
School Day again

I came to dance dance dance dance

I hit the floor cuz that's my plans plans plans plans

I'm wearing all my favourite brands brands brands brands

Give me some space for both my hands hands hands hands

I push the snooze button on my alarm radio.I get up from my bed felling a little stiff and I realise that I was too yesterday to change into my pjs.Well that was expected because my friends: Essa,Liz,Anne and Taylor were hanging out at the movies yesterday watching frozen!!.Anyways i pick out these clothes:With these shoes:1
After having a shower i put my clothes on and put on my makeup.i only put a bit of eye shadow mascare and eyeliner.Arfter that i get my togo little makeip bag and put it into my bag then i put my phone(a gold iphone 5).Then i grab my other bookbag:Putting all mybooks and pencil case in it and my keys.Then i put my purse and my texting blackberry into my purse.

Walking down the stairs i met my mum and grabbed the bar and a bottle of water before heading out."Bye mum"I call as i walk out the door.i start walking to my school James Ruse.On my way i meet my bestie out of all my friends Liz."Hey lizard"I call to liz as she came over to me."And how are you doing M'nM"repiled liz."Not bad really"i answer."Look whos that"Says liz teaseingly as Perrie walks up to us."Just shut up for a bit will ya?"I sqeauk as he was coming closer."Hi Emily Hi liz"Perrie says as he walks pass us going to his friends.Hey Perrie"I repeild shyly."Sup"repleid liz.As soon as Perrie was out of earshot Liz started teasing me playfully."Emily Dong soon to be cunningham do you wish to marry Perrie cunningham?"Gushed out liz in a high voice sounding like a alien and making me laugh then blush red as a beetroot when i saw that Perrie was just a little in front of us and he might have heard Liz."Oohh come on Emily you have liked him for who knows how long,why dn't you just tell him your feelings?'asked Liz serious and curious tone in her voice."Um er ur......because what if he doesn't like me?,i mean we have been friends not really that like boyfriend but like you know friends and i have met some members of his family at church and everything i just don't want to make things ackward between the friendship i mean"all the feelings just poured out of me like a river and before i know it i was crying."Aww Em i didn't know you liked him this much"soothed Liz as she handed me a hankie and gave me sone more powder and foudation so my eyes won't look too puffy."Em tommorow is Valtines day and you could get him a little cute card and a box of chocolate and a card?"suggested Liz."Thanks that would be a good idea would you come with me to buy the card and make the chocolate together?i asked liz."Sure"Liz told me,"Because i know you like Alex"I teased."Shhh"was all i got back.

At school i couldn't have the same classes as Perrie because well um he's a year younger than me.But the good thing is that all his classes is next to mine and if he gets in trouble he gets sent to my class!! Plus the extra good news is that a spare seet is the one next to me other than liz on my right and my left against the wall is empty so he gets to sit next to me.Did i say i couldn't have ALL my classes with Perrie?Well i was wrong because we get to do PE with the class younger than us two days a week!! By the way i forgot to show you what i look like:This on top is me(Miley Lee age 16 turninging 17 next year!!)

This is Liz!:same age!!

and this is *Perrie*age 15 turning16)Perrie actually looks waaaaaaay hotter in real life but he wouldn't let me put his photo up because he would be embrassed)Think of Blonde hair and greyish blue eyes and hot hot hot!Now this is Alex

Yeah Alex is age 16 turning 17.

Perrie is very popluar as well in his year, he is a football player also known as a jock with his friends Zeek,josh and Sam.I think his best mate has to be Zeek.And i also found out that Zeek has a crush on Taylor.But i think Taylor likes him back Well i would be happy for them if they ended up as a couple because it would just be really cute. Plus every girl in the school almost thinks Perrie and his friends are cute!Plus Alex and his friends so Liz and i are hoping for the best.Now for alex he is also a jock and is friends with Perrie.Alex really has girls arfter him alot too but we have never seen Alex date someone else yet!!

First class was English,our teacher was Miss Smith.In this class i think all the guys like Liz and me because we were discribed as the popluar girls with my other friends.When Miss smith was in the middle of poetry i saw a little note on my desk,it was from Liz.:looks like some guy likes ya!

I wrote back:No u know that i like u know who.

After that liz didn't write me another love note about a guy.Finally the school day was over and we could go shopping for chocolate for valentines day.

Shop Till We Drop

When we got to wesfeild shopping centre i was only too eager to start the hunt for the perfect card and little box of chocclate."How about we go to the bakery frist"?suggested Liz."sure why not,i mean all the chocclates there are just so cute!!"I answered dreamily thinking about what Perrie would say if he had gotten my chocolate and card.Would he like me back..."Em snap outta it"Liz told me frimly seeing that I was in a daydream.When we had got to the bakery there was so many cute little boxes of chocolates to hugmuas boxes of chocolate.Finally after alot of choosing i deceided on this one:The bottem one is Liz's chocolate and we got some matching love heart little boxes to put our chococlates in.

after that we had to buy our cards so we went into Kmart to look for the perfect cards to give to our dream boys.So after many years of choosing and maybe a little bit of bickering here and there we finally choosed these.The frist one is mine then it's lizs!!Then this one is Liz's!!So when we payed and finished Liz had drove me back home i was sitting on my desk thinking what i should write in my valentines day card.Should i write my name?Or should i just let perrie maybe guess?I mean it is my handwriting.So when i finally decieded this is what i wrote on my card

Dear Perrie,

Since we were young you have always treated me as a friend even when i wasn't as popluar or when I was bullied.You have always stood up for me and you always have been to kind to me.I guess the reason i am sending you this letter because i am too sacred to say my true feelings when i am around you so here goes.I really like you and if you don't like me back then please just forget about it if you do could you please leave a note on the spare english table or in locker number 432 the spare one.I don't want you to know who i am just yet in case things get ackwards between us if you don't feel the same way.

Thank you for reading this letter, from

Mystery girl

that was my letter and i stuck the card on the little box of chocolate and got ready to go to school tommrow.Wow i am nervous already just thinking about my big day!!!!

Valentines day

I came to dance dance

I quickly shut my alarm off and hop in the shower quickly and then choosing my clothes carefully i ended up choosing these:Then i took my backpack from my table and put it beside my bed.While checking that i have my blackberry,iphone,makeup bag,and most importantly my valentines day things and carefully put them in my brown purse bag.After i got everything ready i went downstairs grabbed a popper and my mp3 i went out the door.Soon i had met up with Liz."Did you bring yo chocs"Liz asks trying to start conversation.but i was so nervous all i had managed to do was nod.I thought about it last night i could just put it on his desk before his class starts that would be oky right?"Um Liz i am just going to put Perrie's chocolate on his desk before he gets there so that's why i asked you to meet me so early"i finally managed to say to Liz."Oky doke but I'mma gonna give mine to him''answered Liz trythfully."No way'I answered flabbergastted."Yea I'm not goning to do that"admitted Liz."Then how are you going to give it to him?''i asked shocked how fast she changes her mind."Um same way as you"admitted Liz slowly.'kay"i repield fine that Liz was doing the same thing as me so i wouldn't feel as guiltly if i do it by myself.

When we got to the school i quickly dashed into Perrie's classroom and quickly put the chocolate on his desk and walked out quickly before anyone could notice that i was in the wrong classroom and get suspoious.when Liz and I had met back at our classroom I saw that Liz was really happy for some odd reason."Oky tell me why are you so happy"?i nuge Liz because she was still smiling sheepishly."Oky oky,it's just that i found out alex has broken up with his girlfriend about a month ago and he was only dating her becaus ehe wanted to use her to get meee''sang Liz at the last bit.I really and truley flet happy for liz.Well at least one of us was happy i just couldn't think of what Perrie would say to me.But i Guess even if I don't have to face him today i would have to face him in the afternoon because i tutor him 2-3 times a week and today i had to sleepover at Perrie's hoyse because 1.I need to tutor him.2 My parents are Perrie's parents biffle and they won't be home until late sunday so i basicly have no choice but to stay.3 I like hanging out with Perrie's sisters Imogen and Katy anyway. So when the bell rang Liz had to shout at me before i had woken up from my daydream.Now i was beyond nervous i was a wreck my hands were shaking and i had butterfiles in my stomach.But thankfully i didn't see him until the luch belle rang. "Hey Emily lets go sit with the girls and the boys cuz i think taylor are together with Zeek and Anne has a crush on Josh!"exclaimed Liz."O oky''i sqeaked because sitting with the boys meant that i had to face Perrie.Anyways he doesn't even know the writing cuz i had my mum write it.I know clever right?.When we sat down i saw that Taylor was snogging Zeek as if they were glued together until Liz cleared her troat.They broke away,Taylor looked a little pink while Zeek looked very...smug?Until i saw Perrie was holding MY chocolates AND my card!!.I saw Liz was about to spill when I gave her a glare saying you tell you're dead."Um Perrie who did you get that from"?I choked out to him."Uhh i found it on my desk,it was really cute that a girl likes me but i already like someone else"replied Perrie.When he had said those words i just had a quiet meltdown until i realised i needed to do this by myself alone or maybe with Liz."Umm bathroom right back"I mumbled.I rushed to the bathroom and locked myself in a cubicule and had a meltdown.Until Liz came and demanded i came out and she could comfort me which took me 10 mintues until Liz had threathend to break down the door."Look Emily he diddn't know who that card was from so the person he like could be you"soothed Liz."B b but in h his gra d de there ar e e  gi r rls cuter than m m me i stutted out.But they are very rude or just bad and you're a very good person who everyguy in our school practiaccly likes"teased Liz.After a bit i felt better and i fixed my makeup a little and went outside."What did one of you fall down a toilet or something cuz you were in there for about 15 minutes' Zeek joked."Oh um i ran out of..... um girlstuff you don't wanna know" i leis through my teeth.But then i saw Perrie was trying to match the writing with my notebooks writung and i have to say when i write neat i write like my mum!!."What are you doing looking through my things''i snapped at Perrie.Then snatching my book i quickly put it in my bag and ran.


Cilff hanger guys um plz comment if i could get about 5-10 likes or comments i will keep writing thx


"w w wait up"gasped Liz as she catched up to me half way to the parking lot."Why was Perrie looking through my things?'' I grumbled.By now Liz's breathing was up to normal."I might have let something slip on accident"confessed Liz."Awww Liz"I complained.It was on accident and he admitted the person he liked was you when you went into the bathroom"coaxed Liz."Your just making that up so I'll be less mad after"I pointed out."No i swear that everything is true and i wasn't susoped to tell you"stated Liz.When liz had finished that sentance my heart just leapt with joy and my world just turned PINK with LOVE. "Tell me everything that's happened before you went after me in the chase"I demanded from Liz."Well he just said it would be really swell if it was from you because he liked you from primary school and um wanted you to be his girlfriend,and he also said he will do his very best to get in the same universty as you because as today you are the love of his life and blah blah about that"concluded Liz."Please say no swear that your not lying"I begged."Nope all true from the depth of hell"claimed liz."YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"I yelled to myself,as Liz roared with laughter.


Sleepover at Perries

"No Perrie you times x with y then you times it with a2"I explained."Thanks Emily"repleid Perrie.I smiled to myself as Perrie consentrated so hard he was almost going to break the pencil. After we had finished Perrie started to talk about Valentines day card."Um so was it from you"asked Perrie."Umm er yes it was"i muttered.Before i knew what happened Perrie's lips crashed into mine and my hands were around hos neck.His hands were around my waist,until he bit on my bottem lip asking for entrance i waited a bit teasing him then gave it to him.We were like that until Imigon walked in on us.We broke apart."Um just wanted you guys to know that dinner is ready"said Imigon."Uhh yeach Em I just wanna say I permit it for you to date my brother"smirked Imigon as she left.Then I blushed red as a tamato."So um do wanna be my er...."asked Perrie hopefully."Umm lets see"I teased,"Your handsome rich like me and how can i say no".Then Perrie just smiled his dazzling smile at me.

At dinner I think Imigon blabbed to everyone in her family because Kelly Perrie's mum purposly made me go to the kitchen and help her with the dishes when there wasn't any dishes to wash."So i heard your ittle moment with Perrie after you finished homework"delearled Kelly."Um well i like him i thought that maybe you might....."i sqeak thinking that Kelly didn't want me to date Perrie because I was a year older or something.Or maybe she was going to saw Perrie would do better with a next door neighbour or something.But as Kelly saw the frightned look on my face she quickly said"No no dear I agree because you are a really good person and evrything,but I just wanted to ask you if you really like Perrie or you were just being nice"qustioned Kelly."No I really like Perrie"stated back to Kelly.With those words her eyes shined and she told me to go back to dinner.

After dinner I had to change into my pjs and I would be sharing a room with Imigon!This is what my Pjs look likeI know right cute.When i finished changing i went to Imigons room and lay on the top bunk of the bed.This night was offically the best night ever

Breakfast in the cunning-hams house



Texte: Google and myself
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: My biffle Christina
Übersetzung: Noone
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.12.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Um this is actually a real life story i mean my real life story even the names are real!!

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