

The sky darkened, everything was silhouetted against the moonlit sky. A shadow lurked in the darkness, the lady gave a shiver as she looked around, swerving to the left, then to the right. She gasped as she faced a charming man. No one knew how old he was, maybe he had lived a hundred years, or even centuries. His hair, golden brown, was a huge contrast to his now bloodshot eyes. It ended fast, he punctured his fangs into her neck, and listened in pleasure as her crimson blood splattered onto the ground, onto the walls, onto him.

There was a knock on door, soft, but insistent. "Margaret? I'm entering," a sweet voice came from the other side of the door.

The door was pushed open gently as a young girl walked in, holding onto some drawing materials. As she turned around after closing the door, her materials fell to the ground and she stared at the gruesome scene in front of her. The young girl's scent caught his attention. What was it that made her smell so alluring?

The girl's gaze dropped, from the vampire to her dead aunt's body. Tears dripped down her pale face, mourning her aunt's death. The vampire wasn't hungry anymore, his eye colour returning from a bloody red to dark hazel colour. Still, his unfaltering gaze that never left the young girl scared her. He studied her. Her looks were no less than appealing, her long auburn hair complemented her huge tawny eyes, and her smooth pale skin made his hunger rise, even though he'd just had his fill. The juvenile backed away from him, retreating step by step, afraid a single mistake might cost her her life. He stared at her, amused by her reaction. Then, he made his move, he swiftly appeared behind her as her eyes widened in shock. Before she could turn to face him, he made a light hit at her back and watched surprisingly as she fainted.

Then, he spreaded out his raven black wings and took to the night sky.


Bite One - <First Kiss>

The girl woke up, finding herself on a bed in a dark room. The windows were built to minimise the amount of sunlight passing through them. She felt scared, she hated the dark. Escaping to the only exit, she pulled on the heavy wooden door, creating a small opening huge enough for her to get out of the room.

Only one thought rang in her head, I have to get out of here. She walked down the left corridor, lost in the huge mansion. This is big, I wonder how many people live here. She thought to herself as she looked around for the exit. Paintings hung from the walls. As she stared at them, she realised all the paintings only depicted demons, hell, cursed creatures and the like. She shivered, the creepy paintings looked so real to her that they sent chills down her spine. Finally, after the walk along the long corridor, she found a spiral staircase and carefully descended it. She could see it. The exit from this disturbing place. Delighted that she was free, she hurriedly ran towards the huge entrance.

"And where, my dear, do you think you're going?" A deep voice asked from behind her. She gasped, her eyes widened in fear and her mouth opened, but nothing came out. She swerved her head around and looked into the eyes of the vampire. The vampire that killed her aunt. He didn't look happy, in fact, he was upset. Upset that she left the safety of his room, upset that she decided to run around without any protection, especially when she was such a fragile form of life.

"You're coming back with me."

"N-No! Let me go!" The teenager resisted but to no avail, the vampire was too strong for a frail girl like her. He zoomed back up the stairs with invincible speed and within a few seconds, he was right outside his bedroom's door.

The door slammed behind them and the girl gave a soft whimper as the strong vampire threw her on the bed she slept on before. She attempted to sit up on the bed but the vampire was faster. He closed in on her, so close that they could feel the warmth of each other's breath. He had his hands by her shoulders and pressed on the bed covers. "Don't. Don't you ever dare walk around alone again without my permission." He warned.

"I-I'm not your dog! I'll do what I want!" She retorted arrogantly.

That made the vampire furrow his brows, "Or will you? Do I have to remind you that I'm faster than you, stronger than you, and this mansion is filled with my followers." The girl couldn't talk back to that. It was true, she could never escape his possession if he wanted her to be his forever. But she didn't want to be controlled. She loved being free, and she chose her reply. "I would rather die than be in your possession." She talked confidently, but she didn't once look in his eyes. She wasn't sure she could hold eye contact with the vampire, and still say those words to him without witting out.

He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. The girl's eyes widened. "Wha-", she exclaimed as he brought his lips down to hers again. This time, the intensity increased. He broke away, "I beg you, stay with me." She breathed hard, gasping every now and then. It was a heavy blow, for she had never thought that she would have lost her first kiss to a vampire. "... Why?" She asked after a while, stopping for a breath before continuing, a spark of anger suddenly ignited into her, "Isn't it enough? You've killed my aunt, what's next? Do you want to torture me and then kill me when you're done playing with me?" His expression did not change, except for that almost unnoticeable wince, "I... I'm sorry about her, I would never if I knew she was your aunt, I swear. I don't know why either, I just... Feel this connection towards you, what's your name?" She hesitated and stared at him, a little afraid to answer, but somehow, she managed to snap out of it. "K-Kira, Kira Helsin Brienne."

"Well... Kira, don't leave this place without me or my permission. It's for your own safety, really, vampires roam around my place, often looking for a place to stay." He paused, as if he was trying to remember something he forgot to say, "Ah. And my name is Zen Halcele Gunter, just call me Zen." "Y-Yeah... I... Uh..." Kira did not know what to say to that. Call his name? Not reply him at all? Fortunately Zen stood up from the bed, heading towards the door. Leaving a red-faced Kira on the bed, lying, still suffering from the shock of the kiss.

Bite Two - <Northern Library Horrors>

As Zen reached the door, he paused and turned to ask, "Hey, you wanna come along or you want to stay in my room?" Kira quietly sat up from the bed, still unable to open her mouth and give him a proper reply. "So?" Zen insisted. "I... I wanna go with you," Kira answered after a while and walked towards him. Just then, Zen advanced towards her and lifted her up into his arms. "W-Wait! W-Wh-What are you doing?!" Kira exclaimed.

"You're too slow." Was all he said.

Then he kicked the door open and glanced down at Kira. Noticing the way she buried her face in her hands out of embarassment, he smirked. "Hey, Kira, where... Would you like to go?"

"I... Uh..."

 Zen teased, "If you won't tell me, I'll just leave you here..."

"L-Library...!" Kira panicked, "I-Is there a library here?" Zen smiled, "Of course, let's go."

When they reached the library, Zen warned, "Feel free to check out all the books, but do not enter the Northern section." Kira asked in curiosity, "Why? What's there?" "Just don't." Zen emphasised, his voice tainted with menace. Kira shivered, "O-Okay..." "I have some things to do, I'll pick you up later, yeah?" Zen's voice had returned to his low, gentle sound. Kira nodded obligingly, walking away and heading into the nearest section, the Western section.

"Wow..." Kira awed by the amount of books the millions of tall shelves in the library contained. There were all kinds of books. Comics, fictional books, non-fictional books, referential books, and others. She carefully picked out some fictional books she found interesting and carried them to the nearby table. As Kira read her books, engrossed by their wonderful storylines, she heard a whisper.

"Psst... Come here... Come to meee..."

"W-Who's there?!" A shocked Kira whipped her head around but saw no one. "Hereee... The Northern section, my dear..." Kira's memory flitted back to probably forty minutes ago, where Zen had warned her not to go to the Nothern section. "It's just a while, Zen wouldn't find outtt..." The voice replied as if it could read her mind. Easily convinced, Kira stood up from the chair and walked towards the source of the voice, where the Northern section was. When she opened the door to the Northern section, her eyes widened in horror and she let out a shrill scream. Then, her world was engulfed by the darkness and the last thing she heard, was the cackling of the voice.


Bite Three - <Transformation>

"Nn..." Kira purred and rubbed her eyes with her right hand as she opened her eyes and immediately sat up at the sight of Zen sitting right beside her on a handmade chair. The chair was beautiful, gold glitter on its soft and comfortable pillow, embroidered so nicely.

But Zen's voice brought her back from her admiration of the chair.

"Kira, I thought I told you not to enter the northern section!" Zen's voice thundered in the interior of the room. Kira flinched, her eyes widened at the cruelty and harshness in his voice. "I-I didn't mean to, I ju-just..."she shivered as she remembered what she saw. "What is it? Can't find excuses for enteri-" He stopped abruptly when he saw tears well up in Kira's eyes and form clear droplets shaped like pearls that rolled down her beautiful porcelain face.

"K-Kira? What's wrong? Did I upset you? I'm sorry, okay?! Please, please don't cry..." Zen said desperately, he moved forward to put his arms around her in an attempt to comfort her. "Blood..." Zen heard her whisper in a frightened voice as she put her arms on her head. "Kira?" He asked in worry, Kira's irises had contracted to that of a thin line. "Blood was everywhere! T-There was that creature with the..." She yelled, half sobbing. "Kira, please, try to calm down... That's why I told you not to go there, Kira!" Zen said, still hugging her, trying to calm the poor girl down.

Suddenly, feathers began sprouting from below Kira's neck. "W-Wha-" Zen gasped as he stared at the wings sprouting from Kira's back. "K-Kira..."

Kira let out a loud scream. One of pain and terror.

Somewhere out there, a red-pink haired girl flinched as her ears tweaked continuously. "K-Kira..." She whispered to no one in particular, "What is it this time...?"

"S-Stop!" Zen yelled at Kira, almost begging. Blood was dripping out of the wounds the wings created. "Please! Kira, you're hurting yourself!" He tried again. But Kira wouldn't listen. Or rather, it was out of her control. Graceful wings, now fully sprouted, extended from her back, somewhere below her neck. Zen eyed Kira's wings, stoned. Her wings were mostly pure white, but there were tints of raven black in them. Intricate, pretty, yet painful to watch as Kira writhed in agony.

Not long after Zen's numerous times to get Kira to calm down, a shadow flitted across Zen's room and Zen looked up to see his window opened, with a lady standing on it. "Who are you, elf?" He eyed her sharp eyes and small eyes.

"The name's Katelina Presler Vancogh, Kate, in short. There's no time to waste. Get Kira to return to herself!" The stranger rushed. "R-Right." Zen agreed, "So how do we go about it?" Katelina rushed to the broken girl, "Kira, calm down, Hadernogh Vag Geneishto Pragosth." Zen looked in surprise as the wings returned to Kira's body, forming a 'V' shaped scar on her back after Katelina's chant. "What were you saying just now?" Zen questioned Katelina. "Words. To let her calm down. More of a seal. We'll tell you more when Kira's ready to." Katelina replied confidently.

Life rushed back into Kira's eyes as she recognised Katelina's familiar figure. "K-Kate! What're you doing here?"

"I heard you just now, so I rushed here to help you."

"Thanks, Kate."

"It's fine. I'm just glad you're alright. What happened?"

"Nothing much... Just... I just saw something in the library. I think it startled and upset me a little so I changed." Kira answered quietly.

Zen interrupted their conversation "Kira, are you okay?" "Ah... Y-Yes." She blushed as she discerned the deep concern in his voice. Katelina watched quietly, grasping the situation immediately. "I'll wait outside." She said, "At least until you're done talking." "So who is she?" Zen asked after the elf walked out of the door. "We're best friends and we've been together since we were babies. Kate knows everything about me and she knows how to solve it, like she did just now." She smiled after answering, "Why do you ask?"

"No particular reason, you two just look awfully close."

"Oh... Haha, 'cause we're childhood friends and all." "Yeah," Zen said quietly. "Hey, are you guys done?" Katelina strode through the door, "I got tired of waiting and all that." She added. Elves were impatient creatures, as sharp as they were, they were fast, and they hated to wait. "And uh, vampire, I want to live here, gimme a room." Katelina said. "Eh?!" Kira and Zen said together at the same time, synchronising perfectly. "You... want to live here?" Kira repeated her words as a question. "What the hell are you saying?" Zen replied, astonished.

"I want to live here so ask one of your subordinates to bring me to an unoccupied room. You have millions of rooms here, don't be selfish!" Katelina said. He sighed, "God damn it, but just because you're Kira's friend." He snapped his fingers and a blond vampire entered the room. "You asked for me, Master Zen?" The vampire asked politely. He put one hand below his chest and the other one behind him and took a bow. "Yes. Prepare a room for this lady here. The ones on the Sciper's Deck."

The vampire looked surprised, but he said in a voice of clarity and confidence, "Yes, Master." Then, he stepped backwards toward the door, walked out of the room, took another bow, and closed the door softly. "Hey vamp, what's the Sciper's Deck? You're not going to put me in some digusting, smelly room, are you?" Kate asked. "It depends on how you think of me and how much you trust me. Either way, you'll see." He stated. "Whatever..." Katelina mumbled, "But oh boy, that vampire was a hottie!"

"I'm not sure you'd like him if you knew how old he was." Zen countered. "And how old are you, vampire?" Katelina smirked. "I'm Zen, stop calling me 'vampire', it's irritating." He muttered, his eyebrows coming together to form a 'V' above his eyes. "Okay Zen, how old are you?" Zen hesitated a little, "1536. I was born then. On the 5th of June." "Woah." Katelina answered.

"Yeah." There was a hint of sadness in his voice that Katelina detected. "Do you hate being old?" Katelina asked straight-forwardly. "Well, would you like being a creature that lived for centuries and feasted on human blood?" Zen replied with another question.

"Well, okay, point taken. I'll go to that whatever deck now." Kate said as she walked towards the door. "Do you know how to get there?" Zen asked. "O-Of course," Kate replied, holding her head up high. "It's the Sciper's Deck, don't forget that!" He yelled after her and heard her asking him to shut up. "That's just too much pride." Zen said as Katelina slammed the door shut in her search for the deck. "Well, elves are very prideful creatures." Kira said. Zen nodded in agreement, "True..."

Bite Four - <Kate & Frilt>

Katelina walked in the barely lighted deck, her pink-red hair ruffling in the light breeze from the air-con. "I wonder what that stupid deck is..." "Oh! Miss. Katelina! There you are!" Katelina heard a rugged voice call out to her. She whipped her head around to see Frilt Tayn Grovonski walking towards her, his posture straight and tall. "Frilt, yeah? Just call me Kate." Frilt nodded in response, "As you wish."

"Well, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, the Master sent me to guide you to your room." Frilt answered. "Oh, that busybody. I can get there myself." Katelina boasted. Frilt chuckled, "Miss. Ka- I mean, Kate, i would love to believe you but... You're walking in the opposite direction."

"What, o-of course I knew that!" Katelina yelled in embarassment. She began walking beside Frilt, blushing ever so slightly. "Hey, Frilt." Katelina called. "Yes?" The vampire replied. "The Sciper's Deck, what's so special about it?" She asked. "Ah, it's the deck consisting of the few most expensive rooms. Naturally the Master's room is of the highest quality but other than really special guests, Sciper's rooms are never used." Frilt answered. "So you were so shocked just now, because according to your standards, I'm not special?" Katelina said teasingly. "Ah! Uh... no! I didn't mean any offense by that! I apologise if you got the wrong idea!" Frilt panicked. "It's just that for the Sciper's Deck, just one of its room costs a few millions and the Master hasn't used one in a while!" The vampire explained hurriedly. When Frilt and Katelina reached her designated room, he said, "The Master said that you can feel free to walk about this mansion. He'll specifically ask some vampires to wait on you, whatever you need, all you need to do is get it from them." "Wait, he's here?!." Katelina exclaimed. looking around her surroundings. "Well, he's my Master, I can communicate with him anytime, it doesn't really matter where he is." Frilt answered as he pushed the door open to reveal a room with forest green wallpaper. It had real trees growing and a hammock hanging from the trees. Butterflies and some tamed animals moved about freely. Everything about the room was just as Katelina had imagined the jungle to be, and she loved it, considering that jungles were elves' natural habitat.

Katelina gasped in surprise as she whispered quietly out of wonder, "W-Wow. This... This is..." Katelina paused, unable to complete her sentence in her shocked state. "Wonderful." Frilt finished for her, "I know." He said and paused before continuing, "Master Zen... He... Might not seem like it, but he is actually a really caring man." Katelina just stared back at Frilt in return. "Yes?" Frilt asked in curiosity. "No, nothing. I was just wondering about how much you cared for Zen." Kate replied.

"Oh, oh yes. That must be because I've been serving him for a long time." Frilt explained. "Is that so? For how long?" Katelina questioned. "Hm, my entire family, the Grovonskis were born to serve Master Zen's family. I had been trained since young and have been by the Master's side since I was but a baby."

"Woah, that's some hardcore service there."

Frilt mildly laughed at Katelina's choice of words. "Yes, I guess you could put it that way. but it was such a pleasure to serve him. And it will always be. He never neglected any of us and would always care for his people." Frilt stated, sounding very serious. "That's kind of cool. I mean, the bond you have with him," Katelina said. "Yes, I suppose so. I'm the only servant here whom close to the Master. Probably because I've served him since he was born."

Frilt paused and apologised, "Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to blabber on."

"Oh, no no, continue on, I don't mind." Katelina encouraged. Frilt smiled gently, "Kate, you are very easy to talk to." "Ah, um, I uh... Thank you." Katelina stuttered and flushed as she felt her heart skip a beat. Suddenly, it was as if fire surged within her, she instinctively wrapped her arms around Frilt's shoulder. "K-Kate?!" Frilt stared wide-eyed at Katelina, shocked by her sudden change of personality. When he looked at her, it was as if she was a different person, her irises became thinner strips, her eyelashes lengthened, and the entire aura she was giving out just changed. "You- You've got to be kidding me... This isn't your mating period is it?" By now, Katelina was engulfed in her emotions, unable to give Frilt a proper reply.

Elves had this serious flaw. When their mating season arrived, their emotions of love would be amplified to be stronger, and they would seduce their partner by all means. Just to accomplish one goal: Make love with their mates.

Katelina planted a kiss on Frilt's lips, tempting him. "K-Kate? Stop!" He yelled as Katelina began tearing at his clothes. "Why? Let's have fun." She continued shortly after. "W-What?!" Frilt exclaimed. "No way! You may think you want this now but you'll regret it later." He tried to reason with Katelina. Katelina replied in a flirtatious voice, "I won't regret it, Frilt, come on." She continued working on his belt after taking down his clothes. She stared at the bulge at his crotch. "Hehe, you're already hard anyway, let's just do it."

"I-I can't really control anymore so stop it, don't seduce me." Frilt warned Katelina, sounding desperate. Katelina kissed his bulge, "You don't have to control, Frilt." Hearing that, Frilt groaned, like a predator who found his prey and he swept Katelina off her feet and threw her onto the hammock hanging from the ceiling.

Then, he pounced on her, unable to ignore desires. Kate moaned in ecstasy as she felt his hands all over her. "Mphf!" Kate mumbled as Frilt pressed his lips against hers. She felt happiness, the desire to want more and the urgency for them to be one. "F-Frilt... Hah... P-Put it in...". "Nope," Frilt smirked, determined to make Katelina beg for him, "Wait a bit more, won't you?" "A-Ah!" Katelina yelled in arousement as she felt Frilt's hands going down from her chest to the space between her legs. "F-Frilt! Ah!" She emitted another sexy cry and began begging desperately, "Please! Hah! I want you inside me! Ugh!" Frilt smiled handsomely, satisfied at last and pushed in her. "Ah!" Katelina cried out. "Agh!" She moaned as Frilt thrusted into her over and over again. Finally, she felt a jerk as Frilt came inside her. "Hah!" She came on the hammock as she felt Frilt's semen in her. They both panted and fell onto the hammock beside each other and they fell asleep almost immediately on the soft cushion that the hammock supported.

Bite Five - <Do You Regret>

Frilt awoke to the sound of his Master's calls. He tossed around the hammock to see Katelina. He immediately sat up, shocked to see Katelina sleeping soundly beside him and only calmed down a while later when he remembered the incident that happened the previous night. "Kate, please, wake up." Frilt gently shook Katelina. Katelina gave a tired moan. "My Master is calling for me to go to him with you. Please, dress up and let's go." He urged. "Oh... Okay..." Katelina grumbled as she got up from her hammock and walked in to the bathroom after picking up her change of clothes from the wardrobe. When Katelina emerged from the bathroom with her green-yellow clad of clothing, she heard Frilt rush her again urgently. "Yeah, okay! I'm ready!" She shouted in response.

"Master, I apologize for the long wait." Frilt said the minute he stepped into Zen's room with Katelina. Zen shook his head, signalling that he did not mind the wait, and he cleared his throat before he started his talk, "Before I want any of you to misunderstand that I don't allow sexual activities, let me explain myself. I don't disagree that there are multiples of times where there is a need for sexual release." Katelina shifted uneasily and she glanced at Frilt. "But." He emphasised, "I hope that the people having those sexual activities would be more considerate and think about other people who need their beauty sleep." "Understood, Master, we're very sorry. We'll make sure we do not repeat the same mistakes again." Frilt bowed to Zen.

"Good, that's all I had to say, you can go now." Zen dismissed. Frilt bowed yet again and pulled Katelina out of the room. "You're awfully quiet, Kate." Frilt observed as they exit Zen's room. Katelina continued staring at the ground, not noticing Frilt's statement. "Kate?" Frilt tried again. Katelina jumped and answered, "Y-Yeah?" Frilt pouted, "What's wrong? You seem distracted." "N-Nothing," Katelina sighed, "Just... I'm really sorry about yesterday, the memories are beginning to come back to me, and... I'm just so... Embarassed."

"Do you... Regret it?" Frilt asked.

"... I do think it was wrong of me to have seduced you." Katelina replied.

"You didn't answer my question." Frilt said solemnly.

Katelina stared at the ground, unable to reply. "I... I never thought you felt that way, Kate. I should have had more self-control yesterday night." Frilt said apologetically, and walked away. Katelina looked as he walked away, her hands urging to just tug on his clothes and pull him back to her. But she couldn't. She couldn't bear to let Frilt get into trouble with his Master again for something as stupid as her sexual needs. She could not tell him that. So she just watched, sadness filling her from within. "I'm sorry..." She whispered the words, regret pouring out of them like lava from a volcano, but they were for no one to hear.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.11.2011

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