
Zayn's hometown

We were on the frist class seats in the plane going to zayn's homeland.What if they diddn't like me i thought worridly.Zayn must have seen me tremble because he said"Babe don't worry evry at the house will love you". "what if your litlle sisters best friend still donsn't forgive me because now that your my boyfriend?"i asked worridly."She will get over it because there are two guys still single at the band". "Only hazza is left" i corectted."so whos Lou datin?"asked Zayn sweetly. "I heard from hazza that lou met Elaener on the train and it was Allie all over again!" I repleid isn't it amazing!, only hazza left"i gushed. "Your right love if hazza dosen't find anybody soon he might end up as a lonely old man"joked zayn. Zayn and I talked the rest of the way.

A new town!

As Zayn was driving i kept on babling qustions at him."Do we live with yuor mum or do you have your own house and we just visit her alot?"i asked anxious to hear the answer. " Babe chillax,yes i do have my own house, but we are going to live with them for about a week"answered zayn."But we drop most of our stuff at my place cuz that we're we are going to spend most of our time" conyiuned zayn. Can i just take maybe a bag?'I squeaked. "sure we'll take one bag of luggage each" said zayn reasuringly.

Meeting the family.

Arfter zayn and i packed most of our stuff into his three story gorgous house,we had taken on e medium size luggage each and walked to his mum's house.It oly took us about 3 minutes really beacuses zayn's mum's house was just across the road. I was wearing a short sleaved tee shirt with purple light blue and aqua on it(my scars were much better,Zayn took me to a doctor to have surgery to remove the scaring) and aqua shorts with broen sandels and a big brown hand bag. My hair wasplated sideways but even plated it was still up to my bottom. i had a bit of jewlary on and some make up.  Zayn ws wearing a white nike tee with blue at one sleave and red at the other with read ahort jeans and black converse.

When we got to the house like zayn said the whole family met us at the door welcoming us and giving us kisses and hugd.Even zayn's sister's best friend couldn't help but give me a smile.When we were finally settlated down at the table. We gave evry their pesants. I got zayn's mum Charlotte a botlle of rose perfume and Zayn's dad Hobart a 12 carat gold watch. I then playfully gave Zayn's sister jessica hazza's number. Zayn playfully then glared at me and tried to snatch the number out of jessica's hands but failed. I laughed as i watch the constunt fight going on.When Charlette said that we could have some time to settle in while she insisted on making dinner. I don't know how Zayn did it but we got to share a room!

When we we went down to dinner i knew that Cahrlotte had made lasgna my favourite. When charlottle was serving she had h]giving Zayn one third of the platter and let me say that platter ws as big as half a medium size table and Charlotte had made four platters of them yum!! And the best thing is Charlotte still magages to add cheeder cheese extra thick! Charlotle gave me the second most and then gave Hobart half the platter and then the last three shared the remainging quater of food. Even through i eat so much i could never get fat once i had eaten a quater of a hughmumous choclate cake and still havenn't gained a singlr gram! I do have majoor curves too!


Jealously,not avery good felling*---*

In the morning i had woken up extra early got out of zayn's arms and put on some make up up my hair in a messy type of bun and got some comfy home time tee shirt on with pjama type shorts and put on my slippers and went down stairs to make pancakes for evrybody. I frist made about 20 pancakes and then looked through the cupboard for cream jam surpup and some fruit to cut up after the pancakes cooled downa little every started to come in and eat the pancakes adding which ever topping they wanted. "This is really good Adrain"Remarked charlotte. "please call me Rain"I answered sweetly. Since only the guys and some friends were aloud to call me moe and anyways i diddn't think charlotte would approve anyways.

After breakfast i changed into a pretty blue casual dress with brown sandals and the same brown bag. I did my hair the same as yesterday. Then Zayn Got Changed and he wore a dark blusish greenish colour top with amber coloured short jeans up to his knees. Just as we were about to head out Jessica came to us. "Zayn you promsed me that as soon as you come back you would spend some time with me."pouted jessica. "Well Zayn and i were about to go to the park would you like to come?" i asked trying to be nice. " i would but then could you stay home?'Remarked Jessica." Jess watch it" Zayn told her frimly,"Eain was just trying to be nice to you". "Well she didn't even need to invite me i could just come along beacuse you are my brother not hers!"Repield jessica a bit of saddness and jealously in her voice. "Jess you know that i love you very mucha nd the same to Rain" answered Zayn gently. "Come on jess you can come too" i called to her sweetly.



With jessica tagging along Zayn and Rain could only go to the park. So they went to a park with some rides and things that you could win. For the frist one you havr to throw darts and Zayn hit the bull's eye twice winning a big pretty bunny for rain but then Jess ica pouted that she wanted it so rain gave t the her nicely.After quite a few mor egame sand rides they stopped to ahve lunch. Zayn had bpught a huge subway sandwich with fries and Rain had bought @ tuna shushis while they had bought Jessica( Age 11) a happy meal from maccas with large fries and coke.

After luch we went into a ghost house, there were mummies with knifes with fake blood on it a i swear i thought i saw a zombie carry a real human head! There were also lots of fake blood on the walls and dripping of the clining."Aaaaaaaaaacccccccckkkkkkk"Jessica scremed as a lot of fake blood dripping on her."My shirt is so ruined"pouted Jessica."How about after this we could go shopping and buy you a new shrit?'i asked kindly."Yes please or i willl just die beause Zayn finally got one direction to sign my shirt"gushed Jessica. "hey no biggie i can call the boys to sign the shirt again when Zayn goes on tour again."Will you really?''asked Jessica eargerly,"ohh can you get Harry to call me back?, i have called him about ten times but he just won't answer!"exclaimed jessica."Just calm down why don't we get you a new shirt frist?''i repield.

Shopping with Jessica

You migth think where i was getting all the money and it was from my mum.My mum now cares about me and works now,so does Todd.So evry week they would just send me 98% of what they earn every week so i'm knidof rich now."Ohh that is so cute''exclaimed Jessica."Can i have that too?,and that"Jessica asked eagerly pointing at a mini skirt."Hey jess one top that was all Rain promised you not the whole store"joked Zayn. "Kay can i have this top then?"asked Jessica pointing at a aqua singlet top with purple on it."Sure'' i repeild happily. It was really cheap only $3.00 so i took two for myself one red with light pink on it and one that was the same as Jessica's."Hey no fair i only have one"pouted Jessica."well save up your allowance next time then'' i grinned at Jessica's look of horoor like she never have heard the word save up before.Then i said in a undertone to Zayn "how much money does she get every week"? i asked. "Jess well she gets about 20 bucks a week"repield Zayn smugly.

Arfter i payed for those i said i needed to get some new shoes so i went to kmart that's where i saw all the make up and jewlary and clothes and shoes they were all so cheap that i turly bought evry make up thing:lipgloss to lipstick,nailpolish(all the colours),masarure,eyeliner everything. I also bought all the hand bags and jewlary earrings rings braclets hair ties shoes:High heels to sandels.Most importanly clothes everything that ws in my size so with all the clothes i bougth i also bought Five hughmunous purple suitcases. They were having 99% off sale how lucky am i! so i only paid about 70 bucks with all the things i had to drive alone in Zayn's car to fit all the things in and even that wasn't enough so we had to put some in my car and that was saying something because zayn had the newest Jeep and it was huge.

The fight

When  was driving i had called Zayn to meet me at his house because i had to drop all my things off.After thatw as all sorted i had taken about a small luggage bag to take some of my new things to zayn's parents house.Since we got there early i made dinner i had made shushi of every sort and kind. I had one tuna and cumber and on ewith crab,lettce and mayo.Zayn had the tuna,crab,beef and chicken.Jessic ahad salmon with mayo and chicken with mayo. Charlotte had two tuna with cumber.Hobart had two tuna and avaado,two beef and one chicken.Everyone loved the shushis i had made."Super yum babe"Zayn had whispered in my ear causing me to giggle.

When i was in the garden taliking to Jessica Zayn had called me."Adrain could you come in here please"Zayn called down from upstairs.Ohno please don't be another fight i prayed as i remebered our last fight in las vegas. When i got in the room i knew at once that Zayn was upset about something."what's wrong?,anything you wanna talk about?''I asked nervously. Zayn just showed me his phone and it was a video of Eli and i before hed had cancer i forgot we even made that.The video showed us singing and mucking about and we ended up on top of each other playfully. Back then i had no feelings for him so he was just my best friend. "i knew this was to good to last you are just like Perrie.As soon as he said those words i dashes out of the house with my small trunk and my lugage nag attched to it and my handbag.I was wearing a aqua top with some purple on it with light blue skinny jeans and brown high heeled boats toady it was very chlli.On the way down i bumped into Jessica and she told her mum she was coming with me and she was wearing a greenish bluish long sleeved top with black tights and aqua coverse and a brown hand bag like mine but much smaller, we both had make up and jewlary on but my hand bag was super big.

Breakup get back together what are we? oh yea we're in love!!

I called a taxi and asked it to take us to a hotel that One direction had stayed at before.When we got there i had to wake jessica up and i booked the hotel for a week. When we went up to our room i said to Jessica"We're not going to unpack to much because i want to get things sorted ut with Zayn,but if he doesn't want to slove the problem then i guess it's over'' i squeake dout sadly."Well I know for one thing is that Zayn puts a lot of trust in people but he he sees evidence that the person he put his trust inyo usn't trustworthy he just screams and has a meltdown" soothed jessica."I think Zayn likes you very much because he ate your tuna shushi even through he didn't like tuna"continued jessica."Wow zayn really must love me because if i hated something and someone i loved made it for me to eat i still won't eat it"repeated Rain.Then Rain told her the stiry of her and Eli and explaining the video.

In the evening when they were having dinner Jessica sectrectly called zayn and tld him the same story that rain had told her,when zayn noticed his mistake he wanted to come straight awy and get rain and her but then Jessica said"give her some time Y you made the mistake and you made her so upset i think shes in the bathroom crying right now.And indeed Rain was crying but not about Zayn but about how she had missed Eli.

When a coulple of days passed Zayn came to get them and Rain was pleased that Jessica had told him the story and Zayn said that he won't make the mistake again and he ought to have listened to her.

One month later

Zayn and rain had moved out of Charlotte's and hobart's hous eand lived by themsevels for a while then the holiday was over and they were on tour again.This time it looks like Laim and dannielle are having some problems with their love life.I guess no one is perfect.Louis an deleanor are still going as strong as ever Harry is still a bachler as Adrain said Harry might still die alone you never know!!!


Texte: is to jasmine for writing the first book and myself.
Bildmaterialien: images copyright goes to bookrix
Lektorat: my best friend christina
Übersetzung: no one it is always english!!!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.11.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This is for Jasmine the author of the first book who gave me this idea to write the second book.Um this book is free and i hope all the other directioners will like it. I am myself a big fan!! Sorry i didn't finish i will update it in a few days !! promise

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