
Jianna popped her hips against her boyfriend Michael, as they both enjoyed dance rehearsal at Laden High. They were having a dance competition later on in the summer. The dance teacher called it… “Persuasive Dancing” Well that’s what she told their parents. Jianna and her best friend’s Kayla and Lilia joked about how their teacher Miss “Nymph-O” wasn’t getting any at home, so she made them hump each other in class so she could get through the night. Jianna didn’t mind that much because her and Michael would be spending a lot of time together.. “Persuasively” Dancing. Lilia had also joined the dancing class and she was doing some kind of back flip across the stage. Kayla wasn’t very active she just kind of sat back and watched from the theatre portion of the room. “KAYLA GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP!” Jianna screamed giggling to her. Kayla threw her snickers bar wrapper at Jianna, completely missing. Jianna laughed as Michael twirled her around in a circle kissing her every time she faced him. She smiled each time too. Michael and Jianna had been dating on and off for actually more than two years. They started dating in the 7th and 8th grade. It just wasn’t as official because 7th and 8th grade seemed like kiddie school to both of them. She adored Michael to the fullest though. Jianna had just met Kayla about a year ago and she has known Lilia since they were both two years old. Yet they all three of them got along like they had known one another for years though. Put all three of them together and it was bound to get crazy as hell. “ALRIGHT! LET’S WRAP IT UP!” said Miss Nymph. Her real name was really Miss Nicole. They only called her that because it fit. Last year she had been caught masturbating in her office to mobile porn. It was wrong to spy… Yes, but nobody wanted to get her fired so no one ever told the principle. All three girls grabbed their purses and Michael grabbed his book bag and kissed Jianna’s cheek. “Babe, I have football practice today. I’ll call you later?” He said raising his eyebrow. Jianna smiled nodding. Michael smiled picking her up in a sweet bear hug. He walked out the theatre. Jianna watched Michael ‘s butt as he exited the theatre. Kayla and Lilia were watching her ready to crack a joke about how she did that. Jianna looked at them seeing them both smirking. “What?” Jianna said not realizing they caught her again… “Why don’t you just buy a dildo and ram it up there?” both Kayla and Lilia said together laughing as they all exited the theatre.
Michael and Jianna were considered the 3rd cutest couple in high school. Michael was very cute and did not look fifteen at all. He was a chocolate brown looking fellow with light brown eyes and neat dreads that swept his shoulders. There was absolutely nothing skinny at all about him. He’s a very husky build with all muscle and a nice tight stomach. Standing 5’10 a lot the girl’s in his high school class just melted when he came into a room not to mention he had a beautiful smile. Jianna on the other hand stood at 5’0. She has a very cute face with dimples that compliment both her cheeks making her look sweet and innocent. Her body was poppin’ she had a small pouch for a stomach and was thick in all the right places (as they say). Her dark brown hair swept a little past her shoulders. Her smile was very misleading. Every time Jianna smiled it came out flirty, and sexy. Her skin was a beautiful honey glow. Kayla and Lilia complimented Jianna easily. They both were equally beautiful standing side by side of Jianna. The only difference was Kayla was a shawty standing at a cute 4’11. And Lilia and Jianna stood at the same height. One thing about Lilia was the she was just a gorgues girl, all the guy’s would try to drop hints to her but she wasn’t having it, She figured one day Will Smith would come sweep her off her feet and she wasn’t wasting time with no little boys. Kayla thought that was funny and always made fun of her telling her that Will Smith had sexy Jada Smith, and he’d never leave. In saying that they’d get into a screaming argument.
Jianna walked home with Lilia and Kayla after school had ended, They started talking about how they were going to start their science project. Kayla shrugged as she broke her cherry lollipop with her back teeth. The candy spewed everywhere. “We can talk about how many damn cavities Kayla will have before breaking her teeth.” Lilia said brushing her shirt off. Jianna laughed shaking her head. Kayla looked sympathetic. They finally came to a stop in front of Kayla’s red and white house. Both Lilia and Jianna waved good bye to Kayla, exchanging hugs. Lilia started shaking her hips a little hearing a car coming down the street playing something by “Gucci Mane” It was a car load of guy’s speeding up the street. Jianna giggled at Lilia watching her act a damn fool. “Lilia, you’re gonna make them pull over and kidnap us!” Jianna said Her eyes crinkled up in laughter., “I’ll whoop their ass” said Lilia doing some unsuccessful karate move. “Right.” said Jianna looking back seeing that they indeed were pulling over. Creeping up in a purple throw back with silver spinners. Jianna called old cars or caddies “Throw back’s” simply because it sounded so correct to her. Lilia said,” Crap!” “See what I told you Lilia.” said Jianna with a hint of laughter in her throat. The car pulled right near both girls. “Hi honey.” Jianna turned recognizing that voice. Lilia scrunched her face up in annoyance responding with,” I am not a bee I don’t know who the hell “Honey” is.” she said making sarcastic air quotes. Jianna shook her head smiling at Lilia. It was Keith, Michael’s older brother, a spitting image of Michael. Keith was only 6years older than Michael. Twenty-One and a college boy. Jianna had a small crush on Keith, but a lot of girls on her block said that Keith was somewhat of a player and had hit and run with almost every girl at Laden Community College. He had started calling her “Honey” ever since she had went over Michael’s house in 7th grade. It was because of her skin color. “Hi Keith.” Jianna smiled at him. She looked in the car peering at the rest of the guy’s in the car as they all were breaking their necks trying to get a glance of both Lilia and Jianna. Keith was laughing at Lilia shaking his head. He had never really seen Lilia till now and Jianna could tell his blood was boiling as he rested his eyes on her. “Hey honey, you guy’s need a ride?” said Keith opening up the passenger door and scooting over to the middle seat. “Yah sure.” Said Jianna linking her fingers through Lilia’s and pulling her into the car before she got a chance to protest. Jianna shut the door as they pulled off. Lilia was ignoring Keith with all her might. Jianna giggled to herself. “Thanks for the ride.” She said to the guy driving. He nodded at her winking. Lilia mumbled something about how this was so dangerous. Keith smirked at her. “I don’t bite, baby.” said Keith looking Lilia into her hazel eyes. Lilia glared at him and snapped on his ass in the car,” Okay, whoa. Who the fuck are you, I’m not ya baby, honey or ya bunny. In fact let me out this damn car I can walk home. UGH!.” Jianna giggled even more so. “Damn, She’s feisty.” Keith said his eyes holding interest for Lilia. Finally they pulled up to Jianna’s house; Lilia pushed Jianna out almost running out the car. “Bye Honey, cya later.” said Keith yet his eyes still stuck on Lilia. “Bye Ladies.” Chimed the guys in the car as they pulled off. Lilia glared at Jianna. Throwing up her hands and going into her house slamming the door. Jianna laughed hysterically as she walked into her own house. Lilia hated when Jianna did that to her without asking. She could already hear Lilia going off on her about dragging her somewhere and doing something she did not need help with. Jianna and Lilia had lived by one another since they were both very young so it worked out naturally. Lilia took her flip flops off at the door so not to track dirt across her mom’s oh so pretty carpet. Her dad was curled up on the couch asleep in front of the t.v. as he did daily after an hour of football. Her dad managed a big building out in the downtown area. He never talked about it a lot but he was wealthy as she looked at the high ceiling all the designer furniture and finally all the very expensive clothes she had in her closet. Her mom was singing something in the kitchen as she made fried chicken, green beans, and mash potatoes. Jianna creeped pass her dad peeking into the kitchen. “Hey mom.” Jianna said. “Hey lilypad.” Her mom had been calling her that since she was a young girl and it stuck. Jianna’s mom was beautiful, a spitting of an older jianna. Her mom was built like a brick house. If her dad was not asleep he’d be all over her. She shook her head looking at her mom’s choice of wear. She was wearing a sexy short skirt, a cute pink top,heels and an apron. Her mom liked to pretend that she was 20 but in reality she was 34. Her mom was a sidetime model, but she also was a business owner, she had her own her salon, and clothing shop. She designed and sold clothes made my her. Jianna closed the kitchen door and almost ran into her little brother. He looked up at her his face covered in chocolate cupcake. “Kenan… you’re a mess.” She said picking him up. Kenan was only 3 and he was cute as a button. Jianna sat him on the sink and wiped off his face. Kenan whimpered, he didn’t like to be clean. “No, No.” He said shaking his head. She kissed his forehead and put him on the floor and off he ran. Jianna giggled going into her room. She closed the door behind her changing into her pajamas to relax .She pulled out her cell and started texting Michael. She took a cute picture of herself sending it to him. Her phone chimed in with Michael’s response;
MahBoo; You look sexy baby.
Jianna smiled texting him back
Jianna; You do too. You done wit football?
Mahboo; Naw coach is makin us do some xtra run’s in about 10 mins.
Jianna; Awe…. Will another picture help?
Mahboo; Yeah, take off your top
Jianna: LOL, hell no Michael..
Mahboo;lol, I’mma get you in bed one day baby.
Jianna; I saw your brother he gave me and Lilia a ride home, She’s pissed at me for dragging her with me. I think keith likes her he kept staring at her. His eyes were practically falling out of his eye sockets. LOL
Mah; lol, Yeah he likes Lilia he saw her picture on face book. He said who the fuck is that…damn. I said she is something you cannot handle Lol
Jianna; Lol, I think he messed up he called her out her name. She probably resents him
Mahboo;aww damn,lol, but baby imma go fah’real the coach is calling me. =*I love you Jiaboo.
Jianna; I love you too. Bye!
“JIANNA!” come eat. Her mom yelled. Jianna closed her phone and went down the stairs to eat.
It was around 7:30pm when Jianna had finished eating and helped put everything up. She went up the steps and saw she had a 12 missed messages. 6 from Michael, 2 from Kayla and 4 from Lilia. Jianna sighed answering them.
Jianna signed onto her computer as requested by all three of them. She went to youtube plugging her ear phones in listening to Chris brown’s “Take you Down” She bobbed her head,
MikeJay007; Hey boo.
Dimplez2cute; Hey baby=)
WinneThapoop: JIANNA I’m mad at you I hope you know that.
Dimplez2cute; Lol, I know you are lilia… Where’s Kayla?
CrazyTooter: Hey bitczes! ;F
Dimplez2cute:lol dumb ass Kayla
MikeJay007: *Ripz off Jianna’s clothes* Hey Lilia,Keith is logging on.
Winnethapoop: Im going invisiable
Winnethapoop has went invisible

Dimplez2cute; Lol, MICHAEL!
Crazytooter: get a room you two, nobody wants to see Jianna’s tits… O,o *fingers hiding eyes peeking thru*
Winnethapoop: I swear Kayla is gay.. lol
Crazytooter; Hey yall, im eating lucky charm’s with ranch. My mom said we didn’t have anything white to eat it with.. I said yes we do and vawlah.
MikeJay007:un.. Kayla.. lol
NotoriousOne has logged into chat

Dimplez2cute: I don’t know whats wrong with her..
NotoriousOne:hey honey ;)
Dimplez2cute:hey keith=)
Mikejay007; imma get screamed at for this but Lilia is online
Crazytooter; *ducks with a pillow*
Winniethapoop;………. Imma get kicked of the internet if I do that… Imma wait for school tomorrow.
NotoriousOne:hey Lilia.
Winnethapoop; I have to pee
Crazytooter; She’s probably just going to sit there
MikeJay007; PrivateChat-Winniethapoop; IMMA FUCK YOUR ASS WIT A DILDO!. Naw she’s gonna yell at me all night
Dimplez2cute:lol, lilia calm down hoe.
Winniethapoop; You, you’re already in the wrong Jianna.
Dimplez2cute;*backs away*
NotoriousOne: Iight, I c she pissed off at me.. I wanted to tell you that even though you snapped on me.. I got feelings for you.. Call me? 245-5555
NotoriousOne logged off
Winniethapoop; hes not serious?
Mikejay007:lol he likes you Lilia
Jianna giggled chatting with all of her friend’s, suddenly a random chat window popped up in her upper corner window.
Theseeker: Hello?
Dimplez2cute:uhm? Hi who are you?
Theseeker; I don’t know.. I just saw your name in the other chat and decided to talk to you.
Jianna raised her eyebrow clicking onto the chat her friends had made and he was in there she hadn’t even noticed
Dimplez2cute; Oh, well hi =) what’d you click on me?
Theseeker: you sound cute
Dimplez2cute; Shit, you don’t know that I could have 2 busted teeth in the front
Theseeker; I hope not… that’s nasty.. I’d have to reconsider im ing you
Dimplez2cute; lol, you never know.. you may have too.. *waves her hands all secretive like*
Theseeker; lol, yeah right babe
Out the corner of her eyes Jianna saw all her friends and Michael yelling her name
Crazytooter; where did Jianna go?
Mikejay007; if im lucky she’s probably playing with her pusssssaaaay right naw
Winniethapoop; Ew Michael shut up
Winniethapoop; *pops gum watching you both scream like idiots* I shot that bitch. She’s dead now hahahahahah
Dimplez2cute: lol, im here and shut up Lilia, there’s a guy In here and he felt lonely. He imed me.
Jianna looked over and realized that he’d logged off im and the chatroom
Dimplz2cute; Well he must have logged off, you guy’s scared him off… he musta realized im the only normal one in here.. lol
Winnethapoop; girl whatever. Im going to go.. I feel like a shower.
Winnathapoop has logged off.
Dimplez2cute; that girl never says bye lol
Crazytooter; want me to go get her.. cause I can..
Dimplez2cute; lol, YES! But I have to go though. I am tired It’s 9:15.. baby txt me and you 2 kayla. Byee
Jianna logged off her computer laying down she sexted Michael late into the night until they both fell asleep

“Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep!” Jianna’s alarm clock screamed at 6:30am. She groaned rolling out of bed to get ready for school.
Jianna choose a cream colored strapless corset halter top that laced up the back and stooped low at the front showing off her chest. She than jumped into a mini jean skirt slipping her tiny cream colored heels on, grabbing her purse and book bag she met Lilia at her front door. Lilia smiled at her chose of outfit. “Awe you look hott Jianna.” She said. Lilia had chosen a cute black leather mini dress and silver Heely flip flops. They flapped against Lilia’s feet as the both strolled towards Kayla’s house. Kayla was a bit of a tom boy, but today she seemed to be trying to be girly…for someone. Kayla looked like a knock out in her sexy red mini and red heels. “She’s going to see her gay lover.” Lilia whispered loudly. Jianna laughed. She looked up seeing a car coming down the street.. “Head’s up here comes Michael and Keith.” Jianna said to Lilia.. “He is trying so hard.” Said Kayla. “I called him last night.” Said Lilia. Jianna and Kayla both looked at her shocked. Before they began to ask what happened. Lilia was climbing in the backseat of the car. Kayla and Jianna climbed In beside her. Raising their eyebrows at Lilia. Lilia didn’t notice. Jianna looked at Michael in the front seat her face rising with color thinking about what they had texted to each other last night. Michael flicked his tongue quickly at her in an up and down motion. A tingle fell between her legs trying to avoid him. Keith had never seen Kayla before either… he peeked at her in the rearview mirror. You could tell he liked what he saw. Lilia looked out the window as they pulled up to the school. “Thank you.” Chimed the three girls. “Cya, at home.” Said Michael. Michael leaned down into Jianna giving her a very gentle kiss once they got out the car. He leaned to her ear in a sexy whisper he said,” You are wild as hell jianna.. When you going to let me see that other side of you?” He kissed her cheek walking past her to his class. Jianna felt a shiver go down her spine. “Wow jianna, what did he say, your red like a tomato.” Jianna blushed deeper.. I kind of sexted with him.” ” You should try the real thing if he makes you blush like that.”Kayla said. Lilia laughed and agree with Kayla. Jianna shrugged. It wasn’t that she was waiting on anything she was actually ready, She just wanted Michael to crave her… bad. All 3 girls walked into the school building to defeat another school day.
Jianna texted Michael while she did her online test for 5th hour.
Mahboo; Send a picture boo
Jianna; Uh uh… *shakes head*
Mahboo; Awww. Y?
Jianna; that’d be cheating
Mahboo; lol
Jianna: seems like all you want is sex now..
Mahboo; yup!
Jianna; lol
Mahboo; lol. I love you Jianna =) You wanna go out Friday?? Can you push Lilia into going out with Keith
Jianna: lol, that will not work.. she said she called him
Mahboo; Yeah, all she said was that if he picked her up for school in the morning she’d consider him. Lol
Jianna glanced up seeing a chat box pop up
Theseeker; Yo dimplez=)
Dimplez2cute:hey seeker
Theseeker; What you doin babe?
Dimplez2cute: taking a test, that I do NOT want to take
Theseeker; want me to take if for you?
Dimplez2cute; lol, I wish.
Theseeker; =) Whats your name?
Dimplez2cute: its jianna and u? how old are you? Lol
Theseeker; My name is Kel. And im 20.
Jianna took in a breath of surprise at his age.
Dimplez2cute; Cool, im… 18
Theseeker:lol, your just legal? What’s your major?
Dimplez2cute: hell yah, and business
Jianna was lying but that’s what she wanted to take in college, Her phone buzzed against her thigh. She had forgotten to text Michael
Mahboo: he’s trying his hardest, ive never seen him do it, but he is lol
Mahboo: baby can we keep going… I need it tonight, I’m really turned on
Mahboo:boo where did you go?
Mahboo: baby =( my baby done left meh.
Jianna: lol, no I didn’t sorry I got wrapped up in the test almost done, and yes baby we can keep going
Mahboo: By the way, you looked damn good today.
Jianna: *blushes crawling up in your bed*
Jianna sexted with Michael still chatting with kel
Theseeker: that‘s nice, my major is law, or something in that field
Dimplez2cute: lol you can get me out of trouble than?
Theseeker: mhm lol =) your nice to talk to Jianna.
Dimplez2cute; So are you
Jianna smiled to herself still texting Michael. Whoever this seeker was she was catching feelings for him and they had only talked twice.
Dimplez2cute; I gotta go. It’s getting late..
Theseeker: iight babe.
Dimplez2cute; Wait.. where do you live?
Theseeker: New York.
Jianna ‘s mouth dropped a bit
Dimplez2cute: I do to.
Theseeker: =)
Before the night ended they exchanged pictures and even more flirty conversation
The next day after school Jianna begged Lilia to death asking if she would go on a double date with her and Michael. Lilia said no about 1,000 times until Jianna said that she’d let Lilia borrow her clothes any time she wanted.”Fine.” Lilia finally said. In 3 hours Keith was driving out to the movie theatre . Kayla had come too… She didn’t mind being the 5th wheel ,she’d find somebody. Jianna and Michael hungrily started made out in the back seat clawing at each other’s clothing. Lilia tried to ignore them shaking her head. Keith smiled as if to say,”go head lil bro, get you sum”. Jianna and Michael never made it to the movie. Lilia came back to see Jianna pulling her skirt back down. “Movie is over you two.” Lilia said climbing in the car. Kayla was kissing Keith as they both walked back to the car. Jianna raised her eyebrows at Michael. He just shrugged as he looked into Jianna eye’s happily satisfied. Jianna giggled surprised she had lost her virginity to Michael finally.
Mahboo; Pokes Jianna* baby what you doin why you ignorin’ me :/
Jianna was giggling at Kel, she hadn’t even noticed that he text her
Theseeker: I like you, Jianna.
Dimplez2cute: I like you too. Your really sweet
Theseeker: *kisses your lips very softly* can I c u?
Jianna hesitated unknowing if she should continue this outside of the cyber world
Dimplez2cute: uhm.. where?
Theseeker; How about at the mall?
Dimplez2cute: okay…
Jianna’s heart skipped a beat.. Kel was so damn fine.
Michael’s eye’s had clouded over and he was sitting at a lunch table next to this girl named; Carissa. Jianna walked over to him and realized she had been ignoring his calls and text’s and even was kind of ignoring him at school after they had had sex. He didn’t even look at her, infact he had his arm drapped around Carissa’s waist. Michael would have no problem finding another girl to replace Jianna if he needed to. On the outside he was all laughter and smiles but you can see deep down into his eyes that Jianna had broken his heart and He was still so much in love with her. Jianna walked over to Michael, and all of Carissa’s friend’s looked at her, as if to say,” You lost your shot, he’s Carissa’s now.” Jianna rolled her eyes at Carissa, mumbling under breath. ,”Michael, Can we talk?”. Jianna said almost on the verge of tears. Michael’s heart sunk into his stomach hearing the hurt in her voice. He shook his head without looking at her.,” I’ve been trying to talk to you Jianna, Why should I give you the time of day?” Carissa laughed at Jianna leaning over kissing Michael’s cheek and adjusting her positioning so that she fell into Michael’s lap. Jianna’s face grew hot and tear’s of anger flew down her face. Watching Carissa, Jianna’s eyes narrowed… Her fist bawled up. She was about to set it off with Carissa in about 5 seconds. Lilia was watching the whole time with Kayla. Jianna hadn’t talked much to her either Lilia or Kayla, But they didn’t hate her. Lilia locked eyes with Kayla and they both got up and walked over to Jianna. Jianna had Carissa’s hair wrapped around her fingers and she dragged her down and out the door by her hair, Carissa was not getting loose. The entire cafeteria was right behind them too. Carissa kicked and screamed,” LET ME GO! I’M WHOOP YO ASS! BITCH!” Jianna wasn’t even hearing all her smack. Jianna flung Carissa out into the street like she weighed nothing, and Carissa weighed almost 200 pound’s. Jianna only weighed 145. Jianna turned around to walk back inside, Carissa had come to her senses and tackled Jianna straight down. She began repeatedly punching Jianna in the face. Lilia dropped her purse and grabbed Carissa by the waist.,” You bitch, I swear faw gawd if you don’t stop while your ahead, It’ll be 3 against one.” Michael grabbed Jianna by her waist trying to to stop her. Michael was real pissed at Carissa, for even touching his babygirl’s beautiful face. Jianna wiped her nose pushing Michael away, She walked up to Carissa and kicked her right in the face. Mind you she had heels on that day. A gash ripped right into Carissa’s cheek blood soon spilled along her blouse. Carissa screamed in pain and anger. Somehow she had gotten a loose from Lilia’s grip. Carissa and Jianna went at it “wild’n’ out”. Jianna’s $200.00 outfit was covered with blood and was ripped and one of her heels had broken off. Jianna’s skull was bleeding; her hair was stuck together with blood. Carissa’s face and clothes were covered in blood. Jianna barely was in any clothes her body was totally exposed, She hadn’t worn a bra that day because of her strapless top. A lot of the guy’s couldn’t tear their eyes away. Lilia was being held back by Kayla, It was Jianna’s fight… and Michael was still her boo no matter her mad he was at her, Jianna was breathing heavily, Michael had come over to her, covering up, By that time the principle was outside breaking it up saying he’d suspend everybody if they did not return to class. The crowded finally separated inside the building, Michael had taken his jacket wrapping it around Jianna. Jianna looked back at Michael as the principle lead her to his office. She wondered if he would be mad at her forever. Michael looked back shaking his head following behind Lilia and Kayla.,” We gotchu girl.” Said Kayla. ,” You iight Jiagirl, I gotcha back on that 100.” Lilia said. From the hall way.
Dimplez2cute; My parent’s are fucking pissed you guys
Winniethapoop; Im sorry Jianna, what did they do?
Dimplez2cute; Well they asked if I won, lol, than told me. I wasn’t allowed out the house for one month
Crazytooter; Awwwww! Jianna my birthday is next week! Your kidding, I was going to take us all out to sixflag’s and than have a sleep-over. You sure know how to screw everything up
Jianna smiled, a chat window popped up infront of the chat.
MikeJay007; baby.
Dimplez2cute; Hi baby.
MikeJay007; how is your face baby?
Dimplez2cute; It kind of sore but im okay, I can’t go out the house for one month though
And chat popped up into her face. Jianna realized she had to be really careful about not getting them two mixed up.
Theseeker: Babe.
Dimplez2cute; Hey sweetie
Theseeker; =) You ready for our date Friday
Jianna had to think of something fast, so not to sound immature.
Dimplez2cute: Yeap =) ready for our date :*
MikeJay007: what date baby?
Dimplez2cute: the one we are going to go on so we can make up?
MikeJay007; =) okay baby
Theseeker: Jianna?
Jianna was up all night talking to Michael and Kel trying her hardest not to mixed them up, She had mixed them up about 20 time’s though, she was so sneaky the never caught on though. Around 2am. She messed up and there was no way she could get out of it. She had started to cybersex with Kel.
Dimplez2cute: *Rides you slowly, screaming out your name, Kel!!! Mmmm
Mikejay007; Who the fuck is Kel, Jianna… You cheating on me?
Dimplez2cute; no I accidently hit those keys I meant to type Mikey.
MikeJay007: don’t bull shit me Jianna are you cheating on me?
Tears welled up in eyes. Jianna paused, hesitating before she type..
MikeyJay007 has signed off.
Jianna grabbed her phone dialing Michael’s number as she signed off the computer on Kel. She had dialed Michael’s number 30 times and the last time he finally turned it off. Jianna cuddled her pillow crying she dialed Keith.
Keith; It’s ya nigga keith, who dis?
Jianna’s voice was clogged and hurt
Jianna; Please give your brother the phone, keith please
Keith; Damn honey, what’s wrong?
She heard keith knocking on Michael’s door
Jianna: Just please
She heared Michael in the back ground,” Man, Ive got nothing to say to her, She’s a useless bitch to me.” She heard his door slam
Jianna dropped the phone crying like someone had shot her.
Keith;Honey, Jianna, come on, watcha you do. Damn I aint neva seen him like that before
Jianna told him the whole thing, Keith hardly had any sympathy for her cause that was his blood brother and she made her choice with whoever that man was, Jianna was like a sister to Keith though he cared about still, But there wasn’t a damn thing he could do but listen
Keith: Jianna that’s fucked up, my lil bro just gave his love to you and you do some shit like that? Than you don’t talk to him for 2weeks what kinda shit it that honey?
Jianna; I know…
Jianna started crying again unable to stop to say anything to keith
Keith; Calm down, Honey. Just give him some space, and some time. He loves you. That nigga is always cheesin after he been with you. Just give him some time, Iight? We gotta get to sleep its 4am. We both got something to do In the morning and you need to rest yo mind, It’ll work out. Aye tell Kayla I said hi. Luv U, by Honey.
Keith hung up and Jianna rolled over crying deeply into her pillow not sleeping a wink all night, Jianna got up and put on some sweats and flip flops, pulling her hair back into a bushy ponytail. She met Lilia at the door as she did daily.” Oh shit Jianna, what happened?” said Lilia with deep concern in her voice. “ I think Michael and Me are done.” Jianna said tearing up as she told Lilia the entire story as they walked to Kayla’s . Lilia shook her head looking at Jianna as if she had just said something digusting.,”Girl, what were you thinking…?” You know Michael has got mad love for you right?” Kayla listened to them as they walked the rest of the way to school. ,” Jianna, space will on work for what you did, Do you even like this Kel guy?” Kayla asked. Jianna nodded a bit. ,” More than Michael?” asked Lilia. ,” No.” answered jianna. ,”Than get rid of his ass.” said both Lilia and Kayla together. ,” I will.” Said Jianna as they entered the front school doors.” Jianna sat out on the side of the building trying to get some air. She felt somebody sit by her. She looked over hoping it was Michael but it was just Lilia. Jianna sighed leaning her to Lilia’s shoulder.,” I talked to Michael, Jianna,”. Jianna looked at Lilia.,”What did he say?”asked Jianna. Lilia said,” Well Jianna, He’s going to have to be man enough to tell you that when his heart has healed some more, But just know you really hurt him.” Jianna nodded a tear running down her cheek. Jianna got up and walked inside the cafeteria, She felt more like throwing up than eating. She looked for Michael in the cafeteria and saw he was talking to the really cute new girl Teresa. She wondered if she had stole Michaels heart already. She frowned and walked to sit by Kayla, She than put her head down. Michael had looked at Jianna, He had never seen her dressed like that in public. He looked down his heart broke and hurt,” Michael?” He looked up seeing Teresa’s cute face he smiled.
Jianna had spent a month in the house giving Michael space, and not saying anything but,” Hi Michael.” He had started hanging out with Teresa a lot and she’d heard from Keith they had gone out a couple times, and to the house and in his room. Jianna had cut off contact with Kel. Jianna wore blue jean shorts, a white belly top and sneakers, The wind hit her face blowing her beautiful hair that had grown out some during the month. Jianna rounded the corner where Michael’s house was, She saw him kissing Teresa on his front porch. Keith was outside in their big front yard playing football with his college buddies,”Go right!” shouted Keith.,” Oh shit!.” Keith yelled missing the shot, it twirled and sizzled right near Teresa head knocking her in the back of the head. Teresa shrieked loudly rubbing her head.,” Ay ma, I’m sorry.” Said Keith running over to get the football. Michael said,” Ay keith damn watch it.” Keith nodded apologetically turning around to get the football. Keith saw Jianna coming up around the corner looking very sexy. He paused for a second tossing the football to another friend of his.,” Hey Honey.” Michael looked up from comforting Teresa hearing Keith call Jianna’s nickname.” Hey keith.” said Jianna. Michael couldn’t help but look passed Teresa seeing how beautiful Jianna look by wearing something so simple. Jianna didn’t even look at Michael, as she gave Keith a hug. Michael sighed a small bit as he felt Teresa’s eye burning into him. He looked up at her.,” I understand she’s pretty, but I am still your girlfriend Michael.” Jianna looked over watching Teresa go off on Michael in a annoyed manner. Shrugging she kept walking. Keith’s friends watched her ass as she made her way passed Michael’s house. Kayla was walking the opposite direction to go see Keith.,”Hey lucygoosey.” Said Kayla giving Jianna a hug. As they passed each other. Jianna finally made her way home. She went up to her room and layed down taking a nap.
Jianna woke up to her phone buzzing against her head. She woke up peering at it with one eye open.
1 missed text message; MahBoo.

Mahboo; Hey Jianna.
Jianna smiled softly seeing a message from him.
Jianna: Hi Michael
Mahboo; You looked nice today, walking. Teresa got kind of upset with me, because I had looked at you.
Jianna: Thank you, and aww that’s not good.
Jiana smiled even more seeing Michael had been looking at her.
Mahboo; Kayla and Keith are seem to getting closer
Jianna: Yeah, im surprised he didn’t try harder with Lilia.
Mahboo;He still likes her, He just didn’t feel like playing games with her so he decided to try Kayla when he saw her
Jianna: lol.
Mahboo; =) How have you been doing now-a-days.
Jianna frowned knowing she missed Michael more and more every day, she lied anyways
Jianna:I’m fine..
Mahboo; That’s good.. You dating anybody?
Jianna; No.
Mahboo; why not? You are an attractive young lady, you aren’t dating anybody?
Jianna:No and because I still love you.
Jianna looked down at what she was getting ready to send and she deleted it
Jianna:No and because I miss you.
Michael didn’t responsed back, she figured he had either fallen asleep or he was out with Teresa.
Jianna sighed going back to sleep.
Jianna danced to “Trey Songz, Im Already Taken” on the stage, after school had end. She was practicing her dancing part without Michael. She wore a white tank top cupped underneath her bra and short orange shorts, with white tennis shoes. Jianna started to dip to the floor cocking her back out, swirling her hips. ” Wow.” Jianna stopped looking up to see who had been watching. It was Michael. She grabbed her bag and purse pushing past him. Michael gently took her arm.,” I’m sorry, Jianna.” He said looking into her eyes.,” I didn’t know what to say.” Jianna felt herself soften under his gaze..,” I love you…” The words slipped from between Jianna’s lips… She was unable to take them back now. Michael looked at her nodding, She could tell he was hurt and didn’t know whether he should believe her or not.” Can I walk you home?”he asked. ”What about Teresa?”asked jianna. ,” Teresa is really controlling, she’s very controlling.” Michael said with a small shrug. ,”Controlling, she’s controlling you?” Jianna said with a puzzled tone. “Explain.” Jianna said as her and Michael exited the school building in the direction of her house. ,”She’s always yelling at me and she smacked me the other, I almost went all out on her little ass. I don’t hit women though, She really had pissed me off though man...” Michael said looking up at Jianna. Jianna looked back into Michael eyes.,” MICHAEL!” Jianna broke her gaze from Michael seeing Teresa walking down the street wearing a very flowly short skirt and hardly a shirt. Jianna muffled her laughter because Teresa had a beautiful face and no body. A body that Jianna considered a “SquareBobSquarePants” body, Where your shoulder’s are squared out and the rest of your body just goes straight down and your butt literally is sunk in and flat. She basically was showing off her nice flat stomach and what little thighs she had. At this point it was over obvious that Teresa was jealous at the way Michael looked at Jianna whenever she was near. Jianna shook her head looking back at Michael. ” I’ll see you later?” Jianna questioned Michael with a raised eyebrow.Michael looked bothered…,”Yeah, Jianna.” “ What the hell is she wearing?” Jianna heard somebody mumble behind her. She jumped from suprise looking over her shoulder to see it was Keith. Kayla was couple steps behind him. It looked like they had been jogging and Kayla could not keep up, You could see her panting. Jianna giggled smiling. Jianna took her tanktop to cool off and stop sweating, Underneath that tanktop she only stood in a sports bra. Jianna had a gorgues body, her thighs nice and thick. They were beautiful plump and shapely. Her stomach stuck out just a small bit, but It wasn’t so big that it looked gross but cute enough for some place lay. Her hips were very sexy. Leading toward her ass, It was very nice not to small not to big, a perfect apple bottom shape. It caught Michael of guard as he saw her from the corner of is eye. Jianna heard the words “Damn Jianna.” Escape from his lips accidently. Keith was staring as well, His focus was on the small of her back traveling down to her ass.” KEITH SLOW DOWN!.” Kayla finally reached him panting.,” Hey Jia.” Kayla said catching her breath as they hugged. Teresa’s mouth slowly dropped in an awe seeing Jianna had removed her tank top. She hadn’t even realize what her boyfriend said. Jianna smiled at Michael shrugging a bit. Jianna knew it was kind of bitchy of her but she couldn’t help that Michael was physically attracted to her still, as he’d always been. What made it harder for Michael was the fact that all that was no longer his. Kayla realized instantly what was going on. Kayla simply shook her head seeing Michael’s eye travel all over Jianna’s body. Keith kissed Kayla’s cheek, He held her hips walking her as they did their cool down, Both Kayla and Keith walked passed Teresa and Michael. Keith glanced back looking at Jianna, Jianna wasn’t even watching she had already started to walk away, Michael look at Keith and saw his brother lusting, Yea jianna was cool with him, But even as young as she was, He knew keith thought Jianna was “Bad”. Keith still staring at Jianna ran his tongue along his lips tilting his head at a slight looking at her thighs. Keith looked back at Michael shaking his head as if to say,”Michael, I know she broke your heart, but damn are you seeing what im looking at?” Keith and Kayla disappeared walking down the street. Michael was still hurt, and He still loved Jianna, but at this point he was with Teresa and lusting so bad for his ex. Jianna went into her house laying on her bed. She sighed rolling over on her stomach she reached over to her dresser grabbing her bubble bath to get the stink off of her. She stepped out of her clothes, walking to her bathroom to take a nice long bath. She played with phone in the tub texting Lilia.
Jianna; Hey Lilia, watchu doin girl?
Lilia; Girl, you no I aint doing shit.
Jianna; Lol, you want to come over after I get finished with my bath?
Lilia; Yeah, I guess. I can bring over a movie and we can get pizza
Jianna: okay, =) I saw Michael today. I saw Kayla and Keith too. Keith actually got Kayla to work out
Lilia; Okay I know Michael is exciting an all, but Keith got Kayla to actually move her phat ass? Lol
Jianna; lol, Yeh, they were jogging.
Lilia; OH SHIT, I need to text her. Lol
Lilia; But how did it go with Michael?
Jianna: It was okay.
Suddenly Jianna got a notification from her email
Lilia; How is he doing? Maybe we can invite him too?
Jianna; He’s okay, and yeah maybe…
Jianna clicked on her notification

Jianna, We haven’t talked in a while. I miss you baby. Holla.

ianna rolled her eye’s deleteing it immediately
Lilia; alright I’ll be there in an hour, I’ll invite Kayla and Keith too, Mostly Kayla because I wanna hear about her jogging adventures and shit. Lol . Enjoy ya bathgirl.
Jianna;Iight cya in an hour
Jianna finished her bath texting Michael inviting him and Teresa if she wanted to come. Jianna than relaxed into her bath smelling good for the arrival of her guests.
Jianna had gotten out of the tub and was dressed in cute white night gown and her fuzzy pink slippers. Mind you that the gown only showed of her body more. Jianna picked up the phone ordering 3 pizza’s for everybody. Jianna’s phone chimmed as she hung up after she had ordered, She reach to open it.
Lilia; Jianna open up.
Jianna smiled walking over to open the front door. Lilia looked very cute in her red gown and red socks. Lilia had brought 6 movies. Lilia stepped in putting the snacks and the movies on the table top that connected to the big screen in the living room. Jianna and Lilia pulled out a couple air mattresses. Lilia went to go get blankets when the door bell rang it was Kayla. ,” Hey bitches!” she said. “I lost some inches today.” Kayla said. Lilia come from out the linen closet saying,” Sure yah did, here Jianna, put these over the mattress, Kayla where is Keith?”. “Oh, he’s coming. He had to get some condom’s” Kayla said popping her eyes. ,” Who’s he gonna use those for.” Lilia said with a laugh in her voice. She ran off with Kayla chasing after her. Jianna giggled watching them. “Ding Ding.” The bell rung twice. Jianna walked over to get it. It was Michael, Keith and Teresa. Teresa was in small shorts and a shirt. Jianna stepped back just in time to see Lilia slip on the inflatable mattress and bust her ass. Jianna and Kayla screamed with laugher, Jianna clutched her side watching Lilia fall on her ass, It looked like she was flying. Lilia breathing heavily was curled up in the fetal position cracking up.,”I am such a dumbass!” lilia said in between breaths. Jianna nodded in agreement shutting the door behind her guest who were also laughing. Keith was smirking, He sat by Kayla.,” The pizza should be here in a minute, we can wait for it or.. start a movie?” Jianna question. “Lets wait said Teresa”. Lilia looked at Teresa as if to say,”Okay anybody who matter’s answer please…” Jianna smuggled her smile and agreed with Teresa. ,”So what are we going to do than?” asked Keith. Jianna shrugged..,”Twister?” Lilia glared. “GIRL IM IN A DAMN NIGHTIE, with a thong on.”lilia said. Jianna giggled shrugging. Michael had been staring at Jianna this whole time. He felt himself swell up in his pajama pants. Michael leaned against the couch looking at how bony Teresa really was, realizing she was trying so hard to be on Jianna’s level. He shook his head. She had a nice stomach though. He ran his fingertips against her stomach making her look back at him smiling. Jianna saw Michael do this and wanna to toss Teresa across the table. Lilia was laying on her actually checking Keith out for the first time. Jianna noticed Lilia actually looking keith up and down. Jianna shook her head. Keith wasn’t ugly AT ALL. Lilia was playing to many games in the beginning for him though. Jianna shrugged suddenly the door bell rang and it was the pizza man. Jianna opened up the door, It was kel…. Jianna almost slammed the door back and ran upstairs.
Kel looked Jianna in her eyes, and She looked right back into his. She was real beautiful in person. He was really sexy in person. ,” Hi Jianna…” He said staring at her. Jianna’s thoart caught she couldn’t get a damn hi out. Lilia watched the pizza man’s eyes moved on Jianna as he eye raped her. Michael got mad as hell seeing him look at her like that, and her eyeing him back.How in the hell did they know each other. Jianna took the money from between her breast’s handing the money to Kel, unable to drop her gaze. He was that fine. Lilia thought so too watching Jianna stare him down. Kel gently took her money handing her the pizza’s. ,”Call me.” He spoke in a sexy whisper but it was still still loud enough for everybody to hear. Jianna nodded shutting the door.,’Damn Jianna you just get all the foxy nigga’s attention.” Lilia said breaking the silence. Jianna looked star stunned as she set the pizza’s down.,”Wow he is sexy Jianna, Like really fly.” Said Kayla. Keith shot Kayla a look. ,”Oh shut up.” Said Kayla as keith covered her in kisses. Jianna shook her head. Michael was furious… he remembered that name.. Kel.,” Was that that Kelly nigga you was fuckin with,Jianna?...”Michael asked in an enraged tone Jianna nodded looking at Michael. Michael got up forgotting Teresa was even there. Michael pulled open the front door. Kel was just getting in his car. “Oh shit, Michael, calm down nigga” Keith said coming up behind his little brother he firmly put a hand on his shoulder. Teresa looked irriated like she couldn’t compete with Jianna. She really couldn’t but she sure as hell wasn’t going to stop trying.,”Baby..come here.” Teresa said in a soothing voice. Teresa took Michael’s hands gently leading him back to their side of the room. Jianna plopped down by Lilia as she got up putting a movie in, dimming the light so you only saw head’s. Kayla leaned against Keith. Lilia looked at Keith in the dark while Kayla wasn’t paying attention. Keith looked down at her like he was saying,’What?” Lilia rolled her eyes at him. Lilia was jealous but would not admit it. Teresa was on the side of the room kissing Michael along his neck, Jianna watched them a tear slipping down her cheek. She pulled her legs to her chest, trying to focus on the tv. Keith sneakly reached down and started tossling and playing in Lilia’s hair, She smiled, She still tried to hide how she felt though. (As for Kayla’s sake). Michael and Teresa soon were curled up on their airbed making out under the covers. Jianna got up sitting at the table at the far end eating pizza she was sitting a little above everybody on the floor. Kayla was actually doing more than leaning against Keith, in fact her hand was jumping up and down under the blanket where his crotch was. Keith was relaxed on the couch his hand all up in Lilia’s hair. Jianna shook her head. She looked over at Michael he had his head poked out the covers Teresa was on top of him, doing who knows what. Jianna frowned. Jianna removed her night gown sitting in her matching white panties and bra; she wanted to catch Michael’s attention. She knew she had stooped to an all time low now, But she needed her baby back. Michael saw Jianna out the corner of his eyes and he instantly grew swoll within his pajamas.
The last movie had ended and everyone had fallen asleep or so Jianna thought. Jianna and Michael had sex very quietly once Teresa had fallen asleep. Lilia was awake and she and Keith were looking into each other’s eye across from the room. Keith bit his lip looking her up and down and He was swoll under the blanket, He turned to the point where his “little man” fell from his boxers. Lilia shook her head..turning away she wanted more than sex. She wasn’t about to fuck up what Kayla had for it though.
Morning finally came and Michael went back to where Teresa was. Michael looked happily at Jianna though. Jianna looked back missing him. They both were missing, lusting, and loving for each other. Jianna turned away a little a tear falling. Michael saw it… He sneakily got up and held her gently wipping it.,” I forgive you, Jianna. Promise me it’s done with him though baby.” Jianna nodded. Michael nodded believing her. He looked over at Teresa wondering what to do about their relationship. He was In love with Jianna, and she was what he wanted…
The smell of breakfast woke everyone up in the room, Jianna’s mom was in the kitchen cooking; Pancakes,Waffles,Eggs,Sausage,Bacon,FrenchToast,Grits,Bisquits and Hashrbown casserole. Keith was already up and you could here Jianna’s mom and Keith talking. Keith thought Jianna’s mom was sexy. This was his first time seeing her too. Keith was so busy hitting on every girl at college to realize he had met Jianna’s family. Jianna got up seeing the Lilia was awake but still laying there, Kayla was knocked out, and Michael and Teresa were awake too. Jianna got up going into the kitchen. Keith had his hand placed on the small of her mom’s back. Jianna rolled her eyes seeing the her mom obviously though Keith was a cute young man. Keith looked up seeing Jianna walk in the kitchen. “Hey honey.” “Lilypad, do you want cheese on your casserole?”. “Yeah.”Jianna answered with a yawn. Laying her head on the kitchen table. Keith came over sitting by Jianna his eyes focused on Jianna’s mom’s ass. Jianna kicked keith under the table. He jumped hit his shin.Jianna grabbed a napkin and a pen from the pen pocket on the table writing;
Keith smirked shrugging responding to what she wrote.
Sorry Ma, I do like Kayla, Problem is… I just aint a one woman guy. I love woman..espically black one.
Keith continued starting at Jianna’s mom. Diana.
Jianna shook her head, well atleast Kayla wasn’t stupid, she knew how Keith was from the start. Her mom sat a plate infront of both.,”Enjoy” she said with a smile kissing Jianna’s forhead.”There Is plenty to go around when everyone wakes up.” Dianna said walking off to her room. Keith watched her walk away and in a soft whisper Jianna her head him say,” Oh boy… I’ve got to get me some of that…” Jianna hit him again. Keith said,” What, your mom is a freak. Wearing the little ass robe and heels, Maybe I should work on you instead of Kayla, I know what you gone look like when you get into your 30’s…Fine and more built than you are now…Honey.” Keith looked into Jianna’s eyes catching her gaze…Suddenly she felt his lips touch her’s in a small kiss. Jianna immediately pulled back.,”Keith what the hell are you doing… “ she said blushing. Keith took Jianna by the waist softly kissing her, his tongue slipping between her lips running it along her tongue. She felt his hands travel down her waist to her ass. Jianna pulled back again dazed.,”Keith stop, I want you brother.” Jianna stuffed a couple pancake bites in her mouth. Keith smiled knowing that she had like it, he shrugged walking out the kitchen Jianna following behind. Teresa was ontop of Michael. Giggling. Michael smirked telling her to move as he tickle her. Jianna ignored them both, eating. Michael groaned quietly embrassed because Jianna had came out the kitchen. Teresa had removed her panties and Michael literally was inside of her. Jianna looked over at Michael and Teresa watching her body move against Michael…They were trying to be somewhat sneaky…Jianna wasn’t stupid though. She knew what sex looked like.,”I hope it feels good Michael.” Said Jianna shaking her head she went upstairs to get her laptop. She was sick of this shit. She came back downstairs and Michael had separated himself from Teresa…He looked at Jianna like he had done something stupid. She logged onto chat and low and behold kel was online.
Dimplez2cute;Pick me up at 6
Theseeker; Hi Jianna =) uhh.. I can’t Jianna
Dimplez2cute: if you do ive got something for you ;)
Theseeker; I’m working till 8 I can get you at 9?
Dimplez2cute:okay,=) cya than
Jianna logged off.
Michael was looking at her…,”Jianna..” .”Shut up, Michael, I am so tired of this. You are to late.” Teresa was silently smiled under the covers.
Jianna was driving away with Kel,thinking about Michael… She needed somebody else she decided. Kel helped her out the car, shutting the door behind her. Kel took her hand in his leading her into the restaurant he had reserved earlier. They waited in a line for a little but until they were seated.,”Jianna, What’s Wrong?” kel asked concerned.,” You look upset, you sure you don’t just want me to take you back home? We can relax and watch a good movie.” Jianna sighed gently.,”Thank’s kel, and no I am not okay.” Jianna started from the beginning telling kel everything. Leaving out any part that made her sound 15. The waiter took their orders and as kel processed what Jianna had told him.,”Jianna, how old are you?” He asked . She pouted..answering hesitantly.. Kel looked at her his expression not changing,” Jianna you are beautiful girl, It sound’s like Michael likes you, and wants to be with you. Only Teresa seem’s to be stopping what you guy’s could have, What he did was fucked up yes, But what started it all in the first place was you. You guy’s need to talk and sort things out with your feeling and your relationship, okay?” said kel. He was so sweet. Jianna nodded.” I guess you can’t date me.” Kel slightly shook his head in a no., “I can be your good friend?” he said raising his eye brow as the waiter placed their food in front of them. Jianna frowned nodding., “I’d date you if you were a tiny bit older.. You are very very attractive Jianna.” Kel said with a happy smile. Jianna smiled back as they ate their meal. Afterward kel took Jianna home. Although she was 6years younger than him, they did have a bit of a connect but Kel wasn’t about to fool with her and get in trouble. Kel kissed Jianna’s cheek at the front door giving her a hug., “Night Jianna. It’ll work out.” Kel then walked back to his car as Jianna went in the front door. Michael was sitting on the couch. They did talk and Michael told Jianna him and Teresa talked and they had broken it off earlier. Jianna and Michael decided to take things slow to repair their broken relationship.
Jianna was happy as Michael and her had been taking their time with their relationship for almost 2week now. Keith had been doing very devious thing behind Kayla’s back. He had started talking more to this girl name Bianca. She was really ugly, but her body was amazing. Michael was the only one who knew about it, But he was floating on a cloud of ecstasy because of Jianna. He didn’t really notice. Keith was getting his cake and eating it too. Kayla and Keith finally had sex a couple times as well as him and Bianca. It seemed like Kayla was his main girl and Bianca was his booty call when Kayla was not around. Jianna and Lilia were laying down on a blanket infront of Michael yard that both had matching bikini’s on. Michael had come out the house handing them both lemonade, and laying between them the looked up at the sky. Kayla had left for vacation as summer slowly entered and ended the school year. Keith looked at Lilia from inside the kitchen stroking and pulling at himself, He realized he was not only sexually attracted to her but he really liked her a whole lot. Even having sex with Kayla and Bianca he couldn’t stop thinking of Lilia and how she carried herself. She has turned, he wondered if he should bother with her. Kayla and her were close, and he tried making out with Jianna couple weeks ago.. She’d slap him.
In the end of the story. Jianna and Michael did stay together and stayed happy. Teresa on the other hand still did try to get at Michael but Michael did not let her. Keith and Kayla broke up because Kayla had gotten and STD and Lilia and Him never got together no matter how much they like one another. Kayla, Lilia and Jianna stayed great bestfriend. As for Kel, Jianna still talked to him but Michael was now her only and main focus


Texte: My cover was founded on google, All I did was mess with the color of it as well as everything else you can see. I will use IMVU to make the characters so you can better visiualize them. I don't know where I will put that at yet though. Happy reading -LadeeTai Ps. This book does have some vulgar language in it and a couple sexually explicit part's, So if you are under 13.. I wouldn't read it. That is all.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.04.2011

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To all the teens 13 and up, You can never find a good book for your age group anymore.Some are so corny. Hopefully this one is not =)

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