came over to me and entwined our fingers together and we entered Kyle’s place and went to the living room were Zack, Brody and Lucas were standing there chatting with bags scattered everywhere with most probably clothes in them.

Kyle: “Lets go me and Tasha will take my car you three take Zack’s and meet us at the safe house we just need to get Tasha some clothes call if there is anything wrong”

They all nodded and headed out with all the bags and it was left with me and Kyle.

Kyle: “We are going to go back and get you some clothes so come on”

We walked back out and drove back to my house were I got a bag of clothes and put my diary in to so I could write about how I was feeling that I didn’t really tell anybody else.

2hours later…

Kyle and I had been driving for way over two hours and I was starting to run out of things to do and I was getting bored.

Me: “Kyle are we there yet”

Kyle: “Look there”

I looked at were Kyle was looking and on the horizon I could see a little two story cabin and we pulled up to the drive and it was so beautiful that I didn’t notice that Kyle was dragging me inside.

When we were inside it was beautiful it had a huge fire and then we entered another room and then we saw Zack, Brody and Lucas and two other guys who I didn’t know.

Kyle: “Hey Jeremy, JJ what are you doing here”

Kyle looked at Zack and he just shrugged.

Jeremy: “We were being hunted and we didn’t know were to go”

Kyle nodded and then grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs to a room which had a beautiful queen size bed a huge closet and a bathroom.

Kyle: “Are you ok”

Me: “Fine so how long are we going to be here”

Kyle: “I don’t know”

I went to sit over next to Kyle were he was on the bed and then rested my head against his shoulder.

Kyle: “I promise you nothing will happen to you I would die then let that happen”

Me: “I know but your not going to die”

Kyle: “Come on lets go down stairs”

I nodded an Kyle grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs to see all the guys on 2 sepreate sofas.

Kyle: “Hey Jeremy, JJ this is Tasha, Tasha this is Jeremy and JJ”

Me: “Hi”
JJ: “Hey Tasha nice to meet you”

Me: “You to”

JJ: “Oh yeah Mia will be here soon guys”

Zack: “Cool I have not seen her in forever”

While the guys made conversation Kyle lead me threw a hallway and then we came to the kitchen.

Kyle: “Are you ok”

Me: “Fine why you ask”

Kyle: “You just look a little of did I do something”

I looked up to Kyle and he looked sad so I went over to him and hugged him.

Me: “Of course not you’ve done nothing wrong”

I looked up to Kyle and pecked him on the lips but then it become deeper and Kyle picked me up and put me on one of the counters and I put my legs around his waist to bring him closer to me and then I pulled back to get some air and put my forehead resting on his.

Kyle: “You hungry”

Me: “Yeah make me food”

Kyle: “Do it yourself”

Me: “Pwease Kyle for me”

Kyle: “Ok then you know your going to make a great Alpha female”

Me: “And what’s one of them”

Kyle: “Because im the alpha of my pack and you’re my mate you will be there Alpha female so the pack will listen to you as they would me”

Me: “Ok then hurry up with some food im starving”

Kyle got out of my grip and then made something I wasn’t really paying attention and then he passed me a plate with 2 sandwiches on.

Me: “Thank you”

I hopped of the side with my sandwich and skipped into the front room were the guys had taken all the seats up so I skipped along and sat on Zack’s knee.

Me: “Hey Zack whatcha doing”

Zack: “Nothing what’s up with you today your acting different”

Me: “Thanks for the complement but you had only met serious Tasha now this is awesome Tasha”

I looked up to Zack and smiled and then grabbed my sandwich and took a bit and swallowed and it was mustard ewww.

Me: “KYLE!” I yelled and he came running into the room and looked to me.

Kyle: “What”

Me: “Are you trying to take my taste buds away this is horrible you don’t even know how to make a nice sandwich how did I ever get stuck with you”

I mumbled the last part to myself and I knew Kyle heard me.

Kyle: “Well im so sorry and then next time make your own”

Me: “I will and Zack can I ask you something”

I looked up to Zack and he nodded.

Me: “Do you think Kyle is cocky, stubborn and maneliptive”

Zack: “Don’t get me into this”

I put the plate on the coffee table and went over to Kyle and stood in front of him.

Me: “Kyle you are the most cockiest person I have ever met you know that”

Kyle: “Oh ok then and now your just being mean and I thought you loved me”

Me: “Sometimes I think that’s the only reason I stay with you”

Kyle: “No you love me to much to leave me”

Kyle put his hands around my waist and I put my hands around his neck.

Me: “Nu-uh”

Kyle: “Yeah-uh”

Me: “Nooooo!”

Kyle: “Calm down we get it”

Me: “Good”

I looked up at Kyle and then pecked his nose and he went down to kiss my lips but I moved my away.

Me: “No the big bad wolf trying to seduce me now”

All the guys burst out laughing and Kyle just looked at me and I smiled.

I got out of Kyle’s arms and grabbed my plate and went skipping into the kitchen were I threw the sandwich in the bin.

I went back to the front room and Kyle was sitting down so I went and sat on his lap.

Me: “Kyle what time is it”

Kyle had a look at his watch and then it read 8.30 im so tired.

Me: “Kyle can we play truth or dare pwease”

Kyle: “Ok then guys you up for it”

Guys: “Yeah sure”

All the guys and me were sitting around the coffee table on the couches ready to play truth or dare.

Me: “Ill start now I play it differently cause im awesome I will choose the person next to me and tell then truth or dare and ill pick they will do whatever and say whatever and then he tells the person next to him truth or dare ok lets go”

The person next to me was Kyle hehe.

Me: “Kyle give Lucas a hickey”

Kyle: “Im not doing that”

Me: “You have to now do it”

I looked over to Lucas and smiled and Kyle leaned into Lucas and then started sucking his neck and after about minute he pulled away and I leaned over and there was a hickey forming there.

Me: “Kyle give Zack a truth or dare”

Kyle: “Zack have you ever kissed one of your friends girlfriends”

I looked over at Zack and he seemed at bit hesitant but then he carried on.

Zack: “Yeah”

The game went on for about two hours and then we became tired and I snuggled up to Kyle and then I let sleep consume me and I felt someone pick me up and then put me on a bed and then jump in beside me and I opened my eyes to see Kyle looking down at me and I snuggled up to him more and fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning I woke up and I looked at the clock and it read 5:45 so I got out of bed trying to not wake Kyle up and tip toed down the stairs and got a glass of milk and why I was doing that I glanced at the window and there was a man standing there with brown spiky hair with red eyes and he smile and waved and I saw two fangs so I screamed and then he was gone and Kyle and Zack came running down the stairs to me.

Kyle: “What’s wrong?” I heard confusion in Kyle’s voice and he came over to me and pulled me into an hug.

Me: “T-There was a…a vampire outside the window it had red eyes and brown hair and he just stared at me”

Kyle: “He found us we have to get out of here”

Chapter 2 part 1....What now?

After all of the guys had ran around the perimeter of the house i waited for them to clam down so i could tell them my plan.

"Hey hey hey wait i have a better plan why dont we just stay here an-" I just had to get half way threw my sentence and Kyle and the others had to cut me off.

"No Tasha im not going to put you in that danger i cant i love you to much"

"Wait at least let me finish what i was about to say gosh guys these days well as i was saying and then i was rudley interupted i will finish we stay here and let red eyes come here and use me as bait but then you guys come and kill him simples" I said the last bit with a goofy smile so i looked like a meercat.

"Red eyes?" Lucas asked and i rolled my eyes obviouse as i say that and thats the only bit they had picked up.

"Well my plan is best and i have one more twist in store but i wont let you know until the time comes and im going to go set that up now" Over the time i had been expecting something like this to happen and as my life never goes on the right tracks i had been thinking up a plan as im cool like that.

I walked up to kyle kisses him on the lips and tried to run up the stairs the key word being TRYED as Kyle had to rudely pulled me back agaist him and started kissing down my neck and i got into it for a bit but then i rembered the guys but they were not there but i had things to do so i pushed him away and looked at him and he looked at bit sad so i went up to im and hugged him.

"Im sorry i didnt mean to push away i just have things to do" I said as i made him look me in the eye.

"I love you so much"

"I know" Kyle said to me so i giggled and ran up the stairrs but he didnt catch me as i had thought he would so i looked back and he had a mixed emotion expression on his face but i couldnt be definate as it was gone as quick as it came so i made my way up the rest of the stairs and into mine and Kyles room and got my phone out and called the one person who i know probaly wouldnt answer after the last time we had talked as it ended in us both going are sepreate ways.

i had waited until she had picked up after the 5th ring of the phone.

Me: "Courtney i need your help"

Courtney: "What you finally belive me that Kyl-"

Me: "I still dont know but please bring Emily to we can sort are friend ship out i dont want to lose you as i said"

After that Courtney had said ok and i gave her the adress and she had told me that Emily had come off of her holiday early and then i passes out as i was exhausted as the events of today had wore me out.


I rolled over expecting to fing Kyle lying there but he was not and the bed was still made on his side so i doubted if he had come to bed so i looked over and the alarm clock said it was 6:30.

I got out of bed and realized i had slept in last nights clothes so i changed and slipped on some black skinny jeans and a v-neck top.

I walked out of the room after i changed and made the bed and i bumped into Zack as i was going down the stairs.

"Oh you scared me have you seen Kyle he didnt come to bed"

"Ermm well he ermm hes in the kitchen" Zack scratched the back of his head and waved goodbye before running up the stairs.Wierd,And why would Kyle be in the kitchen.

Chapter 3 part 1....Errr

I walked the rest off the way down the stairs and into the kitchen and there Kyle was surrounded by empty beer and vodka cans and he was passed out sitting at the counter so i walked over to him and gently nudges him and he made some groaning noises so i nudged him a bit harder and he lifted his head and he had bags under his eyes.

"What the hell Kyle why would you do this to yourself"

"You dont love me" I looked at him suprised where would he get that idear from.

"Kyle you know i love you were would you get that idear from"

"You didnt say i love you back to me yesterday and you always pull away from me when were hugging or im kissing you its obvious you dont so tell me we can go are sepreate ways no hard feelings but know this i will always love you and if you find someone else i will let you go and youll never see me or my friends again i will leave you alone to get along with your life" I looked at Kyle in pure shock and tears in my eyes.

"Y-you think i d-dont l-love you K-Kyle i d-do but i-"

"I knew it you dont love me i will let you stay here until this is all over bye Tasha i will leave you alone"


I walked of and whent up to my room and Zack,Lucas and Brody were all waiting outside my room and they all came and hugged me as they saw my tear stained face.

"H-he thinks i d-dont l-love him i t-think w-were over b-but he w-was drunk" They all looked angry but i blocked them out as the door bell rang so i walked to the door and it was Courtney and Emily and i was suprised to see my cousin Charlotte who knew everything about Kyle and when they saw me crying they all ran to me and i sobbed into each one of them.

1hour later.

After an hour i had calmed down and we had all catched up and Lucas,Zack and Brody had joined us and they seemed to be getting along like a house on fire and i think they had found there mates it ws Emily+Lucas and Courtney+Zack and Charlotte+Brody.

I had let them have there time together and i went back to the kitchen and Kyle was there with his head in his hands and a cup of tea on the side and he looked up at me with a face of shame and apoligey but i just looked away and went to sit on the sofa and then after a couple of minutes i felt the sofa dip but i didnt look his way.

"Im sorry Tasha im so so sorry i know i made a mistake and weve been throught them alot and we havent known each other that long but i really do love you and if you dont i mean the things that i said i will let you go just let me get this over with"

"I really dont know what to do i wish that that vampire would come and kill me so i wouldnt have to think and you would have a better mate who loves you and who wont fight and break up with you but im sorry you had me i really wish that could change but i know it cant and i will always be sorry for that but this next thing im going to say you have probaly heard from my mouth a lot of times but i need to think and i know this relationship is like a cheesy up and down relationship but my mind is so fucked up right now and i wish i could change myself to be perfect and like you but im not and i will never be and i wish i could change it i really really do"

"Ok then"

I looked up at Kyle and he looked like he was trying to hold his tears in so i stood up and went over to him and kissed him on the lips with tears running out of my eyes.

"What ever happens whlle were here i will always love you" I whisperesd to kyle then i backed away and didnt look back as i walked to the kitchen to make some brunch as i missed breakfast and it has gone past lunch.

2days Later

Me and Kyle have not talked since last time on the sofa and i have not been out of my room since and well the plan we have not had any un expected visits form vampire guy and Charlotte,Emily and Courtney have been with the guys excluding Kyle has i have no clue what he has been doing these past few days.

Eveyone has been worried about me as i have not been eating properly and i have not been talking to anybody exept the little odd lines to people.

It was 12:30 and i couldnt sleep i was tossing and turning i really missed Kyle so i decided to go search around to see were he has been staying as he has not been staying im our room well its my room now.

i walked out of my room and walked down the hall to the last bedroom as i know none of the guys or my friends were staying in this room so i walked in and Kyle was there tossing and turning just like i was and mumbling and he looked like he was sweating he had a fever.

I walked over to the bed and nudged Kyle and he shot up with sweat all over him so i touched his forhead and it was beyond hot.

"Kyle im sorry im so so sorry i love you and i cant live without you ever it feels like my heart is breaking and i cant eat im so-"

Before i could finish my sentence Kyle had already put his lips to mine to silence me and i egearly kissed him back then i pulled away as i rembered he had a fever and i was out of breath.

"You have a fever"

He looked at me and shook his head.

"No when a mate isnt around his mate for so long he starts to like catch a fever and he feels sick all the time knowing he has done something wrong until his mate comes back it will only get worse"

I looked at Kyle and kissed him and it was slow and passinote and boy did it last long lol and ten i pulled away and lied down with Kyles back agaisnt my back and his hands around my waist.

"I love you so so much Kyle"

"I love you to and you dont know how much i do" Those were the last words i heard before i fell into unconsinouse.

When i woke up i was in Kyles arms snuggled up together.

"Hey wake up sleepy" I nudged Kyle awake and he wasnt waking up hmmm lets have a little fun with this shall we then.I silently sneaked out of the room and put my piller where i was and Kyle snuggled into it.

I went down the stairs and everybody was there so i made a motion with my hands to be quiet and went over to the sink and got a cup of water and went back up the stairs and i thought the guys had picked up on what i was going to do as they all had sligh smirks on there faces.I walked back up to mine and Kyles room and went over to a safe distance from the bed and chucked the hole lot of freezing cold water over him and he immediatley sprunk up and looked around until his eyes fell upon me so i dropped the cup and made a bolt for the door down the hallway and took 2 at a time down the stairs and out of the back door and then i had noticed that there was a swimming pool so i dived in and swam to the bottom hoping that Kyle wouldnt suspect that i was hiding in here.I was waiting a bout 5 minutes and i was running out of breath but i could vaguely see a outline of a body and though it was Kyles but why would he not jump in i thought.I soon started to feel numb and i tried to swim up to the top but it was like there was a force filed there that made me not float to the surface so i started waving my arms around and i had only a limited amount of oxeygn going into my lungs and it felt like they were burning so i let go of it all and the last thing i heard before going completly into darkness was the words 'Let the games begin'.

Kyles Pov

I have been trying to fing Tasha for a good five minutes and i had no look i had looked in all the rooms and i was currently in the kitchen so i asked the guys and they said that she went out back so iwent to the back doors and opened them and there he was with a smirk plastered on his face looking into the water and when i stepped onto the hard marble floor he turned to look at me and the smirk on his face grew and then he was gone so i raced to the edge of the pool and there Tasha was her still body lying on the pools ground so i dived in ans swam to the bottom and grabbed Tasha and swam back to the top of the pool and jumped out with Tasha in my arms.

"Guys i need some help out here" After that all the guys rushed out and the girls behind him and when they saw Tasha body they all picked up there pace and sat down beside her while i was checking to see if she still had a pulse and she did thank god.

"Shes just out but it was lucky any more time and she would have been a goner" Lucas said as he was the most brainiest out of all of us and he was currently training to be a doctor but he has put that on hold for a while.
Tashas Pov.

When i woke up i looked around and i was in the guest room and i though it was beacuse i had thrown water over Kyle and i was thinking how i got here as i dont rember anything from when i was running away from Kyle and it all went black then so i jumped up out of the bed but i think i did to fast as i went straight back down so this time i stood up slowly and i had a bit of headache as i had fully stood up so i grabbed one of the post and stood there until i got my balance back and when i did i walked slowly to the door and opened it and i went down the hall way and slowly down the stairs as i still had a bit of a headache so i took the banister and took one step at a time and when i reached the bottom step everyone was sat on the sofa and the guys and girls were sitting on each others laps and then Kyle was sitting on the edge of the sofa with his head in his hands so i walked up behing all of them and shouted boo and all of them literally jumped out of there skin and i was on the floor laughing my head of with a banging head ache its not good.Once i had soberded up and stopped laughing i found the courage to talk with laughing.

"Hey guys ermm why do you all look so grim" I asked with my hands folded over my chest and looking at each one of them with my eyebrows raised and as i went to everyone of them they all put bright smiles on there faces and when my eyes landed on Kyle he gave the biggest smile of them all.

"Why are you all looking at me like cheshire cats stop it its freaky you dont want your faces to get stuck like that now do we hey yeah thats what i though" I was trying to not laugh threw that sentnce but i failed as i went into a laughing mode again and i went up to Kyle grabbed his hand and led him out of the house to the back garden and when i got out there it was like i was having a flashback as i saw that freaky eyed vampire guy and he was standing over the swimming pool with a smirk plastered on his face and then Kyle came bursting threw the door and the vampire guy turned around and gave one last smirk and dissapered and then Kyle ran to the edge of the pool and dived in and when he came back i gasped as i saw he was holding someone in his arms and as the memory went on i found that it was me and that when it all disspared and i was back in reality with Kyle shouting my name and then i just snapped out of it and looked at him in disbelife.

"What happended i remember you saved me and i couldnt get to the surface and h-he said the games are going to start and i remember just going and it h-hurt so much Kyle then i p-passed out and i woke up in the r-room" At this point Kyle had pulled me into a hug and he had a pained expression on his face and i was sobbing into his chest while he held me in his arms and i felt safe that i could stay there forever there wouldnt be a care in the world but i knew that that wasnt reality and things couldnt be like that.

"Im sorry i should have been with you this is getting out of hand and i dont know what your plan is but you will have to get on it and i will help you we will be in this together always and if you want to know you were out for 2 days" I relly wasnt paying attention until i heard that i was out for 2 HOLE DAYS i was suprised wow now i had only noticed when my tummy grumbled that i was indeed hungry so i looked up at Kyle and gave him a pouty look and he shook his head so i reached up on my tip toes and kissed him on the lips and gave him the puppy dog eyes again and he sighed and shook his head again so i smiled and pulled him in for another kiss then i grabbed his hands and pulled him back into the living room kissed him on the cheeck grabbed Courtney,Charlotte and Emilys hands and dragged them up the stairs and when i looked behing me all 4 boys were slumped on the sofa with pouty looks so i smiled and blew Kyle a kiss then made my way dragging the girls upstairs and into mine and Kyles room wich had had the sheets changed thank god.

"KYLE MAKE ME A SANDWICH PWEASE" I shouted as i was about to close the door and i turned around and signaled all the girls to sit on the bed and they did so i joined them.

"Well i asked you all for your help as i knew the boys have told you what they are and what the problem is and i know some of us have been having some problems since i have met Kyle and im sorry but i love him and would do anything for him so hey lets move on courtney your a witch so i need you to put a protection spell on all of us if you would and then i can start my plan so nobody dies" I looked at Courtney and she nodded so i told the other girls that me and Courtney needed to talk and they nodded and i gave them both hugs and then they left and Courtney started putting the spell on each of us and when she had finished we had a few minutes of akward silence so i started talking first.

"Thankyou for doing that and i know we have had are fair share of arguments over the past few weeks since i met Kyle and i dont know who to belive and after this is all blown over i will find out and i dont want us to not be friends you and the girls are like the sisters i never had and i dont want to loose you ever" Courtney walked over to me and hugged me and we botth started talking like we used to and Kyle brought up my food finally and with a kiss he left and Courtney magiced herself some food and we talked about how it was like being a witch and we didnt realize the time until we both yawned and i looked over at the clock it said 10:30.

"Its getting late you best get some sleep we can hang out in the morning as we can go shopping together and im not letting the boys stop us its not like we cant die" I said bye to courtney and Kyle came back just as she left so i went to my bags and got out some pjs and changed and Kyle was already in bed so i joined him and snuggled up to him.

"Courtney put a protection spell on all of us including you so we cant die and my plan is going to go into action in 2 days and we are going shopping tommorow and you cant stop us so bleh deal with it and how many days has it been since we have been here" I looked at Kyle and he nodded and i squeled and the next thing he said made me panick.

"We have been here nearly 2 weeks why w-" I didnt even let him finish his sentence as i was out of the bes in a falsh and i rushed to find my phone in the drawers and when i found it it had 9 messages from my mum and dad asking were i am as they had arrived early and 20 missed calls so i looked at the clock and it said 11:00 and i thought they might be upso i tried ringing my mum and she picked up on the 2nd ring.


Me: "Mum im okay im at Courtneys with Charlotte and Emily were going camping for a bit in a cabin its really nice i thought i left you a message and i have to go mum i love you"

Mum: "Tasha wait i-" I put the phone down before she could say anymore and turned my phone of and crawled back into bed with a concered Kyle and i just rolled back to the end of the bed away from Kyle but he pulled me to him and i went to sleep again in his arms.


I woke up with my head resting on Kyles chest so i looked up and pecked him on the nose but that wasnt enough for him as he pulled me back and kissed me on the lips this time and i pulled away when i was out of breath and turned my head to see it was already 7 so i hopped out of bed got some clothes and changed then straightend my hair and applied some make up in the bqthroom window and walked back into the room where Kyle was fully dressed and i went over to him and lead him down the stairs were the guys and girls were already dressed and waiting.

"Okay Kyle i need your car and satnav and it has to be fast thankyou" I walked over to Kyle and he produced a set of keys to a bugatti veyron and i squelead as i love fast cars.

"Lets go and if you want to come with us get a car and follow us and i love you"

"I love you to and well follow behind you ok" Kyle said with a stern look on his that said 'were coming if you like it or not' look and i nodded to him and me and the girl went ouside and jumped into the car parked right infront of the garage.

I put the place in the satnav as Kyle had told me the nearest mall and i jumped into the drivers seat with Courtney in the passenger side and Emily and Charlotte in the back and i saw the boys jumping into another car with Kyle in the front so i looked back at him and smirked and mimed to im 'game on'

Chapter 2 part 2....Games!

I pulled out of the parking lot and zoomed of and kept my foot on the pedal and in about a few seconds i had the car going to its full speed so i checked the steering wheel and it said it would take 30minutes to getto the mall but i scoffed and though we could be there in 20 tops. I looked behind me and saw that Kyle was just coming round the side of me so i waited for him to come down to my side and when he did i looked over to him and him and the boys were making loser sighns with there hands so i looked at him and stuck my tongue out looked t the satnav and found an short court and put my foot down and in about 10minutes i had lost them and i was pulling up to the mall so we got out and walked with linked arms to the mall doors with everybody staring at us so i took my phone out and pressed speed dial one and waited for Kyle to pick up and he did lmost immediatley.

Kyle: "Were are you Tasha were coming into the mall now"

Me: "Were at the mall doors lets just say im awsome at driving sweetheart bye bye"

I looked at the girls and we burst out laughing and high fived each other and when we were done we could see the boys walking are way with all the girls staring at them in lust and when they came to us and put there arms around are waist they looked at us in envy and jealousy and we just smiled at them and we grabbed the boys and kissed them and i looked over at the other girls and it seems that they were enjoying it just as much as the boys were.We let go off the guys and walked into the mall all in a line and nearly everyone turned there heads to us.Me and the girls went into all the top shops and the boys all groaned as we spent nearly an hour in each trying on dresses and buying them and that went on for ages.

"Ermm Tasha can me and the guys go do something there is something i need to do it will only be about 20minutes tops ok" I looked at Kyle and nodded and he came up to me and whispered in my ear while hugging me.

"Ive got a suprise for you, you will just have to wait and find out ok well be back" I nodded and Kyle let go and walked of with the rest of the guys and us girls decided to get something to eat and then put are bags in the car and go hunting for shoes as we have only been getting clothes and Kyle had even offerd to buy the clothes for me but i had refused as i brought a lottt of money with me as i normally do when i go shopping with my friends and cousin.

2hours later...

We were still going in and out of the shops and the boys have not come back so we put the rest of the bags in the car as we had been in all of the shops in the mall and Kyle had said he would only be 20minutes and it has been 2hours so we had decided to go around the malls perimeter and that was the outside of the mall as we had been in every shop and we had not seen them anywere around the place.

As we were outside we heard the sound of shouting so we ran around the back of the mall and there was all 4 boys fighing with another 4 boys and they all had red eyes.Vampires i though and them i heard a voice that sounded vaguely likes Kyles.

Kyle: 'Tasha i know this is wierd but when your mates you can speak in eachothers head but thats not the point ill explain later but for now you have to get away just dont go back to the house just keep driving around and we cant die remember so were all right and if you want to talk to me just think of me then talk and ill reply and if i dont just tell the other girls to see if they can talk to there mates and ill see you when i can just go now Tasha i love you'

I grabbed the girls and we ran back to the car with me explaning what Kyl had told me and i jumped into the drivers side and put my foot down as the girls all got in and we drove to the nearest motel that was just around the corner from here and i brought us 2 nights in the penthouse sweet and i went into the bathroom and locked the doors.

Me: 'Kyle?'

Kyle:'Hey baby were ok just stay were ever you are and we got rid of the vampires but were are you im coming and the guys are going to stay and do a run to see if they left any leads by following your scent but im not going to meet you at were you are i need to talk to you alone make an exuse up to the girls you have 20 minutes then meet me outside were you are'

I told Kyle were i was and he told me he would be travilling in wolf and would be outside the back in about 5minutes so i flushed the toilet and washed my hands to make it seem like i went to the toilet then i went outside and the girls were all passed out on the beds so i smiled and breathed a sigh of relife that i didnt hve to lie to them and i walked out the door took the elavator and out of the lobby and round the back to were Kyle was sitting on an empty crate so i ran up to him and hugged him and he let out a laugh.

"I missed you" When i pulled back Kyle had multiple scratches and brusises over his face.

"The spell is that i cant die not that i cant get hurt and theyll be gone soon i promise" I looked at Kyle then kissed him until i had no more breath and i pulled back with ragged breaths now.

"Tell the boys they can come home i dont want them out there and my second part of the plan is starting now tell them the adress and tell them im sorry" I looked at Kyle and he looked confused but i just nodded and after a few minutes he nodded and i got up and Kyle stood up with me and i hugged him.

"Lets go i know you dont want to do this but if you want you can stay and ill not mind but im going" Kyle looked at me and he took me around to the passenger side and opened the door and i got in and he bent down and caressed my face.

"Im coming with you your the only reason im not going right now and nearly getting myself killed by that vampire is you i would do anything for you and i don't care what it is and i want to come with you i don't care about my pack you come 1st" I looked at Kyle and hugged him and he closed my door and went around to the passenger side and got in nd then we were speeding off.

"Erm lets go back to yours the vampire will come ill use myself as bait and you kill him and i cant die i only got the girls to keep the from out of the way and the guys if the do the right thing they will stay there"

Kyle nodded and i felt guilty making him choose but he had the choice to stay behind and i asked kyle to pull over to a gas station so i could go to the 'toilet' but i was really going to put my other phase into plan im so glad that Kyle couldn't tell when i was lying.

Chapter 2 part 3...Plan!

As i went into the toilet i got my phone out and dialed Zack's number and i really hope he was not in wolf form lol and surprisingly he picked up after the first ring.

Zack: "Tasha were are you"

Me: "Well my plan is coming into action and go outside i told Kyle that i wanted to keep you safe and i presume you got his message yeas but i lied your going to come back home and ill meet you but I'm going to have to say to you to keep the girls thee im sorry but its for the best and im not going to make you choose i know they are your mates but i will meet you if you do just send me a text and ill explain my plan and Kyle doesn't know cause hes not in it hes dead well not literally but lets say 'fake death' ok"

Zack: "Ok well come and that was weird but it will be ok and Kyle wont be happy when he finds out ands he is are alpha and we have to obey him but your our alpha female so yeah well run in wolf and the girls are still asleep so well leave them a note and we have the mind talk so well be there in about 2hours ok"

Me: "Ok see you then byee" I left the toilet and Kyle was sitting on the hood of the car so i went up to him and stood inbertween his legs and lifted his head so he was looking at me.

"Ive got a suprise for you but it will hve to wait until you get back ok" I looked at him and he nodded so i pulled his head down and kissed him in a slow and passinoate kiss.

"I love you so much ok"

"I love you to baby" Kyle whispered and i nodded and we both got back into the car and finished our journey of to Kyles place were i would meet the guys to.

At Kyles place...

We were now at Kyles place and he looked shattered i did offer to drive but he said that i was a mad driver and didnt want to get in an accident and i just laughed at him but he had seemed quiet all threw the car drive and so itold him to get some sleep and he was now curled up with a pillow as me that he was clutching as i had to go meet the guys as Zack texted me saying he would meet me at my place as he checked that my parents werent in.

i was walking up to my door and it was open so i walked in and there were all the guys sitting on the sofa so i ran up and hugged each of them.

"Im such a good liar and i just wanted to say that were going to send me and you guys away for a bit and leave Kyle here thinking im dead and i know i said that i was going to send Kyle away well i changed my mind and i need courtney and she is here as i have aready told her my plan and Kyle is going to feel empty and im going to be a ghost in his dreams"

As i said Courtneys name she had apperead a i hadnt completey blocked of the girls as Courtney found out what i was doing and we have been texting while no one knew and she was going to help me kill the vampire by my self"

Zack went up to Courtney and hugged her and Courtney had just done the spell and now i should be getting a call right now.

"Zack i need you to put a convincing story that im dead cause im going to dissapear about now but you will be able to hear me just not see exept Courtney" And right on time i felt myself dissapear and my phone rang so i chucked it at Zack and he put it on loud speaker.

Kyle: "Tasha Tasha are you there"

Zack: "Man its me its T-Tasha shes d-dead man i t-tried we all did but she was so persistent and se wouldnt let s man im s-sorry"

Kyle: "No no no she cant be dead she was fine this morning i feel so empty i c-cant l-live without h-her i cant" After that it broke my heart and then we heard the click of the phone go an i rushed out of the house and to Kyles.

When i arrived at Kyles i went in and he was on the floor sobbing and thats what mde my heart break more but i had to go threw with this i had to for his sake and for mine and its going to start now.

"Kyle im ere im not fully dead and im sorry but i thought i could stop him but i was wrong and i got myself killed for it but i dont ave a lot of time i just want to know something so i can go and live in peace and not as a ghost"

Kyle looked up suprised so i laughed and he looked into my direction.

"Is it really you Tasha"

I looked at him snd said yes.

"It is but you can see me and this is the last time you will see me but were does that place were that vampire lives then i have to go but i love you so much and hey miracles happen just remember that"

Kyle told me the adress and he said i love you and i set of to that god awfull vampires home but not before i grabbed a few stakes and vervain bombs that would help keep him down a while and when i kill him the spells would wear off and i just have to call on Courtney and she will come and get me and take me to Kyles.

At vamps house...

I was in the woods and i was sneaking up to the door and i found out that i could WALK THREW THINGS so that would make tthings easier and as i got in i noticed that our little vamp friend was alone so i got my stake went up behind him and staked him threw the heart and he fell to the ground and thats when i noticed metal chanes so i chucked one of the vervain bombs and it went of so i picked up the chanes and tied the vampire down and boy was that a struggle to do as he was gritting his teeth and wiggling as it hurt to much but all i did was laugh.

3hours later....

I had been torturing this vampire for ages and it was getting boring and boy was he boring so i picked up all my 3 vervain bombs and chucked them at him and he let out an earpercing scream and i just stood there smirking and enjoying him withering in pain and as i had 3 stakes left i put one of his leg and one just under his heart and then i waited.

"Now you know what it feels like to feel pain and know your going to see what it feels like to die goodbye" I said as i launched the steak in his heart and he started turning white and had veins everywere and then he just turned into ash under my stare and then i felt myself reappear and i looked down and i could see myself so i touched the wall and i didnt go throught it so i breathed a sigh of relife.

"Courtney im done now" As i said that Courtney appeard and looked at the ashes and hugged me and then before i could blink i was in the front room of Kyles apartment and he was asleep on the sofa tossing and turning so i went over to him and nudged him and he mumbled something that i didnt get and so i got a grip of him and pushed him of the sofa and that seemed to woke him up.

"Baby wake upits me" And when i said that Kyle was up and he had me in a tight hug like i was going to go away and it was a dream and when he woke up i will be gone.

"Tasha your d-dead"

"Im not i got Courtney to put a spell on me then i killed the vampire hes dead but i needed to make you belive i was dead and i will tell you its fun being a ghost and im sorry i couldnt let you get in the way of my plans i had to make you sad im so sorry but it was the only way" After i said that i looked up and Kyle was looking at me and then he kissed me and it was fast and rough but i didnt care i just wanted him and i didnt care what has happened nothing can tare us apart.

"I love yo so much and i did say miracles can happen Kyle but you are not going to get rid of me that easily and if you do ill do everything in my power to stay with you forever and thats if you can live with me"

"I will always want you but i would never let you get away from me and i love you to and i need to ask you something ok well i want you to go on a date with me and i was going to ask you earlier but then that happened and i didnt have a chance"

"Ok then and i would love to go on a date with you"I heard my stomach grumble and i laughed and Kyle got my hand and pulled me to the kitchen and made me sit down at the counter while he went in the fridge and me me a ham sandwich with crisps on the side and a purple fruit juice cause im that cool still.

After me and KYLE had finished eating as he knicked most of my food but i let him and we talked about the guys and how they were staying at MY house and me and Kyle gets the house to ourself for the night and lets face it its not like we are going to do anything as im not ready yet and i have no clue when i will be i might just be like the 40 year old virgin with no kids lol bet Kyle would love that i could be on abstanence until we get married and boy it is way to soon or that im only 17 and i know that Kyle is 18 but i want to wait until im atleast 19 or 20 to even consider getting married and its not like i dont love Kyle its just that i suck at commitment most of the time and i end up fucking things up like do most of the time in my relationships but i think mine and Kyles will last until were old and grey and have our children and they go on to have theres and so one and i must of been thinking pretty hard as when i snapped out of it Kyle was wasfting his hands infront of my face so i slapped them away and pulled him with me to his bedroom and then got into bed fully clothed and had the best sleep i have ever had in my life.

In the morning i woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs so i sat up and rubbed my eyes and then as i was about to get out of bed Kyle came into the room with two plates with a full english breakfast on and a single rose and he brought one of the plates up to me and kissed me and then i had an idear so i patted the space infront of me to signal to him to sit in front of me so that we were face to face.

"So lets play questions ok me first so whats your favrioute colour"

"Blue ok yours"

"Purple and yellow so are you a virgin"

"No are you"

"Yes i am anyway so whats your favrioute film"

"Saw yours"

"I hate that film so it would have to be...Twilight team Edward all the way"

"You support vamps huh well now i know anyway so favrioute food"

"Hmm tricky i dont mind but my favrioute would be bubble and skweak yours"

"Hmm spaghetti so whose your favrioute person"

"Hmm so hard maybe Zack yeah Zack yours" I didnt get to finish my sentence as Kyle had put the plates on the floor and pinned me to the bed so i was under him so i smirked up at him and he crashed his lips to mine and i just gave in knowing i couldnt pull away even if i wanted to.

"Ok ok its you i was joking you know your the only person i love babe" I looked up at him and his eyes went back to his baby blue as they turned black and that means we have a seriously pissed wereolf in the house.

"Were going on are date tonight Tasha and good cause i love you to and i will pick you up from yours as the girls are going to help you get ready ok baby" i nodded and grabbed all of my stuff that i had previously left there when i stayedand i looked at the time andit was 3:30 wow we stayed in bed late.

" I should go i need to get ready and all my bags are still in your car from shopping and there are alot of them and i have a lot to do"

"Ok i will drop you off letsgo i need to prepare a few things for are date and no im not telling you where we are going its a suprise now lets go no questions" I nodded just about to argue and then he had to make a shushing noise so i shut up.

Chapter 2 part 4...Date!

I had everything ready the girls had helped me choose my dress from when we went shopping it was a red ress with a bow at the top and it comes up to mid thigh and i mached it up with a heart necklace and red high heels and i applied a little bit of makeup not to overdone but not so you can see it so i was waiting with the girls trying to guess were Kyle would take me and we had absoultley no clue were he was taking me and we didnt know when hewas coming but half way when we were in a conversation there was a knock at the door and i squealed and ran to the door well as much as you can run in heels and thats not that much but hey i try.

As i wa at the door and opened it there was an old man dressed in an suit and he handed me a note and i quickly scanne across it and it was from Kyle and it said:


I sent my driver to get you as i have a few more things to sort out but my driver will drive you to the destenation we will have our date and i love you <3

Kyle x
Im sorry about these chapters there just fillers to get to the good bits but i will make them as good and funny as posssibe and please vote and comment :)

Tashas Pov...

I looked at the driver and he smiled at me and took the letter of off me and then he made a motioning with his hands to follow him so i did and we went up to a fancy purple limo and i gasped suprised that he would remember what my favrioute colour was.

I got into the back of the Limo as the driver polietly opened my door for me so i said my thankyou and all in the back of the limo were champane and a lot of red roses scattered everywere and on one of the seats was another note so i picked it up:

Tasha x

I hope you like it and i got the limo sprayed to purple as it is your favrioute colour and you will arrive at the destenation shortly and all you have to do is follow the roses and you will find were i am...


Kyle x

I smiled and set the note down and i was shocked as he would get his limo sprayed just for me its so kind and romantic but were was he taking me thats what i really wanted to know.

After about 30minutes and me still deciding where Kyle was taking me i gave up when my door opened and the driver helped me out.

"Thankyou" I said to the driver whose name i didnt know so i decided to call him drivey and he smiled and gave me a nod and got back into the limo and drove of so i looked around and i was in some kind of meadow with lillys everywhere and when i looked over there was a path of roses spiraling around so i walked up to the path and started walking and the further i got in the more there were of flowers but there were all diffrent ranges and when i looked ahead there Kyle was standing with a single rose in his hand and i was tempted to run to him but there was a big possibility that i would fall flat on my face and do i want not nu huh.

When i reached Kyle at the end of the path he pulled me in for a hug and i glady hugged him back and i felt like i was going to cry at how beautifull everything was and how thoughtfull.

"I love this its perfect" Kyle laughed and then he entwined our fingers and led me a little thurther and when he moved some trees away it was the perfect scene he had put a picnik basket down and it was right beside a gushinf waterfall and i didnt think it could ge anymore perfect but he had to go and suprise me again.

Kyle gave my hand a little tug and i noticed i had been daydreaming again and he led me over to the blanket and we both sat down and he produced bubble and squeak and purple fruit jucies and i laughed.

"Why would you do all of this its perfect but why"

"I love you thats why now lets eat" I leaned over to Kyle and pecked him on the lips and he eargerley responded but tryed to deepen it but i didnt let him and pulled back and started to eat my food with a smirk plastered on my face and Kyle started eating his food with a pout on his face.

After we had eaten and talked about a few things and the he produced a choclate ice cream from the basket and 2 spoons and he passed one to me and started eating.

"Tasha i wanted to ask you something i know we havent kown eachother for long but i want to be close to you so will you move in with me" After Kyle had said that i was speechless and i was thinking about it as my parents are not normally there but all the other guys live there what would they think and my parents i know there always away but there still there for me.

"Kyle i dont know what about the guys and my parents im only 17 what if we dont work i know were mates and all but what if im not saying no its just that i have to think about it and i have to talk to my parents they dont even know you and if i did say yes it would be a while till i could move in with you and i do want to move in with you but wait please a couple of weeks and anyway im always around yours anway it will probally just not be over night ok" I looked at Kyle pleadingly and he nodded but i saw hurt in his eyes so i leaned over and kissed him.

"Give me a couple of days to talk to my parents and stuff i love you and its a yes but wait a week or 2 at the most ok i would love to move in with you" Kyle smiled he leanded over and kissed me on the forehead.

"Ok ill wait for you ok lets change the subject so what do you think of this did i do well"

"You did perfect and whats the time i have to be back i do have curfew at 11:00 and i know you dont but my parents arent laid back" Kyle pulled out his phone and it read 10:30 wow i didnt know time whent so fast.

"We bettter get going or ill be late for my curfew" Kyle had already packed the stuff u and we started to walk back to the car but Kyle didnt hold my hand like he normally did we just walked side by side and then we reached Kyle car and when we were driving to mine it was in complete silence.

When we got back to mine Kyle parked the car outside my houe and i looked over at him and he was looking out of the window.

"Kyle im sorry if i ruined everything but you have to get me and im sorry again but i cant change it bye" I got out of the car without looking back and went into my houe were all the girls had gone and my parents were on the sofa so i sat in the armchair.

"Mum dad i want to ask you something,well ive been dating this guy and he is really nice and he asked me to move in with him and i want to but i said to him i would ask you guy" I looked at my parents and they looked shocked and then my dad spoke.

"Well then i know this time would come soon and we allow you to move in with him as you are getting older and we cant stop you but we would like to meet him sometime after you have got setteled in now go tell him the good news" I cant belive they are letting me move in with Kyle but will he talk to me so i ran up to my mum and dad and then ran up to my bedroom and got my phone out and dialed Kyles number and he picked u after the 5th ring.

Me:"are you mad"

Kyle: "No i just though you said no to moving in with me"

Me: "Come over to my place climb u the window to my bedroom bye love you" I put the phone down and waited for Kyle to come and in the next 5minutes there was a knock on my window so i looked and opened the window and Kyle jumed in and i hugged him.

"I can move in with you" I looked u at Kyle and he kissed me and i relecutanly kissed him back.

"Good beacuse i was starting to think you wouldnt want to"

"I do and stay tonight please i want you toi miss you when your gone" I looked u to him with a pouty look and he shook his head yes and i smiled and went over to my drawer to get some pjs so i took of my jeans and t-shirt in front of Kle and just put on an oversized t-shirt that wen up to mid thigh and when i turned around to kyle he stood with his eyes wide and jaw dropped.

"close your mouth dont let the flies in" Kyle quickly sobered up and i climbed into my bed and Kyle took his jeans and t-shirt off and climbed in with me and pulled me to him and then i let my thoughts travel to school and i rembered i only had 3 weeks left and then only a month and i graduate.

"Are you thinking again" I turned around to face Kyle with his hands still around me and laughed and nodded.

"Care to elabrate for me"

"School i only have 3 weeks left then i go back then a month till i graduate thats all then i can be with you forever .

"Good as i dont do school anymore and ill miss you i quiet after the first day and told them im doing home school"

"Thats why but now you wont be able to see me your fault i say but it does save me telling the girls to back off so good job" Kyle laughed and pecked me on the lips.

"It does doesnt it but you know i wouldnt do anything to hurt you your the only girl ill ever love" I smiled and then my phone rang signalling that i have a text message so i checked the id and it said Courtney so i checked it.

Courtney: hey i just wanted to remind you, you still have to find out if he did and then tell me but i already know so...Yeah xxx

Me: I am i will ask him i know when hes lieying x

Courtney: If you say so.

I showed Kyle the textes and he had a confused face on.

"Kyle did you kill Courtneys parents i trust you she just wants to know and i kinda do to" I said the last part in barely a whisper but i knew he had heard with his wolf hearing and all so i turned back around so i was facing him.

"I told you i hadnt i swear on my life and if a mate lies to a mate they feel sick and they sweat and it starts immediatley and im not and i wouldnt lie i swear to you" I looked at Kyle and he had a look of complete honesty and sincerity in his eyes so i smiled and nodded and rolled back over so i wasnt facing him and slowly drifted into a peacfull dream sleep.

Tashas Dream...

I was walking in a forest it was dark and i was scared there was no one there and i wasnt in my bed with Kyle and then i saw a flicker of light and then there was a person that looked like an older version of me.

"Why am i here and why do you look like me"

"Your here beacuse you need to know who you are and what you are going to have to do and i am you im apart of you, you just have to find me and let me out and then when your ready youll see me again but let me just say your very powerfull youll see me reguarly and ill show you how to unlock your powers but when you do i could bring you here at anytime of the day" I had to take a few minutes to register what she had said or i had but i couldnt belive it i couldnt be powerfull im normal.

"Ok but i need some time to think so when can you help me out to find my powers if i do have them as you say"

"You do i promise im you but an older version well im only 23 but yeah and ill let you go youll be waking up now its 7:00 until tonight and we will start training and you can tell Kyle if you want but belive me the sooner the better and i know you have questions but wait ok goodbye"

End of dream...

I woke up with a start and breathing heavily and had a look at the clock and it indeed said 7:00 so i looked over a Kyle and he was still fast asleep so i got out of bed and i knew that my parents wouldnt be awake yet so i decided i would start packing so i went to my closet and got my 3 suitcases ou and laid them out open on the floor so i went into my bathroom and grabbed all the things in there and took them out and put them all in my smallest suitcase and i went over to my vanity table and got all my jewerlry boxes and makeup and put them in a bag and put them in the same suitcases and went back and got my bodysprays and pictures of me and the girls and i had a few of m and Kyle that i didnt know was took until Emily gave them to me so i picked all of them off and put them in that suitcase and zipped it upand stood it caefully up against the wall and i decided to get dressed before i started packing my clothes so i got dresses in simple black jeans and a v-neck top and put my hair up into a bun and started folding all my clothes and neatly putting them into my suitcases.

I checked the clock and it said 1:00pm and i was suprised as i had been packing for 3hours and Kyle was still asleep and my room looks bear as there is only my vanity and bed and my closet and the rest of the things are in my bags like shoes clothes etc so i decided to wake Kyle up and see why he has been asleep for ages i knew we went bed late but hey if i can wake up at 7 in the morning then he must of not been asleep so i went over to my bed and gave Kyle a hard nudge as i know it takes a lot to wake him up and after a quiet a few nudges he started to slowly open his eyes.

"Hey what tim did you go bed" I asked him while i raised my eyebrows and my hands folded over my chest.

"I was watching you sleep and talking to my wolf at how beautiful you are" Awww thats so sweet and i turned my head so he wouldnt see me blush but i think he did as he grabbed my face and turned me towards him.

"I love it when you blush you dont have to hide" I tried to look away again as my face was getting hotter by the minute and he didnt let me and stood up and kissed my forehead and picked up his clothes and got ready again.

"Well you will have to go out the window as my parents are here but i will see you later i have to do a few things and if my parents see you i think they would reconsider me moving in with you if i had you sneaking threw my window every night" Kyle chuckled but nodded his head.

"And your room looks empty you did that why i was asleep" I nodded and he came over and kissed me and i responded immediatley and then i pulled back and put my hands on his chest when he tried to kiss me again.

"Ah ah ah no go i have things to do and as much as i would love to spend it with you i have no choice but to find out if its true so i have to go but i will tell you what it is in a bit when i will no doubt see you again ok" Kyle nodded and when i took my hands off of his chest he captured his lips with mine and i couldnt stop him even if i actually did want to.

"Go i have things to do today and i actually want to do them so pleasee i will see you later" Kyle nodded and with a final kiss he jumped out of my windown and into the back yard.

Chapter 3 part 2...Traning.

I went down the stairs and my parents were cuddled up on the sofa having a chat so i decided not to disturb then so i krept over to the kithen and made me self some cereal even though it wasnt breakfast but i was hungry after all that packing it can take a lot out of a girl.

After i had finished my late breakfast i got my phone and car keys and purse with some money if i needed it and stuffed my phone in aswell and left the house after saying bye to my parents and only getting a mumble back i left the house and went to Kyles house but i know he would distract me so i parked a little down the road and callled Zack on my phone and he picked up after the first ring.

Me; "Zack before you say anything dont say my name ok and is kyle there"

Zack: "Ok then and yes why"

Me: "I need your help and ill tell Kyle later just come outside ill pick you up and you have no choice thanks bye"

I put my car back into drive and went down the street and i saw Zack coing out of the apartment so i parked up and opened the passenger side door and Zack came in and closed the door so i put my foot down on the exelarator and drove for about 5minutes and parked up on an deserted street.

"Ok i needed your help beacuse i had a dream and long story short it was an older version of me there and she sed she was apart of me and i needed to unlock that part to unlock my powers and when i go to bed i would dream and go to that place and she would train me to help relase my powers and when she knows i have i will like pass out and she will tell me and when i know im ready i need one of you to be there cause im going to be honest im shitting myself and i dont know what to tell Kyle what if she thinks im a freak what will i do then i couldnt hand-" I started to ramble on more but then Zack interrupted me.

"Ok stop and breath ok yo have powers ok but you will find a way to tell Kyle and he will not think your a freak he loves you so much and anyone can see that and if you dont tell him ill be here for you just breath you dont have to be scared im here and if you tell Kyle then he will be there to help you through it i promise you that.

Chapter 3 part 2...Traning.

I went down the stairs and my parents were cuddled up on the sofa having a chat so i decided not to disturb then so i krept over to the kithen and made me self some cereal even though it wasnt breakfast but i was hungry after all that packing it can take a lot out of a girl.

After i had finished my late breakfast i got my phone and car keys and purse with some money if i needed it and stuffed my phone in aswell and left the house after saying bye to my parents and only getting a mumble back i left the house and went to Kyles house but i know he would distract me so i parked a little down the road and callled Zack on my phone and he picked up after the first ring.

Me; "Zack before you say anything dont say my name ok and is kyle there"

Zack: "Ok then and yes why"

Me: "I need your help and ill tell Kyle later just come outside ill pick you up and you have no choice thanks bye"

I put my car back into drive and went down the street and i saw Zack coing out of the apartment so i parked up and opened the passenger side door and Zack came in and closed the door so i put my foot down on the exelarator and drove for about 5minutes and parked up on an deserted street.

"Ok i needed your help beacuse i had a dream and long story short it was an older version of me there and she sed she was apart of me and i needed to unlock that part to unlock my powers and when i go to bed i would dream and go to that place and she would train me to help relase my powers and when she knows i have i will like pass out and she will tell me and when i know im ready i need one of you to be there cause im going to be honest im shitting myself and i dont know what to tell Kyle what if she thinks im a freak what will i do then i couldnt hand-" I started to ramble on more but then Zack interrupted me.

"Ok stop and breath ok yo have powers ok but you will find a way to tell Kyle and he will not think your a freak he loves you so much and anyone can see that and if you dont tell him ill be here for you just breath you dont have to be scared im here and if you tell Kyle then he will be there to help you through it i promise you Tasha" I looked over at him and nodded and then started the car back up and headed back to Kyles.

"Ill drop you off ill come in to just say i needed you to help me talk to Courtney after all she is your mate" I looked over at him and when i mentioned Courtneys name his eyes lit up and i wondered if me and Kyle were like that.

"Ok but i dont like lieying and if Kyle asks me i have to tell him but i will tell him that he has to talk to you as he is my best mate and my alpha"

"I understand and thankyou i didnt know what to do im just so scared and freaked out i thought i was normal well as normal as you can get with a werewolf boyfriend and a witch bestfrien but hey i wouldnt swap it for anything" I looked over at Zack and he chuckled and then i just arrived at Kyles and his car was parked out front so i parked on the pavement and i stopped the car and we both jumped out the car and went inside were we found Kyle,Lucas and Brady sitting on the sofas with beers on the table while watching football typical guys i thought.

When we closed the door all heads snapped towards us and when i looked towards Kyle he was looking back and thorth between me and Zack so i shook my head at him and then Zack went and go a beer and sat down with the guys so i went over to Kyle and moved his arms out of the way and sat on the armchair with him with my legs up as it was a one seater and i thought to kyle in my head:

(Conversation to eachother in minds/heads)

Me: Nothing happened if thats what your thinking i wouldnt do that to you we had a chat i needed to talk to someone ill tell you later i promise and i know your going to say i should of come to you but i freaked and i worried what you would think of me but i needed someone who i wouldnt care if they judged me and Zack helped and thats why ill tell you later when were alone.

Kyle: Ok but please come to me i wont judge you any diffrently just talk to me ok and when are you moving in maybee tonight please.

Me: Im sorry and ok but have you asked the guys?.

Kyle: Well ermm no i sorta havent buttt they love you so it wouldnt be a problem and anyway im there alpha.


(Conversation over in mind/head to eachother)

I looked over at kyle and he looked a bit scared so i raised my eyebrows at him and looked at the guys and back at him and he nodded so i snuggled my head into the crook of his neck.

"Ermm guys what do you think of Tasha moving in with us" I pulled my head out of the crook of Kyles neck and looked at the guys.

"Cool we dont mind but we dont cook well we cant cook" I chucked and smiled at them all.

"Good beacuse i cant cook to save my life i have take outs most of the time anyway" I looked at the guys and they smiled widely and then my phone rigtone went of wich was ed sheeran you need me man i dont need you and i asnswered it straight away.

Me: "Hello?" I didnt bover to check the caller id before i picked up my phone.

Caller: "Oh hi sweety its mum i just wanted to tell you were leaving tonight and we wanted to meet your boyfriend before we go for 2 weeks ok i have to go bye honey come before 11 bye"

Me: "Bye mum"

I put the phone down and it was 3 oclock so we had plenty of time before we could go so i focused into the convesation the guys were having and boy it was about football so i put my face back into Kyles neck but i put my head upto his ear and blowed a tiny bit into it and he shivered.

"I need to go and do stuff yeah and we will go to mine later" Kyle noddes and i kissed up his neck and pecked him on the lips and stood up.

"Hey guys do you fancy coming to mine about 11 ill get drinks with my face id" The guys nodded and went back to watching the tv so i gave one last wave and went out to my car and sat there for a couple of minutes and got my phone out of my bag and called Emily,Charlotte and Courtney and they said they would bring drinks to and they would be at mine at 10:30 and hide the booze then go back home and get ready as Kyle will be coming round.

I started my car back up and wizzed of to into town and pulled up at the local supermarket were i know i wont have to show my id cause they know my parents are sorto rich but i always carrry my id around in my purse.

After buying 5 crates of beer and 3 bottles of vodka and wkd with apple cider i had decided that it would be enough i would just have to go round to Kyles again to put it in his fridge cause my parents dont know i drink and i would like to keep it that way so they do let me move in with Kyle and not think we would get drunk every night so when i had put all of the beer in the back of my car it took me 5minutes to get back to Kyles and i pulled it up by Kyles car the ran up and inside as it was getting cold outside and when i got in the guys were still were they were when i left them.

"Guys im nicking your fridge i have way to much beer and i think my parents would notice can you give me a hand pweasee" I put my hands around my back and gave them my best puppy dog eyes and they sighed and nodded and got up so i grabbed Kyles hand and all the other guys hand and led them outside and opened my boot and looked at the guys and they looked schocked so i laughed at them and they snapped out of it and grabbed 2 crates each and Kyle grabbed the bottles and i took one of off him.

"Do you think i got enough" I asked Kyle and he nodded.

"Are you trying to get us drunk" I laughed and nodded a no and we wnt inside and put them in the fridge and looked at the clock and it was already 5:30"

"Guys do you want takeout my treat" I heard a bunch of yes and sure.

"Do you want to come with me i dont know what the guys like"

Chapter 4 part 1...Wild night.

As me and Kyle got out of the car to enter the pizza palar it was empty exept a group of rowdy guys and when me and Kyle entered the pala all the guys stared at me with smirks on there faces and they had lust filled eyes so Kyle pulled me tyter int his chest as he had his arms around my waist and we went up and Kyle orderd the guys oreders.

"Babe what do you want"

"Pepporoni pizza please baby" Kyle orderd all the orders but he forgot his wallet so he ran out to the car and when he did i spun around and there was one of the boys from the table.

"Hey babe whant to ditch your guy and come with me" I looked at the guy and laughed.

"Haha i would rather not so i suggest you go back to your friends before my boyfriend gets back" I had raised my voice when i said the worf boyfriend and when i had finished my sentence and it was his time to laugh and then i let out a sigh when i heard the voice of Kyle.

"I suggest you stop hassaling my girlfriend when its obiouse she doesnt want you and never will"

"Well i would advise you to ask the fair lady what she wants to do and not speak for her now" I looked at the guy and gave him my best death glare and walked over to Kyle were he put his hands around my waist and i snuggled into him.

"I guess you better wun along now and let me and my girlfriend go home now" Me and Kyle pushed passed the guy and he cursed and went to sit back with his friends and they all kept a close eye on Kyle and gave him death glares but we ignored them and got all of our pizzas and went out of the shop and drove back to the house were there were 3 hungry guys and they all launched themselves at the pizzas when we put our foots threw the door.

"Guys your welcome" The guys just gave a few mumbles so i laughed and handed Kyle his pizza and we went to sit back in the armchair and i snuggled myself into Kyle while eating my food.

"How much alchol does it take werewolf to get drunk" I looked up at Kyle and he laughed and shook his head so i raised my eyebrows.

"Well it takes quite a lot about 2 times more than a human does to get drunk" My eyes went wide and i doubted i had enough alchol.

"Oh ermm ok" I turned back around and got on with eating my food.

Atter we had all eaten and i had got the guys to take out all of the trash i pulled my phone out and it 8:56 so when Kyle and the guys came back in i dragged him back out with a quick bye and ill see you later to the guys and dragged Kyle to my car were he got in the passenger side.

When we had arrived at my house we both got out and Kyle came round to my side and entwined our fingers and i looked up at Kyle and smiled and he bent down and pecked me on the lips.

We walked up my drive way and walked threw my door and my mum and dad were in the kitchen sitting at the dining table so i dragged Kyle to the table and we sat oppisite to my parents and my dad put down his paper and studied Kyle and my mum gave me a wide smile in wich i returned.

"Mum,Dad this is Kyle,Kyle this is my mum Steph and my Dad Andrew"

"Nice to meet you Kyle i have heard a lot about you and may i say you seem like a quiet interesting boy" I looked at my mum and she just winked at me and i gave an quiet groan and i supposed Kyle heard as he grabbed my hand under the table and gave it a squise.

"Well has she now i didnt know" Kyle said and looked over at me.

"Well Kyle it seems that you make my daughter very happy and i have heard you share your apartment with 3 other boys is that right" I gave my dad a warning glance but he just ignored me and continued to stare at Kyle.

"I do but they are very close friends who i have known since i was a baby and they like Tasha very much but they know not to do anything they already consider her as part of the family and beside they have there own girlfriends who Tasha knows very well" I looked at Kyle quiet suprised and he again was stararing at my dad so i looked at my mum and she was looking at me so i mouthed the words 'stop this now' and my mum looked to my dad and whisperd something in his ear and i looked at Kyle and he looked like he was on the verge of laughing and i had figured he had heard what my mum had said to my dad and i just gave him a confused look then i heard his voice in my head.

Kyle: Your mum just said if your dad contunies with interagating me she wont give him any later and she will get the wips that your dad dont like out so yeah

I looked at Kyle and put my hand over my mouth and he let out a small chuckle and i was half suprised and half disgusted as they were my parents and i really didnt want to hear about there sex life.

Me: Omg Kyle i dont want to know about my parents sex life its grss there so old it should be illegal over the age of 40 to have sex it gives me the shiver.

"Mum ermm dad can me and Kyle go i still have some packing to do" I looked over and my dad had a big grin on his face and i couldnt help but shiver at what he ws thinking about.

"Yeah go ahead sweety" I sent a thankfull glance at my mum and nearly ran out of the room with Kyle hot on my trail.

As i got up to my room i closed the door and went to sit down on the bed and Kyle sat oppisite me and i looked around my room for one last time and got up and got all 3 of my suitcases out and put them near the door and went to sit back on the bed oppiste Kyle.

"Im gonnah miss home"

"Youll be able to come and visit and stay if you want Tasha im not stopping you" I looked at Kyle with tears in my eyes and Kyle pulled me into his chest and i sobbed into his neck while he hugged me and whispered conforting words into my ear and soon i stopped crying and we just sat there.

"You ok now babe" I nodded into Kyles chest.

"Yeah im just gonnah miss home but im looking foward to it to moving in with you" After i said that before Kyle had even started his conversation my mum and dad walked in and we both turned our heads to the door.

"Darling we are going now we just wanted to say bye and we willl see you the next time you come around bye honey we love you" I nodded to my mum and dad and they left and then my phone went of and i looked at the caller id and it said Courtney so i picked up.

Courtney: Hey we are with the guys do you want us to come over

Me: Yeah and tell the guys to bring the booze yeah k love you bye

I put down the phone and went into the bathroom and reapplied my makeup wich i left in here icase this happened and when i went back into my room Kyle was spread out like a starfish on my bed so i walked up and crawled on the bed and lied In bertween Kyles legs and my head resting on his chest.

"Courtney and the guys are on there way now k but i really want to spend time with you"

"I do to but things never go as planned" I chuckled at that beacuse i knew it was right and Kyle even cracked a smile before we heard the door go and i sighed and wiggled my way out of Kyles hold and he pouted and i just smiled at him and ran down stairs and opened the doors and there was all the guys and my girl friends so i ran up and hugged each one of them and nearly getting crushed by Zack as his hold was so tight i fet like my air supply was getting cut off and he just LAUGHED HE JUST LAUGHED NOT EVEN ASK IF I WAS OK SERIOUSLY MAN DUDE WHO DOES THAT!.

"Thanks im ok yeah i just didnt nearly get my air supply trapped off but all in all im fine" Zack laughed and i gave him a death glare and he just laughed harder and then Kyle came down the stairs in all of his glory and when he saw me he looked away and wouldnt meet my confused eyes so i looked at Zack and he had the same face as me on so i shrugged

"Ermm guys put some music on and drink as much as you like and Kyle can you help me a second" After i said that Kyle snapped his head around and gave me a small nod and i could faintly see a small glare in his eyes.

I walked into the Kitchen and shut the door and i could hear that the guys had put music on from my stero and i went around and sat on the kitchen counter and i looked up and Kyle was facing the door so i couldnt see him so i decided that i would be first to break the awkward silence.

"What have i done we were fine 10minutes ago" As i said that Kyle turned around and he had anger in her eyes.

"What have you and Zack been up to then with all your secret texts and meetings" I looked at Kyle in confusion.

"We are friends nothing more why would i be with you if i supposly like Zack in wich i dont so get over your self already and man up and ask me propely not with all your anger problems and crap so please enlighten me what prove do you have" Kyle walked over to me and passed me my phone and he put me in my inboxs nd i looked and it said 1 message from Zack.

Zack: Hey darling what you up to d you want to meet up later today and talk about stuff if you do then text me ok bye darlings .

I looked back at Kyle and laughed and he looked like he wa getting angrier ad i stopped then.

"We do that we are friends so think what you want im not that type of girl so do what you like think what you like but you know this is why we always break up so why would fate put us as mates i dont know but sometimes i hae you but you know that know matter what ill always love you so much so you can think that im cheating on you but im not and now im going to have fun with my friends so are you coming or going but if you are im not going to come running back to you in a haist" I snatched my phone off of him and walked to the kithen door and when i looked back Kyle was just walking ou of the back door so i sighed and went back into the lving room and got the shot glasses and poured 3 and downed them all and did another 3 and did them and then i was a bit tipsy.

1 hour later...

Ok so im totally smashed but i do not what i have been doing ive been dancing and drinking and more drinking so you get it so i looked at the time on the clock and it said 4:30 and i could tell we were running out of beer so i decided to end this party

"Ok guys get a bedroom each just not my parents so please now go weve had enough and im smached but im not that smached so now go" I said and all the guys and gals quickly rushed up the sairs and whe i looked around it was a tip so i walke up the stairs trying to walk straight and not to fall over but i made it to my bed an snuggled up to my pillow wishing Kyle was here.

2 weeks later...

It had been 2 weeks and me Courtney had started back school and sadly Emily moved away and found out that Brady wasnt her mate and it was just that they found eachother attractive and me and Kyle have not spoke but Zack has been saying he has been cooped up in his room and he said he has not been cheeting on me wich i am thankfull for and he has not been eating and has big bags under his eyes and Zack has had to been handaling the pack as Kyle is to weak and dosent know what he is doing anymore but i felt guitly cause i have not seen him in 2 weeks and i cant bare to be without him but i told him i would not go running back to him and i would let him come to me but he is being selfish enough to put us both through this.

I was currently sitting on my bed with my phone in my hands and thats all i have mainly been doing all these 2 weeks exept for when the guys came around and try to get me to talk but ive not been responding just nodding or grumbling my words out and my parents have not yet been back to see how im doing but at school i only talked when asked a question and Courtney was worried about me and Charlotte has been cming round everyday even tho she has to sudy but as she says she is worried about me.

I decided i was going to visit Zack and i dont care if i see Kyle ill have to deal with it so as i was already dressed i put my hair into a high ponytail and i didnt put any makeup on today beacuse i would have still looked a mess with bags under my eyes so i got my phone and went out and into my car and i drove the 10minutes to Kyles house and when i got there i parked in the drive way behind Kyles car and i got out and looked my car up and just went inside and when i did it was only Zack there and Lucas has been going back to his docotors course and Brady had been trying to find his real mate.

I sat down on the sofa next to Zack and we looked at eachother and then Zack pulled a funny and i couldnt help it but laugh.

"Wheres Kyle" I asked Zack and his eyes went sad seeing his bestfriend like that beacuse of me.

"In his bedroom not eating he wont talk hes fin and i mean really fin and his wolf is begging to get out and its dying day by day as it doent have your mate with you you need to see him he only has about 2 days until his wolf dies and then evetually he will die" Zack said and i was on the verge of tears so i wiped my tears away and nooded and when i was half way up the stairs up i heard a voice in my head that was not Kyle.

Older me from dream: You need Kyle for me to be in your dreams again thats why i cant come in your dreams and help ou train but let me tell you,you will have nice kids and it will work out there maybe up and downs but you will get threw and only you can make this happen.

I froze and proccsed what i had heard and then nodded even tho i could not probly hear it or see it and made my way up the stairs and when i was outside Kyles bedroom i paused and though if it was a good idear and when i opened the door Kyle was on his bed sat up with his pillows behind his bed nd he looked weak and it made my heart qwench and i silently closed the door and i walked over to the couch near the bed and sat down and when Kyle turned his head he groaned and he had bigger bags and me and his faced and body looked so fragile and he looked so fin and you could see is ribs through hi shirt and i had silent tears running down my face.

"This is all my fault i made you like this so im sorry and i knew i said i wasnt gonnah run back to you but i need you i havent eaten or slept in days m grades are low and i need them to pul up so i can graduate but its not about that its about that i miss you so so much and im sorry and i wish i coud make it up to you just say the words and ill do it anything im just sorry and i would never cheat on you i think of Zack and the others as brothers nothing more im just s-" I was cut off from my ramble when Kyle grabbed my hands and shushed me and i felt the famailar sparks and Kyle looked like he was slowly getting his touch back just by me touhing him so i lifted the covers and got in with him and he got the strenth to put his arms around me so i was facing him and i looked up at him and grabbed his chin and pulled him down and captured his lips with mine and it lasted as long until i was breathless but it was a slow and passinoate kiss and he looked better already.

"Its ok i should have called you but i was being selfish but i should be sorry you look like crap" Kyle said an i let out a little chuckle"

"Look at your self you look worse than me but can i just go and get a drink you want one babe" I asked Kyle as i was getting up and he nodded so i went out of his room and when i got to the stairs i had a wave of nausea and i started to loose my balance and i couldnt step backwards.

"Kyle help me...-" I said before i completey fell and i heard a door slam but it want fast enough as i had fell and when i looked up i saw Kyle trying to reach for me but he was to late and i hit my head and i smelled a metllic smell and i felt my bones crack in my leg and i let out an ear piercing scream and thats when i lost conciouness.

Tashas Dream....

I was back in the forest and there was the older me and i decided i would call my older me Natasha as that is what my real name is but nobody knows that exept my girl friends and even Kyle dont know but i snapped out of it when Natasha started talking.

"Well before you ask your questions you couldnt get to me as you were seperated from Kyle so i would not be able to contact you but now your back close to him im able to get the bond back with you now we can start the questions for this time now go on i can tell you have a lot to ask me" Natash said and i thought threw ll the questions i wanted to ask and wich i should ask first.

"Ermm well how do me and Kyle end up" Natasha looked a bit upset so i started going into panic but natasha finally answered my question.

"That is a reason why you have to unleish your powers to defeat your biggest and ultimate threat but you and Kyle should be able to get threw it if you stick together but you will go threw your up and downs but you should get threw it alive...hopefully" I looked at Natasha in shock and i started to get angry and i felt some sort of unkwown power serging threw my veins as i thought about people hurting Kyle and my friends and then the forest trees started to go up in flames.

"What am i doing im angry they cant hurt him they cant"

"Tasha your time is coming to an end you have been here for a month even tho it feels like a few minutes you will see me soon for your next training session you may not have noticed but your burnt down the trees as you got angry now go back to Kyle he has only let his wolf out twice he needs all his strenght as he will get some of your powers when you mate" I started to calm down and the fire started to die down and it started to dissapear but i had questions what is mating i didnt want to go back it hurts i want to stay i want to feel safe and numb.
Chapter 5 part 1...Awake again

I could feel my self coming back around and man im just going to tell you i so am digging a cookie right now.

When i had fully tested that i was back to my self again and not in dream land i tried to open my eyes and it hurt a little so i closed then and tried to open them again but slowly and i finally managed to and the first thing i noticed was that someone was holding my hand and i felt sparks and i knew it was Kyle so i looked to my left and he had his head rested on my bed and then noticed my surroundings and the walls were white and it had a big window with curtins on and the i looke to my right and there was cards and flowers and baloons saying get well soon and only then i noticed that i was in the hospital and the events past in my mind and the dream and the burning trees and then i noticed a big pain in my leg and i winced and moved my hand that was in Kyles and his head snapped up and i only then noticed it was in a cast and i relaxed again and looked over at Kyle and he pulled me in for a big bone crushing hug and i winced and he let go of me and gave me an apoligetic smile and i just nodded.

"Kyle i need to tell you something and i have had time to think well alot of time to think and before we broke up i had this dream and it had an older version of me that i called Natasha as that is my real name and any moving on she said that i have powers and i need to unleash them before this big threat comes and trys to break us apart blah blah blah and thats why i have been out for so long trying to unleash them but i only can see Natasha if were together" I looked away from Kyle and he gave my hand a squeese and i looked to him and he had a smirk on his face.

"Your full name is Natasha"

"Is that all you picked up out of that speech haha yes my full name is Natasha and if you tell anyone i swear to god i will not hug or do anything else with you for a long time boyo" And now i was the one who was smirking and Kyle had a horrified and scared face and i was trying so hard not to laugh but me being me failed miserably and Kyle gave me a glare and that made me laugh more and i had a mager head ache and i put my hand up to my head and i felt a banage and i figured when i banged my head and then a doctor came into the room and checked the chart at the end of my bed and then came around and stood beside me and took the needle out of my arm and put something else in then he spoke.

"Well then Natasha you were in a coma for 2months and we had though you were not going to come out of it for a lot of time and i have just put a pain killer fluid in the needle to help the pain and you should be able to go tommorow and if you need something just press the buzzer on the wall ok" The doctor said and i nodded.

"What have you been doing while ive been out then" I said and looked at Kyle and he looked the same as he did when i went into his bedroom.

"Well the normal staying here trying to run the pack my mum died and my dad murderd her and hes after me now as we were the mistake he never wanted to have and i fucked up his and my mums marriage so yeah just peachy" I looked over at Kyle and he had tears in his eyes so i got up well a much as could and pulled him to me whispering comforting words why he cried into my neck.

"Im not about to say i know what your going threw beacuse i dont and ill be here for you no matter what happens ok now you can either stay and get on the bed with me cause i need you close or u can go your choice i dont mind" Kyle picked me up as much as he could and he climbed on the bed and set me down on his lap and im so glad i didnt have one of them no back hospital gowns and i had on a bed gown thew that would have been embarissing for me.

"Im staying baby girl ill always stay ok" I blushed as Kyle said that and looked down and he chuckled and i blushed even more.

"Good beacuse i dont want you to leave and where are the guys" Kyle looked sad and i put on an confused face and he looked down and fiddled with his fingers.

Chapter 5 part 2...Zack.

"Ermm well Zack is in the hospital he was mugged and we are trying to find out who caused it" I looked into Kyles eyes and i saw that he knew more than he was letting on but i though i would drop it and let him tell me in his own time.

"You go i will be all right ok i can handle myself so you go get a shower and sleep then come back in the moring and no arguing now go now Kyle go see Zack" Kyle looked hsesitnt but he knew he couldnt win with me so he got up and laid me down and kissed me on the lips and when he tried to deepen it i put my hand on his chest and he let me go.

"Im going but i will be back tommorow bright and early i love you Tasha and no matter what happens i will always be with you"

"I love you to Kyle" Kyle kissed me one more time and i pushed him out of the door and i went back to trying to get back to sleep.

4 Hours Later

I couldn sleep and to tell you i was shit scared i kept on seeing things so i decided that some tv would calm my nerves but as i was waching an episode of Corrie someone came threw the door and boy it wasnt a doctor or a nurse.

"Who the fuck are you." I wasnt in the mood to be polite and i wasnt in no mood to be pissed off but unfortuantley i was so yeah.

"Dont you reconise me i guess my son hasnt told you i was coming after all well he knew what was going to happen" I looked at him when he sneered the word don and then i relazied he looked a lot alike Kyle and i gasped and went to reach for the buzzer but he was in front of me and he grabbed my wrist and i couldnt get away and he ripped out the needle in my arm and i tried to scream but he put his other free hand over my mouth and when he had got all of the needles out of me and he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and i will tell you now my leg HURTS so mucha and this prick is so holding me like im a bag of potatoes and when i started to frash around he pulled out some piece of rag and put it to my mouth and i tried to hold my breath but the substance was to strong and i started to get drawsy and i soon was trying to fight to stay consciouse but i faliled like i always do in life and i was out of it.

Kyles Pov...

I left Tashas room and i felt so guilty for not staying and telling her the truth that my farther knows about her and he wants to kill her to get to me and hurt me but i didnt want that for her so i went home and had a shower got some food and tucked up in bed wishing Tasha was here with me.

The next morning...

I was walking threw the hospital and when i came to Tashas room and peered into the little window on the door and she was not there so i went in and it looked like someone had roughly pulled the needles out of her arm and i had my suspicions of who had done dad and i was going to get my revenge for what he did to my mum and what he was planning on doing to Tasha and the only think i could think of was if she would forgive me or not beacuse i could not live without her she was the love of my life.

Tashas Pov...

When i woke up from being drugged i was in a dark room and i was chained to the wall and when i tried to slash around to get out i let out a litte squeal as it was scratching and ripping my skin so when i hurd the door open i calmed down my slashing and laid there to tired to move but one things for sure is that when i get out of here i better have revenge to what they are going to do to me and go to get some greggs cookies.

I looked up and i noticed that it was Kyles dad and when he saw me he chuckled and i started frashing around more and that made him laugh more at my failed attempt. Oh lord please kill me now if this is the company im going to have for however long i am here.

"Well i see you have settled in properly but dont try and escape its worthless you will just inflict more pain on you than you will be trying to get free so simply just give up and let me kill you but not before i torture you until your beloved Kyle comes along and then the real action starts and i tortue you infront of him and let him watch me rip you from shred until you nothing but flesh until my shoes."

"I will get out of here and i will kill you even if Kyle tells me not to beacuse he told me what you did to his mum and YOUR WIFE and doesnt that mean anything to you that you once loved her and had Kyle and i will rip you to pieces and make it as painfull as possible as you deserve to die and go to hell" And wait can you guess what happened next well if you cant ill tell you he just laughed AGAIN and he shook his head and then i heard a faint voice in my head that sonded like Natasha.

Natasha: All you have to do is belive and then i can go and if you need me just call and youll be able to see my ora and only you and Kyle will hear me as he is your mate and i can only do that and see Kyle when you hear that voice and it will help you through this but it will take time now belive in yourslef and powers.

Ok then and before i could get in a reply i felt Natashas ora leave me and then i was left empty and i didnt realize that Kyles dad that i didnt know his name to so i was going to call him Grouchy so when i did come out of my trance Grouchy had slapped me over the face.

"What the hell was that for Grouchy-" I couldnt finish my sentence as Grouchy had slapped me again and i retained myself from screaming as every time he slapped me he dug his nail in and i could feel the blood trickling down my face and when i looked up Grouchy was laughing.

"Well i like to see peoples pain now im going to go and sent your Kyle a message ok now chaww" Now it was my time to laugh but i manged to hold it in until he was out of the door and then i let it out whoah who these days say 'chaww' is he gay or something?.

After i had managed to calm myself down i looked around and it was like an attic but underground it only had one small window that i couldnt fi threw but it had a slab wall and i was tied to the wall the furthest to the window.Ha he thought i was going to escape out of the window and now let me just tell you that is so clitche and then i heard the voice of the person who i wanted to be with right now.

Kyle: Tasha are you ok please say your ok has he hurt you and i swear if he has i will rip him from limb to limb when i find him but can you tell me were you are its been a day and we havent found a trace of you me and the guys are coming to get you.

I panicked i didnt want Kyle coming here he would most certanily kill his dad and as much as i would love to watch that i want to have my own time to talk to him and i already had my own little plan coming into action and this is where it starts.

Me: Kyle it would take a lot to take me out but i want to ask you something and i want you to promise to do it for me please.

Kyle: I promise ill do anything to get you out of there.

Me: Stay there let the guys do it i need you to do that for me please and i know i always ask you to stay away from the drama but i dont want you to get hurt so let me talk to Zack ok i love you Kyle bye.

Over the week Courtney had tld me she had been studying werewolfs and i could block Kyle out by building a wall in my mind and thats what i did and as Kyle is alpha of his pack i can talk to the rest of the pack.

Me: Zack darlings.

Zack: Tasha Kyle just told us you want him to stay behind and he is not a happy werewolf and he shifted and now hes gone so whats the plan my bunny.

Me: Oh Zack you know how to cheer me up in the wierdest of situations but now being serious i want you to follow my scent and by that time ill be out and ill tell you were i am an no questions but ill come and meet you and we will get Kyles dad and ill get Kyle to come and ask his questions and ill give him the option to kill him or let him suffer what hes done so toodles oh no im starting to sound like hi he says chaww who says chaww Zack well dont answer that and leave Kyle to me now get onto it byee.

I blocked Zack out and i heard movement from the door and when they opened the door and came half way down i noticed it was Grouchy and he had a smile on his face and thats when i noticed the whip in his hands and thats when i started to absoutley shit myself but i kept on a confident face nd Grouchy came and stood behind me and i waited and waited until i felt the first blow and that hurt like hell and boy i would rarther have given birth to twins then indure this pain but hey my mum said always take it like a man.

1 Blow

2 Blows

3 Blows

4 Blows

5 Blows

6 Blows

7 Blows

8 Blows, After the 8th blow i started to feel numb and could only feel a slight tingly feeing and then i started to feel my eyes droop and i felt Grouchy do it harder to keep me conciouse to feel the pain of the blows but i couldnt feel it and that brang a smile to my face as he couldnt succes and make me scream or do something to show how much pain i was feeling but all i could do was become unconsious and let him keep on going and knowing i couldnt feel it made me go out quicker so he knew he didnt do anything that bad to me as i wasnt going to let the pain that i wasnt going threw to show.

Zacks Pov.

I was just finished talking to Tasha and she sounded very confident in herself and i knew she was a strong girl and could handle anything that that cruel man would throw her way so i told the guys what we had to do and they didnt question me or anything just simply nodded there heads as they knew Tasha would go through with her plan and we set of to try and find the sister that we never had.

Kyles Pov.

I couldnt belive Tasha was keeping me out of the loop again i couldnt do that im going to make that man pay when i get my hands on him and i was currently in wolf form trvelling from all the places and houses my dad and me and my mum had been when i was a kid and so far i was having no luck
And when i found that man and he has done anything to Tasha he would wish he would never had touched her or killed my mum.
Chapter 6 part 1...Escaping.

Tashas Pov.

When i woke up i looked around and noticed that Grouchy wasnt there so i tried to get up but i collapsed back down as the pain was exruciating so let out an hiss and then i felt a srong presence come into my mind and body.

Natasha: Repeat these words it can get you away but it wont release all your powers but i know your powerfull so it will force some magic out of you but youll feel weak afterwards thats the only consequence so repeat these words wugoo oam patousht et nile (an.If you cant prounance these words then dont worry its not really important).

I repeated the words and i felt a tingerling feeling take over my body and i closed my eyes as it took over my body and when i opened them i was in a middle of a forest and it was dark as hell and i am crap scared of the ark and thats my only fear and of course loosing Kyle but they are my only fears and i was tired to the max.
I tried to stay awake but my body was on lock down so i let sleep consume me and i slept a really uncomftable sleep.

In the morning...

I woke up and expected to be in that god awful cellar but i was still in the forest and my back killed more than it did yesterday so i opened my mind up and let Kyle in.
Me: Kyle help me please i cant move im in a f-forest please.
Kyle: Tasha baby im coming im in the forest i can smell you baby girl please hold on.

I layed back down and wondred were Zack and the guys were and when i was panicking and then i felt someone scoop me up and rub my back and i let out a scream and i looked up and it was Kyle and he had pained expression on his face and i tried to smile at him.

Can you turn me over my back hurts so much Kyle please i-it hurts so much he whipped me until i was unconciousse" I looked down and Kyle balance me and turned me over ever so slowly and i had tears coming out of my eyes.
"Ill get Lucas he can help but thy are trying to trak down my dad and before you start arguing i know you ordered them to find him and bring him to me i had to do something now i have to run im sorry but the guys havent find him he fled and there on the way home ok i love you so much i had to do something and i should have stayed with you im so stupid i knew he was coming please forgive me Tasha" I looked up at Kyle and my vision became blury and i reached my hand up and touched his face.

"Kyle i c-" I couldnt finish my sentence as i started to black out.
"Tasha stay awake ok stay with me" Kyle started running faster with me and that made me dizzy so i tried to keep my eyes open until Kyle got home.
After what felt like hours but only 30 minutes i felt like giving up and shutting down all together but they only thing that had me going on was Kyle so when we got home he ran threw the door and what i could see off the guys were pacing the room so Kyle spoke up.
"Lucas its her back he whipped her until she was unconcious ill put her in our room i cant stay and watch what he did to her" Kyle walked into our room and set me on the bed belly first and he went out of the room and i was left with Zack,Lucas and Brody and Lucas got my shirt and lifted it up gently and slowly an when he had it all the way up he gasped and i had tears slowly running down my face knowing i was probaly going to be scarded for life knowing he had caused it.
"Tasha you have to have a lot of stitches im sorry but i know your tired so just go to sleep please it will be for the best" I tuned out of the rest of the conversation and let the sleep that was in me tae over and have a lot of eventful dreams.

Kyles Pov.

I can belive he did that to her he is a monster wasnt killing my mum enough for him and he had to go after my mate and WHIP her what would he have done next killed her and when i find him ill be the one to kill him as ill know Tasha would have o replay those memories of what he did to her so when i set Tasha down i went out and snuck out and ran into the forest and changed into my wolf and he immediatley talked o me.
Wolf: Kyle you have to find him and kill him he has to di for what he did to OUR mate.
Me: I plan to im just looking for him but when i do when im done ill let you out and take over and do what you like i dont care as far as im concerend he is not my dad he is just a sperm donor for my mum.
I stopped talking to my wolf i let him take over and we ran for hours on end and when we noticed the sun coming up my wolf let me take back over and i changed and noiced i was only outside the back door so i went in and Zack and Brody were sitting on the sofa looking impatient and when they heard me come in they looked up to me with sad expressions on there faces.
"Your back she woke up 10 minutes ago shes asking for you Lucas is checking up on her go through" I nodded and went upstairs and when i came outside my room i hesitated but then opened up the door and Tasha was lying on her belly again and looking up at Lucas while he was talking and when he was done he walked to the door and patted me on the back and closed the door behind him and it was only me and Tasha.

Tashas Pov.

"Kyle come here" I scooted over and Kyle came over so i pulled him down on he bed and i snuggled into him and he put his hand around the bottom of my back.
"Tasha im so sorry i should of been there to stop him even getting you as Zack got out that night and we wnent home and i should of stayed with you please forgive me" I laughed and puled Kyles face towards mine and kissed him slow and romantic.
"It wasnt your fault and anyway you cant really see yeah there are a lot of stitches but they will go and im okay now lets get past it and i will get revenge beause i know you want revenge to but i need to do it" Kyle looked shocked and then nodded.
i sat up and Kyle tried to keep me down but i pushed his hands away and then i sat up properly and looked at Kyle and he tried to smile but failed so i pulled him back in and kissed him longer than before.
"Kyle i love you so much i dont care i can live with this and so can you so lets go out ok" Kyle nodded so i grabbed his hands and dragged him out of the room and down the stairs were the guys were sitting on the sofas and they looked at us when we came down and sat in the armchair.
"Tasha you should really rest" Lucas said and i scoffed.
"Im okay im not going to be in bed for what that man did to me now we are all going out and i dont care what you say im okay so lets go" The guys looked skeptical and looked at Kyle and he nodde and i was aready changed into some tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie with my hair in a high ponytail and no makeup.

We got up and went outside and i skipped over to my car and the guys groaned and i laughed and got in and Zack got into the passenger side and i laughed and Brody and Kyle and Lucas in the back an i turned my stero on and Ed Sheeran Drunk came on.
"So guys were are we going" I asked.
"We could go to the...park" I looked back and Brody said that and the other guys nodde so i went around the corner and parked outside the park and we all got out and Kyle put his hand around my waist being gentle so i pulled it more aroud me and we walked to the kiddy park and as it was like 5 in the evening no one was here so i ran out of Kyles arms and grabbed his hands and pulled him other to the swings and i sat on one of them and Kyle sat on the other while the guys messed around.
"What do you think we will be like in 10 years from now" I looked at Kyle and he thought before answering.
"I think we will be married and have 1 or 2 pups running around and ill be the happiest man alive i do and i hope you will be the happiest woman alive" I looked at Kyle with a blush on my face and Kyle brushed his hands along my cheeks.
"I hope so beacuse i dont have to go back to school i have enough credits to graduate now so im done im 18 in a few weeks so yeah"

I looked to the guys and they were play fighting and i laughed and walked over to the side were they wouldnt get me and Kyle sat beside me and watched the 3 of them .

"Come on guys" I whooped them on and they begin to fight more and they lasted ages before i cut them off.

"Ok ok cut it out lets sit ok" The guys laughed and came and sat down with us and we sat down thinking what the future would bear for all of us.

Chapter 6 part 2...Life

After about 30mintes of sitting in the park we decided we should get back so i drove back home and we sat on the sofas watching tv.

Me: Kyle can we wait to get your dad so he thinks we wont come then suprise him i just want some normality for the time being.

Kyle: OK what ever you want.

I smiled up at Kyle and i looked at the other guys and they smiled at me and i had an idear that would be normal and fun so i jumped of Kyles knee and winced in pain but i ignored it and ran up the stairs and into our room and got my shoes on and ran back down stairs and grabbed my bag.

"Tasha were are you going" Kyle asked and i rolled my eyes and went out the door and into Kyles car and when i started it up Kyle and the guys came running out beacuse Kyle told me i wasnt aloud to drive his car blah blah blah and last time i was lucky.

(In heads)

Kyle: You wouldnt dare Tasha just get out of my car.


I looked out of the window and stuck my tongue out and the guys were laughing exept Kyle and he took a step forward and i backed the car up and out of the drive way and i looked out the window smirked and drove down the road and the 10 minutes it takes to get to mine and when i got to mine i hopped out and unlocked the door and skipped back up to my room and went over to the back of my closet and there sat 5 water guns so i balanced them in my both hands an went back outside and in the car and driove back home and when i got there i got the water guns and my bag and the water guns were in a bag so they couldnt see them and i went inside and the guys looked at me and Kyle smirked at me and i wondered what he was up to and i set the bag down and got my water gun out and the othersand i turned around and skwerted them all and they shot up and grabbed a water gun and we skwerted each other while running around the house.

And as we were half way threw and we were all soaked Brody had to knock the tv over and make it smash and i stood there laughing while the guys looked like they have just lost there best friends its only a 42inch tv for god sakes so we called it a day and sat down to watch no tv.

"Guys im going bed im going to ask the girls to come out tommorow and go shopping with me and ill buy you something special for all of you so you have to be out of the house you can go to mine my parents are there and we have a tv" The guys nodded still looking grim and i looked at Kyle and bent down and kissed him and i skipped up the stairs and got changed into my snuggly pjs and snuggled into bed and had a dreamless sleep.

The morning.

I woke up the next morning with and arm around my waist and i turned over an Kyle was awake.
"Do you always watch me when i sleep?" I asked and Kyle nodded and i kissed him and when he tried to deepen it i pulled away smirked and jumped out of bed and winced but covered it up by a cough and went to my suitcase and got a summer dress out and one that you couldnt see my back as Courtney and Charlotte dont know yet but hey i would of wore a jacket so i changed into that and put my hair up and added some makeup in the bathroom mirror and put some sandals on and skipped out of the room and Kyle was standing leaning up againsnt the wall and when he saw me he smiled and i ran over to him and grabbed his hand and led him along the corridor and i bangged on each of the guys doors and they came out to see what was going on.

"Get out of this house all of you and you to Kyle i need to do this on my own without you here now go ill call you if i need you ok now heres my keys to my house now go ok" The guys sighed but took the keys off of me and i waited a couple of minutes when i heard the car drive off.
In head..
Me: "Kyle do you need any of the spare rooms.
Kyle: No the pack is all over the country they know if they have a problem what to do why baby
Me: Part of the suprise and i love you so much.
Kyle: Love you to baby.
I went downstairs and got my phone out of my bag and dialed Courtneys and Charlottes number.
Me: Hey guys get round Kyles please he needs a makeover thanks byee.
I put my phon back in my bag and then Coutney appeared out of thin air with Emily and i nearly bobbed myself.

"Ok the tv is broken we had a water fight and i want to re decroate so please will you help me" I looked at the girls and Courtney sighed and Charlotte nodded.
"Tasha they arent are mates ok i know you thought they were but there not im sorry ok but i cant i have buissnes to do so ill catch you later im sorry" Courtney said and i just nodded she was being distend ever since i have been with Kyle but at least i had Charlotte.
"Ok lets go girl ive missed girl time"
"Same so lets get going" I nodded and we went out and i noticed they took Kyles car so i sighed and got into my car and we drove to the mall singing songs of the radio.
When we go to the mall we both linked arms and walked in and we went over to the funiture store were i could get a new more bigger tv.
We have been looking around the shops and i had got a 50inch tv with surround sound and speakers to go and on a stand and we had gone into the games store and brought a whole games room of stuff from new to old games and i had brought some paint as Kyles room was a cream so i brought blue paint and i brought a diffrent variety for the boys room and i had rented out a van and men to help me set it all up and me and Charlotte were on our way back home.

8 and a half hours later...

We are finished finally!!! We had done all the painting and setting up and the house looked great i had some cleaners come in and clean the house and the painters did an exellent job and the movers did and we were all set for the guys to come home and it was currently going on the 5:30 and me and Charlotte were so exited and i got a blanket and put it over the tv and the speakers and i picked my phone up and dialed Kyles number and he picked up on the first ring.

Me: Kyle you and tthe guys can come home we are done but i gottah go i have to pay the movers and painters love you and hurry home byee baby.

I put the phone down and payed everyone and all in all it came to £250.000 and that was half of the money i get a week so i still had lots and i knew Kyle would ask about the movers and painters and when they got here i had one suprise for Charlotte for helping me and i knew her family didnt earn a lot of money and she couldnt get all the things she wanted but she was one of my bestfriends and i wanted to show her how much she means to me in a friend way.

"Ok lets sit and wait"

After about 10 minutes we heard the car pull up and we put the choclate cake we were eating on the coffe table and stood up and each of the guys came in and when they saw the sheet covering the tv there eyes wnt to me in a confused expression.

"Have a look and in your bedrooms ive had a makeover and in 2 of the spare rooms now go" They all ran to the cover and pulled it off and when they squealed like girls and that made me and Chrlotte laugh and then we were both pulled into a group hug and boy we were numb and they all ran up the stairs like ighting.

After a couple of minutes and me and Charlotte were still recorving they bounded down the stairs and we got pulled into another one but it was a lot painfuller and i heard a lot of thanks and you didnt have to and i laughed and said it was the least i could do as they let me stay here.

I looked over to Charlotte and then Kyle and i went up and kissed him and he eargerly responded and when i needed air i pulled back and rested my head on his shoulder an i turned around so my body was pressed against his back and looked back at Charlotte.

"Charlotte come with me please i have my gift to you and i know i shouldnt waste my money as you always say but i wanted to thankyou for all you have done in my life and im so grateful to you now i have two gifts but that one includes all of us so come" Charlotte looked skeptical as she knew i would go out and get her a pony or something ut i didnt but between you and me i was going to get one for myself so shhh.

I lead Charlotte and the guys outside as the guys decided to tag along and i was wrapped around Kyle and i led her to the garage and i guess you could tell what i had got her now i knew Charlotte had told me she wanted a bike so i had got her a pink honda cbr600rr and i had got her booked for her tests already and when i took the red sheeting off of it Charlotte gasped and ran over to me and Kyle and hugged us and kept on mumering Thankyous.

"Ok im still not done recovering and you deserve it and i booked your tests and you just have to pick a date and i paid for everything and i pay for the tax and crap and now for my gift to all of you well i know i need to get out of here so i got 7 class a tickets to La for 4 weeks all payed and booked so you have no exuse its just to say thanks"

After a few hours the hyper wore of and Charlotte had to leave her baby as she said it and i had laughed and she went home as her mum called and the guys were all upstairs and it was just me and Kyle so i jumped off of his lap and went over to the big couch and lied down and Kyle looked at me confused.

"Its ok i just want to think and i cant do that beacuse your so irresistable" Kyle smirked and i knew he could tell i had lied a little but tried to cover it up but i could still see where he had failed and i got my finger and pointed for him to come here and he stood up and came in front of me and i budged furher to the edge and signalled Kyle to lay behind me so he picked me up and i let out a squeal of suprise and he laughed the meanie and layed down and put me againsnt his chest while he traced little kisses down my neck and i laughed until he started gently sucking and biting in my neck that i noticed he was going to give me a LOVE BITE so i tried squwerming out of his grasp but it was no use he was to strong and it was not like i didnt want him to give me one he would most proberly give it were it was most noticable for people to see.

Kyle gently sucked and bited harder and i couldnt fold in a moan at how good it felt and i could tell he was smiling againsnt my neck until he finally stopped and i turned around to face him and i pushed him down so he was flat on his back and i straddeld him so my legs were on his sides and i put my hands on his chest and i put my head in the crook of his neck and planted kisses until i found the place that would be noticable and did what he had done to me but harder and he gripped my waist and groaned and this time i smirked and stopped and planted kisses until they were on his lips and i lifted up Kyles top and he helped me and i runned my hands down his chest and abs and he moaned and then we heard someone clearing there throat and when i looked up Zack was there and he sneakly winked at me and saying with his eye that he new what we were doing.
Chapter 7 part 1...Life and school :L

I buried my head in Kyles chest with my cheeks flaming with a crimson red colour and Kyle stroked my hair and i could tell he was silently chuckling as his chest heavedout and in and when i thought i wasnt red as a beetroot i looked up and Zack was still laughing and i flipped him on and that only made him laugh and i glared at him.

"Zack is there any reason your interrupting us" My cheeks flamed again by just remebering what we were doing and then Zack had a completley serious look on his face and i was confused as i had never seen one of the guys this serious as how Zack looked right now.

"Ermm well its ermm your farther we have evidents from the pack that he is building a werewolf army with rouges and hes planning to attack and before you ask the whole pack are on the way and we shall relocate to a bigger house just until we are safe" I looked at Kyle and he had a look of sadness in his eyes and i looked over at Zack for answeres but he had his head down until he said something that i had barely heard and left me heartbroken.

"That means Kyle has to leave and you stay here to keep you safe but ill be here to with you Tasha you need to finish your school work you have already missed a week and your last exams are soon you need to study and find a college" I looked to Kyle and he was trying to look anywere but me.

"Zack go please" I said and i shortly heard foot steps fading away so i lifted Kyles head up silently saying is what Zack said is true and he nodded and i had tears in my eyes and Kyle touched my cheeck and rubbed it gently.

"I promise when i can i will come and visit you we wont apart long i promise i need to get ready its not safe for you Zack will be here with you" Kyle lifted me up and set me down and i let the tears fall freely and i didnt know how long i was but i eventually fell asleep and i didnt notice until i felt someone shaking me and i opened my eyes a few times to adjust to the light and when i did Kyle was there and suitcases were near the door so i looked back at Kyle and he looked sad and pained to leave.

"Hey i have to go ok and ill miss you so so much but ill ring everyday and night i promise and Tasha what ever happnes stay here and i love you so much and stay here for me dont come i got to go im sorry it pains me to go and leave you but i have to so goodbye i have to go now before i cant go i love you" I looked at Kyle and he had tears in his eyes and i leaned in and kissed him long and romantic until i was out of breath.

"Ok i love you to just dont be long ill miss you now go i love you now go goodbye Kyle" Kyle gave me one last kiss and went to the door and picked his bags up and looked back one last time and he blown a kiss and closed the door and when i heard the car pull of i let the tears come again and then i felt two strong arms come around me and pulled me againsnt him and whisperd comforting words in my ear and when my eyes started to droop again i felt myself being lifted up and up the stairs until we came outside a door and went in and im guessing Zack set me down on my bed and tucked me in then left the room and i went on to Kyles side of the bed and it smelled of him so i snuglled into tthe covers and had a dreamful sleep.

Tashas Dream...

I was in a room and it was light and then Natasha the older me came out holding something in her hands so i looked at her and she gave me a warm smile.

"Hi again Tasha i know whats happening ive been waatching and i know your at your weakest but this is your challenge Kyle is gone for a while you have to practise you powers you will get words or something in your head and youll know what to do and Kyle will come home Tasha i promise just maybe not okay but youll find out but have this we need Kyle to help us stay connected but hes gone so have this it will keep us connected so i can guide you and talk to you ok its time to wake up the object will be on your night stand just keep it with you at all times"

End of Dream...

I felt myself slowly falling and it all went black and my eyes blinked and i wiped the sleep away with my hands and i looked over to the nightstand and there was a chain with a belive writing on it and i picked it up and tied it round my neck and i looked around for the clock and when i found it it said 5:30 and i knew i wasnt getting back sleep so i hoped out of bed and got changed in some joggers and a tank top and i put my hair in a loose bun with no makeup and i went downstairs and got a cookie and i ate it then i went up stairs and in my room and got my phone and put my shoes on and i looked at my phone and i had 1 new message so i opened it and it was from Kyle.

Hey baby girl i miss you but call me when you wake love you :)

I called Kyle and he picked up after the second ring and it brought a smile to my face to hear his voice again.

Phone Convo....

Kyle: Hey baby girl i miss you so much i wish you were here.

Me: You to im wating to go to school i have to sit some of my exams today as i missed a lot of time being with you and im thinking of not going college?

Kyle: What Tasha you have to go baby girl i know you want to go i dont want you not following your dream beacuse of me i love you to much to let you not go college i didnt have a choice i had to be alpha but you have and i want you to take it.

Me: Kyle i-i dont know im confused ok i dont know what i want yet ok im confused at were i want to go in the future ok.

Kyle:So your confused about me then.

Me:What no i love you your the one thing i know were im going in my life im going to be with you im sure of that.

Kyle:Ok then Tasha i got to go bye.

Me:I love you Kyle

Kyle:I know bye.

Convo over...

I cant belive he didnt say i love you back he just said i know but i had to forget about himfor now and i had to get to school as the time said 8:00 and i had to be there for 8:30 so i got my exams and went down the stairs and door and ignored when Zack called me and went straight to my car and got to school in 20minutes and parked up and i saw Courtney and Charlotte at the tree and they waved me over so i put on a fake smile and walked over to them and gave them a hug and looked at Courtney.

"Hey i know Charlotte hasnt told you but i got tickets to go to La and i got one for you to if you want to come i mean" I looked skeptical at Courtney but she nodded and hada nice smile on her face and i hugged her and then the bell went and i went to the hall to start my exams that i missed.Lets go.

I cant belive how hard that was i couldnt concentrate i couldnt get Kyle out of my head he was there all the time and it felt like time dragged but i was now on the way back home to face the truth so when i got back i parked my car and got out and went in side and into the kitchen were i found Zack sipping a coffe and when i sat down he raised his eye brows and i knew he wanted to know why i was ignoring him this morning so sighed and put my head in my hands.

"I talked to Kyle this morning and i told Kyle that i might not go to college nd i told him i was confused about my future and he said i was confused about him and he had to go and i said i love you and he said i know bye and hung up hes upset and angry and he doesnt love me" I said the last bit in a whisper and when i looked up at Zack he looked angry and he stormed of up the stairs and i had tears in my eyes so i slowly went into my room and got my suitcase out and put all my things in and i had all my bags i came here with and went out of the room and down the stairs and into the living room and i got the 2 pieces of paper out of my pocket and wrote the notes to the guys and one for Kyle.


To Zack and the guys

Well im going to a friends and dont come but Zack go to them and...Kyle just leave me alone i can handle myself but tell the guys im sorry and ill call them soon and ill miss you so much beacuse i think of you as the brothers i never had and ill never forget that ever and dont take it out on Kyle hes done nothing wrong this is my choice and i think it will be best for everyone it will keep you safe and im sorry and i love you all so much xxx

Love Tasha x

Next Note to Kyle:

To Kyle

I love you so much but im leaing and its for the best so dont try and find me and contact me im getting a new phone and its not you its me as always i end up fucking things up and im so so sorry i need to figure out what my future is and what im going to do with my life and when you get this dont be mad and theres one thing i ask of you if you find someone be happy dont think of me and ill give you one thing i wont find anyone beacuse your the only person i love and will ever love so if this is the last goodbye then goodbye and be happy and ill love you always and forever.

Goobye Kyle

Love Tasha xxx

I put the letters in 2 seperate envlopes with there names on and looked around one final time and without looking back i walked out of the door and put my bags in the car and drove off to find an hotel until i get my own apartment for myself and i would know when Kyle tried to contact me beacuse i would fell his aura enter my mind unless i put up a wall.

2 weeks later...

Well i passed my exams and i had enought points to graduate early and now im taking time off and doing my apartment oh yeah i had got an apartment it was only a 1 bedroom but thats ok and i had kept my phone on and i had recieved a heck of a load of messages from the guys and most of them are from Kyle so i knew he got my note.

I had spent time with y friends and parents and they kept saying the same thing that i was stressed and deppresed and i should eat more beacuse im to fin wich all of them is true ive been stressed about what to do and depressed that Kyles not here and i dont find the need to eat anymore and ive took the necklace of so Natasha cant contact me and i havent been trying my powers yet im to weak and ive been dredding something i have to do i have to go back to the house to get some stuff i forgot and one of them is my id and passport but im not going anywere i think.

Once i had got changed into some joggers and a tank top and a jacket and no makeup and yes that seems all that i am wearing these days and my hair in a bun with no makeup i got in my car and drove the 35minute drive to the house and when i did i parked on the street outside and got my bag and locked my car and walked up to the front door an got the key out of my bag and hesitated but i finaly turned the key and the door clicked and i opened it and all the lights were on so i set my keys down and i heard movement in the living room so i slowly crept to there and i saw Lucas on the sofa and when i enterned he looked up and smiled at me and i tried my best to smile back but probaly failed.

"I just came to get some of my stuff i forgot ill only be a minute then im gone again" I walked to the stairs until i heard Lucas say.

"Hes hurt Tasha i mean Kyle we had the war and we won hes dead but hes hurt he was angry and he wasnt looking and hes in critical condition they arent sure if he will live its only a small chance and hes at the hospital say your his fiance thats how youll get in we knew you would come and i cant face watching my bestfriend die before my eyes now you can either go to him or leave" I forgot about the stuff and was in my car in a second and i bolted down the road and made it to the hospital in 25minutes and i parked up and ran into the reception and up to the desk with tears flowing down my face.

"Im here to see Kyle,Kyle Roberts im his fiance Tasha" The receptionist looked up and smiled at me.

"Oh yes hes in ward 2 and room 59 dear" I said a thankyou and ran to the elevator and presse the button and it was aganizing to wait so long and when the doors opened i ran in and presses number 2 and it took a minute before the doors were open and i was searching the rooms until i found room 59 then i slowed my pace down and looked threw the window and there were Zack and Brody on the chairs fast asleep so i quietly snuck in and closed the door behind me and i walked over to the side of Kyles bed and he had a bandage around his head and scratches and bruises on his face and with the looks of it a broken arm so i put my hand on his forehead and he was ice cold and i thought he was a werewolf not a vampire lol.

"You came then we missed you" I quickly turned round and Zack was rubbing his eyes and i ran up and hugged him and he hugged me back and chuckled.

"Of course i couldnt stay away and Lucas told me and i rushed down here is he okay please Zack hes the only good thing in my life right now i cant loose him i have to tell him im sorry" I had even more tears now.

"Well im not quiet at deaths doors yet" I turned around and Kyle had his eyes open and i went back over to him and looked down and it seemed like when we first met were i was trapped looking a him and i didnt notice Zack and Brody left until the door closed.

"Im sorry i did this to you i shouldnt have left you wouldnt have got hurt but i was dumb i thought it was right and im loosing you now and i cant your the best thing that i have to live for in my life" I lifted my hand and stoked Kyles cheeck and he leaned in.

"Im not going to die well i was in critical and i didnt have my mate and i had a lot of injuries and i would have died but you hear and thats all i need for now and in the letter i never could be happy with anyone else exept you and i want to ask you something that i was going to do somewher more romantic but you left so Tasha...Will you marry me please"

Chapter 7 Part 2...Proposal.

I looked at Kyle shocked and then i snapped out of it as i noticed Kyle was waiting for an answer and he thought my silence was a no so he looked down with a sad look on his face.

"Kyle ill mary you so yes i would love to marry you" Kyle looked up with a smile on his face and i leant down and kisssed him a slow and romantic kiss.

"But youll have to wait for the ring its at home sorry love" I smiled down at him and he looked a litte better from what he did when i first came in.

"I though you would have said no"

"Why i love you and want to spend my life with you and when can you get out of here?"

"2weeks baby"

2 Weeks Later...

Kyle was being let out today and it was my 18th birthday and i was walking up to Kyles room with his clothes and when i walked in he was sitting on the ege of the bed so when i went over to him he smiled and brought me in for a kiss and i eagerly respnded and when i pulled back i handed him the bag and he walked into the seprate attached bathroom and i had some time to think what i had done these past 2 weeks well i had moved back into Kyles and the guys acepted me back eagerly wich i was thankful for and i had been pratcing my powers and had put the necklace back on and had been having dreams with Natasha helping me and it was all good so far and i snapped back into reality when Kyle came out with his jeans and shoes on but his t-shirt in his unbroken hand and boy he looked scrumpshus and he walked over to me and laughed.

"I canr get my shirt on can you help me" I nodded and he passed me his t-shirt and i slippe it on his left hand wich was his broken hand and then his right and i slowly lifted it up and over hs hed and then i pulled it down and we were out of the hospital in the next 10minutes and i got home and grabbed Kyles bags and we went inside and we talked with the guys for about 2 hours until we started to get sleepy and went up bed and Kyle tucked me in with an i love you and tucked he got in the otherside and pulled me against his chest and i snugged into him and i was obliviouse that Kyle had put something on my finger until in the morning.

The Next Morning...

I woke up the next morning and noticed that i had endeed had an arm around me so i got both hans on one arm and then i noticed i had a ring on my finger it was beautiful it was silver with a big diamond in the middle and little diamonds inside and i gasped at how beautiful it was so i manged to turn around to face Kyle and i knew he saw what i was doing as he had his eyes closed but a big smile was on his face so i leaned in and kissed him on the lips and he responded eagerly and immediatly and when i pulled back he lifted up my left hand.

"Do you like it?" I could sence Kyle had a bit of desperation in his voice and i figured he wanted me to tell him he liked it and i did of course.

"Kyle i love it"
Chapter 8 Part 1...

It was now 1:30 and me and Kyle were in the kitchen and i wanted to know why Kyle asked me to marry him beacuse i know im his mate but cant you refuse your mate if you were human and had a boyfriend or if you had a kid and were truley in love how would you live beacuse i know i would never ever stop loving Kyle for the rest of my life so if one day he said to me ive found someone else im sorry i would let him go just to make him happy but i wouldnt stop loving him for a second and i wouldnt look for anyone else as i know i wouldnt be able to.

"Kyle why did you ask me to marry you?" I turned around as i talked as i didnt want Kyle to see my curiosity on my face.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you why would you ask that you could have said no i wasnt stopping you i gave you a choice if your having second thoughts just tell me" I stood there shocke and dumbfounded and as i was in that state for quiet a while i think Kyle thought i was having second thoughts.

"Its ok then ill just wait we'll wait until the right time just tell me next time instead of saying yes then no"I heard footsteps and then i saw Kyle walking up the stairs so i sighed and made my way slowly up stairs and into our room and changed and went to look for Kyle so i checked downstairs he wasnt there so i went upstairs and went into the gym room and he was sweating doing weights.

I had an idear to see how powerful i was so i looked at the bar and imagened it being lifted out of Kyles hands into the air so i concentrated and the bar went up and Kyle looked up confused and then he looked at me shocked and concerned as i had pain on my face as it was heavy and i flt myself losing it so Kyle jumped up and grabbed the bar and i slowly released it and he put it down and walked up to me and stood infront of me.

"That was amazing but please try something lighter next time wouldnt want you to break a sweat would we" Kyle had a mean voice on but i could hear the plea of pain saying it to me.

"I want to marry you i just wanted to ask if its what you wanted and if you would want to be tied down to me for the rest of your life but its ok if you dont its obviouse and i going home i dont belong here im not a werewolf like you you should have a normal werewolf mate who loves you so much and it kills me to leave but its obvious" I lent up and kissed Kyle on the cheeck and a few tears escaped and he reached his hands out and touched my face and i smiled at him threw glassy eyes.

"Goodybe ill get my stuff tomorrow" I went to turn around but Kyle grabbed my hands and span me back around and he shooc his head no with tears in his eyes and i looked him in the eyes and imaging him sleeping and he blinked a couple of times then fell to the ground and i rushed out of the house just grabbing my bag and i jumped in my car and sped of to Courtneys house.

I jumped out of thr car and banged on Courtneys door and when she opened and saw me she pulled me in for a hug and i sobbed into her shoulder and explained everything to her and she had an angry look and i had only noticed then we were sat on the sofa and tears were still coming from my eyes.

"Stay here for as long as you want and i have something to tell you well i met someone and hes a werewolf and i know im his mate and we met a while ago and we're in love and im pregnant his names Max" I looked at her in shock and then a boy around 19 came out and sat next to Courtney and put his arm around her and rested it on her stomach so i squealed and ran over to her and hugged her.

"Omg im so happy for you both and im Tasha what pack are you in" I looked at the boy and he chuckled.

"Well im Kyle Roberts younger brother hes the Alpha of the pack do you know him?" I looked at him in shock and when i studied him he did look a lot lik e Kyle did and i gasped and thats when Courtney spoke up.

"Oh i didnt know that but Tasha is Kyles mate" He looked shocked then smiled at me and i gave him a little smile back and he came over and hugged me.

"Courtney ill go to my room here if thats ok?" She nodded and i gave a quick goodbye and i know your wondering why i would have a room at Courtneys well when my parents go on trips for work i spent most of my time here and we just said i could have a room so we both did it up together.

I got under the covers of he bed and snuggled depper into them feeling lonley and cold whitout Kyle and i forgot i didnt have the rose with me to talk to Natasha and ill get it tomorrow.

When i woke up i felt refreshed and still empty but i brushed it of and go change and added some makeup and walked down the stairs and the lights were still of so i checked my phone as i had my bag on and it said 6:34 and i put it back in my bag and went into the kitchen and made myself some cereal and i washed the bowl up after and headed out and into my car were i drove to Kyles.

When i got to Kyles i got out and went in and the lights were off so i walked up the stairs managing to not trip and i waled down the hall and slowly opened Kyles door and when i did i gasped beacuse the furniture was everywere and i had to walk over to the wardrobe and pulled my suitcase out and got all my stuff from the wardrobe and bathroom and i had my 3 bags and when i turned around Zack was there.

"I came to get my stuff and go to a friends ill be back" Zack didnt look convinced and he raised an eyebrow at my bags.

"Im getting a new wardrobe for a new me so im sending it to the charity shop so i just want to go without questions so can i just wake Kyle up and tell him" Zack nodded as i had put a powerful edge to my voice and i guess its beacuse im Alpha female.

I crept round to my side of the bed and picked up the rose i needed and put it into my bag and i looked over to Kyle and he was tossing and turning so i took the ring off of my finger and put it on his nightstand and i got a piece of paper and wrote three single words 'Im so sorry'.

I got all of my stuff and put it into the boot of my car and then i felt ligt headed and i knew what was happening to me and i went willingly.

Tashas Dream...

I felt mysef falling and fallng until i was back in the forest and Natasha brushing her hair looking at me so i smiled and she smiled a big smile.

"Well i cant stay forever but you have learned some of your powers and on your own so now i must go and let you find the quest by yourslef and ill tell you something your biggest quest wasnt Kyles dad you still have to face it and there will be death Love and betrayly youll have to face and find that yourself but whn you do youll have mastered your powers but will you have your mate by your side and when you wake up youll have a mark on your wrist and that will show ever supernatural creature who you are but some will follow and some will go agasnt you and fight to kill you beacuse you are the most powerful creature in this planet now go learn" I was shocked and confused as Kyles dad wasnt our biggest quest.

End of Dream...

I woke up to find myslef on something comfy so i looked around and i was in Kyles house and when i looked up i met baby blue eyes and he looked concerned and i smiled a small smile and he tried but still looked concerned.

"You were going to leave me and i know what just happned to you i remeber you telling me but why did you want to leave" I looked down again and he put hs fingers under my chin and lifted it up so my face was looking at him.

"You sounded like you wanted me to go and i just wanted to know and i want to marry you i do so much" Kyle smiled and kissed me on the lips and i eagerly responded.

"Whoah why didnt you tell me that you had a brother and that hes courtneys mate and that shes pregnant with his kid" Kyle looked shocked then happy he retrevied his phone from his pocket and it sounded like it was his brother and the hhe ole time Kyle was holding my hand and i felt whole and happy again.

"Ok come over whenever and bro i miss you" Kyle said that down the phone and it brought a smile to my face seeing hi happy and he and his brother so close to each other i wish i could of had a sister or brother.

"Yeah bye" I smiled up at Kyle and he smiled down to me and i laughed a him as he was smiling like a chesshire dog.

"Im not going to stay at Courtneys anymore but im going to go home see when my parents are back and spend some time with them come with me they love you please" I put on the puppy dog eyes and everything and he laughed and nodded and we both got up and i jumped for Kyles keys before he could get to them and laughed and i sped out of the house with him on my trail and i made it to the car door before hands came around my waist and i felt the familuar sparks go threw my body every time Kyle even so much brushed his arm with mine.

"No you dont princess my car" Kyle whispered in my ear and i shivered from the sparks flowing threw me.

I turned around in his arm and put on the puppy fac the eyes and a pout that i knew he couldnt resist but say yes to and he looked away but i turned with him and he nodded and i squealed and kisses him on the lips unti i was out of breath from it.

I jumped into the passenger seat but i locked all of the doors when i got in and i had the best idear ever to do.

In Heads....

Me: Kylee please go in wolf to my house and i want to see if i can beat you pweassse for me.

Kyle: Ok for you but i know ill beat you im a werewolf plus Alpha darling.


Kyle ran into the woods and i saw two baby blue eyes looking at me and i smirked then nodded and they were gone and then i had an idear i pictured in my head that wanted to be round the back of my house near the forests then a spell came to my mind and i started mumbling it and i started to fall until when i opened my eyes i was standing in my backyard with just my bag no car.

"Oh yeah beat that sucker i dont have to be a werewolf to kick your ass" I sat down waiting for Kyle and a few seconds later i saw the familar blue eyes and when they spotted me i smirked and he looked confused.

"Come out in wolf form no ones here and ill explain comme baby" Kyle looked around then came out and when he did i gasped at how beautiful he was he was big and blck and if you looked close enough you could see a faint hint of blue and he did a wolfy laugh and walked over to me and i strokedhis fur and he lied down and rested his head on my lap.

"Well instead of driving i imagned myself here and a spell came into my head but im scared i cant control this i have to say the spell if i think of something thats bad i will get a spell if there is one and i cant still control myself what if i hurt someone what if i hurt you" Kyle gave of a little bark and i figured it was meant to be a dont think that it wont happen i wont let it happen.

I hear the front door knock and Kyle jumped up and went back into the woos and i stood up and wiped my eyes and picked a few roses my mum used to grow when she was home and it looked like i was picking flowers.

I went round to the front of the house and there were 2 officers at the door and i frowend and sped up and when i got close to the door the officers looked at me and took of there hats.

"Are you Ms Natasha M?" I nodded and they contiued.

"Well im sorry to say but your parents were shot dead on the border of India i so sorry and we're investigating te situation but so far we have nothing but we will get into contact with you im sorry bye" I stood there stiff in my spot while the oficers went off and back into there car and thats when Kyle appeared and i guess he heard what they said beacuse he put his arm around me and pullled me into his chest while i sobbed my heart out.

Chapter5 part 2 ...Funeral plans and rebelion.

Its been a day and i still couldnt belive it there dead my PARENTS are dead and only yesterday i picked the floweres my mum planted.

"Tasha baby you need to eat and we sorto need to arrange th funeral as your parents are going to be here soon and they want you to have a check to see if it is them as there body is to messed up please Tasha" I looked up and nodded my head no and Kyle sighed and sat down beside me and i snuggled into him.

"Tasha talk please its been a day we have to plan im sorry" I looked up and nodded no again and got up and we were in my parents room i slept in my bed but i came in here early this morning as it smelt like them.

2 Days Later...

There here the bodies i mean and they wanted me at the hospital morgue so i was getting ready in loose sweats and a tank top and i went downstairs and Kyle was waiting at the door and he knew i wouldnt talk i havent been talking a lot well i havent been alotogether and when the police left it was like i had gone on shutdown mode.

I nodded and we went out of the room and i got into the driver side of the car and Kyle got in the passenger side and i started the car drive and it felt like a couple of seconds went as i pulled up into the parking lot of the hospital and i thought back the tears that were threating to spill and i guess Kyle saw as he grabbed my hand and squessed and i looked at him and smiled.

I let go of his hand and got out and i remembered it was my 18th birthday tomorrow and i forgot that thought as soon as it came to mind nd i walked over to Kyle and grabbed his hand and he put his hand around me and pulled me into his side and we alked up to the front doors and i hesitated but i looked at Kyle and he was the only thing that was making me from not turning aound and getting back into my car and going home.

We walked up to the front desk and the women asked for our name and Kyle answered and the women gave me and apoligetic smile and i just nodded and she led us the way until we got to big double doors and the women montined her hands and said when your ready and come out whenether your ready and i smiled and nodded.

I went in with my hand still in Kyles and there were two metal beds and two bodys on them will the sheet over there heads so i unclasped my hands from Kyle's and walked over to the first body and took a deep breath and lifted the sheet from over the head and without looking i went over to the next body and did the same and when i took a step back i gasped at what i saw?.

Please comment or vote i dont care if negative or not i just want to know what you thiny of my story i really whant to know what you all think :)
Chapter 9 part 1...Bites.

I gasped as they had scratches all over there face and i didnt want to imagine what the rest of there body looked like right now.

There was one thing that standed out on both of the corpses and i knew they were my parents there were multiple bite marks on there necks and i walked up to my mums corpse and trailed my hand on her neck and they were definatley bite marks and i knew what cause them and knew there murder wasnt an accident it was planned and when i find them ill tear them apart and slowly tortue and burn them the...vampires.

I couldnt be here anymore i quickly put the sheets back over there heads and rushed out of the double doors without waiting for Kyle and i rushed passed the recipsonist who tried to talk to me but i just walked past and out of the doors until i was leaning agaisnt my car and thats when i let the tears fall and my legs fell and i was on the floor in a ball until i saw a set of feet and they lifted me up and i felt the sparks so i clutched Kyle's shirt and sobbed into his chest while he whispered comforting words into my ear and when i felt my eyes droop i felt myself being lifted up and being placed into the back seat of the car.

Kyle's Pov...

I hate seeing Tasha like this its truly breaking my heart and knowing i cant do anything about it but now i know her parents death wasnt an accident but the question im wondering is how am i going to find out who did it?.

I concentrated on th road and i glanced in the mirror and Tasha was sound asleep and i smiled knowing this was the first time in 3 days she has gone to sleep without tossing and turning.

I pulled up to my house as i knew the guys wanted to see if Tasha was okay and she needed to get rest we can now plan the funeral but is she ready to.

I carried Tasha into the house and set her down on the sofa and Zack,Lucas and Brody came into the room and when they saw Tasha sadness came onto there face as i knew they cared about Tasha a lot and they knew her now as a younger sister and they care a lot about her and i knew if i ever do anything that would hurt her wich hand over my heart i wont do in the future they would turn agaisnt me and go with Tasha as they love her like a younger sister even know im there bestfriend but i get it i dont think no one could not love Tasha she is a good nice and kind person who i love with all of my heart and i wouldnt want to spend it with no one else.

"Her parents murder wasnt an accident it was a vampire they had mutiple bites on there necks im going to take her to bed but she hasnt been eating or talking even sleeping properly im worried she wont talk to me its hit her hard" The guys nodded but shot concerned looks at Tasha and about 2 hours later at 6 her eyes fluttered open and when she saw me she smiled.

"Hi and dont think i dont know what you've been talking about i have ears and im fine ok stop worrying about me"

Tasha's Pov..

I looked at each one of the guys and theyhad a concerned face on so i gave them smiles and i knew it would cheer them up as they gave a big smile back to me.

"Ermm guys i think we should start planning the funeral" The guys looked shocked that i wanted to do it now but they noodded and i put a smile on my face and we got ready to plan my parents funeral.

The day of the funeral...

It was the day the day that i was buring my parents all beacuse of them beastly creatures we called vampires but i couldnt think about that now it would just get me worked up again and we were currently sitting in a crouded church with two coffins opened at the front of the room and then the viccar asked me up to the stand and hesitatly let go of Kyles hand and walked to the stand.

"Well i thankyou all for coming here today and i would like to say a few words about my parents they were good parents and even know they travelled alot they still made the effort and i just wanted to say im going to miss you and you were the best parents in the world and i hope your in a better place now im sorry and goodbye i love you so much" I started crying as i walked back to the first bench and i cuddled into Kyle as they lifted my parents coffins out of the church and we all followed to watch them be buried.

I had put a red rose from the garden in the grave and we were now watching the graves being lowed and i made a silent prear and we all went to are cars and we drove back to Kyles were we were helding a gavering that i must say i wasnt looking foward to.

O.M.G the only thing that was getting me threw this is thinking of my parents and i thank them for this being over and done and i could go snuggle up in bed with Kyle and wake up tommorow and go to the sileciters for them to read my parents will but i dont care about money i would trade in everything i own just to get them back but sadly it doesnt work that way.

"Im going to bed im tired and want to sleep this day off" I trudged up the stairs not waiting for an answer and went to our room and slipped into bed fully clothed and i heard footsteps walk in and the covers being lifted off of me and then someone put an arm around me and i immedialtyly snuggling up to it knowing full well it was Kyle.
The Morning..

I woke up to the smell of bacon so i rolled over and Kyle was not there and when i started to get panicky he came into the room with a tray in his hands and when he set it down there was a full english breakfast and orange juice and on the top a red rose and i smiled a big smle to Kyle and i pulled him down for a kiss and he eagerly returned it back.

"Thankyou baby you didnt have to do this" I said to Kyle after we finished our little make out session.

"Its fine and um well you have to be at the sillictors in 1hour so eat up" After he said that the events that had passed fludded back in mind and i struggled not to cry and i began to eat the lovely breakfast my fiance made me.

"Tasha when do you want to get married" I looked at Kyle suprised i was currently putting my hair up as i only had 45minutes to get to the scillistors office.

"Kyle i dont know can we talk later and i-i dont want you to come with me i want to do this on my own please" Kyle nodded and i grabbed my bag and car keys and went over to Kyle and when he tried to kiss me i turned so he kissed me on the cheek then i chuckled and kissed him on the lips.

"Love you baby boy i'll see you later" I didnt wait for an answer i rushed down th stairs and into my car and went the 30minute drive to my destination.

In the slicitors office.

I was nervous i really was my palms were sweaty and i was deep in thought and when the door openend i neary had an heart attack and a guy around the ag of 35 came in and i smiled and he gave me a brief one back and then he started.

"Well im Mr.Marche and i'll read out your parents will now ahh they have left you all of there money wich here states you will get in your bank account in about a week but you will get some monthly and it states you will inherit there house and all there furnture ect and i have a few items that your parents put in a saftey deposit box and here is the key to it and that is all thankyou you may leave" He handed me a little key and an piece of paper with an adress on it and i gave a small smile knowing he wanted me to just leave.

I walked out of the building and leant up agaisnt the wall and i felt a buzzin noise come from my bag so i got my phone out and it said Kyle but i couldnt think right now so i hung up and got into my car.

Why couldnt he just give up already my phone was going every 2minutes and i chucked my bag in the back seat and parked up my car and enterd the building with the small key in my hand and i scanned the room and spotted an old women behind the desk.

"Hi im Natasha i was wondering if i could get into my saftey deposit box it's number 127" I knew that was the number as i had looked over at the key and it had the numbers 27 ingraved into it and as i looked over at the women she gave me a bright smile.

"Yes my darling i will show you we dont want you getting lost now do we" She gave of a little chuckle and i smiled at her and she got out of her chair and we started walking down sevreal hallways and stairs and i was suprised she could walk so fast as i had to keep up with her and then she came to a door and i nearly bumped into her and she made a sighn to go in but before i went in i gave a smile and hesitanly opened the door and it closed with a thud.

There were sevreal boxes in number order so i looked for number 27 and it was the last one on the second row so i raised my hand that i have only just noticed was shaking so i took a deep breath and opened it up and there was a box in there so i took it out and shut the box up and went back outside the door were the woman was still waiting and she smiled at me and began leading the way back out to the front office were the women sat back down and started tyoing on the computer so i went back outside and in my car were i put my head on the head rest.

I started driving back home and when i checked the time it was 4 already so i stepped up the speed and i managed to dodge the cars and make it back in 25 minutes and i pulled back up to Kyle's house and i opened up the door and walked in and it was empty and i heard shouting from upstairs but i brushed it off thinking they were playing games so i sat on the sofa and put the box down on the coffe table.

I stood up and grabbed the box and quietly tip toed up the stairs to mine and Kyle's room and put the box in my suitcase that only had a few clothes in then i went out of the room and into the games room where i heard all of the voices coming from.

"Hey guys" They all looked behind them and smiled at me and i went over and sat down with them and they contuined there games and i noticed it was mw2 and i sighed and they all laughed.

"Err Kyle can i talk to you" I looked at Kyle and he nodded so i went out of the room and down the stairs were i plopped myself down on the couch and Kyle came and sat next to me.

"You know i love you right" Kyle nodded looking confused and i leaned over and kissed him and he was suprised but got into it and i stod up and grabbed his hands and led him upstairs and on the way we saw the guys leaving and i laughed and we entered our room and there was red petals on the bed that i put on there earlier and i sat on the bed and me and Kyle started kissing and well you know now how the night ended up after that.

When i woke up i was in Kyle's arms and i was a little bit saw down that area if you get what i mean.
Chapter 10 part1.....Pregnant?

It had been 2 weeks since that me and Kyle did it and i was starting to get ill i was heating up and throwing up in the mornings and i barely eat beacuse all i did was bring it back up and i was concerned but i didnt tell Kyle about these things i kept it to myself until one day i couldnt do it anymore i had to tell someone anyone beacse im scared.

In a haist i grabbed a bag and stuffed whatever clothes i could get with my hands and zipped it up and i all but finished but Zack came in while i was putting it on my shoulder and i looked at him with tears in my eyes and he came over and pulled me into a hug and i let it out i couldnt hold it in anymore.

"Hey sweetie what's up with my little sister"" I sobbed and looked up at him while wiping my tears away and looked down.

"Zack i-i well me and Kyle we you know did it but that's been about 2 weeks ago and ive been feeling sick and being sick in the mornings and i im going to take a test but i think i know im pregnant im scared im barely 18 my birthdays in 2 days" Zack pulled me to him and i rested my head on his shoulder.

"I have to go Zack i cant im still a kid okay" He took my bag and put it on the bed then took a hold of my shoulders and made me look at him and he kissed my forehead.

"No your not going to run anymore you have Kyle and me and Brody and Lucas so dont say you dont have anyone now go buy a test come back here do it then call Kyle as he has gone to meet the pack to discuss some buisness now go" I nodded and kissed him on the cheek and went and wiped my eyes and got my keys and some money and got into my car and drove to the cemist and when i got there i parked my car and all but nearly ran to the section were it sold tests and i got two of each cheap and expensive and went to the cashier and there was about 20 tests there and it all came up to just over £80 pound but that didnt matter to me.

I drove back home sparing glances at the tests and went straight to the bathroom the bag in my hands and started doing eachone and when i layed all 20 out they were all positive, I gavered them all up and put them back in the bag and went out and outside were i took one and put it in my pocket them chucked the others in the dustbin so no one would find them.

I slowly walked back up to the house and found Zack,Lucas and Brody in the kitchen eating like usaul and when i caught Zack's eye i made a signal for him to follow and i went into the bathroom and about a minute after Zack came in and closed the door and i pulled the positive test out of my pocket and passed it to him and turned around and got my phone out and went to text Kyle.


Me: Baby when are you getting home i have some important news :L

Kyle: Baby girl im on my way now im done for the day what' s up :)

Me: Just get home please :)

I put my phone in my pocket and looked back at Zack and he had a smile on his face and when i turned around he pulled me into a hug and i smiled that i was going to be a mum but at 17.

"Im going to be an uncle i feel old" I looked at him and pulled him out of the bathroom and put the test back in my pocket and he went into the kitchen and i went over to the couch were i layed in a ball until i drifted of to sleep.

When i heard the door open then closed my eyes shot open and i looked up and rubbed my eyes to see Kyle walking in and when i saw him i got up of the couch and nearly jumped on him and he hugged me and placed a kiss on my lips and i eagerly responded but then pulled back and led him into the bathroom were i closed the door and leant agaisnt it and passed him the test and after a few mintues i was pulled into him.

"Your pregnant, Tasha im so happy arent you we're going to have a little boy or girl running around" I looked up at him and placed my lips agaisnt him.

"Yeah im happy but im scared i have you but im 18 in two days and all and i keep thinking and thinking about it and i just cant imagine myself with a baby in my arms Courtneys pregnant i think i just cant think straight now i was going to run and hide like i always do when im stressed what if im not a good mum" I looked at Kyle stressed but he came over and hugged me and i rested my head in the crook of his neck.

"Your going to be a great mum to our little boy or girl now shut up and lets get you for a doctors appoitment and a midwife okay now let's get something to eat" I nodded and grabbed his hand and we went out of the bathroom and into the kitchen were all the guys were smiling at us and i guesses Zack had told them.

After we had some dinner we had a laugh talking and i found out Brody was seeing a girl but he wasnt sure if she was his mate why would he not be sure when i met Kyle i knew something was diffrent about him and im human and he was a werewolf so how can he not be sure but i didnt want to know i was to tired and had a headache coming on but Kyle told me i had a doctors appointment and have to meet up with my midwife tomorow so i had an eventful day a head of me.

I kissed Kyle and said night to the boy as i wanted to get an early night so i changed into my mickie mouse pj's and got up into bed thinking about the future of me and Kyle and the baby but he wouldnt be able to go out and when we get married i would be tying him down he would have to stay home andbe with me because i dont mind not going out i would rather just stay in with Kyle and the baby that would be the best thing for a night.

I felt the bed dip and only noticed Kyle had got in and pulled me to him and i turned around and looked at him and he smelled of achol so i knew he must have backed out before he got to drunk and i felt bad for him.

"I hate this when we have the baby and eventualy get married i'll basicaly be tying yu down like now you cant even be getting drunk and you cant go out because im here your still young but i dont care much about missing out on going clubbing but you your a guy and i dont want you to be tied down to me and the baby when it comes" He looked down and i raised my eye brows but he just chuckled and put his free arm around his head.

"Tasha stop worrying i want to be tied to you your mine i dont want to go out paryting i want to be in with you and our baby i dont want to go out partying when i could be with the love of my life and my kid now get to sleep stop worrying" I nodded and turned back over and i waited and waited until he fell asleep and when i felt his breathing even out i gently got his arm and put it up why i got out of bed and put my pillow were i was and put his arm back down.

I went down stairs and got my phone and dialed Charlottes number and sat on the sofa in the dark might i say.

Phone Conversation....

Charlotte: Tasha what is it you havent fell out with Kyle have you

Me: No no but im pregnant and scared and i need to get out of here i dont want to tie him down but before i met Kyle i was strong but now i dont know who i am i love Kyle but i dont know who i am.

Charlotte: Tasha your still a strong girl your just stressed at the moment know one would blame you okay now go back to bed okay bye.

I put the phone down and set it down and went back upstairs and got back into bed drifting into a dark dreamless sleep.

I woke up as the alarm clock went of and i reached out and turned it off and when i rolled over Kyle was loosely playing with my hair and i smiled and sat myself up so i was eye level with him and smiled.

"We need to get dresses babe" I nodded and got up but he pulled me down and placed his lips on mine and i responded.

"It seems like we're not spending time together now" I said and he nodded and we got up and got dressed and went downstairs holding hands.

"Love you babey" Kyle said and i smiled and blushed a little and hid my face but he stopped as we got to the bottom of the stairs he pulled me to him and kissed me roughly but i liked it until someone cleared there throats we pulled away laughing.

"Love you to" I said to him and Brody was awakwardly standing there and i cleared the way to the stairs and he all but ran up them and i laughed and Kyle chuckled and led me to the kitchen were he sat me down and made me and himself an cooked breakfast wich was suprisngly good.

"Lets go babe" I nodded and he led me to his car were we drove the 25 minute drive to the hospital were we talked to eachother and laughed and i had never felt so happy.

When we got to the hospital we got saw to straight away and i was really nervous and all but when we walked into the room an elderly lady was there with a warm smile on her face wich seemed to calm my nervous a bit but they were still there.

"Hi im Dr.Chamber now just get up on the bed and lift your top up" I nodded and lied down on the bed and lifed my top up and she squated some cold jelly stuff on and then proceeded to push this thing into my stimach and then when sh was done moving it around it showed a little circle bit and she printed out a 3d picture and let us go.
Chapter 11...Part 1...Future

The scan picture it was good you could see the egg and on the way home Kyle did not stop looking at it wich i found funny as i had to drive..

As we got home i ripped it out of Kyle's hand and hopped out and ran inside and for once the house was deadly silent so i presumed that all the guys were out as that was very rare but they were probaly whoring around or something trying to find there mates and i felt sorry for them as i wouldnt known what i would have done if i didnt find Kyle i would probaly be at home with my friends watching tv or gossiping about boys.

I went to the sofa and took my shoes of and thought about my friends i did miss them alot emily and Courtney yes Charlotte is my cousin and i get to see her when ever i want but allmy time is with Kyle and he sometimes has pack work but other times he gives it all up to spend some time with me and it's not fair the pack doesnt have there Alpha so what would it be like when the baby comes.

I looked over to Kyle noticing he was sitting on the other sofa looking far away so i made a signal and he snapped his head around to me and came to sit with me on the sofa, I leant my head on him while he had his arm around my waist rubbing calming circles seeming to know something was bothering me.

"What is it you seem diffrent you come in and seem like your far away?" He looked down at me and smiled but i know it was forced, I got up and sat up pushing his arm away and looked at him waiting with my eyebrows raised and my arms crossed.

"Tasha the pack we need to move on there are hunters here but some of us suspect there working with vampires so they must be just werewolf hunters so i suspect that the vampires must want to get us and now your pregnant i dont want no-one hurting you or even getting near you" I looked at him dumbfounded and looked away from him what about my parents my friends i cant just leave.

"I cant just leave what about my family my parents it's my birthday tomorow Kyle my friends can we just stay tonight and we'll go tommorow i promise please im not going my family come first im sorry but they've always been there for me i cant im staying please just tonight and tommorow im not going" Kyle looked at me almost with a pleading voice but i shook my head and stormed up to the room but not before hearing.

"I only want to protect you"

I got a blanket and a pillow and went down stairs and threw it at him and went back upstairs and went to bed without changing as i was tired but i was a little hungry but it will have to wait till in the morning..

I woke up rolling over expecting Kyle to be there but sighed as i remeberd what happened yesterday and as i was getting up Charlotte and Emily came in with a big breakfast and juice on a tray and set it down on me and i looked to them and they went outside and came in producing 3 presents.

"Guys you didnt have to" They shook there head and i started on the breakfast that was cooked to just how i liked it, I pushed back the tray and they passed me the presents and the first one was from Charlotte and it was my favrioute sets of perfumes that must of cost a bomb soi brought her in for a hug and grabbed the second one and it was from Emily.

I opened it up and it was some new straighting and curling irons that i have wanted since forever but couldnt find them in any shops as they were normaly out of stock and i brought them in for a hug but they set the last one down and i looked at them but they shook there head so i read the side and it said from Courtney.

I opened it and it was a little purple box with decorations on and i nearly had tears coming to my eyes as i opened it and produced the pictures of us as kids and the little 2 dolls called Marie and Sky,They were are favrioute dolls and a piece of paper with scribbling on but i knew it said i promise to be bestfriends forever and it had two scribbled signatures.

"She couldnt get here she said open her card it has something in oh yeah here are your cards" Emily passed them to me and i opened them but left Courtneys and the girls got me out of bed and helped me choosed an outfit, it was a nice flowing dress and some flat shoes and we went downstairs laughing until i saw Kyle asleep on the sofa so i told the girls to go get something to eat and went over to the sofa and leant down and placed a kiss to Kyle's lips and his eyes fluttered open as i pulled back and he tried to get up but fell down and started massaging his neck so i sat down and lightly lifted his neck up and started massaging it.

After a couple of minutes he sat up and looked over to me and smiled then he kissed my lips and it got a little steamy until we heard throats clearing and we pulled back and rested our foreheads together.

"Happy birthday babe" I smiled but turned around to the girls and they came over and all but literaly dragged me away from Kyle and looked at me and there eyes had that evil glint that i know they were planning to do something.

"SHOPPING" I laughed but they grabbed both of my arms and i looked over to Kyle but he shook his head and i gave him a death glare all the way until i got out the door and placed gently in the backseat of a car.

After about 30 minutes we pulled up to the mall and i once again got dragged to there and the first place we went was the hairdressers,We spent about 30 minutes there all getting are haircuts and then we went into a lot of clothes stores but i didnt get much and after we were tired and my feet were killing we sat down and got something to eat in the food court.

"So guys i have something to tell you..Well im sorto pregnant and before you say anything i have something else to tell you to well ermm me and Kyle and the guys we're leaving due to problems and we're going tonight" I put my head down and they came over and hugged me on both sides and tried to comfort me.

"It's okay we'll come to you and you can come to us okay" I nodded to them but they got me up and we went around the mall talking chatting and gossiping about anything like boys even though i had Kyle who i loved very much but hey we can talk.

After it had gone 3 we were heading back singing to tunes and it only took us about half the time it took us to get here and they dropped me off promising to come round later as they said that i should spend a little time with Kyle.

I went in with the two bags of stuff i did get but that was mostly a little makeup and all and Kyle was sitting on the sofa with papers in front of him so i went to him and put my arm around him and he did the same but rested it lightly on my stomach rubbing circles and i laughed at him how he did it without him knowing he was actually doing it.

"Have a good time" I nodded and he sighned the pieces of paper then packed them all up and looked at me and placed his lips to mine and i eagerly reslponded to him until we heard a knock at the door and i sighed and walked up to the door and my parents stood there.

"Mom,Dad what are you doing here" They hugged me and produced a little box so i opened the door more but they shook there head and i frowned.

"Dear we're going away we're sorry" My mum said and i nodded and they hugged me and i kisses both of there cheeks.

"Oh and me and Kyle are sorto moving away" They nodded like it was nothing and waved and got into there car what is up with them no lecture or anything wow that must be a first but hey im not complaning.

I closed the door and went upstairs but grabbed Kyle's hand and brought him up with me and got my bags and started sorting out my clothes and i think he got the sme idear as he started helping me and i put his clothes with mine it's not like it wont matter we are going to be in the same room anyway.

"So Tasha werewolf kids normally produce in about 7 months not 9" I looked up and nodded to him and went back to packing but wow 7 months i have to prepare how do you prepare for becoming a mother i dont think you can.

We finished packing up all of our room in 2 hours and there were boxes labeled from clothes to assenstials so we moved on to the workout room and game room but i wasnt aloud to help as Kyle said he didnt want to harm the baby if i dropped anything on me.

I was waiting for the girls as the vans were on there way here and when i heard a knock i all but ran to the door and Emily and Charlotte were there with tears streaming down there faces and it made me cry so i pulled them in each for a hug.

"Im going to miss you" I nodded and we stood in eachothers embraces until we heard a beep and we broke apart and the moving men came in and started wheeling the boxes out and i looked at the girls with tears running down my face proberly mascara to.

"Tasha we have to go there finished" I nodded to Kyle and turned to the girls and grabbed them again and then pulled back and entwined mine and Kyle's hand and smiled at the girls and we walked up to the car seeming as one of the movers were going to be driving my baby there.

We pulled of and with a final wave to the girls i rolled up the window and looked down at my thumbs and wiped my tears away and looked up and at Kyle, He grabbed my hand and placed a kiss upon in but i put it back in my lap ignoring the tingles that were goint through it and my whole body.

"Sorry im just tired sorry baby" I looked over to him and he had an hard face on and i reached over and touched his cheek to say i was okay but he didnt calm down only sped up and i looked at him with teary eyes and when he looked over at me to see me nearly crying and holding a hand over my stomach he calmed down and slowed down but didnt look my way.

"Kyle it'snot your fault even if i hadnt met you i wouldnt have stayed there im happy i have the one i love and our baby on the way calm down please can't we just enjoy our lives" Kyle looked over to me and gave me a loving smiled and i smiled back and he put his hand on top of mine wich was resting on my stomach and i smiled.

"I love you so much" I squeesed his hand and looked over at him but he had a smile on his face but was still looking at the road.

"I love you to Kyle always have always will" He squessed my hand and i started feeling tired so i rested my head in the most comftable postion in the car but that was hard so i tried and started drifting of into a nice peacful sleep away from the drama and hasstle.

I woke up on a soft bed, What i was in the car when i fell asleep i thought and got up rubbing my eyes and found all of mine and Kyle's stuff in the room and when i looked out of the window it was still light so i glanced over at the clock and it read 6:59.

I got up and quietly went out of the bedroom and followed the voices i heard, They lead me to down a spiral staircase and through a hall and till a door were i peeked in and saw Kyle, Zack, Lucas and Brody messing around on the sofas and i stood there until i giggled as Zack missed the sofa and they turned to look at me and they ;aughed but Zack glared at me and Kyle came over to me and wrapped his hands around my waist and placed a kiss upon my lips and then he grabbed something out of his pocket and handed me a little black box and i looked up at him and he nodded his head to it signalling me to open it and that's what i did.

I was absoultley gobsmacked at what was in there, there was a gold heart with little dimonds all around making the shape and when i turned it over there was an engravement saying 5 simple words 'I'll love you forever x Kyle' I opened it and it had a picture of me and Kyle in it from our first date and i looked up at him with tears in my eyes and hugged him.

"Thankyou i love it" He nodded and i quickly pecked him on his lips before giving him it and turning around and holding my hair up so he could put it on me, I relased my hair and had a look at it and it was stunning i loved it so much.

"That's just your first give you will have to wait for your second it's nothing dirty guys" I laughed at him but what else could he give me this is all i would ever want from him is him i only want him and he is like my lifetime gift i would give up everything and anything for him even my own life if it was a decision i had to make in the future i would give anything to him.

"You really dont have to im fine with everything i have now i wouldnt want anything else exept you" He laughed but shook his head and led me over to the sofa were Zack was rubbing his shoulder and i smiled at him and tried not to laugh but i guess he noticed as he came and picked me up and slung me gently over his shoulder and led me into the kitchen carrying me like a bag of ppatotoes but sadly im a person who is now kicking and screaming.

He got the thing that is attached to the sink that you wash your dishes with and set me down but leaving me know were to run and all of the other guys were just looking at us even laughing and i glared but didnt have time to look back at Zack as water was already splatting at me and i rembered my powers even though i was trying to keep using them at a minimum and thought of putting a protective shield round me and whent the next round of water came it bounced back and hit all of the guys as they were standing next to them and i laughed but i felt myself getting weak and drained so i stopped laughing and sat down keeping the shied up and Kyle was the first one who came running to me well tyring as the shield stopped him and he was banging on it but i let it down coming back to reality and leant my head againsnt the counter and Kyle scooped me up and placed me on his lap and i vaguely heard Kyle snapping at one of them to get me some water and about a minute later Kyle was holding some water to my lips and i swalloed it and it was gone soon and i felt my strenght coming back i sat up a little in Kyle's lap but he tried to push me down but i protested and sat up and the guys had all worried faces on but i gave them a small smile.

"Im okay i just havent been praticing and all im fine we're both fine" They nodded but i know they were still worried and Kyle was giving glares to Zack and he had his head down so i slapped Kyle on the shoulder and he snapped his head round to me and i raised my eyebrows to him to signal him to stop it.

"It's okay im fine now let's order in im hungry" They nodded and i jumped up and grabbed Kyle's hand and led him into the living room and asked Kyle to get everyone's and me and the other guys told him what we want and he ordered from the nearest pizza as most of us well all of us including me wanted peporoni pizza.

We laughed and chatted forgetting about what happened 10 minutes ago and when the door bell rang we cheered and Brody ran to the door and paid the guy and handed us all a pizza and we all started eating and talking.

"This is actually the best birthday ever" They laughed and we started talking and chatting again until we had all finished and were bloated and Kyle asked me to go on a walk with him and i nodded and he helped me up and entwined our hands and led me out the back door and i hadnt known what the house looked like as i was asleep.

It was beautiful there was bushes and a big fountain and Kyle led me over to the fiuntain and stood me there and there were red roses floating in the fountain and little lillie pads,I turned around and gasped as Kyle was on one knee infront of me and i put my hand over my mouth and he smiled and produced a box.

"Tasha i'll love you forever and always so will you do me the great honour of being my wife" I nodded as he opened a box producing a ring with one big dimond and little dimoands making a little pattern and it was absoutley stunning and he took my left hand and slid the ring on my forth finger and it was a perfect fit and he stood up and picked me up and twirled me around.

"Now this is the best birthday i've ever had" He smiled and kissed me and set me on the ground still in our little embrace.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.09.2011

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