
Benjamin Kovacs

The Dreamer famulus

Table of contents

The dream

Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Replica ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Apostrophia ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Knights of dreams ... ... ... ... ... ....
Odyssey ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Autognozis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Modification ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Coitus ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Aphasia / Antiaphasia ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
Á.P.SZ-out of lethargy. ... ... ... ... ...
Village-ideal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Communication ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
Famulus ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Child Psychoanalysis ... ... ....
Child Futuristica ... ... ... ... ..
Controllation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
Thanato ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Empathy ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Sympathy ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
The third dimension ... ... ... ... ...
Repeat, repeat ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
-Two is a nightmare between !................
Truth ?!.....................................
The reality
Friend ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Credulous ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Physics ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Mathematics ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Chemistry ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Physiology ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Collective privacy ... ... ... ....
Mastery !.......................................
Constellation meaning ... ... ...
Neurology, dream ... ... ... ... ... ...
Archive dreams ... ... ... ... ... ...
PS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Benjamin Kovacs

the Dreamer Famulus

“I recommend the book to my dear friends, my teachers and my family, but most of all colleges in Hungary where the dreams and the psychology of dealing with their report!”

First part:The dream

The Dreamer
(Like an abaut word.)

... A stereotypical crap ...
(November 2006)

What's your dream? "Some say that pain, horror, horrors.
Others believe that wonderful brain szüleményeiből created magic.
Well no matter, everyone thinks the truth of their own.
But one thing is for sure. NOT REALITY.? "Well, that someone, anyone, only your imagination. I do not know.
I could not even dream of a couple who already understands.
But there is no more wonderful than a child's fantasy world.
The flow of things in the universe works.
Of the universe, and only makes it possible that we live the dream.
If there would be no universe, Milky Way system and the planets other than Earth, then there would be no dream. In other words, the only cause dreams, who has a world of imagination.
Very simple. There is space in the heart of all of us, what few have seen life-size.
The kids always want to have their completeness, they are also high in the middle of the slopes.
The middle of world as always the kid, and so it will be forever and ever.
Egyptian, Chinese people in ancient times the stars are studied using the river flooding, and what I saw, I redream the next day.
Is there any meaning in dreams?
Well ... someone that is, some say no.
There are dreams that do not remember, there are those you never forget.: This can be both good and bad.
The dreams are pejorative and undesirable.
Well, think it would be nice if every dream, the dream would be boring and the imagination.
If all the poor would be equally applicable.
Expression is evident in the dreams is not found.
Because we do not understand them.
What are we?
Have a dream axiomatic that there is no bother him.
Yet now that much of the elemental dreams. The dream is now very poorly circumscribed and stereotyped.
Now brings you a world that is both funny and scary.


"I'm sleepy and can not sleep;
I'm awake and still dreaming. "
/ Sandor Petofi /

Replacements: no This property is a rather an expression of what I say.
The dreams do not reflect nothing but the truth and error as well.
Things now look at the paralógia part.
I have a small child, say, to 8 years. Expects it to fall asleep and admit him to the world of dreams, but here is the rub.
What if the kids get a feeling of true Algesia? Die? Probably. Algesia medicine point of view of the simplicity of a seizure, causing sudden fright effect creates a state of shock, which begins to bleed due to the inner part of the human ear. Appears in the dream of our own people.
This is terrible, what the mother wakes up her child, listen and find the bleeding in his bed. It is very simple: the bad dreams. Let's talk about just a little bit.:
There are some terrible events in life are worth our childhood.
The trauma of a catharsis that would not be able to describe and explain in words.
.Just crying. These dreams, do not anyhow.
Maybe that dream malicious, like a tumor. Walk into that point in your brain and die. More mikromania able to return much of the dream as ever took place. Replica? "No!" The now is not: this might mean.
The neuralgia (Neurokinetikus shock, or prolonged illness which attacks the nervous system), a serious dream, accident, or in case of nervousness.
These things some shaken.
Do not miss a dead child or the family life of the people.
The dreams are very disszharmony, even the good dreams as well. A good sleep is also bad. Maybe we do not know, but I have. Very well. Such catharsis so I wish the man no one, because it may be that the lives of others or on their own plays.
... This is a replica of the word "here" sense.
Whoever invented this word is not thought through what you will find out.
Are all part of the dream itself constitutes a dimension within which replica, that is not understood. These parts as a criminalisztic have to discharged and is summarized in the picture.


"A few thousand years ago, a Chinese sage butterfly dream. After he awoke, he could no longer decide whether she dreamed of a butterfly, or a dream for him. "
/ Vavyan Fable /

Agree to describe someone. But who? Well, yes.
They exist. What is this word? A stain of someone we think, who do not or are absent. It is a sin? "Not only for ourselves, for us lies in the ability of Aposztrófia. Well, yes, sin! Not a great one. We think a person should say, two eyes a nose, hair, mouths, but we've missed something? "But what?. A bloody, stupid, pointless, due to the ears of our lives hell?" No! "But it left out the tab.
A dream if there is no perfect human figure is the dream becomes a nightmare. Why. Perfectionism in the dreams of endeavor. But I was ashamed, I can not say anything more on this, just say that everything you need to pay attention when we create form.
If you take too long for the hands and feet or his nose, yet it is a nightmare.
We can not be sure that the person has created yet created. This is a fiction that what happens why.
In fact, here are the best. Even the name is also given.
That what we decide it ourselves. Even though my birth I did not even have yet another self-consciousness. The invention is called "king." Funny, but I've born I possess. But not talking about this now, why.
Get the worst of our childhood dreams.
There are also the preamble to redream or person, or his dream. Strange, yet doctors do not know the answer to why we are fictitious persons. Maybe because it's an innovative idea from me, but one thing is certain: Do not trust them because they often turn against us.
Such an analogy in the book I have described.
Namely, the "Knights of dreams" in the next chapter in a series.
Three of someone about what you dreamed of this day and i redream. Replica? Yes, this replica! Is there a way to make your own brother will be the greatest enemy ....

Knights of the dream.

"The eyes opened dream pictures can not hug him, and neither can I always dreamed that life bumpy road shaking. "
/ Bolyai /

We all dream of. In the dream we all feel a certain autocracy. This is just a kind of fiction is what I am saying is not to be taken by way of cash but it's also a theory is a thesis .. Let's look at the beginning.
Appear in our dreams, which want to be and also what is not-.
I went to bed, and you're an infernal universe I found myself. aka dream. My dreams are processed in a series like eg.: A born wives, Dr. House, etc .... This means always the same redreaming a faint difference. So, in my dream I am writing through the pages and ominous feeling you. So, three people. Me, my brother and a childhood friend, not to mention his name but he meant to the team.
The three of us to announce a phantom image. Why?? Soon find out. Can begin .... We started across the street (It's a dream)
Motor racing and who won his last held the street.
Just not with my brother who does not understand or a friend, but a band leader. They also had three of them.
In an ideal thought came to mind, but because the engine is ready fell. (I believe everyone wins when the opponent, well watch out) Yes, I fell back then?
Came to possess the power of what we call the bioastronautica, also known as flight capability. I could fly!
Every dream that I used my ability. Replica!
Here we go again talking about paralógia which never happened.
Looking like a fool? "I understand. I am. But has the intuition to the flies. The three of us we have an adventure into a dream that others are just "could not even dream". Well. The adventure or digression I do not know whether to call ... Be start!


"Everything would have been easier if we were of the same material as our dreams. "
/ Boris Palotai /

Odyssey, an adventure that is átérzés.
We live our dreams through many adventures. I have lived through a lot, this is something you do not always remember.
The following happened: Back in the motorcycle accident, ...
To feel pain in dreams? "This is surely just the thing generálikus observation. Knocks, we feel, I feel, if you knock down my hand, or any of my body, but a major pain in the brain, our brain actually can not deliver.
The dream was whether or not I told you that I can fly. We thought We develop a Brunch. The szenthármasság if I may say so. A demilitarized zone were selected for this purpose. What is it called "other side".
An old couple who lived in a zone known as the team boss. This paralógiszikus term, because they knew that in reality, pale purple vapor not know who they are.
(Even I do not have, nor even in the dream in reality.)
In my dreams, this old couple has helped us in solving problems.
Its perfection is the perfect dream.
Three of the tasks we have solved, but this task the old couple had to turn to male members.
After all, who else could have helped the boy as a man?
Well, the first mission ,we want to travel into the future, well, I do not know why but I wanted to travel.
Stupidity! Since it is also one of the replica that did not make sense to travel, but travel ,that we want to be..
Elektans was that this task had to be solved.
The old man had a time machine in the basement, but was worn out. In other words, it did not work.
What do you dream of using a chaotic expressions?
Of course! "Or a time machine works or not.
There is no middle ground. Consider the space:
Gnosis is the dream what the location used by shocking chaotic.
“Notorietas” almost even, as is well known, that never appears in the room but the reality is someone in another house on the site presents another dimension in inferno. This cellar was not the old man's basement, but the grandpa. Exchanged every second of time and space as well as the plot, and the task is ...

Autugnosis in the place.

"The secrets of the realm of escape from reality, it often adheres to a world of dreams! "
/ C. Á film /

A reminiscence or a memory to help the human thinking.
Yes, there are people whose vision is eidetikus, that remembers everything you've ever seen in detail.
Unfortunately, the 80% of people do not have the kind of talent and character.
So this thing of dreams to help. The dreams are autognózist realize what a rare valóéletben.
A large part of our lives we spend 70 to 20 years learning.
20 - the end of our work. (Usually)
So we can not observe each venue.
Therefore, there are the dreams! Yes! They can help you with these things.
If there is a site which is very crowded, and I do not remember it,
Because there are people who have an illness when you do not remember anything. This amnesia or Alzheimer's disease is a disease involving kór.Ez it says is causing the victim's brain, and not release it. This is because the human soul tends elgyengülni, in this situation, the brain is injured.
So, continuing what I started, it would be a place where you can not remember, then there are the dreams. Rely on them.
Although the dreams that you can use against us, we experience gnosis. In dreams, this is true, sadly so. Even if you do not want to accept elkell.
Not to be an apocalypse-sized dream terrible consequences. Namely, the dream, "personalized" person of your mind and step into strips of old memories, bad memories are of course modified, following the monumental károsultságot brain disease was the cause of the "introjekció" even if the reality is we are talking about. Although it would be, but it is. This is terrible, that he did not even want to guess, formulate point is causing the biggest problem.
I have already told at the beginning of the book, and that terrible agybajt fülvérzést cause. But stay in the venue.
Like I said my grandfather was in the cellar of the basement which is actually not their property. The time machine of course, there were no tools, and there were no spare parts. And deviated from the subject. Once exposed to the leg, then you have not had the same story. The house was built before the road! Again, the change of time and space, but at least we found this too ....


"Changed, there is no way back, it was just a dream
I woke up, I now know, is not about us. "
/ Road /

We all like to convert.
The same way in our lives and our dreams as well.
It is possible that our dreams of a "infernionizmikális" (hell), a problem occurs, it is we ourselves, can be reversed or replaced.
Here is a poor example:
Dangerous to fight a knight, nor what happens if you do not have time to think straight and attack us?
Then a strange dream "reincarnation" created by the following modification.
A "modification" a process that is created when you want the dream location, theme, and time of change. Modifikálódik then the dream, but I do not know exactly when and how.
But what is certain to have carried out by calculation, that at the moment modification. Let's look at things thematically, Why?
Because we get away with anything if things worsen. The answer is very simple. We assume again knight Story.
We must fight, and immediately attacked, not what you tell if what happened reincarnation of the situation, simply because it will change.
I know a bit pointless for us, why do not you tell if you have your own dream, but believe me this is not a problem.
In the following example, for the same situation remains knight.
When attacking, it may not be reincarnated in this dream quite a lot of chances to reincarnate. That can die and you wake up, but that also happens that the venue is not only the situation is changing.
You're lucky.
I have nothing to do with my version was not a time machine, but has already built a house before the trip. Ironic? No, not because I had nothing to do with it. Simply to be modification the situation.
When this has happened we started to run.
Men of the underworld because they persecuted us.
I do not know why exactly but it was also the scene was different.
Moreover, the time is reversed. It was evening. A team of people wanted to dress without put it away. Bike, were we to walk. So that we could not do so much ,we run to the house.
That is just me. I ran into the house, and only ever ran, and then I noticed something. Changed the location and space. I was in a room.
And even someone there with me. Ironic sense, but I felt something
But I knew this is not reality, so that the farther I went, and my dream was to much modified but real events and pictures.
The situation has changed as well. Just turn around and I found myself in a state of sexual erection myself.


"When you give up the dreams and find peace, there is a brief quiet period. But the dead dreams begin to plague our interior, and also destroy the environment. What we wanted to avoid a fight - and the disappointment of defeat - will be the legacy of brutal cowardice. "
/ Paulo Coelho /

Erections occur in the dream? You have already done this?
Well this is very simple. Think through .. Similar to the dream to reality? Do you think your answer covers my idea was that, yes. Things happen because of the personalized and real-life person in the dream than in reality, it is similar to reality! Reality? "No!
But, I can serve as a argomentuml the opposite, as he says.: This happened to me too. I dreamed that sexual pozition.
It was not reality, but my body has an erection.
So if only my body has been detected.
So the dream may just get an erection sexual organ as a reality.
In my dream, when realized in the space, time, position, then you have the whole i was in..I sex with a girl sexually.
Which, although in reality, it can happen
So the dream is reality! Not really, a little bit, so to understand
So when I felt I had sex after some time everyone will feel. The moment of orgasm modification dream again, because the "good" things not hold forever. What we perceive is a dream but only figuratively declare it. The modification at the time I was already coming out the front of our house.
On the middle of the night ,we cooking.
We cut the tomatoes and onions, and I forgot about the first sexual experience.
The cellar cooking so the three of us. Can we talk about the dreams? Depends on whether we like to talk about the dream, because if it is very realistic, if it is modified fiction takes two to tango.
Fictional limits when appropriate, when not to. When you do not want to talk about anything else we can do as you ask, because we do not always realize that dream is why we ask, "how you doing '?" Really! How could have forgotten. I did not know the sex when it's a dream, true thought, therefore, because the girl was so pretty and I knew there was no objection against it. I even forgot that when it was
a new person, I knew entered the room:
The girl's mother was, but let that go. Well, when I talked to the guys in my dream again modified. Me back to me then when I came out of the house, and someone got me from behind. I shouted, but it was not my voice!

Aphasia or antiaphasia

"Do not wait colorful dreams
Do not expect that in a minute
everything in place to someone;
this is just a dream. "
/ Homonyik Alexander /

Some do not. The dreams are often so-called "pierce" us by not giving us what we need in the dimensional world.
Maybe it is not our dreams and fears it wants to, then make a mistake if you give it to us all. This is also known as abstinence residence that is called in and out.
The dream of staying in real talent and some do not enter.
pl.: your voice. Yes, the worst feeling. Trust me.
A strange experience paradoxal, in short, a bad experience inspires us to a situation or concept. No sound, so the doctors called aphonia.
You want to talk but a voice, not to much comes out of your throat.
Just howling, howling, but it is actually doing something meaningless.
Replacements, well, yes. After all, what good is it to dream away your voice, giving us a bad experience? But there's a rub.
Not even thought about it, that the dream can not hability, effectivity? The dream of living in the examples? Go about? These also I must laugh. The dream is not moving, not alive, not breathing, not thinking, not even acting.
An obsession which only comes to our minds.
Non-living thing, but it still only makes one. Is not it?
We do not even think of it, that we have in our personalisation person cultivates these, things? Forgotten to deal with this one. He is given the task of hate, fear it, warp it, to take away our will to the ideal, feelings, thoughts, desires, and all this is that to be scare and destroy. A person can often be seen in our dreams, and when, in reality, we eat, we sleep, we are considering is everywhere. Sometimes when it is dark in the room did not even dare to speak. Why? About it!
Why little kids are afraid of the dark? Because they themselves created by the first dream. Personalized party party. Be nice if they created it can be evil. The children, now adults living on the part of the party is still monófóbic monster. Perhaps, because it created such as yourself!

Lethargy of the personalized individual.

"With you sleeping
I dream about us: about
I sleep with you. "
/ Ákos Fodor /

In our dreams we can not communication a personalized party.
This is due to inertia.
I often dream of the trauma caused to we hate but, goes the love my apostrophy.
Ergo ,we hated, but also the person we loved. What does this mean?
When, we born ,we create the person: Ears, hair, head, feet.
But I missed part of the trouble, so the point in it hate.
(This is often the heart or mind)
In other words, the Commissioner will not be an ideal person.
I hate on my part, I was even lethargically to the love and the hately. To be replical to express myself, so my word for each meaningless expressions are direct. Let's look at that part of the my situation to hate the person ,i to be letargy.
The presence of the disorder and the like. I to be letargy, but also the disgust
Love? Yes! But I hate that too! When you intend to take a position penibil I can not stand his presence, and find out to kill him.
But when a protectionist and wants to help raise half of what I could not refuse, I would be almost sad if you die.
A person who helps and gives strange moments, like in the dream than in reality. She brings to the past, present and future.
When it modifies the venues, so chooses, to the time zone as modified, are equally good and bad things happen to us.
I want this show to be afraid of him because he manages dimensional world.
If you do not worship him, then rejected a terrible hell, bring in our dreams, which never can get out. When there is an old past, brings into our dreams, or the dead to give us massages .He know the dead with our friends, our loved ones. Talking with them, but only with us through dreams can communication. It is not speech, and it's pretty chaotic version of the communication assist. Is not it? So if a dead loved or friend wants to send a message to us, the person asks for it.
The choice not to want to communicate the message, or e-no, because he obliged. Day after day he is with us in previous lives and forage
Looking and searching for its tactical method to be good for us and our dreams are bad.
His previous life as well and returns in dreams to show us what it was. The dead person is put into the dream, so to pass the message. Perfectly normal, if a modification of the site and what is not yet known,
was in the past but when I do my partner and 2 were collected in the time machine parts, I found myself in a parallel universe
This was strange, because I always took place in the adjoining streets
And always ... always ...

Ideal village

"Left of wine, some bread left
Light a candle in the dream
Sleep in the bed, on the ground and then
Just make a wish good night! "
/ Omen /

An example, I have nothing better. Who is that you can control your life.
MIVA but if you're not out of our models but we may have ideals?
It happens so often in our dreams, a dream place that time does not modifikálódik dimension.
Therefore, always remains the same for months possibly years to come.
This could mean that our personalized person to have noticed that this very love with it the town or village where we live.
Ideal village was declared.
And until he decides he will be here in this dream almost every village will helyszínelni., Should not dream of giving back, because always the same takes place in the village.
This is boring, because in my case all my dreams, as I have already got used to the sorozatoktól, takes place in the same village.
But as I said a very small but the location has changed, the adjacent street was.
The preamble to the person he wants us to believe that it is not a real location or time zone, and (not in our village), but fully elsewhere, it transforms to the idea of other individuals.
But it beats us not to, because we recognize the place! Because we live in there! Then why do not we knew it? "This scam, known as elhitetést akreditusnak. A person accredited with us, that makes us believe that other than what it used to be, but still the same. Amnézikusan beláttatni try the stuff that is not as if we never had, but it usually does not succeed him. Is not because we were already there. Familiar with the venue, so when you change, creates an ideal location. He knows that we love this city and village. He observed that never want to leave , because an idea is decided to live here ..
To this end, put here all our dreams in this village.
87% of our dreams through our village in the dream (stereotype), but, nevertheless, not to be boring, it changes a little.Edith to a few buildings, some of the new street people and the environment. Yet all this is that a feel of our dreams Gnosis: This is the most feature-dimensional world.
Own house next to street in exactly one change, but that has not changed first. This is somewhat confusing but I know, I'll tell you.First walked the roads, then a 3 minutes later still nothing, and suddenly I am reminded of the dream-induced bioasztronautics capability. (That is, flight capability.)
This activity is taken very excited, but when I started to fly across the street "Turkish" in other words, Middle East, East Asia made me tone.
Turkish houses drifting between dreams and felt the worst feeling is by the Fall ....


I think everyone has felt that the dreams of simple feeling. For a fall.
(In other words, anti-gravity discomforting.) This is a really bad feeling since the fall of no more than the forgetfulness of a human mind, of course, everyone else is saying. If an "x, y 'we fall asleep
it is a sign that something is not done it. The preamble to our personalized one person and give us warning signals,
is talking to us.
Because if he is talking about changing the dream, because everything that he is "acting" that is physical, but mental activity we pursue, modification entails. Because it does not talk to us various signs met communication gives off, and all of this figuratively, poetically, sells it as personalized and one (in this case) dimensional non-existent person.
Where's the "x, y 'days we did not make something out of a thing that the day would have been necessary (critical), then this should continue to communicate that we fall. I'll tell you exactly what my dream last night I dreamed of,
and I would say this is one example.
So, with my brother in different dimensional spaces had to be invented along with computer games to move up.
The last pitch at a beach and realized we were wrong in the space-time continuum.
Days and was baked in the sun, coastal to much in.
Our parents are there sunbathing and asked why we are not there.
The person that creates the "players"
persons in my own dimension (aka sleep), to be able to talk of moving it all
what an ordinary man in the real life tu ..
I looked around on the beach and walked among the people.
Of course, as every man has a sexual desire in the dream.
This is because the real life "rarely" be a girl to be so personalized be create my person in front of me a girl. I should not be, why and what happened in the end. Having "done my job" started with my brother to continue to do our mission dimensional non-existent.
We left and went to the shore, near the fort.
The father shouted, "What a * s * va Anka we go?"
Come after us but we've climbed up the fort.
The father climbed up the fortress against the balcony, which is personalized to the person doing it and start yelling.
Suddenly everything turned red and the fort is a black hooded figure came out, he caught his demonic shouting loud echoing voice.
Needless to say, * I wrote my own assembly and then to fear.
I was the person who invented the "king". Us dad shouting, in Hungarian)
I think it was so bad and all red because he is not supposed to speak.
I think you said, 'Enough is already dreaming of Benjamin, to the end of the dream.
He has only one “cliccks” was supposed to be the end of the dream, but it's not his style. Therefore, I organized the end, that He sends us, own dad.
This "king" also began to shout but all turned red. In the end, my twin brother named Chris and then I jumped into the water and also ended the dream.
I also mention that (have not even mentioned that the "king"
It looks like Sean Conerry)
He can wake up be any shape, but he always - again I stress,: it always takes the shape of me ........


"Dreams are often wonderfully wake of the real impact. The man is convinced that things have actually occurred. "
/ Agatha Christie /

The envisioned by our own person any form of megjelenthet dimensional situation. Sometimes when you kill someone want to hug, or just any other action he wants us to do! He indicated once more take a role, but when you consider the thing that we perform an activity in a dream
which really is not very inestatic want to think.
(After all, if the person is male, it's really weird for us an example: sexual
State to maintain a woman!)
So the person feltudja be the guy that is dear to us in our lives or even repulsive. This we can not be determined
Generality, 80% - was always evil, takes a picture of us and infernikus from megutáljuk.
But sometimes when you kill us once and repeatedly rémített to death, and shifted himself, and the dream is alive and well, acquisition of us.
Such a thing by pointing out that it fulfills the main desire, which is Life Eternal, and absolute power, but the deepest point in the thoughts of our hearts. This is met if the act is good in our lives. Suppose, if an aunt, an elderly man may have helped, anyukánkba or family Our point is any place in our hearts, with gratitude, to fulfill the deepest point in our hearts (even then) wishes.
The parents of those who died in their mother or father tells a person what is happening to them.
Informs him that this is a good place hereafter. Those people who do not go to the next idehúzza put something on the ground.
(The mothers, fathers.)
Because they are an ideal way of thinking is that rather than remain in the szeretetnél túlvilágnál.A small children, want to fly from distant countries to get to see the world, and play a lot. Jócselekedet to meet the occasion of these teenagers thinking személy.A other than the 20 ones above or under the age of 13, for example.
They have one thing in the depths of their hearts and what the person can perform
they do not generally think of anything only for love. Since this is the teen lifestyle, one of the most characteristic virtues of the rebellious era.
The person who prepares these young people love to know how it feels when the reality does not happen.
The first form of love that meets sexuality. It provides the person who is aged 14-16, the best man or woman would sexually.
The other is the true love is not physical, but spiritual affection.
This assists the person in the same way.
The person who said do not talk like a "beginner álmodókkal".
Or even a very experienced dreamer, or just communicate. With me now, yes. Not whether someone will be seen that often dreamed of, but get over the "álomszinteken." These sort of "tests".
I have reached a certain álomszintet to talk to each other.
Between the two close to a huge, said he developed a friendship.
My feelings to tell him of atheism, and other things. He has been heard and answered. Szószerit, said: "God never was and never will be non-existent but the magnitude of people do not understand it. It never was and never will be, that people after the death of his fictional személyükkel will meet in a parallel dimension. I went to church school and I know that it was "marry" the faith.
But said that such a situation, I have to calm down when I feel such.
The teacher is always invoked God, I just (the school is 87%)
They laughed. To do this just to look around. Small children who grow up after their death, they discover that the surplus was going to church
And faith. "King", said that his name is such a ridiculous and ignorant people. But as long as they do not believe me, people want to prove with this book.
Own form of psychological truth ...

Child Psychoanalysis
(From child pszichology)

The dreams of the children present at birth manifested.
The children and adults is a milieu which first appears in the dream, then in reality. The children of the dream world, game, fun, and family togetherness. But there is also a dreamland which they want to be
Power, war, battle, all that stuff, monsters, strangers alien, these relationships with the Lord creates the dreams of our personalized party.
This person is known by most of the kids.
If a person really feels great sympathy for the kid (which is rare) it will help him achieve his dreams and the Ceja the real lifew. Strange!
Because at first sight symphatia not know the person the child.
Because the first sight does not mean anything.
Although the influence of the individual child, the child is not yet bid.
This is that the person you have missed a part of your body and creating one from evil.
But this is always the person who put aside the "master".
The child form the necrophobia to avoid impossible!
Some of the parents do not know what to do about it.
Really so afraid of the dark. (Even most of the adults as well)
Phanphobic feeling evoking a certain feeling that is created nekrofóbia die feeling.
The dream of the child immediately panic and fear of death, necrophoby "get".
But this is not a simple fear of death, especially in certain Dead is especially pathological levels of fear and fear of death.
Can be divided into several levels of die scare.
Let's start with the weakest:
Thanatophobia: which indicates a pathological fear of death that is curable.
Panphobic: death feels it is, but rather the environment and all things related to death, he felt death rarely situation very curable.
Nekrofóbia: pathological fear of death induced disease (which is the only disease)
Psychology can be cured by simply.

Child futuristica

Although it is said, depend on the childhood, there is no turning back,
New tales do not expect us.
There is still starshine dream world,
but our children will dream on.
/ Ihász Gábor /

Children often dream of things that may affect the future.
This manifestation is called a futuristic dimension.
alliby to reconstructed by example, I did not already belong to the so-called childish because analysis already exceeded the true childhood but in 2001 was a futuristic kind of experience, several of the present day.
It is very rare that children are born with abilities that can only be manifested in the dream.
This futuristica (future: English word for future)
I think they have also realized that the vision for the future ability of this respekcióm want to say.
People do not believe in the abilities
I've read this book when I explained I am not a believer, therefore, can not believe it. That's it! This is not possible to believe or not believe in it and is ready to accept elkell.
Returning to the multitude of children, and as I came past eseteimben futuristic capabilities of the world. The man in the world can all dream about the future, guilt, bad to the thesis, but that is bizarre that there is no sign of anything of which you dream.
It is not uncommon, Hungary more than 60% of available capacity, that is why it is no wonder.
This is not magic and can not spell or power. This has nothing to do with the ezotérikához.
This is a capability which is limited by sensoral a future event that later the person will continue through the dreams of the child, who notes, and prepare for it. Of course, not as a child dreaming of death stuff, just something we expect from the from his life. This ability to cover a minimum of 2 days is not shown in the remote future. Only in rare cases, the day after tomorrow tomorrow futuristic report.
I crop my example in my dream I watch movies at random again the next day I watched a movie theater.
I have not cheated, but not own opinion accidentally watched the movie again.
But in the dream, and I could not real life what it is about.
The future of children 2-12 years of fear, is that it depends on the external world around them, they are repelled away to scare and social society.
The teenagers, that is, the parties at my same ages dream seems to be sex and other passions which govern it and are not afraid of him.
The adults future world life extends to the following ...


"The dreams do not lie, the dream a reality, and the memories live forever. "
/ G Hajnóczy Rose /

The dreams are likely to think that just are not to be bored in the evening.
Anyone who thinks this is wrong, because your dreams can help solve things, they show the future and many drive to something new, if I can manage it.
The dreams are not only personalized but a person can control is ourselves. How? We ourselves do not know that there is such a capability but just trying out. Manifold pan phobic experience in our dreams but they can provide some way to be resisted.
The other thing is not only personalized the person to lead our dreams. Now we just have to experience, the Odyssey and the change.
This kind of "bollocks" a personalized party, since he directs the dream, and if we try to control what he called a "dream of the law." The dream in BTK (Penal Code), if we do not think the players are human like the smooth-BTK should not be in out. However, as much as a consequence there is no real world.
The people are asleep when it entered into a parallel universe, and what the future dream be it was a (distant past) or what we experienced.
In a majority of adults still can not control your dreams.
I said in previous chapters, it is a gift of “from the person” He gives us through dreams. There is no need for this gift.
(At least its not a dream who you want to change.)
Me "loves" to allow the change.
A nursery or even a primary school, even if it could be 34 years old has not won the confidence of course, but dream to change the course of an eye you can not see good returns to kill the man. (Algesia, attacks, phobias)
In the following chapters I describe how you can kill.
Controllation our dreams, we can not forget, because there are always things that we could manage. Sometimes, even when managers do not want.
So it is very important not to divert our dreams until then, until we are convinced that we won the confidence of course.
The next talk to you through the coitus also discuss about how the controll the dream or even the idea of an act of coitus. During coitus a modifical ourselves in our dreams
The modifications in the dream anyway we understand that change.
In other words, "equitable", we can make the dream realistic, or even the course may do the same. Us "realizes" modifical.
The next modification is the same as controllation, only this control.
Returning to coitus, there is no fiction in my dream, that is controlled, but this is what we want. We are only able to manage if you realize that dream, because it ignores the reality of the dream too.
This dimensional controllation is created when the course is not listening to us and "asleep". (This also comes in the "sleepy famulus" name)
and you feel like there is no stopping be controlled by a high level of our dreams. The only problem is when you wake up in the course and will not be something too quirky or even if it might avenge misery other punishment (nightmare infernomica, phobias, murder, has gone wrong with letargy)
It does not matter since, but may receive a "good." Of course you can not kill us, because it's more mental than physical contact.
So the next touches will be important to placate him with this if you can not just try to act in the real world outside the world of good ...


"There is nothing to fear, time is a myth, the death of a dream, and everything is fine. "
/ Stephen King /

Thanato. What is it about? Children and I often use the appearance of a dream in such use. If we go back to the childlike pszihoanalízis c. section and re-read at least 2 times you will understand what it means to Thanato.
Actually, this is used when someone is afraid of something and want to express this psychological language. Reconstructed with an example:
Go to sleep nicely, nothing happens for a long time, but then we enter a parallel universe (infernomika dimensional) also known as sleep.
The sanctions have already mentioned before, at any time to receive the good from the person aka death.
From afraid for years that his persona will be lowered us to death. (Of course, if you are always in bad shape it, and we know of its existence, and only a stereotype of what I say and fiction.) This Thanato (Thanatofóbia) a kind of dream of the fear of death.
Well, but go back to my example:
After entering the dream happen for the day, replaying the events, experiences, or futuristic, control over, realizations, and all other modifications, lethargic different images. Then, when we realized our dream modifical own (controlled for) when you realize this, of course, what is the "die" in this case, that is, wake up. If you die you have no word thanatóbikus pain. So what we are already dead .. Then there is no turning back now. Dead. But the talk thanatoról.:
This kind of psychic apparition also be created only if we are very close to the persona. If you love him almost empathically.
So We can incorporate ourselves to live in his sphere, and imagine ourselves to be replaced.
About Me Example:
I have never had an own "thanato 'but a dream now, yes.
My dream is very afraid that once they die, because it was totally like a reality. Just think ... After all, if you actually die in a dream, then I should not have more to fear from it.
Someone does not take this seriously, because I do not believe in such things.
Well, you say it one last time: THIS IS NEMLEHET believe and NEMHINNIEZ! DONE! ELKELL RECEIVE!
So back to the example: afraid of death, the persona several times to kill a dream because he want to, try to survive the shock. It is your own dream, to be sure what I want.
So there were already 5 years old dream images of death are presented. We may be saved in its own dimension after crossing an own die.
For example, I'm always the guy I like the other children in general, that we are strong and indestructible we have a lot of weapons, but of course I died at this time. Very often in a dream in death by gun or any other kind of murder I died because I always wanted it to be in the same way that I can kill and destroy. Well, exactly, and this will also die. So, never want to be that accorded some people will see us, or we can die which will then ...


"There are more things on earth and sky,
Horatio than your philosophy
Can dream. "
/ William Shakespeare /

I think everyone had a feeling that something very different in terms of the felt.
Well, this is a very important thing we can be so because a "sentient" is.
It is a skill futurisztika as well, but here we understand the fate of all people who see. It is very important to give you a feel for this character, because this will become impossible for the man who was just like "feels".
Therefore no need to explain further what are important in human emotion and the dream of. (But we will talk later.)
I myself am a man who has such a esetű "sentient" (respektálnám Again, this is not a matter of faith, this is a simple psychological capacity, can not believe this, I do not think it is !!!!)
And as I said the people who see each and every sentient people áttudják feel the soul.
Therefore, I am very fortunate that I see when I have to use different words to the man, or what is or what style köszönéssel topic talk. It is therefore very important to the ability of empathy.
The situation is different when we talk about natural and non-rekonfúziós empátiáról because natural empathy for all people in the world.
Eg: if someone is hit or tortured, no, not to cry yourself to others due to the occurrence, or you'd be in a position which is currently in a situation happens. In short this is a natural empathy.
The Dreams of empathy is much more complicated. (This is much more than I will write the next book.) Already talked about before, that those events visszaálmodjuk what happened that day or sometime.
Find out about the dreams through various internal values,
a "reality of the moment things are not visible,
if something is bound to play it back to the dream of a mellécsatolva empathy.
I want to understand this so that the dream terribly clever, but it only tells you what is in our heads, the realities associated with internal in the case (empathy), and this report gives the dream through.
Let's get a little out of the personalized links with this person because this is about. 50 pages to write more, but now the dream is more important in the Back Projection through empathy attaching a different environment. Very important role in the modification. I have 2 years of man as an actor in a theater play Tibor Pinter. (Komáromi Lovasszínház the founder, musical actor, singer)
The last lecture (Joseph and dreamcoat Color Widescreen)
and very fond of the show was like the best of my life.
Well, this musical is very often more than 10 times are given for consecutive 2 weeks, so my brain really learned the lyrics, songs, choreography.
And the dream of a good big dose of reality and also showed me modification back. The first dream of all wrong, except that the invited guests Tibor howled clumsy words, he was entitled to head them.
Pretty lethargic, but the reality is something like that.
This, to my side of the Lady of the shouting knew something, and some very good head, you know the funny side.
Therefore, the dream of good mixes of completely different things.
In this case, when the usual yelling and everyone rászólni, the Joseph C. Musical occurred during the audience's perspective, the empathy dream.
The second dream is not nothing wrong.
in “Sziget Theatre” was not the (name of the theater where the rehearsals and performances are), not with actors, not those of the dancers, and I got the lead role in relation to the other extras.
It is very strange that the dream of such factors are now thinking of dancers, actors, location: I have never seen in my life!! Was different the lecture course, other texts! This remodification! When not on reality, rathe rimpossible based on the dream. Changed everything in the dream, and it was very annoying.
The 3.álomban was not even in the theater, not of Joseph C. Musical, has just had nothing to do with my friends, actor colleague, and masters of the dream.
I must have been approximately 2,100 .- in the future.
I was in high school, where the old and the new classmates were there.
Completely different classrooms, but the school itself looked almost the same way, the fully modernized, digitized, Nano-era staircase, I was everywhere, machines and robots.
How weird is not it, how strange that the imagination? "If you think about it a little bit into what we all innovate, to change everything.
Now a bit different from the person perszonlizált task, because there is no.
I told you to deduct 50 pages is still the task of empathy, of course, because what he is doing is also part of the dreams empathic, because if you forget them, she brings back the memories and help to create this brainsides activity.
I hope everything is understood abaut emphaty, the most important chapter of my book you can read. Promise that there will be no more complicated than that already, but I lie ..


"Wake up most of the dream is like a moth cocoons were empty or felhasadt borsóhüvely: so many dead body, which rampageously, but stormed through the fleeting life, and then got out of it. "
/ Stephen King /

The following are a bit similar to abaut empathy told you, but your sympathy, attracts a unique person, and its internal experience returns with another person's perspective.
The sympathy of a psychological thing with another man for what he called a positive emotional relationship types.
Linked to the empathy and against you at any time, any man can take place back and forth.
Make no mistake, this is not because of sympathy for what you actually use 'and we feel for someone, specifically someone is here now.
That is, if something happens to one friend, then this is the start of sympathy, and we can feel through every detail of what the friendly feeling at the moment. ("Understanding sympathy," or the telepathic twins occur in sympathy or empathy) is already very far away the pseudo abaut empathy , because this is not a skill we are born with it each and every man feels for a friend or a close friend brought. Abaut sympathy occurs when a stranger or even friends or others learned long ago not feel particularly attracted interest, in which there is empathy, and the man "sympathetic," we will be preferred. If we feel with him, but it may occur.
So the point is that only the strongest sympathy and compassion is the strongest sympathy is created.
I say the opposite:
It can not be sympathetic to someone feeling that if the friendship is not strong enough.
The sympathy is a sort of dream-contact. How?
If someone has a tremendously strong bond of sympathy between the two is possibly the same dream, or 3 friends at once.
In other words, both the same "dimensional “infernomic" are.
In the background of the two people working on personalized.
Both are connecting themselves to a very strong sympathy for a kind of invisible "rope" and does not break out until the moment before the dream can not come out.
When the two went to bed, of course - as I said earlier as well - you twist it around in a "rope" and a rope stretched terrible way.
This kind of pipe.
Than what is passed through the blood of a human being to another, only here but now there is no tube rope.
The rope connecting through their brains and thus entering a 3rd dimension.
The two dreams of normal dimension is created between the 2 friends of each other in which they dream, or perhaps again a common dream adventures.
But now here is a 3rd dimension we are talking about. This dimension "next world is called the common." In this dimension, people and meet the personalized real in the real world living persons.
In this dimension, together with a common, though not about each other, they believe that this is a normal dream.
Work in the background of the persona in the belief that mixed with the dreams, and each side of the display’spirit ...

The third dimension

"And if this is a dream of life: why so zsibbatag?
Exhausted, tired, apathetic, desert? "
/ John Gold /

A sound, a picture, two pictures, three pictures of two tone and three tone right away ...
2 people it is the moment when the dream of the same level it occurs 3 dimension of entry. This has nothing to do with the esoteric.
Of things in such a case is very rare.
If you experience the man in that dimension does not feel either good or bad, neither joy nor sorrow, nor a good mood, no headaches.
When there is a full exposed feel.
The man enters the end of time and space continuum and other people around him who are not dreaming of anything because they're 3 dimension, say the gates are on the edge, but do not enter.
Every man is the other dimension, since this ÁPSZ (our personalized party) creates. When creating this world is always the worst of our favorite things, or perhaps bring forward.
Is there any where you want to join but unfortunately it is impossible to do this because the chances are almost 0.Hiszen when we enter it simply did not expect it.
Just like the dream of sexuality (such as erection, orgasm)
It also developed the ability to dream of the so-called "Kundalini" also known as the energy comes from them exactly the biological point of view has to do with the spinal cord.
The cracking after continuous swirling emotions, mixed feelings are a kind of constant state of arousal can be taken. This only occurs if 2 people dream of an energy level that is developed is at least 10 minutes and when you stay at one level we can not reach the threshold of when we dream.
Well, the only break we get it developed the so-called energy. (There is such a spiritualist stupidity I hate to talk about, because really they were not really believe what I say and nothing to do with magic or even the spiritualist esoteric thoughts because these facts.)
In order to enter the world and we understand the admiration of all rake end higher enlightenment and permission should be obtained in person by, because the world is theirs.
Of the world where we enter our mood, our comfort and beauty to the world then let terrible.Ő that if we saw improved levels.
That is, if you see that the dream to hoist a great talent "tallentolva" that is developed, it will pass through a lot himself and us, unfortunately, more people watch, this time surrounded by people who do not dream about us.
Unfortunately, we have also owns the largest development in itself is only able to remain in a half hour.
Duty to warn that these should not be experiment cross to the otherside, because it will follow: paranoia, nekrofóbia, memory loss.
Crossing the experiences of a sense of understanding among the people because this is his house ...

Do not cry, when the sorrow associated with the trail,
Do not cry when you touch it hurts.
Do not cry, even when you're not alone
s one of your arms to sleep slumber.
/ Amok /

Our dreams are often perpetrated by the small errors that redesigns the "computer" system, and the memory looking for a dream archíval points that are important, or even less important to us.
You do not remember all of our dreams, because the memory in the brain archíval deletes unnecessary memory of what he called part of a receptor, which does not involve with a stimulus, so no urine is produced. Sold them to forget the delusions that "3 times a day dreaming of the man, just do not remember it." If you really were so, then I am a senile idiot, and everyone else except me. ÁPSZ only the dream of a repeats times when it has information which is either very important or is totally insignificant. If it is very important you never dream a dream back exactly. Such a dream, all the so-called "variant" installment. (A variant is a term which can be found in music, such as return, variational, but if it can be found in verse framed structure, and variation in the frame, there is also a version that is) This is called the variant fragment, it refers to an "x, y" I dream redream repeatedly over time changes. There will be a small element, which is a huge step change and it will be important or unimportant to the version of the dreamer.
Of course, it is not impossible that a dream is as good as we can see after several redreaming. But I just see such, it does not mean that has not changed. This variation is the whole, like a theater piece. A lot of performances going on, but one of the same, although the same piece. Because the people are not machines, and is not a perfect internal computer controls using numerical codes, so you make a mistake and you can not just do things. There is always a minor element in his life.
The adult is a lot of stress, nightmares fights, and try to subdue them. As much as it is difficult to believe a stereotype maintains that a child has no other task than to play, and learn, learn, and learn. He did not become emotional outbursts, problems? "This is really stupid, and it's wrong in today's educational system in which we grow up . Returning to our dreams, often dreams of a child is ill, and so much evil in the "worse" will be repaid later, and much more detail. Will be detailed so that the end is no longer afraid.
Very often when we see repeated over and over again in the dreams, you realize that you want to send a message to the ÁPSZ us something, or you're not. Or important or not. Or hallucination or not. One thing is sure, if you do not do anything back to dream, to be realizing that we are insignificant in both the dream world, as to the reality.
Mostly determined by our thoughts own person’s dream, but let's see what you dream of truth and reality. You should never mix. What's the difference? "Honestly ... anyone ever seen a real factor variant or modification?

Two-a nightmare of

From which no one ever
Does not send a signal not to return.
Wait in vain,
I know, the eternal dream long.
/ Ossian /

The point where dream and reality, we are called the third dimension. Think about things, and this explains the translation of medical language "nightmare" may be referred to this process. Everyone had such a lifetime - if you're just not forget, that is between dream and reality. When you dream of reality, sucked in, and when I awake in dreams, to play with him. Why is this here? How are you? The process is very complicated. The dream wants us to believe that we are awake and our brain is a gothic role-playing, creating, whatever it tired. When the brain and the body temperature rises, you begin to be fever. At the moment, that enters the body of the 38-degree fever temperature, immediately starts the detoxification of the body, and the production of antimatter. In this case, we are a fever. Swish of the water is warm, Freezing, however, and the amazing work being in the brain. Therefore, the brain can not concentrate in the presence of dreams and so long as he is busy with that, the body temperature to keep the dream we had. These dreams are not specifically nightmares, but the fact is that weird. I then always math, equations, formulas, numbers are dreaming. My eyes are open, and yet I dream and open my eyes with my hand cart up the numbers. Meanwhile, I think, to dream, so I am alternating my mind the dream and reality. Feeling terribly wrong, and when I really wake up and really, in reality, we are, you're dizzy, nausea, and dimly seen.
Well, an eye doctor for this is the third dimension. A nightmare. When people try our personalized "fix" the dreams, and we try to the most positive dimension, creating what he called, you can dream up and down. A new concept and it will acquaint you with the commutation.
The word was not originally used in that way, but now here is perfect.
The initial report is, to change, commutation. Kind of change, as when a logic game, or mathematical context, replace batteries equation without changing the outcome of the equation. (X2 = 2x-2 ----- x2 commutal.- 0 ... 2-2x = 0) S 'it does not change the outcome of a quadratic equation.
The nightmare is that, try changing your reality and the dream of back-up, but the result is virtually always the same. Pain, sweating, fever, heat, however, is Freezing.
Theme yet, but I'm a bit of light he want it "crazy dreams too."
When we dream not completely, but once we cross, and very hot. The body is then unable to control the temperature, and tired, cranky, unable to enter the dream. Then instead of a dream "get" such a strange images that are close to past, present and evoke. Stupid, stupid pictures are procedures at issue, we know that no dream, but called dreampictures. Psychiatry different observed images of the impact of the mad dreams of the people. The injured people are usually “brainworld” night from dreampictures suffer. Who's hot at night he is not mad themselves, smoothly only sudden temperature variation has occurred. most come in the summer, when very hot. In this case, the body and the brain itself can easily adapt to the suddenly hot, it also changes the concept of the dream ...


I had a dream: loved
Laugh with me
Light shining eyes
Brought down a star.
/ Andrew Bogdan /

Now a dream has been interesting true story of a dream trip, I will close the end of chapter.
Already talked to the third dimension, which as we know is when two or more people are sleeping, but only 1 can enter the dream and created by two types of so-called third space / time.
2009.júniusában when I entered this space, then everything I learned in my ÁPSZ - About. He called the alias always knew, since he was a "king." Crown of thorns on his head was, and always in black and was bleeding profusely. Red puddle was still around. He explained why ridden since I was 5 years old, and why am I in his selected. According to the life of a thing, and after death is a great blackness. He was Jesus Christ himself. He said that there is no God, and the fact that people believe in a black-covered old book is ridiculous. The Christianity is really just based on faith, since he knows what it is that truth. So they are under no god? "She asked me to tell everyone that this is indeed the faith is worth nothing, and if you have already seen people flying saucers, they also believe that in any case.
He said that the people who came down to one, was not Jesus, but do not know who he was. It is possible that he had said such things, because I'm an atheist, and although very ashamed that I can not believe this, but it's the truth. May be that he was on. Archíval the memory created by something which he circulates around me and explained what I wanted to hear, and not sure whether it's the truth.
Do you know the "straight through" c films with 5 medicine student wants to die, to see what is after death. Each sees in pictures of their own sins, and moving "videos." It is possible that the so-called cleansing fire of the Christian faith, which purifies the sins. We do not know, just believable. One thing is sure, who has returned from the dead, heaven and hell is not seen, but he himself or the person is personalized. Many people see the light at the end of tunnel, but it is only a dream ...

Second Part:


The right to call a true friend of the masterpiece of nature.
/ Ralph Waldo Emerson /

Well ... Here we are. Here is where you can find 'persons' thoughts, feelings and responses. And answer the eternal question: Why?
Of course, we did not find answer to everything, because he would be stupid, if only bringing onto the mind and the freedom to offer a sense of every little detail. This is a place where we are 3 dimension to see patterns and the blindness of the space between dream and reality, between the snare.
So now is the time to view the important things in reality. Elements of our lives and thoughts are swirling. We all just want to better understand the overall impact in the field. In other words, keywords alone are not stupid, completely smooth: I want to know: why? How? when?
Feel seeing things. In the mind learn the foundations of reality, dreams, a beautiful mind because we all are fictitious.
Like I said, make a born to ÁPSZ-t.
Thus, all thoughts, all the talents of all our desire, our claim is false and true in all life moving on it.
This does not mean that we lose. Since there are these things that do not get a body made up of atoms and ions, but the kind of microbes are the dream created by an energetic and dimensional elements. These elements "ultradim" has to be drawn.
Ultradim this does not describe in any textbook, nothing in the sky world. The ultradim. I brought to the surface that they can call the dream by establishing the creatures. The dream of the brain fictitious. Still, what to do with the
reality? "I'll tell you. The dream of power, images, feelings, desires to acquire a dream from reality. Such as: the lunch that day, the day of accident, whatever the day, whatever. But this is a mixed back onto the 'mix' guise.
That is to say that she shows us the view from a mixed.
The point is that you can actually just us projecting mixed version of the truth ... But really .. Have you ever dreamed of you so what exactly between millimeters to reality?? "No, just inches will do exactly.
It will not have to completely give it back to the fantasy which is itself a reality, a reality. In my book I describe my dreams in general. Is now preparing a brief sketch.
They know there are fears in life, but never dream of this suggests why but we are afraid to make her afraid. The next dream is to do what I tell you the truth .... It's midnight. My brother just we play on computer. I ask my mom what should be promoted not only look at me.
So just go up and draw my brothers to drink. Off we go, just go to the bathroom mother. Depends only on time but does not come out. Suddenly the bathroom door is open. I do not know what could be the quip is: who is it?
There is no answer. only a faint whisper and wheeze.
Glimpse into the bathroom and suddenly we look like our father and our mother would kill he want to it. Suddenly I tell my brother to try to kill me and I will be ... And I woke up. It is very ironic. To do with reality:
The same house was inside the bathroom, even my brother, my mom and I are ...
The reality is different: My dad is not neurotic aggressive killer. You see? It is very nearly meaningless. These two things can define things. FAMILIAR exactly why he wanted us to choose. He is our friend??
I think not ......

Gullible .....

"Pharmaceuticals is not always needed, but the healing of faith, yes."
(Norman Cousins)

Well, how gullible we are that we can only decide if it sees no other. Generalizing the credulity of people at some level can be seen, of course, since can to believe the claim is wrong even if you do not want to intentionally. Well before the next section to describe the "gullible" title, I want to express how much we believe in what you show us the ÁPSZ, and this is now a reality perspective. The dreams in mind for a while now. The gullible people fall for everything that is now or famulus or not, or not persnalisation, apostrophal alsense or not. So the big question - as I said - he is a person who they screw everyone. So no there is no truth in it (that includes the people) just what it says and what he says is all true.
Not a liar, at least for my kind of "Jesus" not sure.
So far the book has always said that "King" and "Sean Conerry" but not even mentioned the figure of Jesus for 10 years because, as he usually appears 10 years has always appeared in the form of Jesus!
Just as I said I missed some parts of the body when it is created and the reality is manifested.
Jesus is always shining white dress is shown as a thorn in the side of the crown and stab wounds.
Jesus was in my black dress and black thorn crown and was bleeding everywhere. Keeps telling me that he mentioned how much it hurt him to 10 years of torture.
The reality is now just laugh at this, as it no longer taken seriously.
I did not mention the past because I thought that the middle and the end of the book to keep for the theory of the dream which formulas and definitions into a cordinate “weightremain” are shown in different ways. The title of this we will be publishing pictures, and listen to anyone anywhere. This is not my idea of anyone doing such a thing even the dream !!!!( in a physical sense)

(Supplementary Material)
Science shows that four.
(Physics, mathematics, physiology, chemistry)
1 "physics"

If the physical laws of our world is autonomous, we are not free, but if we are free, the laws of physics are not autonomous.
/ Karl Popper /

Well, it is important to explain why so much activity in the physics of a dream. The dream always has been circulated and talked all psychology explain, but now is the time that the concept of learning and development, psychology (which has nothing to do with dreams) to refocus the whole thing from the perspective of today's science, just because no one doubt that if you are already a physics Also (I hate a lot of my age) is supported by the whole thing is there is already talk about serious things. Would I do it ...
So the physics: science in the broadest sense, which has several branches of science during the evolution. Physicists study the material properties and interactions of elementary particles in the level of the universe as a whole. The mathematical models of physical phenomena in trying to describe quantitatively. Yet to do with the natural sciences in addition to the physics of what my dreams I would like to create and deliver a nice theory physics professors and ask them to think about it.
The dreams of a life straight from a very close orbit indicates that moments before the dream and build up. The dream is always the dream just before pre-watt (pronounced: "W"-power) to decide the extent.
Well here is the key to why physics is, of course, because it is more watts it will not have any physical thing. The W indicates that the moment a undimension “dreamborder” entry in there, it's the power to decide how much sleep their performance, to move out of the we can write to the “dreamborder” (not to sleep) or not. UnitThis is the dream of physical and psychological value shows that it was named "W" = a dream just before displaying the report output. Value = 0.1 W. (To find out why it will be a 0.1 in mathematics chapter.) Well I hope it was understandable.
If not then you can do to write the book ends with a "definition, and units' footnote. I will tell you that I do not I create new units, just like in the dream somehow indicate the processes. The following is what it included the physics of the ÁPSZ (our personalized party) indeed!
Sure is called a unit, just to correlation little things with him. The point that I said that the unit which has a value of -0.1 ÁPSZ ÁPSZ watts so it is now not worth what it once we cross the “dreamborder” minus 0 then we have (the more you know the mathematics chapter)
So in order that there should not be there already minus power there has been a higher power watches over us and who ÁPSZ
His-01 and the value of a dream we have. I do not want to go into how many watts is very necessary to stay in the dream (about -034), it would be very difficult. The next chapter talking about the functions and calculations abaut”measurechanges” ....

(The dream of observation point in the curve coordinate system, showing unitchanges)

The brain's language does not match the language of mathematics.
/ John von Neumann /

Well, yes ... the math, people my age go straight back to the heart attack will die if that word. I know that is scientifically formulated math genius like, but the top grade math error 5, but I was still 3 semester and end of year as well. So, the mathematical part of this dream, the coordinate system of representation ...
Imagine ...... numbers in a horizontal and vertical angles to it straight up into the numbers 1-5 and - ba.
(Take or draw a coordinate system, if you want to read more)
imagine the x-axis through the 0-face, and if we are right next to the 0.1 tithing (AW) and the ball side, -0.1 tithe (ÁPSZ)
if you've got everything you've talked to the 3.dimenzióról, well, the y-axis in the appropriate level of AW 4.If the - and 4-Esen is also connected to a 2 then the third man 3.dimenzióba.Nos form and enter the dimension where they join the observing - four to the starting (x-axis) that join the 4 (y-axis). Now do the same on the right side, and the point of impact to Draw because there is a letter I created in the inferno level. (When you enter the 3rd dimension.) ÁPSZ and AW is the unit of measure and I also.
ÁPSZ between the AW and the number would be 0 initially, because we know that with 0.1 to -0.1 0.But about multiplication now here is the in-between the unitnumber which must be made, a = -0.01 ". Now, imagine the inferno of a merger point to the right point of the OP ball on a line of association, the EV-t. These calculations, the value of 4 is always 4 to think about it. The I value of 22 (the chemical formula, read the chapter)

(The objects and elements in the structuring and application of the law “tömegmegmaradás” the chemistry of dreams.)

Determined the nature of the life of a chemical substance of related
/ Unknown Author /

As I have previously mentioned the dreams also created a similar structure elements as constituent elements of the real things.
In fact, usually the bodies of elementary particles called atoms, which then electrons protons and neutrons stay Particles are similarities in the dreams artists. I told you before, have to call him the attention that he was difficult to grasp the chemistry is really surprised because I have much, much harder. Imagine a dream body (they are always built up by the 3rd dimension and form, shape), which is totally like the real world. Well, these bodies are composed of elements that are “dreamlesson” phosphorescent and radioactive. These elements are much more clear in what particular small particles emit light pale blue these call it "ULTRADIM (ultradim English word meaning universal, a special" dim "stands for the dimension). The word structure: a new and universal that is ultra = other than the other .. dym dim = = diferencium (dyffuzió as mixing) a special distinction as the others, so much about it. Ultradim very small particles are the elementary particles called inferno this name of pritteknek = "ip" (the ultradim integer value greater than 1) (ie, not mixed in the inferno which point the 4-year degree is 2 the second one)
This IP is always the 3 rd page about * 0.5 is therefore the value is an IP-value of 0.5, ie, positively charged
I can now say that I expect a negative relation of the electron. I will not!
Even though it is a particle called the Inferno “elk” = "Ilk" is also what is the value of 0m5 (though if I want to introduce precisely because it is not exactly 0,5 over the IP.
Well, IP value is always smaller, because at some level it is a neutral element. We should not say this because it is positive, but this is not Let's go into it now.
the dream of a kind which can be written as rehabilitatív formula is a dream, the dream so we can subtract this is the next.

It can now be inferred from the dream.
If this formula is trying to come to that point at any circumstances, is not so strange.
Reason for the complexity of the mathematical and “tömegmegmaradás” Law "roots" for the year because the tiny roots that are smaller than the 0.5, because the roots of this calculation is always smaller for any performing. Important but if you do not “abszolute value” power of this or it will not equal the product of the chemical power of dreams.
Turning to the law of “tömegmegmaradás”, only to the extent that it corresponds to the chemical techniques used: OP = √ 2xEV I2
With this technique, performed all of the entry into 2x tömegmegmaradás also shows the similarities.
Well, that was the whole of the chemical side, I see a little complicated, but if it does not look at all kinds of formulas to new concepts, definitions .. is not that complicated.
And so I say who I was 5, 0.4 to 3 as physics, chemistry, 3, and as math
4-year Biology ...

4 'physiology.

The will of both practicality and perfecting a consequence of adaptation. In mimicry, the mimic and defensive color. The best adapted for survival, that is the way in which natural selection builds, perhaps the very identity of the birth and development path.
/ Boris Leonidovich Pasternak /

People usually go to the doctor in order to explain to them about the disease occurred.
Well ... yes.
MIVA but the psychologist?
Nobody do not you think?
But the truth is that he would even the most improtant to problems such as phobias reclamation.
Now I come to the physiology.
Differentiate between the various shocks in the dream, the effect of each other and the remaining one symptom but many names
Rehabilitatíve-shock (which was later reversed)
Erection-many. (Which is an increase in the penis and semen spurt results)
-Phobilitatíve (Phobias different results)
Algésia-shock (which is related to the eardrum to the brain or any of the sensitive nerve bursts bleeding "explosion" results in the form of bleeding)
These shocks are linked to a piece of illness, and if you go into us terrible immunity is in us, we are very sensitive to shocks.
The shocks are usually psychologically, they make two kinds of shocks:
- A shock which causes a fright
- A shock that you do not dream of things that causes psychological shock.
The physiology anyway I wanted to write a lot, all you have dreams that are likely to change in the internal organs and controllation change our thinking and outlook on life ... at any time at any moment.

Collective privacy

I basically never looked nothing like the love. Maybe because I never felt that I really love. Everything we had done, was the sole objective: to be loved.
/ Valérie Tasso /

If all went well and everyone got to have at least one or more times in the third dimension, and it also revealed the hidden secrets of ÁPSZ, you can now analyze them.
Everyone on your own, I have mine now ... right?
When I crossed 3 dimension, it was all blue small blue "ultradimek" circled around and sometimes wet form has been made on my skin.
(I will not go into the various ultradimek consistency)
And when I stood there, I noticed that this is a dream and started to ask question loudly, controlling the dream.
I asked him a question to all interesting, but only pictures I got in response, that is, sit, and that someone who is together in one picture was dark.
Well King, "or Jesus' answer to my questions (Who you are, why do not you leave me alone, why to terror , from, why you?)
The answers were these:
- "I am the universe, the Alpha and Omega of everything, one of the world from me and from me is going to be.
I'm not Jesus, and believe in God because they do not exist, only the whole story, write it down and tell people that they just figured out the prophets.
I feel terrible pain, race crown of thorns and bleed ... then you can vow to experience this deep pain.
"But you're just in my world maked what I have been controlled, there is no need for you now.
"Oh no, no, although controlled, but not domination, this level has not yet reached a bit of domination and not to have been incorporated in the final moments controlled"

This is a dream start to mix, he just laughs and falls out of the situation and once again the astronautic antigravity flying but at the same time feeling and I'm falling too.
He remains just laughs, but it does not matter, because the flying dream, and I understand the whole thing is a most painful feeling in the uprising, the sweat, heat and high fever ... all is in me, every word and I also have no idea about who she is but he does not believe that he is in fact nothing more than an infant memories, ultradimekből mixture which is made up of nothing more than millions of dream particle which has no effect on either the belt, not the past, he is a psychological mistake, because it always hurt me psychologically, and now He no longer afraid of him in a dream not a reality by the solder, burnt liquid ultradim own consciousness ...
... .. And it's over, I'm sitting on my bed, can not hurt anything, and never will, even after the dream 3.dimenziós had a few other such "act", but not with him, he was not there either utradimben, neither of these any texture, it's over he no longer.
Died, I realized how it comes to dominate, no longer reigns in the universe of mine "

"The mastery"
Everyone is seeking to assess the experience itself, of power and property owners to do their utmost for the sake of infallibility tale ignores the truth.
/ Boris Leonidovich Pasternak /

"Oh, ... ... ..
Uh ... ...
What? Simply do not know what to do
I know that I'm in a dream, and I'm trying to find controll.
Where is the uncontrolled point?
I do not understand ... ..
But now "he" no longer, I should dominate "

A few days ago, even these ideas appeared in my mind, but slowly I realized that makes no sense to control, because I'm not going to know anyway.
The dream of the formula 7 levels of physical infernomic 7 more differentiated level.
7 mastery of, well, the level of mastery of the impossible, simply because I do not know if there is no control over who has the dream of creating it for me, although I have a dream I can develop and format, but do not, guess. Although our brain does the dream anyway.
I dream that is what I want, but I can not dominate it.
Something is not right. just do not know what it is ...
Very important aspect is that some way will cease in the atmosphere is no longer welcome in the usual normal atmosphere in the dream, but a different world, if only 2 people I would be a paradox created by the paranormal 3 dimension and the 2 door is now stuck between the 3rd and forever into hours-long dreams to participate.
Can not be!
I have to stand, can not be still think the worst.
But if you already know so well controlled, you do not know why I dominate?
Unfortunately it's closed all the mystery is the key, and locked up forever lasts only as long as I live ...
I know how to control it, but I can not take advantage.
Now we are ready for the doomsday theory is:
"The dreams we can not control it, or created a connection to our minds, because the central nervous system is not able to create things and make reality Outside this elensúlyozza somatic and autonomic nervous system, but the center is always ahead, so if we will cease to dominate space and time should not even dream no, never again "So, unfortunately, I can lay in the doomsday theory, the ends do not have dreams, and even then I can set up a formula to this:
(ie infernomic dimension equal to the square of an infinite point and merging)i2 öpx =
but u (But infinity is not equal mastery situation) 
So I hope it became clear why it is the "op" in front of x. Bolygatnám not because of the "op" also has its own value, but it has very serious physical and mathematical formulas we go, into (Anyway, I'm not so smart at math and physics)
The mastery of dreams to activity can not be switched, but you can kind of thought of intoxication.
The dream we can not control at this level, because you would not have any dreams, and dreams that were not reporting serious, effects.

Constellation meanings
(Right-brain drawing)

"A Fiction"
"The wonderful arrangement and harmony of Cosmos is only an omnipotent and omniscient being is born, plan. This is the largest ever recognized. "
(Isaac Newton)

But the dreams have meaning, there is certainly no one with.
I hate to generalize, but the fact is that often there is some kind of meaning.
I do not know what type whose dream is just so mean to say that the children's drawing skill appears.
As a prelude to the psychology / physiology of the thinking that we can derive a kind of drawing, through stress and through it we think we know ourselves, or psychological, which are feelings that are swirling still not true. The following types of psychology kinezoilogy you can call, two parts victim:
The psychological draw skill which we recognize ourselves, and the will to complete draw skill.
Each other.
Although there is a difference between them, soon I can demonstrate this by example, but you can tell the difference.
The psychological draftsmanship, which we know a reflex that is controlled by the somatic nervous system is present from our want independent, ie we can not isolate, why, why, so why draw it.
The autonomic nervous system failure, as is always the "retract" relates to the “brainside” ball, which is in us a desire with plan, which is full of deliberate “drawrhumb”, so unfortunately we can only control it, although this is also the brain, but most of all we control.
What like confusing huh?
It is easier, but I can tell you an example:
The psychological:
When a child draws a very broad-leaved trees or very thick hair and a happy environment for the birds, the children of the rich, warm family-edge, simple psychology, you do not need explaining.
The self-willed:
When you draw branches, cold winters, or kind of bizarre illustrations of children's thinking there might be trouble, or intact family backgrounds.
So ...
We do not know why it draws up, if you can not live that way or something but it draws a living ... ..
This is exhausting ...
The situation is different in dreams, dreams can lie.
I can not give back what the reality is, if poor or certain that a good dream ... in general this circumstance Royal used to be.
So who is there who really lives and from lie draw, but let's not forget what the point is that the brain is limited by whatever is in there and he is not taking it all in, no matter how much people are out to get what they deserve everything in the brain ... ... ... s the key to the brain brain brain ... ... ... .. ... n...

Neurology, dream

"The Best Doctors: DR. Satisfaction, dr. Composure and dr. Jókedély. "
(C. H. Spurgeon)

The science is linked neurology of dreams during the operation.
Dreams can be divided into several levels as I mentioned and they also convey the level of fatigue levels in the middle of the brain is working on what the eye transmits images filtered through the images and notes of the central nervous system and combines „picturerecorder”zone, beat them.
One example is when "we see a day in a cookie pieces, we see a car and go to school (damn simple example).
These shuffles that we ate the cake in the school and the school is a great car. (So that confuses 67%)
When broadcast images of the brain, is very alert to insert the appropriate images, and not important to the day's images to condense seen, but can be, for example, the last week or last year or maybe 5 years ago, the images broadcast by .
Well I'll tell you how to work through receptors in the eye of the input and the Filter, then the storage process.
The body of the eye receives a stimulus excitation as the stimulus to reach the receptors in the Mail Recipient int he visualcenter there „visualcenter” "snapshots" of the brain temporarily stores the image and memory.
a place of memory in the brain that controls the central nervous system, but I can say is that it falls within the competence of the autonomic nervous system, so we should not be used because he handed over the pictures, not us.
Well, the memory can be divided into two parts:
Archivális temporary memory unit and memory unit.
So the location of the temporary memory, is when we see something and remember it for weeks and is noted as well.
Things you can not remember and has a huge lead over the „timeline” to realize that recall the image of the brain that stores a large brain archive.
Dreams otherwise store their photos but also store them in the brain differently.
Two pieces of storage mode, the display in storage at any time, any moment you remember, such images of reality.
And is also known as the lost which sometimes come out of storage, but the identity of the brain are you hiding in the deepest depths, every nerve and partial nerve lowest depths.
Such are the dreams of storage as well.
The dreams of the receptors, under any circumstances can not be introduced into the brain as a normal image because of stimulation of receptors for receiving and storing the special status of cells.
Well, dreams are hard to digest from the „ultradims” particles are so small that the receptors, no matter how fast and accurately they can not accurately detect ingerületként so that the brain needs to take any with attention to can memory as well.
Thus, these pictures come out wringing.
I do not want to talk about it much, because then the next book I write down their vision, neuroscience, we now only dreams of having flashbacks to previous particularly important ...

Archives of dreams

The application of computer technology as much as finding the right wrench, which forced to the correct screw.
/ Unknown Author /

Ah! Well, yes. This is the part when we're back to think about what happened, the trouble is that we can almost never be visszagondolni certain things, like just a couple of days have passed after the thing happened.
Well here is the situation is different in the archives of our brain already had the chance to speak.
Now brings a world of readers, including you, which will be a bit bizarre, even contradictory at first will be the sciences, but you see, then you will come and you will see that the situation is not that bad, although not the easiest to think series of responses, this will also be included, with a little explanation of science, but need not always turn toward the absolute science.
The brain is a "folder" which we save to those "files" or dreams, some of which are important, or just completely irrelevant. However, the brain can not control himself so that the dreams of a "conversion program" places, and they begin to change. In this case, the brain is itself a personalized entity. Once this program is included in a dream, straight "out of wmv to AVI" or just the opposite change. Which is assuming a significant change because of the large AVI or WMV files are relatively small. Hungarian dream a little bit or it will have a very big dream or a big drop. But it is not that exactly the same way we dream of a dream hair back, for there is a archivális memory to recall things exactly seconds, events.
What is not scientifically backed up in this, as it is evident that we are not machines, but is similar to the brain function of the computer or the computer's brain functioning is similar to ours ....


Axiomatic, self-explanatory
Algesia-Fülvérzést Neurokinetics resulting in shock.
Paralógia-a. m. észellenesség a mistake; paralogizmus, l. Wrong conclusions.
Also known as nerve pain, neuralgia. Nerves usually run, or supply the area with pain.
A replica-term, or phrase, the text that does not make sense.
Aposztrófia-recalled cause
Fiction-a fiction, an alternative option
Autocracy, tyranny, despotic monarchy, a system of government in which absolute power in the hands of one person
Bioasztronautika-flight feeling, flight capacity
Digression, digression, deviation from the subject
Odyssey-Travel, Adventure
Perfection, perfection
Another dimension which is parallel to the world
Introjekcio-magábavetítés, the incorporation of experiences outside the individual's imagination, an external reference property ourselves
Sudden change, modification
Coitus, sexual experience
Aphasia-speech, the inability to express thoughts verbally or in writing;
Inability to understand the speech of others.
Abstinence-something stay, self-control.
Afónia aphony's disease; the tapes, gégeporcok speech disorder caused by rustling.
Paradoxális to yourself, seemingly contradictory, strange
Habilitás ability, dexterity
Real-effectivity, existing, actual, available
High level of sadness, lethargy, depression, disappointment, unable to state what action the person accompanying
Odiózus, hateful, outrageous, shameful
Amnesia, the memory features a greater or lesser extent, temporary or permanent injury.
Famulus-Slave, auxiliary staff
The re-Rekonfúsion bewilderment


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.11.2010

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Benjamin Kovacs

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