
Chapter One:

My name is Violet, Princess Violet in fact. My father is King Edwin and my mother is Queen Savannah of England. I have just turned seventeen, the date is August first, the day after my birthday. I have to find a prince to marry before my eighteenth birthday, it is quite unfair actually. I want my true love to find me, not I find them, who knows, they could possibly be right in front of me already. Anyways, I am rambling on and on when there's more important things to discuss. I awoke to my cat jumping on top of me.

"Cecil! Don't do that, I was having a wonderful dream." Cecil laid down on my stomach and purred. I knew today would be a busy day, my mother and father wanted me to start looking for a prince right away. I gently ran my hand down Cecil's back over and over again. She was white as snow and lazy as can be, she only loved me though, she wouldn't even allow my father or mother to pick her up or even pet her. Ever since the first day I got her, I was three, she has loved me ever since. There I go, rambling on again. Someone knocked on the door and I knew it was my maids.

"Come in." I softly spoke. My maids came in and closed the door gently behind them.

"Your mother told us to come dress you. Today is a busy day, princess. Your father also has something very important to tell you." Louisa opened the curtains and I quickly closed my eyes. I opened them and picked up Cecil. I placed her down on my bed gently, then took off the covers. I went back behind my bedroom divider to change. My maids followed with my hunter clothes in their hands.

"Why my hunting clothes?" I asked with confusion on my face.

"You shall found out." I took off my nightgown, wondering why they were dressing me in my hunting clothes. /font>


Texte: @Copyright 2012
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.09.2012

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