

The world around you is full of lies and I will tell you one truth I know, but you do not know. In this world, Earth, there live dragons, gumiho (nine-tailed fox), phoenix, unicorns, mermaids, the Loch Ness Monster, and all the creatures you can imagine. I am not telling you a joke right now, but I am serious. I saw them myself. You might question yourself: “why don’t I see them if they are real?” I will answer it for you. You don’t see them because they disguise themselves as human beings and live among you. Maybe some of your friends around you are one of these creatures. Who knows? Now, you will ask me if I am one of them. Also, you will ask me how I know these things. To begin with, I will tell you that I am a human like you, but I won’t answer all the questions in your mind right now. I will tell you through my story. I didn’t know that those creatures existed before this story.



The sun was still hiding behind the hills when I entered the gate of the Blue House. The cold breeze softly tickled the shrubs beside the pathways and the shrubs started to dance. Across the green, large, empty, grass field, I saw the three traditional Korean buildings with blue roofs. My first workplace looked majestic but lonely. I checked the time on my watch to see if I was late. After realizing that I was twenty minutes early, I enjoyed my free time while looking around the workplace.


Before telling you what happened to me next, I want to tell you some interesting facts about me. I promise you that I won’t say unnecessary things, such as ‘I am a Korean,’ ‘I am a 27-year-old male,’ etc. So let me describe myself and my past. Working in Blue House, especially in politics, as your first job is almost impossible. So am I a genius? No. Before 10th grade, I was 120th in my grade. (There were 131 people in my grade.) My average grade was an F for every subject. To work in the Blue house through politics, you need to pass a difficult test, which is harder than A Level, SAT and other high school exams around the world. But something special happened to me in my 11th grade. This made my grade rise dramatically from all Fs to all A+s. I didn’t find a new tuition teacher, but I started to use magic. Yes, what you are thinking is right: I became a magician. A Wizard! Neither my mum nor my dad is a magician; they’re ordinary people. I don’t know how I gained this power. In addition, I didn’t know how to use the unbelievable powers at first. I practiced day and night and, finally, I mastered it. Using the magic, I copied on the test. Honesty and innocence were no more available to me. I forgot what guiltiness meant after a few more tests. I became corrupted. I won’t explain more to you because I am pretty sure you got the idea. I am an opportunist.


I strolled lazily along the pathway to the main building. I wanted to step on the well-grown grass, which was next to the pathway, but I didn’t. It was just before the working time when I heard fast-paced footsteps gradually growing louder. I knew that someone was running towards me. Just as I tried to tilt my body, someone crashed into me. Immediately after a loud crashing sound, I fell down on the asphalt floor. I turned my head to see who has bumped into me. It


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.04.2017
ISBN: 978-3-7438-0579-8

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