
Chapter 1: October 25th


Kity's P.O.V.
I walked down stairs "Austin!" I whined I was still crabby and just woke up. "What!" he yelled. I still had a hangover from the party last night so I groaned and went into the kitchen for coffee, well guess what? There is NO FUCKING COFFEE! Well, I should tell you who I am I'm Kitlyn Rosemary Wolsh, yes I know weird name just call me Kity. Austin's my older brother, a 20 year old overprotective jerk who hasn't let me have my first kiss and I'm 17. My wolf growled, yes everyone in this house is a werewolf I will be able to find my mate in two weeks (which is my birthday). I can't wait (jumps up and down exictedly in head). "Austin can you please go get coffee, and peanut butter cookies?" I asked walking back into the living room. He sighed "Fine, for you," he grabbed his keys and left.
I smiled, walking to my room, took a shower and every thing. Then, went to get my clothes. I pulled out a pair of white ripped skinny jeans, a plain black T-shirt and a white denime jacket. I put white socks on and then went to my shoe holder and grabbed my black and white vans. I sat at my desk and pulled out my straightener and make up bag. I plugged my straightener in and started to do my make up I put on eyeliner and mascara, and a light black eye shadow. I looked at my self and smiled. I checked my straightener it was hot so I started to do my hair. When I was pleased with how I looked, I smelled coffee.
I opened my door and walked down stairs and grabbed a cup I took a drink and forgot to see if it was hot so I ended up spitting it all over Adam. He looked at me like he would kill me. I smiled and set the cup down then ran. I ran all the way outside I could hear his faint foot steps, trying to find me. I heard the back door open and ran again. I could hear bones popping "Oh god," I muttered to myself. Adam is a freaking 18 year old that is funny but can get really pissed off. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground pinned by him and, OH SHIT his wolf was the mad one, his eyes were a peircing black but read two words lust and mad. Oh man, he IS mad at me.... wait, LUST? Oh, god no. He's my mate, how long has he known? I could feel my blood boil. I could see him fighting his wolf, I squrimed "Let go." I said slowly, my brother, is Alpha so I has my advantages.
I growled, my wolf was yelling at me 'Stop you might make him deny us'. 'No I won't let him do that,' I said to her. I felt his claws digging into my skin, I have to admit it hurt like freaking hell. "Ow, ow, ow Adam that hurts," I said a twig of pain in my voice. His eyes turned back to the normal light blue and hopped off me still in wolf form and started whimpering. I knelt beside him "Come here," I say softly. Adam walked up to me and started to nuzzel me "Adam how long have you known?" I asked suddenly not thinking before talking. His whole form froze. He sat and held up 2 paws. "Two," I said. He nodded then held up 3 paws. "2 weeks?" I asked. He shook his head "Two months!" I yelled. He nodded slowly, I looked at him, his fur was a light brown and black specks on the tips, his nose was black to but with his light blue eyes it was beautiful. "Change back then talk to me," I said and turned around. I heard bones popping and him climbing into his room, he changed and came back out.
"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you Kity," he said getting closer. I turned around and looked at him "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked only enough so he could hear, because of werewolfs keen sense of hearing. "Because I thought you would deny me as your mate,"he said in the same low voice. I shook my head and walked up to him and hugged him "Don't think that way," I said to him. Adam nodded and hugged me tight. "Adam... I ... can't.... breathe," I said out of breathe. He let me go and I noticed he was smiling. "Why are you smiling?" I asked. "Nuttin'," he said, then,out of nowhere, he pecked my lips then ran. I watched him run, then sprinted after him. I jumped and tackled him when he turned around. He laughed and I did along with him and my lips brushed againist his for a moment, and I froze. He deepened the kiss, hungirly, he picked me up and brung me inside. Before I knew it I was on a bed.
"Adam?" I asked. He was kissing down my neck, getting onto the bed and I wasn't even sure if it was him or his wolf in control. He came back up and kissed my lips, he bit my lip asking for entrance, I didn't grant it and he growled. Which meant his wolf was incharge at the moment, and squeezed my ass and I gasped and he took the advantage and explored my mouth. I couldn't help but moan and then it all stopped and Adam was yanked off me. I slowly opened my eyes to see my very own brother. "Uh, hi," I said awkwardly I could tell by his face he was pissed. "Don't 'Uh,hi', me! Get your ass down stairs!" Austin yelled, I flinched and scurried out of the room.


Chapter 2: Happy Birthday to Me!


"Happy Birthday!" yelled my best friends Mia and Hanna, I smiled but winced because of my hearing. "Get up! Get up!" Hanna yelled. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and smiled groggily at them. I love 'em to death but my god their loud. "I'll get dressed if you get out," I said and slightly laughed. I heard the shuffle of feet and the door close. I sighed getting up, and walking over to my closet. I grabbed my leather jacket, light washed ripped blue skinny jeans, and my dark blue tank top. I set them on my bed going to my shoe holder, grabbing my black vans and setting them on my bed. I walked into my bathroom and closed the door. I walked over to the shower turning the hot up all the way. I got in and let my muscles relax, I sighed. I reached over grabbing my body wash.
I got dressed and put my make up on which was just eyeliner (I don't where lip gloss because it's made of shark fat). I straightened my hair, unplugged the straightener and walked out of my room. I sighed, it was a Saturday, no school so what could I do? I walked downstairs thinking of ideas. My mind was so deep in thought, I ran straight into a wall, no, not a wall. I ran into my brother I looked at him. Why the heck was he smiling like that? I'll ask him. "Why are you smiling like that?" I asked having no trace of emotion in face or word. His face fell and he looked a little paler. "Your not happy it's your 18th birthday?" he asked. A flashed of amazement flashed across my face, but I quickly covered it. I had been like this for the last week. I don't know why but I just have it's like the past just caught up to me. I looked down, going around him, into the kitchen, and grabbing an apple. I sat down on a seat around the island. Derek walked in and looked at me, he was nineteen, had brown hair. He has hazel eyes and light tanned skin.
Hanna has strawberry red hair with a little black in it. She has like mint/green/blue eyes. She has a pale complexion. Mia has straight black hair and green eyes. She's tan and is always wearing her fake nerdy glasses.
I on the other hand have black hair, brownish hazel eyes. I have pale skin. I also have a belly button ring my brother doesn't know about. Adam has dark brown hair covering one of his eyes, his eyes are a icy blue. His skin is light tan.
My brother has black hair and brown eyes. He has tan skin. Now, back to the story. "What's got you down kitkat?" Derek asked. I looked at him my face expressionless, my eyes holding it all. He walked up and hugged me, he's like my second brother. "I'm fine," I said emotionless. I got up and threw my apple away. I walked into the living room Adam was in there, he smiled weakly at me and I sat next to him. I looked at him and snuggled into him. Hanna and Mia walked in and froze they looked at us and I jumped up walking out the front door. I hadn't told them and I wasn't planning on it for a while. I got in my black Lamborghini and drove to my aunt about a 30 minute drive. I pulled out my IPhone 4s and plugged it in the car charger. I turned the radio on and '21 guns' by Green day came on I started to sing along with it
"Do you know what's worth fighting for?
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?

Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I

When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul

Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I

Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?

When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I"
After the song ended I turned the radio off.
24 minutes later...
I got out of the car and knocked on my aunt's door. She opened it and smiled at me. She reminded me of my mom maybe because they were identical twins but I had to problem telling them apart and I certainly wont now.


Chapter 3: The Party... WHAT THE FUCK!


I walked into my aunts house, it was warm, and filled with the smell of pine. I loved the smell and the decor, most of it was wood and green, but beautiful. I walked through the large house into the den. Where some of their pack was. "Hey Kity!" Luke and Lucy said in unison. They are twins with both blonde hair but Lucy has green eyes with Luke has blue. I smiled at them, sitting next to Luke and Veda. Veda shuffled, she is one of the shy ones. I looked at her and smiled, I knew I was making her uncomfortable I poked her and I swear she almost pissed her pants. I sighed "So, what shall we do?" I asked scanning the other familiar faces. There was Macy, Josh, Heather, and Xavier. Macy has brown hair and eyes. Josh has blonde hair and brown eyes. Heather has black hair and blue eyes. Xavier has brown hair and one of his eyes is green and the other is gray.

Veda is a whole other story. "Uh, beach?" asked Josh. I smiled knowing he would be the first to speak and I knew it would be the beach. "Uh, Josh it's fall." Macy, Josh's mate told him. "Oh yeah." he said. "Oh, my god." I said and hit my forehead with the palm of my hand a few times. "What did I say wrong?" Josh asked. "So, many things Josh, you have gotten so many things wrong," I said. He laughed, and tripped forward off the sofa and did a face plant it the glass coffee table. I stood up quickly and walked over to him. Macy was already by his side.

"Auntie, Josh broke the coffee table again!" I shouted. My aunt came threw the door way with my uncle Louis. "Louie!!" I yelled and hugged him. "Ello pumpkin" Louie said, he's from the United Kingdom. "Okay some of you are here so let's get ready for the party!" my auntie said. "Party?" I asked. "Oh, yes your brother told us to plan your 18th birthday!" she explained. I exhaled not noticing I had been holding my breath "Why do I get a party this

year?" I asked. "Because you usually find your mate when your 18," Lucy reminded me. "Okay now... attack!" my auntie yelled. "Wha-?" was all I could get out before I was tackled and brought to a different room.

I slowly opened my eyes and here I was in my mom's old bedroom. Veda going through dress after dress. Lucy getting a curling iron ready. Heather doing my make-up I guess Macy was with Josh. I sighed, "Stop sighing!" Heather scolded me. "Sorry it's just I already have a mate," I muttered but apparently she heard, no they all did and they froze and in one fluent motion they were in front of me, smiling."Who is it?" they asked (well, squealed). "It's Adam," I answered. Their expressions changed from smiling to sympathy and then changed again to regret. Why sympathy and regret?
Heather finished my make up. Lucy curled my hair and Veda found a dress. The dress was a light silver one strap with a black strap around the middle. I smiled "Thanks guys," I said and left the room and went down the hall, I turned to corner and heard... moaning? I also heard Adam's voice. My breath caught 'He wouldn't would he?' I thought. I followed the moaning and Adam's voice and sure enough they were in the same room. I swallowed trying to perpare my self for what I was about to see, but nothing would be able to hold my tears if it was true. I opened the door, and sure enough it was what I thought. Everything froze and the sounds stopped when the door opened. Adam was fucking a fucking slut. I had many different emotions at the moment. A single tear fell and I was gone , down the hall, down the stairs, and out the door. I sat by the pool and pulled my legs to my chest.

I let all the tears fall from my mom's, dad's, and baby bro's death to now. The present crisis, with my mate's cheating. My heart heavied 'How could he?' I wondered. 'Because he is who he is,' my wolf answered. I sighed. "What are you doing out here?" a deep voice asked. "Trying to escape pain but that won't be happening," I said. "Why are you in pain?" the voice asked. "My mate cheated on me," I said and looked up at the voice, it was a boy about my age with blonde and black hair and light blue eyes. He smiled and sat next to me. "Well, that sucks for him, 'cause he missed out," he said "I'm Logan." I smiled "Kity," I said and stuck my hand out for him to shake. He shook it "Oh, your the birthday girl," he said. "Yeah,really cool right?" I said and laughed at my own bad joke. "I don't think you should be crying on your birthday," Logan said. "Well, you would too if your life was in a complete hell," I said and looked at him. We sat there and talked and talked all night. Later I would talk to Adam right now let's enjoy the present even though the past crisis is still present push that aside and live.

Sorry it took me so long! But I finished the chapter should have the next one down next week or in two weeks.

Chapter 4: The Past Two Years Back


'Sammy's P.O.V'
I walked into my sister's room, "Kity time to eat," I say and shake her. She mumbled something I didn't hear. I shrugged and went down stairs. "What did she say?" Austin asked. Austin's my older bro. "She mumbled I think she's sick," I say quietly sitting down. Our dad turned to us. My mom smiled "She probably is," my mom said. Me and my brother looked at her weirdly.
She laughed at our confusion. "Mom, will you tells us why she is probably sick?" I asked. She faltered and looked at our father, "Um... because she didn't have her flu shot?" she said but it came out more like a question. "Mom, it's June, not winter and I'm not stupid," Austin said. Mother looked at him with a weak smile, while I on the other hand was dying of laughter. Austin growled grabbing my shirt "You better quit it!" he yelled at me, his eyes were like pitch black! I gulped and nodded. He set me down. "Dang bro, you got anger issues!" I yelled at him. My dad and mom were smiling. I sat back down "We all know there is something going on so why don't you tell us?" I asked. "Tell you guys what?" Kitlyn asked walking in she made a cup of coffee and sat down. "That..." dad took a breath "We and all you kids are werewolves," he said. We just stared at him.
I was the first to laugh "You're kidding right?" I asked. They both shake their head and I gasped. Kity groaned and laid her head on the table. "Your sister is having pains because of the first part of the change," my mom said. I looked at Kity, her eyes were turning a bright green and she closed them tightly. "Austin take her outside, your gonna have to shift, you haven't since you were 16," dad said. Austin nodded picking Kitlyn up and brought her in the back yard. We all followed. "Okay, Kit let the pain take you," mom said. Kity nodded weakly, but listened. "Austin, you just imagine turning into a wolf," dad said. Austin nodded and did what he was told. I closed my eyes and waited. Around 5 minutes later I heard a bone popping noise. I opened my eyes infront of me was a a full black large wolf (dad), a white and brown medium wolf (mom), a black tipped white coated medium wolf (Austin), and a chocolate brown small wolf (Kity). "When will I change?" I asked my mom. 'When your 16,' she messaged me in my head. I nodded. "Mom, dad, are we gonna celebrate or something?" I asked. They nodded. They told my sister how to change back and they all did and I closed my eyes as soon as I seen they were all naked.


(Austin's P.O.V.)
I was sooo happy right now, we're all werewolves. I knew something was going on, but I didn't know what and I can't wait to see where were going to celebrate. I walked into my room and put on a plain red tee, with black pants, and my black and red Nikes. I walked down stairs.


(Kity's P.O.V.)
I got dressed in a neon green tee with the word 'Falling in Reverse' in black on the front, with black ripped skinny jeans, and my black vans. I walked downstairs, everyone was in the living room "Where are we going?" I asked.
"Six flags!" Sammy said and smiled. He loved going there, he loved the rides. I smiled.
"Let's go!" I said and went out side. I wanted to hurry to make Sammy happy.
"Okay!" mom said and rushed out into the car. I got in and so did Austin. "Come on Sammy!" I say.
"I'm coming!" he exclaimed after he got in we were on the road.
Six flags was fun! We stayed all day! I ended up throwing up after getting really dizzy. But we are driving home now cause I don't feel good.
"Sissy, I'm tired," Sammy told me, he sat in the middle while me and Austin sat on his sides. He rested his head on my shoulder and dozed off. I smiled and looked out the window in the front of the car.
"How long until we get there?" Austin asked.
"23 minutes..." mom responded after that there was an awkward silence.
I closed my eyes and heard the screech of tires, a banging noise, my arm hurt, and weightlessness. I felt my body slammed into the ground.

"Sammy's P.O.V."
I felt like my face just met concrete when I opened my eyes apparently it did meet floor. I was surrounded by trees. I got up and saw the flashing lights. I ran I'll find my brother and sister later I already knew my parents were dead I felt it in my gut. They will probably think I'm dead for awhile... I'll see them after my first change... two years without family will be hard but I'll get through it I just gotta keep strong. Sammy walked around in the forest when he heard a growling noise "Hello?" he asked.
"Hello, I'm Rascal why are you on my territory, pup?" the voice was cold it came from the shadows.
"My name is Samuel or Sammy, I do not mean to be on your territory sir, my car crashed and my parents just died," I told him. He walked out of the shadows and towered over me. I gulped.
"Join my pack or leave now runt," he said and scowled.
"I'll join."
If I didn't tell him I join I would still be at my sister's side.


Chapter 5: Where in hell have you been!?


'Sammy's P.O.V.'
As I approached the yard I could feel my wolf telling me not to go further the alpha already hated me... he growled as I walked in.
"What do you want pup?" He asked. I had to refrain my anger.
"I came to say I'm leaving the pack," I told him. He narrowed his eyes.
"What?!" He spat.
"I. Am. Leaving. ... bye." I told him turning around and walking out of his house. In the last two years I haven't felt so free. I needed to find my brother and sister. They probably think I'm dead. I walked to the police station and as soon as I did they were shocked by how I was alive since they couldn't find me before. One picked up the phone and I heard him talking.
"We found him Mr. Wolsh," The Policeman said into the phone.
The policeman stayed quiet as someone talked.
"Mr. Wolsh I'm sure it's him come pick him up and I'm sure it's him," The policeman reassured the person on the other line.
Soon after that the policeman hung up and look at me. "Your sister is coming to pick you up," he told me. I nodded.

'Kity's P.O.V.'
My brother was on the phone with a police officer I don't know why. His face was a ghostly pale he looked at me.
"Kity wanna go pick up Sammy from the police station?" He asked.
I started crying I thought he was dead I nodded. He smiled and told the officer yes and he soon hung up walking over to me to hug me. I rest my head on his chest sniffling.
"He is waiting Kity," Austin said. I nodded and grabbed the keys and left I couldn't put in words how I felt I missed my little brother sooo much. I though he died when my parents did but the Police just couldn't find the body. So for me to pick him up and my brother not taking the opportunity, Means the world to me. I smiled at the memories I had of Sammy with his clear sea green eyes and his black unruly hair. I missed him. I pulled into the police station and opened my car door. As i shut it I broke down crying again. I walked to the door of the police station and pushed it open. I looked around and smiled as my eyes landed on my now 16 year old brother.
"Come give your sister a hug," I told him. Sammy looked at me and smiled getting up and hugging me.
"I missed you so much," he said and sniffled.
"You... missed me?" I asked "Then why didn't you come back?"
"I don't know," he told me.
"Well, let's get you home," I told him. I looked at the officer "I am allowed to take him home right?" the officer nodded and I smiled. "Get your stuff we're heading home." I told him he nodded and grabbed his stuff.
We walked out to the car and he put his stuff in. We got into the car and stayed quiet, I looked over at him.
"Where the hell were you?" I asked calmly.
Sammy looked at me, his eyes slowly widened as well as his smile, "You. Have. No idea."
"I bet Austin, Ad-Derek, Mia, and Hanna, will all be happy to see you." I told him, forgetting Adam, I still need to talk to him...
Once we were home, Sammy got his bags, I offered to help but all I got was, "No I'm not a little kid anymore." We went inside and Adam rushed over to me pulling me up the stairs. He kept murmuring stuff as he pulled me.
"Adam. Let go." I said calmly.
"No. I need to talk to you." He said STILL pulling me.
I stopped him short, "Is it about the party?" I asked.
He looked at me, he looked like he'd hadn't slept in days, "Yes, it is about the party."
"Then, I'm not talking to you," I said and ripped my hand out of his grip, turned around, and headed down the stairs... or fell down the stairs. Adam, of course went straight to my side, just like my brothers. I groaned.
"Kit, maybe you should go lay down." Sammy said helping me up, he was taller than me now. He helped me to my room and I laid down on my bed, snuggling into the warm blankets, "Thanks, Sammy."

(Adam's P.O.V.)
I CAN NOT BELIEVE, I DID THAT TO KITY! I thought as I paced in my room. I suddenly heard the front door open. I ran down stairs and grabbed Kity's hand pulling her up the stairs.
"Adam. Let go." she told me.
"No, I need to talk to you." I said.
She stopped me, "Is it about the party?"
'YES, THANK YOU GOD.' I thought, "Yes it is about the party."
She looked me in the eye, "Then I'm not talking to you." She said ripping her hand out of my grip and turning, tripping and falling down the stairs. I ran to her side. 'JUST GREAT ADAM! FIRST YOU BREAK HER HEART! NOW YOU BREAK HER!' my wolf yelled at me.
We start yelling at each other and I didn't notice Sammy brought Kity up to her room. 'SEE! ADAM YOU MESSED UP!' he yelled. 'I KNOW I MESSED UP, NOW YOU SHOULD SHUT UP!' I yelled at him. He was quiet after that not saying a word. I was happy because now I wouldn't have a bigger headache in the morning. I walked up stairs into my room and fell asleep.


Chapter 6: ABCDEFG Some one should have told you not to fuck with me!


                                                       'Kity's P.O.V.'

I shot from the bed curling in a ball, I thought the dreams were gone last year! The thought of my parent's death and their funeral replayed in my head, again, and again. I sobbed into my hands. There was a knock on my door. 

"Y-yes?" I asked, my voice shaky.

Hanna ran in, "Oh my, my, Kit Kat! What happened?"

"The dreams." I croaked. I know you must be thinking, 'How does she know about them!' Well, we have been friends since I was like 4. We are pretty tight like me and Eric. I haven't brought him up yet have I! Well he moved when I turned 13. He told me he was just going on vacation but ended up moving. Miss him like hell but I know I'm get to see him soon.

Hanna sighed and looked at me, "Someone wants to see you," she said with all trace of seriousness in her voice. I looked at her.

"Okay." I said and got up. Still in my large, Superman T shirt and Cookie monster PJ pants. I stuffed my feet into my Stompies and opened my door. Walked down the first stairs and as I looked who was there to see me I couldn't believe my eyes.

There was Eric standing there talking to my brother, Austin, like he hadn't left. I ran over to him and hugged him. 

"I missed you so much." I said. He nodded.

"Missed you too Kit, missed you too." He said patting my back.

****After the whole emotional STUUUFFF**** 

"Whatcha wanna do?" I asked sitting in a chair in the kitchen with Austin, Adam, Logan (who joined the pack), Josh, Veda, Heather, Macy, Eric, and Xavier.

"Beach?" Josh asked. 

"Fall," I smiled. Josh shrugged.

"So? Skinny dipping?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes.


Xavier laughed, "Told."

"Bowling?" Adam asked. I acted like I didn't hear him. 

"How 'bout bowling?" I asked.

"Adam just said that." Logan told me.

"Oh, I didn't know he was in the room." I said. How I actually said it was 'Oh! HE WAS IN THE ROOM? I THOUGHT HE WAS A FUCKING A SLUT. LIKE THE ONE ON MY BIRTHDAY.' But I was mature and did not say that.

Veda giggled and my eyes widened.

"YOU MADE A NOISE!" I yelled. Her eyes grew wider and she shook her head.

"Leave her alone Kity." Conner said (Conner is an old friend now enemy of mine). 

"Why don't you get your ass outta here, Conner." I growled.

He smirked and shook his head. I walked up to him.

"You. Better. Get. Your. Ass. Outta. Here. Right. Now." I said lowly. 

The next thing I know I felt a blow to the side of my face and I fell to the ground. I heard a deep growl. Then I blacked out.

****Skipping to her waking up****

I opened my eyes slowly and groaned. My arms and legs hurt, but mostly my head. I looked around the room and there was Adam, Austin, a blonde I don't remember meeting, and Lucy and Luke. 

"Austin." I said, my voice was scratchy... how long was I out? What happened?

"Kity?" Adam said opening his eyes. 

"Yeah?" I asked. 

"Do you remember your birthday party?" he asked.

"It passed already, what's the date?" I asked.

"February 27th." he said.

"THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!" I yelled.

"Kity you hav been out since fall, I ch- I was devastated when you never woke up, I thought you never would." he said it like he was sorry.

"Did you make me black out?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Conner did, and Eric is back he misses you, only saw you for a day or not even that." he said.

"Come here." I said. He sat next to me on the bed.

"Kity, if I tell you I did something really bad to you on your birthday party, would you believe me?" he asked, nervously.

"Yes, I mean, we would still be mates, nothing can keep that from us." I said. He sighed.

"This could." he said under his breath.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I cheated on you, and I feel so terribly sorry for it. My wolf keeps yelling at me to comfort you to get you to trust me again... I miss you Kitlyn Rosemary Wolsh, I-I l-love you." Adam said in tears.

I sat there on the pack hospital bed shocked. 

"Adam..." I trailed off.

"I know, I know, it's cheesy, it's too early. But I do. I need you in my life." he said.

"I need time." I prompted. He nodded eagerly.

"Anything. As long as we are together in the end." he said and walked to the door. "Let me know when your time is over." He left after that final word.

Chapter 7: Dreams

'~Adam's POV~'


It's been two weeks. Two goddamn weeks since she left the hospital and she hasn't said a word to me! God I think I might die if this keeps up. What if she hates me what if.. she goes and finds a new guy worthy to be her mate. I don't think I could handle that. I mean I want her happy but this is tearing me apart.

'~Kity's POV~'

Two weeks and I haven't talked to Adam. I'm waiting for him to crack. I told him I wanted time. I feel like he gave me too much though and we are too far apart. 

My phone started playing Rebel Love Song by Black Veil Brides. I checked the caller ID. Veda flashed across the screen. 

"Hello?" I asked after picking up.

"Hey I know I never talk but everyone is downstairs..." Veda's soft voice said coming from the speaker.

"I'll be down in a minute." I tell her. 

"Okay." She says lightly before hanging up.

I slip my phone into my pocket of my ripped jeans and pulled on a black hoodie slipping on my gray converse. I start to walk down the stairs and I hear Josh yell.

"Oh my god she's not dead!"

I roll my eyes, "Duh."

I smile as I reach the bottom and look around the room. Every one was here even that one blonde, my brows furrowed. I walk up to the blonde and hold out my hand.

"Do I know you?" I asked.

"I'm Logan I met you at your party,  but you lost your memory." he says smoothly.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you again Logan." I blush and look down. I hear a growl behind me. I turn around and glare at Adam. Vea came aroun the corner.

"Come on let's go somewhere how bout to a carnival?" she asked. She's been more socialable lately. I wonder if she found her mate.

"Alright." Every one agreed but Adam he had a shocked and pained expression on his face.

We all piled into the cars Adam saying he couldn't go cause he wasn't feeling good. I sat in the back of my brothers truck in between Luke and Lucy. Luke hugged me close to him an Lucy patted my shoulder. I grabbed my phone outta my pocket an my ear phones plugged them in and let the music flow from the earphones into my ears.I somehow found myself drifting into oblivion.

'Run! Run! Run!' the words of my wolf were being shoute as me as I mae my way around a tree.

Three guys were chasing me I couldn't see their faces. I run and run and then I trip. I fall through the earth and wake up in a bed. 

"Hello?" a voice comes out of me but not my own.

"Mrs. Wolsh I am afraid to tell you but your child has passed away." says a man that looks like a doctor.

I start crying, bawling my eyes out. But this confuses me I don't have any children an as far as I know my mom only has had 3 kids. 

The dream changes again. I am in a pool the water goes up to my neck and I don't now how to swim. I'm drowning and the water becomes deeper. I feel a hand reach out for my and it clasps my hand. Pulling me to the body it belongs to. They drag my to the surface and I look up and see Adam's face.

"It's okay, it's all a dream." he says.

I wake up to Luke shaking my shoulder, "It's just a dream." I feel the water fill my eyes and tears start slipping out my cheeks immediately feel wet from the water. Luke brings me into a hug and I sit there feeling helpless. 

I bring my stare to Hanna an she understands. She understands why I have the tears. She understands why I used to sit awake at night. But this, she doesn't unerstand. She has her mate. HER MATE LOVES HER. I didn't, don't, and won't ever believe Adam loves me. THis is cause if he loved me he woul have never screwed the slut in the first place. It was settled I couldn't go back to the pack house where Adam was. I couldn't see his face everyday knowing he did this. 

I stood, "I'm sorry guys." I spoke softly. I ran to the near by woods I could hear the foot steps following me. I ran behind a tree undressed, shifted and grabbed my clothes in my mouth. I ran and ran away from every thing and somehow I felt a sense of deja ve as Austin, Josh, and Xavier ran after me. I ran away from my problems.

I'm sorry guys I just need a break.

Chapter 8: | |*Reality* | |

([Veda's p.o.v. ] :P)

"No! Stop! Stop it! Please! Don't hurt him!" I screamed my small 10 year old frame flailing trying to break free from the guys hold. "Let go of me! Don't hurt him!"

"And why should we listen to you?" One of the scum bags that was beating on my brother asked.

"Please," I pleaded my face was filled with defeat, " don't hurt him."


I woke up slightly shaken I hadn't had a dream from back then in a long time. My eyes watered as the memories came flooding back. Of my brother dying, of his lifeless body hitting the floor before my eyes.

I tried to remind myself of  the positive of hoe life was now way from the monsters. 

I came into the pack as a rogue I had ran away from my other pack because they were treating me very unfairly. So I have ran away after the death of my brother the attack had really shocked me and thats why I don't talk much even though it's been 3 years. I guess it's just time to check back into reality.


(Kity's P.O.V) 

I've been gone for a month... A whole month and I have moved from hotels 4 times. My brother and Adam constantly try to mind link me. But I ignore them. I've decided to do some research on my family tree because of my weird dream. I'm discovered there was supposed to be a 3rd sibling of mine it just doesn't show the birthday and name or gender. No picture either.

It really confuses me and I just don't know what to think of it.

I pace around the small hotel room and rub my temples. "Ugh, why is my family so jacked up?" I stared at the ceiling. 

I turned and plopped down on the bed and sighed deciding to take a nap.


I'm so sorry this is a really short chapter maybe you guys could  put suggestions in the comments?


Texte: Any copyrighted belongs to rightful owner.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.09.2012

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