

"I'm too late", TadpoleKat started to cry.
"It's ok TadpoleKat"
"No it's not Blackwolf! It's the complete oppisite

of fine"
"TadpoleKat...I'm so sor-"
"Shut up

Blackwolf! I don't need your apologies! You have no idea what it's like! It's like having a piece of you taken away and ripped to pieces... never

to be returned." TadpoleKat started to break down again. Her fur started to stand on end like the spines of a cactus, ready to sting anybody who dared to approach her...

Over to a Friends

ring ring ring

The phone started to ring "I'll get it!" Shouted TadpoleKat. "This is the Furry residence, who is this?"
"Hey TadpoleKat it's me Balckwolf."
"Hey Blackwolf! What's up?"
"Nothing, just wondering if you could come over later."
"I'm not sure, I'll ask my mom."
"Mom!" TadoleKat Shouted, "Blackwolf wants to know if I can come over!"
"Oh sure Sweety! just make sure that your not too late!"
"Yes ma'am!" She said thankfully., "Ok Blackwolf, my mom says I can come over. I'll be there in a minute"
TadpoleKat got in her favorite outfit with her armwarmers. Bye TacoKat! Be good baby girl. She picked up TacoKat and hugged her tight. "I love you baby girl. Bye Mom! See you later" "Ok. Love you too.", She said. TadpoleKat walked out the door and got in her FireBreather "Hey baby girl miss me?" She said as she kissed her car. She loved her car. "Nya" mewed TacoKat "TacoKat! What're you doing?" "Nya!" "Aww come here baby girl." TacoKat jumped into TadpoleKat's arms and snuggled with here. "Alright, you can come with me. "Nya!" She mewed excitedly! " Nya! Nya! Nya! Nya!" She jumped up and down "Hahaha" TadpoleKat stiffled a purr.
"Ok calm down." "Nya!" TadpoleKat started the car. "Sit down TacoKat." TadpoleKat backed out of the drive way and started her way down to Blackwolf's house. When TadpoleKat finally arrived, TacoKat excitedly jumped out of the car. Blackwolf met up with them.
"Hey TadpoleKat!"
"Oh, hey TacoKat!"
"Hey Blackwolf, how are you?"
"Oh you know, same old, same old."
"Yeah, same here. So hows CoCoa?"
"Oh he's not doing so good. He's getting better though, the sezuires finally stopped."
"Oh, well I'm sorry but yet glad."
"Yeah same here"
"Well come on then, let's go!"
"Go where?"
"We're going to your favorite place!"
"OMG! We're going to Banana Land!?!"
"...uh, no...."
"Aww." She said dissaointedly
"Well let's go!"
"Wait, where are

we going?!"
"You'll see when we get there."
"Ok..." She said sadly and dissapontedly.

An Old Friend, and An Old Enemy

"TadpoleKat, where are we going!?" Blackwolf complained. "I told you, you'll see when we get there." TadpoleKat said very annoyed. "Ugh!" Black wolf complained. She was becoming very inpatient. She hated when TadpoleKat wouldn't tell her stuff. For what seemed like years, the finally arrived. "Blue Bayou!?!" Exclaimed Blackwolf with excitement, "OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!" "Nya!" Mewed TacoKat. "Nya nya nya nya nya!" They both lauged. "Ok calm down" TadpoleKat said. "Nya" Mewed TacoKat understandingly. "Good girl." TadpoleKat said approvingly.
Just then, something caught her eyes. There standing at the gate stood her old friend Skyler. She hadn't seen him in years, for he had moved away to Africa. He had become extremely handsome over the years. His sky blue fur, his gorgeous tangorine eyes, his perfect face, just seemed to be the most beautiful thing in the world. Just then Skyler saw her. He automaticlly straightened up and walked over to her. As he did he yelled " Yo TadpoleKat is that really you?!" Everything played in slow motion, his eyes so bright and kind, she just melted right then and there like butter. His smile was like heaven. "Hey TadpoleKat!" She blushed, her face was as red as a poppy. "Long time no see!" he said. "Oh, hey Skyler." She said shyly, "How was Africa?"
"Well, to tell you the truth, it wasn't as good as I expected."
"Oh really, why not?"
"Because", He said, "It didn't have you"
TadpoleKat stared right into his eyes, and he stared right back. For that moment, she felt complete and total bliss. Her heart was pounding like a drum. Then he leaned down and gently kissed her on the lips. She felt like she was about to faint. She then realized, what love was. She couldn't explain, she could just feel it. It was one of those things that you could only know what it was, if you were there. It would be one of those things you would just automaticlly know what it was. And, for the first time, TadpoleKat was there, experiencing it. The kiss felt as if was there forever and ever. She hope it would never end, but it did, and when it did, they looked at eachother in a way they or anybody else had never looked at them. Then, they saw Amy, the snooty rich girl. "Aww, isn't that sweet?" She said with her disguisted look on her face.
"What do you want Amy?" Skyler said with his lips drawn back in a snarl.
"Oh, nothing. I just heard that you were back in town Sky."
"Back off Amy, you guys broke up a long time ago."
"Shut up TadpoleKat!"
"Make me" She said with a snarl on her face. A growl comming from the back of her throat. Her eyes a fire abyss. Her fur standing on end.
"You don't scare me." Said Amy with a wicked smile on her face.
"Is that a challenge?" She said threateningly.
"Oh no, no. I wouldn't dream of hurting you. I mean I'm a good spotsman, so I don't go after things that don't have a chance." She said still holding that wicked smile.
"Just back off Amy', Said Blackwolf.
"Oh, I will. But just know this, I always

win." She said still holding that wicked smile. With that she walked off.
"Don't worry about her TadpoleKat" Said Skyler
"It's ok, I'm just pissed off that she came here."
"Don't worry" Said Skyler affectionetly. Then he leaned over and kissed her right on the lips passionetly. There was that feeling again. That total and complete bliss. They stayed like that for minutes. When they finally stopped TadpoleKat stared right into his eyes, and said "I love you" And she ment it with all her heart. Then, Skyler said with a smile "I love you more" TadpoleKat stayed with him, she never wanted to leave his side, ever.

Just a Little Fun

"Come on Guys!" Said Blackwolf, "Let's go, I'm ready to go and have some fun!" "Just a second!" Said TadpoleKat "Come on Skyler, let's go." "Nya!"
"Come on TacoKat!"
"Well who's this cute little fella?" said Skyler.
"Oh, this is TacoKat."
"Nya!" she said with a little squeak. "Nya! Nya! Nya! Nya!"
"hahaha" They both stiffled a purr.
"Come on!"

Said Blackwolf impatiently.
"Alright alright." Said TadpoleKat "We're comming."
When they bought their tickets they ran rian right through those gates they were ready for some fun
"Nya!" said TacoKat excitedly. They couldn't wait until they got to do what they came here for, The Regergitater! Just then, TadpoleKat saw Toxic her bestfriend! "Toxic!" yelled TadpoleKat " Over here!"
"Oh hey TadpoleKat"
"How are you doing?"
"Good, you?"
"Hey TacoKat"
" Hey Blackwolf how're you?"
" Good"
" Hey Toxic, you wanna go ride the Regergitater with us? " asked Skyler
"Sure! " Toxics Neon green eyes lit up like a light bulb " You guys wanna do something first?! " She said with those bright eyes filled with excitement.
" What is it ?" they all said in unison, except for TacoKat who simply said "Nya?"
" I'll show you!" They all looked at each other with concern and worry in their eyes.
As they walked, TacoKat was jumping up and down trying to get somebody to carry her, she mewed and cried . Finally TadpoleKat gave in. "Come on TacoKat" TadpoleKat said annoyed but yet amused, TacoKat Jumped up on TadpoleKat's head. TadpoleKat and Skyler couldn't,t help but stifflle a purr. They all laughed and TacoKat just mewed with happiness.
"We're here" said Toxic
"Where" said Blackwolf.
She opened a door and motioned them inside. TadpoleKat and Skyler looked at each other with concern but they followed Toxic into the door. TacoKat started to feel to uneasy and so was everybody else. But Toxic seemed completely and totally calm. But she had always been a trouble maker so she's a proffesianl at this stuff. Surprised? To tell you the truth none of us were. Again, she was always a trouble maker. But that's why we love her.
"Ok, this way!" she said as she turned to the right.
"Where are we going Toxic!?" Asked TadpoleKat
"Just a little secret place I found a few days ago."
Now they were really concerned.
They started to walk up some stairs then they came to a door.
" here it is." she said.
They opened a door and they were at the top of an old abandoned water ride. Then Toxic pulled out a bunch of eggs. She then locked the door.
" Y'all ready for the fun to begin?"
" Omg Toxic you're not going to make us do what I think your going to make us do!?" Toxic's only reply was a mischievous smile and a mischievous gleam in her eyes.
Toxic then took one of the eggs and said " watch and learn my pupils." she then looked over the rails and as a poor unsuspecting stranger walked under and on to a red dot, Toxic dropped the egg and it landed on his head. We all gasped and laughed. TadpoleKat was the next to go. She waited and Asa the next person walked under it she noticed right away who it was, Amy. "Toxic, you got any special rotten eggs?" Her eyes gleamed with mischief. " Well, I thought you'd never ask." She pulled out a bunch of smelly rotten eggs and handed them to TadpoleKat. She waited and then, she dropped them all. " Bullseye!!!!" she shouted they all laughed as they watched her scream in disquiet they then went and dropped some mud that caked the old abandoned water slide and dropped it on her head too. then they all took turns with the egg drop.

The Regergitater!!!!!!!!

Finally after many hours of fun we finally ran out of eggs. But everybody was proud of TadpoleKat and her stunt with Amy. They still all laughed. Even TacoKat stiffled a purr. What they thought was going to be a big mistake, turned out to be a great time.
"You're crazy Toxic! you know that?" laughed TadpoleKat
"Why thank you! " Said Toxic
They all laughed. "Who wants to go ride the Regergitater now!?" said Skyler.
"Whoo! " They all said at once with excitement. Except for TacoKat who simply mewed " Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
They all laughed. She was just so cute nobody could resist her. Even if you were really agitated, one look at her and you just smile the biggest smile ever and forget all about your bad day. That's why everybody loves her.
"Come on guys let's go ride the Regergitater now!!!" said Toxic
They all ran straight to the Regergittater. But when they got there the line was super long. The wait time was 3 hours! " aww Come on! " exclaimed Blackwolf. " Are you serious!?!?"
"aww!" they all complained. Just then Toxic's ears perked up and her eyes got that same bright and mischievous look.
" Guys, follow me, I know a little trick to get to the top of it without waiting.!"
They all looked at each other. She was the expert at this kind of stuff, so they followed her. she led them into the door and motioned them inside .
" Come young you guys pick up the pace!"
"Toxic, wait up." said Blackwolf
When they went up the stairs they found a door.It was locked.
"TadpoleKat, give me one of your bobby pins."
"Just give it to me."
"ok ok. Sheesh"
TadpoleKat gave Toxic the boobypin. When Toxic took the bobby pin she inserted it into the lock. She turned it and it gently went click

"There,all good." Like I said, Toxic was the proffesianl at this kind of stuff. So none of them were surprised.
"Now let's go." she twisted the knob and slowly opened the door. She carefully poked her head outside and looked to see if the life guard was looking. When she saw he wasn't she motioned them to come outside they quickly skipped to the front.
"Now the fun really begins." She said.
They all went down the Regergitater. The Regergitater was a giant water slide that had a bunch of loops and twist. You went upside down and down a 90° angle. When they finally all did it 5 times in a row, they found out why it was called the Regergitater. Even TacoKat and Toxic threw up.
But it was all worth it. So after they had enough of that, they went on the other rides. They went on the Cobra, The Voodoo, and a whole bunch of others.
When they finally got done, they decided to go and relax and get something to eat and just lay down at the pool. When they finished eating, they went swimming in the wave pool. TadpoleKat had to hold TacoKat, because TacoKat didn't know how to swim, but she loved water though. Which was quite unusual. But then again TacoKat herself was quite unsual. So that was nothing new. They all had fun. And sinse TadpoleKat was part tadpole, she could breathe underwater. So she was quite at home in the water. So after hours of fun, they had to leave, because Blue Bayou was closing.


"Hey guys, y'all want a ride home?" TadpoleKat asked.
"Sure" they all said. Allrighty then.
When TadpoleKat had finally drooped everybody off, all who was left was Skyler and TadpoleKat.
TadpoleKat parked into a park and got out. So did Skyler. TadpoleKat stared at him with love and longing in her eyes. He did the same. TadpoleKat and Skyler walked through the park while holding hands. Her heart was beating like a drum again. Her face as red as a rose. Her eyes a never ending love. His fur seemed to glow in the light of the full moon. When they stopped Skyler stared at her and kissed her right on the lips with full passion. It was amazing. She was about to faint.
"Stop" said TadpoleKat
"What's wrong baby?" said Skyler.
"I'm scared." She said
"Of what?" he said with concern.
Her only reply was just a look at him with that gleam in her eyes. he IMMEDIATLY understood.
"Don't worry baby." he said.
"It's not that, I just dont know what to do."
"Don't worry"
He kissed her passionetly on her lips again. He wrapped his arms around her, and she did the same to him. she then wrapped her legs arond him. he loved it when she did that. They kissed with complete and full passion.
"I love you baby" he said
"I love you more" she said
:I love you most"he said
"Not possible"
"Oh but it is"
They went at this for what seemed like hours. When TadpoleKat finally won, they laughed. TadpoleKat kissed Skyler so passionetly, that she barely had any control over her emotions and longings for Skyker. They definetly had the love most people dont find until they're 45 years old. Yep, this was definetly love. There was no dought about it. None at all. And she loved that. She LOVED this. She LOVED him. She couldn't live without them. They were really getting into it now. Just as they did, everything went blank.

TadpoleKat woke up that morning and found herself still in the park. She was quite confused. She looked around and tried to remember what had happened. Then she remembered. She and Skyler came her last night. Skyler! Where was he she thought. She looked around and couldn't find him. Where was he? she thought to herself. Had he already left and didn't tell her. Just then she heard him.
"Well good mourning Sleeping Beauty. How are you?" He said smiling
She turned around and there he was. He was beautiful. His fur blew in the breeze. His eyes just had that look that would make any girl just fall all over him. He just had that kind of charming look. He was that boy that girls could only dream of. But except for one thing, he was real, and not a dream. And he was hers, and she was his. And that was all that mattered to her. She loved him.
It was like Romeo and Juliet. But except she hoped their love wasn't forbidden, and that they didn't die in the end. But if it came to that she would't mind dying with him. She loved him. They loved eachother. No dought about it.
"How was your sleep? I brought you some breakfast."
"Good, and thank you." She said accepting the food with happieness.
"I thought you'd never wake up!" he laughed.
"What time is it!?" Said TadpoleKat.
"I don't know. Here let me check my phone." He said as he pulled out his phone.
"It's 12:34. You know what tha means. Make a wish!"
"My wish has already came true." Said TadpoleKat affectionetly. She then kissed him on the cheek. She smiled.
"I love you" He said
"I love you too."
"Ilove you more"
"I love you most"
"No I love you most"
"Can't be it's not possible."
"Oh but it is"
They were going at it again. This time it lasted longer than last time. They could go on about this forever if they wanted to. It was just their little thing. TadpoleKat finally won again this time.
"What do you say, that we go back to my place. I'm sure my mom will be thrilled to find out that your back!" TadpoleKat suggested hopefully.]
"I don't know baby."
"Oh come on! Please!? Please please please please please please puh-leeeease!?" TadpoleKat went on about this forever.
"Ok Ok " Skyler finally gave in. "I'll go back home with you!"
"Yay!" She celebrated excitedly.
Skyler sighed with amusement. He couldn't help stiffling a purr.
TadpoleKat jumped up and hugged him. They laughed.
"Well then, let's go!" Said TadpoleKat excitedly.
"Ok Ok" He said still stiffling a purr.
"Come on Skyler! Hurry up!"
"I'm comming!" He said
They got in the car and started on their way back to TadpoleKat's house. When they got to a red light TadpoleKat looked at Skyler.
"Skyler, let me just tell you something."
"Ok what?"
"Don't do anything to upset my parents. My father still tries to scare away all my boyfriends. It's really irritating. Ok?"
"Ok" he said. "I'll try."
"Don't try, Do

"Ok, I was just kidding baby."
The red light finally turned green and they started. TadpoleKat and Skyler finally arrinved at TadpoleKat's house. They got out of the car and walked up to the door of her house. TadpoleKat looked at Skyler and then opened the door.
"Mom, I'm home!"
"Hey baby girl" Said TadpoleKat's mom.
"Mom, guess who's here!?"
"OH my God! Is that you Skyler!?" She said with suprise.
"Hi Mrs.Lupa how are you."
"Oh I'm fine."
"Well I'm glad your fine."
"Oh hey TacoKat!"
"Hey is that Skyler." Said TadpoleKat's brother Yokai.
"Hey Yokai." Said Skyler, "Is Cody here?"
"Sorry no"
"Oh, too bad"
"Skyler let's go to my room." Said TadpoleKat.
As they walked to TadpoleKat's room, he looked at TadpoleKat. As they entered her room, Skyler said to TadpoleKat "We have to tell them sooner or later."
"Iknow, I know." She said.
He kissed her with passion and love. TadpoleKat laughed as they kissed. She couldn't help it. Something about when they kissed made her laugh.
"I love you."He said
"I love you too baby"
They kissed sweetly. It wasn't the full passion, just the cute and sweet kisses. Romantic but yet sober. She loved it. He loved it too. They loved it, they loved eachother

. It was sweet like honey with 5 pounds of sugar added to it!!!! Well, not that sweet, but still pretty sweet. You get the point.
Just then they heard the front door open.
"Mom I'm home!" Yelled Cody.
"Hey Cody!" Yelled Skyler
"Who's that!?"
"You don't remember me Code?"
"Skyler! Is that you!? Your all grown up! I remember when you were just a kitten!"
"Yep it's me!"
"Hey how are you!?"
"Good you!?"
"Ok guys, time for lunch!" yelled TadpoleKat's Mom.
"Comming!" They all said in unison.
All except for TacoKat who simply said "Nya!"
As usual.
As they ate, everybody was bombarding Skyler with questions. TadpoleKat had to yell for them to stop. It worked...for a few minutes. Then they all started again. It was quite annoying. For Skyler and TadpoleKat. They couldn't wait to get away again. Like seriously.
"Can we be excused?" TadpoleKat said without really waiting for an answer. Instead she just got up and So did Skyler.
As they walked, TadpoleKat leaned over and kissed him gently on the cheek.
"I love you" Sid TadpoleKat
"I love you too." Said Skyler.
They walked into TadpoleKat's room and sat down on her bed.
"Baby, can I ask you a question?"
"Sure" Said TadpoleKat
"I was wondoring if maybe you could come and move in with me."
TadpoleKat stared at him with suprise.


"What?" She said suprised
"Would you like to move in with me?"
"I... ummm........I...I....I.." She didn't know what to say.
"Oh, was it too early"
"So yes then"
She laughed nervously not knowing what to do.
"Sure" She said.
"Ok then"
"I'll pack my stuff."
She couldn't beleive it. Skyler had asked for her to move in with her. And so early too. But they didn't have to wait, their love was true. She blushed.

She thought to herself This is AWESOME!!

She smiled a huge smile, a smile of love and passion, and happieness that nobody or nothing could destroy. Or so she thought...

A Suspicous Feeling

While TadpoleKat was hugging Skyler, she then realized something. She would have to tell her family. What would she tell them!? What would they say!? Would they forbid her from moving in with Skyler!?!? Or worse, forbid them from seeing eachother!?! She didn't know what to do. What should

she do. She was so confused. She loved Skyler, and he loved her. She started to cry.
"What's wrong Baby?" Said Skyler, very concerned.
TadpoleKat explained how she was worried what her parents would think.
Skyler chukled.
"Why are you chukling?!" Asked TadpoleKat very confused.
"I'm laughing at you. If you really want this-"
"I do with all my heart" Said TadpoleKat
"Then they will understand, if this is truly what you want."
"Your right Sky. Thanks." She said as she kissed him on the cheek.
"Your welcome."
She smiled at Skyler, and he smiled back. TadpoleKat had made up her mind, she was going to tell them tomorrow night at dinner whenever they were all gathering and sharing the good and bad news about their day at school, or work, or other stuff.
Yep, that was what she was going to do. It was the only way. She just hoped that they would understand. Would they? She didn't know. She was so worried.
" Well, I guess you should go home now." Sid TadpoleKat
" Aww, but I don' wanna." He said as he chuckled.
" I don't want you to either, but you have to."
" I know." He gave her a quick kiss.
"Well then, let's go"
"Ok baby."
As they walked out the door, TadpoleKat looked around suspicously. She got the feeling that she was being watched.
"Sky, hold on a sec." She said
"What's wrong" He asked sounding very concernened.
"I've got this weird feeling as if I'm being watched."
"Your just being paronoid as usual." He said with a chuckle and kissed her on the cheek.
"No, seriously, it's...strange."
"Don't worry baby, let's just go." He said encouragingly.
TadpoleKat took one last look around, then followed Skyler to her car.
As they got in, TadpoleKat swore she heard movement comming from where she got the strange feeling. TadpoleKat shook her head. Your just being paronoid about what Amy said, it's


She lied to herself. Everything is going to be just fine.

She didn't even beleive herself.

She was a horrible liar, even to herself

. Maybe Skyler was right, maybe she was just paronoid or, maybe he was D-E-A-D dead



TadpoleKat backed out of her driveway and turned off into the road. She hadn't been to Skyler's house in forever. It was quite exciting to go back to the place where they had so many fun memories from when they were small, cute, innocent kids inspired to question the world. She and Skyler used to play so many games when they were little. She smiled just thinking about all the funny things Skyler and her used to do. One of their favorite games was pulling pranks on Amy. They would do so many things to her, but then for some reason, Skyler actually dated her. She never did understand why Skyler ever dated Amy. And she still

She didn't dare to bring it up though. He hated Amy with a passion. No, scratch that


her with a passion.

Whenever he even hears her name, you can feel the hatred comming off him. You can smell

it. He has to bite his arm just to keep himself from transforming. It's a horrific sight when he does transform. She hated seeing him when he did. Once when they were kids, Amy came over and started bitching at TadpoleKat and calling her names. Skyler transformed and all hell was released. He pinned Amy to the ground and broke both her arms and legs. He broke 3 of her ribs and 6 of her fingers. TadpoleKat had to pull Skyler off her to keep him from killing Amy. When Skyler finally calmed down, and he saw what he had done, he swore he would try to never transform again. For once he transformed, he had no control over his body, instead his emotion and range took over. It was terrifying. TadpoleKat cried and begged Skyler to never transform again.
She hoped he never did again. Because the next time, he might hurt her.

She was scared of him sometimes. Sometimes, she was afraid he might not turn back.
When Skyler was 7, his parents were killed in a shooting. They never did find their murderer. When Skyler found out, he was even worse than when he turned on Amy. She was afraid he would never turn back. He was left without parents and had to strive to survive. He refused to get foster parents. He lived on his own. He was that poor orphaned kid that everybody pitied. But he never wanted their pity...he just wanted his parents back. Sometimes, Skyler would call TadpoleKat in the middle of the night crying, sometimes he would tell her of the dreams he had of him and his parents, laughing and playing. How he never wanted to wake up, wake up into reality. He wish he could just stay in his dreams for the rest of his life, with his parents.
Sometimes, he would call her up and tell her about his nightmares about his parents crying for help, but no matter how fast he ran, he couldn't get any closer to them, but when he did, as soon as he reached for their hands, they were swallowed by the black abyss. As if it was mocking him. She would try to reasure him, telling him that everything was going to be all right. She wish it would.

Sometimes, she would cry with him. She cried for him and his parents. She cried, because God had taken away her bestfriend's parents. She asked God why he would do such a thing. She wondered if God regreted what he did sometimes. But ofcourse, she could not guess his thoughts. All though she wish she could. But ofcourse...she couldn't.
Sometimes TadpoleKat wondered if Skyler even remembered his parents. But, she didn't want to bring up the subject and take the chance of upseting him. She hoped he was ok. But she didn't know.


As TadpoleKat turns into Skyler's drive way, she sees herself and Skyler playing on the swings together and and chasing each other as kids. She grinned. She missed those days when they had so much fun and had no worries. She wished she were still a kid. But ofcourse, the redo button still doesn't exist. TadpoleKat swore

she would be the first

to create it though. Or atleast a time machine. But anyways, we're getting off topic... As TadpoleKat and Skyler pull in the driveway, she wonders how everything had changed over time.
She would just have to wait and see. They got out of the car and walked up to the front door of Skyler's house. Skyler took out a key and unlocked the door. He twisted the handle and pushed.
"After you m'lady" He said as he held the door open for TadpoleKat while gestering inside the house and smiling.
"Why thank you Sir Skyler>" TadpoleKat said in her best british accent.
They both laughed as they went in. They always had fun together no matter what happened. She stopped and looked around inside the old abandoned house. Nobody had taken care of the old house sinse Skyler went to Africa. She remembered all the great times they had inside this old house. It held so many memories. She wanted to cry.
It was hard for her to accept how everything had stayed the same.
"Come on TadpoleKat, let's go upstairs." , said Skyler grabbing TadpoleKat's hand.
"Ok" She said.
As they walked up the stairs TadpoleKat stopped dead in her tracks
"Wht's wrong baby?" Skyler asked concerned.
" I just got that strange feeling again. Like I was being watched." She turned her head searching the area for anything suspicious. Nothing.
"Never mind" she says shaking her head.
'Ok" he says
They walk up the strairs again and turn into Skyler's room. It still looked the same as always. All his toys and other stuff were still there. His bed was even still made. TadpoleKat laughed at this. Skyler used to always try to get TadpoleKat to keep her room clean and make her bed everydsat. He was a complete clean freak. Then her eyes caught someting. It was a picture framed of Skyler and TadpoleKat's family together. When Skyler's parents died, he n=bacame mostly part of the family. but never completely. TadpoleKat remebers that day when TadpoleKat's mom invited Skyler to be in the family picture. She almost broke down and cried.
"I better go" she said
"aww, already?"
"yeah bye"
TadpoleKat kissed Skyler goodbye and left. There were too many painful memories in that house...


As TadpoleKat drives down the street, she sees Amy. The fur on the back of her neck stiffens as she watches Amy walk down the street. Amy slips a mischeivous grin at her then slips away into a dark allyway. TadpoleKat hated her, no she loathed

her. She loathed her with a passion.

She couldn't stand the fox. She made TadpoleKat feel as if all she had in her heart was hatred for that girl.
She hated that feeling. That feeling of complete darkness. TadpoleKat hurried home so that her parents wouldn't be worried. What was 30 minutes felt like an eternety. When she got home she was very suprised at who was waiting for her there...

You again

There at the door was her father. She hadn't seen him for three years. He was out fighting in the war. She stared at him for a few minutes. Then jumped out of the car and ran for him. Streaming tears sparkling in the light as she ran. He opened his arms as she jumped to hug them. She was crying really hard now. She was gasping for breath. He smiled as he stroked her hair. She was so happy. He had wrote her many letters when he was in the war to assure them that he was alive and still fighting. But now she was so happy that she could actually really see him.
" Dad..I..Missed you...So much!!!" She said between gasps and sobs.
He smiled and kissed her head.
" I know. I missed you too."
"I thought you had been killed in the war. We all did!"
He just smiled at her. He was losing the fight of holding back the tears. It was like a dam, Every now and then a little bit would seep out.
"I thought you said soldiers never cried." She said laughing.
"They don't. I'm not crying I'm just sweating through my eyes." He said laughing with her.
They walked into the door and sat down. Her dad said that her mom was at the store buying a bunch of food for a special dinner tonight. Kody and Yokai were with her too so they were the only ones home. TadpoleKat didn't mind though. she sctually preffered it being just her father and her. She had him all to herself. They started talking about how hard it was without him here. She was telling him how she used to cry herself to sleep at night, praying that he would be safe and that he would come back. How she was crying that she thought she was not going to see him ever again. But now she didn't have to now.
And she was just so releived.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.11.2011

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