
Love at first sight!

"Leanor hurry up,the mall is gonna close in a zillon years"Joked my best friend Jade.The truth was that the mall is open day and night."kay kay almost done"I called to Jade."AAccccggghhhh"Jade grouned you take forever.When i was finally ready i was wearing a aquasih purplish v neck short sleaved top and blue shorts with tan high heels andd a big tan bag with all my walet iphone and hugmous box of makeup which is actuallty pretty light.I have long light brown hair and when it gets down to the bottom it is carmal colour. my hair was down to my butt, I have a little tan skin.I had some makeup on and jewlary. I have brown eyes with very long lashes so i normally only wear a tiny bit of masare,and when i do they make my eyes look like the size of Aficia!! Then i pulled out my Mp3 and listened to music. Jade has Dark brown hair hair up to her back but my hair is way longer than Jades.She has grey eyes and normal eyelashes.She was wearing asinglet same as mine but hers was redish and pinkish with dark blue shorts while mine were faded. jade had on black high heels and she had a dark brown bag. Jade a bit of jewlary on too.

Once we got to the mall we had looked in some shops and bought a thing or two when louis Thomsonline from one direction and started talking to me! I was just standing there like a fool because i was a fan!! i was awoken by my daydream when Jade had elbowed me. ''Pardon"was all i magned to say."Well I asked if you lovley ladies would join One direction and i for luch"?asked Louis gorgosly agin.I don't know if Jade Know it but my heart was melting inside me because he was so cute and hawt."Sure"Jade blutered before I could even answer.

When he had brundg me to the lunch table with all the other boys i was really nervous because i didn't want to embrass myself infront of louis."Hey stop staring at louis"Jade whipered very queity in my ear,"You'll start drooling anytime now"joked Jade. Quickly i blushed and looked down. While the others chatted about other things and then the concert tonight came up."So do you guys have tics to the concert tonight"?asked Zayn. "Umm no they were all sold out even through jade and i slept outside the store and i mean it we just sat on the benches"I exclaimed,"and when we woke up at dawn we even waited for 15 minutes for the lady to open the shop!,but when i asked when there was anymore tickets to see you guys she said they were all sold out even throught i could see about 10 on the desk"I gushed.The boys were suprised to hear me talking because i had been so quiet."chill"answered Louis kindly handing Jade and i tickets and special backstage passes."Ttthanks"I stutter. Then i reached inside my bag, took out my wallet and handed louis $20. He tired to give it back but i had insisted. "Thanks"he says after that.

When they had payed for luch Jade and i said pur goodbyes because we had to go shopping for tonight's concert."They were so nice and I think Louis likes you because he gave you tickets and he didn't even want the money"Said Jade as soon as we were out of earshot. "I don't think so"I repeild shlyly."kk"Jade answered but i knew she  had douted my answer but i didnn't even know myself so.....

jade had got her dress it was a pale blue colour with brown belt and a rose under the didn't have any strapes it had a little v in the middle it stops in mid thigh, i got the same but my colour was aqua. We both got brown high heeled shoes and a nude colour little purse. I had bought a 5 carat diamong necklace real sliver,it was aqua too to match my dress. Jade got a 5 carat diamond necklace too but light blue just a little darker than mine. Arfter that we went to get smoothies and we ran into the boys.I got mango and lychee while Jade got mago and peach.The boys got smoothies too.then Louis asked if could see my dress."It's a surprise"Replied jade quickly. "I knew you would saw that because it's a formal thing ehh"grinned louis.That just mad e my face heat up.Then we said our goodbyes and said that we would meet them tonight at the concert.


The formal evening*__*/concert

Arfter i had my dress and shoes on i put my makeup on and got my new purse and stuffed my stage pass and tickets in with my phone blacberry for texting, and my purple and blue wallet.Then i put my neckace on.When i was done i waited for about 3 minutes while Jad was getting her hair striaghtend mine was curled.

When i pulle dinto the parking lot i found my place and stepped into the ticket booth surronded by body guards.Arfter they cheaked the tickets an dpasses they had let us through at the V.I.P section beacause louis had given me special passes. Then i saw Louis with another girl,then i reconsed her it was that girl louis was dating but didn't they break up a month ago? But i guess they're just friends now."Wow you look stunning Louis comlimented me i while the other boys were catching up.Then i saw that little miss perfect glaring at me like i was i slug rather than a person."Who's he louis"She almost purred."Ohh sorry forget to introduces you guys this is my ex holly and this is my new friends Jade and Eleanor.I noticed when he had said my name thier was a smile in his voice i think Holly heard it too that's why she gave me another death glare but louis saw that one. "hey holls I thought you were over me"he asked her."Well i diddn't expect you to start dating so soon!'exclaimed Holly."Well lets think about this Holls it's been a month and she is jsut a friend"explained Louis. "Ahhh sure Louis"sneered Holly,last time you said that it was with me. While the fight was going on Jade and i just stood there like we were total starngers. "Umm Holly"?I aske shyly,"I umm only see louis as a friend so you guys can get back togrther you know"I explained kindoff awardly.Ohh noo before i even knew what i was saying i just blutered it out and yes i did a fellings for louos strong ones!! When i said that i think i saw Louis's face show sadness and rejection. "Well umm see you round'' Louis called then he was gone.

***Louis ***

I can't beleive she just said that i thought that she at least would like me a little.Then i forced my face into a grin said something to her and then i walked off.i mean why would she do that to me?Wait lou you have just met this girl this avo and why do i evn care about her?Yeah i thought to myslef why do i like her?Ohh I don't know remarked my brain,her charm,her smile,her knidness and her prettyness?Oky i admit i kndof like her. But...wait what did i say to her before i walked off?Ohhhh no i hope i diddn't make a fool outof myself.


Before Jade or i knew what we were even doing the whole party were sitting on chairs in a circle playing truth or dare.Suddnely the bottle had landed on me."Oky Eleanor your dare is to kiss louis"answered harry cheekly.i saw Louis perk up at the thought of me kissing him.I had turned tamarto red on my face."Ahhhhh, does somebady has a crush on louis"asked Nail playfully.That made me blush even harder.Louis looked kinda... smuge about the fact of kissing me."Fine one little pecck and that's it right"I asked nervously at harry."Yup and you have tosit in his lap for the rest of the game."WHAT"I almost shouted."You heard me Eleanor"mocked Harry playfully.Slowly i got up from my seat and pecked Louis on the lips.God his lips were so soft and juciy.Suddenly i pulled away."Harry said only a peck"I replied smugly,smirking."hey haz do me a favoutr next time it lands on Eleanor make her makeout with me"Joked Louis."Heyy shut up"I called playfully over.Then when i was walking back to me seat harry cougged so i grabbed my bag and sat on Louis's Lap.Holly didn't take that very well,she was about to hit me when two pretty girls came to my was a bruttnete laim's girlfirend Dannelle and zayn's girlfriend Perrie the blonde. They pushed Holly out of the way before she slapped me and introuced themsevles."Hey"I repield back to both of them.I knew Iwas going to get on well with them.Then when i sprang the bottle i landed on Perrie,i did Zayn and Perrie a favour."Hey pez i'm gonna do ya a favour go with zayn in the cupboard not 7 minutes in heaven but 70 minutes in heaven.I saw that perrie gave me a thanks wink back and gave me 1000 bucks.since perrie wasn't here i got another go and grinned cheekly and it landed on Louis."truth or dare"I asked him,"Dare"."Oky then","then i dare you to go sit in my chair" i squeked out because i was laughing to hard from the look of pure anger and hatred on his face about moving.Finally Louis did move.The game continued on and i got a text from louis and got all 1ds text names and phone numbers.Then they did they're singing.Arfter that louis asked jade and i to stay with them on the tour!1



The 1d tour^__*

I have packed everything and we're now sitting in the 1d bus with Jade today i am wearing this:


With these heels:

The red doted ones.

Jade was wearing this:While sitting in the bus the boys were all in there own conversations so Jade and i whipped out our phones and started texting like mad,but after a few minutes Perrie and Danni came and started chatting to us."Well i met Zayn when we were in the MTV awards",explained Perrie"And when we had won they had came to congratulate us and then we were introuced together.Then it was Dann's turn."I had met Laim when he was on the Xfactor,Simon had asked for backround dancing and I was picked"gushed Danni."After rehurals he just asked me out then and there."explained Danni.''Anyways enough about us,do you gurls like anybody from 1d?asked Danni."Well curlyhead is taken"blurted out Jade then she blushed like mad.Then Perrie had caught me staring at perfect louis again."Well well well"tsked Perrie playfully," I think somebody has a crush on Lou"teased Perrie. Gosh i wish i could just strangle her then and there, because Louis had heard.So then he gave me a playful/flirty smirk. I just blushed then and there.

When we had arrived i was getting out of the bus and landed in Louis's arms,he had lent in to ask me if i was oky when snap a photograph was shot of us by a phtographer.Great now people are going to think that luis and i were a couple.which we are not but i would love it if we were.I quickly got up and walked to jade muttering a thank you to louis."Omg look no don't look, you know that louis totally lokes you right Leaner''squeled Jade.""J he does not like me he has Holly".I rooled my eyes at Jade playfully."But he brokeup with that douche a month or two ago"jade remined me.Ture it wouldn't hurt."Whateves"I called over as i rejoined the group.When we had caught on Perrie told me that they were going on stage and we should just take a vip pass and a ticket.So we did.But us four girls didn't wanna watch the concert so we were in the make up room doing make overs.Perrie had put blackesishsliver eyesadow on me with Mascaure and lipgloss.While Danni was puttig the samething on jade except blackish blusih eyesadow.Then we swapped so Jade and i did they're makeups,and i do admit we are really good cause i normally will put a little makeup on.Arfter the concert we had driven to the hotel.At the hotel we had unpacked a little bit and put on pjs decieding to watch some movies. this red on is mine and the black one is Jades:I know totally cute right?

The Hotel

The pjs we had worn were totally cute with my dark pink thongs and Jade Dark blue thongs on our feet it looked great. Louis was staring at my chest the whole time.I know it was only  a little low cut i mean come on.Jade and i are both C cups big right?Then i sat down on Louis's lap cuz jade just sat on the last bit of room.She had mothed me a ur welcomed look.I just scowled at her.Louis however was staring at my chest.Finally i deside to pkay a game with him."Who wants to play truth or dare"?i ask.So everyone played."Oky i dare you to take your top off"Louis said with the biggest smirk i have ver seen."You are such a perve"I shoute d at him.But i still take y shirt off revealing my light pink lacey bra only coveru half of my chest."Stp staring Lou your gonna drool.Jade resuced me by spinning the bottle on my on purpose and daring me to put my shirt back on."Hey you rewined my view"Pouted Louis.I gave him a death glare.Then Naill dared Perrie to strip right in front of all of them.And she just said i'll strip for zayn in his room and they were off again.Then it got boring so we played spin the bottle.Louis spinned it and it landed on me.I just blushed like mad since i liked Louis and kissed him.When my lips were on top of his our lips just moved together until somebody cleared their throt loudly.We still didn't stop until harry and Naill pulled us apart.When i was pulled off by Harry I was just blushing so much.Then the bottle landed between harry and danni.Harry gave danni a cheeky wink, then laim pulled Danni onto his lap and said"sorry she's taken"then stared making out with her and i mean it!They're just sitting there until it was just me and Louis."So would you go out with me?"asked louis sweetly.I jumped on his lap and kissed him the answer."I'll take that as a yes then"smiled Louis

The Hate mail and fans

When word got out that we were togther everywhere i went with Louis had screaming fans and some wasn't very nice."Louis you derserve better than that ugly girl"scremed a red haired fan.Then there was a chant."KILL ELEANOR,KILL ELEANOR"screamed the fans,some tryed to stop irt but failed.I just took my bag and ran back to the hotle.I ran into Jade and my room and started crying.(by the way iw aas wearing this today jade was wearing this)red is jade blue is mine.Ps i have a big brown bag Jade a a big bright orangidh yellowish bag.
"What's wrong"Jade asks concerned. Louis comes in."Eleanor i'm sorry for what happened with the fans they are always like this it happened with Perrie and Danni to"smoothed louis.Then Louis started rocking me in his lap."You promise it will stop soon"?iask Louis quietly.


Texte: Me
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: Nobody!!!
Übersetzung: no one
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.12.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This is for one direction and manly for Louis and Eleanor, i hope your love life goes well and er good luck with the engagement.I will update soon!!

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