

Once upon a time there was a little girl.
Once upon a time there was a fairy.
And once upon a time they met.

It was a cold afternoon. It already grew dark outside. And Alex (whole name Alexandra but she never liked that name) was on her way home. She took a shortcut through the forest. In a good mood she hummed while walking and watching the sun going down. Suddenly a light flushed in front of her face and flew out of sight flashshotly. Alex looked around. Where did it come from? Where did it go? There! Another light. And another. She followed the little lights and came to a clearing where she hid behind a tree. Carefully she watched the scene on the clearing. Many of the lights sat down on a trunk that layed in the middle of the clearing. When she looked closer she could see that the little lights were fairies. She saw their little bodies releasing the glooming as little lights. They chatted happily and laughed a lot like a school class on their first trip. Smiling she wanted to sneak back silently and go home. But she stepped on a dry branch, it cracked loudly and all heads flew round. Every fairy looked at her. The chatting became silent. The little wings on their backs began to vibrate and all of them came slowly towards her. Flying on their little wings. They became faster and faster and as theynearly were beside her Alex began to run. The light behind her grew stronger and stronger as more and more fairies followed. She ran faster. And then...there was just light nothing but light.


Alex Harres packed her bag and fled out of the house. Her little sisters were driving her nuts. She rode slowly on her bike to school, because there was nothing neither anybody nor something that was worth to enjoy. She went there because she had to but learning she just did at home with her books. The boring details of school should not be told here but in the fourth lesson. It happened for the first time. Her fingers began to tingle and seconds later a lightning shot out of her forefinger. Fortunately, the lightning just went to the teachers desk which began burning immediately. The window was open and the weather was very bad so nobody thought about the possibility that the lightning would come from inside the room. Everyone saw the burning desk, jumped on their feet and ran over each other and out of the room. Just Alex stood there, staring at the burning desk then at her hand then at the desk again. For her it was clear that the lightning couldn’t have been from out of the window. The lightning came from her forefinger that was obvious. But how was that possible? Suddenly, pictures came out of her mind, long forgotten pictures that she had experienced when she was five: flying fairies, the laughter of hundreds of little high voices and the glooming, the strong light behind her... She shook her head to get rid of her memories. In the meantime the fire had spread to the other desks and already began to spread out on to the walls. Now she also realised the thick smoke in her lungs and coughing she began to ran out of the room. At the last moment when her form teacher counted her students, she arrived at her class. After the fire was extinguished her class had to go home. In her room she thought about what had happened in the morning. Then she reminded herself on the day the fairies chased her. She felt that she had to go into the forest again, search them. She felt it. Her faith was there.
The way down:

After Alex packed her backpack with a few necessary things, (something to eat, clothes, torch,...) she closed the door and went into the forest. The trees stood so close to each other, the light was dim and it was hard to see far. She wandered through the forest, no idea what to do, now that she was there. Suddenly a light rose up 10 metres in front of her. Silently she sneaked nearer and now she could see where the light came from. It came from a fairy. A real fairy!! A little human figure with wings on its back. They vibrated so fast Alex could just see the vibrating, not the wings itself. But the light came from the fairy’s body. Her body gloomed like a little sun and so it was hard to see any details out of her distance. Then the fairy fled forwards. Farther into the forest. Alex followed her in the hope to stay unrecognised. She followed the fairy to a lake where the moon was reflected on the surface. The fairy fled in the middle of the lake. For Alex’s surprise it turned round and waved at her. At first Alex was shocked, because she thought she were unrecognised. But then she saw into the hypnotizing eyes of the fairy, those deep blue eyes pulled her on to the lake. And without noticing it she went forwards straight ahead into the lake, ignoring the cold- and wetness of the lake. Suddenly there was no ground under her feet and she had to swim. But that was no reason not to keep her eyes on the fairy. Then something pulled her down and deep in her heart she panicked but she couldn’t move anymore. Somebody pushed her back, back out of her body, back into the deepest part of her mind. She wanted to breathe, but just water flowed into her lungs. Helplessly she had to feel how she was pulled down, by something that was not human. And after the surface had closed above her head, everything went black.
The awakening:

Alex woke up, because somebody pulled on her hair. “Wake up!” A high tiny voice shrieked. Grumbling she opened her eyes to see which stupid person wanted to have her fist in the jaw. Then she hesitated. At first she couldn’t see any hair-pulling-enemy , but then her eyes wandered up above her head. A tiny, little figure with wings on it’s back. Alex grated her eyes. Yes, it was still there. And it looked angrily. It was a very tiny woman with black short hair and black pants with a black T-shirt and black shoes. Just her make-up was a dark blue. The only things that distinguished her from other humans (except of her height) were her green skin and the wings on her back which beated in a steady rhythm. “What the hell did you think by following us like that? It’s not allowed for humans to come here! And why do you can see us? You’re ages too old!” At first Alex just stared at her, at that tiny figure above her. Then she turned round to be face to face with that little creature. (Maybe a fairy but she didn’t look like that.) “I had to come back.” , Alex said, “The last time I saw your species was when I was five. But then, yesterday I think, a lightning came out of my forefinger and I remembered you. I thought, if somebody can tell me how this could happen then you. So I followed you. Do you can help me?” When Alex mentioned the lightning the fairy lost her angry face and looked at her stunned. Without reply she fled away. Out of a door, Alex suddenly realised, and out of sight.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.11.2010

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