
Scar One

28th October 2010 (Thursday) About 6.00 a.m.

Dear Diary,

It was weird, today, when I was going to go to school, I received a sudden chill, that’s why I.m writing to you. What do you think? Did I get overly-suspicious or overly-protective of myself? Something/someone is coming for me. I uh… I’m sorry, I totally didn’t know why I wrote that line, okay? I don’t really understand this annoying feeling I'm getting which tells me something, or rather, somebody dangerous is going to appear and I don’t know “what” or “who” it is! And it just annoys me even more! I’m pissed off! This feeling I get leaves me tired and I can’t help but wonder whether the feeling is warning me about something?

It isn’t totally impossible, right?

Aunt Maggerie’s in the 'Hey! Clean that up! Hey! Clean this up!' mood but she’s okay... I guess. She’s quite good to me already, don’t you think so? I mean since she took me in and gave me awesome care and all since I don’t want to be with my siblings after my parents passed away a month ago but…

I really miss my Mum and Dad... Why did they have to go in that accident? Just why did that car have to crash into them?

Oceane Helzin stopped writing, tears flowed her cheeks and splashed onto her dairy as she remember what the murderer did, the innocent murder the murderer did as he took out a knife and slashed Oceane’s parents and took away their life. Oceane clenched her teeth, determined to forget the incident that happened only a month ago. She hated her siblings, despised them, to be exact. They were always bullying her due to her exquitsive beauty and her age, Oceane was the youngest in the family and it was the main cause for her siblings to be making fun of her, hurting her. She was doted the most by her other family members like her grandparents, aunties and uncles, cousins and so on. She hated it. She hated all about her life, she wished she had never been born. She didn’t know where she belong, if she even has a place to belong. Hatred was the first thing that came to mind when she thought of her siblings, Reneka Watere, Fein Watere, Sexine Watere, Keine Watere a total of four of them excluding Oceane herself of course. They tortured her, pulled on her hair, burned her with fire, ordered her around, whipping her, all sorts of torture not enough for death but enough for hurt and pain when their parents weren’t around. If Oceane even dared to complain to anybody or anyone, her punishment from her siblings were served mercilessly. Thinking of the memories, Oceane slammed her dairy on her table, grabbed her bag, and ran down the stairs where her Aunt Maggerie and Meire, Aunt Maggerie’s daughter ate their breakfast.

“Morning, Oceane!”, Meire shouted in her as-usual-cheerful voice which evidently proves that she was an optimist. Meire was twenty-six, eleven years older than Oceane, but Oceane was on good terms with her, she felt normal, calm and peaceful when she was with Meire. “Yeah. The morning to you too, sis.”. Oceane had started calling Meire “sis” already. They were totally like siblings when it comes to relationship. Still, as usual, Meire was not as beautiful as Oceane. Meire had golden short hair which only reaches her shoulder and her tanned skin was a huge contrast to Oceane’s pale white. Meire’s fringe was short until it was hardly visible, which makes it a total opposite from Oceane’s long black one.

“Bye, Aunt! Bye, sis!”, Oceane said as she made her way out of the door to her school. She was crowned Winter Princess last year at school due to her age and her beauty. She was meant to be Winter Queen but she was too young and her place was therefore taken (She didn’t complain ‘cause she doesn’t even care.) . Known for her long raven black hair, pale white and smooth skin and bright but black eyes, Oceane was very popular among boys and even girls.

“Hi, Cean!”, one of Oceane’s best friend, Coco Cinele, shouted as soon as she spotted Oceane’s jet black hair in the huge crowd.

“Good morning, Co.”, Oceane answered.

Oceane was the kind of girl who hated any social contact but Coco and Jinel were exceptions. Other people were a no-thanks to Oceane. She thought they were too much trouble, too much bully, too much nonsense. Coco had blonde hair and golden-yellow eyes while Jinel had auburn hair and fire-red eyes and although their beauty could not be compared to Oceane’s, their looks were better than average. “Cean! Nel’s late again!”, Coco complained, “and we promised meeting here at seven too! Humpfh!”.

“Co…”, Oceane began, but stopped and pointed at where a huge crowd was, “C-Co….. th-that g-guy….. W-Who is he…..?”. “Frey Gaston,eighteen. ‘Ya’re fifteen right? Meaning the guy’s three years older than ‘ya and one year older than us. Cool, huh? He’s new here.”, a familiar voice answered. “Jinel Rean! How many times must you be late! The next time and I won’t talk to you anymore!”, Coco shouted as smoke rose through her ears. “‘Sup! ‘Least I told ‘ya that he’s a transfer student too!”, Jinel said casually. “No you didn’t!”, Coco countered. Jinel had a yankee-like accent which is her evident of being a yankee before before quitting the yankee group and getting kicked at first.

Wow! Was the first word that came to Oceane’s mind when Oceane saw the teenager man cladded in blue jeans, designer black shirt, and brown boots. “Awesome, isn’t he?!”, Jinel stood next to Oceane. “Yeah…he’s..... Cool.”, Oceane answered. “What?!”, Jinel and Coco shot Oceane unbelievable glances. “B-but… Cean! Y-You haven’t thought of any boy as cool before! A-Are you okay?!”, Coco ran towards Oceane and touched her on her forehead. “Y-Your forehead’s hot! Go to the sick bay! Now!”. Oceane brushed Coco’s hand away and said “I’m fine! Now let’s go back to class! It’s going to start soon too anyway!”. Oceane flushed, she never knew what it was like to feel nervous and embarassed in front of a boy because it was always her who excite the boys, not the boys excite her. She was the smartest girl whom everyone admires, the most beautiful girl whom everyone gawks at, and she had never gawked at or admired anyone before. Not one time had she felt this way, not a single time since she was born.

Until now.

Scar Two

History class, Mr. Crackens class. This is rather…… boring! Oceane thought. Then suddenly, she felt as if a pair of new eyes had locked on to her. It’s just another boy! No worries! But she could feel it. The eyes ... were just….. new. Eyes that had never locked on to her before. Oceane turned around just in time to see the new boy, Frey, turn away from her. Talk about weird. Oceane turned back and tried her best to give all her attention to Mr. Crackens again.

Then suddenly, she began to feel dizzy.

“A-Are you okay?!” Was the last thing she heard as her surroundings disappeared and plunged her into darkness.

Oceane's eyelids fluttered open and she sat up to see a pair of black eyes staring at her. Frey Gaston. “Hi. I’m Frey Gaston. I almost thought you were going to sleep the whole day, you okay?”, he slipped his right hand to Oceane’s forehead before saying, “Good, at least the fever dropped a little.”, and then, he smiled. It was a smile which left Oceane red-faced.


28th October(or rather 29th October)2010 (Thursday(or rather Friday) Nearly 1.30 a.m.

Dear Diary,

 I can’t get to sleep at all, what do you think I should do. Today, a new boy arrived at school today. He’s the reason why I can’t sleep. He is totally good-looking. Just talking about him makes me feel nervous and happy.

Wow! Talk about drop-dead gorgeous. Still, this is the first time I’ve taken interest in any man/boy. Is it love at first sight or is it because he’s handsome?

Uh… I’m suddenly drowsy….. Nights!


Oceane packed her diary into her pinkish cupboard and look around her pink styled room. School later! Oceane thought with a yawn and went to sleep.

“Ah!”, Oceane heard Coco’s scream. Beside her, Jinel shuddered and gave a loud shout, “ C-Cean! B-B-B-Behind ‘ya!”, she stammered out. Oceane turned around and saw that there was a dark figure lurking in the shadows making its way towards them. “D-Don’t ‘ya come any closer! ‘Ya hear?!”, Jinel shouted at the figure in the shadows, making its way closer and closer inch and inch. Oceane backed away. She was terrified, very terrified. The shadow inched closer. “No!!!”

 Oceane inhaled and exhaled deeply. It was just a nightmare. It’s not true. Just… Just a nightmare. Nothing, nothing to be afraid of! Nothing…… She tried to tell herself but no matter what she tried to tell herself, it wouldn’t work, because she knew how real it was, because she knew it wasn’t just a nightmare. Nobody told her but she just knew. Somehow, somehow she knew. Somehow she knew it was a warning instead of a nightmare. Somehow… Just somehow……

“Good morning, sis.”, Oceane said in her usual tone, at least, that was what she thought. “Ah! Oceane! Your’re awake! Morning!”, Meire answered as usual, cheerful. Oceane tried to smile at her “sister”. Then, her Aunt Maggerie appeared at the kitchen’s opening. “Ah! Oceane! You’re awake!”, Aunt Maggerie said, almost repeating the same line as her daughter, before continuing, “But you must be asleep! You have a fever! Go on! Up the stairs! Go on! Now!”. “Uh………”, Oceane started, just then, the doorbell rang, “I will go open the door.”, she said instead. Oceane walked towards the door and opened it. It was there that she saw Frey.
“Oh! H-hi!”.

“Yes, hello to you too, Oceane.”, Frey answered. He looked at her in amazement. She, with her hair and eyes black looked like a dark angel in her short black tee which did not reach her black mini pants.
Curiosity surged through Oceane as she did not know why Frey knew her address. “Your friends told me where you lived so I thought I could give you a visit. Am I…… uninvited?”, Frey said, as if he could read minds and he had read Oceane’s. “Oh… no. Please come in.”, Oceane answered as she made way for Frey to enter.

“T-Thanks for uh…… visiting me.”, Oceane said, trying to break the uncomfortable silence in the room. “Oh. No problem.”, Frey answered, casually. Even with his casualness, Oceane could feel his nervousness. “Would you like to go to my room? So…… you can talk more uh… freely?”, Oceane asked. “Oh? Oh, sure.”, he answered as Oceane lead the way to her room.

“I’m quite sure you have something to tell me, you know, other than visiting me and asking me how I am.”, Oceane said after reaching her room and locking the door. “…………”, no answer.

“Come on, let’s get to the point.”, Oceane prompted. “…………”, still no answer.

“Do you hate me?”, she asked.

“What?”, Frey said, shocked and he looked into her eyes for a second before turning away again. “You hate me, don’t you?” A short answer, “No.”. “Liar, you hate me, don’t you?”. And a few minutes of silence. “I said no, didn’t I?!”, he slammed the table, hard. Oceane jumped up but remained her calm composure straight afterwards.

“Then why? Why won’t you talk to me like you do to other girls, why don’t you look me straight in the eye? Why?! W–”. She was interrupted, by what? She didn’t understand it herself but it was a wave of happiness. Then slowly, she closed her eyes. Lips connected, eyes closed, heart bonded, rhythmic breathing, his hands on her waists, chests close to one another’s. Oceane allowed it to continue. So did Frey. Finally, Oceane let go and started, “F-Frey we… we… we can’t-”. “Oceane, we already did.”, Frey cut in as he lift up Oceane’s head with his hand and his lips brushed her’s again. “Oceane! I’m Meire! Can I come in?!”, a voice asked outside the room of Oceane’s locked door. “Oh…”, Frey and Oceane stopped and looked at each other, then blushed at each other. Frey let go of his grip on her waist, “Too bad then, go on. Call her in.”. Oceane smiled and her cheeks turned redder, then to the normal pale white, “Yes, sis?”. “I was just wondering what you guys were doing. You know, all those lover’s lips, hands and bodies?”. “Sis!”, Oceane shouted as she blushed at the particular mention of lips. “What! You mean you guys actually did it before?!”, her sister exclaimed. “No.”, Oceane said. “Sorta’.”, Frey answered. “S-Sorta’?! Y-You mean you guys actually d-did it before?!”, Meire shouted in excitement and amusement, “Cool!”, she continued. “F-Frey…”, Oceane wanted to say something but Flame put his finger on her lip, “Shh…”. Oceane blushed. 


“No, Meire. It was just a sort of. It doesn’t mean anything like that.”, Frey said. “Oh? No?”, said Meire, trying hard to say it casually. Still, Oceane could hear the tinge of disappointment in Meire’s voice.

Oceane smiled in spite of herself, her sister cared for her so much, sometimes too much, that she wanted her to be married as quickly as possible, so that she can be cared by another someone. Oceane did not really want that. What Oceane wanted was someone she cared for, and someone who cared for her. “I think you guys need some private time, huh? Meet ‘cha down the stairs!”, Meire added after a few minutes.

“I was planning to invite you to the Royal Ballet Dance. The one with the boy and girl dancing together? I wanted you to be my partner at the dance, or rather, the ball.”, Frey said, after Meire went out and he once again, locked the door, for some private conversation. “The ball? B-But I-”.

“You’re coming.”, Frey cut in.

“B-But I…… I…”, Oceane said, trying to find the words she wanted to say, she wanted, very much wanted, to go to the ball with Frey, but none of her friends would like that.

“No buts.”, Frey said as he bent down and kissed her again.

A Visit

30th October 2010 (Saturday) About 12.00 p.m.
Dear Diary,
It’s in the afternoon now and I’m going to Flame’s house for lunch. He said he was going to pick me up at 12.30p.m. so I decided that I might as well write to you. Not going to write much but we are going to the ball together. I (or rather, Flame) decided so in the end. So he’s going to pick me up, go to his house, eat lunch, meet his parent (mother)- he told me he only had his mother but he didn’t tell me why- , and then at 3.30, go to the ball. It’s not exactly my plan ( it’s Flame’s) .
And diary,
Love sucks. I love Flame but when I don’t see him, I feel a sense of defeat and loneliness. Does Flame feel like that too? This is totally the first time I feel this way so……*Blush*
I’m not quite familiar with this kind of feeling. What should I do?
Oh! Flame’s here, he’s early! Got to go! See you! Bye!


“Hello Oceane.”, Frey said.

“Hi Frey.”, Oceane answered.

Frey stared at Oceane, wide-eyed. She was so beautiful with her long sparkly silver dress, making her look like she was from royal blood. Flame stared at her exquisite beauty, sparkling with ultimate confidence, hair let down, no make-ups, just a brush of light-pink lipstick which was almost invisible and big dark black eyes, they represented the night sky, filled with the sparkles of the stars, and brimming with shyness. She looked like an angel, an angel whom he wanted to have, to conquer, all by himself. Frey looked away for a moment. If he continued looking at her, he knew his desire for her would grow stronger, he knew he would want her whole body even more, he knew that, he knew everything that would happen, and the consequences. He knew, and he thus looked away.

“……… Frey. Frey?”, Frey heard Oceane’s voice, he was so busy thinking about the ‘things’ that he hadn’t hear what Oceane said.

“Sorry, mind repeating again?”

Oceane looked a little taken aback, “Oh? Sure, I thought that we ought to go now.”, Frey had never stopped listening to her before. “Oh, okay. Sure. Let’s head off now.”.

“Usual.”, Frey said. Wow! Oceane never thought that just with one word, Frey's driver would start the drive. Still, it was a little weird. Oceane never knew Frey was from a rich family, Frey never told her before.
When the black posh car stopped, Frey and Oceane stepped out. The chaffeur opened the door for them. Oceane looked up. She gasped. The house looked exactly like a mansion. “Wow! I didn’t know you were rich, you didn’t tell me, did you?”, Oceane said in a tone of curiosity mixed with excitement. “Yeah. I uh…… didn’t.”, Frey answered uneasily. This mansion-like house was ten floors high, able with three lifts, eighteen escalators and some staircases. A big fruit and flower garden at the back, a backyard beside it, and a huge farm filled with different animals.

They entered the grand mansion, which Frey confirmed it was. Oceane’s house, compared to this, was three times smaller. Although Oceane was rich, Flame was richer. Oceane’s house did not have a garden, neither a backyard nor a farm. No lifts. No escalators. Only a four floor building. Oceane looked around. Everything around her looked SO stranger-like.

“Hello. I suppose you are Oceane. What a beauty.”.

A Story Told, A Favour Asked

Oceane blushed and looked up and saw a lady in her 50s, dressed in blackish blue. “G-good afternoon!”, Oceane flushed at her praise and stammered out with a polite bow. “Mind if I had a little moment with your honey, Frey?”, she asked. Frey and Oceane looked at each other for a moment, eyes-locked, then looked away, blushing. “No.”, Frey answered with his continuous red face. “You, dear?”, she looked at Oceane. “No.”, Oceane answered, still in her blush-up. “Good.”, the lady said at last, satisfied that she could finally have a chat with Oceane.

“Up here dear.”, the woman said, pointing to the lift. She was wheel-chaired bound. “Okay.”, Oceane answered as she followed her. “Bye Frey.”, Oceane whispered when she passed Flame by.

“Did Frey act uneasy when you said he was rich?”, Mrs. Fiery asked as the twosome reached the older woman’s room.

“Oh……”, flashbacks from outside the mansion flowed through Oceane’s mind, “He did.”, she answered. “Let me tell you the reason why,”, the woman said and Oceane sat, waiting. “I was cheated on.”, the lady and stopped, “You’re not surprised?”. “I am but I shouldn’t be interrupting.”, Oceane answered. “How polite,”, she said, “And do you know why?”. “It’s just a guess.”

“Give it a try, go on.”

“The man did not really love you, he loved nothing, none of you, not one part of you. He acted like he did. But what he loved was your money. He aimed your money. When one day, he finally found the chance, he cheated you, he stole your money and ran away. A-Am I right?”, Oceane said at last.

Mrs. Fiery stared at Oceane for a while, “H-How did you k-know?”, she finally stuttered out.

“A wild guess.”, was the answer.

“Well, you are correct. And Frey knew about my past and he therefore is afraid too that someone will cheat on him. Please give it your all, you can heal him. I know you can heal him. Only you can. Please.”, Mr. Fiery said pleadingly.

“I’ll try.”, was all Oceane could say.

“I’m glad to have a chat, this chat, to be exact. Now, would you like your long-awaited lunch?”, Mrs. Fiery asked. “Sure.”, Oceane answered, giving a flash of what she hoped was a smile.

After Dinner, Leave For A Ball

“Done with your girly chats?”, Frey asked as the two females – one young girl and the other, an old lady – as they reached the living yet again. They walked together and pushed Mrs. Fiery into the kitchen. There laid one humongous dining table and one ten times smaller. Just nice for them three.

“Over here, Oceane.”, Frey said as he pointed to the pinkish-black chair beside him. “Oh. Wait. Give me a second.”, Oceane said as she helped Mrs. Fiery to her space, “I have to help your mother with her food first.”.
“Don’t worry dear. I’ll be fine.”, Mrs. Fiery said, “Go ahead. Frey is impatiently waiting for you. Are you afraid that I will steal your girlfriend away?”, she teased.

Hearing that, both Frey and Oceane turned red.

“Okay then. If you insist.”, Oceane answered. She took the seat beside Frey. The meal was good. Both Oceane and Frey ate their fill. Oceane did not really eat that much. Out of ten dishes, she tried three of the dishes and in each of the dish she tried, she took only one of them. She a small bowl of rice and claimed that she was full after the pesters of Mrs. Fiery.

Frey, on the other hand, ate loads. Oceane stared as Frey ate five big bowls of rice, one whole dish, and half of the other nine dishes.

“Wow Flame, I didn’t know you ate so much.”, Oceane said in amusement and surprise, a ,mix of emotions.
“Looks can indeed decieve people, can’t they?”, Mrs. Fiery joined in with a little twist and a little joke. “I guess so.”, Oceane answered, and the two females laughed.

“What’s wrong with eating? Like, eating too much? At least I’m neither overweight nor fat!”, Frey exclaimed as he joined in their laughter.

Frey looked at his watch. “We’ve got to go mum, bye!”, he said.

“What? Hey! Come on! It’s not as if Oceane will fall for me and not as if I will fall for her! We’re not lesbians! What are you SO afraid of!”, Mrs. Fiery shouted in a teasing way which drived Frey crazy. “I’m not worried about that! It’s just that it’s three-thirty already! We’ve got to go or else we’ll be late! And we-”, a finger on his lip shutted Frey up. 

“Frey! Please. Stop. Sorry Mrs. Fiery, we’ve got to go. Why not I visit you again when I have free time?”, Oceane asked as she tried to solve the problem between the son and mother. “Sure! Why not? Bye!”, Mrs. Fiery said in a cheerful voice. “Bye.”, Oceane answered as she put her finger down from Flame’s lips.

An Argument, An Explanation, Then The Party

In the car, Oceane remained silent as she registered what Mrs. Fiery had told.

“You okay?”, Frey asked, curious, at Oceane’s sudden silence. “I’m fine.”, said Oceane. “Good.”, Frey smiled.

“Hey Frey.”


“Do you… not trust me enough?


Frey turned to look at Oceane, who had her face away from his and focused on the glass. “We-we’ll talk later, if it’s private.”, Frey said, looking at the chaffeur.

The car screeched to a stop outside the entrance of the ball. “Come with me.”, Frey whispered and pulled Oceane to a dark corner. “W-wait! Ow! It hurts! F-Frey, please, relax a little… m-my arm, hurts……”, Oceane said as Frey continued his strong grip on her hand.

Bang! Frey pushed Oceane on the wall. “What did you mean…?”, Frey asked. “Huh? I…I………”, Oceane stammered, thinking of the correct words to say. “Tell me. What did you mean that I didn’t trust you enough…… Oceane…”, Frey continued, a desperate voice.

“I…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say that… I…… I just…” 

“What did you mean?!”, Frey shouted. He pressed against her. So close. So close that they could hear the heartbeats of one another’s. “It’s just that……”, Oceane stopped for a moment, fresh tears started to trickle down her pale slick face as she continued, “You were afraid that I would cheat you. You were afraid I only wanted your money. Do I look… like that kind of person? Am I…… someone like that to you? Tell me! What am I to you?”.

“I-I’m sorry Oceane.”, Frey said, and continued, “It’s just that it was the environment I grew up in. I’m so sorry… Please… forgive me… I’m not asking you to understand… Just forgive me… okay?”, Frey asked.

Oceane threw herself at Frey as she sobbed and cried. Frey smiled and said, “Thank you. Somehow, I knew you’d understand. I just didn’t know why. Would you…… mind? To explain, I mean.”.

“Oh…”, Oceane looked up. “My environment was just days of torture and pain, nothing else. Oh!”, Oceane clutched her head, it was painful to revive the memories she had sinked so deeply in her mind before. “ O-Oceane, a-are you okay? It’s okay to not tell me. If it’s that hurtful.”, Frey said quickly, not wanting just a memory, any memory or anything to hurt his beloved. He stroked Oceane’s head and held her hand and headed towards the ball entrance once again, “Come on, we don’t want to be the only people late, do we?”, he asked.

A Public Kiss

“N-no…”, she answered and allowed him to lead her to the entrance. In the room, they danced, ate their “dinner” – boys and girls kept crowding around her and talking to her ( she doesn’t feel like it was dinnertime, morelike, annoyingtime. ) – quietly.

“F-Frey? What are you doing? We’ve got to go, come on.”, Oceane whispered quietly beside Frey, who was drinking wine. “Come on… let me talk to my friends a little more……”, Frey said. “Fine, but stop drinking wine, you’ll get yourself drunk.”, she whispered back.

After ten minutes, the chatters at Frey's table stopped. Curious, Oceane turned towards their table to see in wild shock that everybody there was drunk. She gasped. “Frey!”, Oceane ran towards Flame. “Come on Frey, let’s go.”, she said, making an attempt to carry Frey to the posh car waiting outside. Suddenly, Frey woke up and kissed Oceane straight on the mouth in front of the lot. Oceane was shocked she shook the kiss away and allowed the chaffeur waiting outside to carry him. “Wow!”, “Awesome!”, “Cool!”, words like that filled the ballroom. Embarassed, Oceane strutted out into the car while covering her mouth and entered the car before the chaffeur drove.

“Frey!”, Oceane looked at the drunken Frey, almost in tears as she tried to keep it from flowing.

An Apology, Forgiven

Knock! Knock knock! Loud knocks came from the front door in the evening as Oceane ran to open the door which led her to Frey. “Let’s go up.”, Frey said, gesturing to Oceane’s room. Oceane nodded. “Look, I didn’t really know what I did yesterday so I’m sorry, it suddenly came back to my mind about what I did at the ball, forgive me alright?”, Frey tried to explain. “But… I’m not angry… So you came all the way to my house just for this?”, Oceane asked as she tried to stifle a giggle. The event itself which happened yesterday was funny to remember, and now Frey came all the way here just to apologise. “I understand that you were drunk yesterday… He he…… Hee hee……”, Oceane continued, still trying to keep her laughter to herself. “You’re really not angry?”, Frey asked Oceane.

“N-nope. Ff…… Ha…”, she answered, stifling her chuckle in their conversation.

“There’s school tomorrow right? I wonder how the teacher’s going to react…”, Oceane said, her laughter now in her control. “Yeah. I hope he doesn’t tell our families. Because I don’t know how your relatives will react, but my mother won’t reprimand me at all. In fact, she’d be on cloud nine!”, Frey exclaimed as he took a short breath and continued, “Since you’ve already forgiven me, I’ll leave now, goodbye.”, he said as he gave Oceane a peck on her cheek and went to the car as he gave instructions to the driver to drive back home. Oceane was left at her room, blushing deeply as she was caught on surprise from the kiss she was given on the cheek.

She’d forgiven him. She’d understood. So glad was Frey that a gigantic smile was pasted on his face. So was Oceane, she felt awesome to know that Frey had cared about her after all. He even came to her door just to apologize. Her face was as pretty as usual but what made it stand out even more was that pretty sleek smile on her pale face.

The Next Day. A Rumour? Or The Truth?

The next day, Frey stood outside Oceane’s front door.

"Good morning, Oceane, I came to pick you up. It'll be a daily exercise since the whole school already knows our relationship." Oceane simply nodded although she felt her heart racing as she stepped into his car.

As she stepped out of the car, Oceane heard whispers and caught glares from a few of her classmates. She stepped back a little and Frey caught her in his arms as he bent down to whisper, "I'll protect you."

He held on to her hand and gently pulled her as they made their way through the crowd to the school's main door.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.11.2011

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