

"Doctor... please come quick."
"Comming let me just put Lola in her cage. In you go Lola"
He put the jet black wolf in her cage and shut it. he put the lock on but it came out and he walked away unknowingly...

The First step of a new life

Lola waited for the scientist to leave then got up in her cage. She had noticed that the lock had come undone when the scientist put her in the cage. Whenever the scientist left she waited a few minutes then pushed open the door. She was excited. Her whole life she had been experimented on. They had tried to create a military weapon and when they tried it out, they got her. They had created a jet black wolf that was 5x the strength, agility, stealth, smell, eye sight, hearing, and intelligance of a wolf. She also was 2x bigger than a wolf too. They were always giving her shots and medicine trying to get her to be how they wanted her to be. She was sick of it. She was ready to get out of here. She was rea a dy to take her revenge.
She stepped out of the cage, and into the world. She almost yipped for joy. But she knew if she did, they would come and see what it was she was doing. So she took advantage of her color and slipped among the darkness of the shadows. She slipped past the door and into the hall way unnoticed. She started to run silently in the hallway without makeing a single sound. She was excited to finally be free, but not just yet. She still had to get out of this whole place.
She ran all around trying to find the way out. She halted to a stop when she saw a scientist walk around the corner.
"Hey what is she doing out of her cage!?!?! Some body catch her." He shouted
But it was to late, She had already ran the other way. Then she saw a window. She ran as fast as she could and jumped out of it shattering it. It didn't even leave her a scratch. She felt free at last as her paws landed on grass for the first time in her whole life. She almost stopped just to roll around in the sweet smelling green blades patruding from the dirt. But she had to run if she ever wanted to stay free. She was running at 95 mph. She wasn't even breaking a sweat. She was amazingly fast.She leaped and reached up to 54 feet in the air. She went about 34 feet ahead in just that one leap. She had a feeling of grace in her , a feeling of pride in herself. She wanted to just stop and find something to eat though. She was quite hungry. And she was pretty sure that she had lost them. But just to make sure, she kept running till she reached the woods. Then she stopped and smelt for anything to eat. She could smell rabbits, squirrels, mice, birds, deer, and something else. Something familier. Then she figured it out. Other wolves!!! There were more wolves in these woods!! She was excited. Maybe she could join a pack....A new family. She was jumping at the idea of this. She raised her head trying to pin point the source of where the other wolves were.
She finally pin pointed where they were. She ran as fast as she could easily avoiding all opsticals in her path. When she finally reached where the wolves were she had to be able to show that she could be a good addition to their pack. She slowed down and walked over to them but kept her distance. She stopped and observed the wolves trying to find the alpha male or female somewhere. She sat there. She finally brought up her courage and went a little colser. Then she saw him. The alpha male. But he was not accomponied by the alpha female which was very strange sinse the Alpha male and female never left eachother's sides. She got up her courage and raised her head and howled making her presence known to the alpha. He lifted his head and stared straight at her. He was pure white but had jet black paws and ears.
He studied her fpr a moment then walked over to her. She lowered her head as to where her head was not raised higher than his, but not too low as to where he would think she was cowering. But then something suprised her. He lowered his head cowering. She was much much bigger than them anyways. Then she had a great idea. Maybe she could take this pack and lead it. Now that she looked around she saw that they all were cowering from her. She smiled then let out a howl. They all looked at her then got up raised their heads and howled with her. She had just become the alpha female of the pack...

The first Hunt

Lola was happy now that she was alpha. Even the Alpha male was scared of her. She was very pleased with this too. She was the most feared creature they had ever seen. She was ready to eat though. She went over to a she-wolf who was black with white specks on her snout and tail
"Hello alpha." Said the she-wolf
"Hello" Said Lola, "What is your name?"
"My name is Lucy" She said shyly, clearly scared to death.
"Nice to meet you Lola, I have a question"
"When do we hunt?"
"Oh, umm, your the alpha so you decide when to."
"hmm, Thank you Lucy."
"You're welcome alpha."
Lola found the place where the alpha stands to announce things. It was a smooth, round stone in the middle of the clearing. She stepped up on it and howled. Her howl was a sweet yet feirce soundinig noise. It was very loud to where anybody in a 50 mile radius could hear her. When everybody gathered she said "I say it's time for dinner. I want the whole pack to hunt with me. But when you kill something, do not eat it yet. If you do there will be consiquinces. You will bring it back to the clearing and come back to hunt more. I get the first pickings to eat. Understood?"
Everyone nodded.
"Then let's hunt!"
She leaped off the rock then ran off into the woods. She had to make sure she didn't run too fast though or else they wouldn't be able to keep up. With Lola in the front with the alph Aamale who's name she still hadn't learned yet right behind her, they ran among the forest looking for some prey. Lola stopped. and told everybody else to stop. About 321 feet in front of them, she could smell a huge herd of deer.
"Ok I'm splitting us up in four groups. Group one, sneak up behind the deer, group two you're with me, group three, go on the left, and group four, go on the right. Don't attack until I give the signal. Everybody will attack a deer. But I getthe alpha buck got it?"
They all nodded their heads.
"Good, let's go."
They all went to their places as quiet as a mouse surronding the deer. Lola waited a few minutes then ran! She leaped on the biggest buck in the herd the rest of the pack following in to attack the herd. Lola was attacking the buck easily. In 3 minutes the buck had fallen dead. Lola was proud in herself. The buck wasenormous. It was a 12 point. She watched as the herd struggled with the deer. Then she saw Lucy, her buck was winning it had her pinned down between his antlers. Lola ran over there ripping out the throat of the buck and pushing it off Lucy.
"Thank you alpha"
"No problem."
Lola ran and helped the rest of her herd. Aperriantly, she was going to need to train her herd a little. They even were struggling with the young does. When she was finally done they had killed the whole herd. Everybody carried as much as they coud back to their home. Lola carried her buck and 2 others, with a doe too.She ran and leaped then, when they got home deposited their kill. They had enough food to last for every body to have 11 deer for one and a half weeks. She knew that she had done good for her pack. She knew that they would never starve or be in danger.
But sometimes you don't always know things....

The First victim

Lola went over to the dead herd she pulled out her buck and dragged it over. She looked at it trying to figure out where to start. She decided to rip out a peice of it's stomache and start there. Her mout watered as the still warm blood flowed into her mouth. She chewed it and swallowed then kept on ripping off flesh and eating it. She had eaten the entire buck leaving nothing but the bones bare and try and blood stained. She was full she looked around and saw that the whole pack was staring at her withstartled and shocked faces.
Then they all looked away and went to get their own food. Most of them sharing with two or threee others and then they still wouldn't have finished the deer. Lola then smelt something. It smelt like a human. She bared her teethe and raised her fur. She hated humans. She loathed them. She raised her head and trioed to pin point the human. She smelt it and they were incredibly close. How she hadn't smelt them earlier she didn't know but then she heard a gun shot and a yelp of pain. She turned around and saw that the wolf standing behind her, a young brown and greyish wwolf had been shot in the ear. The young wolf's ear seeping blood staining her fur.
Lola had her adreniline pulsing. Nobody messes with her pack. She ran and leaped for where the shot had come from. There he was, hiding behind a bush. leaping with incredible strentgh she landed on the man, knocking the rifle out of his hand and pinning down his arms. She stared into his eyes, him staring back with fear. His iris anly barely visible. She bared her teeth showing her incredibly sharp, and deadly fangs. They were razor sharp, easily able to rip off a limb in only a few seconds flat.
The man tried to call for help but his breath was knocked right out of him. She looked at him in disguist and hatred. She wanted to kill him, but not yet. She wanted him to feel the same pain she felt from the scientist who had created her. All the pain she went through. So she decided to kill him slowly and painfully. She ripped off his arms sending the ssevered limb in the air far away. He tried to scream but he still couldn't catch it still. The blood rushed into her mouth. Her tongue craving more of the crimson, coppery tasting liquid. She ripped off his other arm the same way she did the other. Then she went for the throat.
She sunk her fangs into the mans throat but didn't rip it off yet. She only sat there as the longer fangs dug into his throat. Then she shook her her head back and forth side to side. The man gurgled a scream as blood streamed out of his mouth. Lola's adreniline rushed even more as the blood poured into her mouth. Then Lola let go of the throat. For only a second though. She then opened her mouth wide as she could then gripped the man's head at the top, then with one pull her longer fangs digging into the man's eyes, the man's head was severed with a sickening pop. He was dead. He had felt the same pain she had.
Her body tingled as she looked at her work. Her adreniline rushing more than it ever had. It felt good. She felt good. Her body craving for more of that feeling. Then she knew what she would do. She would take revenge on the human race. Killing them the same painful slow way she had done to this man. Her life would'nt be complete until she had taken her full revenge. Killing anybody who got in her way, including other packs if she had to...


When she went back to her pack they were all staring at her shocked, frightened, awe struck,and grateful. She went over to the wolf who had been shot.
"Are you ok?" She said to the young wolf.
"Yes alpha, but my ear does sting alot." Said the young wolf in a respectful tone trying to sound clam but she could still hear the pain in the wolf's voice.
"What is your name?" She asked
"My name is Oak" Said the wolf in respond standing up to meet Lola's eyes.
"Well Oak, go find your den and lay down. If your ear starts hurt really bad call for me so I can check for any infection in the ear."
"Thank alpha. Right away alpha."
Lola put her muzzle on Oaks shoulder then let her go to her den. As Lola watched the young wolf walk towards a bush with a small opening in it she noticed that some of the wolves had started to become uneasy when Lola looked at them. She wondered what they were gawking at. She didn't know. But then she licked her lips and they tasted of bood. She looked at her body for the first time sinse she killed that man. Her whole body was caked with the crimson blood, half dried. It was clumped in so places and was just plin matted in other places.
She lifted her nose trying to see if she could locate a water hole orr something to wash off in. She finally located one then ran in the direction. When she found it she stepped right into the deep hole full of water and rinsed off. The cold water chilling her down to the bone. When she finally finished, she shook her body sending water droplets splattering around her.
She started off to her pack when she smelt another human, it wasn't close, but it wasn't far either. She ran over to her pack and gathered them up. She was going to train them to hunt and kill like her.
"Come with me, it's about time I trained y'all to hunt and kill."
They whole pack started mumbling to eachother.
She explained to them her whole story and her plan to take revenge and how what that man did to Oak will get worse. How humans are ruthless, vicious, how they killed us for fun. For kicks. How it was their time now. Their era!
The whole pack started yelping and howling in excitement. When they all quited down, She told them that there was another human in the woods and how they would practice on this human, and any other human who found themselves in the woods. She got them to all follow her and into the woods they went. They finally located the man. He looked like just a teenager. Probably only 19 years old. But that didn't matter to her. He had a gun. It was a big gun too. Not one for hunting rabbits or deer. He must be arter the wolves. This got her mad, angry, furious

He was going to get the suprise of his life. She told her pack to watch her. She got the alpha male who's name she still had not learned to go over to the side and make a sound like crack a twig or rustle some leaves, then she would attack him by suprise.
As the alpha male went a few seconds arter that he cracked a twig. The hunter turned in the direction of the alpha male. Then Lola attacked from behind knocking the gun from his hand and pinning the hunter down. Just like her first victim the man lost his breath. Unable to call for help the man would be helpless. Any life for this man was now hopeless. She ripped of his arms just like the last one. The blood flowing into her mouth.
Then she went for the neck. But this time she shook him back and forth. Then she grabbed his head, sinking her two longest fangs into his eyes then ripped off his head with another sickening pop. Blood was flowing into her mouth. She had accomplished another mission. She looked at the others and they stood there, same expressions on their faces as they had the first time she killed the human. She then told them this is how they were to kill their human victims. Slowly and painfully.
Now they would be the ones who would be feared instead of them doing the fearing. It was their era now. The era of the wolf. No longer would they be killed for fun and for their fur. No longer would they have to live in fear. With her help, the wolf would make a comeback.

Everything is calm before the storm

Lola knew that if they were to do this they were going to need more wolves. She made sure that they had enough young warriors. She made sure that they were all healthy so that all of the new pups that were comming from atleast 6 mothers in the pack were heatly. She would help out herself but she didn't have a mate yet. And she ws to busy to settle down and have pups right now. They needed her to keep them safe because with all the people missing more people came in the woods looking for them. Almost every day people came. And almost every day, they had to kill them. She would tell them for each person they killed to try different techniques. But she told them to still kill themn painfully and slowly. To find which way is more slow and painful. Whenever they found one that was really good, they were to deminstrate it to the pack. Lucy had found a really good attack. What she did was she broke the legs and arms, to where they couldn't get away, then she would rip up the body creating cuts and stuff enough to hurt but not too deep to where they would bleed to death. Whenever the body had a bunch of wounds, she would then find a place on the ground with either a bunch of pine cones, then drag them over there and place them on there. Or if she could find a big fire ant nest she would put them on there, and let the ants eat him alive.
When Lucy told the pack about that, Lola rewarded her with the option of either getting the second pick of food, or getting to lead the next hunt, or lead the next attack deminstrating the move on a human. Lucy chose the second one. Lola was suprised but kept her word. The next day Lola got Lucy to go up to the stone to announce the hunt. Lola howled, getting the pack to gather around. Lola stepped back to let Lucy talk.
"Today I'm leading the hunt. Same rules. I get the choose of who I get to kill. Do not attack untill I give the signal. Got it?"
All the wolves nodded their heads.
"Ok then let's hunt!"
She raised her head and howled as she lept off the rock and ran to the front. Lola only a few inches behind her. She was on the side of her. Lucy appreciaated this. Lola smiled at Lucy and Lucy smiled back. They had become good friends over the past few days.
"Lola?" Said Lucy while they ran.
"What if I mess up this hunt? What if I let the pack go hungry?" She said with worry and concern in her eyes.
"Don't worry. Everything is going to be just fine" She said with confidence in her eyes.
"Are you sure?" She said
"I'm positive she said and licked Lucy's ears.
Lucy then stoppped.
"wait, I smell something." She saide as she raised her snout and sniffed.
"what is it?"
"mells like some kind of bird. tons of them. but it's no bird that i reconize"
"Well then let's go check it out."
They walked queitly and slowly in the direction of the birds. When they got there they could see the weird birds. They were in a big fenced in cage with a little house in it. They were big and fat. Some of them had red things on top of their heads. Next to that cage were bigger fatter birds with big feathers sticking out of their back and dangly redthings on their beaks. They smelt delicious. Lucy looked at Lola and Lola nodded. Lucy then looked back at the birds her mouth filling with saliva. An excited glint in her eyes. Lola could tell that Lucy was super excited.
"So whats the plan Lucy?" Asked Lola
Lucy hesitated, "I dont know. maybe we could have half of us go after the smaller birds, and the other half after the bigger, funny looking birds."
"Sounds reasonable"
"Ok, then. I need all wolves with the name starting with A through L to come with me. All wolveswith the name M trough Z Go with Lola"
She said
As they seperated she could tell that Lucy was really nervous now. Lola led the group to hunt the smaller birds and she stalked through the underbrush.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.01.2012

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