

A staggering turn in world events is due to erupt in the near future years. It will involve violently the United States, Britain, Western Europe, the Middle East and so on. It’s never too late for the free world to come awake to the real meaning behind current world events! Why do not the world’s leaders see what is coming? Why are the world’s best minds unseeing-the heads of state, scientists, educators, editors, news analysts, bankers, industrialists, leaders in business and commerce? They are totally unaware! Why? Because they have been falsely educated and deceived into shutting down their minds as well as closing their hearts to the great causes behind world events and trends. This world has been falsely educated to ignore causes and deal with effects! Yet all the world’s problems and ills are simply a matter of cause and effect. There is a cause that has produced strife and war; poverty, wretchedness, inequality; crime, disease, mental ills. But the leaders do not know!
World Explosion to Erupt
The world’s leaders are the educated of the world. But they were not educated in Basic Truths – the foundations of right knowledge. The most necessary knowledge is not being taught! They do not know what man is or why! They know nothing of the purpose or meaning of life! They were not taught to distinguish the true values from the false. They did not learn the real causes – the way to peace, to happiness, to universal abundance; nor the cause of war, unhappiness, inequality, world chaos.
They know nothing of the purpose being worked out here below. Consequently, they guide humanity on a course in conflict with that purpose, wreaking havoc upon a distressed, suffering, unhappy mankind. Lacking knowledge of the way to peace, the world does not have peace. Leaders talk of peace; they profess to work for peace; they cry out for peace – while they give approval and blind acceptance to the way that produces war!
This world has simply been going the wrong way! This world is giving assent to, and conferring civilization’s acceptance on, the ways that are the causes of all the world’s illness.
And now we are fast approaching the final grand smash explosion that is going to stagger the mind of man beyond the bounds of sanity. Forces are at work today on plans, programs, conspiracies, movements that soon will erupt into a world explosion of violence and chaos such as never happened before, and never will again. Men today are tampering with forces of nature they lack the prudence, knowledge, ability and wisdom to control.
In this folly of educated ignorance, it has become fashionable today and intellectually titillating to ignore the great basic cause of all things; the fact of the purpose being worked out here below, and the master plan for its working out; the invisible but Supreme Power now soon to intervene and drastically alter the course of history-before mankind blasts itself out of existence.
Unreal though it may seem to those steeped in modern educational deceptions, 2500 years ago the Supreme Power of the universe inspired a man name Isaiah to quote Him, saying: “I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand” (Isa. 46:9 – 46:10). The great world powers are formulation their policies-laying their plans. But the next few years will see astounding events explode in a manner very different than the nations plan! Why?
Never a Miss
Because there is the great God who says: “The Eternal wrecks the purposes of pagans, he brings to nothing what the nations plan; but the Eternal’s purpose stands for ever, and what he plans will last from age to age…. The eternal looks from heaven, beholding all mankind; from where he sits, he scans all who inhabit the world; he who alone made their hearts, he notes all they do” (Ps. 33:13 – 33:15)
This same Eternal God said “To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? Said the Holy One (Isa. 40:25) Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things (Isa. 40:26) and again: “Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance. (Isa. 40:15) All nations before him are as nothing (Isa. 40:17).
Through His inspired prophets, the great God caused to be written, some 2,500 years ago, and preserved in writing to our time prophecies filling approximately a third of the whole bible. In them, He named every city of consequence of that time on earth-and also every nation! And he foretold precisely what would, through the years, happen to every city and every nation! In every instance the prophecies came to pass! What was prophesied happened to Babylon, to Tyre, Sidon, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron; to Egypt, Assyria, Chaldea, Persia, Greece and Rome. There has not been a miss! Those prophecies were accurate. And now, in other prophecies, the same Supreme God, The Almighty has foretold precisely what is going to happen to the United States, The British Nations, Western Europe, The Middle East, Russia, and rest of the Globe!
Best Minds-Total Ignorance
Yet the best minds in the world are in total ignorance of the unprecedented cataclysm that is about to strike. And why have these prophecies not been understood or believed? Because the vital key that unlocks prophecy to our understanding had been lost. That key is the identity of the United States and the British peoples as well as the other lost tribes in biblical prophecy. That key has been found! We present it to those whose unprejudiced eyes are willing to see. The events prophesied to strike the American, and the British Peoples is currently happening and is sure to be fulfilled on the remaining of the prophecies in the next few years. God says: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he reveals his secret unto his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). These colossal world events, shrinking the first two World Wars into insignificance, will come, but not until the warning has been made available for those whose eyes are willing to see.

Chapter 1: The Lost Master Key Has Been Found

This may sound incredible, but it’s true. Editors, newscasters, foreign correspondents do not understand the real meaning of the world news they report, analyze and discuss. Heads of government are utterly unaware of the true significance of the very world-shaking events with which they deal. They have no conception of where these events are leading. Incredible but very true!
Winston Churchill declared before the United States Congress: “He must indeed have a blind soul who cannot see that some great purpose and design is being worked out here below of which we have the honor to be the faithful servants.” But he did not understand that purpose! That great purpose long ago was master-planned by the Creator of all things. The Master Mind of the universe. The Lord Almighty!
There Is a Purpose
It is true, thought almost totally unrealized: Mankind was put on this earth for a purpose! And the maker of mankind sent along with the human product of his making an INSTRUCTION BOOK to reveal that purpose and to guide man in happily, enjoyably fulfilling it. But the human race has rejected the revelation and the guidance and has preferred to stumble on in the darkness of its own futile reasoning’s. About one-third of that Instruction Book is devoted to basic education-revealing to man the necessary foundational knowledge otherwise undiscoverable and unknowable: knowledge of what man is, why he is, where his destiny may lead, how to reach it and live happily along the way; revealing knowledge of the true values as distinguished from the false; knowledge of the way to peace, happiness, abundant wellbeing. In other words the most necessary of all knowledge the foundation on which to build discoverable knowledge. Another approximate third of that Book is devoted to history-to those event and experiences fulfilling the master plan during the first four millennia of man’s mortal sojourn or journey, as examples for our admonition and guidance today. And then approximately a third-grasp this! An entire third of our maker’s revelation to mankind is devoted to prophecy-writing the history of future events before they occur. These foretold future events reveal the great purpose being finally worked out- being brought to its completion.
Why The Lost & Confusion
Now see why heads of state, news analysts, and the great minds of our time do not comprehend the real meaning of world events as they are shaping up right now. A rational and right knowledge of this great purpose, of the Creator’s master plan, of where in the progression of those foreordained events we stand today, and of major happenings prophesied yet to occur-this knowledge is the essential basis for understanding the significance and true meaning of today’s dynamic world news. Without this vital knowledge, none dealing in news gathering and news reporting, none responsible for government policies can understand current world happenings or where they are leading. And not one saddled with such responsibilities does know! Why?
Two reasons, primarily: 1) They have been deceived by false education appealing to the vanity of intellect into prejudicial and disdainful rejection of the divine revelation which alone can impart this understanding; and 2) the vital key necessary to unlock closed doors of biblical prophecy had been lost. The great world powers of our time have been, and are the United States, Britain, Germany, and other Western European nations.
The missing vital key is simply the identity of these great world powers in biblical prophecy! The staggering and cataclysmic world-shaking events happening and soon to erupt upon a shocked, stunned, bewildered world relate directly and specifically to the United States, Britain, Germany, Western Europe, and Russia. Not knowing how and where these nations are specifically mentioned in basic and major prophecies, the educated of the world have been utterly blinded to the plain and simple meaning of prophecy. Due to this lost key more than anything else, the Bible has come to be discredited and rejected in this world’s educational system. The unproved and un-provable theory of evolution has been substituted as the foundational concept which became the supposed rational approach to knowledge.
The colossal tragedy of it! Our peoples, being thus falsely and deceptively educated from little children, have, in supposed era of advanced rationalism and enlightenment, actually been groping around in the darkness of ignorance, misunderstanding and confusion, fatally unaware of the earthshaking catastrophe into which they are being directly plunged. Thus our peoples have forgotten and departed far from their Maker. They have shut their eyes and closed their ears to His dynamic revelation to mankind, which, to ears that can hear, thunders out the life and death warning to those in the responsible positions of power!
Is it too late? Have our leaders become so steeped in a deceptive false education, so stultified that they cannot be aroused from slumber? May our heavenly father help them now because time is fast closing in on us all!
The all-important master key has been found! That key is knowledge of the astonishing identity of the American and Britain people-as well as the others in biblical prophecies. This very eye-opening, astounding identity is another proof form of the inspiration and authority of the Holy Bible! As well as one of the strongest proofs of the very active existence of our living God!
And exciting, pulsating, vital third of all the Bible is devoted to prophecy. And approximately 90 percent of all the prophecy pertains to our time, now, in this latter half of the twentieth century and beginning of the twenty first century! It is a warning to us-to our English speaking peoples- of immediate life and death import. The prophecies come alive once their doors are opened by this now discovered master key! This book will open, to open minds, this hitherto closed vital third of all the Bible. No story of fiction ever was so strange, so fascinating, so absorbing, so packed with interest and suspense, as this gripping story of our identity-and our ancestry.
Through it The Almighty Lord gives momentous warning! Those who read, and heed, may be spared unprecedented cataclysmic tragedy soon to strike. If our peoples and our governments will awaken, heed, repent, and return to their living God, Then our beloved ones may be spared as I pray thee to understand.

Chapter 2: Prophecies Closed Until Now!

One might ask, were not biblical prophecies closed and sealed? Indeed they were-until now! And even now they can be understood only by those who actually read the Bible for their selves and more so by those whom possess the master key to unlock them. But we have reached the approximate end of 6045-6051 of biblical history. We have reached the end of an age! We are entering, right now, the world crisis at the close of the present civilization. We face, today, conditions such as the world never before has witnessed. Today the big problem is the stark question of survival! Weapons of mass destruction exist which can erase all life from the earth. Chiefs of government and world-famous scientists have been saying for the previous two decades publicly we must adjust to living in fear of human annihilation, with no solutions in sight. Myself as an individual I fear not the tomorrow for it may not come unlike the certainty of the kingdom to come for it is written and it shall come to pass. To those prejudicially cynical toward the Bible, I say: the lord is your only way as it has always been. Science offers no solutions. The politicians and heads of government have no answers. In the Bible alone you will find the advance news of what is now certain to occur-and occur it will before mankind blasts itself out of existence! But another objector might ask, are not most of the prophecies outdated in Old Testament writings, address only to the ancient nation Israel, of no concern to us in our time? And the answer is an emphatic no! These scintillating, dynamic prophecies were, most of them, never given to ancient Israel.
A Pivotal book
The plain truth is these prophecies were written for our people of our time, and for no previous people or time. They pertain to world conditions of today, and could not have been understood until today. One of the very pivotal books of prophecy is the book of Daniel. Actually, the prophet Daniel was not the author of the book known by his name. The living God was its author! The message was transmitted to Daniel by God’s angel. Daniel put to writing, to be preserved until our time, what heard. At the very close of his book, Daniel wrote: And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end…. And none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand” (Dan. 12:8-12:10).
So the prophecies f Daniel were closed, sealed, locked up until now! But today we are living in “the time of the end.” Today the “wise” do understand! But who are “the wise”? Only those who fear and obey God-and who have the master key to unlock the locked-up prophecies. God says: “The fear of the Eternal is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments” (Ps. 111:10). And even most professing “Christians” refuse utterly to do that. No wonder they can’t understand. And don’t forget, the specific key that unlocks these closed doors of prophecy is the definite knowledge of the true identity of the American and other English nations as they are mentioned in these prophecies. Stop a moment and think. If the prophecies Daniel wrote could not be understood by him; if they were “closed up and sealed till time of the end”-till our time-as the angel said and as Daniel wrote, then they were closed to the ancient Israelites of that day; they contained no message for Daniel’s time. Think a little further. These prophecies could not have been given to or known by the ancient Kingdom of Israel, Daniel wrote in and after the time of the Chaldean king Nebuchadnezzar’s invasion and captivity of the Kingdom of JUDAH, 604 to 585 B.C. But the Kingdom of ISRAEL, had long before been invaded, conquered, and its people moved out of Palestine-transported as slaves to Assyria-721 to 718 B.C. (II Kings 17:18, 17:23-17:24), 117 to 133 years before Daniel wrote. Years before the book of Daniel was written, most of the Assyrians, with those Israelite slaves, had migrated from ancient Assyria northwest toward Europe. How far northwest-where they finally settled-was not then known. They had become known as the Lost Ten Tribes. But today we do know. Today, as Daniel wrote (12:4), knowledge has indeed increased. The whereabouts of the Lost Ten Tribes is one of the ancient mysteries now cleared up. But in Daniel’s day they were lost from view-as if the earth had opened her mouth and swallowed them.
Not for Old Testament Israel
Daniel’s prophecy, then, was not a message to the Old Testament Kingdom of Israel! Now think further! Nor was this prophecy a message for the Old Testament kingdom of Judah. When Daniel wrote, the Jews already were slaves in Babylon. Daniel was one of the brilliant young princes of Judah, specially chosen for service in the king’s palace in Babylon (Dan. 1:3-1:6). Daniel’s strenuous duties in the Gentile king’s service did not allow him to deliver this closed and sealed message to the scattered Jewish slaves. In this condition of slavery, the Jews had no system of religious meetings-no priesthood. There was no such thing as a printing press-no way to print and distribute literature. And besides, the prophecy was “closed up and sealed till the time of the end”-our time, now! The book of Daniel was not a message for the Jews of Old Testament times! Finally realize: It is emphatically clear that these prophecies pertain to no time but to our time. Then know this, further: The greatest mystery book of the entire Bible, to most, has been the book of Revelation. But the book Daniel is the key to the book of Revelation. And in the book of Revelation, solely and alone, do we find the world events of all prophecies correlated in order of time sequence. The book of Revelation, then, holds the key for putting together all of the prophecies in proper time order. And Revelation, too, was a closed and sealed book-until our time, now. We realize that the living God is the Revelator-and that He has stripped off the seals and opened this mystery book to right understanding. And where does that lead us? To the fact that prophecy generally was written and preserved for our time today! And some 90 percent of all prophecy pertains actually to our time of today. And the one central master key to prophecy as a whole is the identity of the United States and other English Nations in these prophecies of today! These prophecies could not pertain to any time pervious to our precarious present! It might not be realized but Britain or The United States became great world powers until the nineteenth century. Suddenly, in the very beginning of the nineteenth century, these two-until then small, minor countries-suddenly spurted to national power and greatness among nations, as no other nations had ever grown and multiplied in wealth, resources and power before. By 1804 London had become the financial hub of the world. The United States had exploded out of its swaddling clothes of the 13 original states and had acquired the expansive Louisiana Purchase. It was fast sprouting up to become mightiest nation of all time. But Britain burst forth to greatness first, and until the World Wars had become the greatest empire, or common wealth of nations, in all history.
Could we be ignored?
Between them the British and American peoples had acquired more than two-thirds-almost three-forths-of all the cultivated physical resources and wealth of the world. All other nations combined possessed barely more than a fourth. Britannia ruled the waves-and the world’s commerce was carried on by water. The sun never set on British possessions. Now think! Could the British and American peoples be ignored in prophecies of world conditions that fill a third of the entire Bible-when some 90 percent of all those prophecies pertain to national and international world happenings of our time, now? Staggering? Indeed it is. And yet, precisely as prophesied, Britain’s sun has now set. As these same prophecies that foretold Britain’s greatness revealed far in advance, Britain has already been reduced to a second-rate or third-rate power in the world, and the United States? Today America finds herself heir to just about all the international problems and headaches in this post-World War II, chaotic, violent world. And the United States has won her last major war since then. Even little North Vietnam held her at bay. Many other nations sap America’s national strength, “and he know it not,” as God long ago foretold! On the world scene nothing is so important right now as t know where the white, English-speaking peoples are identified in scores and hundreds of prophecies-prophecies which describe vividly our sudden rise to national power and reveal the causes of that greatness; prophecies that paint a crystal-clear picture of our present international dilemma; prophecies that open our eyes wide to see what now lies immediately ahead for our nations-and what our ultimate and final status shall be.

Chapter 3: National Greatness Promised Israel-Yet The Jews Never Received It-Why?

Prior to World War II, the American and British peoples had acquired more than two-thirds of the cultivated resources and wealth of the world. Yet, astonishing wonder though it be, we acquired nearly all of it rather suddenly, since the year 1800. Never in all history did anything like this occur. Never did any people or nation spread out and grow so suddenly and rapidly into such magnitude of national power. Yet we are beholding before our very eyes the diminishing and evaporating of this national greatness, wealth and power. In the case of Great Britain, it is disintegrating even more rapidly than it developed! Britain has been almost over-night stripped of her colonies and her possessions-source of her wealth-and reduced to a second-rate or third-rate power. Why? There is a reason! It is bound up with history and divine promises pertaining to Israel. Promises never yet inherited by the Jewish people. And now, unless the people and the government of the United States will heed to our Maker and take immediate action with a willing heart kindly walking the straightway, the American nation is slated to go down even more suddenly to utter ignominy and loss of all national wealth, greatness and power! And for the same reason pertaining to Britain’s lost! It behooves us without delay to quickly review that history and open our eyes to divine promises and warnings almost wholly unrealized by our peoples. It is all connected with the generally ignored plain and simple Bible story that leads to knowledge of our incredible ancestry and modern prophetic identity. And it is the most amazing and fascinating story you ever read. Stranger than fiction-yet it is true!
Why Do We Have Israel’s Bible?
Years ago, this same national greatness, wealth and power were promised by the Almighty to Abraham. Yet few have ever noticed this astonishing fact in Scripture. We must realize, if we would understand, a peculiar fact. The Holy Bible is the particular Book of a definite nationality-the children of Israel. It is undeniable! Its history, from Genesis to Revelation, is primarily the history of one nation or people-the Israelites. Other nations are mentioned only insofar as they come into contact with Israel. All its prophecy, too, pertains primarily to this people of Israel, and to other nations only insofar as they come into contact with Israel. The Bible tells of these Israelites and their God. It was inspired by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, committed to writing through Israelites exclusively, and preserved until after the New Testament was written by these Israelites. In its sacred passages we read that all the promises and the covenants of God, all the son ship and the glory, belong solely to Israel (Rom. 9:4). Yet we must face the astounding fact that our white, English-speaking peoples-not the Jews-have inherited the national and physical phases of those promises! How could this have happened? The Bible is an Israelite Book, preeminently of and for the Israelite nationality, inspired by their God through their prophets. Is it not indeed strange that we English-speaking peoples are today the greatest believers in and exponents of this Book of the Hebrew people; that of all nations we are the chief worshipers of Israel’s God and Israel’s Messiah-in name and in form, if not in truth and in deed? The more these facts are realized, the more apparent it becomes that a full knowledge of these Israelites is necessary to a right understanding of the Holy Bible, which is chiefly concerned with them as a people. And this knowledge becomes important if we are to understand the present status of the American and British peoples in the world-and their relation to unprecedented world conditions at this fateful hour! Let us remember as we approach this fascinating story that the Bible is concerned with the material, the fleshly, the literal, racial and national, as well as with the spiritual. Let us not spiritualize away national things, nor nationalize spiritual things. Let us understand the sacred Word of God as it is!
Nation Began With One Man
Before the days of Moses there was no nation on earth known as God’s particular nation. Prior to Moses there was no written Word of God; no inspired Scriptures; no Holy Bible. Think of it! For more than two thousand five hundred years-two-and-a-half millennia-mankind existed without any written revelation from God! The only historic record of God’s dealing with mankind prior to Israel is the revealed history of the Bible. And-even more astonishing-only the first eleven of the fifty chapters of Genesis are devoted to the entire history of the world prior to Abraham, father of the Israelites! Surprising? Only the first eleven chapters of the very first book of the Bible are used to record for us the history of first approximately 2,000 years-right at one-third of its entire span. God began this world with just one man-Adam. Whatever God does through human agencies must start the smallest, and, like the grain of mustard seed, grow big. To this first man God communicated directly and personally. God revealed all essential knowledge otherwise inaccessible to the human mind. The basic essentials of all knowledge-what is man?-why is he here?-what’s the PURPOSE of life?-what is the WAY of life that will produce peace, health, prosperity, happiness, and joy?-what is man’s END-his destiny?-God revealed this basis of all knowledge to the first man. To Adam, God revealed Himself-The Eternal Creator-Ruler of earth and the universe. God revealed to Adam that he was, unlike animals, made in the form and shape of God with powers of mind possessed by no other physical creature; with the potential, through free choice, of developing the very character of God and of inheriting eternal life in the Kingdom of God. To Adam God revealed the way of life would result in everything man desires; peace, enjoyable life, happiness, abundant well-being. To produce these blessings-to be the cause of such desired effect-God had set in motion His inexorable spiritual law. But Adam listened to Satan and leaned to his own human understanding through the help of his wife Eve. He disobeyed God, rejected the way to every desired result, and set out on the human course of greed and vanity.
Mankind Spurns God’s Way
As men began to multiply on earth, Adam’s sons followed in his Satan-inspired course of human nature. Prior to Abraham, only three are mentioned as accepting God’s way of life-only three during more than a third of the whole span of the history of mankind. Abel was called righteous; Enoch walked with God; and Noah was a preacher of righteousness, which is simply obedience to God’s government (Ps.119:172). Aside from these three and possibly Shem, there is no record that any man prior to Abraham yielded to the rule of the Eternal. By the time Abraham men had lost all knowledge of the true Creator-Ruler, His revelation of His purpose, and the way of God to peace and happiness and to life eternal. Man pursued his own ways and devices, walking contrary to the spiritual laws of our Heavenly Father. Sin and violence filled the earth.
God Started His Nation with a Just Man
It was in such a world, which had strayed far from God and knowledge of the glorious benefits of God’s rule and the worship of the true God, that one man was honest and upright, submissive and teachable, strong and purposeful. So God gave him a test command of obedience. To this man, Abram, God commanded: “Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee: And I will make of thee a great nation” (Gen. 12:1-12:2). Here was a command, which were a condition and a PROMISE, provided the condition of obedience was met. And so now, as God had started the whole world with one man, He started His own peculiar nation in the world from one single man- Abraham. As the world, which has strayed far from God and the blessings of God’s worship and rule, was started with one man who rebelled against God and rejected His rule, so God’s own flesh-born nation, from which is to be reborn the Kingdom of God, was started with one man who obeyed God without question, and accepted His divine rule. Did Abram stop to argue and reason? Did he say: “Let’s reason this out a bit first; here I am in Babylon, in the very center of all this world’s commerce, society and gaiety; Why can’t you just as well give me this promise right here, where everything is pleasant and alluring? Why must I leave all this and go over to that uncivilized land?” Did Abram quibble, resist, argue, rebel? He certainly did not! The inspired Scripture account states simply: “So Abram departed.” There was no arguing with God. There was no human reasoning that God was all wrong. There were no foolish questions: “Why must I leave here?” “Can’t I do as I Please?” There was no stopping to say, “Well, here’s the way I look at it.” “Abram departed.” Just plain, unquestioned obedience! And God established this man, whose name He later changed to Abraham, as the father of His Nation, Israel! To Abraham and his descendants were all the promises of God made. And we must become like Abraham, and through Christ one of his children, if we are to inherit the promise of eternal life in God’s Kingdom. Of His peculiar flesh-born nation, Israel, the Eternal said; “This people have I I formed for myself; they shall show forth my praise” (Isa. 43:21). That prophecy shall yet-and soon-be fulfilled!
Dual Promises to Abraham
Few have realized it, but a duality runs all the way through the plan of God in working out His purpose here below. There was the first Adam, material and carnal; and there is Christ, the second Adam (Sort of Speak), spiritual and divine. There were the Old Covenant, purely material and temporal; and there is the New Covenant, spiritual and eternal. God made man mortal, physical, of the dust of the ground and of the human kingdom; but through Christ he may be begotten of God to become immortal, spiritual, and of the Kingdom of God. And in like manner there were two phases to the promises God made to Abraham-the one purely material and national, the other spiritual and individual. The spiritual promise of the Messiah, and of salvation through Him, is well known by the most superficial Bible students. They know that God gave the spiritual promise to Abraham of Christ to be born as Abraham’s descendant-and that salvation comes to us through Christ. But-and this will sound unbelievable, yet it is true-almost no one knows what that salvation is; what are the promises of salvation we may receive through Christ; how we may receive them, or when-incredible though that sounds! But that truth belongs in another book. What is essential to the theme of this book is the fact that God also made another entirely different, most amazing national and material promise to Abraham which has been almost entirely overlooked. Notice now again how God first called Abram, and the twofold nature of His promises: “Now the Eternal had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee: And I will make of thee A GREAT NATION….and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Gen. 12:1-12:3). Notice the twofold promise: 1) “I


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.07.2012
ISBN: 978-3-95500-051-6

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