

Here is an introduction of what to expect in this book. It's an archieve of an on-going series of tweets I'm posting on twitter. If you like the series, follow me on twitter here and be sure to retweet #Under140.


Hope you enjoy!

Tweets (1-100)


This is Li. She's under 140 cm and under 140 years old. Follow her daily comic tweet. Or else...


RT to help Li take over earth!




"What's a comic tweet?"


Li: It's a comic strip. Without pictures. Or panels... or anything.


RT to help Li take over earth!




Something is bugging Li. She frowns upon the realization that she has just invalidated her title.


RT to help Li take over earth!




LI: You know what pisses me off? Author tract. The only thing worse than that is intolerance.


RT to help Li take over earth!




LI: I need to hurry up and take over the earth. Those are valuable characters you're wasting...


RT to help Li take over earth!




"Where did RT to help Li take over Earth! go?"


LI: It was wasting characters. Plus, world domination's kinda illegal, ya know?




You must be 140 cm or taller to ride. Li hates that sign.


You must be 130 cm or shorter to ride. Li hates signs like that more.




Li on Twitter.


Li: I don't do follow backs. What kind of leader follows her followers?




Li: Digital piracy is okay I suppose. I get free stuff. Ask me again when I become a famous singer or





"If you're doing awesome things and nobody notices, are you bad?"


Li: No, you're just too much for the general public to handle.




“How was England Li?”


Li: Fun. But they grieve strangely. I don’t se what’s good about it.



Texte: E. M. Allen
Bildmaterialien: E. M. Allen
Lektorat: E. M. Allen
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.07.2014

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

For Hannah, who encouraged me to give it a try.

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