
Chapter One

I walk into my room and stop, shocked from what I'm seeing.
"Elijah?" No, it couldn't be... He was sitting on my bed, staring at me. I blinked once and he disappeared. I sighed.
My name is Saphfire.. I am 18 years old and a Senior. Recently, my little brother, Elijah died. It was actually a week ago. I came home and waited for him to get back from school so I could take him out for ice cream or the arcade, but he never came home.
My mom is rarely home and my dad travels so I take care of Elijah. I went to look for him an hour after he was suppose to be home from school. I found him in the school parking lot.. dead.. I called 911 and cried. I realized he was still breathing, then heard my name escape from his lips.
" I feel... so cold..." He whispered. I hugged him tightly but careful enough not to hurt him. I then noticed blood all over him.
"Elijah! Stay with me, please! What happened?!" I cried.
"Men... Weird looking men... They... randomly attacked me.. I tried.. to run.. but they grabbed my arms... I.. couldn't see their faces.." He started coughing. "Sissy.. take care of mommy and daddy. I'll.. always.. be.. in.. your heart. I... love... you..." His eyes fluttered. His breathing slowed.
"No! Elijah! SOMEONE HELP! Please!" I screamed. "Please don't leave me!" The ambulance came... but they were too late..
Nothing has been the same without him. He was my best friend. I didn't really have friends to begin with. I've never felt so along in my life. My mom has only been home once. When I told her, she didn't cry.
I laid down on my bed, thinking of why someone would ever kill my brother. He never did anything wrong. Who did this? Why would they do this? I wanted revenger. I needed to avenge my brother. But how?
I took my phone out of my pocket and called my dad. He doesn't know yet.
"Hey, Saphfire. What's up?" He answered, in his deep, relaxed voice.
"Dad! Something bad has happened!" I started crying.
"What?!" I knew he was panicked from his voice.
"Elijah.. got murdered last week.. I found him dying in the school parking lot. He died in my arms.. Mom has only been home once. When I told her she didn't even cry or even care."
"No...! Who would do this?! Did he tell you who?! Of course she wouldn't care. All she cares about is her job. Did tyou call the funeral home yet?"
"I don't know.. He said weird looking men attacked him randomly. He tried to run but they grabbed his arms. He couldn't see their faces. Right.. No, I haven't yet."
"Hm.. I'll do some research. I'll make arrangements. I'm coming home soon. We only have a couple more things to do then we're done."
"Okay. Thank you, dad. Good! I'm so lonely here.."
"Don't you have friends to hang out with?"
"I never really had friends.. I only had Elijah."
"Oh yeah.. Don't worry, honey. I'll be back soon. I'll let you know if I find anything. For now, keep the doors and windows locked. I have to go, bye, Saph."
"Okay. Bye, dad. I love you."
"I love you too, sweetie." I hung up and got off my bed. I went downstairs and saw the door wide open.

Chapter Two

I slowly went to the kitchen, trying to be silent. I heard someone cough, it sounded like a woman. I walked to the living room instead and saw my mother laying on the floor.
"Mom..?" I walked over to her and stared down. "What are you doing home?" She looked up at me. She looked drunk.
"I.. was w-worried about y... you." She stuttered. She was so drunk.
"Why do you care? You're never here anyways. You didn't even care that Elijah got murdered!" I screamed. She still stared at me with the blankest expression on her face. "Get off your lazy ass and go to bed. I'm done with you. You can take care of yourself. I'm finding my own place and moving out. I only stayed for Elijah." I walked away and went to the kitchen. I heated up last nights dinner, which was spaghetti, and ate. I heard mom going up the stairs, then heard her door close softly. I cleaned up then went up to my room.
I laid down on my bed and opened my laptop. I looked up houses for sale or an apartment to rent. I found the perfect house, two stories, 3 bedrooms, a perfect size kitchen and living room, just everything I wanted. It was $10,000. I only had $500. Maybe dad will give me the rest I need.
Just then my phone rang. It was dad.
"Hey, dad."
"Hey! I think I know who killed Elijah." I gasped.
"Some of my old friends from high school. I always had a bad vibe around them. One guy named Louis had a thing for your mom. He said he would kill my children if I ever had any with her. Starting with the youngest. He's coming for you next, Saph.. He knows where you live... Where we live. You have to get out of there." I was.. speechless for a moment.
"I already found a house. I kinda blew up on mom because she was laying on the living room drunk as fuck. I'm so done with her. Only thing is it's $10,000. I have $500. I was gonna ask if you could lend me the rest I need? I'll pay it back."
"Okay good. Your mom will be fine. I have the money you need, don't worry about paying it back. I'll get in all back in about a week. You have a bank account right?"
"Alright. Yeah, I do."
"Okay. The money will be there. Text me your account name so I can send it. Let me know when you bought it. I'll talk to you later. Be safe, Saph."
"Thank you, daddy! I will! I promise. Buhbye." I hung up and texted him my bank account name real quick. I went to my bathroom, closed the door, turned on the shower, stripped and showered.
I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I walked out and to my closet... I froze. Someone said my name.
"Saphfire... Help me!" I turned around and saw Elijah standing behind me.
"Elijah...?" I whispered.
"Saphfire, help! They're hurting me!" He screamed then disappeared.
"No!!!! Elijah! Come back!!!" I collapsed onto the floor, crying. "Please.. I'm so alone.." I whispered into the air.

Chapter Three

I woke up on the floor, still in my towel. My alarm was going off. I got off the floor; All sore from sleeping on it. I turned off my alarm and went back to my closet to change. I put on white ripped skinnies, a black sweater and my black converse. I left my closet and to my bathroom; Brushed my teeth, brushed my hair then straightened it, and put on makeup. I grabbed my phone and school stuff then went downstairs. I walked to school because I didn't have a car yet. I was saving up but since I'm buying a house I won't be able to get a car. I need a job. I still have to call the lady who is selling that house. All this will have to wait after school though.
The last bell rang. I shut my locker then walked out the front doors. I took out my phone, unlocked it, then checked my bank account. There it was. All the money I needed was there. I dialed the ladies number.
"Hello, how may I help you?"
"Hello. Yes, I saw that two-story house for sale online. The one on Blueberry Street.I would love to see the inside."
"Oh yes! Let me see.. You're lucky! No one has called about it. You're the first. I can come down now and let you take a look, if you're not busy of course."
"No! That's perfect. In fact, I'm on my way there right now."
"Perfect! I'll be there 10-15 minutes. By the way, what's your name?"
"Okay, you can call me Lola. I prefer being called by my first name. Anyways, see you soon!"
"Okay. Bye!" I hung up and squealed. I was half way there already. I wasn't paying attention and ran into someone tall and muscular. I stepped back and looked up.
"Sorry, I should've paid more attention." He looked... really cute. He half smiled which made him look ten times cuter.
"It's okay... Do I know you? You look familiar." His voice was.. deep yet soft and gentle.
"Um..." I couldn't think. "What school do you go to?"
"Wolvington High. You?" No way...
"Same!!! Now that I think about it, you do look familiar. My name's Saphfire." I smiled and held out my hand.
"Oh yeah. I know you. Name's Damien." He smiled back. He took my hand and shook it gently.
Damien was in most of my classes. He sits next to me in all of them. His locker is 2 down from mine. I only ever said on word to him. I was getting my books out of my locker and then they all fell. He picked them up and handed them to me. I said thanks and that was that.
I then realized we were still holding hands. I released my grip and put my hand down. I checked the time on my phone. Crap!It's been 12 minutes.
"I'm sorry, but I have to go. I have to be somewhere." I smiled, apologetically.
"It's okay" He smiled. "I'll see you around."
"Yeah! See you." I felt myself blush, started walking, turned back to wave and he waved back. I started to run because if I didn't, I would be late. I got there and lucky for my, Lola wasn't there yet. The house was amazingly beautiful in person. I stared at it, looking over every aspect of it. About 5 minutes later Lola pulled in. She got out of her car and I was amazed by how she looked. She was brunette with a hint of red, looked very friendly, had that business look. She was very pretty.
"Hello! You must be Saphfire?" She smiled kindly.
"Yes, I am. And you're Lola?"
"Yes, ma'am. Nice to meet you." She held out her hand and I shook it.
"Nice to meet you too." I released my grip and put my hand at my side.
"What do you think?" She looked over at me.
"It's amazing.. Perfect. Exactly what I was looking for."
"Wait till you see the inside. It's much bigger than it looks." She got out a key and walked up the pathway. She unlocked the door, stepped in and I followed. I gasped.. She was right, it was much bigger than it looked from the outside. It was like a mini mansion. "What do you think?" She laughed at my expression.
"It's even more amazing."
"Would you like a tour?"
"Yes!! Yes of course!!!" I squealed and she laughed.
"Follow me then." We went into the kitchen, living room, sunroom, bathroom, office room then upstairs. Three bedrooms, one of them was the masters bedroom with a master bathroom... Which was HUGE! Another bathroom. It was just... perfect.
"I'll take it!" She grinned and hugged me.
"I thought so!" I took out my checkbook and wrote out $10,000 to the company. I handed it to her. "You can move in whenever you want. Thank you for buying! I do hope you love it."
"No no, thank you! Of course, I love it already!" I couldn't stop smiling. Neither could she.
She handed me my key and a spare. "Have a great day!" I followed her outside.
"Thanks! You too, Lola!"

Chapter Four


Texte: @Copyright 2012
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.12.2012

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